This is the cog guide for the 'TextEditor' cog. This guide contains the collection of commands which you can use in the cog.
Through this guide, [p]
will always represent your prefix. Replace
with your own prefix when you use these commands in Discord.
This guide was last updated for version 3.4.4. Ensure
that you are up to date by running [p]cog update texteditor
If there is something missing, or something that needs improving in this documentation, feel free to create an issue here.
This documentation is auto-generated everytime this cog receives an update.
Edit and manipulate with text.
Here are all the commands included in this cog (25):
Command | Help |
[p]editor |
Base command for editing text. |
[p]editor alternating |
Convert the text to alternating case. |
[p]editor bullet |
Bullet point a selection of items. |
[p]editor charcount |
Count the number of characters appearing in the text. |
[p]editor formatnumber |
Format a number with commas. |
[p]editor levenshtein |
Calculate the Levenshtein distance between two words. |
[p]editor lower |
Convert the text to lowercase. |
[p]editor multiply |
Multiply the text. |
[p]editor occurance |
Count how many times something appears in the text. |
[p]editor palindrome |
Checks for any palindromes within the text. |
[p]editor permutate |
Generate permutations for given combinations of words/digits. |
[p]editor remove |
Remove something from the text. |
[p]editor replace |
Replace certain parts of the text. |
[p]editor reverse |
Reverse the text. |
[p]editor shlex |
Shlex split a given string. |
[p]editor shuffle |
Shuffle the word order in the text. |
[p]editor snake |
Convert all spaces to underscores. |
[p]editor squash |
Squash all the words into one. |
[p]editor swapcase |
Swap the casing for text. |
[p]editor title |
Convert the text to titlecase. |
[p]editor trim |
Trim the outskirts of the text. |
[p]editor typoglycemia |
Scrambles all letters except the first and last letters in a word. Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. |
[p]editor upper |
Convert the text to uppercase. |
[p]editor wordcount |
Count the number of words appearing in the text. |
[p]editor wrap |
Wrap the text. |
If you haven't added my repo before, lets add it first. We'll call it "kreusada-cogs" here.
[p]repo add kreusada-cogs
Now, we can install TextEditor.
[p]cog install kreusada-cogs texteditor
Once it's installed, it is not loaded by default. Load it by running the following command:
[p]load texteditor
For more support, head over to the cog support server, I have my own channel over there at #support_kreusada-cogs. Feel free to join my personal server whilst you're here.