-> 👋 Hi, I’m @LolloTech, a Full Stack Engineer | Software Engineer with 4 years of fulltime work experience (but I wrote my first helloworld in C, at 17 years old; now I'm 28). I'm currently working full-time 40h/5d, and pursuing a M.Sc degree in Computer Science, @UniBS.
-> 💖 Async concurrency, with javascript @node.js; currently trying to explore some python async code.
-> 📚 I'm trying to acquire more knowledge on how to optimize code from the performance execution time aspect. In general I like fine tuning of performance aspects of systems that I work with.
-> 👀 I’m interested in find some fun while working on my projects and at my workplace. It is true that working is not always funny, but I think that we have to find some fun while doing our day-to-day life.
-> 🌱 I’m currently learning how to live in this world, while trying to be always the best as I can be in all aspects of my life.
-> 📫 How to reach me : todo.