Learning project for learning new architecture pattern for building modern .NET web applications.
The architecture is based on the Vertical Slice Architecture pattern. The idea is to group all the code related to a feature in a single folder. This way, all the code related to a feature is in the same place, making it easier to maintain and understand.
- Mediator
- Chains of Responsibility
Generate token from cmd from TravelInspiration.Api folder:
dotnet user-jwts create --audience travelinspiration-api
Then you need to replace with generated token in TravelInspiration.API.http file.
To generate token for user with get-itineraries
dotnet user-jwts create --audience travelinspiration-api --claim "feature=get-itineraries"
To generate token for user with write
dotnet user-jwts create --audience travelinspiration-api --scope write