- Foundry to compile, test and deploy contracts
The contracts in here are the foundation for the Wisp protocol.
├─ CRCInbox — "Abstract contract used as foundation for an inbox. Adds common functions and mappings."
├─ CRCOutbox — "Defines an outbox whose elements gets proven inside the destination rollup."
├─ libraries
| ├─ Types - "Contains the messages types used within the protocol"
├─ interfaces
| ├─ ICRCOutbox - "Interface for external contracts to work with the outbox"
| ├─ IMessageReceiver - "Interface that the contracts receiving messages should implement"
├─ inbox
| ├─ optimism
| ├─ OptimismInbox - "Inbox contract for Optimism Bedrock rollups like Optimism and Base"
├─ BeaconLightClient — "On-chain Light Client for the Ethereum Protocol"
├─ BLSAggregatedSignatureVerifier — "Groth16 Verifier for a Aggregated BLS Verify ZKP"
├─ PoseidonCommitmentVerifier — "Groth16 Verifier for Sync Commitee Root mapping (SSZ to Poseidon)"
├─ Structs — "Contains the structs used within the Light Client protocol"
├─ interfaces
| ├─ IBeaconLightClient - "Interface of the on-chain Light Client"
├─ libraries
| ├─ Pairing - "Auxiliary library for ZKP Verification"
| ├─ SimpleSerialize - "Ethereum SSZ utility functions (encoding/decoding)"
forge install && forge build
In order to run the tests for the contracts execute forge test
Create and populate .env
cp .env.example .env
Light Client
In order to deploy the BeaconLightClient
forge script script/BeaconLightClient.s.sol --rpc-url {RPC} -vvvv --broadcast
Note You must configure the following properties:
-> Sync Committee Period to start from. Current sync committee period can be computed byMath.floor(currentSlot/8192)
-> TheSSZ
root of the current Sync Committee PeriodstartSyncCommitteePoseidon
-> ThePoseidon
root of the current Sync Committee Period
forge script script/CRCOutbox.s.sol --rpc-url {RPC} -vvvv --broadcast
forge script script/OptimismInbox.s.sol --rpc-url {RPC} -vvvv --broadcast