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68 lines (54 loc) · 2.31 KB



  • Foundry to compile, test and deploy contracts

The contracts in here are the foundation for the Wisp protocol.

├─ CRCInbox"Abstract contract used as foundation for an inbox. Adds common functions and mappings."
├─ CRCOutbox"Defines an outbox whose elements gets proven inside the destination rollup."
├─ libraries
|  ├─ Types - "Contains the messages types used within the protocol"
├─ interfaces
|  ├─ ICRCOutbox - "Interface for external contracts to work with the outbox"
|  ├─ IMessageReceiver - "Interface that the contracts receiving messages should implement"
├─ inbox
|  ├─ optimism
|    ├─ OptimismInbox - "Inbox contract for Optimism Bedrock rollups like Optimism and Base"
├─ BeaconLightClient"On-chain Light Client for the Ethereum Protocol"
├─ BLSAggregatedSignatureVerifier"Groth16 Verifier for a Aggregated BLS Verify ZKP"
├─ PoseidonCommitmentVerifier"Groth16 Verifier for Sync Commitee Root mapping (SSZ to Poseidon)"
├─ Structs"Contains the structs used within the Light Client protocol"
├─ interfaces
|  ├─ IBeaconLightClient - "Interface of the on-chain Light Client"
├─ libraries
|  ├─ Pairing - "Auxiliary library for ZKP Verification"
|  ├─ SimpleSerialize - "Ethereum SSZ utility functions (encoding/decoding)"


forge install && forge build

In order to run the tests for the contracts execute forge test


Create and populate .env file

cp .env.example .env

Light Client

In order to deploy the BeaconLightClient:

forge script script/BeaconLightClient.s.sol --rpc-url {RPC} -vvvv --broadcast

Note You must configure the following properties:

  • startSyncCommitteePeriod -> Sync Committee Period to start from. Current sync committee period can be computed by Math.floor(currentSlot/8192)
  • startSyncCommitteeRoot -> The SSZ root of the current Sync Committee Period
  • startSyncCommitteePoseidon -> The Poseidon root of the current Sync Committee Period


forge script script/CRCOutbox.s.sol --rpc-url {RPC} -vvvv --broadcast
forge script script/OptimismInbox.s.sol --rpc-url {RPC} -vvvv --broadcast