The Reservation API is a RESTful service for managing room reservations. It allows users to create, retrieve, and delete reservations, register rooms, and check availability. Authentication is required for certain endpoints.
- Title: Reservation API
- Version: 0.0.1
- Description: Room booking API.
- Author: Marcel Fox
- License: MIT
For information regarding how to run the application locally, visit the development section
The API uses OAuth2 Password Bearer Token authentication for protected endpoints. Users must obtain a token via the /token/
It is also possible to check all available endpoint information on swagger at http://localhost:8000/docs.
- GET /
- Description: Check API health status.
- Response:
{ "message": "ok" }
- POST /token/
- Description: Authenticate user and obtain an access token.
- Request:
(username & password required) - Response: Access token
POST /reservations/
- Description: Create a new reservation.
- Authentication: Required
- Request Body:
{ "user_name": "John Doe", "start_time": "2025-01-22T14:00:00", "end_time": "2025-01-22T16:00:00", "room_id": 1 }
- Response: Reservation details
GET /reservations/
- Description: Retrieve a list of reservations.
- Query Parameters:
(default: 0),limit
(default: 10) - Response: List of reservations
DELETE /reservations/{id}
- Description: Remove a reservation by ID.
- Authentication: Required
GET /rooms/
- Description: Retrieve a list of registered rooms.
- Query Parameters:
(default: 0),limit
(default: 10) - Response: List of rooms
POST /rooms/
- Description: Register a new room.
- Authentication: Required
- Request Body:
{ "name": "Conference Room", "capacity": 10, "location": "Floor 1" }
- Response: Room details
GET /rooms/{id}/availability
- Description: Check room availability for a specific time range.
- Query Parameters:
- Response: Availability status
GET /rooms/{id}/reservation
- Description: List reservations for a specific room.
- Query Parameters:
(default: 0),limit
(default: 10) - Response: List of reservations for the room
The API returns 422 Validation Error for invalid requests. Errors include:
- Missing required fields
- Invalid data formats
- Unauthorized access
This project is licensed under the MIT License.