changed frontend/design for it to work on mobile devices and small wi…
changed frontend/design for it to work on mobile devices and small wi…
edited aspect of userlist and changed Logo
edited aspect of userlist and changed Logo
added time attribute to meetings and separated the meetings between p…
added time attribute to meetings and separated the meetings between p…
added a time attribute to the meeting and fixed the sites to include it
added a time attribute to the meeting and fixed the sites to include it
added security: users no logner can exploit html id system to call ot…
added security: users no logner can exploit html id system to call ot…
added body padding so the site is more in the center and added lines …
added body padding so the site is more in the center and added lines …
added option to change your email settings on homepage using ajax
added option to change your email settings on homepage using ajax
added page with list of al users and basic info, including email. Als…
added page with list of al users and basic info, including email. Als…
option to create a meeting no longer shows up if you dont have any pe…
option to create a meeting no longer shows up if you dont have any pe…
made it so that meeting name isnt unique anymore. Multiple meetings c…
made it so that meeting name isnt unique anymore. Multiple meetings c…
fixed the create meeting page so it orders its users correctly, by gr…
fixed the create meeting page so it orders its users correctly, by gr…
fixed meeting info site users so it shows roles
fixed meeting info site users so it shows roles
limpieza de código, arreglo de errores en el js de checkboxes y mejor…
limpieza de código, arreglo de errores en el js de checkboxes y mejor…
parte final antes de limpieza de codigo
parte final antes de limpieza de codigo
renamed css file and deleted unused copy of css file
renamed css file and deleted unused copy of css file
fixed a typo in a redirect in the edition page of a reunion + tweaked…
fixed a typo in a redirect in the edition page of a reunion + tweaked…
added alert when name is already in use
added alert when name is already in use
ajax redirect after a reunion creation only happens now if the view a…
ajax redirect after a reunion creation only happens now if the view a…
fixed user display in reunion site (just graphic chnanges)
fixed user display in reunion site (just graphic chnanges)
fixed the asistance change buttons and added the new role system to t…
fixed the asistance change buttons and added the new role system to t…