issues Search Results · repo:MichaelEvans/ColorArt language:Java
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inMichaelEvans/ColorArt (press backspace or delete to remove).. If you do so, your markdown starts to show up properly) Cooooooool library! =)
Also, I m interested, do you use some kind of random heuristics points or just scan the whole bitmap to calculate most ...
- Opened on Apr 12, 2019
- #22
Manifest merger failed : Attribute application@allowBackup value=(false) from AndroidManifest.xml:28:9-36 is also
present at [org.michaelevans.colorart:library:0.0.3] AndroidManifest.xml:12:9-35 value=(true). ...
- Opened on Jul 9, 2018
- #21
Same code, same bitmaps, but if you re to open app on android up to 4.4 and android 5.0 and more, achieved colors would
differs a lot.
- 2
- Opened on Jul 12, 2016
- #20
It seems that the algorithm you re using has a tough time picking out reds. I m using your library to pick out colors
for albums and here is the first example of something going not as expected.
A Star ...
- Opened on Mar 12, 2014
- #14
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Comparison method violates its general contract! at
java.util.ComparableTimSort.mergeLo( at
java.util.ComparableTimSort.mergeAt( ...
- 3
- Opened on Feb 8, 2014
- #13
Not so much a bug, more a doc feature request. It would be useful to include some examples of using ColorArt to set the
color of other Android UI elements.
E.g., see ...
- Opened on Dec 27, 2013
- #11
It would be great to remove the dependency on the Apache commons collections, which is a fairly large library.
- 1
- Opened on Dec 5, 2013
- #6
I could trigger an NPE in findTextColors(), line 164
} else if (mSecondaryColor == null) {
NPE HERE = if (!isDistinctColor(mPrimaryColor, currentColor) ||
- 1
- Opened on Dec 5, 2013
- #5
download ColorArt run mainActivity
ColorArt Application Sorry,ColorArt is stopping
- 15
- Opened on Dec 5, 2013
- #4

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