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Opera-GX Theme for Firefox Css

  • A theme for Opera GX Skin Lovers. Complete compatibility with the stable version of the browser.


How to install?

Steps to configure the theme:

  1. Download the theme from the << Releases >> section, in the right side of this page
  2. Unzip the file and copy the 👉chrome👈 folder and the 👉user.js👈 file into your Firefox profile directory.
  3. Install and use a compatible theme.
  4. Restart the browser.
  • To find out the location of your profile directory go to about:support or about:profiles.


⚠ The latest code updated in the repository (code > download zip) may work well only on beta or nightly versions.


You can use the "GX Theme Styles" Extension to a quick change of themes and colores, this extension works for solid themes only and for users that use the extra feature "Main-image". To change the new-tab background image and its accent-color you should do it manually like before. This extension was created by me.


Here a "Video Explanation" to how switch into light and dark mode for your web content.

You can also use the "Firefox Color" extension to change the accent color to your preference.

  1. Install the extension.
  2. Open the theme you want to set: ⚫ Dark Theme or ⚪ Light Theme.
  3. Go to "Advanced colors" tab and change the color in "icons attention", this color will set the accent color to the theme.


Into the "Extras" folder you will find the next features.


Various customizations

  • The file chrome/components/ogx_root-personal.css contains very useful and easy to use variables, so it is easier to change:

    • Wallpaper and its brightness.
    • Height of the tabs and toolbar.
    • The width and label of the menu button.
    • Hide or show the firefox logo or the search bar in the new-tab page.

    Every variable has a description on the right, so you know what to customize without breaking the file.

NewTab Wallpaper

  • (Option 1) In the directory: chrome/newtab there are 12 wallpapers (6 for dark theme and 6 for light theme), those images will display in the NewTab options for you to choose, you could rename the images you want with those names and the theme will display them, you can add your own images. You can find more images in: This Gallery.

  • (Option 2) Editing the code chrome/components/ogx_root-personal.css lines from 18 to 31. With this method you can change too the accent color for each wallpaper.

Other 'about' pages Wallpaper

  • By default the wallpaper selected is wallpaper-dark1.png and wallpaper-light1.png In the directory: chrome/newtab, you could rename the image you want with those names and the theme will display them in those pages, you can change the names in the chrome/components/ogx_root-personal.css file in the line 35 and the line 40 to the image you want.

Accent Color

  • Editing the code chrome/components/ogx_root-personal.css lines from 18 to 31 you can change the accent color for each wallpaper for NewTab page. For the other pages (new-tab without wallpaper, preferences and add-ons pages) The chrome/components/ogx_root-personal.css file has the variable: --general-color to set the color, you could choose whatever you like. 💙💚💜🤎💛🧡❤ Restarting the browser is required.

Captura de pantalla 2022-06-05 155840


  • Windows 7 (Tested partially) ❌✔ - Preview
  • Linux - Manjaro KDE (Tested - Probado) ✔ - Preview
  • Windows 10 (Tested - Probado) ✔ - Preview
  • Windows 11 (Tested - Probado) ✔ - Preview
  • MacOS (Tested partially) ❌✔ - Preview
    • Base theme ✔
    • Left-sidebar ✔
    • Other Extra features ❌

Known Issues

  • In themes with images, when moving a tab it will display a bad background.
  • Not compatibility for RTL(right-to-left) languages.

Related Topic

Example of about:support
