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12f2ea3 · Dec 5, 2015


34 Commits
Dec 5, 2015
Dec 5, 2015
Sep 26, 2015
Dec 1, 2015
Dec 1, 2015
Sep 27, 2015
Dec 1, 2015
Dec 5, 2015
Dec 5, 2015
Dec 5, 2015
Dec 1, 2015
Dec 5, 2015

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Markdown is cool. But forums only support bbcode.

Is there a way to use markdown in forum?

With this question, this tool is developed.

Plugin for marked that convert markdown to bbcode.

To Users

Hey! I am online and ready to use. Check the deployed version here.


npm install --save md2bbc marked if you are using node.js or browserify, or;

bower install --save md2bbc marked if you want to use this in browser.

This support node.js require, browserify, AMD(though I don't know how to use it) and <script>



let marked = require('marked');
let md2bbc = require('md2bbc');

console.log(marked('**Markdown** is awesome.', {
  renderer: new md2bbc()

// Or, set default renderer to md2bbc
  renderer: new md2bbc()
console.log(marked('**Markdown** is awesome.'));

// Both will log [div][b]Markdown[/b] is awesome.[/div]


<!doctype html>
  <title>Marked in the browser</title>
  <script src="bower_components/marked/dist/marked.js"></script>
  <script src="bower_components/md2bbc/dist/md2bbc.min.js"></script>
    renderer: new md2bbc()
  console.log(marked('**Markdown** is awesome.'));


Type: Object

Reminder: Do not set option in md2bbc constructor. Instead, set them in marked option.


let marked = require('marked');
let md2bbc = require('md2bbc');

  renderer: new md2bbc(),
  paragraphTag: 'div',
  tableAttr: 'width=98% broder=1'

Warning: Options does not perform type check. Make sure you have passed in correct type.

Options contains the following keys:


Type: String

Default: div

The tag name for paragraph tag.

If '' is passed in, no tag will be inserted for paragraph


Type String

Default: ''

Attribute for table. For example, width and broder of the table, if your implementation of BBcode is supported.

If '' is passed in, no attribute will be added.

Do not add space before it.


Type: Boolean

Default: true

Enable align for table(or table cell, if you like)


You may override any function you want by doing the followings:

let marked = require('marked');
let md2bbc = require('md2bbc');

// Create a new instance of md2bbc renderer
let renderer = new md2bbc();

// Override html rendering
renderer.html = html => {
  return ''

  renderer: renderer

(Methods can be found from here)


Not all bbcode implementation got all features. For example, some does not have code tag. Please either ask forum master to implement that as this is somewhat a bug form their side. I write this base on the implementation of site).

Running tests on node.js

  1. Clone this repository
  2. Run npm install
  3. Run npm test

Build it

Building this will minify the javascript and create a sourcemap for it.

  1. Install gulp globally by npm install -g gulp
  2. Run npm install
  3. Run gulp
  4. Built javascript will be in dist/