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File metadata and controls

1056 lines (970 loc) · 39 KB

Tools {#tools}

Format Converter {#converter}

Given a reconstruction file, the converter guess the format by the file extension and reads it. Optionally, it tries to correct errors in the reconstruction and applies a simplification algorithm over the branches. Finally it writes out the reconstruction in SWC or JSON format.

Executable name: neurostr_converter

Options {#converter_options}

Option Short Required Default value Description
help h No - Produces help message
input i Yes - Input reconstruction file (swc, dat, asc or json ). File format is guessed from the file extension
output o Yes - Output file
format f Yes - Output file format string (swc or json)
correct c No False The converter calls the correct method on each neuron in the reconstruction
eps e No 0.0 Error tolerance for the Ramer-Douglas-Peucker simplification algorithm applied at branch level.
verbose v No False Verbose output. Sets the log level to debug

Use case {#converter_example}

Imagine that we want to convert the input file fancy_neuron.dat into a more "readable" format, like JSON fancy_readable_neuron.json. Also we want to remove zero-length compartments in the reconstruction, but we don't want to simplify it in any way. To do so, we just need to execute the following command in a BASH console:

neurostr_converter -i fancy_neuron.dat -f json -o fancy_readable_neuron.json -c

Help message

./neurostr_converter --help
Allowed options:
  -h [ --help ]         Produce help message
  -i [ --input ] arg    Neuron reconstruction file
  -f [ --format ] arg   Output format (swc or json)
  -o [ --output ] arg   Output file
  -c [ --correct ]      Try to correct errors in the reconstruction
  -e [ --eps ] arg (=0) Output file
  -v [ --verbose ]      Verbose log output

Example: neurostr_converter -i test.swc -o test.json -f json

Neurite Feature Extractor {#neuritefeature}

The neurite feature extractor computes a set of prebuilt measure for each neurite in the reconstruction. Measure values are not aggregated in any way, they are returned as-is (usually as vectors). Optionally, it tries to correct errors in the reconstruction.

The output (in the standard output stream) is a non prettyfied JSON array that contains for each [Neurite]:

  • The neuron name (field: neuron)
  • The neurite type (field: neurite_type)
  • The neurite ID (field: neurite)
  • An object measures. The specific measures inside this object are described in the Measures section.

Some measures might use the logging interface to inform about errors or unexpected conditions.

Executable name: neurostr_neuritefeatures

Options {#neuritefeature_options}

Option Short Required Default value Description
help h No - Produces help message
input i Yes - Input reconstruction file (swc, dat, asc or json ). File format is guessed from the file extension
correct c No False The converter calls the correct method on each neuron in the reconstruction
omitapical - No false If set, apical dendrite is not measured
omitaxon - No false If set, axon is not measured
omitdend - No false If set, dendrites are not measured

Output example {#neuritefeature_example}

        "measures": {
            "N_bifurcations": [
            "N_branches": [
            "N_nodes": [
            "box_volume": [
            "branch_fractal_dimension": [
            "branch_length": [
            "branch_surface": [
            "branch_tortuosity": [
            "branch_volume": [
            "burker_taper_rate": [
            "child_diam_ratio": [
            "local_bifurcation_angle": [
            "local_tilt_angle": [
            "local_torque_angle": [
            "node_length": [
            "node_root_dist": [
            "node_root_path": [
            "partition_asymmetry": [
            "remote_bifurcation_angle": [
            "remote_tilt_angle": [
            "remote_torque_angle": [
            "terminal_branch_length": [
            "terminal_branch_order": [
            "terminal_nodes_root_dist": [
            "terminal_nodes_root_path": [
        "neurite": 1,
        "neurite_type": "Dendrite",
        "neuron": "simple_tree"

Help message {#neuritefeature_help}

Allowed options:
  -h [ --help ]         Produce help message
  -i [ --input ] arg    Neuron reconstruction file
  -c [ --correct ]      Try to correct the errors in the reconstruction
  --omitapical          Ignore the apical dendrite
  --omitaxon            Ignore the axon
  --omitdend            Ignore the non-apical dendrites

Example: neurostr_neuritefeatures -i test.swc

Measures {#neuritefeature_measures}

Measure key Description Value type Details
N_bifurcations Bifurcation node count Single integer
N_branches Branch count Single integer
N_nodes Node count Single integer
node_length Node compartment length Float vector
box_volume Neurite non axis aligned box volume Single float
node_root_dist Node euclidean distance to neurite's root Float vector
node_root_path Node path distance to neurite's root Float vector
branch_length Branch total length Float vector
branch_volume Branch total volume Float vector Assumes truncated cone shape
branch_surface Branch total surface Float vector Assumes truncated cone shape
terminal_branch_length Total length of terminal branches Float vector
terminal_branch_order Centrifugal order of terminal branches Integer vector
terminal_nodes_root_dist Terminal tip euclidean distance to the root Float vector
terminal_nodes_root_path Terminal tip path distance to the root Float vector
branch_tortuosity Branch tortuosity measure Float vector
hill_taper_rate Hillman taper rate per Branch Float vector
burker_taper_rate Burker taper rate per branch Float vector
branch_fractal_dimension Branch fractal dimension Float vector
local_bifurcation_angle Bifurcation amplitude from local vectors Float vector Only for non-terminal branches
local_tilt_angle Bifurcation tilt from local vectors Float vector Only for non-terminal branches
local_torque_angle Bifurcation torque from local vectors Float vector Only for non-terminal branches
remote_bifurcation_angle Bifurcation amplitude from remote vectors Float vector Only for non-terminal branches
remote_tilt_angle Bifurcation tilt from remote vectors Float vector Only for non-terminal branches
remote_torque_angle Bifurcation torque from remote vectors Float vector Only for non-terminal branches
child_diam_ratio Bifurcation child diameter ratio Float vector Only for non-terminal branches
partition_asymmetry Partition asymmetry at the bifurcation node Float vector Only for non-terminal branches

Branch Feature Extractor {#branchfeature}

The branch feature extractor computes a set of prebuilt measure for each branch in the reconstruction. Optionally, it tries to correct errors in the reconstruction.

The output (in the standard output stream) is a non prettyfied JSON array that contains for each [Branch]:

  • The neuron name (field: neuron)
  • The neurite type (field: neurite_type)
  • The neurite ID (field: neurite)
  • The branch ID (field: branch)
  • An object measures. The specific measures inside this object are described in the Measures section.

Some measures might use the logging interface to inform about errors or unexpected conditions.

Executable name: neurostr_branchfeatures

Options {#branchfeature_options}

Option Short Required Default value Description
help h No - Produces help message
input i Yes - Input reconstruction file (swc, dat, asc or json ). File format is guessed from the file extension
correct c No False The converter calls the correct method on each neuron in the reconstruction
selection s No all Branch subset selection. Accepted values: all, terminal, preterminal, nonterminal, root
omitapical - No false If set, apical dendrite is not measured
omitaxon - No false If set, axon is not measured
omitdend - No false If set, dendrites are not measured

Output example {#branchfeature_example}

        "branch": "1",
        "measures": {
            "N_descs": 2.0,
            "N_nodes": 3.0,
            "box_volume": 0.0,
            "burker_taper_rate": 0.0,
            "centrifugal_order": 0.0,
            "child_diam_ratio": 0.0,
            "fractal_dimension": 0.632963,
            "length": 3.0,
            "local_bifurcation_angle": 1.570796,
            "local_tilt_angle": 0.785398,
            "local_torque_angle": 0.0,
            "partition_asymmetry": 0.632963,
            "remote_bifurcation_angle": 1.570796,
            "remote_tilt_angle": 0.785398,
            "remote_torque_angle": 0.0,
            "surface": 0.0,
            "tortuosity": 1.0,
            "volume": 0.0
        "neurite": 1,
        "neurite_type": "Dendrite",
        "neuron": "simple_tree"
        "branch": "1-1",
        "measures": {
            "N_descs": 0.0,
            "N_nodes": 1.0,
            "box_volume": 0.0,
            "burker_taper_rate": 0.0,
            "centrifugal_order": 1.0,
            "fractal_dimension": 0.908842,
            "length": 1.414214,
            "surface": 0.0,
            "tortuosity": 1.0,
            "volume": 0.0
        "neurite": 1,
        "neurite_type": "Dendrite",
        "neuron": "simple_tree"
        "branch": "1-2",
        "measures": {
            "N_descs": 2.0,
            "N_nodes": 1.0,
            "box_volume": 0.0,
            "burker_taper_rate": 0.0,
            "centrifugal_order": 1.0,
            "child_diam_ratio": 0.0,
            "fractal_dimension": 0.908842,
            "length": 1.414214,
            "local_bifurcation_angle": 3.141593,
            "local_tilt_angle": 1.570796,
            "local_torque_angle": 0.0,
            "partition_asymmetry": 0.908842,
            "remote_bifurcation_angle": 3.141593,
            "remote_tilt_angle": 1.570796,
            "remote_torque_angle": 0.0,
            "surface": 0.0,
            "tortuosity": 1.0,
            "volume": 0.0
        "neurite": 1,
        "neurite_type": "Dendrite",
        "neuron": "simple_tree"
        "branch": "1-2-1",
        "measures": {
            "N_descs": 0.0,
            "N_nodes": 1.0,
            "box_volume": 0.0,
            "burker_taper_rate": 0.0,
            "centrifugal_order": 2.0,
            "fractal_dimension": 1.019436,
            "length": 1.0,
            "surface": 0.0,
            "tortuosity": 1.0,
            "volume": 0.0
        "neurite": 1,
        "neurite_type": "Dendrite",
        "neuron": "simple_tree"
        "branch": "1-2-2",
        "measures": {
            "N_descs": 0.0,
            "N_nodes": 1.0,
            "box_volume": 0.0,
            "burker_taper_rate": 0.0,
            "centrifugal_order": 2.0,
            "fractal_dimension": 1.019436,
            "length": 1.0,
            "surface": 0.0,
            "tortuosity": 1.0,
            "volume": 0.0
        "neurite": 1,
        "neurite_type": "Dendrite",
        "neuron": "simple_tree"

Help message {#branchfeature_help}

Allowed options:
  -h [ --help ]                 Produce help message
  -i [ --input ] arg            Neuron reconstruction file
  -c [ --correct ]              Try to correct the errors in the reconstruction
  -s [ --selection ] arg (=all) Branch subset: all, terminal, nonterminal,
                                preterminal or root
  --omitapical                  Ignore the apical dendrite
  --omitaxon                    Ignore the axon
  --omitdend                    Ignore the non-apical dendrites

Example: neurostr_branchfeatures -i test.swc

Measures {#branchfeature_example}

Measure key Description Value type Details
N_descs Daughter branches count Integer
N_nodes Node count Single integer
tortuosity Branch tortuosity Single integer
hill_taper_rate Branch Hillman taper rate Float
burker_taper_rate Branch Burker taper rate Float
centrifugal_order Branch centrifugal order Integer
length Branch length Float
volume Branch total volume Float Assumes truncated cone compartments
surface Branch total surface Float Assumes truncated cone compartments
box_volume Branch non axis aligned box volume Float
branch_fractal_dimension Branch fractal dimension Float
local_bifurcation_angle Bifurcation amplitude from local vectors Float vector Only for non-terminal branches
local_tilt_angle Bifurcation tilt from local vectors Float Only for non-terminal branches
local_torque_angle Bifurcation torque from local vectors Float Only for non-terminal branches
remote_bifurcation_angle Bifurcation amplitude from remote vectors Float Only for non-terminal branches
remote_tilt_angle Bifurcation tilt from remote vectors Float Only for non-terminal branches
remote_torque_angle Bifurcation torque from remote vectors Float Only for non-terminal branches
child_diam_ratio Bifurcation child diameter ratio Float Only for non-terminal branches
partition_asymmetry Partition asymmetry at the bifurcation node Float Only for non-terminal branches

Neuron Validator {#validator}

The neuron validator runs a test battery to detect possible errors in the reconstruction. It outputs a summary output in JSON format that, for each test, contains the test result and failing nodes. The validation results point out possible errors (again, POSSIBLE), so don't interpret them as the ground truth. Outliers do exist.

The default tests are:

  • Neurite is attached to soma
  • Neuron has soma
  • Planar neurite reconstruction
  • Abnormal dendrite count
  • Abnormal apical count
  • Abnormal axon count
  • Trifrucation nodes detection
  • Linear branches
  • Zero-length compartments
  • Intersecting node spheres
  • Increasing diameters
  • Branch collision
  • Extreme bifurcation/elongation angles

Executable name: neurostr_validator

Options {#validator_options}

Option Short Required Default value Description
help h No - Produces help message
input i Yes - Input reconstruction file (swc, dat, asc or json ). File format is guessed from the file extension
exhaustive e No False Include every test result, not only failures
attached A No True Enable neurite attached to soma validation
noattached a No False Disable neurite attached to soma validation
soma S No True Enable neuron has soma check
nosoma s No False Disable neuron has soma check
planar P No True Enable planar neurite test
noplanar p No False Disable planar neurite test
dendcnt D No True Enable abnormal dendrite count test
nodendcnt d No False Disable abnormal dendrite count test
apical C No True Enable neuron has apical check
noapical c No False Disable neuron has apical check
axon X No True Enable neuron has axon check
noaxon x No False Disable neuron has axon check
trifurcation T No True Enable trifurcation nodes test
notrifurcation t No False Disable trifurcation nodes test
linear L No True Enable linear branches test
nolinear l No False Disable linear branches test
zero Z No True Enable zero-length compartment test
nozero z No False Disable zero-length compartment test
intersect I No True Enable intersecting node spheres test
nointersect i No False Disable intersecting node spheres test
decrease R No True Enable increasing diameters test
nodecrease r No False Disable increasing diameters test
segcoll V No False Enable segment collision test
nosegcoll v No True Disable segment collision test
branchcoll B No True Enable branch collision test
nobranchcoll b No False Disable branch collision test
extremeang M No True Enable extreme bifurcation/elongation angles test
noextremeang m No False Disable extreme bifurcation/elongation angles test
nostrict - No False No strict mode. Apical and axon counts only fail if there are more than one element defined
nodiameters - No False Disables tests that use diameter information
is2D - No False Disables tests that assume a 3D reconstruction
omitapical - No false If set, apical dendrite is not validated
omitaxon - No false If set, axon is not validated
omitdend - No false If set, dendrites are not validated
planarth - No 1.01 Planar reconstruction test threshold
linearth - No 1.01 Linear branche test threshold
mindend - No 2 Minimum number of dendrites for the test (included)
maxdend - No 13 Minimum number of dendrites for the test (excluded)

Output example {#validator_example}

        "description": "Fails if neurites are not attached to the soma",
        "name": "Neurites are attached to soma",
        "neuron_id": "simple_tree",
        "pass": true,
        "results": []
        "description": "Pass if the neuron has at least one soma node",
        "name": "Neuron has soma",
        "neuron_id": "simple_tree",
        "pass": true,
        "results": []
        "description": "Fails if the non-axis aligned box volume of the neurite is lower than prebuilt threshold",
        "name": "Planar neurite validation",
        "neuron_id": "simple_tree",
        "pass": true,
        "results": []
        "description": "Pass if the dendrite count is greater or equal than 2 and less than 13",
        "name": "Basal dendrite count",
        "neuron_id": "simple_tree",
        "pass": false,
        "results": [
                "id": {
                    "neuron": "simple_tree"
                "pass": false,
                "type": "Neuron",
                "value": 1
        "description": "Pass if and only if there is one apical dendrite",
        "name": "Strict apical dendrite count",
        "neuron_id": "simple_tree",
        "pass": false,
        "results": [
                "id": {
                    "neuron": "simple_tree"
                "pass": false,
                "type": "Neuron",
                "value": 0
        "description": "Pass if and only if there is one axon",
        "name": "Strict axon count",
        "neuron_id": "simple_tree",
        "pass": false,
        "results": [
                "id": {
                    "neuron": "simple_tree"
                "pass": false,
                "type": "Neuron",
                "value": 0
        "description": "Fails on those nodes with more than two descendants",
        "name": "Trifurcation validator",
        "neuron_id": "simple_tree",
        "pass": true,
        "results": []
        "description": "Fails when the branch tortuosity falls below 1.010000",
        "name": "Linear branch validator",
        "neuron_id": "simple_tree",
        "pass": false,
        "results": [
                "id": {
                    "branch": "1",
                    "neurite": 1,
                    "neuron": "simple_tree"
                "pass": false,
                "type": "Branch",
                "value": 1.0
                "id": {
                    "branch": "1-1",
                    "neurite": 1,
                    "neuron": "simple_tree"
                "pass": false,
                "type": "Branch",
                "value": 1.0
                "id": {
                    "branch": "1-2",
                    "neurite": 1,
                    "neuron": "simple_tree"
                "pass": false,
                "type": "Branch",
                "value": 1.0
                "id": {
                    "branch": "1-2-1",
                    "neurite": 1,
                    "neuron": "simple_tree"
                "pass": false,
                "type": "Branch",
                "value": 1.0
                "id": {
                    "branch": "1-2-2",
                    "neurite": 1,
                    "neuron": "simple_tree"
                "pass": false,
                "type": "Branch",
                "value": 1.0
        "description": "Fails when a segment length is close to zero",
        "name": "Zero length segments validator",
        "neuron_id": "simple_tree",
        "pass": true,
        "results": []
        "description": "Fails when two consecutive node spheres intersection is not empty",
        "name": "Length smaller than radius validator",
        "neuron_id": "simple_tree",
        "pass": true,
        "results": []
        "description": "Fails when diameter increases between two consecutive nodes",
        "name": "Non-decreasing diameter validator",
        "neuron_id": "simple_tree",
        "pass": true,
        "results": []
        "description": "Fails when the distance between any two branches is zero",
        "name": "Branch collision validator",
        "neuron_id": "simple_tree",
        "pass": true,
        "results": []
        "description": "Fails when either elongation or bifurcation angles are too high to be plausible",
        "name": "Extreme angles validator",
        "neuron_id": "simple_tree",
        "pass": true,
        "results": []

Help message {#validator_help}

Allowed options:
  --help                       Produce help message
  --input arg                  Neuron reconstruction file
  -e [ --exhaustive ]          Exhaustive report. Include all validation items,
                               not only failures
  -A [ --attached ]            Enable neurites attached to soma validation
  -a [ --noattached ]          Disable neurites attached to soma validation
  -S [ --soma ]                Enable soma validation
  -s [ --nosoma ]              Disable soma validation
  -P [ --planar ]              Enable planar reconstruction validation
  -p [ --noplanar ]            Disable planar reconstruction validation
  -D [ --dendcnt ]             Enable dendrite count validation
  -d [ --nodendcnt ]           Disable dendrite count validation
  -C [ --apical ]              Enable apical count validation
  -c [ --noapical ]            Disable apical count validation
  -X [ --axon ]                Enable axon count validation
  -x [ --noaxon ]              Disable axon count validation
  -T [ --trifurcation ]        Enable trifurcation validation
  -t [ --notrifurcation ]      Disable trifurcation validation
  -L [ --linear ]              Enable linear branches validation
  -l [ --nolinear ]            Disable linear branches validation
  -Z [ --zero ]                Enable zero length segments validation
  -z [ --nozero ]              Disable zero length segments validation
  -I [ --intersect ]           Enable intersecting nodes validation
  -i [ --nointersect ]         Disable intersecting nodes validation
  -R [ --decrease ]            Enable non-decrasing radius validation
  -r [ --nodecrease ]          Disable non-decrasing radius validation
  -V [ --segcoll ]             Enable segment collision validation
  -v [ --nosegcoll ]           Disable segment collision validation
  -B [ --branchcoll ]          Enable branch collision validation
  -b [ --nobranchcoll ]        Disable branch collision validation
  -M [ --extremeang ]          Enable extreme angles validation
  -m [ --noextremeang ]        Disable extreme angles validation
  --nostrict                   No strict mode
  --nodiameters                Disables diameter-based nodes
  --is2D                       Disables validations that assume a 3D
  --neuron                     Validates the entire neuron
  --omitapical                 Ignore the apical dendrite
  --omitaxon                   Ignore the axon
  --omitdend                   Ignore the non-apical dendrites
  --omitsoma                   Disable soma tests
  --planarth arg (=1.00999999) Planar reconstruction threshold
  --linearth arg (=1.00999999) Linear branch threshold
  --mindend arg (=2)           Number of dendrites minimum (in)
  --maxdend arg (=13)          Number of dendrites maximum (out)

Example: neurostr_validator -i test.swc -e

Scholl analysis {#scholl}

Performs a simple linear Scholl analysis over the neurons in the given reconstruction. The executable outputs a three-column CSV file over the standard output with neuron, distance and branch count (intersections).

Executable name: neurostr_scholl

Options {#scholl_options}

Option Short Required Default value Description
help h No - Produces help message
input i Yes - Input reconstruction file (swc, dat, asc or json ). File format is guessed from the file extension
correct c No False The converter calls the correct method on each neuron in the reconstruction
omitapical - No false If set, apical dendrite is ignored
omitaxon - No false If set, axon is ignored
omitdend - No false If set, dendrites are ignored

Output example {#scholl_example}

"test", 0.000000, 7
"test", 5.791105, 8
"test", 10.142367, 9
"test", 10.871992, 10
"test", 11.452746, 11
"test", 14.642872, 12
"test", 15.113467, 11
"test", 15.681764, 12
"test", 15.775044, 13
"test", 19.586906, 14
"test", 20.254789, 15
"test", 20.606409, 16
"test", 23.650518, 15
"test", 26.021965, 14
"test", 27.452669, 13
"test", 29.967087, 14
"test", 31.035795, 15
"test", 33.701023, 16
"test", 35.049515, 17
"test", 36.404655, 18
"test", 38.575405, 19
"test", 39.636028, 20
"test", 40.954132, 21
"test", 41.333488, 22
"test", 41.665516, 21
"test", 42.522957, 20
"test", 43.694332, 21
"test", 43.852596, 22
"test", 44.253582, 23
"test", 44.349628, 24
"test", 44.898899, 23
"test", 45.466465, 24
"test", 45.657787, 23
"test", 46.378159, 24
"test", 46.378372, 25
"test", 46.407532, 26
"test", 46.868195, 25
"test", 47.220634, 24
"test", 47.478245, 25
"test", 47.529491, 26

Help message {#scholl_help}

Allowed options:
  -h [ --help ]         Produce help message
  -i [ --input ] arg    Neuron reconstruction file
  -c [ --correct ]      Try to correct the errors in the reconstruction
  --omitapical          Ignore the apical dendrite
  --omitaxon            Ignore the axon
  --omitdend            Ignore the non-apical dendrites

Example: neurostr_scholl -i test.swc

Box Cutter {#boxcut}

The neuron box cutter creates a virtual axis-aligned box with given min and max corners and uses it to "cut" the neuron. That is, it creates virtual nodes at the intersection of the box with the neuron, adds an empty property with key "cut" to all branches and nodes that lie outside the reconstruction. It also adds two properties to the neuron "cutbox_min" and "cutbox_max", the box min and max corner points. If no argument is given for certain corner x,y,z value, it takes the neuron min/max value for that axis.

The output is always a reconstruction in JSON format, since no other output format can store properties at node/branch level.

You can use this to select (and measure) nodes and branches outside/inside the box with the property_exists selector.

Executable name: neurostr_boxcutter

Options {#boxcut_options}

Option Short Required Default value Description
help h No - Produces help message
input i Yes - Input reconstruction file (swc, dat, asc or json ). File format is guessed from the file extension
input o Yes - The JSON output file
minx - No Neuron min x value Cut box min x corner value
miny - No Neuron min y value Cut box min y corner value
minz - No Neuron min z value Cut box min z corner value
maxx - No Neuron max x value Cut box min y corner value
maxy - No Neuron max y value Cut box max y corner value
maxz - No Neuron max z value Cut box max z corner value

Output example {#boxcut_example}


./neurostr_boxcutter -i simple_tree.swc -o simple_tree_out.json --maxx 3.0


    "neurons": [
            "id": "simple_tree",
            "neurites": [
                    "id": 1,
                    "tree": {
                        "children": [
                                "nodes": [
                                        "id": 8,
                                        "properties": {
                                            "cut": []
                                        "r": 0.0,
                                        "x": 4.0,
                                        "y": -1.0,
                                        "z": 0.0
                                "root": {
                                    "id": 4,
                                    "r": 0.0,
                                    "x": 3.0,
                                    "y": 0.0,
                                    "z": 0.0
                                "children": [
                                        "nodes": [
                                                "id": 6,
                                                "properties": {
                                                    "cut": []
                                                "r": 0.0,
                                                "x": 4.0,
                                                "y": 1.0,
                                                "z": 1.0
                                        "properties": {
                                            "cut": []
                                        "root": {
                                            "id": 5,
                                            "properties": {
                                                "cut": []
                                            "r": 0.0,
                                            "x": 4.0,
                                            "y": 1.0,
                                            "z": 0.0
                                        "nodes": [
                                                "id": 7,
                                                "properties": {
                                                    "cut": []
                                                "r": 0.0,
                                                "x": 4.0,
                                                "y": 1.0,
                                                "z": -1.0
                                        "properties": {
                                            "cut": []
                                        "root": {
                                            "id": 5,
                                            "properties": {
                                                "cut": []
                                            "r": 0.0,
                                            "x": 4.0,
                                            "y": 1.0,
                                            "z": 0.0
                                "nodes": [
                                        "id": 5,
                                        "properties": {
                                            "cut": []
                                        "r": 0.0,
                                        "x": 4.0,
                                        "y": 1.0,
                                        "z": 0.0
                                "root": {
                                    "id": 4,
                                    "r": 0.0,
                                    "x": 3.0,
                                    "y": 0.0,
                                    "z": 0.0
                        "nodes": [
                                "id": 2,
                                "r": 0.0,
                                "x": 1.0,
                                "y": 0.0,
                                "z": 0.0
                                "id": 3,
                                "r": 0.0,
                                "x": 2.0,
                                "y": 0.0,
                                "z": 0.0
                                "id": 4,
                                "r": 0.0,
                                "x": 3.0,
                                "y": 0.0,
                                "z": 0.0
                        "root": {
                            "id": 1,
                            "r": 0.0,
                            "x": 0.0,
                            "y": 0.0,
                            "z": 0.0
                    "type": 3
            "properties": {
                "cutbox_max": {
                    "x": 3.0,
                    "y": 1.0,
                    "z": 1.0
                "cutbox_min": {
                    "x": 0.0,
                    "y": -1.0,
                    "z": -1.0
            "soma": {
                "nodes": [
                        "id": 1,
                        "r": 0.0,
                        "x": 0.0,
                        "y": 0.0,
                        "z": 0.0

Help message {#boxcut_help}

Allowed options:
  -h [ --help ]         Produce help message
  -i [ --input ] arg    Neuron reconstruction file
  -o [ --output ] arg   Neuron reconstruction JSON output file
  --minx arg            Box min corner - x value
  --miny arg            Box min corner - y value
  --minz arg            Box min corner - z value
  --maxx arg            Box max corner - x value
  --maxy arg            Box max corner - y value
  --maxz arg            Box max corner - z value

Example: neurostr_boxcutter -i test.swc --minx 300