Sharing my POC/micro projects that I made for learning some techniques that can be used for my biggest projects. This is kind of GitHub GISTs but grouped in a single repo (sandbox means bac à sable in French).
Mainly C++ code but also Julia, Forth, Prolog, Scilab, GTK+ and C code ... some related to C++.
Quick bash scripts:
- backing up my GitHub projects.
Test generating C++ code from ChatGPT.
Interactive Programming in C: edit your C code at run-time, see your changes on your application without restarting it. This allows to mimic the C language as an interpreted language.
Prove of concept implementing an ultra-basic Forth interpreter wrapping C++ API. Two examples are given:
- Wrapping a thin C++ abstraction library integrating the physic engine Bullet and the 3D library OpenSceneGraph.
- Wrapping a C++ symbolic library Ginac.
Visitor, Observer, MVP, Component ...
Iterate on a collection of class instances that have different API and call the correct methods. Ideal for Game graph scene.
Composition is better than inheritance. Similar to Strategy pattern but Component is used for completing the state of the instance instead of adding dynamically behavior.
Safe observer managing the case where the Observer can be destroyed before the Observable.
Note: Personally I would use libsigc++ instead of implementing my own Observer/Listener class. This lib allows you to add signals/slots (similarly to Qt). I give an example of this lib.
Learning how to implement design pattern Model-View-Controller (MVC) and a Model-View-Presenter (MVP) in C++ first with console then with gtk+. I tried to write minimalist examples.
Getting fun to mock C functions such as open(), read() to unit tests C function calling them. We exploit the behavior of weak symbols by creating mock functions and define C++ mock class to use them easily with Google test/mock. See the README in this folder for more details.
Basic symbolic manipulation in C++.
Based on the YT vide "Better Code: Runtime Polymorphism" by Sean Parent.
Test a basic wrapper for notifications through condition variables.
Test union structure for a Forth project I dislike the idea of manipulating two separeted stacks: integer and float. Use a single one and make the operator change the type in the same way than OCaml operators +
and +.
, int_of_float
Mimic C# properties in C++.
Prototype structure such as grph, scene graph ...
C++ policy template for iterating over folders and extract desired files.
Learning by myself how to program in Godot and Unity:
- Point of view code implementation.
- Local vs world transformaation.
Some *.lang files for my personal projects inspired by
- logs: for highlighting log files generated by my personal projects (SimTaDyn ...)
- forth: (TODO) for highlighting my SimForth script (a personal Forth slightly modified)
Bash script to launch GTK+2 application and GTK-server Initial step before making the portage for Forth application.
My personal implementation of some design patterns because all examples I found on internet do not respond to concrete cases. For example:
- Model-View-Presenter is pure Android design pattern and I could not find one nice and simple implementation in C++, GTKmm.
- Observer nobody in blogs seems to care about the case where the Observer is destroyed before the Observable.
- Component pattern for decoupling patterns.
- Visitor pattern.
See how from Julia we can call C functions.
Defining a Max-Plus class in C++ and Julia for Max-Plus algebra. More information about this algebra, see My portage to Julia of the Max-Plus Scilab toolbox:
Template for my Makefile helper.
Testing some basic functions, camera settings, car counting, ...
Learning programming Prolog. Learning how to call Prolog from C++ code. Implementing ultra basic Prolog routines based on graph theory that could be used inside my personal project SimTaDyn instead of heavy C++ class and code.
Some "As it" very old and unmaintained C code for ScicosLab: joystick, camera, UART.
A student project for generating 3D plants made long yeeeears ago NSP or ScicosLab. Note: ScicosLab is the fork of Scilab (the equivalent of Matlab) and NSP is now replaced by NSP. This is not a serious application. If you are interested by simulation of plant growth read :
- (fr)
- (en)
Quick demo made while studying state of arts for auto parking.