If you want to see the Features look at: the FEATURES.md file
The mod is available on modrinth https://modrinth.com/mod/bingonet
For Mod Pack Creators: Please do NOT add this mod unless the intended use of the Mod Pack is for Bingo Players only. This is because it both requires setup as well as being quite resource intensive without having a use outside of bingo!
Worked on by Hype_the_Time/hackthetime (Main Developer)
hannibal2 (never made a push but was very helpful with questions and did some parts of the code) nea89 (helped with gradle and the waypoint render)
1.21 I recommend using Fabulously Optimized together with this mod.
Textures are usually by ic22487 but can be overridden by putting the textures at the correct path.
They have a full texture pack here. (https://hypixel.net/threads/0-19-1-hypixel-for-1-8-1-12-and-1-20.4174260/)
Do not expect any kind of support during Bingo times since those developing and/or moderating this are likely to sweat it just like you. If you have any kind of request you can still try it though.
This Project was formally known as BBsentials.