There are 2 types/paradigms or deployment:
Offline(Batch Deployment):
Not real-time prediction. Periodical prediction in hourly, daily, monthly time slot. We have a database, and a scoring job (model). The scoring job periodically pulls data from the database any time it reuires and runs the model on it. The result is written on a predictions DB.
The model is always available for prediction. There are two ways to deploy an online model:
Web Service: Periodical real-time forecasting(hourly, daily, monthly) depends on the interval set.
The relationship(nums) between the client (the Backend in this case) and the model is 1 to 1.
Example: Our Taxi duration prediction.
Note: stream can be regarded as a agent, so both producers (who produce data) and consumers (who predict) do not have direct connection but communicating via stream.
We have a producer(s) and consumers. The producer pushes some data into a data stream and the consumers cna get the data for their tasks.
The relationship(nums) between the client (the Backend in this case) and the model is 1 to N.
Example: The backend (producer) pushes the data into the data stream alongside an event Ride_started; Consumer 1 (C1) predicts the duration, C2 predicts the cost, C3 predicts the Tip...etc
The consumers could also push their predictions to a prediction stream and a decision service will act on their predictions and considered by producers.
Example: A Youtuber update his/her content to the platform, the data can be sent to the stream, and the consumers (different models) can make a prediction based on the data obtained. The predictions are all sent to prediction stream and final decision could be sent to producer (User).
- Offline: Batch
- Online:
- Web service:
- Streaming: