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Connect Four

Tag: React

You're given a CSS file for a Connect Four game, and you need to implement the component using React.

Connect Four is a simple 2 player game using a board with 7 columns and 6 rows. Each player takes turns, placing one tile at a time. When a tile is placed in a column, it must fall down to the lowest possible row visually. The first player to achieve four of their tiles in a row (horizontally, vertically or diagonally) wins.

When the component first mounts, the board is empty. The board is a div with the class of board. Inside of this div, there are 7 other divs, each with the class of column to represent one column. Each column then contains 6 divs, each with the class of tile, one for each row. The first tile should correspond to the top row, while the last tile corresponds to the bottom row. This initial output should look like this:

<div class="board">
  <div class="column">
    <div class="tile"></div>
    <!-- 6 total tiles -->
    <div class="tile"></div>
  <!-- 7 total columns -->
  <div class="column">
    <div class="tile"></div>
    <!-- 6 total tiles -->
    <div class="tile"></div>

When the board is clicked on, a move is played for the current player, starting with player 1. A tile is placed in the column that was clicked on, at the lowest possible row. For example, clicking on the last column of a new board would make a move for player one, taking the bottom right tile.

When a player claims a tile, that tile has a div nested inside of it with the class of player as well as either player-1 or player-2, depending on who claimed the tile. For example, after clicking on the last column of a new board, the last tile would look like this:

<div class="tile">
  <div class="player player-1"></div>

When a player wins, an h1 is added above the board with the text of Player 1 Wins or Player 2 Wins, depending on who won. At this point, the game ends and thus clicking on the board should no longer make new moves. If there are no more tiles remaining, then clicking on the board should no longer have an effect, but no h1 is displayed.

When the game is over (either by a player winning or the board filling up), a button with the text of Restart is added below the board. When this button is clicked, the game completely resets, allowing for it to be played again.