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Stop Watch

Tag: DOM Manipulation

You're given HTML and CSS files for a simple stopwatch, and you need to make the stopwatch functional using JavaScript.

The stopwatch has a timer, which is meant to be controlled by the stopwatch's three buttons: a start button, a stop button, and a reset button. The stopwatch starts out in its idle state, with the timer at 00:00:00 and the start button as the only enabled button.

The stopwatch should have the following functionality:

  • When the start button is pressed from the idle state, the timer should start counting up from 00:00:00.
  • While the timer is counting up, the stop button should be enabled, and the start and reset buttons should be disabled.
  • When the stop button is pressed, the timer should pause.
  • While the timer is paused, the stop button should be disabled, and the start and reset buttons should be enabled.
  • When the start button is pressed from the paused state, the timer should resume counting up from its previous time.
  • When the reset button is pressed from the paused state, the entire stopwatch should go back to its original idle state.
  • The timer should be in the format minutes:seconds:milliseconds, with minutes and seconds having two digits and milliseconds having three digits. For example, if 2 minutes, 15 seconds, and 350 milliseconds have elapsed, the timer should read 02:15:350.
  • You don't need to handle times greater than 59:59:999.