diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 8ecdde7c..50f5ffb1 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -11,8 +11,6 @@ pids
-# Directory for instrumented libs generated by jscoverage/JSCover
 # Coverage directory used by tools like istanbul
@@ -33,7 +31,6 @@ bower_components
 # Dependency directories
 # TypeScript v1 declaration files
@@ -60,8 +57,6 @@ typings/
 # next.js build output
 # Transpiled JS
diff --git a/lib/index.js b/lib/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..40c4f886
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8094 @@
+/******/ (() => { // webpackBootstrap
+/******/ 	var __webpack_modules__ = ({
+/***/ 5350:
+/***/ (function(__unused_webpack_module, exports, __nccwpck_require__) {
+"use strict";
+var __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) {
+    if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;
+    Object.defineProperty(o, k2, { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } });
+}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) {
+    if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;
+    o[k2] = m[k];
+var __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) {
+    Object.defineProperty(o, "default", { enumerable: true, value: v });
+}) : function(o, v) {
+    o["default"] = v;
+var __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) {
+    if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod;
+    var result = {};
+    if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (k !== "default" && Object.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k);
+    __setModuleDefault(result, mod);
+    return result;
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true }));
+exports.issue = exports.issueCommand = void 0;
+const os = __importStar(__nccwpck_require__(2037));
+const utils_1 = __nccwpck_require__(7369);
+ * Commands
+ *
+ * Command Format:
+ *   ::name key=value,key=value::message
+ *
+ * Examples:
+ *   ::warning::This is the message
+ *   ::set-env name=MY_VAR::some value
+ */
+function issueCommand(command, properties, message) {
+    const cmd = new Command(command, properties, message);
+    process.stdout.write(cmd.toString() + os.EOL);
+exports.issueCommand = issueCommand;
+function issue(name, message = '') {
+    issueCommand(name, {}, message);
+exports.issue = issue;
+const CMD_STRING = '::';
+class Command {
+    constructor(command, properties, message) {
+        if (!command) {
+            command = 'missing.command';
+        }
+        this.command = command;
+        this.properties = properties;
+        this.message = message;
+    }
+    toString() {
+        let cmdStr = CMD_STRING + this.command;
+        if (this.properties && Object.keys(this.properties).length > 0) {
+            cmdStr += ' ';
+            let first = true;
+            for (const key in this.properties) {
+                if (this.properties.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
+                    const val = this.properties[key];
+                    if (val) {
+                        if (first) {
+                            first = false;
+                        }
+                        else {
+                            cmdStr += ',';
+                        }
+                        cmdStr += `${key}=${escapeProperty(val)}`;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        cmdStr += `${CMD_STRING}${escapeData(this.message)}`;
+        return cmdStr;
+    }
+function escapeData(s) {
+    return utils_1.toCommandValue(s)
+        .replace(/%/g, '%25')
+        .replace(/\r/g, '%0D')
+        .replace(/\n/g, '%0A');
+function escapeProperty(s) {
+    return utils_1.toCommandValue(s)
+        .replace(/%/g, '%25')
+        .replace(/\r/g, '%0D')
+        .replace(/\n/g, '%0A')
+        .replace(/:/g, '%3A')
+        .replace(/,/g, '%2C');
+//# sourceMappingURL=command.js.map
+/***/ }),
+/***/ 6024:
+/***/ (function(__unused_webpack_module, exports, __nccwpck_require__) {
+"use strict";
+var __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) {
+    if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;
+    Object.defineProperty(o, k2, { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } });
+}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) {
+    if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;
+    o[k2] = m[k];
+var __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) {
+    Object.defineProperty(o, "default", { enumerable: true, value: v });
+}) : function(o, v) {
+    o["default"] = v;
+var __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) {
+    if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod;
+    var result = {};
+    if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (k !== "default" && Object.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k);
+    __setModuleDefault(result, mod);
+    return result;
+var __awaiter = (this && this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
+    function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }
+    return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
+        function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
+        function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
+        function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }
+        step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());
+    });
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true }));
+exports.getIDToken = exports.getState = exports.saveState = exports.group = exports.endGroup = exports.startGroup = exports.info = exports.notice = exports.warning = exports.error = exports.debug = exports.isDebug = exports.setFailed = exports.setCommandEcho = exports.setOutput = exports.getBooleanInput = exports.getMultilineInput = exports.getInput = exports.addPath = exports.setSecret = exports.exportVariable = exports.ExitCode = void 0;
+const command_1 = __nccwpck_require__(5350);
+const file_command_1 = __nccwpck_require__(8466);
+const utils_1 = __nccwpck_require__(7369);
+const os = __importStar(__nccwpck_require__(2037));
+const path = __importStar(__nccwpck_require__(1017));
+const oidc_utils_1 = __nccwpck_require__(7557);
+ * The code to exit an action
+ */
+var ExitCode;
+(function (ExitCode) {
+    /**
+     * A code indicating that the action was successful
+     */
+    ExitCode[ExitCode["Success"] = 0] = "Success";
+    /**
+     * A code indicating that the action was a failure
+     */
+    ExitCode[ExitCode["Failure"] = 1] = "Failure";
+})(ExitCode = exports.ExitCode || (exports.ExitCode = {}));
+// Variables
+ * Sets env variable for this action and future actions in the job
+ * @param name the name of the variable to set
+ * @param val the value of the variable. Non-string values will be converted to a string via JSON.stringify
+ */
+// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
+function exportVariable(name, val) {
+    const convertedVal = utils_1.toCommandValue(val);
+    process.env[name] = convertedVal;
+    const filePath = process.env['GITHUB_ENV'] || '';
+    if (filePath) {
+        const delimiter = '_GitHubActionsFileCommandDelimeter_';
+        const commandValue = `${name}<<${delimiter}${os.EOL}${convertedVal}${os.EOL}${delimiter}`;
+        file_command_1.issueCommand('ENV', commandValue);
+    }
+    else {
+        command_1.issueCommand('set-env', { name }, convertedVal);
+    }
+exports.exportVariable = exportVariable;
+ * Registers a secret which will get masked from logs
+ * @param secret value of the secret
+ */
+function setSecret(secret) {
+    command_1.issueCommand('add-mask', {}, secret);
+exports.setSecret = setSecret;
+ * Prepends inputPath to the PATH (for this action and future actions)
+ * @param inputPath
+ */
+function addPath(inputPath) {
+    const filePath = process.env['GITHUB_PATH'] || '';
+    if (filePath) {
+        file_command_1.issueCommand('PATH', inputPath);
+    }
+    else {
+        command_1.issueCommand('add-path', {}, inputPath);
+    }
+    process.env['PATH'] = `${inputPath}${path.delimiter}${process.env['PATH']}`;
+exports.addPath = addPath;
+ * Gets the value of an input.
+ * Unless trimWhitespace is set to false in InputOptions, the value is also trimmed.
+ * Returns an empty string if the value is not defined.
+ *
+ * @param     name     name of the input to get
+ * @param     options  optional. See InputOptions.
+ * @returns   string
+ */
+function getInput(name, options) {
+    const val = process.env[`INPUT_${name.replace(/ /g, '_').toUpperCase()}`] || '';
+    if (options && options.required && !val) {
+        throw new Error(`Input required and not supplied: ${name}`);
+    }
+    if (options && options.trimWhitespace === false) {
+        return val;
+    }
+    return val.trim();
+exports.getInput = getInput;
+ * Gets the values of an multiline input.  Each value is also trimmed.
+ *
+ * @param     name     name of the input to get
+ * @param     options  optional. See InputOptions.
+ * @returns   string[]
+ *
+ */
+function getMultilineInput(name, options) {
+    const inputs = getInput(name, options)
+        .split('\n')
+        .filter(x => x !== '');
+    return inputs;
+exports.getMultilineInput = getMultilineInput;
+ * Gets the input value of the boolean type in the YAML 1.2 "core schema" specification.
+ * Support boolean input list: `true | True | TRUE | false | False | FALSE` .
+ * The return value is also in boolean type.
+ * ref: https://yaml.org/spec/1.2/spec.html#id2804923
+ *
+ * @param     name     name of the input to get
+ * @param     options  optional. See InputOptions.
+ * @returns   boolean
+ */
+function getBooleanInput(name, options) {
+    const trueValue = ['true', 'True', 'TRUE'];
+    const falseValue = ['false', 'False', 'FALSE'];
+    const val = getInput(name, options);
+    if (trueValue.includes(val))
+        return true;
+    if (falseValue.includes(val))
+        return false;
+    throw new TypeError(`Input does not meet YAML 1.2 "Core Schema" specification: ${name}\n` +
+        `Support boolean input list: \`true | True | TRUE | false | False | FALSE\``);
+exports.getBooleanInput = getBooleanInput;
+ * Sets the value of an output.
+ *
+ * @param     name     name of the output to set
+ * @param     value    value to store. Non-string values will be converted to a string via JSON.stringify
+ */
+// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
+function setOutput(name, value) {
+    process.stdout.write(os.EOL);
+    command_1.issueCommand('set-output', { name }, value);
+exports.setOutput = setOutput;
+ * Enables or disables the echoing of commands into stdout for the rest of the step.
+ * Echoing is disabled by default if ACTIONS_STEP_DEBUG is not set.
+ *
+ */
+function setCommandEcho(enabled) {
+    command_1.issue('echo', enabled ? 'on' : 'off');
+exports.setCommandEcho = setCommandEcho;
+// Results
+ * Sets the action status to failed.
+ * When the action exits it will be with an exit code of 1
+ * @param message add error issue message
+ */
+function setFailed(message) {
+    process.exitCode = ExitCode.Failure;
+    error(message);
+exports.setFailed = setFailed;
+// Logging Commands
+ * Gets whether Actions Step Debug is on or not
+ */
+function isDebug() {
+    return process.env['RUNNER_DEBUG'] === '1';
+exports.isDebug = isDebug;
+ * Writes debug message to user log
+ * @param message debug message
+ */
+function debug(message) {
+    command_1.issueCommand('debug', {}, message);
+exports.debug = debug;
+ * Adds an error issue
+ * @param message error issue message. Errors will be converted to string via toString()
+ * @param properties optional properties to add to the annotation.
+ */
+function error(message, properties = {}) {
+    command_1.issueCommand('error', utils_1.toCommandProperties(properties), message instanceof Error ? message.toString() : message);
+exports.error = error;
+ * Adds a warning issue
+ * @param message warning issue message. Errors will be converted to string via toString()
+ * @param properties optional properties to add to the annotation.
+ */
+function warning(message, properties = {}) {
+    command_1.issueCommand('warning', utils_1.toCommandProperties(properties), message instanceof Error ? message.toString() : message);
+exports.warning = warning;
+ * Adds a notice issue
+ * @param message notice issue message. Errors will be converted to string via toString()
+ * @param properties optional properties to add to the annotation.
+ */
+function notice(message, properties = {}) {
+    command_1.issueCommand('notice', utils_1.toCommandProperties(properties), message instanceof Error ? message.toString() : message);
+exports.notice = notice;
+ * Writes info to log with console.log.
+ * @param message info message
+ */
+function info(message) {
+    process.stdout.write(message + os.EOL);
+exports.info = info;
+ * Begin an output group.
+ *
+ * Output until the next `groupEnd` will be foldable in this group
+ *
+ * @param name The name of the output group
+ */
+function startGroup(name) {
+    command_1.issue('group', name);
+exports.startGroup = startGroup;
+ * End an output group.
+ */
+function endGroup() {
+    command_1.issue('endgroup');
+exports.endGroup = endGroup;
+ * Wrap an asynchronous function call in a group.
+ *
+ * Returns the same type as the function itself.
+ *
+ * @param name The name of the group
+ * @param fn The function to wrap in the group
+ */
+function group(name, fn) {
+    return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
+        startGroup(name);
+        let result;
+        try {
+            result = yield fn();
+        }
+        finally {
+            endGroup();
+        }
+        return result;
+    });
+exports.group = group;
+// Wrapper action state
+ * Saves state for current action, the state can only be retrieved by this action's post job execution.
+ *
+ * @param     name     name of the state to store
+ * @param     value    value to store. Non-string values will be converted to a string via JSON.stringify
+ */
+// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
+function saveState(name, value) {
+    command_1.issueCommand('save-state', { name }, value);
+exports.saveState = saveState;
+ * Gets the value of an state set by this action's main execution.
+ *
+ * @param     name     name of the state to get
+ * @returns   string
+ */
+function getState(name) {
+    return process.env[`STATE_${name}`] || '';
+exports.getState = getState;
+function getIDToken(aud) {
+    return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
+        return yield oidc_utils_1.OidcClient.getIDToken(aud);
+    });
+exports.getIDToken = getIDToken;
+//# sourceMappingURL=core.js.map
+/***/ }),
+/***/ 8466:
+/***/ (function(__unused_webpack_module, exports, __nccwpck_require__) {
+"use strict";
+// For internal use, subject to change.
+var __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) {
+    if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;
+    Object.defineProperty(o, k2, { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } });
+}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) {
+    if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;
+    o[k2] = m[k];
+var __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) {
+    Object.defineProperty(o, "default", { enumerable: true, value: v });
+}) : function(o, v) {
+    o["default"] = v;
+var __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) {
+    if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod;
+    var result = {};
+    if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (k !== "default" && Object.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k);
+    __setModuleDefault(result, mod);
+    return result;
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true }));
+exports.issueCommand = void 0;
+// We use any as a valid input type
+/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */
+const fs = __importStar(__nccwpck_require__(7147));
+const os = __importStar(__nccwpck_require__(2037));
+const utils_1 = __nccwpck_require__(7369);
+function issueCommand(command, message) {
+    const filePath = process.env[`GITHUB_${command}`];
+    if (!filePath) {
+        throw new Error(`Unable to find environment variable for file command ${command}`);
+    }
+    if (!fs.existsSync(filePath)) {
+        throw new Error(`Missing file at path: ${filePath}`);
+    }
+    fs.appendFileSync(filePath, `${utils_1.toCommandValue(message)}${os.EOL}`, {
+        encoding: 'utf8'
+    });
+exports.issueCommand = issueCommand;
+//# sourceMappingURL=file-command.js.map
+/***/ }),
+/***/ 7557:
+/***/ (function(__unused_webpack_module, exports, __nccwpck_require__) {
+"use strict";
+var __awaiter = (this && this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
+    function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }
+    return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
+        function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
+        function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
+        function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }
+        step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());
+    });
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true }));
+exports.OidcClient = void 0;
+const http_client_1 = __nccwpck_require__(9628);
+const auth_1 = __nccwpck_require__(4946);
+const core_1 = __nccwpck_require__(6024);
+class OidcClient {
+    static createHttpClient(allowRetry = true, maxRetry = 10) {
+        const requestOptions = {
+            allowRetries: allowRetry,
+            maxRetries: maxRetry
+        };
+        return new http_client_1.HttpClient('actions/oidc-client', [new auth_1.BearerCredentialHandler(OidcClient.getRequestToken())], requestOptions);
+    }
+    static getRequestToken() {
+        const token = process.env['ACTIONS_ID_TOKEN_REQUEST_TOKEN'];
+        if (!token) {
+            throw new Error('Unable to get ACTIONS_ID_TOKEN_REQUEST_TOKEN env variable');
+        }
+        return token;
+    }
+    static getIDTokenUrl() {
+        const runtimeUrl = process.env['ACTIONS_ID_TOKEN_REQUEST_URL'];
+        if (!runtimeUrl) {
+            throw new Error('Unable to get ACTIONS_ID_TOKEN_REQUEST_URL env variable');
+        }
+        return runtimeUrl;
+    }
+    static getCall(id_token_url) {
+        var _a;
+        return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
+            const httpclient = OidcClient.createHttpClient();
+            const res = yield httpclient
+                .getJson(id_token_url)
+                .catch(error => {
+                throw new Error(`Failed to get ID Token. \n 
+        Error Code : ${error.statusCode}\n 
+        Error Message: ${error.result.message}`);
+            });
+            const id_token = (_a = res.result) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.value;
+            if (!id_token) {
+                throw new Error('Response json body do not have ID Token field');
+            }
+            return id_token;
+        });
+    }
+    static getIDToken(audience) {
+        return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
+            try {
+                // New ID Token is requested from action service
+                let id_token_url = OidcClient.getIDTokenUrl();
+                if (audience) {
+                    const encodedAudience = encodeURIComponent(audience);
+                    id_token_url = `${id_token_url}&audience=${encodedAudience}`;
+                }
+                core_1.debug(`ID token url is ${id_token_url}`);
+                const id_token = yield OidcClient.getCall(id_token_url);
+                core_1.setSecret(id_token);
+                return id_token;
+            }
+            catch (error) {
+                throw new Error(`Error message: ${error.message}`);
+            }
+        });
+    }
+exports.OidcClient = OidcClient;
+//# sourceMappingURL=oidc-utils.js.map
+/***/ }),
+/***/ 7369:
+/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports) => {
+"use strict";
+// We use any as a valid input type
+/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true }));
+exports.toCommandProperties = exports.toCommandValue = void 0;
+ * Sanitizes an input into a string so it can be passed into issueCommand safely
+ * @param input input to sanitize into a string
+ */
+function toCommandValue(input) {
+    if (input === null || input === undefined) {
+        return '';
+    }
+    else if (typeof input === 'string' || input instanceof String) {
+        return input;
+    }
+    return JSON.stringify(input);
+exports.toCommandValue = toCommandValue;
+ *
+ * @param annotationProperties
+ * @returns The command properties to send with the actual annotation command
+ * See IssueCommandProperties: https://github.com/actions/runner/blob/main/src/Runner.Worker/ActionCommandManager.cs#L646
+ */
+function toCommandProperties(annotationProperties) {
+    if (!Object.keys(annotationProperties).length) {
+        return {};
+    }
+    return {
+        title: annotationProperties.title,
+        file: annotationProperties.file,
+        line: annotationProperties.startLine,
+        endLine: annotationProperties.endLine,
+        col: annotationProperties.startColumn,
+        endColumn: annotationProperties.endColumn
+    };
+exports.toCommandProperties = toCommandProperties;
+//# sourceMappingURL=utils.js.map
+/***/ }),
+/***/ 2423:
+/***/ (function(__unused_webpack_module, exports, __nccwpck_require__) {
+"use strict";
+var __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) {
+    if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;
+    Object.defineProperty(o, k2, { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } });
+}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) {
+    if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;
+    o[k2] = m[k];
+var __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) {
+    Object.defineProperty(o, "default", { enumerable: true, value: v });
+}) : function(o, v) {
+    o["default"] = v;
+var __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) {
+    if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod;
+    var result = {};
+    if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (k !== "default" && Object.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k);
+    __setModuleDefault(result, mod);
+    return result;
+var __awaiter = (this && this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
+    function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }
+    return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
+        function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
+        function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
+        function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }
+        step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());
+    });
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true }));
+exports.getExecOutput = exports.exec = void 0;
+const string_decoder_1 = __nccwpck_require__(1576);
+const tr = __importStar(__nccwpck_require__(9216));
+ * Exec a command.
+ * Output will be streamed to the live console.
+ * Returns promise with return code
+ *
+ * @param     commandLine        command to execute (can include additional args). Must be correctly escaped.
+ * @param     args               optional arguments for tool. Escaping is handled by the lib.
+ * @param     options            optional exec options.  See ExecOptions
+ * @returns   Promise<number>    exit code
+ */
+function exec(commandLine, args, options) {
+    return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
+        const commandArgs = tr.argStringToArray(commandLine);
+        if (commandArgs.length === 0) {
+            throw new Error(`Parameter 'commandLine' cannot be null or empty.`);
+        }
+        // Path to tool to execute should be first arg
+        const toolPath = commandArgs[0];
+        args = commandArgs.slice(1).concat(args || []);
+        const runner = new tr.ToolRunner(toolPath, args, options);
+        return runner.exec();
+    });
+exports.exec = exec;
+ * Exec a command and get the output.
+ * Output will be streamed to the live console.
+ * Returns promise with the exit code and collected stdout and stderr
+ *
+ * @param     commandLine           command to execute (can include additional args). Must be correctly escaped.
+ * @param     args                  optional arguments for tool. Escaping is handled by the lib.
+ * @param     options               optional exec options.  See ExecOptions
+ * @returns   Promise<ExecOutput>   exit code, stdout, and stderr
+ */
+function getExecOutput(commandLine, args, options) {
+    var _a, _b;
+    return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
+        let stdout = '';
+        let stderr = '';
+        //Using string decoder covers the case where a mult-byte character is split
+        const stdoutDecoder = new string_decoder_1.StringDecoder('utf8');
+        const stderrDecoder = new string_decoder_1.StringDecoder('utf8');
+        const originalStdoutListener = (_a = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.listeners) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.stdout;
+        const originalStdErrListener = (_b = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.listeners) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.stderr;
+        const stdErrListener = (data) => {
+            stderr += stderrDecoder.write(data);
+            if (originalStdErrListener) {
+                originalStdErrListener(data);
+            }
+        };
+        const stdOutListener = (data) => {
+            stdout += stdoutDecoder.write(data);
+            if (originalStdoutListener) {
+                originalStdoutListener(data);
+            }
+        };
+        const listeners = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.listeners), { stdout: stdOutListener, stderr: stdErrListener });
+        const exitCode = yield exec(commandLine, args, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options), { listeners }));
+        //flush any remaining characters
+        stdout += stdoutDecoder.end();
+        stderr += stderrDecoder.end();
+        return {
+            exitCode,
+            stdout,
+            stderr
+        };
+    });
+exports.getExecOutput = getExecOutput;
+//# sourceMappingURL=exec.js.map
+/***/ }),
+/***/ 9216:
+/***/ (function(__unused_webpack_module, exports, __nccwpck_require__) {
+"use strict";
+var __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) {
+    if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;
+    Object.defineProperty(o, k2, { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } });
+}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) {
+    if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;
+    o[k2] = m[k];
+var __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) {
+    Object.defineProperty(o, "default", { enumerable: true, value: v });
+}) : function(o, v) {
+    o["default"] = v;
+var __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) {
+    if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod;
+    var result = {};
+    if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (k !== "default" && Object.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k);
+    __setModuleDefault(result, mod);
+    return result;
+var __awaiter = (this && this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
+    function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }
+    return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
+        function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
+        function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
+        function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }
+        step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());
+    });
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true }));
+exports.argStringToArray = exports.ToolRunner = void 0;
+const os = __importStar(__nccwpck_require__(2037));
+const events = __importStar(__nccwpck_require__(2361));
+const child = __importStar(__nccwpck_require__(2081));
+const path = __importStar(__nccwpck_require__(1017));
+const io = __importStar(__nccwpck_require__(6202));
+const ioUtil = __importStar(__nccwpck_require__(6120));
+const timers_1 = __nccwpck_require__(9512);
+/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/unbound-method */
+const IS_WINDOWS = process.platform === 'win32';
+ * Class for running command line tools. Handles quoting and arg parsing in a platform agnostic way.
+ */
+class ToolRunner extends events.EventEmitter {
+    constructor(toolPath, args, options) {
+        super();
+        if (!toolPath) {
+            throw new Error("Parameter 'toolPath' cannot be null or empty.");
+        }
+        this.toolPath = toolPath;
+        this.args = args || [];
+        this.options = options || {};
+    }
+    _debug(message) {
+        if (this.options.listeners && this.options.listeners.debug) {
+            this.options.listeners.debug(message);
+        }
+    }
+    _getCommandString(options, noPrefix) {
+        const toolPath = this._getSpawnFileName();
+        const args = this._getSpawnArgs(options);
+        let cmd = noPrefix ? '' : '[command]'; // omit prefix when piped to a second tool
+        if (IS_WINDOWS) {
+            // Windows + cmd file
+            if (this._isCmdFile()) {
+                cmd += toolPath;
+                for (const a of args) {
+                    cmd += ` ${a}`;
+                }
+            }
+            // Windows + verbatim
+            else if (options.windowsVerbatimArguments) {
+                cmd += `"${toolPath}"`;
+                for (const a of args) {
+                    cmd += ` ${a}`;
+                }
+            }
+            // Windows (regular)
+            else {
+                cmd += this._windowsQuoteCmdArg(toolPath);
+                for (const a of args) {
+                    cmd += ` ${this._windowsQuoteCmdArg(a)}`;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        else {
+            // OSX/Linux - this can likely be improved with some form of quoting.
+            // creating processes on Unix is fundamentally different than Windows.
+            // on Unix, execvp() takes an arg array.
+            cmd += toolPath;
+            for (const a of args) {
+                cmd += ` ${a}`;
+            }
+        }
+        return cmd;
+    }
+    _processLineBuffer(data, strBuffer, onLine) {
+        try {
+            let s = strBuffer + data.toString();
+            let n = s.indexOf(os.EOL);
+            while (n > -1) {
+                const line = s.substring(0, n);
+                onLine(line);
+                // the rest of the string ...
+                s = s.substring(n + os.EOL.length);
+                n = s.indexOf(os.EOL);
+            }
+            return s;
+        }
+        catch (err) {
+            // streaming lines to console is best effort.  Don't fail a build.
+            this._debug(`error processing line. Failed with error ${err}`);
+            return '';
+        }
+    }
+    _getSpawnFileName() {
+        if (IS_WINDOWS) {
+            if (this._isCmdFile()) {
+                return process.env['COMSPEC'] || 'cmd.exe';
+            }
+        }
+        return this.toolPath;
+    }
+    _getSpawnArgs(options) {
+        if (IS_WINDOWS) {
+            if (this._isCmdFile()) {
+                let argline = `/D /S /C "${this._windowsQuoteCmdArg(this.toolPath)}`;
+                for (const a of this.args) {
+                    argline += ' ';
+                    argline += options.windowsVerbatimArguments
+                        ? a
+                        : this._windowsQuoteCmdArg(a);
+                }
+                argline += '"';
+                return [argline];
+            }
+        }
+        return this.args;
+    }
+    _endsWith(str, end) {
+        return str.endsWith(end);
+    }
+    _isCmdFile() {
+        const upperToolPath = this.toolPath.toUpperCase();
+        return (this._endsWith(upperToolPath, '.CMD') ||
+            this._endsWith(upperToolPath, '.BAT'));
+    }
+    _windowsQuoteCmdArg(arg) {
+        // for .exe, apply the normal quoting rules that libuv applies
+        if (!this._isCmdFile()) {
+            return this._uvQuoteCmdArg(arg);
+        }
+        // otherwise apply quoting rules specific to the cmd.exe command line parser.
+        // the libuv rules are generic and are not designed specifically for cmd.exe
+        // command line parser.
+        //
+        // for a detailed description of the cmd.exe command line parser, refer to
+        // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4094699/how-does-the-windows-command-interpreter-cmd-exe-parse-scripts/7970912#7970912
+        // need quotes for empty arg
+        if (!arg) {
+            return '""';
+        }
+        // determine whether the arg needs to be quoted
+        const cmdSpecialChars = [
+            ' ',
+            '\t',
+            '&',
+            '(',
+            ')',
+            '[',
+            ']',
+            '{',
+            '}',
+            '^',
+            '=',
+            ';',
+            '!',
+            "'",
+            '+',
+            ',',
+            '`',
+            '~',
+            '|',
+            '<',
+            '>',
+            '"'
+        ];
+        let needsQuotes = false;
+        for (const char of arg) {
+            if (cmdSpecialChars.some(x => x === char)) {
+                needsQuotes = true;
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        // short-circuit if quotes not needed
+        if (!needsQuotes) {
+            return arg;
+        }
+        // the following quoting rules are very similar to the rules that by libuv applies.
+        //
+        // 1) wrap the string in quotes
+        //
+        // 2) double-up quotes - i.e. " => ""
+        //
+        //    this is different from the libuv quoting rules. libuv replaces " with \", which unfortunately
+        //    doesn't work well with a cmd.exe command line.
+        //
+        //    note, replacing " with "" also works well if the arg is passed to a downstream .NET console app.
+        //    for example, the command line:
+        //          foo.exe "myarg:""my val"""
+        //    is parsed by a .NET console app into an arg array:
+        //          [ "myarg:\"my val\"" ]
+        //    which is the same end result when applying libuv quoting rules. although the actual
+        //    command line from libuv quoting rules would look like:
+        //          foo.exe "myarg:\"my val\""
+        //
+        // 3) double-up slashes that precede a quote,
+        //    e.g.  hello \world    => "hello \world"
+        //          hello\"world    => "hello\\""world"
+        //          hello\\"world   => "hello\\\\""world"
+        //          hello world\    => "hello world\\"
+        //
+        //    technically this is not required for a cmd.exe command line, or the batch argument parser.
+        //    the reasons for including this as a .cmd quoting rule are:
+        //
+        //    a) this is optimized for the scenario where the argument is passed from the .cmd file to an
+        //       external program. many programs (e.g. .NET console apps) rely on the slash-doubling rule.
+        //
+        //    b) it's what we've been doing previously (by deferring to node default behavior) and we
+        //       haven't heard any complaints about that aspect.
+        //
+        // note, a weakness of the quoting rules chosen here, is that % is not escaped. in fact, % cannot be
+        // escaped when used on the command line directly - even though within a .cmd file % can be escaped
+        // by using %%.
+        //
+        // the saving grace is, on the command line, %var% is left as-is if var is not defined. this contrasts
+        // the line parsing rules within a .cmd file, where if var is not defined it is replaced with nothing.
+        //
+        // one option that was explored was replacing % with ^% - i.e. %var% => ^%var^%. this hack would
+        // often work, since it is unlikely that var^ would exist, and the ^ character is removed when the
+        // variable is used. the problem, however, is that ^ is not removed when %* is used to pass the args
+        // to an external program.
+        //
+        // an unexplored potential solution for the % escaping problem, is to create a wrapper .cmd file.
+        // % can be escaped within a .cmd file.
+        let reverse = '"';
+        let quoteHit = true;
+        for (let i = arg.length; i > 0; i--) {
+            // walk the string in reverse
+            reverse += arg[i - 1];
+            if (quoteHit && arg[i - 1] === '\\') {
+                reverse += '\\'; // double the slash
+            }
+            else if (arg[i - 1] === '"') {
+                quoteHit = true;
+                reverse += '"'; // double the quote
+            }
+            else {
+                quoteHit = false;
+            }
+        }
+        reverse += '"';
+        return reverse
+            .split('')
+            .reverse()
+            .join('');
+    }
+    _uvQuoteCmdArg(arg) {
+        // Tool runner wraps child_process.spawn() and needs to apply the same quoting as
+        // Node in certain cases where the undocumented spawn option windowsVerbatimArguments
+        // is used.
+        //
+        // Since this function is a port of quote_cmd_arg from Node 4.x (technically, lib UV,
+        // see https://github.com/nodejs/node/blob/v4.x/deps/uv/src/win/process.c for details),
+        // pasting copyright notice from Node within this function:
+        //
+        //      Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors. All rights reserved.
+        //
+        //      Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+        //      of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to
+        //      deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the
+        //      rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or
+        //      sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+        //      furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+        //
+        //      The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+        //      all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+        //
+        //      IN THE SOFTWARE.
+        if (!arg) {
+            // Need double quotation for empty argument
+            return '""';
+        }
+        if (!arg.includes(' ') && !arg.includes('\t') && !arg.includes('"')) {
+            // No quotation needed
+            return arg;
+        }
+        if (!arg.includes('"') && !arg.includes('\\')) {
+            // No embedded double quotes or backslashes, so I can just wrap
+            // quote marks around the whole thing.
+            return `"${arg}"`;
+        }
+        // Expected input/output:
+        //   input : hello"world
+        //   output: "hello\"world"
+        //   input : hello""world
+        //   output: "hello\"\"world"
+        //   input : hello\world
+        //   output: hello\world
+        //   input : hello\\world
+        //   output: hello\\world
+        //   input : hello\"world
+        //   output: "hello\\\"world"
+        //   input : hello\\"world
+        //   output: "hello\\\\\"world"
+        //   input : hello world\
+        //   output: "hello world\\" - note the comment in libuv actually reads "hello world\"
+        //                             but it appears the comment is wrong, it should be "hello world\\"
+        let reverse = '"';
+        let quoteHit = true;
+        for (let i = arg.length; i > 0; i--) {
+            // walk the string in reverse
+            reverse += arg[i - 1];
+            if (quoteHit && arg[i - 1] === '\\') {
+                reverse += '\\';
+            }
+            else if (arg[i - 1] === '"') {
+                quoteHit = true;
+                reverse += '\\';
+            }
+            else {
+                quoteHit = false;
+            }
+        }
+        reverse += '"';
+        return reverse
+            .split('')
+            .reverse()
+            .join('');
+    }
+    _cloneExecOptions(options) {
+        options = options || {};
+        const result = {
+            cwd: options.cwd || process.cwd(),
+            env: options.env || process.env,
+            silent: options.silent || false,
+            windowsVerbatimArguments: options.windowsVerbatimArguments || false,
+            failOnStdErr: options.failOnStdErr || false,
+            ignoreReturnCode: options.ignoreReturnCode || false,
+            delay: options.delay || 10000
+        };
+        result.outStream = options.outStream || process.stdout;
+        result.errStream = options.errStream || process.stderr;
+        return result;
+    }
+    _getSpawnOptions(options, toolPath) {
+        options = options || {};
+        const result = {};
+        result.cwd = options.cwd;
+        result.env = options.env;
+        result['windowsVerbatimArguments'] =
+            options.windowsVerbatimArguments || this._isCmdFile();
+        if (options.windowsVerbatimArguments) {
+            result.argv0 = `"${toolPath}"`;
+        }
+        return result;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Exec a tool.
+     * Output will be streamed to the live console.
+     * Returns promise with return code
+     *
+     * @param     tool     path to tool to exec
+     * @param     options  optional exec options.  See ExecOptions
+     * @returns   number
+     */
+    exec() {
+        return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
+            // root the tool path if it is unrooted and contains relative pathing
+            if (!ioUtil.isRooted(this.toolPath) &&
+                (this.toolPath.includes('/') ||
+                    (IS_WINDOWS && this.toolPath.includes('\\')))) {
+                // prefer options.cwd if it is specified, however options.cwd may also need to be rooted
+                this.toolPath = path.resolve(process.cwd(), this.options.cwd || process.cwd(), this.toolPath);
+            }
+            // if the tool is only a file name, then resolve it from the PATH
+            // otherwise verify it exists (add extension on Windows if necessary)
+            this.toolPath = yield io.which(this.toolPath, true);
+            return new Promise((resolve, reject) => __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
+                this._debug(`exec tool: ${this.toolPath}`);
+                this._debug('arguments:');
+                for (const arg of this.args) {
+                    this._debug(`   ${arg}`);
+                }
+                const optionsNonNull = this._cloneExecOptions(this.options);
+                if (!optionsNonNull.silent && optionsNonNull.outStream) {
+                    optionsNonNull.outStream.write(this._getCommandString(optionsNonNull) + os.EOL);
+                }
+                const state = new ExecState(optionsNonNull, this.toolPath);
+                state.on('debug', (message) => {
+                    this._debug(message);
+                });
+                if (this.options.cwd && !(yield ioUtil.exists(this.options.cwd))) {
+                    return reject(new Error(`The cwd: ${this.options.cwd} does not exist!`));
+                }
+                const fileName = this._getSpawnFileName();
+                const cp = child.spawn(fileName, this._getSpawnArgs(optionsNonNull), this._getSpawnOptions(this.options, fileName));
+                let stdbuffer = '';
+                if (cp.stdout) {
+                    cp.stdout.on('data', (data) => {
+                        if (this.options.listeners && this.options.listeners.stdout) {
+                            this.options.listeners.stdout(data);
+                        }
+                        if (!optionsNonNull.silent && optionsNonNull.outStream) {
+                            optionsNonNull.outStream.write(data);
+                        }
+                        stdbuffer = this._processLineBuffer(data, stdbuffer, (line) => {
+                            if (this.options.listeners && this.options.listeners.stdline) {
+                                this.options.listeners.stdline(line);
+                            }
+                        });
+                    });
+                }
+                let errbuffer = '';
+                if (cp.stderr) {
+                    cp.stderr.on('data', (data) => {
+                        state.processStderr = true;
+                        if (this.options.listeners && this.options.listeners.stderr) {
+                            this.options.listeners.stderr(data);
+                        }
+                        if (!optionsNonNull.silent &&
+                            optionsNonNull.errStream &&
+                            optionsNonNull.outStream) {
+                            const s = optionsNonNull.failOnStdErr
+                                ? optionsNonNull.errStream
+                                : optionsNonNull.outStream;
+                            s.write(data);
+                        }
+                        errbuffer = this._processLineBuffer(data, errbuffer, (line) => {
+                            if (this.options.listeners && this.options.listeners.errline) {
+                                this.options.listeners.errline(line);
+                            }
+                        });
+                    });
+                }
+                cp.on('error', (err) => {
+                    state.processError = err.message;
+                    state.processExited = true;
+                    state.processClosed = true;
+                    state.CheckComplete();
+                });
+                cp.on('exit', (code) => {
+                    state.processExitCode = code;
+                    state.processExited = true;
+                    this._debug(`Exit code ${code} received from tool '${this.toolPath}'`);
+                    state.CheckComplete();
+                });
+                cp.on('close', (code) => {
+                    state.processExitCode = code;
+                    state.processExited = true;
+                    state.processClosed = true;
+                    this._debug(`STDIO streams have closed for tool '${this.toolPath}'`);
+                    state.CheckComplete();
+                });
+                state.on('done', (error, exitCode) => {
+                    if (stdbuffer.length > 0) {
+                        this.emit('stdline', stdbuffer);
+                    }
+                    if (errbuffer.length > 0) {
+                        this.emit('errline', errbuffer);
+                    }
+                    cp.removeAllListeners();
+                    if (error) {
+                        reject(error);
+                    }
+                    else {
+                        resolve(exitCode);
+                    }
+                });
+                if (this.options.input) {
+                    if (!cp.stdin) {
+                        throw new Error('child process missing stdin');
+                    }
+                    cp.stdin.end(this.options.input);
+                }
+            }));
+        });
+    }
+exports.ToolRunner = ToolRunner;
+ * Convert an arg string to an array of args. Handles escaping
+ *
+ * @param    argString   string of arguments
+ * @returns  string[]    array of arguments
+ */
+function argStringToArray(argString) {
+    const args = [];
+    let inQuotes = false;
+    let escaped = false;
+    let arg = '';
+    function append(c) {
+        // we only escape double quotes.
+        if (escaped && c !== '"') {
+            arg += '\\';
+        }
+        arg += c;
+        escaped = false;
+    }
+    for (let i = 0; i < argString.length; i++) {
+        const c = argString.charAt(i);
+        if (c === '"') {
+            if (!escaped) {
+                inQuotes = !inQuotes;
+            }
+            else {
+                append(c);
+            }
+            continue;
+        }
+        if (c === '\\' && escaped) {
+            append(c);
+            continue;
+        }
+        if (c === '\\' && inQuotes) {
+            escaped = true;
+            continue;
+        }
+        if (c === ' ' && !inQuotes) {
+            if (arg.length > 0) {
+                args.push(arg);
+                arg = '';
+            }
+            continue;
+        }
+        append(c);
+    }
+    if (arg.length > 0) {
+        args.push(arg.trim());
+    }
+    return args;
+exports.argStringToArray = argStringToArray;
+class ExecState extends events.EventEmitter {
+    constructor(options, toolPath) {
+        super();
+        this.processClosed = false; // tracks whether the process has exited and stdio is closed
+        this.processError = '';
+        this.processExitCode = 0;
+        this.processExited = false; // tracks whether the process has exited
+        this.processStderr = false; // tracks whether stderr was written to
+        this.delay = 10000; // 10 seconds
+        this.done = false;
+        this.timeout = null;
+        if (!toolPath) {
+            throw new Error('toolPath must not be empty');
+        }
+        this.options = options;
+        this.toolPath = toolPath;
+        if (options.delay) {
+            this.delay = options.delay;
+        }
+    }
+    CheckComplete() {
+        if (this.done) {
+            return;
+        }
+        if (this.processClosed) {
+            this._setResult();
+        }
+        else if (this.processExited) {
+            this.timeout = timers_1.setTimeout(ExecState.HandleTimeout, this.delay, this);
+        }
+    }
+    _debug(message) {
+        this.emit('debug', message);
+    }
+    _setResult() {
+        // determine whether there is an error
+        let error;
+        if (this.processExited) {
+            if (this.processError) {
+                error = new Error(`There was an error when attempting to execute the process '${this.toolPath}'. This may indicate the process failed to start. Error: ${this.processError}`);
+            }
+            else if (this.processExitCode !== 0 && !this.options.ignoreReturnCode) {
+                error = new Error(`The process '${this.toolPath}' failed with exit code ${this.processExitCode}`);
+            }
+            else if (this.processStderr && this.options.failOnStdErr) {
+                error = new Error(`The process '${this.toolPath}' failed because one or more lines were written to the STDERR stream`);
+            }
+        }
+        // clear the timeout
+        if (this.timeout) {
+            clearTimeout(this.timeout);
+            this.timeout = null;
+        }
+        this.done = true;
+        this.emit('done', error, this.processExitCode);
+    }
+    static HandleTimeout(state) {
+        if (state.done) {
+            return;
+        }
+        if (!state.processClosed && state.processExited) {
+            const message = `The STDIO streams did not close within ${state.delay /
+                1000} seconds of the exit event from process '${state.toolPath}'. This may indicate a child process inherited the STDIO streams and has not yet exited.`;
+            state._debug(message);
+        }
+        state._setResult();
+    }
+//# sourceMappingURL=toolrunner.js.map
+/***/ }),
+/***/ 4946:
+/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports) => {
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true }));
+class BasicCredentialHandler {
+    constructor(username, password) {
+        this.username = username;
+        this.password = password;
+    }
+    prepareRequest(options) {
+        options.headers['Authorization'] =
+            'Basic ' +
+                Buffer.from(this.username + ':' + this.password).toString('base64');
+    }
+    // This handler cannot handle 401
+    canHandleAuthentication(response) {
+        return false;
+    }
+    handleAuthentication(httpClient, requestInfo, objs) {
+        return null;
+    }
+exports.BasicCredentialHandler = BasicCredentialHandler;
+class BearerCredentialHandler {
+    constructor(token) {
+        this.token = token;
+    }
+    // currently implements pre-authorization
+    // TODO: support preAuth = false where it hooks on 401
+    prepareRequest(options) {
+        options.headers['Authorization'] = 'Bearer ' + this.token;
+    }
+    // This handler cannot handle 401
+    canHandleAuthentication(response) {
+        return false;
+    }
+    handleAuthentication(httpClient, requestInfo, objs) {
+        return null;
+    }
+exports.BearerCredentialHandler = BearerCredentialHandler;
+class PersonalAccessTokenCredentialHandler {
+    constructor(token) {
+        this.token = token;
+    }
+    // currently implements pre-authorization
+    // TODO: support preAuth = false where it hooks on 401
+    prepareRequest(options) {
+        options.headers['Authorization'] =
+            'Basic ' + Buffer.from('PAT:' + this.token).toString('base64');
+    }
+    // This handler cannot handle 401
+    canHandleAuthentication(response) {
+        return false;
+    }
+    handleAuthentication(httpClient, requestInfo, objs) {
+        return null;
+    }
+exports.PersonalAccessTokenCredentialHandler = PersonalAccessTokenCredentialHandler;
+/***/ }),
+/***/ 9628:
+/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __nccwpck_require__) => {
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true }));
+const http = __nccwpck_require__(3685);
+const https = __nccwpck_require__(5687);
+const pm = __nccwpck_require__(6305);
+let tunnel;
+var HttpCodes;
+(function (HttpCodes) {
+    HttpCodes[HttpCodes["OK"] = 200] = "OK";
+    HttpCodes[HttpCodes["MultipleChoices"] = 300] = "MultipleChoices";
+    HttpCodes[HttpCodes["MovedPermanently"] = 301] = "MovedPermanently";
+    HttpCodes[HttpCodes["ResourceMoved"] = 302] = "ResourceMoved";
+    HttpCodes[HttpCodes["SeeOther"] = 303] = "SeeOther";
+    HttpCodes[HttpCodes["NotModified"] = 304] = "NotModified";
+    HttpCodes[HttpCodes["UseProxy"] = 305] = "UseProxy";
+    HttpCodes[HttpCodes["SwitchProxy"] = 306] = "SwitchProxy";
+    HttpCodes[HttpCodes["TemporaryRedirect"] = 307] = "TemporaryRedirect";
+    HttpCodes[HttpCodes["PermanentRedirect"] = 308] = "PermanentRedirect";
+    HttpCodes[HttpCodes["BadRequest"] = 400] = "BadRequest";
+    HttpCodes[HttpCodes["Unauthorized"] = 401] = "Unauthorized";
+    HttpCodes[HttpCodes["PaymentRequired"] = 402] = "PaymentRequired";
+    HttpCodes[HttpCodes["Forbidden"] = 403] = "Forbidden";
+    HttpCodes[HttpCodes["NotFound"] = 404] = "NotFound";
+    HttpCodes[HttpCodes["MethodNotAllowed"] = 405] = "MethodNotAllowed";
+    HttpCodes[HttpCodes["NotAcceptable"] = 406] = "NotAcceptable";
+    HttpCodes[HttpCodes["ProxyAuthenticationRequired"] = 407] = "ProxyAuthenticationRequired";
+    HttpCodes[HttpCodes["RequestTimeout"] = 408] = "RequestTimeout";
+    HttpCodes[HttpCodes["Conflict"] = 409] = "Conflict";
+    HttpCodes[HttpCodes["Gone"] = 410] = "Gone";
+    HttpCodes[HttpCodes["TooManyRequests"] = 429] = "TooManyRequests";
+    HttpCodes[HttpCodes["InternalServerError"] = 500] = "InternalServerError";
+    HttpCodes[HttpCodes["NotImplemented"] = 501] = "NotImplemented";
+    HttpCodes[HttpCodes["BadGateway"] = 502] = "BadGateway";
+    HttpCodes[HttpCodes["ServiceUnavailable"] = 503] = "ServiceUnavailable";
+    HttpCodes[HttpCodes["GatewayTimeout"] = 504] = "GatewayTimeout";
+})(HttpCodes = exports.HttpCodes || (exports.HttpCodes = {}));
+var Headers;
+(function (Headers) {
+    Headers["Accept"] = "accept";
+    Headers["ContentType"] = "content-type";
+})(Headers = exports.Headers || (exports.Headers = {}));
+var MediaTypes;
+(function (MediaTypes) {
+    MediaTypes["ApplicationJson"] = "application/json";
+})(MediaTypes = exports.MediaTypes || (exports.MediaTypes = {}));
+ * Returns the proxy URL, depending upon the supplied url and proxy environment variables.
+ * @param serverUrl  The server URL where the request will be sent. For example, https://api.github.com
+ */
+function getProxyUrl(serverUrl) {
+    let proxyUrl = pm.getProxyUrl(new URL(serverUrl));
+    return proxyUrl ? proxyUrl.href : '';
+exports.getProxyUrl = getProxyUrl;
+const HttpRedirectCodes = [
+    HttpCodes.MovedPermanently,
+    HttpCodes.ResourceMoved,
+    HttpCodes.SeeOther,
+    HttpCodes.TemporaryRedirect,
+    HttpCodes.PermanentRedirect
+const HttpResponseRetryCodes = [
+    HttpCodes.BadGateway,
+    HttpCodes.ServiceUnavailable,
+    HttpCodes.GatewayTimeout
+const RetryableHttpVerbs = ['OPTIONS', 'GET', 'DELETE', 'HEAD'];
+const ExponentialBackoffCeiling = 10;
+const ExponentialBackoffTimeSlice = 5;
+class HttpClientError extends Error {
+    constructor(message, statusCode) {
+        super(message);
+        this.name = 'HttpClientError';
+        this.statusCode = statusCode;
+        Object.setPrototypeOf(this, HttpClientError.prototype);
+    }
+exports.HttpClientError = HttpClientError;
+class HttpClientResponse {
+    constructor(message) {
+        this.message = message;
+    }
+    readBody() {
+        return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
+            let output = Buffer.alloc(0);
+            this.message.on('data', (chunk) => {
+                output = Buffer.concat([output, chunk]);
+            });
+            this.message.on('end', () => {
+                resolve(output.toString());
+            });
+        });
+    }
+exports.HttpClientResponse = HttpClientResponse;
+function isHttps(requestUrl) {
+    let parsedUrl = new URL(requestUrl);
+    return parsedUrl.protocol === 'https:';
+exports.isHttps = isHttps;
+class HttpClient {
+    constructor(userAgent, handlers, requestOptions) {
+        this._ignoreSslError = false;
+        this._allowRedirects = true;
+        this._allowRedirectDowngrade = false;
+        this._maxRedirects = 50;
+        this._allowRetries = false;
+        this._maxRetries = 1;
+        this._keepAlive = false;
+        this._disposed = false;
+        this.userAgent = userAgent;
+        this.handlers = handlers || [];
+        this.requestOptions = requestOptions;
+        if (requestOptions) {
+            if (requestOptions.ignoreSslError != null) {
+                this._ignoreSslError = requestOptions.ignoreSslError;
+            }
+            this._socketTimeout = requestOptions.socketTimeout;
+            if (requestOptions.allowRedirects != null) {
+                this._allowRedirects = requestOptions.allowRedirects;
+            }
+            if (requestOptions.allowRedirectDowngrade != null) {
+                this._allowRedirectDowngrade = requestOptions.allowRedirectDowngrade;
+            }
+            if (requestOptions.maxRedirects != null) {
+                this._maxRedirects = Math.max(requestOptions.maxRedirects, 0);
+            }
+            if (requestOptions.keepAlive != null) {
+                this._keepAlive = requestOptions.keepAlive;
+            }
+            if (requestOptions.allowRetries != null) {
+                this._allowRetries = requestOptions.allowRetries;
+            }
+            if (requestOptions.maxRetries != null) {
+                this._maxRetries = requestOptions.maxRetries;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    options(requestUrl, additionalHeaders) {
+        return this.request('OPTIONS', requestUrl, null, additionalHeaders || {});
+    }
+    get(requestUrl, additionalHeaders) {
+        return this.request('GET', requestUrl, null, additionalHeaders || {});
+    }
+    del(requestUrl, additionalHeaders) {
+        return this.request('DELETE', requestUrl, null, additionalHeaders || {});
+    }
+    post(requestUrl, data, additionalHeaders) {
+        return this.request('POST', requestUrl, data, additionalHeaders || {});
+    }
+    patch(requestUrl, data, additionalHeaders) {
+        return this.request('PATCH', requestUrl, data, additionalHeaders || {});
+    }
+    put(requestUrl, data, additionalHeaders) {
+        return this.request('PUT', requestUrl, data, additionalHeaders || {});
+    }
+    head(requestUrl, additionalHeaders) {
+        return this.request('HEAD', requestUrl, null, additionalHeaders || {});
+    }
+    sendStream(verb, requestUrl, stream, additionalHeaders) {
+        return this.request(verb, requestUrl, stream, additionalHeaders);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Gets a typed object from an endpoint
+     * Be aware that not found returns a null.  Other errors (4xx, 5xx) reject the promise
+     */
+    async getJson(requestUrl, additionalHeaders = {}) {
+        additionalHeaders[Headers.Accept] = this._getExistingOrDefaultHeader(additionalHeaders, Headers.Accept, MediaTypes.ApplicationJson);
+        let res = await this.get(requestUrl, additionalHeaders);
+        return this._processResponse(res, this.requestOptions);
+    }
+    async postJson(requestUrl, obj, additionalHeaders = {}) {
+        let data = JSON.stringify(obj, null, 2);
+        additionalHeaders[Headers.Accept] = this._getExistingOrDefaultHeader(additionalHeaders, Headers.Accept, MediaTypes.ApplicationJson);
+        additionalHeaders[Headers.ContentType] = this._getExistingOrDefaultHeader(additionalHeaders, Headers.ContentType, MediaTypes.ApplicationJson);
+        let res = await this.post(requestUrl, data, additionalHeaders);
+        return this._processResponse(res, this.requestOptions);
+    }
+    async putJson(requestUrl, obj, additionalHeaders = {}) {
+        let data = JSON.stringify(obj, null, 2);
+        additionalHeaders[Headers.Accept] = this._getExistingOrDefaultHeader(additionalHeaders, Headers.Accept, MediaTypes.ApplicationJson);
+        additionalHeaders[Headers.ContentType] = this._getExistingOrDefaultHeader(additionalHeaders, Headers.ContentType, MediaTypes.ApplicationJson);
+        let res = await this.put(requestUrl, data, additionalHeaders);
+        return this._processResponse(res, this.requestOptions);
+    }
+    async patchJson(requestUrl, obj, additionalHeaders = {}) {
+        let data = JSON.stringify(obj, null, 2);
+        additionalHeaders[Headers.Accept] = this._getExistingOrDefaultHeader(additionalHeaders, Headers.Accept, MediaTypes.ApplicationJson);
+        additionalHeaders[Headers.ContentType] = this._getExistingOrDefaultHeader(additionalHeaders, Headers.ContentType, MediaTypes.ApplicationJson);
+        let res = await this.patch(requestUrl, data, additionalHeaders);
+        return this._processResponse(res, this.requestOptions);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Makes a raw http request.
+     * All other methods such as get, post, patch, and request ultimately call this.
+     * Prefer get, del, post and patch
+     */
+    async request(verb, requestUrl, data, headers) {
+        if (this._disposed) {
+            throw new Error('Client has already been disposed.');
+        }
+        let parsedUrl = new URL(requestUrl);
+        let info = this._prepareRequest(verb, parsedUrl, headers);
+        // Only perform retries on reads since writes may not be idempotent.
+        let maxTries = this._allowRetries && RetryableHttpVerbs.indexOf(verb) != -1
+            ? this._maxRetries + 1
+            : 1;
+        let numTries = 0;
+        let response;
+        while (numTries < maxTries) {
+            response = await this.requestRaw(info, data);
+            // Check if it's an authentication challenge
+            if (response &&
+                response.message &&
+                response.message.statusCode === HttpCodes.Unauthorized) {
+                let authenticationHandler;
+                for (let i = 0; i < this.handlers.length; i++) {
+                    if (this.handlers[i].canHandleAuthentication(response)) {
+                        authenticationHandler = this.handlers[i];
+                        break;
+                    }
+                }
+                if (authenticationHandler) {
+                    return authenticationHandler.handleAuthentication(this, info, data);
+                }
+                else {
+                    // We have received an unauthorized response but have no handlers to handle it.
+                    // Let the response return to the caller.
+                    return response;
+                }
+            }
+            let redirectsRemaining = this._maxRedirects;
+            while (HttpRedirectCodes.indexOf(response.message.statusCode) != -1 &&
+                this._allowRedirects &&
+                redirectsRemaining > 0) {
+                const redirectUrl = response.message.headers['location'];
+                if (!redirectUrl) {
+                    // if there's no location to redirect to, we won't
+                    break;
+                }
+                let parsedRedirectUrl = new URL(redirectUrl);
+                if (parsedUrl.protocol == 'https:' &&
+                    parsedUrl.protocol != parsedRedirectUrl.protocol &&
+                    !this._allowRedirectDowngrade) {
+                    throw new Error('Redirect from HTTPS to HTTP protocol. This downgrade is not allowed for security reasons. If you want to allow this behavior, set the allowRedirectDowngrade option to true.');
+                }
+                // we need to finish reading the response before reassigning response
+                // which will leak the open socket.
+                await response.readBody();
+                // strip authorization header if redirected to a different hostname
+                if (parsedRedirectUrl.hostname !== parsedUrl.hostname) {
+                    for (let header in headers) {
+                        // header names are case insensitive
+                        if (header.toLowerCase() === 'authorization') {
+                            delete headers[header];
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                // let's make the request with the new redirectUrl
+                info = this._prepareRequest(verb, parsedRedirectUrl, headers);
+                response = await this.requestRaw(info, data);
+                redirectsRemaining--;
+            }
+            if (HttpResponseRetryCodes.indexOf(response.message.statusCode) == -1) {
+                // If not a retry code, return immediately instead of retrying
+                return response;
+            }
+            numTries += 1;
+            if (numTries < maxTries) {
+                await response.readBody();
+                await this._performExponentialBackoff(numTries);
+            }
+        }
+        return response;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Needs to be called if keepAlive is set to true in request options.
+     */
+    dispose() {
+        if (this._agent) {
+            this._agent.destroy();
+        }
+        this._disposed = true;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Raw request.
+     * @param info
+     * @param data
+     */
+    requestRaw(info, data) {
+        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+            let callbackForResult = function (err, res) {
+                if (err) {
+                    reject(err);
+                }
+                resolve(res);
+            };
+            this.requestRawWithCallback(info, data, callbackForResult);
+        });
+    }
+    /**
+     * Raw request with callback.
+     * @param info
+     * @param data
+     * @param onResult
+     */
+    requestRawWithCallback(info, data, onResult) {
+        let socket;
+        if (typeof data === 'string') {
+            info.options.headers['Content-Length'] = Buffer.byteLength(data, 'utf8');
+        }
+        let callbackCalled = false;
+        let handleResult = (err, res) => {
+            if (!callbackCalled) {
+                callbackCalled = true;
+                onResult(err, res);
+            }
+        };
+        let req = info.httpModule.request(info.options, (msg) => {
+            let res = new HttpClientResponse(msg);
+            handleResult(null, res);
+        });
+        req.on('socket', sock => {
+            socket = sock;
+        });
+        // If we ever get disconnected, we want the socket to timeout eventually
+        req.setTimeout(this._socketTimeout || 3 * 60000, () => {
+            if (socket) {
+                socket.end();
+            }
+            handleResult(new Error('Request timeout: ' + info.options.path), null);
+        });
+        req.on('error', function (err) {
+            // err has statusCode property
+            // res should have headers
+            handleResult(err, null);
+        });
+        if (data && typeof data === 'string') {
+            req.write(data, 'utf8');
+        }
+        if (data && typeof data !== 'string') {
+            data.on('close', function () {
+                req.end();
+            });
+            data.pipe(req);
+        }
+        else {
+            req.end();
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Gets an http agent. This function is useful when you need an http agent that handles
+     * routing through a proxy server - depending upon the url and proxy environment variables.
+     * @param serverUrl  The server URL where the request will be sent. For example, https://api.github.com
+     */
+    getAgent(serverUrl) {
+        let parsedUrl = new URL(serverUrl);
+        return this._getAgent(parsedUrl);
+    }
+    _prepareRequest(method, requestUrl, headers) {
+        const info = {};
+        info.parsedUrl = requestUrl;
+        const usingSsl = info.parsedUrl.protocol === 'https:';
+        info.httpModule = usingSsl ? https : http;
+        const defaultPort = usingSsl ? 443 : 80;
+        info.options = {};
+        info.options.host = info.parsedUrl.hostname;
+        info.options.port = info.parsedUrl.port
+            ? parseInt(info.parsedUrl.port)
+            : defaultPort;
+        info.options.path =
+            (info.parsedUrl.pathname || '') + (info.parsedUrl.search || '');
+        info.options.method = method;
+        info.options.headers = this._mergeHeaders(headers);
+        if (this.userAgent != null) {
+            info.options.headers['user-agent'] = this.userAgent;
+        }
+        info.options.agent = this._getAgent(info.parsedUrl);
+        // gives handlers an opportunity to participate
+        if (this.handlers) {
+            this.handlers.forEach(handler => {
+                handler.prepareRequest(info.options);
+            });
+        }
+        return info;
+    }
+    _mergeHeaders(headers) {
+        const lowercaseKeys = obj => Object.keys(obj).reduce((c, k) => ((c[k.toLowerCase()] = obj[k]), c), {});
+        if (this.requestOptions && this.requestOptions.headers) {
+            return Object.assign({}, lowercaseKeys(this.requestOptions.headers), lowercaseKeys(headers));
+        }
+        return lowercaseKeys(headers || {});
+    }
+    _getExistingOrDefaultHeader(additionalHeaders, header, _default) {
+        const lowercaseKeys = obj => Object.keys(obj).reduce((c, k) => ((c[k.toLowerCase()] = obj[k]), c), {});
+        let clientHeader;
+        if (this.requestOptions && this.requestOptions.headers) {
+            clientHeader = lowercaseKeys(this.requestOptions.headers)[header];
+        }
+        return additionalHeaders[header] || clientHeader || _default;
+    }
+    _getAgent(parsedUrl) {
+        let agent;
+        let proxyUrl = pm.getProxyUrl(parsedUrl);
+        let useProxy = proxyUrl && proxyUrl.hostname;
+        if (this._keepAlive && useProxy) {
+            agent = this._proxyAgent;
+        }
+        if (this._keepAlive && !useProxy) {
+            agent = this._agent;
+        }
+        // if agent is already assigned use that agent.
+        if (!!agent) {
+            return agent;
+        }
+        const usingSsl = parsedUrl.protocol === 'https:';
+        let maxSockets = 100;
+        if (!!this.requestOptions) {
+            maxSockets = this.requestOptions.maxSockets || http.globalAgent.maxSockets;
+        }
+        if (useProxy) {
+            // If using proxy, need tunnel
+            if (!tunnel) {
+                tunnel = __nccwpck_require__(9958);
+            }
+            const agentOptions = {
+                maxSockets: maxSockets,
+                keepAlive: this._keepAlive,
+                proxy: {
+                    ...((proxyUrl.username || proxyUrl.password) && {
+                        proxyAuth: `${proxyUrl.username}:${proxyUrl.password}`
+                    }),
+                    host: proxyUrl.hostname,
+                    port: proxyUrl.port
+                }
+            };
+            let tunnelAgent;
+            const overHttps = proxyUrl.protocol === 'https:';
+            if (usingSsl) {
+                tunnelAgent = overHttps ? tunnel.httpsOverHttps : tunnel.httpsOverHttp;
+            }
+            else {
+                tunnelAgent = overHttps ? tunnel.httpOverHttps : tunnel.httpOverHttp;
+            }
+            agent = tunnelAgent(agentOptions);
+            this._proxyAgent = agent;
+        }
+        // if reusing agent across request and tunneling agent isn't assigned create a new agent
+        if (this._keepAlive && !agent) {
+            const options = { keepAlive: this._keepAlive, maxSockets: maxSockets };
+            agent = usingSsl ? new https.Agent(options) : new http.Agent(options);
+            this._agent = agent;
+        }
+        // if not using private agent and tunnel agent isn't setup then use global agent
+        if (!agent) {
+            agent = usingSsl ? https.globalAgent : http.globalAgent;
+        }
+        if (usingSsl && this._ignoreSslError) {
+            // we don't want to set NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED=0 since that will affect request for entire process
+            // http.RequestOptions doesn't expose a way to modify RequestOptions.agent.options
+            // we have to cast it to any and change it directly
+            agent.options = Object.assign(agent.options || {}, {
+                rejectUnauthorized: false
+            });
+        }
+        return agent;
+    }
+    _performExponentialBackoff(retryNumber) {
+        retryNumber = Math.min(ExponentialBackoffCeiling, retryNumber);
+        const ms = ExponentialBackoffTimeSlice * Math.pow(2, retryNumber);
+        return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(() => resolve(), ms));
+    }
+    static dateTimeDeserializer(key, value) {
+        if (typeof value === 'string') {
+            let a = new Date(value);
+            if (!isNaN(a.valueOf())) {
+                return a;
+            }
+        }
+        return value;
+    }
+    async _processResponse(res, options) {
+        return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
+            const statusCode = res.message.statusCode;
+            const response = {
+                statusCode: statusCode,
+                result: null,
+                headers: {}
+            };
+            // not found leads to null obj returned
+            if (statusCode == HttpCodes.NotFound) {
+                resolve(response);
+            }
+            let obj;
+            let contents;
+            // get the result from the body
+            try {
+                contents = await res.readBody();
+                if (contents && contents.length > 0) {
+                    if (options && options.deserializeDates) {
+                        obj = JSON.parse(contents, HttpClient.dateTimeDeserializer);
+                    }
+                    else {
+                        obj = JSON.parse(contents);
+                    }
+                    response.result = obj;
+                }
+                response.headers = res.message.headers;
+            }
+            catch (err) {
+                // Invalid resource (contents not json);  leaving result obj null
+            }
+            // note that 3xx redirects are handled by the http layer.
+            if (statusCode > 299) {
+                let msg;
+                // if exception/error in body, attempt to get better error
+                if (obj && obj.message) {
+                    msg = obj.message;
+                }
+                else if (contents && contents.length > 0) {
+                    // it may be the case that the exception is in the body message as string
+                    msg = contents;
+                }
+                else {
+                    msg = 'Failed request: (' + statusCode + ')';
+                }
+                let err = new HttpClientError(msg, statusCode);
+                err.result = response.result;
+                reject(err);
+            }
+            else {
+                resolve(response);
+            }
+        });
+    }
+exports.HttpClient = HttpClient;
+/***/ }),
+/***/ 6305:
+/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports) => {
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true }));
+function getProxyUrl(reqUrl) {
+    let usingSsl = reqUrl.protocol === 'https:';
+    let proxyUrl;
+    if (checkBypass(reqUrl)) {
+        return proxyUrl;
+    }
+    let proxyVar;
+    if (usingSsl) {
+        proxyVar = process.env['https_proxy'] || process.env['HTTPS_PROXY'];
+    }
+    else {
+        proxyVar = process.env['http_proxy'] || process.env['HTTP_PROXY'];
+    }
+    if (proxyVar) {
+        proxyUrl = new URL(proxyVar);
+    }
+    return proxyUrl;
+exports.getProxyUrl = getProxyUrl;
+function checkBypass(reqUrl) {
+    if (!reqUrl.hostname) {
+        return false;
+    }
+    let noProxy = process.env['no_proxy'] || process.env['NO_PROXY'] || '';
+    if (!noProxy) {
+        return false;
+    }
+    // Determine the request port
+    let reqPort;
+    if (reqUrl.port) {
+        reqPort = Number(reqUrl.port);
+    }
+    else if (reqUrl.protocol === 'http:') {
+        reqPort = 80;
+    }
+    else if (reqUrl.protocol === 'https:') {
+        reqPort = 443;
+    }
+    // Format the request hostname and hostname with port
+    let upperReqHosts = [reqUrl.hostname.toUpperCase()];
+    if (typeof reqPort === 'number') {
+        upperReqHosts.push(`${upperReqHosts[0]}:${reqPort}`);
+    }
+    // Compare request host against noproxy
+    for (let upperNoProxyItem of noProxy
+        .split(',')
+        .map(x => x.trim().toUpperCase())
+        .filter(x => x)) {
+        if (upperReqHosts.some(x => x === upperNoProxyItem)) {
+            return true;
+        }
+    }
+    return false;
+exports.checkBypass = checkBypass;
+/***/ }),
+/***/ 6120:
+/***/ (function(__unused_webpack_module, exports, __nccwpck_require__) {
+"use strict";
+var __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) {
+    if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;
+    Object.defineProperty(o, k2, { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } });
+}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) {
+    if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;
+    o[k2] = m[k];
+var __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) {
+    Object.defineProperty(o, "default", { enumerable: true, value: v });
+}) : function(o, v) {
+    o["default"] = v;
+var __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) {
+    if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod;
+    var result = {};
+    if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (k !== "default" && Object.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k);
+    __setModuleDefault(result, mod);
+    return result;
+var __awaiter = (this && this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
+    function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }
+    return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
+        function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
+        function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
+        function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }
+        step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());
+    });
+var _a;
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true }));
+exports.getCmdPath = exports.tryGetExecutablePath = exports.isRooted = exports.isDirectory = exports.exists = exports.IS_WINDOWS = exports.unlink = exports.symlink = exports.stat = exports.rmdir = exports.rename = exports.readlink = exports.readdir = exports.mkdir = exports.lstat = exports.copyFile = exports.chmod = void 0;
+const fs = __importStar(__nccwpck_require__(7147));
+const path = __importStar(__nccwpck_require__(1017));
+_a = fs.promises, exports.chmod = _a.chmod, exports.copyFile = _a.copyFile, exports.lstat = _a.lstat, exports.mkdir = _a.mkdir, exports.readdir = _a.readdir, exports.readlink = _a.readlink, exports.rename = _a.rename, exports.rmdir = _a.rmdir, exports.stat = _a.stat, exports.symlink = _a.symlink, exports.unlink = _a.unlink;
+exports.IS_WINDOWS = process.platform === 'win32';
+function exists(fsPath) {
+    return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
+        try {
+            yield exports.stat(fsPath);
+        }
+        catch (err) {
+            if (err.code === 'ENOENT') {
+                return false;
+            }
+            throw err;
+        }
+        return true;
+    });
+exports.exists = exists;
+function isDirectory(fsPath, useStat = false) {
+    return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
+        const stats = useStat ? yield exports.stat(fsPath) : yield exports.lstat(fsPath);
+        return stats.isDirectory();
+    });
+exports.isDirectory = isDirectory;
+ * On OSX/Linux, true if path starts with '/'. On Windows, true for paths like:
+ * \, \hello, \\hello\share, C:, and C:\hello (and corresponding alternate separator cases).
+ */
+function isRooted(p) {
+    p = normalizeSeparators(p);
+    if (!p) {
+        throw new Error('isRooted() parameter "p" cannot be empty');
+    }
+    if (exports.IS_WINDOWS) {
+        return (p.startsWith('\\') || /^[A-Z]:/i.test(p) // e.g. \ or \hello or \\hello
+        ); // e.g. C: or C:\hello
+    }
+    return p.startsWith('/');
+exports.isRooted = isRooted;
+ * Best effort attempt to determine whether a file exists and is executable.
+ * @param filePath    file path to check
+ * @param extensions  additional file extensions to try
+ * @return if file exists and is executable, returns the file path. otherwise empty string.
+ */
+function tryGetExecutablePath(filePath, extensions) {
+    return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
+        let stats = undefined;
+        try {
+            // test file exists
+            stats = yield exports.stat(filePath);
+        }
+        catch (err) {
+            if (err.code !== 'ENOENT') {
+                // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
+                console.log(`Unexpected error attempting to determine if executable file exists '${filePath}': ${err}`);
+            }
+        }
+        if (stats && stats.isFile()) {
+            if (exports.IS_WINDOWS) {
+                // on Windows, test for valid extension
+                const upperExt = path.extname(filePath).toUpperCase();
+                if (extensions.some(validExt => validExt.toUpperCase() === upperExt)) {
+                    return filePath;
+                }
+            }
+            else {
+                if (isUnixExecutable(stats)) {
+                    return filePath;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        // try each extension
+        const originalFilePath = filePath;
+        for (const extension of extensions) {
+            filePath = originalFilePath + extension;
+            stats = undefined;
+            try {
+                stats = yield exports.stat(filePath);
+            }
+            catch (err) {
+                if (err.code !== 'ENOENT') {
+                    // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
+                    console.log(`Unexpected error attempting to determine if executable file exists '${filePath}': ${err}`);
+                }
+            }
+            if (stats && stats.isFile()) {
+                if (exports.IS_WINDOWS) {
+                    // preserve the case of the actual file (since an extension was appended)
+                    try {
+                        const directory = path.dirname(filePath);
+                        const upperName = path.basename(filePath).toUpperCase();
+                        for (const actualName of yield exports.readdir(directory)) {
+                            if (upperName === actualName.toUpperCase()) {
+                                filePath = path.join(directory, actualName);
+                                break;
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                    catch (err) {
+                        // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
+                        console.log(`Unexpected error attempting to determine the actual case of the file '${filePath}': ${err}`);
+                    }
+                    return filePath;
+                }
+                else {
+                    if (isUnixExecutable(stats)) {
+                        return filePath;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        return '';
+    });
+exports.tryGetExecutablePath = tryGetExecutablePath;
+function normalizeSeparators(p) {
+    p = p || '';
+    if (exports.IS_WINDOWS) {
+        // convert slashes on Windows
+        p = p.replace(/\//g, '\\');
+        // remove redundant slashes
+        return p.replace(/\\\\+/g, '\\');
+    }
+    // remove redundant slashes
+    return p.replace(/\/\/+/g, '/');
+// on Mac/Linux, test the execute bit
+//     R   W  X  R  W X R W X
+//   256 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1
+function isUnixExecutable(stats) {
+    return ((stats.mode & 1) > 0 ||
+        ((stats.mode & 8) > 0 && stats.gid === process.getgid()) ||
+        ((stats.mode & 64) > 0 && stats.uid === process.getuid()));
+// Get the path of cmd.exe in windows
+function getCmdPath() {
+    var _a;
+    return (_a = process.env['COMSPEC']) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : `cmd.exe`;
+exports.getCmdPath = getCmdPath;
+//# sourceMappingURL=io-util.js.map
+/***/ }),
+/***/ 6202:
+/***/ (function(__unused_webpack_module, exports, __nccwpck_require__) {
+"use strict";
+var __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) {
+    if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;
+    Object.defineProperty(o, k2, { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } });
+}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) {
+    if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;
+    o[k2] = m[k];
+var __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) {
+    Object.defineProperty(o, "default", { enumerable: true, value: v });
+}) : function(o, v) {
+    o["default"] = v;
+var __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) {
+    if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod;
+    var result = {};
+    if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (k !== "default" && Object.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k);
+    __setModuleDefault(result, mod);
+    return result;
+var __awaiter = (this && this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
+    function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }
+    return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
+        function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
+        function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
+        function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }
+        step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());
+    });
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true }));
+exports.findInPath = exports.which = exports.mkdirP = exports.rmRF = exports.mv = exports.cp = void 0;
+const assert_1 = __nccwpck_require__(9491);
+const childProcess = __importStar(__nccwpck_require__(2081));
+const path = __importStar(__nccwpck_require__(1017));
+const util_1 = __nccwpck_require__(3837);
+const ioUtil = __importStar(__nccwpck_require__(6120));
+const exec = util_1.promisify(childProcess.exec);
+const execFile = util_1.promisify(childProcess.execFile);
+ * Copies a file or folder.
+ * Based off of shelljs - https://github.com/shelljs/shelljs/blob/9237f66c52e5daa40458f94f9565e18e8132f5a6/src/cp.js
+ *
+ * @param     source    source path
+ * @param     dest      destination path
+ * @param     options   optional. See CopyOptions.
+ */
+function cp(source, dest, options = {}) {
+    return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
+        const { force, recursive, copySourceDirectory } = readCopyOptions(options);
+        const destStat = (yield ioUtil.exists(dest)) ? yield ioUtil.stat(dest) : null;
+        // Dest is an existing file, but not forcing
+        if (destStat && destStat.isFile() && !force) {
+            return;
+        }
+        // If dest is an existing directory, should copy inside.
+        const newDest = destStat && destStat.isDirectory() && copySourceDirectory
+            ? path.join(dest, path.basename(source))
+            : dest;
+        if (!(yield ioUtil.exists(source))) {
+            throw new Error(`no such file or directory: ${source}`);
+        }
+        const sourceStat = yield ioUtil.stat(source);
+        if (sourceStat.isDirectory()) {
+            if (!recursive) {
+                throw new Error(`Failed to copy. ${source} is a directory, but tried to copy without recursive flag.`);
+            }
+            else {
+                yield cpDirRecursive(source, newDest, 0, force);
+            }
+        }
+        else {
+            if (path.relative(source, newDest) === '') {
+                // a file cannot be copied to itself
+                throw new Error(`'${newDest}' and '${source}' are the same file`);
+            }
+            yield copyFile(source, newDest, force);
+        }
+    });
+exports.cp = cp;
+ * Moves a path.
+ *
+ * @param     source    source path
+ * @param     dest      destination path
+ * @param     options   optional. See MoveOptions.
+ */
+function mv(source, dest, options = {}) {
+    return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
+        if (yield ioUtil.exists(dest)) {
+            let destExists = true;
+            if (yield ioUtil.isDirectory(dest)) {
+                // If dest is directory copy src into dest
+                dest = path.join(dest, path.basename(source));
+                destExists = yield ioUtil.exists(dest);
+            }
+            if (destExists) {
+                if (options.force == null || options.force) {
+                    yield rmRF(dest);
+                }
+                else {
+                    throw new Error('Destination already exists');
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        yield mkdirP(path.dirname(dest));
+        yield ioUtil.rename(source, dest);
+    });
+exports.mv = mv;
+ * Remove a path recursively with force
+ *
+ * @param inputPath path to remove
+ */
+function rmRF(inputPath) {
+    return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
+        if (ioUtil.IS_WINDOWS) {
+            // Node doesn't provide a delete operation, only an unlink function. This means that if the file is being used by another
+            // program (e.g. antivirus), it won't be deleted. To address this, we shell out the work to rd/del.
+            // Check for invalid characters
+            // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/fileio/naming-a-file
+            if (/[*"<>|]/.test(inputPath)) {
+                throw new Error('File path must not contain `*`, `"`, `<`, `>` or `|` on Windows');
+            }
+            try {
+                const cmdPath = ioUtil.getCmdPath();
+                if (yield ioUtil.isDirectory(inputPath, true)) {
+                    yield exec(`${cmdPath} /s /c "rd /s /q "%inputPath%""`, {
+                        env: { inputPath }
+                    });
+                }
+                else {
+                    yield exec(`${cmdPath} /s /c "del /f /a "%inputPath%""`, {
+                        env: { inputPath }
+                    });
+                }
+            }
+            catch (err) {
+                // if you try to delete a file that doesn't exist, desired result is achieved
+                // other errors are valid
+                if (err.code !== 'ENOENT')
+                    throw err;
+            }
+            // Shelling out fails to remove a symlink folder with missing source, this unlink catches that
+            try {
+                yield ioUtil.unlink(inputPath);
+            }
+            catch (err) {
+                // if you try to delete a file that doesn't exist, desired result is achieved
+                // other errors are valid
+                if (err.code !== 'ENOENT')
+                    throw err;
+            }
+        }
+        else {
+            let isDir = false;
+            try {
+                isDir = yield ioUtil.isDirectory(inputPath);
+            }
+            catch (err) {
+                // if you try to delete a file that doesn't exist, desired result is achieved
+                // other errors are valid
+                if (err.code !== 'ENOENT')
+                    throw err;
+                return;
+            }
+            if (isDir) {
+                yield execFile(`rm`, [`-rf`, `${inputPath}`]);
+            }
+            else {
+                yield ioUtil.unlink(inputPath);
+            }
+        }
+    });
+exports.rmRF = rmRF;
+ * Make a directory.  Creates the full path with folders in between
+ * Will throw if it fails
+ *
+ * @param   fsPath        path to create
+ * @returns Promise<void>
+ */
+function mkdirP(fsPath) {
+    return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
+        assert_1.ok(fsPath, 'a path argument must be provided');
+        yield ioUtil.mkdir(fsPath, { recursive: true });
+    });
+exports.mkdirP = mkdirP;
+ * Returns path of a tool had the tool actually been invoked.  Resolves via paths.
+ * If you check and the tool does not exist, it will throw.
+ *
+ * @param     tool              name of the tool
+ * @param     check             whether to check if tool exists
+ * @returns   Promise<string>   path to tool
+ */
+function which(tool, check) {
+    return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
+        if (!tool) {
+            throw new Error("parameter 'tool' is required");
+        }
+        // recursive when check=true
+        if (check) {
+            const result = yield which(tool, false);
+            if (!result) {
+                if (ioUtil.IS_WINDOWS) {
+                    throw new Error(`Unable to locate executable file: ${tool}. Please verify either the file path exists or the file can be found within a directory specified by the PATH environment variable. Also verify the file has a valid extension for an executable file.`);
+                }
+                else {
+                    throw new Error(`Unable to locate executable file: ${tool}. Please verify either the file path exists or the file can be found within a directory specified by the PATH environment variable. Also check the file mode to verify the file is executable.`);
+                }
+            }
+            return result;
+        }
+        const matches = yield findInPath(tool);
+        if (matches && matches.length > 0) {
+            return matches[0];
+        }
+        return '';
+    });
+exports.which = which;
+ * Returns a list of all occurrences of the given tool on the system path.
+ *
+ * @returns   Promise<string[]>  the paths of the tool
+ */
+function findInPath(tool) {
+    return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
+        if (!tool) {
+            throw new Error("parameter 'tool' is required");
+        }
+        // build the list of extensions to try
+        const extensions = [];
+        if (ioUtil.IS_WINDOWS && process.env['PATHEXT']) {
+            for (const extension of process.env['PATHEXT'].split(path.delimiter)) {
+                if (extension) {
+                    extensions.push(extension);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        // if it's rooted, return it if exists. otherwise return empty.
+        if (ioUtil.isRooted(tool)) {
+            const filePath = yield ioUtil.tryGetExecutablePath(tool, extensions);
+            if (filePath) {
+                return [filePath];
+            }
+            return [];
+        }
+        // if any path separators, return empty
+        if (tool.includes(path.sep)) {
+            return [];
+        }
+        // build the list of directories
+        //
+        // Note, technically "where" checks the current directory on Windows. From a toolkit perspective,
+        // it feels like we should not do this. Checking the current directory seems like more of a use
+        // case of a shell, and the which() function exposed by the toolkit should strive for consistency
+        // across platforms.
+        const directories = [];
+        if (process.env.PATH) {
+            for (const p of process.env.PATH.split(path.delimiter)) {
+                if (p) {
+                    directories.push(p);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        // find all matches
+        const matches = [];
+        for (const directory of directories) {
+            const filePath = yield ioUtil.tryGetExecutablePath(path.join(directory, tool), extensions);
+            if (filePath) {
+                matches.push(filePath);
+            }
+        }
+        return matches;
+    });
+exports.findInPath = findInPath;
+function readCopyOptions(options) {
+    const force = options.force == null ? true : options.force;
+    const recursive = Boolean(options.recursive);
+    const copySourceDirectory = options.copySourceDirectory == null
+        ? true
+        : Boolean(options.copySourceDirectory);
+    return { force, recursive, copySourceDirectory };
+function cpDirRecursive(sourceDir, destDir, currentDepth, force) {
+    return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
+        // Ensure there is not a run away recursive copy
+        if (currentDepth >= 255)
+            return;
+        currentDepth++;
+        yield mkdirP(destDir);
+        const files = yield ioUtil.readdir(sourceDir);
+        for (const fileName of files) {
+            const srcFile = `${sourceDir}/${fileName}`;
+            const destFile = `${destDir}/${fileName}`;
+            const srcFileStat = yield ioUtil.lstat(srcFile);
+            if (srcFileStat.isDirectory()) {
+                // Recurse
+                yield cpDirRecursive(srcFile, destFile, currentDepth, force);
+            }
+            else {
+                yield copyFile(srcFile, destFile, force);
+            }
+        }
+        // Change the mode for the newly created directory
+        yield ioUtil.chmod(destDir, (yield ioUtil.stat(sourceDir)).mode);
+    });
+// Buffered file copy
+function copyFile(srcFile, destFile, force) {
+    return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
+        if ((yield ioUtil.lstat(srcFile)).isSymbolicLink()) {
+            // unlink/re-link it
+            try {
+                yield ioUtil.lstat(destFile);
+                yield ioUtil.unlink(destFile);
+            }
+            catch (e) {
+                // Try to override file permission
+                if (e.code === 'EPERM') {
+                    yield ioUtil.chmod(destFile, '0666');
+                    yield ioUtil.unlink(destFile);
+                }
+                // other errors = it doesn't exist, no work to do
+            }
+            // Copy over symlink
+            const symlinkFull = yield ioUtil.readlink(srcFile);
+            yield ioUtil.symlink(symlinkFull, destFile, ioUtil.IS_WINDOWS ? 'junction' : null);
+        }
+        else if (!(yield ioUtil.exists(destFile)) || force) {
+            yield ioUtil.copyFile(srcFile, destFile);
+        }
+    });
+//# sourceMappingURL=io.js.map
+/***/ }),
+/***/ 3594:
+/***/ (function(__unused_webpack_module, exports, __nccwpck_require__) {
+"use strict";
+var __awaiter = (this && this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
+    function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }
+    return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
+        function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
+        function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
+        function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }
+        step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());
+    });
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true }));
+const core = __nccwpck_require__(6024);
+const io = __nccwpck_require__(6202);
+const fs = __nccwpck_require__(7147);
+const os = __nccwpck_require__(2037);
+const path = __nccwpck_require__(1017);
+const httpm = __nccwpck_require__(6566);
+const semver = __nccwpck_require__(1554);
+const uuidV4 = __nccwpck_require__(3902);
+const exec_1 = __nccwpck_require__(2423);
+const assert_1 = __nccwpck_require__(9491);
+class HTTPError extends Error {
+    constructor(httpStatusCode) {
+        super(`Unexpected HTTP response: ${httpStatusCode}`);
+        this.httpStatusCode = httpStatusCode;
+        Object.setPrototypeOf(this, new.target.prototype);
+    }
+exports.HTTPError = HTTPError;
+const IS_WINDOWS = process.platform === 'win32';
+const userAgent = 'actions/tool-cache';
+// On load grab temp directory and cache directory and remove them from env (currently don't want to expose this)
+let tempDirectory = process.env['RUNNER_TEMP'] || '';
+let cacheRoot = process.env['RUNNER_TOOL_CACHE'] || '';
+// If directories not found, place them in common temp locations
+if (!tempDirectory || !cacheRoot) {
+    let baseLocation;
+    if (IS_WINDOWS) {
+        // On windows use the USERPROFILE env variable
+        baseLocation = process.env['USERPROFILE'] || 'C:\\';
+    }
+    else {
+        if (process.platform === 'darwin') {
+            baseLocation = '/Users';
+        }
+        else {
+            baseLocation = '/home';
+        }
+    }
+    if (!tempDirectory) {
+        tempDirectory = path.join(baseLocation, 'actions', 'temp');
+    }
+    if (!cacheRoot) {
+        cacheRoot = path.join(baseLocation, 'actions', 'cache');
+    }
+ * Download a tool from an url and stream it into a file
+ *
+ * @param url       url of tool to download
+ * @returns         path to downloaded tool
+ */
+function downloadTool(url) {
+    return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
+        // Wrap in a promise so that we can resolve from within stream callbacks
+        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
+            try {
+                const http = new httpm.HttpClient(userAgent, [], {
+                    allowRetries: true,
+                    maxRetries: 3
+                });
+                const destPath = path.join(tempDirectory, uuidV4());
+                yield io.mkdirP(tempDirectory);
+                core.debug(`Downloading ${url}`);
+                core.debug(`Downloading ${destPath}`);
+                if (fs.existsSync(destPath)) {
+                    throw new Error(`Destination file path ${destPath} already exists`);
+                }
+                const response = yield http.get(url);
+                if (response.message.statusCode !== 200) {
+                    const err = new HTTPError(response.message.statusCode);
+                    core.debug(`Failed to download from "${url}". Code(${response.message.statusCode}) Message(${response.message.statusMessage})`);
+                    throw err;
+                }
+                const file = fs.createWriteStream(destPath);
+                file.on('open', () => __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
+                    try {
+                        const stream = response.message.pipe(file);
+                        stream.on('close', () => {
+                            core.debug('download complete');
+                            resolve(destPath);
+                        });
+                    }
+                    catch (err) {
+                        core.debug(`Failed to download from "${url}". Code(${response.message.statusCode}) Message(${response.message.statusMessage})`);
+                        reject(err);
+                    }
+                }));
+                file.on('error', err => {
+                    file.end();
+                    reject(err);
+                });
+            }
+            catch (err) {
+                reject(err);
+            }
+        }));
+    });
+exports.downloadTool = downloadTool;
+ * Extract a .7z file
+ *
+ * @param file     path to the .7z file
+ * @param dest     destination directory. Optional.
+ * @param _7zPath  path to 7zr.exe. Optional, for long path support. Most .7z archives do not have this
+ * problem. If your .7z archive contains very long paths, you can pass the path to 7zr.exe which will
+ * gracefully handle long paths. By default 7zdec.exe is used because it is a very small program and is
+ * bundled with the tool lib. However it does not support long paths. 7zr.exe is the reduced command line
+ * interface, it is smaller than the full command line interface, and it does support long paths. At the
+ * time of this writing, it is freely available from the LZMA SDK that is available on the 7zip website.
+ * Be sure to check the current license agreement. If 7zr.exe is bundled with your action, then the path
+ * to 7zr.exe can be pass to this function.
+ * @returns        path to the destination directory
+ */
+function extract7z(file, dest, _7zPath) {
+    return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
+        assert_1.ok(IS_WINDOWS, 'extract7z() not supported on current OS');
+        assert_1.ok(file, 'parameter "file" is required');
+        dest = dest || (yield _createExtractFolder(dest));
+        const originalCwd = process.cwd();
+        process.chdir(dest);
+        if (_7zPath) {
+            try {
+                const args = [
+                    'x',
+                    '-bb1',
+                    '-bd',
+                    '-sccUTF-8',
+                    file
+                ];
+                const options = {
+                    silent: true
+                };
+                yield exec_1.exec(`"${_7zPath}"`, args, options);
+            }
+            finally {
+                process.chdir(originalCwd);
+            }
+        }
+        else {
+            const escapedScript = path
+                .join(__dirname, '..', 'scripts', 'Invoke-7zdec.ps1')
+                .replace(/'/g, "''")
+                .replace(/"|\n|\r/g, ''); // double-up single quotes, remove double quotes and newlines
+            const escapedFile = file.replace(/'/g, "''").replace(/"|\n|\r/g, '');
+            const escapedTarget = dest.replace(/'/g, "''").replace(/"|\n|\r/g, '');
+            const command = `& '${escapedScript}' -Source '${escapedFile}' -Target '${escapedTarget}'`;
+            const args = [
+                '-NoLogo',
+                '-Sta',
+                '-NoProfile',
+                '-NonInteractive',
+                '-ExecutionPolicy',
+                'Unrestricted',
+                '-Command',
+                command
+            ];
+            const options = {
+                silent: true
+            };
+            try {
+                const powershellPath = yield io.which('powershell', true);
+                yield exec_1.exec(`"${powershellPath}"`, args, options);
+            }
+            finally {
+                process.chdir(originalCwd);
+            }
+        }
+        return dest;
+    });
+exports.extract7z = extract7z;
+ * Extract a tar
+ *
+ * @param file     path to the tar
+ * @param dest     destination directory. Optional.
+ * @param flags    flags for the tar. Optional.
+ * @returns        path to the destination directory
+ */
+function extractTar(file, dest, flags = 'xz') {
+    return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
+        if (!file) {
+            throw new Error("parameter 'file' is required");
+        }
+        dest = dest || (yield _createExtractFolder(dest));
+        const tarPath = yield io.which('tar', true);
+        yield exec_1.exec(`"${tarPath}"`, [flags, '-C', dest, '-f', file]);
+        return dest;
+    });
+exports.extractTar = extractTar;
+ * Extract a zip
+ *
+ * @param file     path to the zip
+ * @param dest     destination directory. Optional.
+ * @returns        path to the destination directory
+ */
+function extractZip(file, dest) {
+    return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
+        if (!file) {
+            throw new Error("parameter 'file' is required");
+        }
+        dest = dest || (yield _createExtractFolder(dest));
+        if (IS_WINDOWS) {
+            yield extractZipWin(file, dest);
+        }
+        else {
+            yield extractZipNix(file, dest);
+        }
+        return dest;
+    });
+exports.extractZip = extractZip;
+function extractZipWin(file, dest) {
+    return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
+        // build the powershell command
+        const escapedFile = file.replace(/'/g, "''").replace(/"|\n|\r/g, ''); // double-up single quotes, remove double quotes and newlines
+        const escapedDest = dest.replace(/'/g, "''").replace(/"|\n|\r/g, '');
+        const command = `$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' ; try { Add-Type -AssemblyName System.IO.Compression.FileSystem } catch { } ; [System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::ExtractToDirectory('${escapedFile}', '${escapedDest}')`;
+        // run powershell
+        const powershellPath = yield io.which('powershell');
+        const args = [
+            '-NoLogo',
+            '-Sta',
+            '-NoProfile',
+            '-NonInteractive',
+            '-ExecutionPolicy',
+            'Unrestricted',
+            '-Command',
+            command
+        ];
+        yield exec_1.exec(`"${powershellPath}"`, args);
+    });
+function extractZipNix(file, dest) {
+    return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
+        const unzipPath = yield io.which('unzip');
+        yield exec_1.exec(`"${unzipPath}"`, [file], { cwd: dest });
+    });
+ * Caches a directory and installs it into the tool cacheDir
+ *
+ * @param sourceDir    the directory to cache into tools
+ * @param tool          tool name
+ * @param version       version of the tool.  semver format
+ * @param arch          architecture of the tool.  Optional.  Defaults to machine architecture
+ */
+function cacheDir(sourceDir, tool, version, arch) {
+    return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
+        version = semver.clean(version) || version;
+        arch = arch || os.arch();
+        core.debug(`Caching tool ${tool} ${version} ${arch}`);
+        core.debug(`source dir: ${sourceDir}`);
+        if (!fs.statSync(sourceDir).isDirectory()) {
+            throw new Error('sourceDir is not a directory');
+        }
+        // Create the tool dir
+        const destPath = yield _createToolPath(tool, version, arch);
+        // copy each child item. do not move. move can fail on Windows
+        // due to anti-virus software having an open handle on a file.
+        for (const itemName of fs.readdirSync(sourceDir)) {
+            const s = path.join(sourceDir, itemName);
+            yield io.cp(s, destPath, { recursive: true });
+        }
+        // write .complete
+        _completeToolPath(tool, version, arch);
+        return destPath;
+    });
+exports.cacheDir = cacheDir;
+ * Caches a downloaded file (GUID) and installs it
+ * into the tool cache with a given targetName
+ *
+ * @param sourceFile    the file to cache into tools.  Typically a result of downloadTool which is a guid.
+ * @param targetFile    the name of the file name in the tools directory
+ * @param tool          tool name
+ * @param version       version of the tool.  semver format
+ * @param arch          architecture of the tool.  Optional.  Defaults to machine architecture
+ */
+function cacheFile(sourceFile, targetFile, tool, version, arch) {
+    return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
+        version = semver.clean(version) || version;
+        arch = arch || os.arch();
+        core.debug(`Caching tool ${tool} ${version} ${arch}`);
+        core.debug(`source file: ${sourceFile}`);
+        if (!fs.statSync(sourceFile).isFile()) {
+            throw new Error('sourceFile is not a file');
+        }
+        // create the tool dir
+        const destFolder = yield _createToolPath(tool, version, arch);
+        // copy instead of move. move can fail on Windows due to
+        // anti-virus software having an open handle on a file.
+        const destPath = path.join(destFolder, targetFile);
+        core.debug(`destination file ${destPath}`);
+        yield io.cp(sourceFile, destPath);
+        // write .complete
+        _completeToolPath(tool, version, arch);
+        return destFolder;
+    });
+exports.cacheFile = cacheFile;
+ * Finds the path to a tool version in the local installed tool cache
+ *
+ * @param toolName      name of the tool
+ * @param versionSpec   version of the tool
+ * @param arch          optional arch.  defaults to arch of computer
+ */
+function find(toolName, versionSpec, arch) {
+    if (!toolName) {
+        throw new Error('toolName parameter is required');
+    }
+    if (!versionSpec) {
+        throw new Error('versionSpec parameter is required');
+    }
+    arch = arch || os.arch();
+    // attempt to resolve an explicit version
+    if (!_isExplicitVersion(versionSpec)) {
+        const localVersions = findAllVersions(toolName, arch);
+        const match = _evaluateVersions(localVersions, versionSpec);
+        versionSpec = match;
+    }
+    // check for the explicit version in the cache
+    let toolPath = '';
+    if (versionSpec) {
+        versionSpec = semver.clean(versionSpec) || '';
+        const cachePath = path.join(cacheRoot, toolName, versionSpec, arch);
+        core.debug(`checking cache: ${cachePath}`);
+        if (fs.existsSync(cachePath) && fs.existsSync(`${cachePath}.complete`)) {
+            core.debug(`Found tool in cache ${toolName} ${versionSpec} ${arch}`);
+            toolPath = cachePath;
+        }
+        else {
+            core.debug('not found');
+        }
+    }
+    return toolPath;
+exports.find = find;
+ * Finds the paths to all versions of a tool that are installed in the local tool cache
+ *
+ * @param toolName  name of the tool
+ * @param arch      optional arch.  defaults to arch of computer
+ */
+function findAllVersions(toolName, arch) {
+    const versions = [];
+    arch = arch || os.arch();
+    const toolPath = path.join(cacheRoot, toolName);
+    if (fs.existsSync(toolPath)) {
+        const children = fs.readdirSync(toolPath);
+        for (const child of children) {
+            if (_isExplicitVersion(child)) {
+                const fullPath = path.join(toolPath, child, arch || '');
+                if (fs.existsSync(fullPath) && fs.existsSync(`${fullPath}.complete`)) {
+                    versions.push(child);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return versions;
+exports.findAllVersions = findAllVersions;
+function _createExtractFolder(dest) {
+    return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
+        if (!dest) {
+            // create a temp dir
+            dest = path.join(tempDirectory, uuidV4());
+        }
+        yield io.mkdirP(dest);
+        return dest;
+    });
+function _createToolPath(tool, version, arch) {
+    return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
+        const folderPath = path.join(cacheRoot, tool, semver.clean(version) || version, arch || '');
+        core.debug(`destination ${folderPath}`);
+        const markerPath = `${folderPath}.complete`;
+        yield io.rmRF(folderPath);
+        yield io.rmRF(markerPath);
+        yield io.mkdirP(folderPath);
+        return folderPath;
+    });
+function _completeToolPath(tool, version, arch) {
+    const folderPath = path.join(cacheRoot, tool, semver.clean(version) || version, arch || '');
+    const markerPath = `${folderPath}.complete`;
+    fs.writeFileSync(markerPath, '');
+    core.debug('finished caching tool');
+function _isExplicitVersion(versionSpec) {
+    const c = semver.clean(versionSpec) || '';
+    core.debug(`isExplicit: ${c}`);
+    const valid = semver.valid(c) != null;
+    core.debug(`explicit? ${valid}`);
+    return valid;
+function _evaluateVersions(versions, versionSpec) {
+    let version = '';
+    core.debug(`evaluating ${versions.length} versions`);
+    versions = versions.sort((a, b) => {
+        if (semver.gt(a, b)) {
+            return 1;
+        }
+        return -1;
+    });
+    for (let i = versions.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+        const potential = versions[i];
+        const satisfied = semver.satisfies(potential, versionSpec);
+        if (satisfied) {
+            version = potential;
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    if (version) {
+        core.debug(`matched: ${version}`);
+    }
+    else {
+        core.debug('match not found');
+    }
+    return version;
+//# sourceMappingURL=tool-cache.js.map
+/***/ }),
+/***/ 4353:
+/***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __nccwpck_require__) => {
+"use strict";
+var GetIntrinsic = __nccwpck_require__(4880);
+var callBind = __nccwpck_require__(8724);
+var $indexOf = callBind(GetIntrinsic('String.prototype.indexOf'));
+module.exports = function callBoundIntrinsic(name, allowMissing) {
+	var intrinsic = GetIntrinsic(name, !!allowMissing);
+	if (typeof intrinsic === 'function' && $indexOf(name, '.prototype.') > -1) {
+		return callBind(intrinsic);
+	}
+	return intrinsic;
+/***/ }),
+/***/ 8724:
+/***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __nccwpck_require__) => {
+"use strict";
+var bind = __nccwpck_require__(795);
+var GetIntrinsic = __nccwpck_require__(4880);
+var $apply = GetIntrinsic('%Function.prototype.apply%');
+var $call = GetIntrinsic('%Function.prototype.call%');
+var $reflectApply = GetIntrinsic('%Reflect.apply%', true) || bind.call($call, $apply);
+var $gOPD = GetIntrinsic('%Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor%', true);
+var $defineProperty = GetIntrinsic('%Object.defineProperty%', true);
+var $max = GetIntrinsic('%Math.max%');
+if ($defineProperty) {
+	try {
+		$defineProperty({}, 'a', { value: 1 });
+	} catch (e) {
+		// IE 8 has a broken defineProperty
+		$defineProperty = null;
+	}
+module.exports = function callBind(originalFunction) {
+	var func = $reflectApply(bind, $call, arguments);
+	if ($gOPD && $defineProperty) {
+		var desc = $gOPD(func, 'length');
+		if (desc.configurable) {
+			// original length, plus the receiver, minus any additional arguments (after the receiver)
+			$defineProperty(
+				func,
+				'length',
+				{ value: 1 + $max(0, originalFunction.length - (arguments.length - 1)) }
+			);
+		}
+	}
+	return func;
+var applyBind = function applyBind() {
+	return $reflectApply(bind, $apply, arguments);
+if ($defineProperty) {
+	$defineProperty(module.exports, 'apply', { value: applyBind });
+} else {
+	module.exports.apply = applyBind;
+/***/ }),
+/***/ 3967:
+/***/ ((module) => {
+"use strict";
+/* eslint no-invalid-this: 1 */
+var ERROR_MESSAGE = 'Function.prototype.bind called on incompatible ';
+var slice = Array.prototype.slice;
+var toStr = Object.prototype.toString;
+var funcType = '[object Function]';
+module.exports = function bind(that) {
+    var target = this;
+    if (typeof target !== 'function' || toStr.call(target) !== funcType) {
+        throw new TypeError(ERROR_MESSAGE + target);
+    }
+    var args = slice.call(arguments, 1);
+    var bound;
+    var binder = function () {
+        if (this instanceof bound) {
+            var result = target.apply(
+                this,
+                args.concat(slice.call(arguments))
+            );
+            if (Object(result) === result) {
+                return result;
+            }
+            return this;
+        } else {
+            return target.apply(
+                that,
+                args.concat(slice.call(arguments))
+            );
+        }
+    };
+    var boundLength = Math.max(0, target.length - args.length);
+    var boundArgs = [];
+    for (var i = 0; i < boundLength; i++) {
+        boundArgs.push('$' + i);
+    }
+    bound = Function('binder', 'return function (' + boundArgs.join(',') + '){ return binder.apply(this,arguments); }')(binder);
+    if (target.prototype) {
+        var Empty = function Empty() {};
+        Empty.prototype = target.prototype;
+        bound.prototype = new Empty();
+        Empty.prototype = null;
+    }
+    return bound;
+/***/ }),
+/***/ 795:
+/***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __nccwpck_require__) => {
+"use strict";
+var implementation = __nccwpck_require__(3967);
+module.exports = Function.prototype.bind || implementation;
+/***/ }),
+/***/ 4880:
+/***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __nccwpck_require__) => {
+"use strict";
+var undefined;
+var $SyntaxError = SyntaxError;
+var $Function = Function;
+var $TypeError = TypeError;
+// eslint-disable-next-line consistent-return
+var getEvalledConstructor = function (expressionSyntax) {
+	try {
+		return $Function('"use strict"; return (' + expressionSyntax + ').constructor;')();
+	} catch (e) {}
+var $gOPD = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
+if ($gOPD) {
+	try {
+		$gOPD({}, '');
+	} catch (e) {
+		$gOPD = null; // this is IE 8, which has a broken gOPD
+	}
+var throwTypeError = function () {
+	throw new $TypeError();
+var ThrowTypeError = $gOPD
+	? (function () {
+		try {
+			// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-expressions, no-caller, no-restricted-properties
+			arguments.callee; // IE 8 does not throw here
+			return throwTypeError;
+		} catch (calleeThrows) {
+			try {
+				// IE 8 throws on Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(arguments, '')
+				return $gOPD(arguments, 'callee').get;
+			} catch (gOPDthrows) {
+				return throwTypeError;
+			}
+		}
+	}())
+	: throwTypeError;
+var hasSymbols = __nccwpck_require__(407)();
+var getProto = Object.getPrototypeOf || function (x) { return x.__proto__; }; // eslint-disable-line no-proto
+var needsEval = {};
+var TypedArray = typeof Uint8Array === 'undefined' ? undefined : getProto(Uint8Array);
+	'%AggregateError%': typeof AggregateError === 'undefined' ? undefined : AggregateError,
+	'%Array%': Array,
+	'%ArrayBuffer%': typeof ArrayBuffer === 'undefined' ? undefined : ArrayBuffer,
+	'%ArrayIteratorPrototype%': hasSymbols ? getProto([][Symbol.iterator]()) : undefined,
+	'%AsyncFromSyncIteratorPrototype%': undefined,
+	'%AsyncFunction%': needsEval,
+	'%AsyncGenerator%': needsEval,
+	'%AsyncGeneratorFunction%': needsEval,
+	'%AsyncIteratorPrototype%': needsEval,
+	'%Atomics%': typeof Atomics === 'undefined' ? undefined : Atomics,
+	'%BigInt%': typeof BigInt === 'undefined' ? undefined : BigInt,
+	'%Boolean%': Boolean,
+	'%DataView%': typeof DataView === 'undefined' ? undefined : DataView,
+	'%Date%': Date,
+	'%decodeURI%': decodeURI,
+	'%decodeURIComponent%': decodeURIComponent,
+	'%encodeURI%': encodeURI,
+	'%encodeURIComponent%': encodeURIComponent,
+	'%Error%': Error,
+	'%eval%': eval, // eslint-disable-line no-eval
+	'%EvalError%': EvalError,
+	'%Float32Array%': typeof Float32Array === 'undefined' ? undefined : Float32Array,
+	'%Float64Array%': typeof Float64Array === 'undefined' ? undefined : Float64Array,
+	'%FinalizationRegistry%': typeof FinalizationRegistry === 'undefined' ? undefined : FinalizationRegistry,
+	'%Function%': $Function,
+	'%GeneratorFunction%': needsEval,
+	'%Int8Array%': typeof Int8Array === 'undefined' ? undefined : Int8Array,
+	'%Int16Array%': typeof Int16Array === 'undefined' ? undefined : Int16Array,
+	'%Int32Array%': typeof Int32Array === 'undefined' ? undefined : Int32Array,
+	'%isFinite%': isFinite,
+	'%isNaN%': isNaN,
+	'%IteratorPrototype%': hasSymbols ? getProto(getProto([][Symbol.iterator]())) : undefined,
+	'%JSON%': typeof JSON === 'object' ? JSON : undefined,
+	'%Map%': typeof Map === 'undefined' ? undefined : Map,
+	'%MapIteratorPrototype%': typeof Map === 'undefined' || !hasSymbols ? undefined : getProto(new Map()[Symbol.iterator]()),
+	'%Math%': Math,
+	'%Number%': Number,
+	'%Object%': Object,
+	'%parseFloat%': parseFloat,
+	'%parseInt%': parseInt,
+	'%Promise%': typeof Promise === 'undefined' ? undefined : Promise,
+	'%Proxy%': typeof Proxy === 'undefined' ? undefined : Proxy,
+	'%RangeError%': RangeError,
+	'%ReferenceError%': ReferenceError,
+	'%Reflect%': typeof Reflect === 'undefined' ? undefined : Reflect,
+	'%RegExp%': RegExp,
+	'%Set%': typeof Set === 'undefined' ? undefined : Set,
+	'%SetIteratorPrototype%': typeof Set === 'undefined' || !hasSymbols ? undefined : getProto(new Set()[Symbol.iterator]()),
+	'%SharedArrayBuffer%': typeof SharedArrayBuffer === 'undefined' ? undefined : SharedArrayBuffer,
+	'%String%': String,
+	'%StringIteratorPrototype%': hasSymbols ? getProto(''[Symbol.iterator]()) : undefined,
+	'%Symbol%': hasSymbols ? Symbol : undefined,
+	'%SyntaxError%': $SyntaxError,
+	'%ThrowTypeError%': ThrowTypeError,
+	'%TypedArray%': TypedArray,
+	'%TypeError%': $TypeError,
+	'%Uint8Array%': typeof Uint8Array === 'undefined' ? undefined : Uint8Array,
+	'%Uint8ClampedArray%': typeof Uint8ClampedArray === 'undefined' ? undefined : Uint8ClampedArray,
+	'%Uint16Array%': typeof Uint16Array === 'undefined' ? undefined : Uint16Array,
+	'%Uint32Array%': typeof Uint32Array === 'undefined' ? undefined : Uint32Array,
+	'%URIError%': URIError,
+	'%WeakMap%': typeof WeakMap === 'undefined' ? undefined : WeakMap,
+	'%WeakRef%': typeof WeakRef === 'undefined' ? undefined : WeakRef,
+	'%WeakSet%': typeof WeakSet === 'undefined' ? undefined : WeakSet
+var doEval = function doEval(name) {
+	var value;
+	if (name === '%AsyncFunction%') {
+		value = getEvalledConstructor('async function () {}');
+	} else if (name === '%GeneratorFunction%') {
+		value = getEvalledConstructor('function* () {}');
+	} else if (name === '%AsyncGeneratorFunction%') {
+		value = getEvalledConstructor('async function* () {}');
+	} else if (name === '%AsyncGenerator%') {
+		var fn = doEval('%AsyncGeneratorFunction%');
+		if (fn) {
+			value = fn.prototype;
+		}
+	} else if (name === '%AsyncIteratorPrototype%') {
+		var gen = doEval('%AsyncGenerator%');
+		if (gen) {
+			value = getProto(gen.prototype);
+		}
+	}
+	INTRINSICS[name] = value;
+	return value;
+	'%ArrayBufferPrototype%': ['ArrayBuffer', 'prototype'],
+	'%ArrayPrototype%': ['Array', 'prototype'],
+	'%ArrayProto_entries%': ['Array', 'prototype', 'entries'],
+	'%ArrayProto_forEach%': ['Array', 'prototype', 'forEach'],
+	'%ArrayProto_keys%': ['Array', 'prototype', 'keys'],
+	'%ArrayProto_values%': ['Array', 'prototype', 'values'],
+	'%AsyncFunctionPrototype%': ['AsyncFunction', 'prototype'],
+	'%AsyncGenerator%': ['AsyncGeneratorFunction', 'prototype'],
+	'%AsyncGeneratorPrototype%': ['AsyncGeneratorFunction', 'prototype', 'prototype'],
+	'%BooleanPrototype%': ['Boolean', 'prototype'],
+	'%DataViewPrototype%': ['DataView', 'prototype'],
+	'%DatePrototype%': ['Date', 'prototype'],
+	'%ErrorPrototype%': ['Error', 'prototype'],
+	'%EvalErrorPrototype%': ['EvalError', 'prototype'],
+	'%Float32ArrayPrototype%': ['Float32Array', 'prototype'],
+	'%Float64ArrayPrototype%': ['Float64Array', 'prototype'],
+	'%FunctionPrototype%': ['Function', 'prototype'],
+	'%Generator%': ['GeneratorFunction', 'prototype'],
+	'%GeneratorPrototype%': ['GeneratorFunction', 'prototype', 'prototype'],
+	'%Int8ArrayPrototype%': ['Int8Array', 'prototype'],
+	'%Int16ArrayPrototype%': ['Int16Array', 'prototype'],
+	'%Int32ArrayPrototype%': ['Int32Array', 'prototype'],
+	'%JSONParse%': ['JSON', 'parse'],
+	'%JSONStringify%': ['JSON', 'stringify'],
+	'%MapPrototype%': ['Map', 'prototype'],
+	'%NumberPrototype%': ['Number', 'prototype'],
+	'%ObjectPrototype%': ['Object', 'prototype'],
+	'%ObjProto_toString%': ['Object', 'prototype', 'toString'],
+	'%ObjProto_valueOf%': ['Object', 'prototype', 'valueOf'],
+	'%PromisePrototype%': ['Promise', 'prototype'],
+	'%PromiseProto_then%': ['Promise', 'prototype', 'then'],
+	'%Promise_all%': ['Promise', 'all'],
+	'%Promise_reject%': ['Promise', 'reject'],
+	'%Promise_resolve%': ['Promise', 'resolve'],
+	'%RangeErrorPrototype%': ['RangeError', 'prototype'],
+	'%ReferenceErrorPrototype%': ['ReferenceError', 'prototype'],
+	'%RegExpPrototype%': ['RegExp', 'prototype'],
+	'%SetPrototype%': ['Set', 'prototype'],
+	'%SharedArrayBufferPrototype%': ['SharedArrayBuffer', 'prototype'],
+	'%StringPrototype%': ['String', 'prototype'],
+	'%SymbolPrototype%': ['Symbol', 'prototype'],
+	'%SyntaxErrorPrototype%': ['SyntaxError', 'prototype'],
+	'%TypedArrayPrototype%': ['TypedArray', 'prototype'],
+	'%TypeErrorPrototype%': ['TypeError', 'prototype'],
+	'%Uint8ArrayPrototype%': ['Uint8Array', 'prototype'],
+	'%Uint8ClampedArrayPrototype%': ['Uint8ClampedArray', 'prototype'],
+	'%Uint16ArrayPrototype%': ['Uint16Array', 'prototype'],
+	'%Uint32ArrayPrototype%': ['Uint32Array', 'prototype'],
+	'%URIErrorPrototype%': ['URIError', 'prototype'],
+	'%WeakMapPrototype%': ['WeakMap', 'prototype'],
+	'%WeakSetPrototype%': ['WeakSet', 'prototype']
+var bind = __nccwpck_require__(795);
+var hasOwn = __nccwpck_require__(1122);
+var $concat = bind.call(Function.call, Array.prototype.concat);
+var $spliceApply = bind.call(Function.apply, Array.prototype.splice);
+var $replace = bind.call(Function.call, String.prototype.replace);
+var $strSlice = bind.call(Function.call, String.prototype.slice);
+/* adapted from https://github.com/lodash/lodash/blob/4.17.15/dist/lodash.js#L6735-L6744 */
+var rePropName = /[^%.[\]]+|\[(?:(-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)|(["'])((?:(?!\2)[^\\]|\\.)*?)\2)\]|(?=(?:\.|\[\])(?:\.|\[\]|%$))/g;
+var reEscapeChar = /\\(\\)?/g; /** Used to match backslashes in property paths. */
+var stringToPath = function stringToPath(string) {
+	var first = $strSlice(string, 0, 1);
+	var last = $strSlice(string, -1);
+	if (first === '%' && last !== '%') {
+		throw new $SyntaxError('invalid intrinsic syntax, expected closing `%`');
+	} else if (last === '%' && first !== '%') {
+		throw new $SyntaxError('invalid intrinsic syntax, expected opening `%`');
+	}
+	var result = [];
+	$replace(string, rePropName, function (match, number, quote, subString) {
+		result[result.length] = quote ? $replace(subString, reEscapeChar, '$1') : number || match;
+	});
+	return result;
+/* end adaptation */
+var getBaseIntrinsic = function getBaseIntrinsic(name, allowMissing) {
+	var intrinsicName = name;
+	var alias;
+	if (hasOwn(LEGACY_ALIASES, intrinsicName)) {
+		alias = LEGACY_ALIASES[intrinsicName];
+		intrinsicName = '%' + alias[0] + '%';
+	}
+	if (hasOwn(INTRINSICS, intrinsicName)) {
+		var value = INTRINSICS[intrinsicName];
+		if (value === needsEval) {
+			value = doEval(intrinsicName);
+		}
+		if (typeof value === 'undefined' && !allowMissing) {
+			throw new $TypeError('intrinsic ' + name + ' exists, but is not available. Please file an issue!');
+		}
+		return {
+			alias: alias,
+			name: intrinsicName,
+			value: value
+		};
+	}
+	throw new $SyntaxError('intrinsic ' + name + ' does not exist!');
+module.exports = function GetIntrinsic(name, allowMissing) {
+	if (typeof name !== 'string' || name.length === 0) {
+		throw new $TypeError('intrinsic name must be a non-empty string');
+	}
+	if (arguments.length > 1 && typeof allowMissing !== 'boolean') {
+		throw new $TypeError('"allowMissing" argument must be a boolean');
+	}
+	var parts = stringToPath(name);
+	var intrinsicBaseName = parts.length > 0 ? parts[0] : '';
+	var intrinsic = getBaseIntrinsic('%' + intrinsicBaseName + '%', allowMissing);
+	var intrinsicRealName = intrinsic.name;
+	var value = intrinsic.value;
+	var skipFurtherCaching = false;
+	var alias = intrinsic.alias;
+	if (alias) {
+		intrinsicBaseName = alias[0];
+		$spliceApply(parts, $concat([0, 1], alias));
+	}
+	for (var i = 1, isOwn = true; i < parts.length; i += 1) {
+		var part = parts[i];
+		var first = $strSlice(part, 0, 1);
+		var last = $strSlice(part, -1);
+		if (
+			(
+				(first === '"' || first === "'" || first === '`')
+				|| (last === '"' || last === "'" || last === '`')
+			)
+			&& first !== last
+		) {
+			throw new $SyntaxError('property names with quotes must have matching quotes');
+		}
+		if (part === 'constructor' || !isOwn) {
+			skipFurtherCaching = true;
+		}
+		intrinsicBaseName += '.' + part;
+		intrinsicRealName = '%' + intrinsicBaseName + '%';
+		if (hasOwn(INTRINSICS, intrinsicRealName)) {
+			value = INTRINSICS[intrinsicRealName];
+		} else if (value != null) {
+			if (!(part in value)) {
+				if (!allowMissing) {
+					throw new $TypeError('base intrinsic for ' + name + ' exists, but the property is not available.');
+				}
+				return void undefined;
+			}
+			if ($gOPD && (i + 1) >= parts.length) {
+				var desc = $gOPD(value, part);
+				isOwn = !!desc;
+				// By convention, when a data property is converted to an accessor
+				// property to emulate a data property that does not suffer from
+				// the override mistake, that accessor's getter is marked with
+				// an `originalValue` property. Here, when we detect this, we
+				// uphold the illusion by pretending to see that original data
+				// property, i.e., returning the value rather than the getter
+				// itself.
+				if (isOwn && 'get' in desc && !('originalValue' in desc.get)) {
+					value = desc.get;
+				} else {
+					value = value[part];
+				}
+			} else {
+				isOwn = hasOwn(value, part);
+				value = value[part];
+			}
+			if (isOwn && !skipFurtherCaching) {
+				INTRINSICS[intrinsicRealName] = value;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return value;
+/***/ }),
+/***/ 407:
+/***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __nccwpck_require__) => {
+"use strict";
+var origSymbol = typeof Symbol !== 'undefined' && Symbol;
+var hasSymbolSham = __nccwpck_require__(853);
+module.exports = function hasNativeSymbols() {
+	if (typeof origSymbol !== 'function') { return false; }
+	if (typeof Symbol !== 'function') { return false; }
+	if (typeof origSymbol('foo') !== 'symbol') { return false; }
+	if (typeof Symbol('bar') !== 'symbol') { return false; }
+	return hasSymbolSham();
+/***/ }),
+/***/ 853:
+/***/ ((module) => {
+"use strict";
+/* eslint complexity: [2, 18], max-statements: [2, 33] */
+module.exports = function hasSymbols() {
+	if (typeof Symbol !== 'function' || typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols !== 'function') { return false; }
+	if (typeof Symbol.iterator === 'symbol') { return true; }
+	var obj = {};
+	var sym = Symbol('test');
+	var symObj = Object(sym);
+	if (typeof sym === 'string') { return false; }
+	if (Object.prototype.toString.call(sym) !== '[object Symbol]') { return false; }
+	if (Object.prototype.toString.call(symObj) !== '[object Symbol]') { return false; }
+	// temp disabled per https://github.com/ljharb/object.assign/issues/17
+	// if (sym instanceof Symbol) { return false; }
+	// temp disabled per https://github.com/WebReflection/get-own-property-symbols/issues/4
+	// if (!(symObj instanceof Symbol)) { return false; }
+	// if (typeof Symbol.prototype.toString !== 'function') { return false; }
+	// if (String(sym) !== Symbol.prototype.toString.call(sym)) { return false; }
+	var symVal = 42;
+	obj[sym] = symVal;
+	for (sym in obj) { return false; } // eslint-disable-line no-restricted-syntax, no-unreachable-loop
+	if (typeof Object.keys === 'function' && Object.keys(obj).length !== 0) { return false; }
+	if (typeof Object.getOwnPropertyNames === 'function' && Object.getOwnPropertyNames(obj).length !== 0) { return false; }
+	var syms = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(obj);
+	if (syms.length !== 1 || syms[0] !== sym) { return false; }
+	if (!Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(obj, sym)) { return false; }
+	if (typeof Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor === 'function') {
+		var descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, sym);
+		if (descriptor.value !== symVal || descriptor.enumerable !== true) { return false; }
+	}
+	return true;
+/***/ }),
+/***/ 1122:
+/***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __nccwpck_require__) => {
+"use strict";
+var bind = __nccwpck_require__(795);
+module.exports = bind.call(Function.call, Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty);
+/***/ }),
+/***/ 3343:
+/***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __nccwpck_require__) => {
+var hasMap = typeof Map === 'function' && Map.prototype;
+var mapSizeDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor && hasMap ? Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Map.prototype, 'size') : null;
+var mapSize = hasMap && mapSizeDescriptor && typeof mapSizeDescriptor.get === 'function' ? mapSizeDescriptor.get : null;
+var mapForEach = hasMap && Map.prototype.forEach;
+var hasSet = typeof Set === 'function' && Set.prototype;
+var setSizeDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor && hasSet ? Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Set.prototype, 'size') : null;
+var setSize = hasSet && setSizeDescriptor && typeof setSizeDescriptor.get === 'function' ? setSizeDescriptor.get : null;
+var setForEach = hasSet && Set.prototype.forEach;
+var hasWeakMap = typeof WeakMap === 'function' && WeakMap.prototype;
+var weakMapHas = hasWeakMap ? WeakMap.prototype.has : null;
+var hasWeakSet = typeof WeakSet === 'function' && WeakSet.prototype;
+var weakSetHas = hasWeakSet ? WeakSet.prototype.has : null;
+var hasWeakRef = typeof WeakRef === 'function' && WeakRef.prototype;
+var weakRefDeref = hasWeakRef ? WeakRef.prototype.deref : null;
+var booleanValueOf = Boolean.prototype.valueOf;
+var objectToString = Object.prototype.toString;
+var functionToString = Function.prototype.toString;
+var $match = String.prototype.match;
+var $slice = String.prototype.slice;
+var $replace = String.prototype.replace;
+var $toUpperCase = String.prototype.toUpperCase;
+var $toLowerCase = String.prototype.toLowerCase;
+var $test = RegExp.prototype.test;
+var $concat = Array.prototype.concat;
+var $join = Array.prototype.join;
+var $arrSlice = Array.prototype.slice;
+var $floor = Math.floor;
+var bigIntValueOf = typeof BigInt === 'function' ? BigInt.prototype.valueOf : null;
+var gOPS = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols;
+var symToString = typeof Symbol === 'function' && typeof Symbol.iterator === 'symbol' ? Symbol.prototype.toString : null;
+var hasShammedSymbols = typeof Symbol === 'function' && typeof Symbol.iterator === 'object';
+// ie, `has-tostringtag/shams
+var toStringTag = typeof Symbol === 'function' && Symbol.toStringTag && (typeof Symbol.toStringTag === hasShammedSymbols ? 'object' : 'symbol')
+    ? Symbol.toStringTag
+    : null;
+var isEnumerable = Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable;
+var gPO = (typeof Reflect === 'function' ? Reflect.getPrototypeOf : Object.getPrototypeOf) || (
+    [].__proto__ === Array.prototype // eslint-disable-line no-proto
+        ? function (O) {
+            return O.__proto__; // eslint-disable-line no-proto
+        }
+        : null
+function addNumericSeparator(num, str) {
+    if (
+        num === Infinity
+        || num === -Infinity
+        || num !== num
+        || (num && num > -1000 && num < 1000)
+        || $test.call(/e/, str)
+    ) {
+        return str;
+    }
+    var sepRegex = /[0-9](?=(?:[0-9]{3})+(?![0-9]))/g;
+    if (typeof num === 'number') {
+        var int = num < 0 ? -$floor(-num) : $floor(num); // trunc(num)
+        if (int !== num) {
+            var intStr = String(int);
+            var dec = $slice.call(str, intStr.length + 1);
+            return $replace.call(intStr, sepRegex, '$&_') + '.' + $replace.call($replace.call(dec, /([0-9]{3})/g, '$&_'), /_$/, '');
+        }
+    }
+    return $replace.call(str, sepRegex, '$&_');
+var inspectCustom = (__nccwpck_require__(5038).custom);
+var inspectSymbol = inspectCustom && isSymbol(inspectCustom) ? inspectCustom : null;
+module.exports = function inspect_(obj, options, depth, seen) {
+    var opts = options || {};
+    if (has(opts, 'quoteStyle') && (opts.quoteStyle !== 'single' && opts.quoteStyle !== 'double')) {
+        throw new TypeError('option "quoteStyle" must be "single" or "double"');
+    }
+    if (
+        has(opts, 'maxStringLength') && (typeof opts.maxStringLength === 'number'
+            ? opts.maxStringLength < 0 && opts.maxStringLength !== Infinity
+            : opts.maxStringLength !== null
+        )
+    ) {
+        throw new TypeError('option "maxStringLength", if provided, must be a positive integer, Infinity, or `null`');
+    }
+    var customInspect = has(opts, 'customInspect') ? opts.customInspect : true;
+    if (typeof customInspect !== 'boolean' && customInspect !== 'symbol') {
+        throw new TypeError('option "customInspect", if provided, must be `true`, `false`, or `\'symbol\'`');
+    }
+    if (
+        has(opts, 'indent')
+        && opts.indent !== null
+        && opts.indent !== '\t'
+        && !(parseInt(opts.indent, 10) === opts.indent && opts.indent > 0)
+    ) {
+        throw new TypeError('option "indent" must be "\\t", an integer > 0, or `null`');
+    }
+    if (has(opts, 'numericSeparator') && typeof opts.numericSeparator !== 'boolean') {
+        throw new TypeError('option "numericSeparator", if provided, must be `true` or `false`');
+    }
+    var numericSeparator = opts.numericSeparator;
+    if (typeof obj === 'undefined') {
+        return 'undefined';
+    }
+    if (obj === null) {
+        return 'null';
+    }
+    if (typeof obj === 'boolean') {
+        return obj ? 'true' : 'false';
+    }
+    if (typeof obj === 'string') {
+        return inspectString(obj, opts);
+    }
+    if (typeof obj === 'number') {
+        if (obj === 0) {
+            return Infinity / obj > 0 ? '0' : '-0';
+        }
+        var str = String(obj);
+        return numericSeparator ? addNumericSeparator(obj, str) : str;
+    }
+    if (typeof obj === 'bigint') {
+        var bigIntStr = String(obj) + 'n';
+        return numericSeparator ? addNumericSeparator(obj, bigIntStr) : bigIntStr;
+    }
+    var maxDepth = typeof opts.depth === 'undefined' ? 5 : opts.depth;
+    if (typeof depth === 'undefined') { depth = 0; }
+    if (depth >= maxDepth && maxDepth > 0 && typeof obj === 'object') {
+        return isArray(obj) ? '[Array]' : '[Object]';
+    }
+    var indent = getIndent(opts, depth);
+    if (typeof seen === 'undefined') {
+        seen = [];
+    } else if (indexOf(seen, obj) >= 0) {
+        return '[Circular]';
+    }
+    function inspect(value, from, noIndent) {
+        if (from) {
+            seen = $arrSlice.call(seen);
+            seen.push(from);
+        }
+        if (noIndent) {
+            var newOpts = {
+                depth: opts.depth
+            };
+            if (has(opts, 'quoteStyle')) {
+                newOpts.quoteStyle = opts.quoteStyle;
+            }
+            return inspect_(value, newOpts, depth + 1, seen);
+        }
+        return inspect_(value, opts, depth + 1, seen);
+    }
+    if (typeof obj === 'function') {
+        var name = nameOf(obj);
+        var keys = arrObjKeys(obj, inspect);
+        return '[Function' + (name ? ': ' + name : ' (anonymous)') + ']' + (keys.length > 0 ? ' { ' + $join.call(keys, ', ') + ' }' : '');
+    }
+    if (isSymbol(obj)) {
+        var symString = hasShammedSymbols ? $replace.call(String(obj), /^(Symbol\(.*\))_[^)]*$/, '$1') : symToString.call(obj);
+        return typeof obj === 'object' && !hasShammedSymbols ? markBoxed(symString) : symString;
+    }
+    if (isElement(obj)) {
+        var s = '<' + $toLowerCase.call(String(obj.nodeName));
+        var attrs = obj.attributes || [];
+        for (var i = 0; i < attrs.length; i++) {
+            s += ' ' + attrs[i].name + '=' + wrapQuotes(quote(attrs[i].value), 'double', opts);
+        }
+        s += '>';
+        if (obj.childNodes && obj.childNodes.length) { s += '...'; }
+        s += '</' + $toLowerCase.call(String(obj.nodeName)) + '>';
+        return s;
+    }
+    if (isArray(obj)) {
+        if (obj.length === 0) { return '[]'; }
+        var xs = arrObjKeys(obj, inspect);
+        if (indent && !singleLineValues(xs)) {
+            return '[' + indentedJoin(xs, indent) + ']';
+        }
+        return '[ ' + $join.call(xs, ', ') + ' ]';
+    }
+    if (isError(obj)) {
+        var parts = arrObjKeys(obj, inspect);
+        if ('cause' in obj && !isEnumerable.call(obj, 'cause')) {
+            return '{ [' + String(obj) + '] ' + $join.call($concat.call('[cause]: ' + inspect(obj.cause), parts), ', ') + ' }';
+        }
+        if (parts.length === 0) { return '[' + String(obj) + ']'; }
+        return '{ [' + String(obj) + '] ' + $join.call(parts, ', ') + ' }';
+    }
+    if (typeof obj === 'object' && customInspect) {
+        if (inspectSymbol && typeof obj[inspectSymbol] === 'function') {
+            return obj[inspectSymbol]();
+        } else if (customInspect !== 'symbol' && typeof obj.inspect === 'function') {
+            return obj.inspect();
+        }
+    }
+    if (isMap(obj)) {
+        var mapParts = [];
+        mapForEach.call(obj, function (value, key) {
+            mapParts.push(inspect(key, obj, true) + ' => ' + inspect(value, obj));
+        });
+        return collectionOf('Map', mapSize.call(obj), mapParts, indent);
+    }
+    if (isSet(obj)) {
+        var setParts = [];
+        setForEach.call(obj, function (value) {
+            setParts.push(inspect(value, obj));
+        });
+        return collectionOf('Set', setSize.call(obj), setParts, indent);
+    }
+    if (isWeakMap(obj)) {
+        return weakCollectionOf('WeakMap');
+    }
+    if (isWeakSet(obj)) {
+        return weakCollectionOf('WeakSet');
+    }
+    if (isWeakRef(obj)) {
+        return weakCollectionOf('WeakRef');
+    }
+    if (isNumber(obj)) {
+        return markBoxed(inspect(Number(obj)));
+    }
+    if (isBigInt(obj)) {
+        return markBoxed(inspect(bigIntValueOf.call(obj)));
+    }
+    if (isBoolean(obj)) {
+        return markBoxed(booleanValueOf.call(obj));
+    }
+    if (isString(obj)) {
+        return markBoxed(inspect(String(obj)));
+    }
+    if (!isDate(obj) && !isRegExp(obj)) {
+        var ys = arrObjKeys(obj, inspect);
+        var isPlainObject = gPO ? gPO(obj) === Object.prototype : obj instanceof Object || obj.constructor === Object;
+        var protoTag = obj instanceof Object ? '' : 'null prototype';
+        var stringTag = !isPlainObject && toStringTag && Object(obj) === obj && toStringTag in obj ? $slice.call(toStr(obj), 8, -1) : protoTag ? 'Object' : '';
+        var constructorTag = isPlainObject || typeof obj.constructor !== 'function' ? '' : obj.constructor.name ? obj.constructor.name + ' ' : '';
+        var tag = constructorTag + (stringTag || protoTag ? '[' + $join.call($concat.call([], stringTag || [], protoTag || []), ': ') + '] ' : '');
+        if (ys.length === 0) { return tag + '{}'; }
+        if (indent) {
+            return tag + '{' + indentedJoin(ys, indent) + '}';
+        }
+        return tag + '{ ' + $join.call(ys, ', ') + ' }';
+    }
+    return String(obj);
+function wrapQuotes(s, defaultStyle, opts) {
+    var quoteChar = (opts.quoteStyle || defaultStyle) === 'double' ? '"' : "'";
+    return quoteChar + s + quoteChar;
+function quote(s) {
+    return $replace.call(String(s), /"/g, '&quot;');
+function isArray(obj) { return toStr(obj) === '[object Array]' && (!toStringTag || !(typeof obj === 'object' && toStringTag in obj)); }
+function isDate(obj) { return toStr(obj) === '[object Date]' && (!toStringTag || !(typeof obj === 'object' && toStringTag in obj)); }
+function isRegExp(obj) { return toStr(obj) === '[object RegExp]' && (!toStringTag || !(typeof obj === 'object' && toStringTag in obj)); }
+function isError(obj) { return toStr(obj) === '[object Error]' && (!toStringTag || !(typeof obj === 'object' && toStringTag in obj)); }
+function isString(obj) { return toStr(obj) === '[object String]' && (!toStringTag || !(typeof obj === 'object' && toStringTag in obj)); }
+function isNumber(obj) { return toStr(obj) === '[object Number]' && (!toStringTag || !(typeof obj === 'object' && toStringTag in obj)); }
+function isBoolean(obj) { return toStr(obj) === '[object Boolean]' && (!toStringTag || !(typeof obj === 'object' && toStringTag in obj)); }
+// Symbol and BigInt do have Symbol.toStringTag by spec, so that can't be used to eliminate false positives
+function isSymbol(obj) {
+    if (hasShammedSymbols) {
+        return obj && typeof obj === 'object' && obj instanceof Symbol;
+    }
+    if (typeof obj === 'symbol') {
+        return true;
+    }
+    if (!obj || typeof obj !== 'object' || !symToString) {
+        return false;
+    }
+    try {
+        symToString.call(obj);
+        return true;
+    } catch (e) {}
+    return false;
+function isBigInt(obj) {
+    if (!obj || typeof obj !== 'object' || !bigIntValueOf) {
+        return false;
+    }
+    try {
+        bigIntValueOf.call(obj);
+        return true;
+    } catch (e) {}
+    return false;
+var hasOwn = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty || function (key) { return key in this; };
+function has(obj, key) {
+    return hasOwn.call(obj, key);
+function toStr(obj) {
+    return objectToString.call(obj);
+function nameOf(f) {
+    if (f.name) { return f.name; }
+    var m = $match.call(functionToString.call(f), /^function\s*([\w$]+)/);
+    if (m) { return m[1]; }
+    return null;
+function indexOf(xs, x) {
+    if (xs.indexOf) { return xs.indexOf(x); }
+    for (var i = 0, l = xs.length; i < l; i++) {
+        if (xs[i] === x) { return i; }
+    }
+    return -1;
+function isMap(x) {
+    if (!mapSize || !x || typeof x !== 'object') {
+        return false;
+    }
+    try {
+        mapSize.call(x);
+        try {
+            setSize.call(x);
+        } catch (s) {
+            return true;
+        }
+        return x instanceof Map; // core-js workaround, pre-v2.5.0
+    } catch (e) {}
+    return false;
+function isWeakMap(x) {
+    if (!weakMapHas || !x || typeof x !== 'object') {
+        return false;
+    }
+    try {
+        weakMapHas.call(x, weakMapHas);
+        try {
+            weakSetHas.call(x, weakSetHas);
+        } catch (s) {
+            return true;
+        }
+        return x instanceof WeakMap; // core-js workaround, pre-v2.5.0
+    } catch (e) {}
+    return false;
+function isWeakRef(x) {
+    if (!weakRefDeref || !x || typeof x !== 'object') {
+        return false;
+    }
+    try {
+        weakRefDeref.call(x);
+        return true;
+    } catch (e) {}
+    return false;
+function isSet(x) {
+    if (!setSize || !x || typeof x !== 'object') {
+        return false;
+    }
+    try {
+        setSize.call(x);
+        try {
+            mapSize.call(x);
+        } catch (m) {
+            return true;
+        }
+        return x instanceof Set; // core-js workaround, pre-v2.5.0
+    } catch (e) {}
+    return false;
+function isWeakSet(x) {
+    if (!weakSetHas || !x || typeof x !== 'object') {
+        return false;
+    }
+    try {
+        weakSetHas.call(x, weakSetHas);
+        try {
+            weakMapHas.call(x, weakMapHas);
+        } catch (s) {
+            return true;
+        }
+        return x instanceof WeakSet; // core-js workaround, pre-v2.5.0
+    } catch (e) {}
+    return false;
+function isElement(x) {
+    if (!x || typeof x !== 'object') { return false; }
+    if (typeof HTMLElement !== 'undefined' && x instanceof HTMLElement) {
+        return true;
+    }
+    return typeof x.nodeName === 'string' && typeof x.getAttribute === 'function';
+function inspectString(str, opts) {
+    if (str.length > opts.maxStringLength) {
+        var remaining = str.length - opts.maxStringLength;
+        var trailer = '... ' + remaining + ' more character' + (remaining > 1 ? 's' : '');
+        return inspectString($slice.call(str, 0, opts.maxStringLength), opts) + trailer;
+    }
+    // eslint-disable-next-line no-control-regex
+    var s = $replace.call($replace.call(str, /(['\\])/g, '\\$1'), /[\x00-\x1f]/g, lowbyte);
+    return wrapQuotes(s, 'single', opts);
+function lowbyte(c) {
+    var n = c.charCodeAt(0);
+    var x = {
+        8: 'b',
+        9: 't',
+        10: 'n',
+        12: 'f',
+        13: 'r'
+    }[n];
+    if (x) { return '\\' + x; }
+    return '\\x' + (n < 0x10 ? '0' : '') + $toUpperCase.call(n.toString(16));
+function markBoxed(str) {
+    return 'Object(' + str + ')';
+function weakCollectionOf(type) {
+    return type + ' { ? }';
+function collectionOf(type, size, entries, indent) {
+    var joinedEntries = indent ? indentedJoin(entries, indent) : $join.call(entries, ', ');
+    return type + ' (' + size + ') {' + joinedEntries + '}';
+function singleLineValues(xs) {
+    for (var i = 0; i < xs.length; i++) {
+        if (indexOf(xs[i], '\n') >= 0) {
+            return false;
+        }
+    }
+    return true;
+function getIndent(opts, depth) {
+    var baseIndent;
+    if (opts.indent === '\t') {
+        baseIndent = '\t';
+    } else if (typeof opts.indent === 'number' && opts.indent > 0) {
+        baseIndent = $join.call(Array(opts.indent + 1), ' ');
+    } else {
+        return null;
+    }
+    return {
+        base: baseIndent,
+        prev: $join.call(Array(depth + 1), baseIndent)
+    };
+function indentedJoin(xs, indent) {
+    if (xs.length === 0) { return ''; }
+    var lineJoiner = '\n' + indent.prev + indent.base;
+    return lineJoiner + $join.call(xs, ',' + lineJoiner) + '\n' + indent.prev;
+function arrObjKeys(obj, inspect) {
+    var isArr = isArray(obj);
+    var xs = [];
+    if (isArr) {
+        xs.length = obj.length;
+        for (var i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) {
+            xs[i] = has(obj, i) ? inspect(obj[i], obj) : '';
+        }
+    }
+    var syms = typeof gOPS === 'function' ? gOPS(obj) : [];
+    var symMap;
+    if (hasShammedSymbols) {
+        symMap = {};
+        for (var k = 0; k < syms.length; k++) {
+            symMap['$' + syms[k]] = syms[k];
+        }
+    }
+    for (var key in obj) { // eslint-disable-line no-restricted-syntax
+        if (!has(obj, key)) { continue; } // eslint-disable-line no-restricted-syntax, no-continue
+        if (isArr && String(Number(key)) === key && key < obj.length) { continue; } // eslint-disable-line no-restricted-syntax, no-continue
+        if (hasShammedSymbols && symMap['$' + key] instanceof Symbol) {
+            // this is to prevent shammed Symbols, which are stored as strings, from being included in the string key section
+            continue; // eslint-disable-line no-restricted-syntax, no-continue
+        } else if ($test.call(/[^\w$]/, key)) {
+            xs.push(inspect(key, obj) + ': ' + inspect(obj[key], obj));
+        } else {
+            xs.push(key + ': ' + inspect(obj[key], obj));
+        }
+    }
+    if (typeof gOPS === 'function') {
+        for (var j = 0; j < syms.length; j++) {
+            if (isEnumerable.call(obj, syms[j])) {
+                xs.push('[' + inspect(syms[j]) + ']: ' + inspect(obj[syms[j]], obj));
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return xs;
+/***/ }),
+/***/ 5038:
+/***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __nccwpck_require__) => {
+module.exports = __nccwpck_require__(3837).inspect;
+/***/ }),
+/***/ 1466:
+/***/ ((module) => {
+"use strict";
+var replace = String.prototype.replace;
+var percentTwenties = /%20/g;
+var Format = {
+    RFC1738: 'RFC1738',
+    RFC3986: 'RFC3986'
+module.exports = {
+    'default': Format.RFC3986,
+    formatters: {
+        RFC1738: function (value) {
+            return replace.call(value, percentTwenties, '+');
+        },
+        RFC3986: function (value) {
+            return String(value);
+        }
+    },
+    RFC1738: Format.RFC1738,
+    RFC3986: Format.RFC3986
+/***/ }),
+/***/ 737:
+/***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __nccwpck_require__) => {
+"use strict";
+var stringify = __nccwpck_require__(3769);
+var parse = __nccwpck_require__(2061);
+var formats = __nccwpck_require__(1466);
+module.exports = {
+    formats: formats,
+    parse: parse,
+    stringify: stringify
+/***/ }),
+/***/ 2061:
+/***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __nccwpck_require__) => {
+"use strict";
+var utils = __nccwpck_require__(3763);
+var has = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
+var isArray = Array.isArray;
+var defaults = {
+    allowDots: false,
+    allowPrototypes: false,
+    allowSparse: false,
+    arrayLimit: 20,
+    charset: 'utf-8',
+    charsetSentinel: false,
+    comma: false,
+    decoder: utils.decode,
+    delimiter: '&',
+    depth: 5,
+    ignoreQueryPrefix: false,
+    interpretNumericEntities: false,
+    parameterLimit: 1000,
+    parseArrays: true,
+    plainObjects: false,
+    strictNullHandling: false
+var interpretNumericEntities = function (str) {
+    return str.replace(/&#(\d+);/g, function ($0, numberStr) {
+        return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(numberStr, 10));
+    });
+var parseArrayValue = function (val, options) {
+    if (val && typeof val === 'string' && options.comma && val.indexOf(',') > -1) {
+        return val.split(',');
+    }
+    return val;
+// This is what browsers will submit when the ✓ character occurs in an
+// application/x-www-form-urlencoded body and the encoding of the page containing
+// the form is iso-8859-1, or when the submitted form has an accept-charset
+// attribute of iso-8859-1. Presumably also with other charsets that do not contain
+// the ✓ character, such as us-ascii.
+var isoSentinel = 'utf8=%26%2310003%3B'; // encodeURIComponent('&#10003;')
+// These are the percent-encoded utf-8 octets representing a checkmark, indicating that the request actually is utf-8 encoded.
+var charsetSentinel = 'utf8=%E2%9C%93'; // encodeURIComponent('✓')
+var parseValues = function parseQueryStringValues(str, options) {
+    var obj = {};
+    var cleanStr = options.ignoreQueryPrefix ? str.replace(/^\?/, '') : str;
+    var limit = options.parameterLimit === Infinity ? undefined : options.parameterLimit;
+    var parts = cleanStr.split(options.delimiter, limit);
+    var skipIndex = -1; // Keep track of where the utf8 sentinel was found
+    var i;
+    var charset = options.charset;
+    if (options.charsetSentinel) {
+        for (i = 0; i < parts.length; ++i) {
+            if (parts[i].indexOf('utf8=') === 0) {
+                if (parts[i] === charsetSentinel) {
+                    charset = 'utf-8';
+                } else if (parts[i] === isoSentinel) {
+                    charset = 'iso-8859-1';
+                }
+                skipIndex = i;
+                i = parts.length; // The eslint settings do not allow break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    for (i = 0; i < parts.length; ++i) {
+        if (i === skipIndex) {
+            continue;
+        }
+        var part = parts[i];
+        var bracketEqualsPos = part.indexOf(']=');
+        var pos = bracketEqualsPos === -1 ? part.indexOf('=') : bracketEqualsPos + 1;
+        var key, val;
+        if (pos === -1) {
+            key = options.decoder(part, defaults.decoder, charset, 'key');
+            val = options.strictNullHandling ? null : '';
+        } else {
+            key = options.decoder(part.slice(0, pos), defaults.decoder, charset, 'key');
+            val = utils.maybeMap(
+                parseArrayValue(part.slice(pos + 1), options),
+                function (encodedVal) {
+                    return options.decoder(encodedVal, defaults.decoder, charset, 'value');
+                }
+            );
+        }
+        if (val && options.interpretNumericEntities && charset === 'iso-8859-1') {
+            val = interpretNumericEntities(val);
+        }
+        if (part.indexOf('[]=') > -1) {
+            val = isArray(val) ? [val] : val;
+        }
+        if (has.call(obj, key)) {
+            obj[key] = utils.combine(obj[key], val);
+        } else {
+            obj[key] = val;
+        }
+    }
+    return obj;
+var parseObject = function (chain, val, options, valuesParsed) {
+    var leaf = valuesParsed ? val : parseArrayValue(val, options);
+    for (var i = chain.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
+        var obj;
+        var root = chain[i];
+        if (root === '[]' && options.parseArrays) {
+            obj = [].concat(leaf);
+        } else {
+            obj = options.plainObjects ? Object.create(null) : {};
+            var cleanRoot = root.charAt(0) === '[' && root.charAt(root.length - 1) === ']' ? root.slice(1, -1) : root;
+            var index = parseInt(cleanRoot, 10);
+            if (!options.parseArrays && cleanRoot === '') {
+                obj = { 0: leaf };
+            } else if (
+                !isNaN(index)
+                && root !== cleanRoot
+                && String(index) === cleanRoot
+                && index >= 0
+                && (options.parseArrays && index <= options.arrayLimit)
+            ) {
+                obj = [];
+                obj[index] = leaf;
+            } else if (cleanRoot !== '__proto__') {
+                obj[cleanRoot] = leaf;
+            }
+        }
+        leaf = obj;
+    }
+    return leaf;
+var parseKeys = function parseQueryStringKeys(givenKey, val, options, valuesParsed) {
+    if (!givenKey) {
+        return;
+    }
+    // Transform dot notation to bracket notation
+    var key = options.allowDots ? givenKey.replace(/\.([^.[]+)/g, '[$1]') : givenKey;
+    // The regex chunks
+    var brackets = /(\[[^[\]]*])/;
+    var child = /(\[[^[\]]*])/g;
+    // Get the parent
+    var segment = options.depth > 0 && brackets.exec(key);
+    var parent = segment ? key.slice(0, segment.index) : key;
+    // Stash the parent if it exists
+    var keys = [];
+    if (parent) {
+        // If we aren't using plain objects, optionally prefix keys that would overwrite object prototype properties
+        if (!options.plainObjects && has.call(Object.prototype, parent)) {
+            if (!options.allowPrototypes) {
+                return;
+            }
+        }
+        keys.push(parent);
+    }
+    // Loop through children appending to the array until we hit depth
+    var i = 0;
+    while (options.depth > 0 && (segment = child.exec(key)) !== null && i < options.depth) {
+        i += 1;
+        if (!options.plainObjects && has.call(Object.prototype, segment[1].slice(1, -1))) {
+            if (!options.allowPrototypes) {
+                return;
+            }
+        }
+        keys.push(segment[1]);
+    }
+    // If there's a remainder, just add whatever is left
+    if (segment) {
+        keys.push('[' + key.slice(segment.index) + ']');
+    }
+    return parseObject(keys, val, options, valuesParsed);
+var normalizeParseOptions = function normalizeParseOptions(opts) {
+    if (!opts) {
+        return defaults;
+    }
+    if (opts.decoder !== null && opts.decoder !== undefined && typeof opts.decoder !== 'function') {
+        throw new TypeError('Decoder has to be a function.');
+    }
+    if (typeof opts.charset !== 'undefined' && opts.charset !== 'utf-8' && opts.charset !== 'iso-8859-1') {
+        throw new TypeError('The charset option must be either utf-8, iso-8859-1, or undefined');
+    }
+    var charset = typeof opts.charset === 'undefined' ? defaults.charset : opts.charset;
+    return {
+        allowDots: typeof opts.allowDots === 'undefined' ? defaults.allowDots : !!opts.allowDots,
+        allowPrototypes: typeof opts.allowPrototypes === 'boolean' ? opts.allowPrototypes : defaults.allowPrototypes,
+        allowSparse: typeof opts.allowSparse === 'boolean' ? opts.allowSparse : defaults.allowSparse,
+        arrayLimit: typeof opts.arrayLimit === 'number' ? opts.arrayLimit : defaults.arrayLimit,
+        charset: charset,
+        charsetSentinel: typeof opts.charsetSentinel === 'boolean' ? opts.charsetSentinel : defaults.charsetSentinel,
+        comma: typeof opts.comma === 'boolean' ? opts.comma : defaults.comma,
+        decoder: typeof opts.decoder === 'function' ? opts.decoder : defaults.decoder,
+        delimiter: typeof opts.delimiter === 'string' || utils.isRegExp(opts.delimiter) ? opts.delimiter : defaults.delimiter,
+        // eslint-disable-next-line no-implicit-coercion, no-extra-parens
+        depth: (typeof opts.depth === 'number' || opts.depth === false) ? +opts.depth : defaults.depth,
+        ignoreQueryPrefix: opts.ignoreQueryPrefix === true,
+        interpretNumericEntities: typeof opts.interpretNumericEntities === 'boolean' ? opts.interpretNumericEntities : defaults.interpretNumericEntities,
+        parameterLimit: typeof opts.parameterLimit === 'number' ? opts.parameterLimit : defaults.parameterLimit,
+        parseArrays: opts.parseArrays !== false,
+        plainObjects: typeof opts.plainObjects === 'boolean' ? opts.plainObjects : defaults.plainObjects,
+        strictNullHandling: typeof opts.strictNullHandling === 'boolean' ? opts.strictNullHandling : defaults.strictNullHandling
+    };
+module.exports = function (str, opts) {
+    var options = normalizeParseOptions(opts);
+    if (str === '' || str === null || typeof str === 'undefined') {
+        return options.plainObjects ? Object.create(null) : {};
+    }
+    var tempObj = typeof str === 'string' ? parseValues(str, options) : str;
+    var obj = options.plainObjects ? Object.create(null) : {};
+    // Iterate over the keys and setup the new object
+    var keys = Object.keys(tempObj);
+    for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i) {
+        var key = keys[i];
+        var newObj = parseKeys(key, tempObj[key], options, typeof str === 'string');
+        obj = utils.merge(obj, newObj, options);
+    }
+    if (options.allowSparse === true) {
+        return obj;
+    }
+    return utils.compact(obj);
+/***/ }),
+/***/ 3769:
+/***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __nccwpck_require__) => {
+"use strict";
+var getSideChannel = __nccwpck_require__(3355);
+var utils = __nccwpck_require__(3763);
+var formats = __nccwpck_require__(1466);
+var has = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
+var arrayPrefixGenerators = {
+    brackets: function brackets(prefix) {
+        return prefix + '[]';
+    },
+    comma: 'comma',
+    indices: function indices(prefix, key) {
+        return prefix + '[' + key + ']';
+    },
+    repeat: function repeat(prefix) {
+        return prefix;
+    }
+var isArray = Array.isArray;
+var split = String.prototype.split;
+var push = Array.prototype.push;
+var pushToArray = function (arr, valueOrArray) {
+    push.apply(arr, isArray(valueOrArray) ? valueOrArray : [valueOrArray]);
+var toISO = Date.prototype.toISOString;
+var defaultFormat = formats['default'];
+var defaults = {
+    addQueryPrefix: false,
+    allowDots: false,
+    charset: 'utf-8',
+    charsetSentinel: false,
+    delimiter: '&',
+    encode: true,
+    encoder: utils.encode,
+    encodeValuesOnly: false,
+    format: defaultFormat,
+    formatter: formats.formatters[defaultFormat],
+    // deprecated
+    indices: false,
+    serializeDate: function serializeDate(date) {
+        return toISO.call(date);
+    },
+    skipNulls: false,
+    strictNullHandling: false
+var isNonNullishPrimitive = function isNonNullishPrimitive(v) {
+    return typeof v === 'string'
+        || typeof v === 'number'
+        || typeof v === 'boolean'
+        || typeof v === 'symbol'
+        || typeof v === 'bigint';
+var sentinel = {};
+var stringify = function stringify(
+    object,
+    prefix,
+    generateArrayPrefix,
+    strictNullHandling,
+    skipNulls,
+    encoder,
+    filter,
+    sort,
+    allowDots,
+    serializeDate,
+    format,
+    formatter,
+    encodeValuesOnly,
+    charset,
+    sideChannel
+) {
+    var obj = object;
+    var tmpSc = sideChannel;
+    var step = 0;
+    var findFlag = false;
+    while ((tmpSc = tmpSc.get(sentinel)) !== void undefined && !findFlag) {
+        // Where object last appeared in the ref tree
+        var pos = tmpSc.get(object);
+        step += 1;
+        if (typeof pos !== 'undefined') {
+            if (pos === step) {
+                throw new RangeError('Cyclic object value');
+            } else {
+                findFlag = true; // Break while
+            }
+        }
+        if (typeof tmpSc.get(sentinel) === 'undefined') {
+            step = 0;
+        }
+    }
+    if (typeof filter === 'function') {
+        obj = filter(prefix, obj);
+    } else if (obj instanceof Date) {
+        obj = serializeDate(obj);
+    } else if (generateArrayPrefix === 'comma' && isArray(obj)) {
+        obj = utils.maybeMap(obj, function (value) {
+            if (value instanceof Date) {
+                return serializeDate(value);
+            }
+            return value;
+        });
+    }
+    if (obj === null) {
+        if (strictNullHandling) {
+            return encoder && !encodeValuesOnly ? encoder(prefix, defaults.encoder, charset, 'key', format) : prefix;
+        }
+        obj = '';
+    }
+    if (isNonNullishPrimitive(obj) || utils.isBuffer(obj)) {
+        if (encoder) {
+            var keyValue = encodeValuesOnly ? prefix : encoder(prefix, defaults.encoder, charset, 'key', format);
+            if (generateArrayPrefix === 'comma' && encodeValuesOnly) {
+                var valuesArray = split.call(String(obj), ',');
+                var valuesJoined = '';
+                for (var i = 0; i < valuesArray.length; ++i) {
+                    valuesJoined += (i === 0 ? '' : ',') + formatter(encoder(valuesArray[i], defaults.encoder, charset, 'value', format));
+                }
+                return [formatter(keyValue) + '=' + valuesJoined];
+            }
+            return [formatter(keyValue) + '=' + formatter(encoder(obj, defaults.encoder, charset, 'value', format))];
+        }
+        return [formatter(prefix) + '=' + formatter(String(obj))];
+    }
+    var values = [];
+    if (typeof obj === 'undefined') {
+        return values;
+    }
+    var objKeys;
+    if (generateArrayPrefix === 'comma' && isArray(obj)) {
+        // we need to join elements in
+        objKeys = [{ value: obj.length > 0 ? obj.join(',') || null : void undefined }];
+    } else if (isArray(filter)) {
+        objKeys = filter;
+    } else {
+        var keys = Object.keys(obj);
+        objKeys = sort ? keys.sort(sort) : keys;
+    }
+    for (var j = 0; j < objKeys.length; ++j) {
+        var key = objKeys[j];
+        var value = typeof key === 'object' && typeof key.value !== 'undefined' ? key.value : obj[key];
+        if (skipNulls && value === null) {
+            continue;
+        }
+        var keyPrefix = isArray(obj)
+            ? typeof generateArrayPrefix === 'function' ? generateArrayPrefix(prefix, key) : prefix
+            : prefix + (allowDots ? '.' + key : '[' + key + ']');
+        sideChannel.set(object, step);
+        var valueSideChannel = getSideChannel();
+        valueSideChannel.set(sentinel, sideChannel);
+        pushToArray(values, stringify(
+            value,
+            keyPrefix,
+            generateArrayPrefix,
+            strictNullHandling,
+            skipNulls,
+            encoder,
+            filter,
+            sort,
+            allowDots,
+            serializeDate,
+            format,
+            formatter,
+            encodeValuesOnly,
+            charset,
+            valueSideChannel
+        ));
+    }
+    return values;
+var normalizeStringifyOptions = function normalizeStringifyOptions(opts) {
+    if (!opts) {
+        return defaults;
+    }
+    if (opts.encoder !== null && typeof opts.encoder !== 'undefined' && typeof opts.encoder !== 'function') {
+        throw new TypeError('Encoder has to be a function.');
+    }
+    var charset = opts.charset || defaults.charset;
+    if (typeof opts.charset !== 'undefined' && opts.charset !== 'utf-8' && opts.charset !== 'iso-8859-1') {
+        throw new TypeError('The charset option must be either utf-8, iso-8859-1, or undefined');
+    }
+    var format = formats['default'];
+    if (typeof opts.format !== 'undefined') {
+        if (!has.call(formats.formatters, opts.format)) {
+            throw new TypeError('Unknown format option provided.');
+        }
+        format = opts.format;
+    }
+    var formatter = formats.formatters[format];
+    var filter = defaults.filter;
+    if (typeof opts.filter === 'function' || isArray(opts.filter)) {
+        filter = opts.filter;
+    }
+    return {
+        addQueryPrefix: typeof opts.addQueryPrefix === 'boolean' ? opts.addQueryPrefix : defaults.addQueryPrefix,
+        allowDots: typeof opts.allowDots === 'undefined' ? defaults.allowDots : !!opts.allowDots,
+        charset: charset,
+        charsetSentinel: typeof opts.charsetSentinel === 'boolean' ? opts.charsetSentinel : defaults.charsetSentinel,
+        delimiter: typeof opts.delimiter === 'undefined' ? defaults.delimiter : opts.delimiter,
+        encode: typeof opts.encode === 'boolean' ? opts.encode : defaults.encode,
+        encoder: typeof opts.encoder === 'function' ? opts.encoder : defaults.encoder,
+        encodeValuesOnly: typeof opts.encodeValuesOnly === 'boolean' ? opts.encodeValuesOnly : defaults.encodeValuesOnly,
+        filter: filter,
+        format: format,
+        formatter: formatter,
+        serializeDate: typeof opts.serializeDate === 'function' ? opts.serializeDate : defaults.serializeDate,
+        skipNulls: typeof opts.skipNulls === 'boolean' ? opts.skipNulls : defaults.skipNulls,
+        sort: typeof opts.sort === 'function' ? opts.sort : null,
+        strictNullHandling: typeof opts.strictNullHandling === 'boolean' ? opts.strictNullHandling : defaults.strictNullHandling
+    };
+module.exports = function (object, opts) {
+    var obj = object;
+    var options = normalizeStringifyOptions(opts);
+    var objKeys;
+    var filter;
+    if (typeof options.filter === 'function') {
+        filter = options.filter;
+        obj = filter('', obj);
+    } else if (isArray(options.filter)) {
+        filter = options.filter;
+        objKeys = filter;
+    }
+    var keys = [];
+    if (typeof obj !== 'object' || obj === null) {
+        return '';
+    }
+    var arrayFormat;
+    if (opts && opts.arrayFormat in arrayPrefixGenerators) {
+        arrayFormat = opts.arrayFormat;
+    } else if (opts && 'indices' in opts) {
+        arrayFormat = opts.indices ? 'indices' : 'repeat';
+    } else {
+        arrayFormat = 'indices';
+    }
+    var generateArrayPrefix = arrayPrefixGenerators[arrayFormat];
+    if (!objKeys) {
+        objKeys = Object.keys(obj);
+    }
+    if (options.sort) {
+        objKeys.sort(options.sort);
+    }
+    var sideChannel = getSideChannel();
+    for (var i = 0; i < objKeys.length; ++i) {
+        var key = objKeys[i];
+        if (options.skipNulls && obj[key] === null) {
+            continue;
+        }
+        pushToArray(keys, stringify(
+            obj[key],
+            key,
+            generateArrayPrefix,
+            options.strictNullHandling,
+            options.skipNulls,
+            options.encode ? options.encoder : null,
+            options.filter,
+            options.sort,
+            options.allowDots,
+            options.serializeDate,
+            options.format,
+            options.formatter,
+            options.encodeValuesOnly,
+            options.charset,
+            sideChannel
+        ));
+    }
+    var joined = keys.join(options.delimiter);
+    var prefix = options.addQueryPrefix === true ? '?' : '';
+    if (options.charsetSentinel) {
+        if (options.charset === 'iso-8859-1') {
+            // encodeURIComponent('&#10003;'), the "numeric entity" representation of a checkmark
+            prefix += 'utf8=%26%2310003%3B&';
+        } else {
+            // encodeURIComponent('✓')
+            prefix += 'utf8=%E2%9C%93&';
+        }
+    }
+    return joined.length > 0 ? prefix + joined : '';
+/***/ }),
+/***/ 3763:
+/***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __nccwpck_require__) => {
+"use strict";
+var formats = __nccwpck_require__(1466);
+var has = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
+var isArray = Array.isArray;
+var hexTable = (function () {
+    var array = [];
+    for (var i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {
+        array.push('%' + ((i < 16 ? '0' : '') + i.toString(16)).toUpperCase());
+    }
+    return array;
+var compactQueue = function compactQueue(queue) {
+    while (queue.length > 1) {
+        var item = queue.pop();
+        var obj = item.obj[item.prop];
+        if (isArray(obj)) {
+            var compacted = [];
+            for (var j = 0; j < obj.length; ++j) {
+                if (typeof obj[j] !== 'undefined') {
+                    compacted.push(obj[j]);
+                }
+            }
+            item.obj[item.prop] = compacted;
+        }
+    }
+var arrayToObject = function arrayToObject(source, options) {
+    var obj = options && options.plainObjects ? Object.create(null) : {};
+    for (var i = 0; i < source.length; ++i) {
+        if (typeof source[i] !== 'undefined') {
+            obj[i] = source[i];
+        }
+    }
+    return obj;
+var merge = function merge(target, source, options) {
+    /* eslint no-param-reassign: 0 */
+    if (!source) {
+        return target;
+    }
+    if (typeof source !== 'object') {
+        if (isArray(target)) {
+            target.push(source);
+        } else if (target && typeof target === 'object') {
+            if ((options && (options.plainObjects || options.allowPrototypes)) || !has.call(Object.prototype, source)) {
+                target[source] = true;
+            }
+        } else {
+            return [target, source];
+        }
+        return target;
+    }
+    if (!target || typeof target !== 'object') {
+        return [target].concat(source);
+    }
+    var mergeTarget = target;
+    if (isArray(target) && !isArray(source)) {
+        mergeTarget = arrayToObject(target, options);
+    }
+    if (isArray(target) && isArray(source)) {
+        source.forEach(function (item, i) {
+            if (has.call(target, i)) {
+                var targetItem = target[i];
+                if (targetItem && typeof targetItem === 'object' && item && typeof item === 'object') {
+                    target[i] = merge(targetItem, item, options);
+                } else {
+                    target.push(item);
+                }
+            } else {
+                target[i] = item;
+            }
+        });
+        return target;
+    }
+    return Object.keys(source).reduce(function (acc, key) {
+        var value = source[key];
+        if (has.call(acc, key)) {
+            acc[key] = merge(acc[key], value, options);
+        } else {
+            acc[key] = value;
+        }
+        return acc;
+    }, mergeTarget);
+var assign = function assignSingleSource(target, source) {
+    return Object.keys(source).reduce(function (acc, key) {
+        acc[key] = source[key];
+        return acc;
+    }, target);
+var decode = function (str, decoder, charset) {
+    var strWithoutPlus = str.replace(/\+/g, ' ');
+    if (charset === 'iso-8859-1') {
+        // unescape never throws, no try...catch needed:
+        return strWithoutPlus.replace(/%[0-9a-f]{2}/gi, unescape);
+    }
+    // utf-8
+    try {
+        return decodeURIComponent(strWithoutPlus);
+    } catch (e) {
+        return strWithoutPlus;
+    }
+var encode = function encode(str, defaultEncoder, charset, kind, format) {
+    // This code was originally written by Brian White (mscdex) for the io.js core querystring library.
+    // It has been adapted here for stricter adherence to RFC 3986
+    if (str.length === 0) {
+        return str;
+    }
+    var string = str;
+    if (typeof str === 'symbol') {
+        string = Symbol.prototype.toString.call(str);
+    } else if (typeof str !== 'string') {
+        string = String(str);
+    }
+    if (charset === 'iso-8859-1') {
+        return escape(string).replace(/%u[0-9a-f]{4}/gi, function ($0) {
+            return '%26%23' + parseInt($0.slice(2), 16) + '%3B';
+        });
+    }
+    var out = '';
+    for (var i = 0; i < string.length; ++i) {
+        var c = string.charCodeAt(i);
+        if (
+            c === 0x2D // -
+            || c === 0x2E // .
+            || c === 0x5F // _
+            || c === 0x7E // ~
+            || (c >= 0x30 && c <= 0x39) // 0-9
+            || (c >= 0x41 && c <= 0x5A) // a-z
+            || (c >= 0x61 && c <= 0x7A) // A-Z
+            || (format === formats.RFC1738 && (c === 0x28 || c === 0x29)) // ( )
+        ) {
+            out += string.charAt(i);
+            continue;
+        }
+        if (c < 0x80) {
+            out = out + hexTable[c];
+            continue;
+        }
+        if (c < 0x800) {
+            out = out + (hexTable[0xC0 | (c >> 6)] + hexTable[0x80 | (c & 0x3F)]);
+            continue;
+        }
+        if (c < 0xD800 || c >= 0xE000) {
+            out = out + (hexTable[0xE0 | (c >> 12)] + hexTable[0x80 | ((c >> 6) & 0x3F)] + hexTable[0x80 | (c & 0x3F)]);
+            continue;
+        }
+        i += 1;
+        c = 0x10000 + (((c & 0x3FF) << 10) | (string.charCodeAt(i) & 0x3FF));
+        /* eslint operator-linebreak: [2, "before"] */
+        out += hexTable[0xF0 | (c >> 18)]
+            + hexTable[0x80 | ((c >> 12) & 0x3F)]
+            + hexTable[0x80 | ((c >> 6) & 0x3F)]
+            + hexTable[0x80 | (c & 0x3F)];
+    }
+    return out;
+var compact = function compact(value) {
+    var queue = [{ obj: { o: value }, prop: 'o' }];
+    var refs = [];
+    for (var i = 0; i < queue.length; ++i) {
+        var item = queue[i];
+        var obj = item.obj[item.prop];
+        var keys = Object.keys(obj);
+        for (var j = 0; j < keys.length; ++j) {
+            var key = keys[j];
+            var val = obj[key];
+            if (typeof val === 'object' && val !== null && refs.indexOf(val) === -1) {
+                queue.push({ obj: obj, prop: key });
+                refs.push(val);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    compactQueue(queue);
+    return value;
+var isRegExp = function isRegExp(obj) {
+    return Object.prototype.toString.call(obj) === '[object RegExp]';
+var isBuffer = function isBuffer(obj) {
+    if (!obj || typeof obj !== 'object') {
+        return false;
+    }
+    return !!(obj.constructor && obj.constructor.isBuffer && obj.constructor.isBuffer(obj));
+var combine = function combine(a, b) {
+    return [].concat(a, b);
+var maybeMap = function maybeMap(val, fn) {
+    if (isArray(val)) {
+        var mapped = [];
+        for (var i = 0; i < val.length; i += 1) {
+            mapped.push(fn(val[i]));
+        }
+        return mapped;
+    }
+    return fn(val);
+module.exports = {
+    arrayToObject: arrayToObject,
+    assign: assign,
+    combine: combine,
+    compact: compact,
+    decode: decode,
+    encode: encode,
+    isBuffer: isBuffer,
+    isRegExp: isRegExp,
+    maybeMap: maybeMap,
+    merge: merge
+/***/ }),
+/***/ 1554:
+/***/ ((module, exports) => {
+exports = module.exports = SemVer
+var debug
+/* istanbul ignore next */
+if (typeof process === 'object' &&
+    process.env &&
+    process.env.NODE_DEBUG &&
+    /\bsemver\b/i.test(process.env.NODE_DEBUG)) {
+  debug = function () {
+    var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0)
+    args.unshift('SEMVER')
+    console.log.apply(console, args)
+  }
+} else {
+  debug = function () {}
+// Note: this is the semver.org version of the spec that it implements
+// Not necessarily the package version of this code.
+exports.SEMVER_SPEC_VERSION = '2.0.0'
+var MAX_LENGTH = 256
+  /* istanbul ignore next */ 9007199254740991
+// Max safe segment length for coercion.
+// The actual regexps go on exports.re
+var re = exports.re = []
+var src = exports.src = []
+var t = exports.tokens = {}
+var R = 0
+function tok (n) {
+  t[n] = R++
+// The following Regular Expressions can be used for tokenizing,
+// validating, and parsing SemVer version strings.
+// ## Numeric Identifier
+// A single `0`, or a non-zero digit followed by zero or more digits.
+src[t.NUMERICIDENTIFIER] = '0|[1-9]\\d*'
+// ## Non-numeric Identifier
+// Zero or more digits, followed by a letter or hyphen, and then zero or
+// more letters, digits, or hyphens.
+src[t.NONNUMERICIDENTIFIER] = '\\d*[a-zA-Z-][a-zA-Z0-9-]*'
+// ## Main Version
+// Three dot-separated numeric identifiers.
+src[t.MAINVERSION] = '(' + src[t.NUMERICIDENTIFIER] + ')\\.' +
+                   '(' + src[t.NUMERICIDENTIFIER] + ')\\.' +
+                   '(' + src[t.NUMERICIDENTIFIER] + ')'
+                        '(' + src[t.NUMERICIDENTIFIERLOOSE] + ')\\.' +
+                        '(' + src[t.NUMERICIDENTIFIERLOOSE] + ')'
+// ## Pre-release Version Identifier
+// A numeric identifier, or a non-numeric identifier.
+                            '|' + src[t.NONNUMERICIDENTIFIER] + ')'
+                                 '|' + src[t.NONNUMERICIDENTIFIER] + ')'
+// ## Pre-release Version
+// Hyphen, followed by one or more dot-separated pre-release version
+// identifiers.
+src[t.PRERELEASE] = '(?:-(' + src[t.PRERELEASEIDENTIFIER] +
+                  '(?:\\.' + src[t.PRERELEASEIDENTIFIER] + ')*))'
+                       '(?:\\.' + src[t.PRERELEASEIDENTIFIERLOOSE] + ')*))'
+// ## Build Metadata Identifier
+// Any combination of digits, letters, or hyphens.
+src[t.BUILDIDENTIFIER] = '[0-9A-Za-z-]+'
+// ## Build Metadata
+// Plus sign, followed by one or more period-separated build metadata
+// identifiers.
+src[t.BUILD] = '(?:\\+(' + src[t.BUILDIDENTIFIER] +
+             '(?:\\.' + src[t.BUILDIDENTIFIER] + ')*))'
+// ## Full Version String
+// A main version, followed optionally by a pre-release version and
+// build metadata.
+// Note that the only major, minor, patch, and pre-release sections of
+// the version string are capturing groups.  The build metadata is not a
+// capturing group, because it should not ever be used in version
+// comparison.
+src[t.FULLPLAIN] = 'v?' + src[t.MAINVERSION] +
+                  src[t.PRERELEASE] + '?' +
+                  src[t.BUILD] + '?'
+src[t.FULL] = '^' + src[t.FULLPLAIN] + '$'
+// like full, but allows v1.2.3 and =1.2.3, which people do sometimes.
+// also, 1.0.0alpha1 (prerelease without the hyphen) which is pretty
+// common in the npm registry.
+src[t.LOOSEPLAIN] = '[v=\\s]*' + src[t.MAINVERSIONLOOSE] +
+                  src[t.PRERELEASELOOSE] + '?' +
+                  src[t.BUILD] + '?'
+src[t.LOOSE] = '^' + src[t.LOOSEPLAIN] + '$'
+src[t.GTLT] = '((?:<|>)?=?)'
+// Something like "2.*" or "1.2.x".
+// Note that "x.x" is a valid xRange identifer, meaning "any version"
+// Only the first item is strictly required.
+src[t.XRANGEPLAIN] = '[v=\\s]*(' + src[t.XRANGEIDENTIFIER] + ')' +
+                   '(?:\\.(' + src[t.XRANGEIDENTIFIER] + ')' +
+                   '(?:\\.(' + src[t.XRANGEIDENTIFIER] + ')' +
+                   '(?:' + src[t.PRERELEASE] + ')?' +
+                   src[t.BUILD] + '?' +
+                   ')?)?'
+src[t.XRANGEPLAINLOOSE] = '[v=\\s]*(' + src[t.XRANGEIDENTIFIERLOOSE] + ')' +
+                        '(?:\\.(' + src[t.XRANGEIDENTIFIERLOOSE] + ')' +
+                        '(?:\\.(' + src[t.XRANGEIDENTIFIERLOOSE] + ')' +
+                        '(?:' + src[t.PRERELEASELOOSE] + ')?' +
+                        src[t.BUILD] + '?' +
+                        ')?)?'
+src[t.XRANGE] = '^' + src[t.GTLT] + '\\s*' + src[t.XRANGEPLAIN] + '$'
+src[t.XRANGELOOSE] = '^' + src[t.GTLT] + '\\s*' + src[t.XRANGEPLAINLOOSE] + '$'
+// Coercion.
+// Extract anything that could conceivably be a part of a valid semver
+src[t.COERCE] = '(^|[^\\d])' +
+              '(\\d{1,' + MAX_SAFE_COMPONENT_LENGTH + '})' +
+              '(?:\\.(\\d{1,' + MAX_SAFE_COMPONENT_LENGTH + '}))?' +
+              '(?:\\.(\\d{1,' + MAX_SAFE_COMPONENT_LENGTH + '}))?' +
+              '(?:$|[^\\d])'
+re[t.COERCERTL] = new RegExp(src[t.COERCE], 'g')
+// Tilde ranges.
+// Meaning is "reasonably at or greater than"
+src[t.LONETILDE] = '(?:~>?)'
+src[t.TILDETRIM] = '(\\s*)' + src[t.LONETILDE] + '\\s+'
+re[t.TILDETRIM] = new RegExp(src[t.TILDETRIM], 'g')
+var tildeTrimReplace = '$1~'
+src[t.TILDE] = '^' + src[t.LONETILDE] + src[t.XRANGEPLAIN] + '$'
+src[t.TILDELOOSE] = '^' + src[t.LONETILDE] + src[t.XRANGEPLAINLOOSE] + '$'
+// Caret ranges.
+// Meaning is "at least and backwards compatible with"
+src[t.LONECARET] = '(?:\\^)'
+src[t.CARETTRIM] = '(\\s*)' + src[t.LONECARET] + '\\s+'
+re[t.CARETTRIM] = new RegExp(src[t.CARETTRIM], 'g')
+var caretTrimReplace = '$1^'
+src[t.CARET] = '^' + src[t.LONECARET] + src[t.XRANGEPLAIN] + '$'
+src[t.CARETLOOSE] = '^' + src[t.LONECARET] + src[t.XRANGEPLAINLOOSE] + '$'
+// A simple gt/lt/eq thing, or just "" to indicate "any version"
+src[t.COMPARATORLOOSE] = '^' + src[t.GTLT] + '\\s*(' + src[t.LOOSEPLAIN] + ')$|^$'
+src[t.COMPARATOR] = '^' + src[t.GTLT] + '\\s*(' + src[t.FULLPLAIN] + ')$|^$'
+// An expression to strip any whitespace between the gtlt and the thing
+// it modifies, so that `> 1.2.3` ==> `>1.2.3`
+src[t.COMPARATORTRIM] = '(\\s*)' + src[t.GTLT] +
+                      '\\s*(' + src[t.LOOSEPLAIN] + '|' + src[t.XRANGEPLAIN] + ')'
+// this one has to use the /g flag
+re[t.COMPARATORTRIM] = new RegExp(src[t.COMPARATORTRIM], 'g')
+var comparatorTrimReplace = '$1$2$3'
+// Something like `1.2.3 - 1.2.4`
+// Note that these all use the loose form, because they'll be
+// checked against either the strict or loose comparator form
+// later.
+src[t.HYPHENRANGE] = '^\\s*(' + src[t.XRANGEPLAIN] + ')' +
+                   '\\s+-\\s+' +
+                   '(' + src[t.XRANGEPLAIN] + ')' +
+                   '\\s*$'
+src[t.HYPHENRANGELOOSE] = '^\\s*(' + src[t.XRANGEPLAINLOOSE] + ')' +
+                        '\\s+-\\s+' +
+                        '(' + src[t.XRANGEPLAINLOOSE] + ')' +
+                        '\\s*$'
+// Star ranges basically just allow anything at all.
+src[t.STAR] = '(<|>)?=?\\s*\\*'
+// Compile to actual regexp objects.
+// All are flag-free, unless they were created above with a flag.
+for (var i = 0; i < R; i++) {
+  debug(i, src[i])
+  if (!re[i]) {
+    re[i] = new RegExp(src[i])
+  }
+exports.parse = parse
+function parse (version, options) {
+  if (!options || typeof options !== 'object') {
+    options = {
+      loose: !!options,
+      includePrerelease: false
+    }
+  }
+  if (version instanceof SemVer) {
+    return version
+  }
+  if (typeof version !== 'string') {
+    return null
+  }
+  if (version.length > MAX_LENGTH) {
+    return null
+  }
+  var r = options.loose ? re[t.LOOSE] : re[t.FULL]
+  if (!r.test(version)) {
+    return null
+  }
+  try {
+    return new SemVer(version, options)
+  } catch (er) {
+    return null
+  }
+exports.valid = valid
+function valid (version, options) {
+  var v = parse(version, options)
+  return v ? v.version : null
+exports.clean = clean
+function clean (version, options) {
+  var s = parse(version.trim().replace(/^[=v]+/, ''), options)
+  return s ? s.version : null
+exports.SemVer = SemVer
+function SemVer (version, options) {
+  if (!options || typeof options !== 'object') {
+    options = {
+      loose: !!options,
+      includePrerelease: false
+    }
+  }
+  if (version instanceof SemVer) {
+    if (version.loose === options.loose) {
+      return version
+    } else {
+      version = version.version
+    }
+  } else if (typeof version !== 'string') {
+    throw new TypeError('Invalid Version: ' + version)
+  }
+  if (version.length > MAX_LENGTH) {
+    throw new TypeError('version is longer than ' + MAX_LENGTH + ' characters')
+  }
+  if (!(this instanceof SemVer)) {
+    return new SemVer(version, options)
+  }
+  debug('SemVer', version, options)
+  this.options = options
+  this.loose = !!options.loose
+  var m = version.trim().match(options.loose ? re[t.LOOSE] : re[t.FULL])
+  if (!m) {
+    throw new TypeError('Invalid Version: ' + version)
+  }
+  this.raw = version
+  // these are actually numbers
+  this.major = +m[1]
+  this.minor = +m[2]
+  this.patch = +m[3]
+  if (this.major > MAX_SAFE_INTEGER || this.major < 0) {
+    throw new TypeError('Invalid major version')
+  }
+  if (this.minor > MAX_SAFE_INTEGER || this.minor < 0) {
+    throw new TypeError('Invalid minor version')
+  }
+  if (this.patch > MAX_SAFE_INTEGER || this.patch < 0) {
+    throw new TypeError('Invalid patch version')
+  }
+  // numberify any prerelease numeric ids
+  if (!m[4]) {
+    this.prerelease = []
+  } else {
+    this.prerelease = m[4].split('.').map(function (id) {
+      if (/^[0-9]+$/.test(id)) {
+        var num = +id
+        if (num >= 0 && num < MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) {
+          return num
+        }
+      }
+      return id
+    })
+  }
+  this.build = m[5] ? m[5].split('.') : []
+  this.format()
+SemVer.prototype.format = function () {
+  this.version = this.major + '.' + this.minor + '.' + this.patch
+  if (this.prerelease.length) {
+    this.version += '-' + this.prerelease.join('.')
+  }
+  return this.version
+SemVer.prototype.toString = function () {
+  return this.version
+SemVer.prototype.compare = function (other) {
+  debug('SemVer.compare', this.version, this.options, other)
+  if (!(other instanceof SemVer)) {
+    other = new SemVer(other, this.options)
+  }
+  return this.compareMain(other) || this.comparePre(other)
+SemVer.prototype.compareMain = function (other) {
+  if (!(other instanceof SemVer)) {
+    other = new SemVer(other, this.options)
+  }
+  return compareIdentifiers(this.major, other.major) ||
+         compareIdentifiers(this.minor, other.minor) ||
+         compareIdentifiers(this.patch, other.patch)
+SemVer.prototype.comparePre = function (other) {
+  if (!(other instanceof SemVer)) {
+    other = new SemVer(other, this.options)
+  }
+  // NOT having a prerelease is > having one
+  if (this.prerelease.length && !other.prerelease.length) {
+    return -1
+  } else if (!this.prerelease.length && other.prerelease.length) {
+    return 1
+  } else if (!this.prerelease.length && !other.prerelease.length) {
+    return 0
+  }
+  var i = 0
+  do {
+    var a = this.prerelease[i]
+    var b = other.prerelease[i]
+    debug('prerelease compare', i, a, b)
+    if (a === undefined && b === undefined) {
+      return 0
+    } else if (b === undefined) {
+      return 1
+    } else if (a === undefined) {
+      return -1
+    } else if (a === b) {
+      continue
+    } else {
+      return compareIdentifiers(a, b)
+    }
+  } while (++i)
+SemVer.prototype.compareBuild = function (other) {
+  if (!(other instanceof SemVer)) {
+    other = new SemVer(other, this.options)
+  }
+  var i = 0
+  do {
+    var a = this.build[i]
+    var b = other.build[i]
+    debug('prerelease compare', i, a, b)
+    if (a === undefined && b === undefined) {
+      return 0
+    } else if (b === undefined) {
+      return 1
+    } else if (a === undefined) {
+      return -1
+    } else if (a === b) {
+      continue
+    } else {
+      return compareIdentifiers(a, b)
+    }
+  } while (++i)
+// preminor will bump the version up to the next minor release, and immediately
+// down to pre-release. premajor and prepatch work the same way.
+SemVer.prototype.inc = function (release, identifier) {
+  switch (release) {
+    case 'premajor':
+      this.prerelease.length = 0
+      this.patch = 0
+      this.minor = 0
+      this.major++
+      this.inc('pre', identifier)
+      break
+    case 'preminor':
+      this.prerelease.length = 0
+      this.patch = 0
+      this.minor++
+      this.inc('pre', identifier)
+      break
+    case 'prepatch':
+      // If this is already a prerelease, it will bump to the next version
+      // drop any prereleases that might already exist, since they are not
+      // relevant at this point.
+      this.prerelease.length = 0
+      this.inc('patch', identifier)
+      this.inc('pre', identifier)
+      break
+    // If the input is a non-prerelease version, this acts the same as
+    // prepatch.
+    case 'prerelease':
+      if (this.prerelease.length === 0) {
+        this.inc('patch', identifier)
+      }
+      this.inc('pre', identifier)
+      break
+    case 'major':
+      // If this is a pre-major version, bump up to the same major version.
+      // Otherwise increment major.
+      // 1.0.0-5 bumps to 1.0.0
+      // 1.1.0 bumps to 2.0.0
+      if (this.minor !== 0 ||
+          this.patch !== 0 ||
+          this.prerelease.length === 0) {
+        this.major++
+      }
+      this.minor = 0
+      this.patch = 0
+      this.prerelease = []
+      break
+    case 'minor':
+      // If this is a pre-minor version, bump up to the same minor version.
+      // Otherwise increment minor.
+      // 1.2.0-5 bumps to 1.2.0
+      // 1.2.1 bumps to 1.3.0
+      if (this.patch !== 0 || this.prerelease.length === 0) {
+        this.minor++
+      }
+      this.patch = 0
+      this.prerelease = []
+      break
+    case 'patch':
+      // If this is not a pre-release version, it will increment the patch.
+      // If it is a pre-release it will bump up to the same patch version.
+      // 1.2.0-5 patches to 1.2.0
+      // 1.2.0 patches to 1.2.1
+      if (this.prerelease.length === 0) {
+        this.patch++
+      }
+      this.prerelease = []
+      break
+    // This probably shouldn't be used publicly.
+    // 1.0.0 "pre" would become 1.0.0-0 which is the wrong direction.
+    case 'pre':
+      if (this.prerelease.length === 0) {
+        this.prerelease = [0]
+      } else {
+        var i = this.prerelease.length
+        while (--i >= 0) {
+          if (typeof this.prerelease[i] === 'number') {
+            this.prerelease[i]++
+            i = -2
+          }
+        }
+        if (i === -1) {
+          // didn't increment anything
+          this.prerelease.push(0)
+        }
+      }
+      if (identifier) {
+        // 1.2.0-beta.1 bumps to 1.2.0-beta.2,
+        // 1.2.0-beta.fooblz or 1.2.0-beta bumps to 1.2.0-beta.0
+        if (this.prerelease[0] === identifier) {
+          if (isNaN(this.prerelease[1])) {
+            this.prerelease = [identifier, 0]
+          }
+        } else {
+          this.prerelease = [identifier, 0]
+        }
+      }
+      break
+    default:
+      throw new Error('invalid increment argument: ' + release)
+  }
+  this.format()
+  this.raw = this.version
+  return this
+exports.inc = inc
+function inc (version, release, loose, identifier) {
+  if (typeof (loose) === 'string') {
+    identifier = loose
+    loose = undefined
+  }
+  try {
+    return new SemVer(version, loose).inc(release, identifier).version
+  } catch (er) {
+    return null
+  }
+exports.diff = diff
+function diff (version1, version2) {
+  if (eq(version1, version2)) {
+    return null
+  } else {
+    var v1 = parse(version1)
+    var v2 = parse(version2)
+    var prefix = ''
+    if (v1.prerelease.length || v2.prerelease.length) {
+      prefix = 'pre'
+      var defaultResult = 'prerelease'
+    }
+    for (var key in v1) {
+      if (key === 'major' || key === 'minor' || key === 'patch') {
+        if (v1[key] !== v2[key]) {
+          return prefix + key
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    return defaultResult // may be undefined
+  }
+exports.compareIdentifiers = compareIdentifiers
+var numeric = /^[0-9]+$/
+function compareIdentifiers (a, b) {
+  var anum = numeric.test(a)
+  var bnum = numeric.test(b)
+  if (anum && bnum) {
+    a = +a
+    b = +b
+  }
+  return a === b ? 0
+    : (anum && !bnum) ? -1
+    : (bnum && !anum) ? 1
+    : a < b ? -1
+    : 1
+exports.rcompareIdentifiers = rcompareIdentifiers
+function rcompareIdentifiers (a, b) {
+  return compareIdentifiers(b, a)
+exports.major = major
+function major (a, loose) {
+  return new SemVer(a, loose).major
+exports.minor = minor
+function minor (a, loose) {
+  return new SemVer(a, loose).minor
+exports.patch = patch
+function patch (a, loose) {
+  return new SemVer(a, loose).patch
+exports.compare = compare
+function compare (a, b, loose) {
+  return new SemVer(a, loose).compare(new SemVer(b, loose))
+exports.compareLoose = compareLoose
+function compareLoose (a, b) {
+  return compare(a, b, true)
+exports.compareBuild = compareBuild
+function compareBuild (a, b, loose) {
+  var versionA = new SemVer(a, loose)
+  var versionB = new SemVer(b, loose)
+  return versionA.compare(versionB) || versionA.compareBuild(versionB)
+exports.rcompare = rcompare
+function rcompare (a, b, loose) {
+  return compare(b, a, loose)
+exports.sort = sort
+function sort (list, loose) {
+  return list.sort(function (a, b) {
+    return exports.compareBuild(a, b, loose)
+  })
+exports.rsort = rsort
+function rsort (list, loose) {
+  return list.sort(function (a, b) {
+    return exports.compareBuild(b, a, loose)
+  })
+exports.gt = gt
+function gt (a, b, loose) {
+  return compare(a, b, loose) > 0
+exports.lt = lt
+function lt (a, b, loose) {
+  return compare(a, b, loose) < 0
+exports.eq = eq
+function eq (a, b, loose) {
+  return compare(a, b, loose) === 0
+exports.neq = neq
+function neq (a, b, loose) {
+  return compare(a, b, loose) !== 0
+exports.gte = gte
+function gte (a, b, loose) {
+  return compare(a, b, loose) >= 0
+exports.lte = lte
+function lte (a, b, loose) {
+  return compare(a, b, loose) <= 0
+exports.cmp = cmp
+function cmp (a, op, b, loose) {
+  switch (op) {
+    case '===':
+      if (typeof a === 'object')
+        a = a.version
+      if (typeof b === 'object')
+        b = b.version
+      return a === b
+    case '!==':
+      if (typeof a === 'object')
+        a = a.version
+      if (typeof b === 'object')
+        b = b.version
+      return a !== b
+    case '':
+    case '=':
+    case '==':
+      return eq(a, b, loose)
+    case '!=':
+      return neq(a, b, loose)
+    case '>':
+      return gt(a, b, loose)
+    case '>=':
+      return gte(a, b, loose)
+    case '<':
+      return lt(a, b, loose)
+    case '<=':
+      return lte(a, b, loose)
+    default:
+      throw new TypeError('Invalid operator: ' + op)
+  }
+exports.Comparator = Comparator
+function Comparator (comp, options) {
+  if (!options || typeof options !== 'object') {
+    options = {
+      loose: !!options,
+      includePrerelease: false
+    }
+  }
+  if (comp instanceof Comparator) {
+    if (comp.loose === !!options.loose) {
+      return comp
+    } else {
+      comp = comp.value
+    }
+  }
+  if (!(this instanceof Comparator)) {
+    return new Comparator(comp, options)
+  }
+  debug('comparator', comp, options)
+  this.options = options
+  this.loose = !!options.loose
+  this.parse(comp)
+  if (this.semver === ANY) {
+    this.value = ''
+  } else {
+    this.value = this.operator + this.semver.version
+  }
+  debug('comp', this)
+var ANY = {}
+Comparator.prototype.parse = function (comp) {
+  var r = this.options.loose ? re[t.COMPARATORLOOSE] : re[t.COMPARATOR]
+  var m = comp.match(r)
+  if (!m) {
+    throw new TypeError('Invalid comparator: ' + comp)
+  }
+  this.operator = m[1] !== undefined ? m[1] : ''
+  if (this.operator === '=') {
+    this.operator = ''
+  }
+  // if it literally is just '>' or '' then allow anything.
+  if (!m[2]) {
+    this.semver = ANY
+  } else {
+    this.semver = new SemVer(m[2], this.options.loose)
+  }
+Comparator.prototype.toString = function () {
+  return this.value
+Comparator.prototype.test = function (version) {
+  debug('Comparator.test', version, this.options.loose)
+  if (this.semver === ANY || version === ANY) {
+    return true
+  }
+  if (typeof version === 'string') {
+    try {
+      version = new SemVer(version, this.options)
+    } catch (er) {
+      return false
+    }
+  }
+  return cmp(version, this.operator, this.semver, this.options)
+Comparator.prototype.intersects = function (comp, options) {
+  if (!(comp instanceof Comparator)) {
+    throw new TypeError('a Comparator is required')
+  }
+  if (!options || typeof options !== 'object') {
+    options = {
+      loose: !!options,
+      includePrerelease: false
+    }
+  }
+  var rangeTmp
+  if (this.operator === '') {
+    if (this.value === '') {
+      return true
+    }
+    rangeTmp = new Range(comp.value, options)
+    return satisfies(this.value, rangeTmp, options)
+  } else if (comp.operator === '') {
+    if (comp.value === '') {
+      return true
+    }
+    rangeTmp = new Range(this.value, options)
+    return satisfies(comp.semver, rangeTmp, options)
+  }
+  var sameDirectionIncreasing =
+    (this.operator === '>=' || this.operator === '>') &&
+    (comp.operator === '>=' || comp.operator === '>')
+  var sameDirectionDecreasing =
+    (this.operator === '<=' || this.operator === '<') &&
+    (comp.operator === '<=' || comp.operator === '<')
+  var sameSemVer = this.semver.version === comp.semver.version
+  var differentDirectionsInclusive =
+    (this.operator === '>=' || this.operator === '<=') &&
+    (comp.operator === '>=' || comp.operator === '<=')
+  var oppositeDirectionsLessThan =
+    cmp(this.semver, '<', comp.semver, options) &&
+    ((this.operator === '>=' || this.operator === '>') &&
+    (comp.operator === '<=' || comp.operator === '<'))
+  var oppositeDirectionsGreaterThan =
+    cmp(this.semver, '>', comp.semver, options) &&
+    ((this.operator === '<=' || this.operator === '<') &&
+    (comp.operator === '>=' || comp.operator === '>'))
+  return sameDirectionIncreasing || sameDirectionDecreasing ||
+    (sameSemVer && differentDirectionsInclusive) ||
+    oppositeDirectionsLessThan || oppositeDirectionsGreaterThan
+exports.Range = Range
+function Range (range, options) {
+  if (!options || typeof options !== 'object') {
+    options = {
+      loose: !!options,
+      includePrerelease: false
+    }
+  }
+  if (range instanceof Range) {
+    if (range.loose === !!options.loose &&
+        range.includePrerelease === !!options.includePrerelease) {
+      return range
+    } else {
+      return new Range(range.raw, options)
+    }
+  }
+  if (range instanceof Comparator) {
+    return new Range(range.value, options)
+  }
+  if (!(this instanceof Range)) {
+    return new Range(range, options)
+  }
+  this.options = options
+  this.loose = !!options.loose
+  this.includePrerelease = !!options.includePrerelease
+  // First, split based on boolean or ||
+  this.raw = range
+  this.set = range.split(/\s*\|\|\s*/).map(function (range) {
+    return this.parseRange(range.trim())
+  }, this).filter(function (c) {
+    // throw out any that are not relevant for whatever reason
+    return c.length
+  })
+  if (!this.set.length) {
+    throw new TypeError('Invalid SemVer Range: ' + range)
+  }
+  this.format()
+Range.prototype.format = function () {
+  this.range = this.set.map(function (comps) {
+    return comps.join(' ').trim()
+  }).join('||').trim()
+  return this.range
+Range.prototype.toString = function () {
+  return this.range
+Range.prototype.parseRange = function (range) {
+  var loose = this.options.loose
+  range = range.trim()
+  // `1.2.3 - 1.2.4` => `>=1.2.3 <=1.2.4`
+  var hr = loose ? re[t.HYPHENRANGELOOSE] : re[t.HYPHENRANGE]
+  range = range.replace(hr, hyphenReplace)
+  debug('hyphen replace', range)
+  // `> 1.2.3 < 1.2.5` => `>1.2.3 <1.2.5`
+  range = range.replace(re[t.COMPARATORTRIM], comparatorTrimReplace)
+  debug('comparator trim', range, re[t.COMPARATORTRIM])
+  // `~ 1.2.3` => `~1.2.3`
+  range = range.replace(re[t.TILDETRIM], tildeTrimReplace)
+  // `^ 1.2.3` => `^1.2.3`
+  range = range.replace(re[t.CARETTRIM], caretTrimReplace)
+  // normalize spaces
+  range = range.split(/\s+/).join(' ')
+  // At this point, the range is completely trimmed and
+  // ready to be split into comparators.
+  var compRe = loose ? re[t.COMPARATORLOOSE] : re[t.COMPARATOR]
+  var set = range.split(' ').map(function (comp) {
+    return parseComparator(comp, this.options)
+  }, this).join(' ').split(/\s+/)
+  if (this.options.loose) {
+    // in loose mode, throw out any that are not valid comparators
+    set = set.filter(function (comp) {
+      return !!comp.match(compRe)
+    })
+  }
+  set = set.map(function (comp) {
+    return new Comparator(comp, this.options)
+  }, this)
+  return set
+Range.prototype.intersects = function (range, options) {
+  if (!(range instanceof Range)) {
+    throw new TypeError('a Range is required')
+  }
+  return this.set.some(function (thisComparators) {
+    return (
+      isSatisfiable(thisComparators, options) &&
+      range.set.some(function (rangeComparators) {
+        return (
+          isSatisfiable(rangeComparators, options) &&
+          thisComparators.every(function (thisComparator) {
+            return rangeComparators.every(function (rangeComparator) {
+              return thisComparator.intersects(rangeComparator, options)
+            })
+          })
+        )
+      })
+    )
+  })
+// take a set of comparators and determine whether there
+// exists a version which can satisfy it
+function isSatisfiable (comparators, options) {
+  var result = true
+  var remainingComparators = comparators.slice()
+  var testComparator = remainingComparators.pop()
+  while (result && remainingComparators.length) {
+    result = remainingComparators.every(function (otherComparator) {
+      return testComparator.intersects(otherComparator, options)
+    })
+    testComparator = remainingComparators.pop()
+  }
+  return result
+// Mostly just for testing and legacy API reasons
+exports.toComparators = toComparators
+function toComparators (range, options) {
+  return new Range(range, options).set.map(function (comp) {
+    return comp.map(function (c) {
+      return c.value
+    }).join(' ').trim().split(' ')
+  })
+// comprised of xranges, tildes, stars, and gtlt's at this point.
+// already replaced the hyphen ranges
+// turn into a set of JUST comparators.
+function parseComparator (comp, options) {
+  debug('comp', comp, options)
+  comp = replaceCarets(comp, options)
+  debug('caret', comp)
+  comp = replaceTildes(comp, options)
+  debug('tildes', comp)
+  comp = replaceXRanges(comp, options)
+  debug('xrange', comp)
+  comp = replaceStars(comp, options)
+  debug('stars', comp)
+  return comp
+function isX (id) {
+  return !id || id.toLowerCase() === 'x' || id === '*'
+// ~, ~> --> * (any, kinda silly)
+// ~2, ~2.x, ~2.x.x, ~>2, ~>2.x ~>2.x.x --> >=2.0.0 <3.0.0
+// ~2.0, ~2.0.x, ~>2.0, ~>2.0.x --> >=2.0.0 <2.1.0
+// ~1.2, ~1.2.x, ~>1.2, ~>1.2.x --> >=1.2.0 <1.3.0
+// ~1.2.3, ~>1.2.3 --> >=1.2.3 <1.3.0
+// ~1.2.0, ~>1.2.0 --> >=1.2.0 <1.3.0
+function replaceTildes (comp, options) {
+  return comp.trim().split(/\s+/).map(function (comp) {
+    return replaceTilde(comp, options)
+  }).join(' ')
+function replaceTilde (comp, options) {
+  var r = options.loose ? re[t.TILDELOOSE] : re[t.TILDE]
+  return comp.replace(r, function (_, M, m, p, pr) {
+    debug('tilde', comp, _, M, m, p, pr)
+    var ret
+    if (isX(M)) {
+      ret = ''
+    } else if (isX(m)) {
+      ret = '>=' + M + '.0.0 <' + (+M + 1) + '.0.0'
+    } else if (isX(p)) {
+      // ~1.2 == >=1.2.0 <1.3.0
+      ret = '>=' + M + '.' + m + '.0 <' + M + '.' + (+m + 1) + '.0'
+    } else if (pr) {
+      debug('replaceTilde pr', pr)
+      ret = '>=' + M + '.' + m + '.' + p + '-' + pr +
+            ' <' + M + '.' + (+m + 1) + '.0'
+    } else {
+      // ~1.2.3 == >=1.2.3 <1.3.0
+      ret = '>=' + M + '.' + m + '.' + p +
+            ' <' + M + '.' + (+m + 1) + '.0'
+    }
+    debug('tilde return', ret)
+    return ret
+  })
+// ^ --> * (any, kinda silly)
+// ^2, ^2.x, ^2.x.x --> >=2.0.0 <3.0.0
+// ^2.0, ^2.0.x --> >=2.0.0 <3.0.0
+// ^1.2, ^1.2.x --> >=1.2.0 <2.0.0
+// ^1.2.3 --> >=1.2.3 <2.0.0
+// ^1.2.0 --> >=1.2.0 <2.0.0
+function replaceCarets (comp, options) {
+  return comp.trim().split(/\s+/).map(function (comp) {
+    return replaceCaret(comp, options)
+  }).join(' ')
+function replaceCaret (comp, options) {
+  debug('caret', comp, options)
+  var r = options.loose ? re[t.CARETLOOSE] : re[t.CARET]
+  return comp.replace(r, function (_, M, m, p, pr) {
+    debug('caret', comp, _, M, m, p, pr)
+    var ret
+    if (isX(M)) {
+      ret = ''
+    } else if (isX(m)) {
+      ret = '>=' + M + '.0.0 <' + (+M + 1) + '.0.0'
+    } else if (isX(p)) {
+      if (M === '0') {
+        ret = '>=' + M + '.' + m + '.0 <' + M + '.' + (+m + 1) + '.0'
+      } else {
+        ret = '>=' + M + '.' + m + '.0 <' + (+M + 1) + '.0.0'
+      }
+    } else if (pr) {
+      debug('replaceCaret pr', pr)
+      if (M === '0') {
+        if (m === '0') {
+          ret = '>=' + M + '.' + m + '.' + p + '-' + pr +
+                ' <' + M + '.' + m + '.' + (+p + 1)
+        } else {
+          ret = '>=' + M + '.' + m + '.' + p + '-' + pr +
+                ' <' + M + '.' + (+m + 1) + '.0'
+        }
+      } else {
+        ret = '>=' + M + '.' + m + '.' + p + '-' + pr +
+              ' <' + (+M + 1) + '.0.0'
+      }
+    } else {
+      debug('no pr')
+      if (M === '0') {
+        if (m === '0') {
+          ret = '>=' + M + '.' + m + '.' + p +
+                ' <' + M + '.' + m + '.' + (+p + 1)
+        } else {
+          ret = '>=' + M + '.' + m + '.' + p +
+                ' <' + M + '.' + (+m + 1) + '.0'
+        }
+      } else {
+        ret = '>=' + M + '.' + m + '.' + p +
+              ' <' + (+M + 1) + '.0.0'
+      }
+    }
+    debug('caret return', ret)
+    return ret
+  })
+function replaceXRanges (comp, options) {
+  debug('replaceXRanges', comp, options)
+  return comp.split(/\s+/).map(function (comp) {
+    return replaceXRange(comp, options)
+  }).join(' ')
+function replaceXRange (comp, options) {
+  comp = comp.trim()
+  var r = options.loose ? re[t.XRANGELOOSE] : re[t.XRANGE]
+  return comp.replace(r, function (ret, gtlt, M, m, p, pr) {
+    debug('xRange', comp, ret, gtlt, M, m, p, pr)
+    var xM = isX(M)
+    var xm = xM || isX(m)
+    var xp = xm || isX(p)
+    var anyX = xp
+    if (gtlt === '=' && anyX) {
+      gtlt = ''
+    }
+    // if we're including prereleases in the match, then we need
+    // to fix this to -0, the lowest possible prerelease value
+    pr = options.includePrerelease ? '-0' : ''
+    if (xM) {
+      if (gtlt === '>' || gtlt === '<') {
+        // nothing is allowed
+        ret = '<0.0.0-0'
+      } else {
+        // nothing is forbidden
+        ret = '*'
+      }
+    } else if (gtlt && anyX) {
+      // we know patch is an x, because we have any x at all.
+      // replace X with 0
+      if (xm) {
+        m = 0
+      }
+      p = 0
+      if (gtlt === '>') {
+        // >1 => >=2.0.0
+        // >1.2 => >=1.3.0
+        // >1.2.3 => >= 1.2.4
+        gtlt = '>='
+        if (xm) {
+          M = +M + 1
+          m = 0
+          p = 0
+        } else {
+          m = +m + 1
+          p = 0
+        }
+      } else if (gtlt === '<=') {
+        // <=0.7.x is actually <0.8.0, since any 0.7.x should
+        // pass.  Similarly, <=7.x is actually <8.0.0, etc.
+        gtlt = '<'
+        if (xm) {
+          M = +M + 1
+        } else {
+          m = +m + 1
+        }
+      }
+      ret = gtlt + M + '.' + m + '.' + p + pr
+    } else if (xm) {
+      ret = '>=' + M + '.0.0' + pr + ' <' + (+M + 1) + '.0.0' + pr
+    } else if (xp) {
+      ret = '>=' + M + '.' + m + '.0' + pr +
+        ' <' + M + '.' + (+m + 1) + '.0' + pr
+    }
+    debug('xRange return', ret)
+    return ret
+  })
+// Because * is AND-ed with everything else in the comparator,
+// and '' means "any version", just remove the *s entirely.
+function replaceStars (comp, options) {
+  debug('replaceStars', comp, options)
+  // Looseness is ignored here.  star is always as loose as it gets!
+  return comp.trim().replace(re[t.STAR], '')
+// This function is passed to string.replace(re[t.HYPHENRANGE])
+// M, m, patch, prerelease, build
+// 1.2 - 3.4.5 => >=1.2.0 <=3.4.5
+// 1.2.3 - 3.4 => >=1.2.0 <3.5.0 Any 3.4.x will do
+// 1.2 - 3.4 => >=1.2.0 <3.5.0
+function hyphenReplace ($0,
+  from, fM, fm, fp, fpr, fb,
+  to, tM, tm, tp, tpr, tb) {
+  if (isX(fM)) {
+    from = ''
+  } else if (isX(fm)) {
+    from = '>=' + fM + '.0.0'
+  } else if (isX(fp)) {
+    from = '>=' + fM + '.' + fm + '.0'
+  } else {
+    from = '>=' + from
+  }
+  if (isX(tM)) {
+    to = ''
+  } else if (isX(tm)) {
+    to = '<' + (+tM + 1) + '.0.0'
+  } else if (isX(tp)) {
+    to = '<' + tM + '.' + (+tm + 1) + '.0'
+  } else if (tpr) {
+    to = '<=' + tM + '.' + tm + '.' + tp + '-' + tpr
+  } else {
+    to = '<=' + to
+  }
+  return (from + ' ' + to).trim()
+// if ANY of the sets match ALL of its comparators, then pass
+Range.prototype.test = function (version) {
+  if (!version) {
+    return false
+  }
+  if (typeof version === 'string') {
+    try {
+      version = new SemVer(version, this.options)
+    } catch (er) {
+      return false
+    }
+  }
+  for (var i = 0; i < this.set.length; i++) {
+    if (testSet(this.set[i], version, this.options)) {
+      return true
+    }
+  }
+  return false
+function testSet (set, version, options) {
+  for (var i = 0; i < set.length; i++) {
+    if (!set[i].test(version)) {
+      return false
+    }
+  }
+  if (version.prerelease.length && !options.includePrerelease) {
+    // Find the set of versions that are allowed to have prereleases
+    // For example, ^1.2.3-pr.1 desugars to >=1.2.3-pr.1 <2.0.0
+    // That should allow `1.2.3-pr.2` to pass.
+    // However, `1.2.4-alpha.notready` should NOT be allowed,
+    // even though it's within the range set by the comparators.
+    for (i = 0; i < set.length; i++) {
+      debug(set[i].semver)
+      if (set[i].semver === ANY) {
+        continue
+      }
+      if (set[i].semver.prerelease.length > 0) {
+        var allowed = set[i].semver
+        if (allowed.major === version.major &&
+            allowed.minor === version.minor &&
+            allowed.patch === version.patch) {
+          return true
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    // Version has a -pre, but it's not one of the ones we like.
+    return false
+  }
+  return true
+exports.satisfies = satisfies
+function satisfies (version, range, options) {
+  try {
+    range = new Range(range, options)
+  } catch (er) {
+    return false
+  }
+  return range.test(version)
+exports.maxSatisfying = maxSatisfying
+function maxSatisfying (versions, range, options) {
+  var max = null
+  var maxSV = null
+  try {
+    var rangeObj = new Range(range, options)
+  } catch (er) {
+    return null
+  }
+  versions.forEach(function (v) {
+    if (rangeObj.test(v)) {
+      // satisfies(v, range, options)
+      if (!max || maxSV.compare(v) === -1) {
+        // compare(max, v, true)
+        max = v
+        maxSV = new SemVer(max, options)
+      }
+    }
+  })
+  return max
+exports.minSatisfying = minSatisfying
+function minSatisfying (versions, range, options) {
+  var min = null
+  var minSV = null
+  try {
+    var rangeObj = new Range(range, options)
+  } catch (er) {
+    return null
+  }
+  versions.forEach(function (v) {
+    if (rangeObj.test(v)) {
+      // satisfies(v, range, options)
+      if (!min || minSV.compare(v) === 1) {
+        // compare(min, v, true)
+        min = v
+        minSV = new SemVer(min, options)
+      }
+    }
+  })
+  return min
+exports.minVersion = minVersion
+function minVersion (range, loose) {
+  range = new Range(range, loose)
+  var minver = new SemVer('0.0.0')
+  if (range.test(minver)) {
+    return minver
+  }
+  minver = new SemVer('0.0.0-0')
+  if (range.test(minver)) {
+    return minver
+  }
+  minver = null
+  for (var i = 0; i < range.set.length; ++i) {
+    var comparators = range.set[i]
+    comparators.forEach(function (comparator) {
+      // Clone to avoid manipulating the comparator's semver object.
+      var compver = new SemVer(comparator.semver.version)
+      switch (comparator.operator) {
+        case '>':
+          if (compver.prerelease.length === 0) {
+            compver.patch++
+          } else {
+            compver.prerelease.push(0)
+          }
+          compver.raw = compver.format()
+          /* fallthrough */
+        case '':
+        case '>=':
+          if (!minver || gt(minver, compver)) {
+            minver = compver
+          }
+          break
+        case '<':
+        case '<=':
+          /* Ignore maximum versions */
+          break
+        /* istanbul ignore next */
+        default:
+          throw new Error('Unexpected operation: ' + comparator.operator)
+      }
+    })
+  }
+  if (minver && range.test(minver)) {
+    return minver
+  }
+  return null
+exports.validRange = validRange
+function validRange (range, options) {
+  try {
+    // Return '*' instead of '' so that truthiness works.
+    // This will throw if it's invalid anyway
+    return new Range(range, options).range || '*'
+  } catch (er) {
+    return null
+  }
+// Determine if version is less than all the versions possible in the range
+exports.ltr = ltr
+function ltr (version, range, options) {
+  return outside(version, range, '<', options)
+// Determine if version is greater than all the versions possible in the range.
+exports.gtr = gtr
+function gtr (version, range, options) {
+  return outside(version, range, '>', options)
+exports.outside = outside
+function outside (version, range, hilo, options) {
+  version = new SemVer(version, options)
+  range = new Range(range, options)
+  var gtfn, ltefn, ltfn, comp, ecomp
+  switch (hilo) {
+    case '>':
+      gtfn = gt
+      ltefn = lte
+      ltfn = lt
+      comp = '>'
+      ecomp = '>='
+      break
+    case '<':
+      gtfn = lt
+      ltefn = gte
+      ltfn = gt
+      comp = '<'
+      ecomp = '<='
+      break
+    default:
+      throw new TypeError('Must provide a hilo val of "<" or ">"')
+  }
+  // If it satisifes the range it is not outside
+  if (satisfies(version, range, options)) {
+    return false
+  }
+  // From now on, variable terms are as if we're in "gtr" mode.
+  // but note that everything is flipped for the "ltr" function.
+  for (var i = 0; i < range.set.length; ++i) {
+    var comparators = range.set[i]
+    var high = null
+    var low = null
+    comparators.forEach(function (comparator) {
+      if (comparator.semver === ANY) {
+        comparator = new Comparator('>=0.0.0')
+      }
+      high = high || comparator
+      low = low || comparator
+      if (gtfn(comparator.semver, high.semver, options)) {
+        high = comparator
+      } else if (ltfn(comparator.semver, low.semver, options)) {
+        low = comparator
+      }
+    })
+    // If the edge version comparator has a operator then our version
+    // isn't outside it
+    if (high.operator === comp || high.operator === ecomp) {
+      return false
+    }
+    // If the lowest version comparator has an operator and our version
+    // is less than it then it isn't higher than the range
+    if ((!low.operator || low.operator === comp) &&
+        ltefn(version, low.semver)) {
+      return false
+    } else if (low.operator === ecomp && ltfn(version, low.semver)) {
+      return false
+    }
+  }
+  return true
+exports.prerelease = prerelease
+function prerelease (version, options) {
+  var parsed = parse(version, options)
+  return (parsed && parsed.prerelease.length) ? parsed.prerelease : null
+exports.intersects = intersects
+function intersects (r1, r2, options) {
+  r1 = new Range(r1, options)
+  r2 = new Range(r2, options)
+  return r1.intersects(r2)
+exports.coerce = coerce
+function coerce (version, options) {
+  if (version instanceof SemVer) {
+    return version
+  }
+  if (typeof version === 'number') {
+    version = String(version)
+  }
+  if (typeof version !== 'string') {
+    return null
+  }
+  options = options || {}
+  var match = null
+  if (!options.rtl) {
+    match = version.match(re[t.COERCE])
+  } else {
+    // Find the right-most coercible string that does not share
+    // a terminus with a more left-ward coercible string.
+    // Eg, '' wants to coerce '2.3.4', not '3.4' or '4'
+    //
+    // Walk through the string checking with a /g regexp
+    // Manually set the index so as to pick up overlapping matches.
+    // Stop when we get a match that ends at the string end, since no
+    // coercible string can be more right-ward without the same terminus.
+    var next
+    while ((next = re[t.COERCERTL].exec(version)) &&
+      (!match || match.index + match[0].length !== version.length)
+    ) {
+      if (!match ||
+          next.index + next[0].length !== match.index + match[0].length) {
+        match = next
+      }
+      re[t.COERCERTL].lastIndex = next.index + next[1].length + next[2].length
+    }
+    // leave it in a clean state
+    re[t.COERCERTL].lastIndex = -1
+  }
+  if (match === null) {
+    return null
+  }
+  return parse(match[2] +
+    '.' + (match[3] || '0') +
+    '.' + (match[4] || '0'), options)
+/***/ }),
+/***/ 3355:
+/***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __nccwpck_require__) => {
+"use strict";
+var GetIntrinsic = __nccwpck_require__(4880);
+var callBound = __nccwpck_require__(4353);
+var inspect = __nccwpck_require__(3343);
+var $TypeError = GetIntrinsic('%TypeError%');
+var $WeakMap = GetIntrinsic('%WeakMap%', true);
+var $Map = GetIntrinsic('%Map%', true);
+var $weakMapGet = callBound('WeakMap.prototype.get', true);
+var $weakMapSet = callBound('WeakMap.prototype.set', true);
+var $weakMapHas = callBound('WeakMap.prototype.has', true);
+var $mapGet = callBound('Map.prototype.get', true);
+var $mapSet = callBound('Map.prototype.set', true);
+var $mapHas = callBound('Map.prototype.has', true);
+ * This function traverses the list returning the node corresponding to the
+ * given key.
+ *
+ * That node is also moved to the head of the list, so that if it's accessed
+ * again we don't need to traverse the whole list. By doing so, all the recently
+ * used nodes can be accessed relatively quickly.
+ */
+var listGetNode = function (list, key) { // eslint-disable-line consistent-return
+	for (var prev = list, curr; (curr = prev.next) !== null; prev = curr) {
+		if (curr.key === key) {
+			prev.next = curr.next;
+			curr.next = list.next;
+			list.next = curr; // eslint-disable-line no-param-reassign
+			return curr;
+		}
+	}
+var listGet = function (objects, key) {
+	var node = listGetNode(objects, key);
+	return node && node.value;
+var listSet = function (objects, key, value) {
+	var node = listGetNode(objects, key);
+	if (node) {
+		node.value = value;
+	} else {
+		// Prepend the new node to the beginning of the list
+		objects.next = { // eslint-disable-line no-param-reassign
+			key: key,
+			next: objects.next,
+			value: value
+		};
+	}
+var listHas = function (objects, key) {
+	return !!listGetNode(objects, key);
+module.exports = function getSideChannel() {
+	var $wm;
+	var $m;
+	var $o;
+	var channel = {
+		assert: function (key) {
+			if (!channel.has(key)) {
+				throw new $TypeError('Side channel does not contain ' + inspect(key));
+			}
+		},
+		get: function (key) { // eslint-disable-line consistent-return
+			if ($WeakMap && key && (typeof key === 'object' || typeof key === 'function')) {
+				if ($wm) {
+					return $weakMapGet($wm, key);
+				}
+			} else if ($Map) {
+				if ($m) {
+					return $mapGet($m, key);
+				}
+			} else {
+				if ($o) { // eslint-disable-line no-lonely-if
+					return listGet($o, key);
+				}
+			}
+		},
+		has: function (key) {
+			if ($WeakMap && key && (typeof key === 'object' || typeof key === 'function')) {
+				if ($wm) {
+					return $weakMapHas($wm, key);
+				}
+			} else if ($Map) {
+				if ($m) {
+					return $mapHas($m, key);
+				}
+			} else {
+				if ($o) { // eslint-disable-line no-lonely-if
+					return listHas($o, key);
+				}
+			}
+			return false;
+		},
+		set: function (key, value) {
+			if ($WeakMap && key && (typeof key === 'object' || typeof key === 'function')) {
+				if (!$wm) {
+					$wm = new $WeakMap();
+				}
+				$weakMapSet($wm, key, value);
+			} else if ($Map) {
+				if (!$m) {
+					$m = new $Map();
+				}
+				$mapSet($m, key, value);
+			} else {
+				if (!$o) {
+					/*
+					 * Initialize the linked list as an empty node, so that we don't have
+					 * to special-case handling of the first node: we can always refer to
+					 * it as (previous node).next, instead of something like (list).head
+					 */
+					$o = { key: {}, next: null };
+				}
+				listSet($o, key, value);
+			}
+		}
+	};
+	return channel;
+/***/ }),
+/***/ 9958:
+/***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __nccwpck_require__) => {
+module.exports = __nccwpck_require__(9306);
+/***/ }),
+/***/ 9306:
+/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __nccwpck_require__) => {
+"use strict";
+var net = __nccwpck_require__(1808);
+var tls = __nccwpck_require__(4404);
+var http = __nccwpck_require__(3685);
+var https = __nccwpck_require__(5687);
+var events = __nccwpck_require__(2361);
+var assert = __nccwpck_require__(9491);
+var util = __nccwpck_require__(3837);
+exports.httpOverHttp = httpOverHttp;
+exports.httpsOverHttp = httpsOverHttp;
+exports.httpOverHttps = httpOverHttps;
+exports.httpsOverHttps = httpsOverHttps;
+function httpOverHttp(options) {
+  var agent = new TunnelingAgent(options);
+  agent.request = http.request;
+  return agent;
+function httpsOverHttp(options) {
+  var agent = new TunnelingAgent(options);
+  agent.request = http.request;
+  agent.createSocket = createSecureSocket;
+  agent.defaultPort = 443;
+  return agent;
+function httpOverHttps(options) {
+  var agent = new TunnelingAgent(options);
+  agent.request = https.request;
+  return agent;
+function httpsOverHttps(options) {
+  var agent = new TunnelingAgent(options);
+  agent.request = https.request;
+  agent.createSocket = createSecureSocket;
+  agent.defaultPort = 443;
+  return agent;
+function TunnelingAgent(options) {
+  var self = this;
+  self.options = options || {};
+  self.proxyOptions = self.options.proxy || {};
+  self.maxSockets = self.options.maxSockets || http.Agent.defaultMaxSockets;
+  self.requests = [];
+  self.sockets = [];
+  self.on('free', function onFree(socket, host, port, localAddress) {
+    var options = toOptions(host, port, localAddress);
+    for (var i = 0, len = self.requests.length; i < len; ++i) {
+      var pending = self.requests[i];
+      if (pending.host === options.host && pending.port === options.port) {
+        // Detect the request to connect same origin server,
+        // reuse the connection.
+        self.requests.splice(i, 1);
+        pending.request.onSocket(socket);
+        return;
+      }
+    }
+    socket.destroy();
+    self.removeSocket(socket);
+  });
+util.inherits(TunnelingAgent, events.EventEmitter);
+TunnelingAgent.prototype.addRequest = function addRequest(req, host, port, localAddress) {
+  var self = this;
+  var options = mergeOptions({request: req}, self.options, toOptions(host, port, localAddress));
+  if (self.sockets.length >= this.maxSockets) {
+    // We are over limit so we'll add it to the queue.
+    self.requests.push(options);
+    return;
+  }
+  // If we are under maxSockets create a new one.
+  self.createSocket(options, function(socket) {
+    socket.on('free', onFree);
+    socket.on('close', onCloseOrRemove);
+    socket.on('agentRemove', onCloseOrRemove);
+    req.onSocket(socket);
+    function onFree() {
+      self.emit('free', socket, options);
+    }
+    function onCloseOrRemove(err) {
+      self.removeSocket(socket);
+      socket.removeListener('free', onFree);
+      socket.removeListener('close', onCloseOrRemove);
+      socket.removeListener('agentRemove', onCloseOrRemove);
+    }
+  });
+TunnelingAgent.prototype.createSocket = function createSocket(options, cb) {
+  var self = this;
+  var placeholder = {};
+  self.sockets.push(placeholder);
+  var connectOptions = mergeOptions({}, self.proxyOptions, {
+    method: 'CONNECT',
+    path: options.host + ':' + options.port,
+    agent: false,
+    headers: {
+      host: options.host + ':' + options.port
+    }
+  });
+  if (options.localAddress) {
+    connectOptions.localAddress = options.localAddress;
+  }
+  if (connectOptions.proxyAuth) {
+    connectOptions.headers = connectOptions.headers || {};
+    connectOptions.headers['Proxy-Authorization'] = 'Basic ' +
+        new Buffer(connectOptions.proxyAuth).toString('base64');
+  }
+  debug('making CONNECT request');
+  var connectReq = self.request(connectOptions);
+  connectReq.useChunkedEncodingByDefault = false; // for v0.6
+  connectReq.once('response', onResponse); // for v0.6
+  connectReq.once('upgrade', onUpgrade);   // for v0.6
+  connectReq.once('connect', onConnect);   // for v0.7 or later
+  connectReq.once('error', onError);
+  connectReq.end();
+  function onResponse(res) {
+    // Very hacky. This is necessary to avoid http-parser leaks.
+    res.upgrade = true;
+  }
+  function onUpgrade(res, socket, head) {
+    // Hacky.
+    process.nextTick(function() {
+      onConnect(res, socket, head);
+    });
+  }
+  function onConnect(res, socket, head) {
+    connectReq.removeAllListeners();
+    socket.removeAllListeners();
+    if (res.statusCode !== 200) {
+      debug('tunneling socket could not be established, statusCode=%d',
+        res.statusCode);
+      socket.destroy();
+      var error = new Error('tunneling socket could not be established, ' +
+        'statusCode=' + res.statusCode);
+      error.code = 'ECONNRESET';
+      options.request.emit('error', error);
+      self.removeSocket(placeholder);
+      return;
+    }
+    if (head.length > 0) {
+      debug('got illegal response body from proxy');
+      socket.destroy();
+      var error = new Error('got illegal response body from proxy');
+      error.code = 'ECONNRESET';
+      options.request.emit('error', error);
+      self.removeSocket(placeholder);
+      return;
+    }
+    debug('tunneling connection has established');
+    self.sockets[self.sockets.indexOf(placeholder)] = socket;
+    return cb(socket);
+  }
+  function onError(cause) {
+    connectReq.removeAllListeners();
+    debug('tunneling socket could not be established, cause=%s\n',
+          cause.message, cause.stack);
+    var error = new Error('tunneling socket could not be established, ' +
+                          'cause=' + cause.message);
+    error.code = 'ECONNRESET';
+    options.request.emit('error', error);
+    self.removeSocket(placeholder);
+  }
+TunnelingAgent.prototype.removeSocket = function removeSocket(socket) {
+  var pos = this.sockets.indexOf(socket)
+  if (pos === -1) {
+    return;
+  }
+  this.sockets.splice(pos, 1);
+  var pending = this.requests.shift();
+  if (pending) {
+    // If we have pending requests and a socket gets closed a new one
+    // needs to be created to take over in the pool for the one that closed.
+    this.createSocket(pending, function(socket) {
+      pending.request.onSocket(socket);
+    });
+  }
+function createSecureSocket(options, cb) {
+  var self = this;
+  TunnelingAgent.prototype.createSocket.call(self, options, function(socket) {
+    var hostHeader = options.request.getHeader('host');
+    var tlsOptions = mergeOptions({}, self.options, {
+      socket: socket,
+      servername: hostHeader ? hostHeader.replace(/:.*$/, '') : options.host
+    });
+    // 0 is dummy port for v0.6
+    var secureSocket = tls.connect(0, tlsOptions);
+    self.sockets[self.sockets.indexOf(socket)] = secureSocket;
+    cb(secureSocket);
+  });
+function toOptions(host, port, localAddress) {
+  if (typeof host === 'string') { // since v0.10
+    return {
+      host: host,
+      port: port,
+      localAddress: localAddress
+    };
+  }
+  return host; // for v0.11 or later
+function mergeOptions(target) {
+  for (var i = 1, len = arguments.length; i < len; ++i) {
+    var overrides = arguments[i];
+    if (typeof overrides === 'object') {
+      var keys = Object.keys(overrides);
+      for (var j = 0, keyLen = keys.length; j < keyLen; ++j) {
+        var k = keys[j];
+        if (overrides[k] !== undefined) {
+          target[k] = overrides[k];
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return target;
+var debug;
+if (process.env.NODE_DEBUG && /\btunnel\b/.test(process.env.NODE_DEBUG)) {
+  debug = function() {
+    var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
+    if (typeof args[0] === 'string') {
+      args[0] = 'TUNNEL: ' + args[0];
+    } else {
+      args.unshift('TUNNEL:');
+    }
+    console.error.apply(console, args);
+  }
+} else {
+  debug = function() {};
+exports.debug = debug; // for test
+/***/ }),
+/***/ 6566:
+/***/ (function(__unused_webpack_module, exports, __nccwpck_require__) {
+"use strict";
+// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
+// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
+var __awaiter = (this && this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
+    return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
+        function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
+        function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
+        function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(result.value); }).then(fulfilled, rejected); }
+        step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());
+    });
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true }));
+const url = __nccwpck_require__(7310);
+const http = __nccwpck_require__(3685);
+const https = __nccwpck_require__(5687);
+const util = __nccwpck_require__(5235);
+let fs;
+let tunnel;
+var HttpCodes;
+(function (HttpCodes) {
+    HttpCodes[HttpCodes["OK"] = 200] = "OK";
+    HttpCodes[HttpCodes["MultipleChoices"] = 300] = "MultipleChoices";
+    HttpCodes[HttpCodes["MovedPermanently"] = 301] = "MovedPermanently";
+    HttpCodes[HttpCodes["ResourceMoved"] = 302] = "ResourceMoved";
+    HttpCodes[HttpCodes["SeeOther"] = 303] = "SeeOther";
+    HttpCodes[HttpCodes["NotModified"] = 304] = "NotModified";
+    HttpCodes[HttpCodes["UseProxy"] = 305] = "UseProxy";
+    HttpCodes[HttpCodes["SwitchProxy"] = 306] = "SwitchProxy";
+    HttpCodes[HttpCodes["TemporaryRedirect"] = 307] = "TemporaryRedirect";
+    HttpCodes[HttpCodes["PermanentRedirect"] = 308] = "PermanentRedirect";
+    HttpCodes[HttpCodes["BadRequest"] = 400] = "BadRequest";
+    HttpCodes[HttpCodes["Unauthorized"] = 401] = "Unauthorized";
+    HttpCodes[HttpCodes["PaymentRequired"] = 402] = "PaymentRequired";
+    HttpCodes[HttpCodes["Forbidden"] = 403] = "Forbidden";
+    HttpCodes[HttpCodes["NotFound"] = 404] = "NotFound";
+    HttpCodes[HttpCodes["MethodNotAllowed"] = 405] = "MethodNotAllowed";
+    HttpCodes[HttpCodes["NotAcceptable"] = 406] = "NotAcceptable";
+    HttpCodes[HttpCodes["ProxyAuthenticationRequired"] = 407] = "ProxyAuthenticationRequired";
+    HttpCodes[HttpCodes["RequestTimeout"] = 408] = "RequestTimeout";
+    HttpCodes[HttpCodes["Conflict"] = 409] = "Conflict";
+    HttpCodes[HttpCodes["Gone"] = 410] = "Gone";
+    HttpCodes[HttpCodes["TooManyRequests"] = 429] = "TooManyRequests";
+    HttpCodes[HttpCodes["InternalServerError"] = 500] = "InternalServerError";
+    HttpCodes[HttpCodes["NotImplemented"] = 501] = "NotImplemented";
+    HttpCodes[HttpCodes["BadGateway"] = 502] = "BadGateway";
+    HttpCodes[HttpCodes["ServiceUnavailable"] = 503] = "ServiceUnavailable";
+    HttpCodes[HttpCodes["GatewayTimeout"] = 504] = "GatewayTimeout";
+})(HttpCodes = exports.HttpCodes || (exports.HttpCodes = {}));
+const HttpRedirectCodes = [HttpCodes.MovedPermanently, HttpCodes.ResourceMoved, HttpCodes.SeeOther, HttpCodes.TemporaryRedirect, HttpCodes.PermanentRedirect];
+const HttpResponseRetryCodes = [HttpCodes.BadGateway, HttpCodes.ServiceUnavailable, HttpCodes.GatewayTimeout];
+const RetryableHttpVerbs = ['OPTIONS', 'GET', 'DELETE', 'HEAD'];
+const ExponentialBackoffCeiling = 10;
+const ExponentialBackoffTimeSlice = 5;
+class HttpClientResponse {
+    constructor(message) {
+        this.message = message;
+    }
+    readBody() {
+        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
+            let buffer = Buffer.alloc(0);
+            const encodingCharset = util.obtainContentCharset(this);
+            // Extract Encoding from header: 'content-encoding'
+            // Match `gzip`, `gzip, deflate` variations of GZIP encoding
+            const contentEncoding = this.message.headers['content-encoding'] || '';
+            const isGzippedEncoded = new RegExp('(gzip$)|(gzip, *deflate)').test(contentEncoding);
+            this.message.on('data', function (data) {
+                const chunk = (typeof data === 'string') ? Buffer.from(data, encodingCharset) : data;
+                buffer = Buffer.concat([buffer, chunk]);
+            }).on('end', function () {
+                return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
+                    if (isGzippedEncoded) { // Process GZipped Response Body HERE
+                        const gunzippedBody = yield util.decompressGzippedContent(buffer, encodingCharset);
+                        resolve(gunzippedBody);
+                    }
+                    else {
+                        resolve(buffer.toString(encodingCharset));
+                    }
+                });
+            }).on('error', function (err) {
+                reject(err);
+            });
+        }));
+    }
+exports.HttpClientResponse = HttpClientResponse;
+function isHttps(requestUrl) {
+    let parsedUrl = url.parse(requestUrl);
+    return parsedUrl.protocol === 'https:';
+exports.isHttps = isHttps;
+var EnvironmentVariables;
+(function (EnvironmentVariables) {
+    EnvironmentVariables["HTTP_PROXY"] = "HTTP_PROXY";
+    EnvironmentVariables["HTTPS_PROXY"] = "HTTPS_PROXY";
+    EnvironmentVariables["NO_PROXY"] = "NO_PROXY";
+})(EnvironmentVariables || (EnvironmentVariables = {}));
+class HttpClient {
+    constructor(userAgent, handlers, requestOptions) {
+        this._ignoreSslError = false;
+        this._allowRedirects = true;
+        this._allowRedirectDowngrade = false;
+        this._maxRedirects = 50;
+        this._allowRetries = false;
+        this._maxRetries = 1;
+        this._keepAlive = false;
+        this._disposed = false;
+        this.userAgent = userAgent;
+        this.handlers = handlers || [];
+        let no_proxy = process.env[EnvironmentVariables.NO_PROXY];
+        if (no_proxy) {
+            this._httpProxyBypassHosts = [];
+            no_proxy.split(',').forEach(bypass => {
+                this._httpProxyBypassHosts.push(util.buildProxyBypassRegexFromEnv(bypass));
+            });
+        }
+        this.requestOptions = requestOptions;
+        if (requestOptions) {
+            if (requestOptions.ignoreSslError != null) {
+                this._ignoreSslError = requestOptions.ignoreSslError;
+            }
+            this._socketTimeout = requestOptions.socketTimeout;
+            this._httpProxy = requestOptions.proxy;
+            if (requestOptions.proxy && requestOptions.proxy.proxyBypassHosts) {
+                this._httpProxyBypassHosts = [];
+                requestOptions.proxy.proxyBypassHosts.forEach(bypass => {
+                    this._httpProxyBypassHosts.push(new RegExp(bypass, 'i'));
+                });
+            }
+            this._certConfig = requestOptions.cert;
+            if (this._certConfig) {
+                // If using cert, need fs
+                fs = __nccwpck_require__(7147);
+                // cache the cert content into memory, so we don't have to read it from disk every time
+                if (this._certConfig.caFile && fs.existsSync(this._certConfig.caFile)) {
+                    this._ca = fs.readFileSync(this._certConfig.caFile, 'utf8');
+                }
+                if (this._certConfig.certFile && fs.existsSync(this._certConfig.certFile)) {
+                    this._cert = fs.readFileSync(this._certConfig.certFile, 'utf8');
+                }
+                if (this._certConfig.keyFile && fs.existsSync(this._certConfig.keyFile)) {
+                    this._key = fs.readFileSync(this._certConfig.keyFile, 'utf8');
+                }
+            }
+            if (requestOptions.allowRedirects != null) {
+                this._allowRedirects = requestOptions.allowRedirects;
+            }
+            if (requestOptions.allowRedirectDowngrade != null) {
+                this._allowRedirectDowngrade = requestOptions.allowRedirectDowngrade;
+            }
+            if (requestOptions.maxRedirects != null) {
+                this._maxRedirects = Math.max(requestOptions.maxRedirects, 0);
+            }
+            if (requestOptions.keepAlive != null) {
+                this._keepAlive = requestOptions.keepAlive;
+            }
+            if (requestOptions.allowRetries != null) {
+                this._allowRetries = requestOptions.allowRetries;
+            }
+            if (requestOptions.maxRetries != null) {
+                this._maxRetries = requestOptions.maxRetries;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    options(requestUrl, additionalHeaders) {
+        return this.request('OPTIONS', requestUrl, null, additionalHeaders || {});
+    }
+    get(requestUrl, additionalHeaders) {
+        return this.request('GET', requestUrl, null, additionalHeaders || {});
+    }
+    del(requestUrl, additionalHeaders) {
+        return this.request('DELETE', requestUrl, null, additionalHeaders || {});
+    }
+    post(requestUrl, data, additionalHeaders) {
+        return this.request('POST', requestUrl, data, additionalHeaders || {});
+    }
+    patch(requestUrl, data, additionalHeaders) {
+        return this.request('PATCH', requestUrl, data, additionalHeaders || {});
+    }
+    put(requestUrl, data, additionalHeaders) {
+        return this.request('PUT', requestUrl, data, additionalHeaders || {});
+    }
+    head(requestUrl, additionalHeaders) {
+        return this.request('HEAD', requestUrl, null, additionalHeaders || {});
+    }
+    sendStream(verb, requestUrl, stream, additionalHeaders) {
+        return this.request(verb, requestUrl, stream, additionalHeaders);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Makes a raw http request.
+     * All other methods such as get, post, patch, and request ultimately call this.
+     * Prefer get, del, post and patch
+     */
+    request(verb, requestUrl, data, headers) {
+        return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
+            if (this._disposed) {
+                throw new Error("Client has already been disposed.");
+            }
+            let parsedUrl = url.parse(requestUrl);
+            let info = this._prepareRequest(verb, parsedUrl, headers);
+            // Only perform retries on reads since writes may not be idempotent.
+            let maxTries = (this._allowRetries && RetryableHttpVerbs.indexOf(verb) != -1) ? this._maxRetries + 1 : 1;
+            let numTries = 0;
+            let response;
+            while (numTries < maxTries) {
+                try {
+                    response = yield this.requestRaw(info, data);
+                }
+                catch (err) {
+                    numTries++;
+                    if (err && err.code && NetworkRetryErrors.indexOf(err.code) > -1 && numTries < maxTries) {
+                        yield this._performExponentialBackoff(numTries);
+                        continue;
+                    }
+                    throw err;
+                }
+                // Check if it's an authentication challenge
+                if (response && response.message && response.message.statusCode === HttpCodes.Unauthorized) {
+                    let authenticationHandler;
+                    for (let i = 0; i < this.handlers.length; i++) {
+                        if (this.handlers[i].canHandleAuthentication(response)) {
+                            authenticationHandler = this.handlers[i];
+                            break;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    if (authenticationHandler) {
+                        return authenticationHandler.handleAuthentication(this, info, data);
+                    }
+                    else {
+                        // We have received an unauthorized response but have no handlers to handle it.
+                        // Let the response return to the caller.
+                        return response;
+                    }
+                }
+                let redirectsRemaining = this._maxRedirects;
+                while (HttpRedirectCodes.indexOf(response.message.statusCode) != -1
+                    && this._allowRedirects
+                    && redirectsRemaining > 0) {
+                    const redirectUrl = response.message.headers["location"];
+                    if (!redirectUrl) {
+                        // if there's no location to redirect to, we won't
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    let parsedRedirectUrl = url.parse(redirectUrl);
+                    if (parsedUrl.protocol == 'https:' && parsedUrl.protocol != parsedRedirectUrl.protocol && !this._allowRedirectDowngrade) {
+                        throw new Error("Redirect from HTTPS to HTTP protocol. This downgrade is not allowed for security reasons. If you want to allow this behavior, set the allowRedirectDowngrade option to true.");
+                    }
+                    // we need to finish reading the response before reassigning response
+                    // which will leak the open socket.
+                    yield response.readBody();
+                    // let's make the request with the new redirectUrl
+                    info = this._prepareRequest(verb, parsedRedirectUrl, headers);
+                    response = yield this.requestRaw(info, data);
+                    redirectsRemaining--;
+                }
+                if (HttpResponseRetryCodes.indexOf(response.message.statusCode) == -1) {
+                    // If not a retry code, return immediately instead of retrying
+                    return response;
+                }
+                numTries += 1;
+                if (numTries < maxTries) {
+                    yield response.readBody();
+                    yield this._performExponentialBackoff(numTries);
+                }
+            }
+            return response;
+        });
+    }
+    /**
+     * Needs to be called if keepAlive is set to true in request options.
+     */
+    dispose() {
+        if (this._agent) {
+            this._agent.destroy();
+        }
+        this._disposed = true;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Raw request.
+     * @param info
+     * @param data
+     */
+    requestRaw(info, data) {
+        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+            let callbackForResult = function (err, res) {
+                if (err) {
+                    reject(err);
+                }
+                resolve(res);
+            };
+            this.requestRawWithCallback(info, data, callbackForResult);
+        });
+    }
+    /**
+     * Raw request with callback.
+     * @param info
+     * @param data
+     * @param onResult
+     */
+    requestRawWithCallback(info, data, onResult) {
+        let socket;
+        if (typeof (data) === 'string') {
+            info.options.headers["Content-Length"] = Buffer.byteLength(data, 'utf8');
+        }
+        let callbackCalled = false;
+        let handleResult = (err, res) => {
+            if (!callbackCalled) {
+                callbackCalled = true;
+                onResult(err, res);
+            }
+        };
+        let req = info.httpModule.request(info.options, (msg) => {
+            let res = new HttpClientResponse(msg);
+            handleResult(null, res);
+        });
+        req.on('socket', (sock) => {
+            socket = sock;
+        });
+        // If we ever get disconnected, we want the socket to timeout eventually
+        req.setTimeout(this._socketTimeout || 3 * 60000, () => {
+            if (socket) {
+                socket.destroy();
+            }
+            handleResult(new Error('Request timeout: ' + info.options.path), null);
+        });
+        req.on('error', function (err) {
+            // err has statusCode property
+            // res should have headers
+            handleResult(err, null);
+        });
+        if (data && typeof (data) === 'string') {
+            req.write(data, 'utf8');
+        }
+        if (data && typeof (data) !== 'string') {
+            data.on('close', function () {
+                req.end();
+            });
+            data.pipe(req);
+        }
+        else {
+            req.end();
+        }
+    }
+    _prepareRequest(method, requestUrl, headers) {
+        const info = {};
+        info.parsedUrl = requestUrl;
+        const usingSsl = info.parsedUrl.protocol === 'https:';
+        info.httpModule = usingSsl ? https : http;
+        const defaultPort = usingSsl ? 443 : 80;
+        info.options = {};
+        info.options.host = info.parsedUrl.hostname;
+        info.options.port = info.parsedUrl.port ? parseInt(info.parsedUrl.port) : defaultPort;
+        info.options.path = (info.parsedUrl.pathname || '') + (info.parsedUrl.search || '');
+        info.options.method = method;
+        info.options.timeout = (this.requestOptions && this.requestOptions.socketTimeout) || this._socketTimeout;
+        this._socketTimeout = info.options.timeout;
+        info.options.headers = this._mergeHeaders(headers);
+        if (this.userAgent != null) {
+            info.options.headers["user-agent"] = this.userAgent;
+        }
+        info.options.agent = this._getAgent(info.parsedUrl);
+        // gives handlers an opportunity to participate
+        if (this.handlers && !this._isPresigned(url.format(requestUrl))) {
+            this.handlers.forEach((handler) => {
+                handler.prepareRequest(info.options);
+            });
+        }
+        return info;
+    }
+    _isPresigned(requestUrl) {
+        if (this.requestOptions && this.requestOptions.presignedUrlPatterns) {
+            const patterns = this.requestOptions.presignedUrlPatterns;
+            for (let i = 0; i < patterns.length; i++) {
+                if (requestUrl.match(patterns[i])) {
+                    return true;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        return false;
+    }
+    _mergeHeaders(headers) {
+        const lowercaseKeys = obj => Object.keys(obj).reduce((c, k) => (c[k.toLowerCase()] = obj[k], c), {});
+        if (this.requestOptions && this.requestOptions.headers) {
+            return Object.assign({}, lowercaseKeys(this.requestOptions.headers), lowercaseKeys(headers));
+        }
+        return lowercaseKeys(headers || {});
+    }
+    _getAgent(parsedUrl) {
+        let agent;
+        let proxy = this._getProxy(parsedUrl);
+        let useProxy = proxy.proxyUrl && proxy.proxyUrl.hostname && !this._isMatchInBypassProxyList(parsedUrl);
+        if (this._keepAlive && useProxy) {
+            agent = this._proxyAgent;
+        }
+        if (this._keepAlive && !useProxy) {
+            agent = this._agent;
+        }
+        // if agent is already assigned use that agent.
+        if (!!agent) {
+            return agent;
+        }
+        const usingSsl = parsedUrl.protocol === 'https:';
+        let maxSockets = 100;
+        if (!!this.requestOptions) {
+            maxSockets = this.requestOptions.maxSockets || http.globalAgent.maxSockets;
+        }
+        if (useProxy) {
+            // If using proxy, need tunnel
+            if (!tunnel) {
+                tunnel = __nccwpck_require__(9958);
+            }
+            const agentOptions = {
+                maxSockets: maxSockets,
+                keepAlive: this._keepAlive,
+                proxy: {
+                    proxyAuth: proxy.proxyAuth,
+                    host: proxy.proxyUrl.hostname,
+                    port: proxy.proxyUrl.port
+                },
+            };
+            let tunnelAgent;
+            const overHttps = proxy.proxyUrl.protocol === 'https:';
+            if (usingSsl) {
+                tunnelAgent = overHttps ? tunnel.httpsOverHttps : tunnel.httpsOverHttp;
+            }
+            else {
+                tunnelAgent = overHttps ? tunnel.httpOverHttps : tunnel.httpOverHttp;
+            }
+            agent = tunnelAgent(agentOptions);
+            this._proxyAgent = agent;
+        }
+        // if reusing agent across request and tunneling agent isn't assigned create a new agent
+        if (this._keepAlive && !agent) {
+            const options = { keepAlive: this._keepAlive, maxSockets: maxSockets };
+            agent = usingSsl ? new https.Agent(options) : new http.Agent(options);
+            this._agent = agent;
+        }
+        // if not using private agent and tunnel agent isn't setup then use global agent
+        if (!agent) {
+            agent = usingSsl ? https.globalAgent : http.globalAgent;
+        }
+        if (usingSsl && this._ignoreSslError) {
+            // we don't want to set NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED=0 since that will affect request for entire process
+            // http.RequestOptions doesn't expose a way to modify RequestOptions.agent.options
+            // we have to cast it to any and change it directly
+            agent.options = Object.assign(agent.options || {}, { rejectUnauthorized: false });
+        }
+        if (usingSsl && this._certConfig) {
+            agent.options = Object.assign(agent.options || {}, { ca: this._ca, cert: this._cert, key: this._key, passphrase: this._certConfig.passphrase });
+        }
+        return agent;
+    }
+    _getProxy(parsedUrl) {
+        let usingSsl = parsedUrl.protocol === 'https:';
+        let proxyConfig = this._httpProxy;
+        // fallback to http_proxy and https_proxy env
+        let https_proxy = process.env[EnvironmentVariables.HTTPS_PROXY];
+        let http_proxy = process.env[EnvironmentVariables.HTTP_PROXY];
+        if (!proxyConfig) {
+            if (https_proxy && usingSsl) {
+                proxyConfig = {
+                    proxyUrl: https_proxy
+                };
+            }
+            else if (http_proxy) {
+                proxyConfig = {
+                    proxyUrl: http_proxy
+                };
+            }
+        }
+        let proxyUrl;
+        let proxyAuth;
+        if (proxyConfig) {
+            if (proxyConfig.proxyUrl.length > 0) {
+                proxyUrl = url.parse(proxyConfig.proxyUrl);
+            }
+            if (proxyConfig.proxyUsername || proxyConfig.proxyPassword) {
+                proxyAuth = proxyConfig.proxyUsername + ":" + proxyConfig.proxyPassword;
+            }
+        }
+        return { proxyUrl: proxyUrl, proxyAuth: proxyAuth };
+    }
+    _isMatchInBypassProxyList(parsedUrl) {
+        if (!this._httpProxyBypassHosts) {
+            return false;
+        }
+        let bypass = false;
+        this._httpProxyBypassHosts.forEach(bypassHost => {
+            if (bypassHost.test(parsedUrl.href)) {
+                bypass = true;
+            }
+        });
+        return bypass;
+    }
+    _performExponentialBackoff(retryNumber) {
+        retryNumber = Math.min(ExponentialBackoffCeiling, retryNumber);
+        const ms = ExponentialBackoffTimeSlice * Math.pow(2, retryNumber);
+        return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(() => resolve(), ms));
+    }
+exports.HttpClient = HttpClient;
+/***/ }),
+/***/ 5235:
+/***/ (function(__unused_webpack_module, exports, __nccwpck_require__) {
+"use strict";
+// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
+// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
+var __awaiter = (this && this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
+    return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
+        function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
+        function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
+        function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(result.value); }).then(fulfilled, rejected); }
+        step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());
+    });
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true }));
+const qs = __nccwpck_require__(737);
+const url = __nccwpck_require__(7310);
+const path = __nccwpck_require__(1017);
+const zlib = __nccwpck_require__(9796);
+ * creates an url from a request url and optional base url (http://server:8080)
+ * @param {string} resource - a fully qualified url or relative path
+ * @param {string} baseUrl - an optional baseUrl (http://server:8080)
+ * @param {IRequestOptions} options - an optional options object, could include QueryParameters e.g.
+ * @return {string} - resultant url
+ */
+function getUrl(resource, baseUrl, queryParams) {
+    const pathApi = path.posix || path;
+    let requestUrl = '';
+    if (!baseUrl) {
+        requestUrl = resource;
+    }
+    else if (!resource) {
+        requestUrl = baseUrl;
+    }
+    else {
+        const base = url.parse(baseUrl);
+        const resultantUrl = url.parse(resource);
+        // resource (specific per request) elements take priority
+        resultantUrl.protocol = resultantUrl.protocol || base.protocol;
+        resultantUrl.auth = resultantUrl.auth || base.auth;
+        resultantUrl.host = resultantUrl.host || base.host;
+        resultantUrl.pathname = pathApi.resolve(base.pathname, resultantUrl.pathname);
+        if (!resultantUrl.pathname.endsWith('/') && resource.endsWith('/')) {
+            resultantUrl.pathname += '/';
+        }
+        requestUrl = url.format(resultantUrl);
+    }
+    return queryParams ?
+        getUrlWithParsedQueryParams(requestUrl, queryParams) :
+        requestUrl;
+exports.getUrl = getUrl;
+ *
+ * @param {string} requestUrl
+ * @param {IRequestQueryParams} queryParams
+ * @return {string} - Request's URL with Query Parameters appended/parsed.
+ */
+function getUrlWithParsedQueryParams(requestUrl, queryParams) {
+    const url = requestUrl.replace(/\?$/g, ''); // Clean any extra end-of-string "?" character
+    const parsedQueryParams = qs.stringify(queryParams.params, buildParamsStringifyOptions(queryParams));
+    return `${url}${parsedQueryParams}`;
+ * Build options for QueryParams Stringifying.
+ *
+ * @param {IRequestQueryParams} queryParams
+ * @return {object}
+ */
+function buildParamsStringifyOptions(queryParams) {
+    let options = {
+        addQueryPrefix: true,
+        delimiter: (queryParams.options || {}).separator || '&',
+        allowDots: (queryParams.options || {}).shouldAllowDots || false,
+        arrayFormat: (queryParams.options || {}).arrayFormat || 'repeat',
+        encodeValuesOnly: (queryParams.options || {}).shouldOnlyEncodeValues || true
+    };
+    return options;
+ * Decompress/Decode gzip encoded JSON
+ * Using Node.js built-in zlib module
+ *
+ * @param {Buffer} buffer
+ * @param {string} charset? - optional; defaults to 'utf-8'
+ * @return {Promise<string>}
+ */
+function decompressGzippedContent(buffer, charset) {
+    return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
+        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
+            zlib.gunzip(buffer, function (error, buffer) {
+                if (error) {
+                    reject(error);
+                }
+                resolve(buffer.toString(charset || 'utf-8'));
+            });
+        }));
+    });
+exports.decompressGzippedContent = decompressGzippedContent;
+ * Builds a RegExp to test urls against for deciding
+ * wether to bypass proxy from an entry of the
+ * environment variable setting NO_PROXY
+ *
+ * @param {string} bypass
+ * @return {RegExp}
+ */
+function buildProxyBypassRegexFromEnv(bypass) {
+    try {
+        // We need to keep this around for back-compat purposes
+        return new RegExp(bypass, 'i');
+    }
+    catch (err) {
+        if (err instanceof SyntaxError && (bypass || "").startsWith("*")) {
+            let wildcardEscaped = bypass.replace('*', '(.*)');
+            return new RegExp(wildcardEscaped, 'i');
+        }
+        throw err;
+    }
+exports.buildProxyBypassRegexFromEnv = buildProxyBypassRegexFromEnv;
+ * Obtain Response's Content Charset.
+ * Through inspecting `content-type` response header.
+ * It Returns 'utf-8' if NO charset specified/matched.
+ *
+ * @param {IHttpClientResponse} response
+ * @return {string} - Content Encoding Charset; Default=utf-8
+ */
+function obtainContentCharset(response) {
+    // Find the charset, if specified.
+    // Search for the `charset=CHARSET` string, not including `;,\r\n`
+    // Example: content-type: 'application/json;charset=utf-8'
+    // |__ matches would be ['charset=utf-8', 'utf-8', index: 18, input: 'application/json; charset=utf-8']
+    // |_____ matches[1] would have the charset :tada: , in our example it's utf-8
+    // However, if the matches Array was empty or no charset found, 'utf-8' would be returned by default.
+    const nodeSupportedEncodings = ['ascii', 'utf8', 'utf16le', 'ucs2', 'base64', 'binary', 'hex'];
+    const contentType = response.message.headers['content-type'] || '';
+    const matches = contentType.match(/charset=([^;,\r\n]+)/i);
+    return (matches && matches[1] && nodeSupportedEncodings.indexOf(matches[1]) != -1) ? matches[1] : 'utf-8';
+exports.obtainContentCharset = obtainContentCharset;
+/***/ }),
+/***/ 919:
+/***/ ((module) => {
+ * Convert array of 16 byte values to UUID string format of the form:
+ */
+var byteToHex = [];
+for (var i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {
+  byteToHex[i] = (i + 0x100).toString(16).substr(1);
+function bytesToUuid(buf, offset) {
+  var i = offset || 0;
+  var bth = byteToHex;
+  // join used to fix memory issue caused by concatenation: https://bugs.chromium.org/p/v8/issues/detail?id=3175#c4
+  return ([
+    bth[buf[i++]], bth[buf[i++]],
+    bth[buf[i++]], bth[buf[i++]], '-',
+    bth[buf[i++]], bth[buf[i++]], '-',
+    bth[buf[i++]], bth[buf[i++]], '-',
+    bth[buf[i++]], bth[buf[i++]], '-',
+    bth[buf[i++]], bth[buf[i++]],
+    bth[buf[i++]], bth[buf[i++]],
+    bth[buf[i++]], bth[buf[i++]]
+  ]).join('');
+module.exports = bytesToUuid;
+/***/ }),
+/***/ 7868:
+/***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __nccwpck_require__) => {
+// Unique ID creation requires a high quality random # generator.  In node.js
+// this is pretty straight-forward - we use the crypto API.
+var crypto = __nccwpck_require__(6113);
+module.exports = function nodeRNG() {
+  return crypto.randomBytes(16);
+/***/ }),
+/***/ 3902:
+/***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __nccwpck_require__) => {
+var rng = __nccwpck_require__(7868);
+var bytesToUuid = __nccwpck_require__(919);
+function v4(options, buf, offset) {
+  var i = buf && offset || 0;
+  if (typeof(options) == 'string') {
+    buf = options === 'binary' ? new Array(16) : null;
+    options = null;
+  }
+  options = options || {};
+  var rnds = options.random || (options.rng || rng)();
+  // Per 4.4, set bits for version and `clock_seq_hi_and_reserved`
+  rnds[6] = (rnds[6] & 0x0f) | 0x40;
+  rnds[8] = (rnds[8] & 0x3f) | 0x80;
+  // Copy bytes to buffer, if provided
+  if (buf) {
+    for (var ii = 0; ii < 16; ++ii) {
+      buf[i + ii] = rnds[ii];
+    }
+  }
+  return buf || bytesToUuid(rnds);
+module.exports = v4;
+/***/ }),
+/***/ 34:
+/***/ (function(__unused_webpack_module, exports, __nccwpck_require__) {
+"use strict";
+// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
+// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
+// Licensed under the MIT license.
+var __awaiter = (this && this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
+    function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }
+    return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
+        function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
+        function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
+        function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }
+        step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());
+    });
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true }));
+exports.walkSync = exports.findHelm = exports.downloadHelm = exports.getHelmDownloadURL = exports.getExecutableExtension = exports.getLatestHelmVersion = exports.getValidVersion = exports.run = void 0;
+const os = __nccwpck_require__(2037);
+const path = __nccwpck_require__(1017);
+const util = __nccwpck_require__(3837);
+const fs = __nccwpck_require__(7147);
+const toolCache = __nccwpck_require__(3594);
+const core = __nccwpck_require__(6024);
+const helmToolName = "helm";
+const stableHelmVersion = "v3.8.0";
+const helmAllReleasesUrl = "https://api.github.com/repos/helm/helm/releases";
+function run() {
+    return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
+        let version = core.getInput("version", { required: true });
+        if (version !== "latest" && version[0] !== "v") {
+            version = getValidVersion(version);
+        }
+        if (version.toLocaleLowerCase() === "latest") {
+            version = yield getLatestHelmVersion();
+        }
+        core.debug(util.format("Downloading %s", version));
+        let cachedPath = yield downloadHelm(version);
+        try {
+            if (!process.env["PATH"].startsWith(path.dirname(cachedPath))) {
+                core.addPath(path.dirname(cachedPath));
+            }
+        }
+        catch (_a) {
+            //do nothing, set as output variable
+        }
+        console.log(`Helm tool version: '${version}' has been cached at ${cachedPath}`);
+        core.setOutput("helm-path", cachedPath);
+    });
+exports.run = run;
+//Returns version with proper v before it
+function getValidVersion(version) {
+    return "v" + version;
+exports.getValidVersion = getValidVersion;
+// Downloads the helm releases JSON and parses all the recent versions of helm from it.
+// Defaults to sending stable helm version if none are valid or if it fails
+function getLatestHelmVersion() {
+    return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
+        const helmJSONPath = yield toolCache.downloadTool(helmAllReleasesUrl);
+        try {
+            const helmJSON = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(helmJSONPath, "utf-8"));
+            for (let i in helmJSON) {
+                if (isValidVersion(helmJSON[i].tag_name)) {
+                    return helmJSON[i].tag_name;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        catch (err) {
+            core.warning(util.format("Error while fetching the latest Helm release. Error: %s. Using default Helm version %s", err.toString(), stableHelmVersion));
+            return stableHelmVersion;
+        }
+        return stableHelmVersion;
+    });
+exports.getLatestHelmVersion = getLatestHelmVersion;
+// isValidVersion checks if verison is a stable release
+function isValidVersion(version) {
+    return version.indexOf("rc") == -1;
+function getExecutableExtension() {
+    if (os.type().match(/^Win/)) {
+        return ".exe";
+    }
+    return "";
+exports.getExecutableExtension = getExecutableExtension;
+const LINUX = "Linux";
+const MAC_OS = "Darwin";
+const WINDOWS = "Windows_NT";
+const ARM64 = "arm64";
+function getHelmDownloadURL(version) {
+    const arch = os.arch();
+    const operatingSystem = os.type();
+    switch (true) {
+        case operatingSystem == LINUX && arch == ARM64:
+            return util.format("https://get.helm.sh/helm-%s-linux-arm64.zip", version);
+        case operatingSystem == LINUX:
+            return util.format("https://get.helm.sh/helm-%s-linux-amd64.zip", version);
+        case operatingSystem == MAC_OS && arch == ARM64:
+            return util.format("https://get.helm.sh/helm-%s-darwin-arm64.zip", version);
+        case operatingSystem == MAC_OS:
+            return util.format("https://get.helm.sh/helm-%s-darwin-amd64.zip", version);
+        case operatingSystem == WINDOWS:
+        default:
+            return util.format("https://get.helm.sh/helm-%s-windows-amd64.zip", version);
+    }
+exports.getHelmDownloadURL = getHelmDownloadURL;
+function downloadHelm(version) {
+    return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
+        let cachedToolpath = toolCache.find(helmToolName, version);
+        if (!cachedToolpath) {
+            let helmDownloadPath;
+            try {
+                helmDownloadPath = yield toolCache.downloadTool(getHelmDownloadURL(version));
+            }
+            catch (exception) {
+                throw new Error(util.format("Failed to download Helm from location", getHelmDownloadURL(version)));
+            }
+            fs.chmodSync(helmDownloadPath, "777");
+            const unzipedHelmPath = yield toolCache.extractZip(helmDownloadPath);
+            cachedToolpath = yield toolCache.cacheDir(unzipedHelmPath, helmToolName, version);
+        }
+        const helmpath = findHelm(cachedToolpath);
+        if (!helmpath) {
+            throw new Error(util.format("Helm executable not found in path", cachedToolpath));
+        }
+        fs.chmodSync(helmpath, "777");
+        return helmpath;
+    });
+exports.downloadHelm = downloadHelm;
+function findHelm(rootFolder) {
+    fs.chmodSync(rootFolder, "777");
+    var filelist = [];
+    exports.walkSync(rootFolder, filelist, helmToolName + getExecutableExtension());
+    if (!filelist || filelist.length == 0) {
+        throw new Error(util.format("Helm executable not found in path", rootFolder));
+    }
+    else {
+        return filelist[0];
+    }
+exports.findHelm = findHelm;
+exports.walkSync = function (dir, filelist, fileToFind) {
+    var files = fs.readdirSync(dir);
+    filelist = filelist || [];
+    files.forEach(function (file) {
+        if (fs.statSync(path.join(dir, file)).isDirectory()) {
+            filelist = exports.walkSync(path.join(dir, file), filelist, fileToFind);
+        }
+        else {
+            core.debug(file);
+            if (file == fileToFind) {
+                filelist.push(path.join(dir, file));
+            }
+        }
+    });
+    return filelist;
+/***/ }),
+/***/ 9491:
+/***/ ((module) => {
+"use strict";
+module.exports = require("assert");
+/***/ }),
+/***/ 2081:
+/***/ ((module) => {
+"use strict";
+module.exports = require("child_process");
+/***/ }),
+/***/ 6113:
+/***/ ((module) => {
+"use strict";
+module.exports = require("crypto");
+/***/ }),
+/***/ 2361:
+/***/ ((module) => {
+"use strict";
+module.exports = require("events");
+/***/ }),
+/***/ 7147:
+/***/ ((module) => {
+"use strict";
+module.exports = require("fs");
+/***/ }),
+/***/ 3685:
+/***/ ((module) => {
+"use strict";
+module.exports = require("http");
+/***/ }),
+/***/ 5687:
+/***/ ((module) => {
+"use strict";
+module.exports = require("https");
+/***/ }),
+/***/ 1808:
+/***/ ((module) => {
+"use strict";
+module.exports = require("net");
+/***/ }),
+/***/ 2037:
+/***/ ((module) => {
+"use strict";
+module.exports = require("os");
+/***/ }),
+/***/ 1017:
+/***/ ((module) => {
+"use strict";
+module.exports = require("path");
+/***/ }),
+/***/ 1576:
+/***/ ((module) => {
+"use strict";
+module.exports = require("string_decoder");
+/***/ }),
+/***/ 9512:
+/***/ ((module) => {
+"use strict";
+module.exports = require("timers");
+/***/ }),
+/***/ 4404:
+/***/ ((module) => {
+"use strict";
+module.exports = require("tls");
+/***/ }),
+/***/ 7310:
+/***/ ((module) => {
+"use strict";
+module.exports = require("url");
+/***/ }),
+/***/ 3837:
+/***/ ((module) => {
+"use strict";
+module.exports = require("util");
+/***/ }),
+/***/ 9796:
+/***/ ((module) => {
+"use strict";
+module.exports = require("zlib");
+/***/ })
+/******/ 	});
+/******/ 	// The module cache
+/******/ 	var __webpack_module_cache__ = {};
+/******/ 	// The require function
+/******/ 	function __nccwpck_require__(moduleId) {
+/******/ 		// Check if module is in cache
+/******/ 		var cachedModule = __webpack_module_cache__[moduleId];
+/******/ 		if (cachedModule !== undefined) {
+/******/ 			return cachedModule.exports;
+/******/ 		}
+/******/ 		// Create a new module (and put it into the cache)
+/******/ 		var module = __webpack_module_cache__[moduleId] = {
+/******/ 			// no module.id needed
+/******/ 			// no module.loaded needed
+/******/ 			exports: {}
+/******/ 		};
+/******/ 		// Execute the module function
+/******/ 		var threw = true;
+/******/ 		try {
+/******/ 			__webpack_modules__[moduleId].call(module.exports, module, module.exports, __nccwpck_require__);
+/******/ 			threw = false;
+/******/ 		} finally {
+/******/ 			if(threw) delete __webpack_module_cache__[moduleId];
+/******/ 		}
+/******/ 		// Return the exports of the module
+/******/ 		return module.exports;
+/******/ 	}
+/******/ 	/* webpack/runtime/compat */
+/******/ 	if (typeof __nccwpck_require__ !== 'undefined') __nccwpck_require__.ab = __dirname + "/";
+/******/ 	// startup
+/******/ 	// Load entry module and return exports
+/******/ 	// This entry module is referenced by other modules so it can't be inlined
+/******/ 	var __webpack_exports__ = __nccwpck_require__(34);
+/******/ 	module.exports = __webpack_exports__;
+/******/ })()
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dbae2edb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@actions/core/LICENSE.md
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+The MIT License (MIT)
+Copyright 2019 GitHub
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/@actions/core/README.md b/node_modules/@actions/core/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8f227a83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@actions/core/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
+# `@actions/core`
+> Core functions for setting results, logging, registering secrets and exporting variables across actions
+## Usage
+### Import the package
+// javascript
+const core = require('@actions/core');
+// typescript
+import * as core from '@actions/core';
+#### Inputs/Outputs
+Action inputs can be read with `getInput` which returns a `string` or `getBooleanInput` which parses a boolean based on the [yaml 1.2 specification](https://yaml.org/spec/1.2/spec.html#id2804923). If `required` set to be false, the input should have a default value in `action.yml`.
+Outputs can be set with `setOutput` which makes them available to be mapped into inputs of other actions to ensure they are decoupled.
+const myInput = core.getInput('inputName', { required: true });
+const myBooleanInput = core.getBooleanInput('booleanInputName', { required: true });
+const myMultilineInput = core.getMultilineInput('multilineInputName', { required: true });
+core.setOutput('outputKey', 'outputVal');
+#### Exporting variables
+Since each step runs in a separate process, you can use `exportVariable` to add it to this step and future steps environment blocks.
+core.exportVariable('envVar', 'Val');
+#### Setting a secret
+Setting a secret registers the secret with the runner to ensure it is masked in logs.
+#### PATH Manipulation
+To make a tool's path available in the path for the remainder of the job (without altering the machine or containers state), use `addPath`.  The runner will prepend the path given to the jobs PATH.
+#### Exit codes
+You should use this library to set the failing exit code for your action.  If status is not set and the script runs to completion, that will lead to a success.
+const core = require('@actions/core');
+try {
+  // Do stuff
+catch (err) {
+  // setFailed logs the message and sets a failing exit code
+  core.setFailed(`Action failed with error ${err}`);
+Note that `setNeutral` is not yet implemented in actions V2 but equivalent functionality is being planned.
+#### Logging
+Finally, this library provides some utilities for logging. Note that debug logging is hidden from the logs by default. This behavior can be toggled by enabling the [Step Debug Logs](../../docs/action-debugging.md#step-debug-logs).
+const core = require('@actions/core');
+const myInput = core.getInput('input');
+try {
+  core.debug('Inside try block');
+  if (!myInput) {
+    core.warning('myInput was not set');
+  }
+  if (core.isDebug()) {
+    // curl -v https://github.com
+  } else {
+    // curl https://github.com
+  }
+  // Do stuff
+  core.info('Output to the actions build log')
+  core.notice('This is a message that will also emit an annotation')
+catch (err) {
+  core.error(`Error ${err}, action may still succeed though`);
+This library can also wrap chunks of output in foldable groups.
+const core = require('@actions/core')
+// Manually wrap output
+core.startGroup('Do some function')
+// Wrap an asynchronous function call
+const result = await core.group('Do something async', async () => {
+  const response = await doSomeHTTPRequest()
+  return response
+#### Annotations
+This library has 3 methods that will produce [annotations](https://docs.github.com/en/rest/reference/checks#create-a-check-run). 
+core.error('This is a bad error. This will also fail the build.')
+core.warning('Something went wrong, but it\'s not bad enough to fail the build.')
+core.notice('Something happened that you might want to know about.')
+These will surface to the UI in the Actions page and on Pull Requests. They look something like this:
+![Annotations Image](../../docs/assets/annotations.png)
+These annotations can also be attached to particular lines and columns of your source files to show exactly where a problem is occuring. 
+These options are: 
+export interface AnnotationProperties {
+  /**
+   * A title for the annotation.
+   */
+  title?: string
+  /**
+   * The name of the file for which the annotation should be created.
+   */
+  file?: string
+  /**
+   * The start line for the annotation.
+   */
+  startLine?: number
+  /**
+   * The end line for the annotation. Defaults to `startLine` when `startLine` is provided.
+   */
+  endLine?: number
+  /**
+   * The start column for the annotation. Cannot be sent when `startLine` and `endLine` are different values.
+   */
+  startColumn?: number
+  /**
+   * The start column for the annotation. Cannot be sent when `startLine` and `endLine` are different values.
+   * Defaults to `startColumn` when `startColumn` is provided.
+   */
+  endColumn?: number
+#### Styling output
+Colored output is supported in the Action logs via standard [ANSI escape codes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code). 3/4 bit, 8 bit and 24 bit colors are all supported.
+Foreground colors:
+// 3/4 bit
+core.info('\u001b[35mThis foreground will be magenta')
+// 8 bit
+core.info('\u001b[38;5;6mThis foreground will be cyan')
+// 24 bit
+core.info('\u001b[38;2;255;0;0mThis foreground will be bright red')
+Background colors:
+// 3/4 bit
+core.info('\u001b[43mThis background will be yellow');
+// 8 bit
+core.info('\u001b[48;5;6mThis background will be cyan')
+// 24 bit
+core.info('\u001b[48;2;255;0;0mThis background will be bright red')
+Special styles:
+core.info('\u001b[1mBold text')
+core.info('\u001b[3mItalic text')
+core.info('\u001b[4mUnderlined text')
+ANSI escape codes can be combined with one another:
+core.info('\u001b[31;46mRed foreground with a cyan background and \u001b[1mbold text at the end');
+> Note: Escape codes reset at the start of each line
+core.info('\u001b[35mThis foreground will be magenta')
+core.info('This foreground will reset to the default')
+Manually typing escape codes can be a little difficult, but you can use third party modules such as [ansi-styles](https://github.com/chalk/ansi-styles).
+const style = require('ansi-styles');
+core.info(style.color.ansi16m.hex('#abcdef') + 'Hello world!')
+#### Action state
+You can use this library to save state and get state for sharing information between a given wrapper action:
+name: 'Wrapper action sample'
+  name:
+    default: 'GitHub'
+  using: 'node12'
+  main: 'main.js'
+  post: 'cleanup.js'
+In action's `main.js`:
+const core = require('@actions/core');
+core.saveState("pidToKill", 12345);
+In action's `cleanup.js`:
+const core = require('@actions/core');
+var pid = core.getState("pidToKill");
+#### OIDC Token
+You can use these methods to interact with the GitHub OIDC provider and get a JWT ID token which would help to get access token from third party cloud providers.
+**Method Name**: getIDToken()
+audience : optional
+A [JWT](https://jwt.io/) ID Token
+In action's `main.ts`:
+const core = require('@actions/core');
+async function getIDTokenAction(): Promise<void> {
+   const audience = core.getInput('audience', {required: false})
+   const id_token1 = await core.getIDToken()            // ID Token with default audience
+   const id_token2 = await core.getIDToken(audience)    // ID token with custom audience
+   // this id_token can be used to get access token from third party cloud providers
+In action's `actions.yml`:
+name: 'GetIDToken'
+description: 'Get ID token from Github OIDC provider'
+  audience:  
+    description: 'Audience for which the ID token is intended for'
+    required: false
+  id_token1: 
+    description: 'ID token obtained from OIDC provider'
+  id_token2: 
+    description: 'ID token obtained from OIDC provider'
+  using: 'node12'
+  main: 'dist/index.js'
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/@actions/core/lib/command.d.ts b/node_modules/@actions/core/lib/command.d.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..53f8f4b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@actions/core/lib/command.d.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+export interface CommandProperties {
+    [key: string]: any;
+ * Commands
+ *
+ * Command Format:
+ *   ::name key=value,key=value::message
+ *
+ * Examples:
+ *   ::warning::This is the message
+ *   ::set-env name=MY_VAR::some value
+ */
+export declare function issueCommand(command: string, properties: CommandProperties, message: any): void;
+export declare function issue(name: string, message?: string): void;
diff --git a/node_modules/@actions/core/lib/command.js b/node_modules/@actions/core/lib/command.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0b28c66b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@actions/core/lib/command.js
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+"use strict";
+var __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) {
+    if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;
+    Object.defineProperty(o, k2, { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } });
+}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) {
+    if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;
+    o[k2] = m[k];
+var __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) {
+    Object.defineProperty(o, "default", { enumerable: true, value: v });
+}) : function(o, v) {
+    o["default"] = v;
+var __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) {
+    if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod;
+    var result = {};
+    if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (k !== "default" && Object.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k);
+    __setModuleDefault(result, mod);
+    return result;
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
+exports.issue = exports.issueCommand = void 0;
+const os = __importStar(require("os"));
+const utils_1 = require("./utils");
+ * Commands
+ *
+ * Command Format:
+ *   ::name key=value,key=value::message
+ *
+ * Examples:
+ *   ::warning::This is the message
+ *   ::set-env name=MY_VAR::some value
+ */
+function issueCommand(command, properties, message) {
+    const cmd = new Command(command, properties, message);
+    process.stdout.write(cmd.toString() + os.EOL);
+exports.issueCommand = issueCommand;
+function issue(name, message = '') {
+    issueCommand(name, {}, message);
+exports.issue = issue;
+const CMD_STRING = '::';
+class Command {
+    constructor(command, properties, message) {
+        if (!command) {
+            command = 'missing.command';
+        }
+        this.command = command;
+        this.properties = properties;
+        this.message = message;
+    }
+    toString() {
+        let cmdStr = CMD_STRING + this.command;
+        if (this.properties && Object.keys(this.properties).length > 0) {
+            cmdStr += ' ';
+            let first = true;
+            for (const key in this.properties) {
+                if (this.properties.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
+                    const val = this.properties[key];
+                    if (val) {
+                        if (first) {
+                            first = false;
+                        }
+                        else {
+                            cmdStr += ',';
+                        }
+                        cmdStr += `${key}=${escapeProperty(val)}`;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        cmdStr += `${CMD_STRING}${escapeData(this.message)}`;
+        return cmdStr;
+    }
+function escapeData(s) {
+    return utils_1.toCommandValue(s)
+        .replace(/%/g, '%25')
+        .replace(/\r/g, '%0D')
+        .replace(/\n/g, '%0A');
+function escapeProperty(s) {
+    return utils_1.toCommandValue(s)
+        .replace(/%/g, '%25')
+        .replace(/\r/g, '%0D')
+        .replace(/\n/g, '%0A')
+        .replace(/:/g, '%3A')
+        .replace(/,/g, '%2C');
+//# sourceMappingURL=command.js.map
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/@actions/core/lib/command.js.map b/node_modules/@actions/core/lib/command.js.map
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..51c7c637
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@actions/core/lib/command.js.map
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..356872ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@actions/core/lib/core.d.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+ * Interface for getInput options
+ */
+export interface InputOptions {
+    /** Optional. Whether the input is required. If required and not present, will throw. Defaults to false */
+    required?: boolean;
+    /** Optional. Whether leading/trailing whitespace will be trimmed for the input. Defaults to true */
+    trimWhitespace?: boolean;
+ * The code to exit an action
+ */
+export declare enum ExitCode {
+    /**
+     * A code indicating that the action was successful
+     */
+    Success = 0,
+    /**
+     * A code indicating that the action was a failure
+     */
+    Failure = 1
+ * Optional properties that can be sent with annotatation commands (notice, error, and warning)
+ * See: https://docs.github.com/en/rest/reference/checks#create-a-check-run for more information about annotations.
+ */
+export interface AnnotationProperties {
+    /**
+     * A title for the annotation.
+     */
+    title?: string;
+    /**
+     * The path of the file for which the annotation should be created.
+     */
+    file?: string;
+    /**
+     * The start line for the annotation.
+     */
+    startLine?: number;
+    /**
+     * The end line for the annotation. Defaults to `startLine` when `startLine` is provided.
+     */
+    endLine?: number;
+    /**
+     * The start column for the annotation. Cannot be sent when `startLine` and `endLine` are different values.
+     */
+    startColumn?: number;
+    /**
+     * The start column for the annotation. Cannot be sent when `startLine` and `endLine` are different values.
+     * Defaults to `startColumn` when `startColumn` is provided.
+     */
+    endColumn?: number;
+ * Sets env variable for this action and future actions in the job
+ * @param name the name of the variable to set
+ * @param val the value of the variable. Non-string values will be converted to a string via JSON.stringify
+ */
+export declare function exportVariable(name: string, val: any): void;
+ * Registers a secret which will get masked from logs
+ * @param secret value of the secret
+ */
+export declare function setSecret(secret: string): void;
+ * Prepends inputPath to the PATH (for this action and future actions)
+ * @param inputPath
+ */
+export declare function addPath(inputPath: string): void;
+ * Gets the value of an input.
+ * Unless trimWhitespace is set to false in InputOptions, the value is also trimmed.
+ * Returns an empty string if the value is not defined.
+ *
+ * @param     name     name of the input to get
+ * @param     options  optional. See InputOptions.
+ * @returns   string
+ */
+export declare function getInput(name: string, options?: InputOptions): string;
+ * Gets the values of an multiline input.  Each value is also trimmed.
+ *
+ * @param     name     name of the input to get
+ * @param     options  optional. See InputOptions.
+ * @returns   string[]
+ *
+ */
+export declare function getMultilineInput(name: string, options?: InputOptions): string[];
+ * Gets the input value of the boolean type in the YAML 1.2 "core schema" specification.
+ * Support boolean input list: `true | True | TRUE | false | False | FALSE` .
+ * The return value is also in boolean type.
+ * ref: https://yaml.org/spec/1.2/spec.html#id2804923
+ *
+ * @param     name     name of the input to get
+ * @param     options  optional. See InputOptions.
+ * @returns   boolean
+ */
+export declare function getBooleanInput(name: string, options?: InputOptions): boolean;
+ * Sets the value of an output.
+ *
+ * @param     name     name of the output to set
+ * @param     value    value to store. Non-string values will be converted to a string via JSON.stringify
+ */
+export declare function setOutput(name: string, value: any): void;
+ * Enables or disables the echoing of commands into stdout for the rest of the step.
+ * Echoing is disabled by default if ACTIONS_STEP_DEBUG is not set.
+ *
+ */
+export declare function setCommandEcho(enabled: boolean): void;
+ * Sets the action status to failed.
+ * When the action exits it will be with an exit code of 1
+ * @param message add error issue message
+ */
+export declare function setFailed(message: string | Error): void;
+ * Gets whether Actions Step Debug is on or not
+ */
+export declare function isDebug(): boolean;
+ * Writes debug message to user log
+ * @param message debug message
+ */
+export declare function debug(message: string): void;
+ * Adds an error issue
+ * @param message error issue message. Errors will be converted to string via toString()
+ * @param properties optional properties to add to the annotation.
+ */
+export declare function error(message: string | Error, properties?: AnnotationProperties): void;
+ * Adds a warning issue
+ * @param message warning issue message. Errors will be converted to string via toString()
+ * @param properties optional properties to add to the annotation.
+ */
+export declare function warning(message: string | Error, properties?: AnnotationProperties): void;
+ * Adds a notice issue
+ * @param message notice issue message. Errors will be converted to string via toString()
+ * @param properties optional properties to add to the annotation.
+ */
+export declare function notice(message: string | Error, properties?: AnnotationProperties): void;
+ * Writes info to log with console.log.
+ * @param message info message
+ */
+export declare function info(message: string): void;
+ * Begin an output group.
+ *
+ * Output until the next `groupEnd` will be foldable in this group
+ *
+ * @param name The name of the output group
+ */
+export declare function startGroup(name: string): void;
+ * End an output group.
+ */
+export declare function endGroup(): void;
+ * Wrap an asynchronous function call in a group.
+ *
+ * Returns the same type as the function itself.
+ *
+ * @param name The name of the group
+ * @param fn The function to wrap in the group
+ */
+export declare function group<T>(name: string, fn: () => Promise<T>): Promise<T>;
+ * Saves state for current action, the state can only be retrieved by this action's post job execution.
+ *
+ * @param     name     name of the state to store
+ * @param     value    value to store. Non-string values will be converted to a string via JSON.stringify
+ */
+export declare function saveState(name: string, value: any): void;
+ * Gets the value of an state set by this action's main execution.
+ *
+ * @param     name     name of the state to get
+ * @returns   string
+ */
+export declare function getState(name: string): string;
+export declare function getIDToken(aud?: string): Promise<string>;
diff --git a/node_modules/@actions/core/lib/core.js b/node_modules/@actions/core/lib/core.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e0ceced1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@actions/core/lib/core.js
@@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
+"use strict";
+var __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) {
+    if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;
+    Object.defineProperty(o, k2, { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } });
+}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) {
+    if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;
+    o[k2] = m[k];
+var __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) {
+    Object.defineProperty(o, "default", { enumerable: true, value: v });
+}) : function(o, v) {
+    o["default"] = v;
+var __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) {
+    if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod;
+    var result = {};
+    if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (k !== "default" && Object.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k);
+    __setModuleDefault(result, mod);
+    return result;
+var __awaiter = (this && this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
+    function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }
+    return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
+        function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
+        function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
+        function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }
+        step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());
+    });
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
+exports.getIDToken = exports.getState = exports.saveState = exports.group = exports.endGroup = exports.startGroup = exports.info = exports.notice = exports.warning = exports.error = exports.debug = exports.isDebug = exports.setFailed = exports.setCommandEcho = exports.setOutput = exports.getBooleanInput = exports.getMultilineInput = exports.getInput = exports.addPath = exports.setSecret = exports.exportVariable = exports.ExitCode = void 0;
+const command_1 = require("./command");
+const file_command_1 = require("./file-command");
+const utils_1 = require("./utils");
+const os = __importStar(require("os"));
+const path = __importStar(require("path"));
+const oidc_utils_1 = require("./oidc-utils");
+ * The code to exit an action
+ */
+var ExitCode;
+(function (ExitCode) {
+    /**
+     * A code indicating that the action was successful
+     */
+    ExitCode[ExitCode["Success"] = 0] = "Success";
+    /**
+     * A code indicating that the action was a failure
+     */
+    ExitCode[ExitCode["Failure"] = 1] = "Failure";
+})(ExitCode = exports.ExitCode || (exports.ExitCode = {}));
+// Variables
+ * Sets env variable for this action and future actions in the job
+ * @param name the name of the variable to set
+ * @param val the value of the variable. Non-string values will be converted to a string via JSON.stringify
+ */
+// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
+function exportVariable(name, val) {
+    const convertedVal = utils_1.toCommandValue(val);
+    process.env[name] = convertedVal;
+    const filePath = process.env['GITHUB_ENV'] || '';
+    if (filePath) {
+        const delimiter = '_GitHubActionsFileCommandDelimeter_';
+        const commandValue = `${name}<<${delimiter}${os.EOL}${convertedVal}${os.EOL}${delimiter}`;
+        file_command_1.issueCommand('ENV', commandValue);
+    }
+    else {
+        command_1.issueCommand('set-env', { name }, convertedVal);
+    }
+exports.exportVariable = exportVariable;
+ * Registers a secret which will get masked from logs
+ * @param secret value of the secret
+ */
+function setSecret(secret) {
+    command_1.issueCommand('add-mask', {}, secret);
+exports.setSecret = setSecret;
+ * Prepends inputPath to the PATH (for this action and future actions)
+ * @param inputPath
+ */
+function addPath(inputPath) {
+    const filePath = process.env['GITHUB_PATH'] || '';
+    if (filePath) {
+        file_command_1.issueCommand('PATH', inputPath);
+    }
+    else {
+        command_1.issueCommand('add-path', {}, inputPath);
+    }
+    process.env['PATH'] = `${inputPath}${path.delimiter}${process.env['PATH']}`;
+exports.addPath = addPath;
+ * Gets the value of an input.
+ * Unless trimWhitespace is set to false in InputOptions, the value is also trimmed.
+ * Returns an empty string if the value is not defined.
+ *
+ * @param     name     name of the input to get
+ * @param     options  optional. See InputOptions.
+ * @returns   string
+ */
+function getInput(name, options) {
+    const val = process.env[`INPUT_${name.replace(/ /g, '_').toUpperCase()}`] || '';
+    if (options && options.required && !val) {
+        throw new Error(`Input required and not supplied: ${name}`);
+    }
+    if (options && options.trimWhitespace === false) {
+        return val;
+    }
+    return val.trim();
+exports.getInput = getInput;
+ * Gets the values of an multiline input.  Each value is also trimmed.
+ *
+ * @param     name     name of the input to get
+ * @param     options  optional. See InputOptions.
+ * @returns   string[]
+ *
+ */
+function getMultilineInput(name, options) {
+    const inputs = getInput(name, options)
+        .split('\n')
+        .filter(x => x !== '');
+    return inputs;
+exports.getMultilineInput = getMultilineInput;
+ * Gets the input value of the boolean type in the YAML 1.2 "core schema" specification.
+ * Support boolean input list: `true | True | TRUE | false | False | FALSE` .
+ * The return value is also in boolean type.
+ * ref: https://yaml.org/spec/1.2/spec.html#id2804923
+ *
+ * @param     name     name of the input to get
+ * @param     options  optional. See InputOptions.
+ * @returns   boolean
+ */
+function getBooleanInput(name, options) {
+    const trueValue = ['true', 'True', 'TRUE'];
+    const falseValue = ['false', 'False', 'FALSE'];
+    const val = getInput(name, options);
+    if (trueValue.includes(val))
+        return true;
+    if (falseValue.includes(val))
+        return false;
+    throw new TypeError(`Input does not meet YAML 1.2 "Core Schema" specification: ${name}\n` +
+        `Support boolean input list: \`true | True | TRUE | false | False | FALSE\``);
+exports.getBooleanInput = getBooleanInput;
+ * Sets the value of an output.
+ *
+ * @param     name     name of the output to set
+ * @param     value    value to store. Non-string values will be converted to a string via JSON.stringify
+ */
+// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
+function setOutput(name, value) {
+    process.stdout.write(os.EOL);
+    command_1.issueCommand('set-output', { name }, value);
+exports.setOutput = setOutput;
+ * Enables or disables the echoing of commands into stdout for the rest of the step.
+ * Echoing is disabled by default if ACTIONS_STEP_DEBUG is not set.
+ *
+ */
+function setCommandEcho(enabled) {
+    command_1.issue('echo', enabled ? 'on' : 'off');
+exports.setCommandEcho = setCommandEcho;
+// Results
+ * Sets the action status to failed.
+ * When the action exits it will be with an exit code of 1
+ * @param message add error issue message
+ */
+function setFailed(message) {
+    process.exitCode = ExitCode.Failure;
+    error(message);
+exports.setFailed = setFailed;
+// Logging Commands
+ * Gets whether Actions Step Debug is on or not
+ */
+function isDebug() {
+    return process.env['RUNNER_DEBUG'] === '1';
+exports.isDebug = isDebug;
+ * Writes debug message to user log
+ * @param message debug message
+ */
+function debug(message) {
+    command_1.issueCommand('debug', {}, message);
+exports.debug = debug;
+ * Adds an error issue
+ * @param message error issue message. Errors will be converted to string via toString()
+ * @param properties optional properties to add to the annotation.
+ */
+function error(message, properties = {}) {
+    command_1.issueCommand('error', utils_1.toCommandProperties(properties), message instanceof Error ? message.toString() : message);
+exports.error = error;
+ * Adds a warning issue
+ * @param message warning issue message. Errors will be converted to string via toString()
+ * @param properties optional properties to add to the annotation.
+ */
+function warning(message, properties = {}) {
+    command_1.issueCommand('warning', utils_1.toCommandProperties(properties), message instanceof Error ? message.toString() : message);
+exports.warning = warning;
+ * Adds a notice issue
+ * @param message notice issue message. Errors will be converted to string via toString()
+ * @param properties optional properties to add to the annotation.
+ */
+function notice(message, properties = {}) {
+    command_1.issueCommand('notice', utils_1.toCommandProperties(properties), message instanceof Error ? message.toString() : message);
+exports.notice = notice;
+ * Writes info to log with console.log.
+ * @param message info message
+ */
+function info(message) {
+    process.stdout.write(message + os.EOL);
+exports.info = info;
+ * Begin an output group.
+ *
+ * Output until the next `groupEnd` will be foldable in this group
+ *
+ * @param name The name of the output group
+ */
+function startGroup(name) {
+    command_1.issue('group', name);
+exports.startGroup = startGroup;
+ * End an output group.
+ */
+function endGroup() {
+    command_1.issue('endgroup');
+exports.endGroup = endGroup;
+ * Wrap an asynchronous function call in a group.
+ *
+ * Returns the same type as the function itself.
+ *
+ * @param name The name of the group
+ * @param fn The function to wrap in the group
+ */
+function group(name, fn) {
+    return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
+        startGroup(name);
+        let result;
+        try {
+            result = yield fn();
+        }
+        finally {
+            endGroup();
+        }
+        return result;
+    });
+exports.group = group;
+// Wrapper action state
+ * Saves state for current action, the state can only be retrieved by this action's post job execution.
+ *
+ * @param     name     name of the state to store
+ * @param     value    value to store. Non-string values will be converted to a string via JSON.stringify
+ */
+// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
+function saveState(name, value) {
+    command_1.issueCommand('save-state', { name }, value);
+exports.saveState = saveState;
+ * Gets the value of an state set by this action's main execution.
+ *
+ * @param     name     name of the state to get
+ * @returns   string
+ */
+function getState(name) {
+    return process.env[`STATE_${name}`] || '';
+exports.getState = getState;
+function getIDToken(aud) {
+    return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
+        return yield oidc_utils_1.OidcClient.getIDToken(aud);
+    });
+exports.getIDToken = getIDToken;
+//# sourceMappingURL=core.js.map
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/@actions/core/lib/core.js.map b/node_modules/@actions/core/lib/core.js.map
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..087a91d8
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+++ b/node_modules/@actions/core/lib/core.js.map
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/@actions/core/lib/file-command.d.ts b/node_modules/@actions/core/lib/file-command.d.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ed408eb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@actions/core/lib/file-command.d.ts
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+export declare function issueCommand(command: string, message: any): void;
diff --git a/node_modules/@actions/core/lib/file-command.js b/node_modules/@actions/core/lib/file-command.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..55e3e9f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@actions/core/lib/file-command.js
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+"use strict";
+// For internal use, subject to change.
+var __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) {
+    if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;
+    Object.defineProperty(o, k2, { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } });
+}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) {
+    if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;
+    o[k2] = m[k];
+var __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) {
+    Object.defineProperty(o, "default", { enumerable: true, value: v });
+}) : function(o, v) {
+    o["default"] = v;
+var __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) {
+    if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod;
+    var result = {};
+    if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (k !== "default" && Object.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k);
+    __setModuleDefault(result, mod);
+    return result;
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
+exports.issueCommand = void 0;
+// We use any as a valid input type
+/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */
+const fs = __importStar(require("fs"));
+const os = __importStar(require("os"));
+const utils_1 = require("./utils");
+function issueCommand(command, message) {
+    const filePath = process.env[`GITHUB_${command}`];
+    if (!filePath) {
+        throw new Error(`Unable to find environment variable for file command ${command}`);
+    }
+    if (!fs.existsSync(filePath)) {
+        throw new Error(`Missing file at path: ${filePath}`);
+    }
+    fs.appendFileSync(filePath, `${utils_1.toCommandValue(message)}${os.EOL}`, {
+        encoding: 'utf8'
+    });
+exports.issueCommand = issueCommand;
+//# sourceMappingURL=file-command.js.map
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/@actions/core/lib/file-command.js.map b/node_modules/@actions/core/lib/file-command.js.map
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+++ b/node_modules/@actions/core/lib/file-command.js.map
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/@actions/core/lib/oidc-utils.d.ts b/node_modules/@actions/core/lib/oidc-utils.d.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..657c7f4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@actions/core/lib/oidc-utils.d.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+export declare class OidcClient {
+    private static createHttpClient;
+    private static getRequestToken;
+    private static getIDTokenUrl;
+    private static getCall;
+    static getIDToken(audience?: string): Promise<string>;
diff --git a/node_modules/@actions/core/lib/oidc-utils.js b/node_modules/@actions/core/lib/oidc-utils.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9ee10faf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@actions/core/lib/oidc-utils.js
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+"use strict";
+var __awaiter = (this && this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
+    function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }
+    return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
+        function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
+        function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
+        function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }
+        step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());
+    });
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
+exports.OidcClient = void 0;
+const http_client_1 = require("@actions/http-client");
+const auth_1 = require("@actions/http-client/auth");
+const core_1 = require("./core");
+class OidcClient {
+    static createHttpClient(allowRetry = true, maxRetry = 10) {
+        const requestOptions = {
+            allowRetries: allowRetry,
+            maxRetries: maxRetry
+        };
+        return new http_client_1.HttpClient('actions/oidc-client', [new auth_1.BearerCredentialHandler(OidcClient.getRequestToken())], requestOptions);
+    }
+    static getRequestToken() {
+        const token = process.env['ACTIONS_ID_TOKEN_REQUEST_TOKEN'];
+        if (!token) {
+            throw new Error('Unable to get ACTIONS_ID_TOKEN_REQUEST_TOKEN env variable');
+        }
+        return token;
+    }
+    static getIDTokenUrl() {
+        const runtimeUrl = process.env['ACTIONS_ID_TOKEN_REQUEST_URL'];
+        if (!runtimeUrl) {
+            throw new Error('Unable to get ACTIONS_ID_TOKEN_REQUEST_URL env variable');
+        }
+        return runtimeUrl;
+    }
+    static getCall(id_token_url) {
+        var _a;
+        return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
+            const httpclient = OidcClient.createHttpClient();
+            const res = yield httpclient
+                .getJson(id_token_url)
+                .catch(error => {
+                throw new Error(`Failed to get ID Token. \n 
+        Error Code : ${error.statusCode}\n 
+        Error Message: ${error.result.message}`);
+            });
+            const id_token = (_a = res.result) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.value;
+            if (!id_token) {
+                throw new Error('Response json body do not have ID Token field');
+            }
+            return id_token;
+        });
+    }
+    static getIDToken(audience) {
+        return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
+            try {
+                // New ID Token is requested from action service
+                let id_token_url = OidcClient.getIDTokenUrl();
+                if (audience) {
+                    const encodedAudience = encodeURIComponent(audience);
+                    id_token_url = `${id_token_url}&audience=${encodedAudience}`;
+                }
+                core_1.debug(`ID token url is ${id_token_url}`);
+                const id_token = yield OidcClient.getCall(id_token_url);
+                core_1.setSecret(id_token);
+                return id_token;
+            }
+            catch (error) {
+                throw new Error(`Error message: ${error.message}`);
+            }
+        });
+    }
+exports.OidcClient = OidcClient;
+//# sourceMappingURL=oidc-utils.js.map
\ No newline at end of file
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+++ b/node_modules/@actions/core/lib/oidc-utils.js.map
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3b9e28d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@actions/core/lib/utils.d.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+import { AnnotationProperties } from './core';
+import { CommandProperties } from './command';
+ * Sanitizes an input into a string so it can be passed into issueCommand safely
+ * @param input input to sanitize into a string
+ */
+export declare function toCommandValue(input: any): string;
+ *
+ * @param annotationProperties
+ * @returns The command properties to send with the actual annotation command
+ * See IssueCommandProperties: https://github.com/actions/runner/blob/main/src/Runner.Worker/ActionCommandManager.cs#L646
+ */
+export declare function toCommandProperties(annotationProperties: AnnotationProperties): CommandProperties;
diff --git a/node_modules/@actions/core/lib/utils.js b/node_modules/@actions/core/lib/utils.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9b5ca44b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@actions/core/lib/utils.js
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+"use strict";
+// We use any as a valid input type
+/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
+exports.toCommandProperties = exports.toCommandValue = void 0;
+ * Sanitizes an input into a string so it can be passed into issueCommand safely
+ * @param input input to sanitize into a string
+ */
+function toCommandValue(input) {
+    if (input === null || input === undefined) {
+        return '';
+    }
+    else if (typeof input === 'string' || input instanceof String) {
+        return input;
+    }
+    return JSON.stringify(input);
+exports.toCommandValue = toCommandValue;
+ *
+ * @param annotationProperties
+ * @returns The command properties to send with the actual annotation command
+ * See IssueCommandProperties: https://github.com/actions/runner/blob/main/src/Runner.Worker/ActionCommandManager.cs#L646
+ */
+function toCommandProperties(annotationProperties) {
+    if (!Object.keys(annotationProperties).length) {
+        return {};
+    }
+    return {
+        title: annotationProperties.title,
+        file: annotationProperties.file,
+        line: annotationProperties.startLine,
+        endLine: annotationProperties.endLine,
+        col: annotationProperties.startColumn,
+        endColumn: annotationProperties.endColumn
+    };
+exports.toCommandProperties = toCommandProperties;
+//# sourceMappingURL=utils.js.map
\ No newline at end of file
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
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+++ b/node_modules/@actions/core/package.json
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+  "name": "@actions/core",
+  "version": "1.6.0",
+  "description": "Actions core lib",
+  "keywords": [
+    "github",
+    "actions",
+    "core"
+  ],
+  "homepage": "https://github.com/actions/toolkit/tree/main/packages/core",
+  "license": "MIT",
+  "main": "lib/core.js",
+  "types": "lib/core.d.ts",
+  "directories": {
+    "lib": "lib",
+    "test": "__tests__"
+  },
+  "files": [
+    "lib",
+    "!.DS_Store"
+  ],
+  "publishConfig": {
+    "access": "public"
+  },
+  "repository": {
+    "type": "git",
+    "url": "git+https://github.com/actions/toolkit.git",
+    "directory": "packages/core"
+  },
+  "scripts": {
+    "audit-moderate": "npm install && npm audit --json --audit-level=moderate > audit.json",
+    "test": "echo \"Error: run tests from root\" && exit 1",
+    "tsc": "tsc"
+  },
+  "bugs": {
+    "url": "https://github.com/actions/toolkit/issues"
+  },
+  "dependencies": {
+    "@actions/http-client": "^1.0.11"
+  },
+  "devDependencies": {
+    "@types/node": "^12.0.2"
+  }
diff --git a/node_modules/@actions/exec/LICENSE.md b/node_modules/@actions/exec/LICENSE.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dbae2edb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@actions/exec/LICENSE.md
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+The MIT License (MIT)
+Copyright 2019 GitHub
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
\ No newline at end of file
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+++ b/node_modules/@actions/exec/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+# `@actions/exec`
+## Usage
+#### Basic
+You can use this package to execute tools in a cross platform way:
+const exec = require('@actions/exec');
+await exec.exec('node index.js');
+#### Args
+You can also pass in arg arrays:
+const exec = require('@actions/exec');
+await exec.exec('node', ['index.js', 'foo=bar']);
+#### Output/options
+Capture output or specify [other options](https://github.com/actions/toolkit/blob/d9347d4ab99fd507c0b9104b2cf79fb44fcc827d/packages/exec/src/interfaces.ts#L5):
+const exec = require('@actions/exec');
+let myOutput = '';
+let myError = '';
+const options = {};
+options.listeners = {
+  stdout: (data: Buffer) => {
+    myOutput += data.toString();
+  },
+  stderr: (data: Buffer) => {
+    myError += data.toString();
+  }
+options.cwd = './lib';
+await exec.exec('node', ['index.js', 'foo=bar'], options);
+#### Exec tools not in the PATH
+You can specify the full path for tools not in the PATH:
+const exec = require('@actions/exec');
+await exec.exec('"/path/to/my-tool"', ['arg1']);
diff --git a/node_modules/@actions/exec/lib/exec.d.ts b/node_modules/@actions/exec/lib/exec.d.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..baedcdb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@actions/exec/lib/exec.d.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+import { ExecOptions, ExecOutput, ExecListeners } from './interfaces';
+export { ExecOptions, ExecOutput, ExecListeners };
+ * Exec a command.
+ * Output will be streamed to the live console.
+ * Returns promise with return code
+ *
+ * @param     commandLine        command to execute (can include additional args). Must be correctly escaped.
+ * @param     args               optional arguments for tool. Escaping is handled by the lib.
+ * @param     options            optional exec options.  See ExecOptions
+ * @returns   Promise<number>    exit code
+ */
+export declare function exec(commandLine: string, args?: string[], options?: ExecOptions): Promise<number>;
+ * Exec a command and get the output.
+ * Output will be streamed to the live console.
+ * Returns promise with the exit code and collected stdout and stderr
+ *
+ * @param     commandLine           command to execute (can include additional args). Must be correctly escaped.
+ * @param     args                  optional arguments for tool. Escaping is handled by the lib.
+ * @param     options               optional exec options.  See ExecOptions
+ * @returns   Promise<ExecOutput>   exit code, stdout, and stderr
+ */
+export declare function getExecOutput(commandLine: string, args?: string[], options?: ExecOptions): Promise<ExecOutput>;
diff --git a/node_modules/@actions/exec/lib/exec.js b/node_modules/@actions/exec/lib/exec.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..72c7a9cc
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+++ b/node_modules/@actions/exec/lib/exec.js
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+"use strict";
+var __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) {
+    if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;
+    Object.defineProperty(o, k2, { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } });
+}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) {
+    if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;
+    o[k2] = m[k];
+var __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) {
+    Object.defineProperty(o, "default", { enumerable: true, value: v });
+}) : function(o, v) {
+    o["default"] = v;
+var __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) {
+    if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod;
+    var result = {};
+    if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (k !== "default" && Object.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k);
+    __setModuleDefault(result, mod);
+    return result;
+var __awaiter = (this && this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
+    function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }
+    return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
+        function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
+        function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
+        function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }
+        step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());
+    });
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
+exports.getExecOutput = exports.exec = void 0;
+const string_decoder_1 = require("string_decoder");
+const tr = __importStar(require("./toolrunner"));
+ * Exec a command.
+ * Output will be streamed to the live console.
+ * Returns promise with return code
+ *
+ * @param     commandLine        command to execute (can include additional args). Must be correctly escaped.
+ * @param     args               optional arguments for tool. Escaping is handled by the lib.
+ * @param     options            optional exec options.  See ExecOptions
+ * @returns   Promise<number>    exit code
+ */
+function exec(commandLine, args, options) {
+    return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
+        const commandArgs = tr.argStringToArray(commandLine);
+        if (commandArgs.length === 0) {
+            throw new Error(`Parameter 'commandLine' cannot be null or empty.`);
+        }
+        // Path to tool to execute should be first arg
+        const toolPath = commandArgs[0];
+        args = commandArgs.slice(1).concat(args || []);
+        const runner = new tr.ToolRunner(toolPath, args, options);
+        return runner.exec();
+    });
+exports.exec = exec;
+ * Exec a command and get the output.
+ * Output will be streamed to the live console.
+ * Returns promise with the exit code and collected stdout and stderr
+ *
+ * @param     commandLine           command to execute (can include additional args). Must be correctly escaped.
+ * @param     args                  optional arguments for tool. Escaping is handled by the lib.
+ * @param     options               optional exec options.  See ExecOptions
+ * @returns   Promise<ExecOutput>   exit code, stdout, and stderr
+ */
+function getExecOutput(commandLine, args, options) {
+    var _a, _b;
+    return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
+        let stdout = '';
+        let stderr = '';
+        //Using string decoder covers the case where a mult-byte character is split
+        const stdoutDecoder = new string_decoder_1.StringDecoder('utf8');
+        const stderrDecoder = new string_decoder_1.StringDecoder('utf8');
+        const originalStdoutListener = (_a = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.listeners) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.stdout;
+        const originalStdErrListener = (_b = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.listeners) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.stderr;
+        const stdErrListener = (data) => {
+            stderr += stderrDecoder.write(data);
+            if (originalStdErrListener) {
+                originalStdErrListener(data);
+            }
+        };
+        const stdOutListener = (data) => {
+            stdout += stdoutDecoder.write(data);
+            if (originalStdoutListener) {
+                originalStdoutListener(data);
+            }
+        };
+        const listeners = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.listeners), { stdout: stdOutListener, stderr: stdErrListener });
+        const exitCode = yield exec(commandLine, args, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options), { listeners }));
+        //flush any remaining characters
+        stdout += stdoutDecoder.end();
+        stderr += stderrDecoder.end();
+        return {
+            exitCode,
+            stdout,
+            stderr
+        };
+    });
+exports.getExecOutput = getExecOutput;
+//# sourceMappingURL=exec.js.map
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/@actions/exec/lib/exec.js.map b/node_modules/@actions/exec/lib/exec.js.map
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index 00000000..07626365
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8ae20e48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@actions/exec/lib/interfaces.d.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+/// <reference types="node" />
+import * as stream from 'stream';
+ * Interface for exec options
+ */
+export interface ExecOptions {
+    /** optional working directory.  defaults to current */
+    cwd?: string;
+    /** optional envvar dictionary.  defaults to current process's env */
+    env?: {
+        [key: string]: string;
+    };
+    /** optional.  defaults to false */
+    silent?: boolean;
+    /** optional out stream to use. Defaults to process.stdout */
+    outStream?: stream.Writable;
+    /** optional err stream to use. Defaults to process.stderr */
+    errStream?: stream.Writable;
+    /** optional. whether to skip quoting/escaping arguments if needed.  defaults to false. */
+    windowsVerbatimArguments?: boolean;
+    /** optional.  whether to fail if output to stderr.  defaults to false */
+    failOnStdErr?: boolean;
+    /** optional.  defaults to failing on non zero.  ignore will not fail leaving it up to the caller */
+    ignoreReturnCode?: boolean;
+    /** optional. How long in ms to wait for STDIO streams to close after the exit event of the process before terminating. defaults to 10000 */
+    delay?: number;
+    /** optional. input to write to the process on STDIN. */
+    input?: Buffer;
+    /** optional. Listeners for output. Callback functions that will be called on these events */
+    listeners?: ExecListeners;
+ * Interface for the output of getExecOutput()
+ */
+export interface ExecOutput {
+    /**The exit code of the process */
+    exitCode: number;
+    /**The entire stdout of the process as a string */
+    stdout: string;
+    /**The entire stderr of the process as a string */
+    stderr: string;
+ * The user defined listeners for an exec call
+ */
+export interface ExecListeners {
+    /** A call back for each buffer of stdout */
+    stdout?: (data: Buffer) => void;
+    /** A call back for each buffer of stderr */
+    stderr?: (data: Buffer) => void;
+    /** A call back for each line of stdout */
+    stdline?: (data: string) => void;
+    /** A call back for each line of stderr */
+    errline?: (data: string) => void;
+    /** A call back for each debug log */
+    debug?: (data: string) => void;
diff --git a/node_modules/@actions/exec/lib/interfaces.js b/node_modules/@actions/exec/lib/interfaces.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..db919115
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@actions/exec/lib/interfaces.js
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
+//# sourceMappingURL=interfaces.js.map
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/@actions/exec/lib/interfaces.js.map b/node_modules/@actions/exec/lib/interfaces.js.map
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8fb5f7d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@actions/exec/lib/interfaces.js.map
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/@actions/exec/lib/toolrunner.d.ts b/node_modules/@actions/exec/lib/toolrunner.d.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9bbbb1ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@actions/exec/lib/toolrunner.d.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+/// <reference types="node" />
+import * as events from 'events';
+import * as im from './interfaces';
+export declare class ToolRunner extends events.EventEmitter {
+    constructor(toolPath: string, args?: string[], options?: im.ExecOptions);
+    private toolPath;
+    private args;
+    private options;
+    private _debug;
+    private _getCommandString;
+    private _processLineBuffer;
+    private _getSpawnFileName;
+    private _getSpawnArgs;
+    private _endsWith;
+    private _isCmdFile;
+    private _windowsQuoteCmdArg;
+    private _uvQuoteCmdArg;
+    private _cloneExecOptions;
+    private _getSpawnOptions;
+    /**
+     * Exec a tool.
+     * Output will be streamed to the live console.
+     * Returns promise with return code
+     *
+     * @param     tool     path to tool to exec
+     * @param     options  optional exec options.  See ExecOptions
+     * @returns   number
+     */
+    exec(): Promise<number>;
+ * Convert an arg string to an array of args. Handles escaping
+ *
+ * @param    argString   string of arguments
+ * @returns  string[]    array of arguments
+ */
+export declare function argStringToArray(argString: string): string[];
diff --git a/node_modules/@actions/exec/lib/toolrunner.js b/node_modules/@actions/exec/lib/toolrunner.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e456a729
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@actions/exec/lib/toolrunner.js
@@ -0,0 +1,618 @@
+"use strict";
+var __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) {
+    if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;
+    Object.defineProperty(o, k2, { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } });
+}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) {
+    if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;
+    o[k2] = m[k];
+var __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) {
+    Object.defineProperty(o, "default", { enumerable: true, value: v });
+}) : function(o, v) {
+    o["default"] = v;
+var __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) {
+    if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod;
+    var result = {};
+    if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (k !== "default" && Object.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k);
+    __setModuleDefault(result, mod);
+    return result;
+var __awaiter = (this && this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
+    function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }
+    return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
+        function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
+        function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
+        function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }
+        step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());
+    });
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
+exports.argStringToArray = exports.ToolRunner = void 0;
+const os = __importStar(require("os"));
+const events = __importStar(require("events"));
+const child = __importStar(require("child_process"));
+const path = __importStar(require("path"));
+const io = __importStar(require("@actions/io"));
+const ioUtil = __importStar(require("@actions/io/lib/io-util"));
+const timers_1 = require("timers");
+/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/unbound-method */
+const IS_WINDOWS = process.platform === 'win32';
+ * Class for running command line tools. Handles quoting and arg parsing in a platform agnostic way.
+ */
+class ToolRunner extends events.EventEmitter {
+    constructor(toolPath, args, options) {
+        super();
+        if (!toolPath) {
+            throw new Error("Parameter 'toolPath' cannot be null or empty.");
+        }
+        this.toolPath = toolPath;
+        this.args = args || [];
+        this.options = options || {};
+    }
+    _debug(message) {
+        if (this.options.listeners && this.options.listeners.debug) {
+            this.options.listeners.debug(message);
+        }
+    }
+    _getCommandString(options, noPrefix) {
+        const toolPath = this._getSpawnFileName();
+        const args = this._getSpawnArgs(options);
+        let cmd = noPrefix ? '' : '[command]'; // omit prefix when piped to a second tool
+        if (IS_WINDOWS) {
+            // Windows + cmd file
+            if (this._isCmdFile()) {
+                cmd += toolPath;
+                for (const a of args) {
+                    cmd += ` ${a}`;
+                }
+            }
+            // Windows + verbatim
+            else if (options.windowsVerbatimArguments) {
+                cmd += `"${toolPath}"`;
+                for (const a of args) {
+                    cmd += ` ${a}`;
+                }
+            }
+            // Windows (regular)
+            else {
+                cmd += this._windowsQuoteCmdArg(toolPath);
+                for (const a of args) {
+                    cmd += ` ${this._windowsQuoteCmdArg(a)}`;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        else {
+            // OSX/Linux - this can likely be improved with some form of quoting.
+            // creating processes on Unix is fundamentally different than Windows.
+            // on Unix, execvp() takes an arg array.
+            cmd += toolPath;
+            for (const a of args) {
+                cmd += ` ${a}`;
+            }
+        }
+        return cmd;
+    }
+    _processLineBuffer(data, strBuffer, onLine) {
+        try {
+            let s = strBuffer + data.toString();
+            let n = s.indexOf(os.EOL);
+            while (n > -1) {
+                const line = s.substring(0, n);
+                onLine(line);
+                // the rest of the string ...
+                s = s.substring(n + os.EOL.length);
+                n = s.indexOf(os.EOL);
+            }
+            return s;
+        }
+        catch (err) {
+            // streaming lines to console is best effort.  Don't fail a build.
+            this._debug(`error processing line. Failed with error ${err}`);
+            return '';
+        }
+    }
+    _getSpawnFileName() {
+        if (IS_WINDOWS) {
+            if (this._isCmdFile()) {
+                return process.env['COMSPEC'] || 'cmd.exe';
+            }
+        }
+        return this.toolPath;
+    }
+    _getSpawnArgs(options) {
+        if (IS_WINDOWS) {
+            if (this._isCmdFile()) {
+                let argline = `/D /S /C "${this._windowsQuoteCmdArg(this.toolPath)}`;
+                for (const a of this.args) {
+                    argline += ' ';
+                    argline += options.windowsVerbatimArguments
+                        ? a
+                        : this._windowsQuoteCmdArg(a);
+                }
+                argline += '"';
+                return [argline];
+            }
+        }
+        return this.args;
+    }
+    _endsWith(str, end) {
+        return str.endsWith(end);
+    }
+    _isCmdFile() {
+        const upperToolPath = this.toolPath.toUpperCase();
+        return (this._endsWith(upperToolPath, '.CMD') ||
+            this._endsWith(upperToolPath, '.BAT'));
+    }
+    _windowsQuoteCmdArg(arg) {
+        // for .exe, apply the normal quoting rules that libuv applies
+        if (!this._isCmdFile()) {
+            return this._uvQuoteCmdArg(arg);
+        }
+        // otherwise apply quoting rules specific to the cmd.exe command line parser.
+        // the libuv rules are generic and are not designed specifically for cmd.exe
+        // command line parser.
+        //
+        // for a detailed description of the cmd.exe command line parser, refer to
+        // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4094699/how-does-the-windows-command-interpreter-cmd-exe-parse-scripts/7970912#7970912
+        // need quotes for empty arg
+        if (!arg) {
+            return '""';
+        }
+        // determine whether the arg needs to be quoted
+        const cmdSpecialChars = [
+            ' ',
+            '\t',
+            '&',
+            '(',
+            ')',
+            '[',
+            ']',
+            '{',
+            '}',
+            '^',
+            '=',
+            ';',
+            '!',
+            "'",
+            '+',
+            ',',
+            '`',
+            '~',
+            '|',
+            '<',
+            '>',
+            '"'
+        ];
+        let needsQuotes = false;
+        for (const char of arg) {
+            if (cmdSpecialChars.some(x => x === char)) {
+                needsQuotes = true;
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        // short-circuit if quotes not needed
+        if (!needsQuotes) {
+            return arg;
+        }
+        // the following quoting rules are very similar to the rules that by libuv applies.
+        //
+        // 1) wrap the string in quotes
+        //
+        // 2) double-up quotes - i.e. " => ""
+        //
+        //    this is different from the libuv quoting rules. libuv replaces " with \", which unfortunately
+        //    doesn't work well with a cmd.exe command line.
+        //
+        //    note, replacing " with "" also works well if the arg is passed to a downstream .NET console app.
+        //    for example, the command line:
+        //          foo.exe "myarg:""my val"""
+        //    is parsed by a .NET console app into an arg array:
+        //          [ "myarg:\"my val\"" ]
+        //    which is the same end result when applying libuv quoting rules. although the actual
+        //    command line from libuv quoting rules would look like:
+        //          foo.exe "myarg:\"my val\""
+        //
+        // 3) double-up slashes that precede a quote,
+        //    e.g.  hello \world    => "hello \world"
+        //          hello\"world    => "hello\\""world"
+        //          hello\\"world   => "hello\\\\""world"
+        //          hello world\    => "hello world\\"
+        //
+        //    technically this is not required for a cmd.exe command line, or the batch argument parser.
+        //    the reasons for including this as a .cmd quoting rule are:
+        //
+        //    a) this is optimized for the scenario where the argument is passed from the .cmd file to an
+        //       external program. many programs (e.g. .NET console apps) rely on the slash-doubling rule.
+        //
+        //    b) it's what we've been doing previously (by deferring to node default behavior) and we
+        //       haven't heard any complaints about that aspect.
+        //
+        // note, a weakness of the quoting rules chosen here, is that % is not escaped. in fact, % cannot be
+        // escaped when used on the command line directly - even though within a .cmd file % can be escaped
+        // by using %%.
+        //
+        // the saving grace is, on the command line, %var% is left as-is if var is not defined. this contrasts
+        // the line parsing rules within a .cmd file, where if var is not defined it is replaced with nothing.
+        //
+        // one option that was explored was replacing % with ^% - i.e. %var% => ^%var^%. this hack would
+        // often work, since it is unlikely that var^ would exist, and the ^ character is removed when the
+        // variable is used. the problem, however, is that ^ is not removed when %* is used to pass the args
+        // to an external program.
+        //
+        // an unexplored potential solution for the % escaping problem, is to create a wrapper .cmd file.
+        // % can be escaped within a .cmd file.
+        let reverse = '"';
+        let quoteHit = true;
+        for (let i = arg.length; i > 0; i--) {
+            // walk the string in reverse
+            reverse += arg[i - 1];
+            if (quoteHit && arg[i - 1] === '\\') {
+                reverse += '\\'; // double the slash
+            }
+            else if (arg[i - 1] === '"') {
+                quoteHit = true;
+                reverse += '"'; // double the quote
+            }
+            else {
+                quoteHit = false;
+            }
+        }
+        reverse += '"';
+        return reverse
+            .split('')
+            .reverse()
+            .join('');
+    }
+    _uvQuoteCmdArg(arg) {
+        // Tool runner wraps child_process.spawn() and needs to apply the same quoting as
+        // Node in certain cases where the undocumented spawn option windowsVerbatimArguments
+        // is used.
+        //
+        // Since this function is a port of quote_cmd_arg from Node 4.x (technically, lib UV,
+        // see https://github.com/nodejs/node/blob/v4.x/deps/uv/src/win/process.c for details),
+        // pasting copyright notice from Node within this function:
+        //
+        //      Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors. All rights reserved.
+        //
+        //      Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+        //      of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to
+        //      deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the
+        //      rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or
+        //      sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+        //      furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+        //
+        //      The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+        //      all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+        //
+        //      IN THE SOFTWARE.
+        if (!arg) {
+            // Need double quotation for empty argument
+            return '""';
+        }
+        if (!arg.includes(' ') && !arg.includes('\t') && !arg.includes('"')) {
+            // No quotation needed
+            return arg;
+        }
+        if (!arg.includes('"') && !arg.includes('\\')) {
+            // No embedded double quotes or backslashes, so I can just wrap
+            // quote marks around the whole thing.
+            return `"${arg}"`;
+        }
+        // Expected input/output:
+        //   input : hello"world
+        //   output: "hello\"world"
+        //   input : hello""world
+        //   output: "hello\"\"world"
+        //   input : hello\world
+        //   output: hello\world
+        //   input : hello\\world
+        //   output: hello\\world
+        //   input : hello\"world
+        //   output: "hello\\\"world"
+        //   input : hello\\"world
+        //   output: "hello\\\\\"world"
+        //   input : hello world\
+        //   output: "hello world\\" - note the comment in libuv actually reads "hello world\"
+        //                             but it appears the comment is wrong, it should be "hello world\\"
+        let reverse = '"';
+        let quoteHit = true;
+        for (let i = arg.length; i > 0; i--) {
+            // walk the string in reverse
+            reverse += arg[i - 1];
+            if (quoteHit && arg[i - 1] === '\\') {
+                reverse += '\\';
+            }
+            else if (arg[i - 1] === '"') {
+                quoteHit = true;
+                reverse += '\\';
+            }
+            else {
+                quoteHit = false;
+            }
+        }
+        reverse += '"';
+        return reverse
+            .split('')
+            .reverse()
+            .join('');
+    }
+    _cloneExecOptions(options) {
+        options = options || {};
+        const result = {
+            cwd: options.cwd || process.cwd(),
+            env: options.env || process.env,
+            silent: options.silent || false,
+            windowsVerbatimArguments: options.windowsVerbatimArguments || false,
+            failOnStdErr: options.failOnStdErr || false,
+            ignoreReturnCode: options.ignoreReturnCode || false,
+            delay: options.delay || 10000
+        };
+        result.outStream = options.outStream || process.stdout;
+        result.errStream = options.errStream || process.stderr;
+        return result;
+    }
+    _getSpawnOptions(options, toolPath) {
+        options = options || {};
+        const result = {};
+        result.cwd = options.cwd;
+        result.env = options.env;
+        result['windowsVerbatimArguments'] =
+            options.windowsVerbatimArguments || this._isCmdFile();
+        if (options.windowsVerbatimArguments) {
+            result.argv0 = `"${toolPath}"`;
+        }
+        return result;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Exec a tool.
+     * Output will be streamed to the live console.
+     * Returns promise with return code
+     *
+     * @param     tool     path to tool to exec
+     * @param     options  optional exec options.  See ExecOptions
+     * @returns   number
+     */
+    exec() {
+        return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
+            // root the tool path if it is unrooted and contains relative pathing
+            if (!ioUtil.isRooted(this.toolPath) &&
+                (this.toolPath.includes('/') ||
+                    (IS_WINDOWS && this.toolPath.includes('\\')))) {
+                // prefer options.cwd if it is specified, however options.cwd may also need to be rooted
+                this.toolPath = path.resolve(process.cwd(), this.options.cwd || process.cwd(), this.toolPath);
+            }
+            // if the tool is only a file name, then resolve it from the PATH
+            // otherwise verify it exists (add extension on Windows if necessary)
+            this.toolPath = yield io.which(this.toolPath, true);
+            return new Promise((resolve, reject) => __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
+                this._debug(`exec tool: ${this.toolPath}`);
+                this._debug('arguments:');
+                for (const arg of this.args) {
+                    this._debug(`   ${arg}`);
+                }
+                const optionsNonNull = this._cloneExecOptions(this.options);
+                if (!optionsNonNull.silent && optionsNonNull.outStream) {
+                    optionsNonNull.outStream.write(this._getCommandString(optionsNonNull) + os.EOL);
+                }
+                const state = new ExecState(optionsNonNull, this.toolPath);
+                state.on('debug', (message) => {
+                    this._debug(message);
+                });
+                if (this.options.cwd && !(yield ioUtil.exists(this.options.cwd))) {
+                    return reject(new Error(`The cwd: ${this.options.cwd} does not exist!`));
+                }
+                const fileName = this._getSpawnFileName();
+                const cp = child.spawn(fileName, this._getSpawnArgs(optionsNonNull), this._getSpawnOptions(this.options, fileName));
+                let stdbuffer = '';
+                if (cp.stdout) {
+                    cp.stdout.on('data', (data) => {
+                        if (this.options.listeners && this.options.listeners.stdout) {
+                            this.options.listeners.stdout(data);
+                        }
+                        if (!optionsNonNull.silent && optionsNonNull.outStream) {
+                            optionsNonNull.outStream.write(data);
+                        }
+                        stdbuffer = this._processLineBuffer(data, stdbuffer, (line) => {
+                            if (this.options.listeners && this.options.listeners.stdline) {
+                                this.options.listeners.stdline(line);
+                            }
+                        });
+                    });
+                }
+                let errbuffer = '';
+                if (cp.stderr) {
+                    cp.stderr.on('data', (data) => {
+                        state.processStderr = true;
+                        if (this.options.listeners && this.options.listeners.stderr) {
+                            this.options.listeners.stderr(data);
+                        }
+                        if (!optionsNonNull.silent &&
+                            optionsNonNull.errStream &&
+                            optionsNonNull.outStream) {
+                            const s = optionsNonNull.failOnStdErr
+                                ? optionsNonNull.errStream
+                                : optionsNonNull.outStream;
+                            s.write(data);
+                        }
+                        errbuffer = this._processLineBuffer(data, errbuffer, (line) => {
+                            if (this.options.listeners && this.options.listeners.errline) {
+                                this.options.listeners.errline(line);
+                            }
+                        });
+                    });
+                }
+                cp.on('error', (err) => {
+                    state.processError = err.message;
+                    state.processExited = true;
+                    state.processClosed = true;
+                    state.CheckComplete();
+                });
+                cp.on('exit', (code) => {
+                    state.processExitCode = code;
+                    state.processExited = true;
+                    this._debug(`Exit code ${code} received from tool '${this.toolPath}'`);
+                    state.CheckComplete();
+                });
+                cp.on('close', (code) => {
+                    state.processExitCode = code;
+                    state.processExited = true;
+                    state.processClosed = true;
+                    this._debug(`STDIO streams have closed for tool '${this.toolPath}'`);
+                    state.CheckComplete();
+                });
+                state.on('done', (error, exitCode) => {
+                    if (stdbuffer.length > 0) {
+                        this.emit('stdline', stdbuffer);
+                    }
+                    if (errbuffer.length > 0) {
+                        this.emit('errline', errbuffer);
+                    }
+                    cp.removeAllListeners();
+                    if (error) {
+                        reject(error);
+                    }
+                    else {
+                        resolve(exitCode);
+                    }
+                });
+                if (this.options.input) {
+                    if (!cp.stdin) {
+                        throw new Error('child process missing stdin');
+                    }
+                    cp.stdin.end(this.options.input);
+                }
+            }));
+        });
+    }
+exports.ToolRunner = ToolRunner;
+ * Convert an arg string to an array of args. Handles escaping
+ *
+ * @param    argString   string of arguments
+ * @returns  string[]    array of arguments
+ */
+function argStringToArray(argString) {
+    const args = [];
+    let inQuotes = false;
+    let escaped = false;
+    let arg = '';
+    function append(c) {
+        // we only escape double quotes.
+        if (escaped && c !== '"') {
+            arg += '\\';
+        }
+        arg += c;
+        escaped = false;
+    }
+    for (let i = 0; i < argString.length; i++) {
+        const c = argString.charAt(i);
+        if (c === '"') {
+            if (!escaped) {
+                inQuotes = !inQuotes;
+            }
+            else {
+                append(c);
+            }
+            continue;
+        }
+        if (c === '\\' && escaped) {
+            append(c);
+            continue;
+        }
+        if (c === '\\' && inQuotes) {
+            escaped = true;
+            continue;
+        }
+        if (c === ' ' && !inQuotes) {
+            if (arg.length > 0) {
+                args.push(arg);
+                arg = '';
+            }
+            continue;
+        }
+        append(c);
+    }
+    if (arg.length > 0) {
+        args.push(arg.trim());
+    }
+    return args;
+exports.argStringToArray = argStringToArray;
+class ExecState extends events.EventEmitter {
+    constructor(options, toolPath) {
+        super();
+        this.processClosed = false; // tracks whether the process has exited and stdio is closed
+        this.processError = '';
+        this.processExitCode = 0;
+        this.processExited = false; // tracks whether the process has exited
+        this.processStderr = false; // tracks whether stderr was written to
+        this.delay = 10000; // 10 seconds
+        this.done = false;
+        this.timeout = null;
+        if (!toolPath) {
+            throw new Error('toolPath must not be empty');
+        }
+        this.options = options;
+        this.toolPath = toolPath;
+        if (options.delay) {
+            this.delay = options.delay;
+        }
+    }
+    CheckComplete() {
+        if (this.done) {
+            return;
+        }
+        if (this.processClosed) {
+            this._setResult();
+        }
+        else if (this.processExited) {
+            this.timeout = timers_1.setTimeout(ExecState.HandleTimeout, this.delay, this);
+        }
+    }
+    _debug(message) {
+        this.emit('debug', message);
+    }
+    _setResult() {
+        // determine whether there is an error
+        let error;
+        if (this.processExited) {
+            if (this.processError) {
+                error = new Error(`There was an error when attempting to execute the process '${this.toolPath}'. This may indicate the process failed to start. Error: ${this.processError}`);
+            }
+            else if (this.processExitCode !== 0 && !this.options.ignoreReturnCode) {
+                error = new Error(`The process '${this.toolPath}' failed with exit code ${this.processExitCode}`);
+            }
+            else if (this.processStderr && this.options.failOnStdErr) {
+                error = new Error(`The process '${this.toolPath}' failed because one or more lines were written to the STDERR stream`);
+            }
+        }
+        // clear the timeout
+        if (this.timeout) {
+            clearTimeout(this.timeout);
+            this.timeout = null;
+        }
+        this.done = true;
+        this.emit('done', error, this.processExitCode);
+    }
+    static HandleTimeout(state) {
+        if (state.done) {
+            return;
+        }
+        if (!state.processClosed && state.processExited) {
+            const message = `The STDIO streams did not close within ${state.delay /
+                1000} seconds of the exit event from process '${state.toolPath}'. This may indicate a child process inherited the STDIO streams and has not yet exited.`;
+            state._debug(message);
+        }
+        state._setResult();
+    }
+//# sourceMappingURL=toolrunner.js.map
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/@actions/exec/lib/toolrunner.js.map b/node_modules/@actions/exec/lib/toolrunner.js.map
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6eaf1830
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@actions/exec/lib/toolrunner.js.map
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ff0cebfe
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+++ b/node_modules/@actions/exec/package.json
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+  "name": "@actions/exec",
+  "version": "1.1.0",
+  "description": "Actions exec lib",
+  "keywords": [
+    "github",
+    "actions",
+    "exec"
+  ],
+  "homepage": "https://github.com/actions/toolkit/tree/main/packages/exec",
+  "license": "MIT",
+  "main": "lib/exec.js",
+  "types": "lib/exec.d.ts",
+  "directories": {
+    "lib": "lib",
+    "test": "__tests__"
+  },
+  "files": [
+    "lib",
+    "!.DS_Store"
+  ],
+  "publishConfig": {
+    "access": "public"
+  },
+  "repository": {
+    "type": "git",
+    "url": "git+https://github.com/actions/toolkit.git",
+    "directory": "packages/exec"
+  },
+  "scripts": {
+    "audit-moderate": "npm install && npm audit --json --audit-level=moderate > audit.json",
+    "test": "echo \"Error: run tests from root\" && exit 1",
+    "tsc": "tsc"
+  },
+  "bugs": {
+    "url": "https://github.com/actions/toolkit/issues"
+  },
+  "dependencies": {
+    "@actions/io": "^1.0.1"
+  }
diff --git a/node_modules/@actions/http-client/LICENSE b/node_modules/@actions/http-client/LICENSE
new file mode 100644
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+++ b/node_modules/@actions/http-client/LICENSE
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+Actions Http Client for Node.js
+Copyright (c) GitHub, Inc.
+All rights reserved.
+MIT License
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and
+associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction,
+including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
+and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,
+subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/node_modules/@actions/http-client/README.md b/node_modules/@actions/http-client/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..be61eb35
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+++ b/node_modules/@actions/http-client/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+<p align="center">
+  <img src="actions.png">
+# Actions Http-Client
+[![Http Status](https://github.com/actions/http-client/workflows/http-tests/badge.svg)](https://github.com/actions/http-client/actions)
+A lightweight HTTP client optimized for use with actions, TypeScript with generics and async await.
+## Features
+  - HTTP client with TypeScript generics and async/await/Promises
+  - Typings included so no need to acquire separately (great for intellisense and no versioning drift)
+  - [Proxy support](https://help.github.com/en/actions/automating-your-workflow-with-github-actions/about-self-hosted-runners#using-a-proxy-server-with-self-hosted-runners) just works with actions and the runner
+  - Targets ES2019 (runner runs actions with node 12+).  Only supported on node 12+.
+  - Basic, Bearer and PAT Support out of the box.  Extensible handlers for others.
+  - Redirects supported
+Features and releases [here](./RELEASES.md)
+## Install
+npm install @actions/http-client --save
+## Samples
+See the [HTTP](./__tests__) tests for detailed examples.
+## Errors
+### HTTP
+The HTTP client does not throw unless truly exceptional.
+* A request that successfully executes resulting in a 404, 500 etc... will return a response object with a status code and a body.
+* Redirects (3xx) will be followed by default.
+See [HTTP tests](./__tests__) for detailed examples.
+## Debugging
+To enable detailed console logging of all HTTP requests and responses, set the NODE_DEBUG environment varible:
+export NODE_DEBUG=http
+## Node support
+The http-client is built using the latest LTS version of Node 12. It may work on previous node LTS versions but it's tested and officially supported on Node12+.
+## Support and Versioning
+We follow semver and will hold compatibility between major versions and increment the minor version with new features and capabilities (while holding compat).
+## Contributing
+We welcome PRs.  Please create an issue and if applicable, a design before proceeding with code.
+$ npm install
+To build:
+$ npm run build
+To run all tests:
+$ npm test
diff --git a/node_modules/@actions/http-client/RELEASES.md b/node_modules/@actions/http-client/RELEASES.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..935178a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@actions/http-client/RELEASES.md
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+## Releases
+## 1.0.10
+Contains a bug fix where proxy is defined without a user and password. see [PR here](https://github.com/actions/http-client/pull/42)   
+## 1.0.9
+Throw HttpClientError instead of a generic Error from the \<verb>Json() helper methods when the server responds with a non-successful status code. 
+## 1.0.8
+Fixed security issue where a redirect (e.g. 302) to another domain would pass headers.  The fix was to strip the authorization header if the hostname was different.  More [details in PR #27](https://github.com/actions/http-client/pull/27)
+## 1.0.7
+Update NPM dependencies and add 429 to the list of HttpCodes
+## 1.0.6
+Automatically sends Content-Type and Accept application/json headers for \<verb>Json() helper methods if not set in the client or parameters.
+## 1.0.5
+Adds \<verb>Json() helper methods for json over http scenarios.
+## 1.0.4
+Started to add \<verb>Json() helper methods.  Do not use this release for that.  Use >= 1.0.5 since there was an issue with types.
+## 1.0.1 to 1.0.3
+Adds proxy support.
diff --git a/node_modules/@actions/http-client/actions.png b/node_modules/@actions/http-client/actions.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1857ef37
Binary files /dev/null and b/node_modules/@actions/http-client/actions.png differ
diff --git a/node_modules/@actions/http-client/auth.d.ts b/node_modules/@actions/http-client/auth.d.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1094189c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@actions/http-client/auth.d.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+import ifm = require('./interfaces');
+export declare class BasicCredentialHandler implements ifm.IRequestHandler {
+    username: string;
+    password: string;
+    constructor(username: string, password: string);
+    prepareRequest(options: any): void;
+    canHandleAuthentication(response: ifm.IHttpClientResponse): boolean;
+    handleAuthentication(httpClient: ifm.IHttpClient, requestInfo: ifm.IRequestInfo, objs: any): Promise<ifm.IHttpClientResponse>;
+export declare class BearerCredentialHandler implements ifm.IRequestHandler {
+    token: string;
+    constructor(token: string);
+    prepareRequest(options: any): void;
+    canHandleAuthentication(response: ifm.IHttpClientResponse): boolean;
+    handleAuthentication(httpClient: ifm.IHttpClient, requestInfo: ifm.IRequestInfo, objs: any): Promise<ifm.IHttpClientResponse>;
+export declare class PersonalAccessTokenCredentialHandler implements ifm.IRequestHandler {
+    token: string;
+    constructor(token: string);
+    prepareRequest(options: any): void;
+    canHandleAuthentication(response: ifm.IHttpClientResponse): boolean;
+    handleAuthentication(httpClient: ifm.IHttpClient, requestInfo: ifm.IRequestInfo, objs: any): Promise<ifm.IHttpClientResponse>;
diff --git a/node_modules/@actions/http-client/auth.js b/node_modules/@actions/http-client/auth.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..67a58aa7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@actions/http-client/auth.js
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
+class BasicCredentialHandler {
+    constructor(username, password) {
+        this.username = username;
+        this.password = password;
+    }
+    prepareRequest(options) {
+        options.headers['Authorization'] =
+            'Basic ' +
+                Buffer.from(this.username + ':' + this.password).toString('base64');
+    }
+    // This handler cannot handle 401
+    canHandleAuthentication(response) {
+        return false;
+    }
+    handleAuthentication(httpClient, requestInfo, objs) {
+        return null;
+    }
+exports.BasicCredentialHandler = BasicCredentialHandler;
+class BearerCredentialHandler {
+    constructor(token) {
+        this.token = token;
+    }
+    // currently implements pre-authorization
+    // TODO: support preAuth = false where it hooks on 401
+    prepareRequest(options) {
+        options.headers['Authorization'] = 'Bearer ' + this.token;
+    }
+    // This handler cannot handle 401
+    canHandleAuthentication(response) {
+        return false;
+    }
+    handleAuthentication(httpClient, requestInfo, objs) {
+        return null;
+    }
+exports.BearerCredentialHandler = BearerCredentialHandler;
+class PersonalAccessTokenCredentialHandler {
+    constructor(token) {
+        this.token = token;
+    }
+    // currently implements pre-authorization
+    // TODO: support preAuth = false where it hooks on 401
+    prepareRequest(options) {
+        options.headers['Authorization'] =
+            'Basic ' + Buffer.from('PAT:' + this.token).toString('base64');
+    }
+    // This handler cannot handle 401
+    canHandleAuthentication(response) {
+        return false;
+    }
+    handleAuthentication(httpClient, requestInfo, objs) {
+        return null;
+    }
+exports.PersonalAccessTokenCredentialHandler = PersonalAccessTokenCredentialHandler;
diff --git a/node_modules/@actions/http-client/index.d.ts b/node_modules/@actions/http-client/index.d.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9583dc72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@actions/http-client/index.d.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+/// <reference types="node" />
+import http = require('http');
+import ifm = require('./interfaces');
+export declare enum HttpCodes {
+    OK = 200,
+    MultipleChoices = 300,
+    MovedPermanently = 301,
+    ResourceMoved = 302,
+    SeeOther = 303,
+    NotModified = 304,
+    UseProxy = 305,
+    SwitchProxy = 306,
+    TemporaryRedirect = 307,
+    PermanentRedirect = 308,
+    BadRequest = 400,
+    Unauthorized = 401,
+    PaymentRequired = 402,
+    Forbidden = 403,
+    NotFound = 404,
+    MethodNotAllowed = 405,
+    NotAcceptable = 406,
+    ProxyAuthenticationRequired = 407,
+    RequestTimeout = 408,
+    Conflict = 409,
+    Gone = 410,
+    TooManyRequests = 429,
+    InternalServerError = 500,
+    NotImplemented = 501,
+    BadGateway = 502,
+    ServiceUnavailable = 503,
+    GatewayTimeout = 504
+export declare enum Headers {
+    Accept = "accept",
+    ContentType = "content-type"
+export declare enum MediaTypes {
+    ApplicationJson = "application/json"
+ * Returns the proxy URL, depending upon the supplied url and proxy environment variables.
+ * @param serverUrl  The server URL where the request will be sent. For example, https://api.github.com
+ */
+export declare function getProxyUrl(serverUrl: string): string;
+export declare class HttpClientError extends Error {
+    constructor(message: string, statusCode: number);
+    statusCode: number;
+    result?: any;
+export declare class HttpClientResponse implements ifm.IHttpClientResponse {
+    constructor(message: http.IncomingMessage);
+    message: http.IncomingMessage;
+    readBody(): Promise<string>;
+export declare function isHttps(requestUrl: string): boolean;
+export declare class HttpClient {
+    userAgent: string | undefined;
+    handlers: ifm.IRequestHandler[];
+    requestOptions: ifm.IRequestOptions;
+    private _ignoreSslError;
+    private _socketTimeout;
+    private _allowRedirects;
+    private _allowRedirectDowngrade;
+    private _maxRedirects;
+    private _allowRetries;
+    private _maxRetries;
+    private _agent;
+    private _proxyAgent;
+    private _keepAlive;
+    private _disposed;
+    constructor(userAgent?: string, handlers?: ifm.IRequestHandler[], requestOptions?: ifm.IRequestOptions);
+    options(requestUrl: string, additionalHeaders?: ifm.IHeaders): Promise<ifm.IHttpClientResponse>;
+    get(requestUrl: string, additionalHeaders?: ifm.IHeaders): Promise<ifm.IHttpClientResponse>;
+    del(requestUrl: string, additionalHeaders?: ifm.IHeaders): Promise<ifm.IHttpClientResponse>;
+    post(requestUrl: string, data: string, additionalHeaders?: ifm.IHeaders): Promise<ifm.IHttpClientResponse>;
+    patch(requestUrl: string, data: string, additionalHeaders?: ifm.IHeaders): Promise<ifm.IHttpClientResponse>;
+    put(requestUrl: string, data: string, additionalHeaders?: ifm.IHeaders): Promise<ifm.IHttpClientResponse>;
+    head(requestUrl: string, additionalHeaders?: ifm.IHeaders): Promise<ifm.IHttpClientResponse>;
+    sendStream(verb: string, requestUrl: string, stream: NodeJS.ReadableStream, additionalHeaders?: ifm.IHeaders): Promise<ifm.IHttpClientResponse>;
+    /**
+     * Gets a typed object from an endpoint
+     * Be aware that not found returns a null.  Other errors (4xx, 5xx) reject the promise
+     */
+    getJson<T>(requestUrl: string, additionalHeaders?: ifm.IHeaders): Promise<ifm.ITypedResponse<T>>;
+    postJson<T>(requestUrl: string, obj: any, additionalHeaders?: ifm.IHeaders): Promise<ifm.ITypedResponse<T>>;
+    putJson<T>(requestUrl: string, obj: any, additionalHeaders?: ifm.IHeaders): Promise<ifm.ITypedResponse<T>>;
+    patchJson<T>(requestUrl: string, obj: any, additionalHeaders?: ifm.IHeaders): Promise<ifm.ITypedResponse<T>>;
+    /**
+     * Makes a raw http request.
+     * All other methods such as get, post, patch, and request ultimately call this.
+     * Prefer get, del, post and patch
+     */
+    request(verb: string, requestUrl: string, data: string | NodeJS.ReadableStream, headers: ifm.IHeaders): Promise<ifm.IHttpClientResponse>;
+    /**
+     * Needs to be called if keepAlive is set to true in request options.
+     */
+    dispose(): void;
+    /**
+     * Raw request.
+     * @param info
+     * @param data
+     */
+    requestRaw(info: ifm.IRequestInfo, data: string | NodeJS.ReadableStream): Promise<ifm.IHttpClientResponse>;
+    /**
+     * Raw request with callback.
+     * @param info
+     * @param data
+     * @param onResult
+     */
+    requestRawWithCallback(info: ifm.IRequestInfo, data: string | NodeJS.ReadableStream, onResult: (err: any, res: ifm.IHttpClientResponse) => void): void;
+    /**
+     * Gets an http agent. This function is useful when you need an http agent that handles
+     * routing through a proxy server - depending upon the url and proxy environment variables.
+     * @param serverUrl  The server URL where the request will be sent. For example, https://api.github.com
+     */
+    getAgent(serverUrl: string): http.Agent;
+    private _prepareRequest;
+    private _mergeHeaders;
+    private _getExistingOrDefaultHeader;
+    private _getAgent;
+    private _performExponentialBackoff;
+    private static dateTimeDeserializer;
+    private _processResponse;
diff --git a/node_modules/@actions/http-client/index.js b/node_modules/@actions/http-client/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..43b2b103
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@actions/http-client/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,537 @@
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
+const http = require("http");
+const https = require("https");
+const pm = require("./proxy");
+let tunnel;
+var HttpCodes;
+(function (HttpCodes) {
+    HttpCodes[HttpCodes["OK"] = 200] = "OK";
+    HttpCodes[HttpCodes["MultipleChoices"] = 300] = "MultipleChoices";
+    HttpCodes[HttpCodes["MovedPermanently"] = 301] = "MovedPermanently";
+    HttpCodes[HttpCodes["ResourceMoved"] = 302] = "ResourceMoved";
+    HttpCodes[HttpCodes["SeeOther"] = 303] = "SeeOther";
+    HttpCodes[HttpCodes["NotModified"] = 304] = "NotModified";
+    HttpCodes[HttpCodes["UseProxy"] = 305] = "UseProxy";
+    HttpCodes[HttpCodes["SwitchProxy"] = 306] = "SwitchProxy";
+    HttpCodes[HttpCodes["TemporaryRedirect"] = 307] = "TemporaryRedirect";
+    HttpCodes[HttpCodes["PermanentRedirect"] = 308] = "PermanentRedirect";
+    HttpCodes[HttpCodes["BadRequest"] = 400] = "BadRequest";
+    HttpCodes[HttpCodes["Unauthorized"] = 401] = "Unauthorized";
+    HttpCodes[HttpCodes["PaymentRequired"] = 402] = "PaymentRequired";
+    HttpCodes[HttpCodes["Forbidden"] = 403] = "Forbidden";
+    HttpCodes[HttpCodes["NotFound"] = 404] = "NotFound";
+    HttpCodes[HttpCodes["MethodNotAllowed"] = 405] = "MethodNotAllowed";
+    HttpCodes[HttpCodes["NotAcceptable"] = 406] = "NotAcceptable";
+    HttpCodes[HttpCodes["ProxyAuthenticationRequired"] = 407] = "ProxyAuthenticationRequired";
+    HttpCodes[HttpCodes["RequestTimeout"] = 408] = "RequestTimeout";
+    HttpCodes[HttpCodes["Conflict"] = 409] = "Conflict";
+    HttpCodes[HttpCodes["Gone"] = 410] = "Gone";
+    HttpCodes[HttpCodes["TooManyRequests"] = 429] = "TooManyRequests";
+    HttpCodes[HttpCodes["InternalServerError"] = 500] = "InternalServerError";
+    HttpCodes[HttpCodes["NotImplemented"] = 501] = "NotImplemented";
+    HttpCodes[HttpCodes["BadGateway"] = 502] = "BadGateway";
+    HttpCodes[HttpCodes["ServiceUnavailable"] = 503] = "ServiceUnavailable";
+    HttpCodes[HttpCodes["GatewayTimeout"] = 504] = "GatewayTimeout";
+})(HttpCodes = exports.HttpCodes || (exports.HttpCodes = {}));
+var Headers;
+(function (Headers) {
+    Headers["Accept"] = "accept";
+    Headers["ContentType"] = "content-type";
+})(Headers = exports.Headers || (exports.Headers = {}));
+var MediaTypes;
+(function (MediaTypes) {
+    MediaTypes["ApplicationJson"] = "application/json";
+})(MediaTypes = exports.MediaTypes || (exports.MediaTypes = {}));
+ * Returns the proxy URL, depending upon the supplied url and proxy environment variables.
+ * @param serverUrl  The server URL where the request will be sent. For example, https://api.github.com
+ */
+function getProxyUrl(serverUrl) {
+    let proxyUrl = pm.getProxyUrl(new URL(serverUrl));
+    return proxyUrl ? proxyUrl.href : '';
+exports.getProxyUrl = getProxyUrl;
+const HttpRedirectCodes = [
+    HttpCodes.MovedPermanently,
+    HttpCodes.ResourceMoved,
+    HttpCodes.SeeOther,
+    HttpCodes.TemporaryRedirect,
+    HttpCodes.PermanentRedirect
+const HttpResponseRetryCodes = [
+    HttpCodes.BadGateway,
+    HttpCodes.ServiceUnavailable,
+    HttpCodes.GatewayTimeout
+const RetryableHttpVerbs = ['OPTIONS', 'GET', 'DELETE', 'HEAD'];
+const ExponentialBackoffCeiling = 10;
+const ExponentialBackoffTimeSlice = 5;
+class HttpClientError extends Error {
+    constructor(message, statusCode) {
+        super(message);
+        this.name = 'HttpClientError';
+        this.statusCode = statusCode;
+        Object.setPrototypeOf(this, HttpClientError.prototype);
+    }
+exports.HttpClientError = HttpClientError;
+class HttpClientResponse {
+    constructor(message) {
+        this.message = message;
+    }
+    readBody() {
+        return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
+            let output = Buffer.alloc(0);
+            this.message.on('data', (chunk) => {
+                output = Buffer.concat([output, chunk]);
+            });
+            this.message.on('end', () => {
+                resolve(output.toString());
+            });
+        });
+    }
+exports.HttpClientResponse = HttpClientResponse;
+function isHttps(requestUrl) {
+    let parsedUrl = new URL(requestUrl);
+    return parsedUrl.protocol === 'https:';
+exports.isHttps = isHttps;
+class HttpClient {
+    constructor(userAgent, handlers, requestOptions) {
+        this._ignoreSslError = false;
+        this._allowRedirects = true;
+        this._allowRedirectDowngrade = false;
+        this._maxRedirects = 50;
+        this._allowRetries = false;
+        this._maxRetries = 1;
+        this._keepAlive = false;
+        this._disposed = false;
+        this.userAgent = userAgent;
+        this.handlers = handlers || [];
+        this.requestOptions = requestOptions;
+        if (requestOptions) {
+            if (requestOptions.ignoreSslError != null) {
+                this._ignoreSslError = requestOptions.ignoreSslError;
+            }
+            this._socketTimeout = requestOptions.socketTimeout;
+            if (requestOptions.allowRedirects != null) {
+                this._allowRedirects = requestOptions.allowRedirects;
+            }
+            if (requestOptions.allowRedirectDowngrade != null) {
+                this._allowRedirectDowngrade = requestOptions.allowRedirectDowngrade;
+            }
+            if (requestOptions.maxRedirects != null) {
+                this._maxRedirects = Math.max(requestOptions.maxRedirects, 0);
+            }
+            if (requestOptions.keepAlive != null) {
+                this._keepAlive = requestOptions.keepAlive;
+            }
+            if (requestOptions.allowRetries != null) {
+                this._allowRetries = requestOptions.allowRetries;
+            }
+            if (requestOptions.maxRetries != null) {
+                this._maxRetries = requestOptions.maxRetries;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    options(requestUrl, additionalHeaders) {
+        return this.request('OPTIONS', requestUrl, null, additionalHeaders || {});
+    }
+    get(requestUrl, additionalHeaders) {
+        return this.request('GET', requestUrl, null, additionalHeaders || {});
+    }
+    del(requestUrl, additionalHeaders) {
+        return this.request('DELETE', requestUrl, null, additionalHeaders || {});
+    }
+    post(requestUrl, data, additionalHeaders) {
+        return this.request('POST', requestUrl, data, additionalHeaders || {});
+    }
+    patch(requestUrl, data, additionalHeaders) {
+        return this.request('PATCH', requestUrl, data, additionalHeaders || {});
+    }
+    put(requestUrl, data, additionalHeaders) {
+        return this.request('PUT', requestUrl, data, additionalHeaders || {});
+    }
+    head(requestUrl, additionalHeaders) {
+        return this.request('HEAD', requestUrl, null, additionalHeaders || {});
+    }
+    sendStream(verb, requestUrl, stream, additionalHeaders) {
+        return this.request(verb, requestUrl, stream, additionalHeaders);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Gets a typed object from an endpoint
+     * Be aware that not found returns a null.  Other errors (4xx, 5xx) reject the promise
+     */
+    async getJson(requestUrl, additionalHeaders = {}) {
+        additionalHeaders[Headers.Accept] = this._getExistingOrDefaultHeader(additionalHeaders, Headers.Accept, MediaTypes.ApplicationJson);
+        let res = await this.get(requestUrl, additionalHeaders);
+        return this._processResponse(res, this.requestOptions);
+    }
+    async postJson(requestUrl, obj, additionalHeaders = {}) {
+        let data = JSON.stringify(obj, null, 2);
+        additionalHeaders[Headers.Accept] = this._getExistingOrDefaultHeader(additionalHeaders, Headers.Accept, MediaTypes.ApplicationJson);
+        additionalHeaders[Headers.ContentType] = this._getExistingOrDefaultHeader(additionalHeaders, Headers.ContentType, MediaTypes.ApplicationJson);
+        let res = await this.post(requestUrl, data, additionalHeaders);
+        return this._processResponse(res, this.requestOptions);
+    }
+    async putJson(requestUrl, obj, additionalHeaders = {}) {
+        let data = JSON.stringify(obj, null, 2);
+        additionalHeaders[Headers.Accept] = this._getExistingOrDefaultHeader(additionalHeaders, Headers.Accept, MediaTypes.ApplicationJson);
+        additionalHeaders[Headers.ContentType] = this._getExistingOrDefaultHeader(additionalHeaders, Headers.ContentType, MediaTypes.ApplicationJson);
+        let res = await this.put(requestUrl, data, additionalHeaders);
+        return this._processResponse(res, this.requestOptions);
+    }
+    async patchJson(requestUrl, obj, additionalHeaders = {}) {
+        let data = JSON.stringify(obj, null, 2);
+        additionalHeaders[Headers.Accept] = this._getExistingOrDefaultHeader(additionalHeaders, Headers.Accept, MediaTypes.ApplicationJson);
+        additionalHeaders[Headers.ContentType] = this._getExistingOrDefaultHeader(additionalHeaders, Headers.ContentType, MediaTypes.ApplicationJson);
+        let res = await this.patch(requestUrl, data, additionalHeaders);
+        return this._processResponse(res, this.requestOptions);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Makes a raw http request.
+     * All other methods such as get, post, patch, and request ultimately call this.
+     * Prefer get, del, post and patch
+     */
+    async request(verb, requestUrl, data, headers) {
+        if (this._disposed) {
+            throw new Error('Client has already been disposed.');
+        }
+        let parsedUrl = new URL(requestUrl);
+        let info = this._prepareRequest(verb, parsedUrl, headers);
+        // Only perform retries on reads since writes may not be idempotent.
+        let maxTries = this._allowRetries && RetryableHttpVerbs.indexOf(verb) != -1
+            ? this._maxRetries + 1
+            : 1;
+        let numTries = 0;
+        let response;
+        while (numTries < maxTries) {
+            response = await this.requestRaw(info, data);
+            // Check if it's an authentication challenge
+            if (response &&
+                response.message &&
+                response.message.statusCode === HttpCodes.Unauthorized) {
+                let authenticationHandler;
+                for (let i = 0; i < this.handlers.length; i++) {
+                    if (this.handlers[i].canHandleAuthentication(response)) {
+                        authenticationHandler = this.handlers[i];
+                        break;
+                    }
+                }
+                if (authenticationHandler) {
+                    return authenticationHandler.handleAuthentication(this, info, data);
+                }
+                else {
+                    // We have received an unauthorized response but have no handlers to handle it.
+                    // Let the response return to the caller.
+                    return response;
+                }
+            }
+            let redirectsRemaining = this._maxRedirects;
+            while (HttpRedirectCodes.indexOf(response.message.statusCode) != -1 &&
+                this._allowRedirects &&
+                redirectsRemaining > 0) {
+                const redirectUrl = response.message.headers['location'];
+                if (!redirectUrl) {
+                    // if there's no location to redirect to, we won't
+                    break;
+                }
+                let parsedRedirectUrl = new URL(redirectUrl);
+                if (parsedUrl.protocol == 'https:' &&
+                    parsedUrl.protocol != parsedRedirectUrl.protocol &&
+                    !this._allowRedirectDowngrade) {
+                    throw new Error('Redirect from HTTPS to HTTP protocol. This downgrade is not allowed for security reasons. If you want to allow this behavior, set the allowRedirectDowngrade option to true.');
+                }
+                // we need to finish reading the response before reassigning response
+                // which will leak the open socket.
+                await response.readBody();
+                // strip authorization header if redirected to a different hostname
+                if (parsedRedirectUrl.hostname !== parsedUrl.hostname) {
+                    for (let header in headers) {
+                        // header names are case insensitive
+                        if (header.toLowerCase() === 'authorization') {
+                            delete headers[header];
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                // let's make the request with the new redirectUrl
+                info = this._prepareRequest(verb, parsedRedirectUrl, headers);
+                response = await this.requestRaw(info, data);
+                redirectsRemaining--;
+            }
+            if (HttpResponseRetryCodes.indexOf(response.message.statusCode) == -1) {
+                // If not a retry code, return immediately instead of retrying
+                return response;
+            }
+            numTries += 1;
+            if (numTries < maxTries) {
+                await response.readBody();
+                await this._performExponentialBackoff(numTries);
+            }
+        }
+        return response;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Needs to be called if keepAlive is set to true in request options.
+     */
+    dispose() {
+        if (this._agent) {
+            this._agent.destroy();
+        }
+        this._disposed = true;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Raw request.
+     * @param info
+     * @param data
+     */
+    requestRaw(info, data) {
+        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+            let callbackForResult = function (err, res) {
+                if (err) {
+                    reject(err);
+                }
+                resolve(res);
+            };
+            this.requestRawWithCallback(info, data, callbackForResult);
+        });
+    }
+    /**
+     * Raw request with callback.
+     * @param info
+     * @param data
+     * @param onResult
+     */
+    requestRawWithCallback(info, data, onResult) {
+        let socket;
+        if (typeof data === 'string') {
+            info.options.headers['Content-Length'] = Buffer.byteLength(data, 'utf8');
+        }
+        let callbackCalled = false;
+        let handleResult = (err, res) => {
+            if (!callbackCalled) {
+                callbackCalled = true;
+                onResult(err, res);
+            }
+        };
+        let req = info.httpModule.request(info.options, (msg) => {
+            let res = new HttpClientResponse(msg);
+            handleResult(null, res);
+        });
+        req.on('socket', sock => {
+            socket = sock;
+        });
+        // If we ever get disconnected, we want the socket to timeout eventually
+        req.setTimeout(this._socketTimeout || 3 * 60000, () => {
+            if (socket) {
+                socket.end();
+            }
+            handleResult(new Error('Request timeout: ' + info.options.path), null);
+        });
+        req.on('error', function (err) {
+            // err has statusCode property
+            // res should have headers
+            handleResult(err, null);
+        });
+        if (data && typeof data === 'string') {
+            req.write(data, 'utf8');
+        }
+        if (data && typeof data !== 'string') {
+            data.on('close', function () {
+                req.end();
+            });
+            data.pipe(req);
+        }
+        else {
+            req.end();
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Gets an http agent. This function is useful when you need an http agent that handles
+     * routing through a proxy server - depending upon the url and proxy environment variables.
+     * @param serverUrl  The server URL where the request will be sent. For example, https://api.github.com
+     */
+    getAgent(serverUrl) {
+        let parsedUrl = new URL(serverUrl);
+        return this._getAgent(parsedUrl);
+    }
+    _prepareRequest(method, requestUrl, headers) {
+        const info = {};
+        info.parsedUrl = requestUrl;
+        const usingSsl = info.parsedUrl.protocol === 'https:';
+        info.httpModule = usingSsl ? https : http;
+        const defaultPort = usingSsl ? 443 : 80;
+        info.options = {};
+        info.options.host = info.parsedUrl.hostname;
+        info.options.port = info.parsedUrl.port
+            ? parseInt(info.parsedUrl.port)
+            : defaultPort;
+        info.options.path =
+            (info.parsedUrl.pathname || '') + (info.parsedUrl.search || '');
+        info.options.method = method;
+        info.options.headers = this._mergeHeaders(headers);
+        if (this.userAgent != null) {
+            info.options.headers['user-agent'] = this.userAgent;
+        }
+        info.options.agent = this._getAgent(info.parsedUrl);
+        // gives handlers an opportunity to participate
+        if (this.handlers) {
+            this.handlers.forEach(handler => {
+                handler.prepareRequest(info.options);
+            });
+        }
+        return info;
+    }
+    _mergeHeaders(headers) {
+        const lowercaseKeys = obj => Object.keys(obj).reduce((c, k) => ((c[k.toLowerCase()] = obj[k]), c), {});
+        if (this.requestOptions && this.requestOptions.headers) {
+            return Object.assign({}, lowercaseKeys(this.requestOptions.headers), lowercaseKeys(headers));
+        }
+        return lowercaseKeys(headers || {});
+    }
+    _getExistingOrDefaultHeader(additionalHeaders, header, _default) {
+        const lowercaseKeys = obj => Object.keys(obj).reduce((c, k) => ((c[k.toLowerCase()] = obj[k]), c), {});
+        let clientHeader;
+        if (this.requestOptions && this.requestOptions.headers) {
+            clientHeader = lowercaseKeys(this.requestOptions.headers)[header];
+        }
+        return additionalHeaders[header] || clientHeader || _default;
+    }
+    _getAgent(parsedUrl) {
+        let agent;
+        let proxyUrl = pm.getProxyUrl(parsedUrl);
+        let useProxy = proxyUrl && proxyUrl.hostname;
+        if (this._keepAlive && useProxy) {
+            agent = this._proxyAgent;
+        }
+        if (this._keepAlive && !useProxy) {
+            agent = this._agent;
+        }
+        // if agent is already assigned use that agent.
+        if (!!agent) {
+            return agent;
+        }
+        const usingSsl = parsedUrl.protocol === 'https:';
+        let maxSockets = 100;
+        if (!!this.requestOptions) {
+            maxSockets = this.requestOptions.maxSockets || http.globalAgent.maxSockets;
+        }
+        if (useProxy) {
+            // If using proxy, need tunnel
+            if (!tunnel) {
+                tunnel = require('tunnel');
+            }
+            const agentOptions = {
+                maxSockets: maxSockets,
+                keepAlive: this._keepAlive,
+                proxy: {
+                    ...((proxyUrl.username || proxyUrl.password) && {
+                        proxyAuth: `${proxyUrl.username}:${proxyUrl.password}`
+                    }),
+                    host: proxyUrl.hostname,
+                    port: proxyUrl.port
+                }
+            };
+            let tunnelAgent;
+            const overHttps = proxyUrl.protocol === 'https:';
+            if (usingSsl) {
+                tunnelAgent = overHttps ? tunnel.httpsOverHttps : tunnel.httpsOverHttp;
+            }
+            else {
+                tunnelAgent = overHttps ? tunnel.httpOverHttps : tunnel.httpOverHttp;
+            }
+            agent = tunnelAgent(agentOptions);
+            this._proxyAgent = agent;
+        }
+        // if reusing agent across request and tunneling agent isn't assigned create a new agent
+        if (this._keepAlive && !agent) {
+            const options = { keepAlive: this._keepAlive, maxSockets: maxSockets };
+            agent = usingSsl ? new https.Agent(options) : new http.Agent(options);
+            this._agent = agent;
+        }
+        // if not using private agent and tunnel agent isn't setup then use global agent
+        if (!agent) {
+            agent = usingSsl ? https.globalAgent : http.globalAgent;
+        }
+        if (usingSsl && this._ignoreSslError) {
+            // we don't want to set NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED=0 since that will affect request for entire process
+            // http.RequestOptions doesn't expose a way to modify RequestOptions.agent.options
+            // we have to cast it to any and change it directly
+            agent.options = Object.assign(agent.options || {}, {
+                rejectUnauthorized: false
+            });
+        }
+        return agent;
+    }
+    _performExponentialBackoff(retryNumber) {
+        retryNumber = Math.min(ExponentialBackoffCeiling, retryNumber);
+        const ms = ExponentialBackoffTimeSlice * Math.pow(2, retryNumber);
+        return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(() => resolve(), ms));
+    }
+    static dateTimeDeserializer(key, value) {
+        if (typeof value === 'string') {
+            let a = new Date(value);
+            if (!isNaN(a.valueOf())) {
+                return a;
+            }
+        }
+        return value;
+    }
+    async _processResponse(res, options) {
+        return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
+            const statusCode = res.message.statusCode;
+            const response = {
+                statusCode: statusCode,
+                result: null,
+                headers: {}
+            };
+            // not found leads to null obj returned
+            if (statusCode == HttpCodes.NotFound) {
+                resolve(response);
+            }
+            let obj;
+            let contents;
+            // get the result from the body
+            try {
+                contents = await res.readBody();
+                if (contents && contents.length > 0) {
+                    if (options && options.deserializeDates) {
+                        obj = JSON.parse(contents, HttpClient.dateTimeDeserializer);
+                    }
+                    else {
+                        obj = JSON.parse(contents);
+                    }
+                    response.result = obj;
+                }
+                response.headers = res.message.headers;
+            }
+            catch (err) {
+                // Invalid resource (contents not json);  leaving result obj null
+            }
+            // note that 3xx redirects are handled by the http layer.
+            if (statusCode > 299) {
+                let msg;
+                // if exception/error in body, attempt to get better error
+                if (obj && obj.message) {
+                    msg = obj.message;
+                }
+                else if (contents && contents.length > 0) {
+                    // it may be the case that the exception is in the body message as string
+                    msg = contents;
+                }
+                else {
+                    msg = 'Failed request: (' + statusCode + ')';
+                }
+                let err = new HttpClientError(msg, statusCode);
+                err.result = response.result;
+                reject(err);
+            }
+            else {
+                resolve(response);
+            }
+        });
+    }
+exports.HttpClient = HttpClient;
diff --git a/node_modules/@actions/http-client/interfaces.d.ts b/node_modules/@actions/http-client/interfaces.d.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..78bd85b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@actions/http-client/interfaces.d.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+/// <reference types="node" />
+import http = require('http');
+export interface IHeaders {
+    [key: string]: any;
+export interface IHttpClient {
+    options(requestUrl: string, additionalHeaders?: IHeaders): Promise<IHttpClientResponse>;
+    get(requestUrl: string, additionalHeaders?: IHeaders): Promise<IHttpClientResponse>;
+    del(requestUrl: string, additionalHeaders?: IHeaders): Promise<IHttpClientResponse>;
+    post(requestUrl: string, data: string, additionalHeaders?: IHeaders): Promise<IHttpClientResponse>;
+    patch(requestUrl: string, data: string, additionalHeaders?: IHeaders): Promise<IHttpClientResponse>;
+    put(requestUrl: string, data: string, additionalHeaders?: IHeaders): Promise<IHttpClientResponse>;
+    sendStream(verb: string, requestUrl: string, stream: NodeJS.ReadableStream, additionalHeaders?: IHeaders): Promise<IHttpClientResponse>;
+    request(verb: string, requestUrl: string, data: string | NodeJS.ReadableStream, headers: IHeaders): Promise<IHttpClientResponse>;
+    requestRaw(info: IRequestInfo, data: string | NodeJS.ReadableStream): Promise<IHttpClientResponse>;
+    requestRawWithCallback(info: IRequestInfo, data: string | NodeJS.ReadableStream, onResult: (err: any, res: IHttpClientResponse) => void): void;
+export interface IRequestHandler {
+    prepareRequest(options: http.RequestOptions): void;
+    canHandleAuthentication(response: IHttpClientResponse): boolean;
+    handleAuthentication(httpClient: IHttpClient, requestInfo: IRequestInfo, objs: any): Promise<IHttpClientResponse>;
+export interface IHttpClientResponse {
+    message: http.IncomingMessage;
+    readBody(): Promise<string>;
+export interface IRequestInfo {
+    options: http.RequestOptions;
+    parsedUrl: URL;
+    httpModule: any;
+export interface IRequestOptions {
+    headers?: IHeaders;
+    socketTimeout?: number;
+    ignoreSslError?: boolean;
+    allowRedirects?: boolean;
+    allowRedirectDowngrade?: boolean;
+    maxRedirects?: number;
+    maxSockets?: number;
+    keepAlive?: boolean;
+    deserializeDates?: boolean;
+    allowRetries?: boolean;
+    maxRetries?: number;
+export interface ITypedResponse<T> {
+    statusCode: number;
+    result: T | null;
+    headers: Object;
diff --git a/node_modules/@actions/http-client/interfaces.js b/node_modules/@actions/http-client/interfaces.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c8ad2e54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@actions/http-client/interfaces.js
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
diff --git a/node_modules/@actions/http-client/package.json b/node_modules/@actions/http-client/package.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0c99fd41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@actions/http-client/package.json
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+  "name": "@actions/http-client",
+  "version": "1.0.11",
+  "description": "Actions Http Client",
+  "main": "index.js",
+  "scripts": {
+    "build": "rm -Rf ./_out && tsc && cp package*.json ./_out && cp *.md ./_out && cp LICENSE ./_out && cp actions.png ./_out",
+    "test": "jest",
+    "format": "prettier --write *.ts && prettier --write **/*.ts",
+    "format-check": "prettier --check *.ts && prettier --check **/*.ts",
+    "audit-check": "npm audit --audit-level=moderate"
+  },
+  "repository": {
+    "type": "git",
+    "url": "git+https://github.com/actions/http-client.git"
+  },
+  "keywords": [
+    "Actions",
+    "Http"
+  ],
+  "author": "GitHub, Inc.",
+  "license": "MIT",
+  "bugs": {
+    "url": "https://github.com/actions/http-client/issues"
+  },
+  "homepage": "https://github.com/actions/http-client#readme",
+  "devDependencies": {
+    "@types/jest": "^25.1.4",
+    "@types/node": "^12.12.31",
+    "jest": "^25.1.0",
+    "prettier": "^2.0.4",
+    "proxy": "^1.0.1",
+    "ts-jest": "^25.2.1",
+    "typescript": "^3.8.3"
+  },
+  "dependencies": {
+    "tunnel": "0.0.6"
+  }
diff --git a/node_modules/@actions/http-client/proxy.d.ts b/node_modules/@actions/http-client/proxy.d.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..45998654
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@actions/http-client/proxy.d.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+export declare function getProxyUrl(reqUrl: URL): URL | undefined;
+export declare function checkBypass(reqUrl: URL): boolean;
diff --git a/node_modules/@actions/http-client/proxy.js b/node_modules/@actions/http-client/proxy.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..88f00ecd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@actions/http-client/proxy.js
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
+function getProxyUrl(reqUrl) {
+    let usingSsl = reqUrl.protocol === 'https:';
+    let proxyUrl;
+    if (checkBypass(reqUrl)) {
+        return proxyUrl;
+    }
+    let proxyVar;
+    if (usingSsl) {
+        proxyVar = process.env['https_proxy'] || process.env['HTTPS_PROXY'];
+    }
+    else {
+        proxyVar = process.env['http_proxy'] || process.env['HTTP_PROXY'];
+    }
+    if (proxyVar) {
+        proxyUrl = new URL(proxyVar);
+    }
+    return proxyUrl;
+exports.getProxyUrl = getProxyUrl;
+function checkBypass(reqUrl) {
+    if (!reqUrl.hostname) {
+        return false;
+    }
+    let noProxy = process.env['no_proxy'] || process.env['NO_PROXY'] || '';
+    if (!noProxy) {
+        return false;
+    }
+    // Determine the request port
+    let reqPort;
+    if (reqUrl.port) {
+        reqPort = Number(reqUrl.port);
+    }
+    else if (reqUrl.protocol === 'http:') {
+        reqPort = 80;
+    }
+    else if (reqUrl.protocol === 'https:') {
+        reqPort = 443;
+    }
+    // Format the request hostname and hostname with port
+    let upperReqHosts = [reqUrl.hostname.toUpperCase()];
+    if (typeof reqPort === 'number') {
+        upperReqHosts.push(`${upperReqHosts[0]}:${reqPort}`);
+    }
+    // Compare request host against noproxy
+    for (let upperNoProxyItem of noProxy
+        .split(',')
+        .map(x => x.trim().toUpperCase())
+        .filter(x => x)) {
+        if (upperReqHosts.some(x => x === upperNoProxyItem)) {
+            return true;
+        }
+    }
+    return false;
+exports.checkBypass = checkBypass;
diff --git a/node_modules/@actions/io/LICENSE.md b/node_modules/@actions/io/LICENSE.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dbae2edb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@actions/io/LICENSE.md
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+The MIT License (MIT)
+Copyright 2019 GitHub
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
\ No newline at end of file
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index 00000000..9aadf2f9
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+++ b/node_modules/@actions/io/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# `@actions/io`
+> Core functions for cli filesystem scenarios
+## Usage
+#### mkdir -p
+Recursively make a directory. Follows rules specified in [man mkdir](https://linux.die.net/man/1/mkdir) with the `-p` option specified:
+const io = require('@actions/io');
+await io.mkdirP('path/to/make');
+#### cp/mv
+Copy or move files or folders. Follows rules specified in [man cp](https://linux.die.net/man/1/cp) and [man mv](https://linux.die.net/man/1/mv):
+const io = require('@actions/io');
+// Recursive must be true for directories
+const options = { recursive: true, force: false }
+await io.cp('path/to/directory', 'path/to/dest', options);
+await io.mv('path/to/file', 'path/to/dest');
+#### rm -rf
+Remove a file or folder recursively. Follows rules specified in [man rm](https://linux.die.net/man/1/rm) with the `-r` and `-f` rules specified.
+const io = require('@actions/io');
+await io.rmRF('path/to/directory');
+await io.rmRF('path/to/file');
+#### which
+Get the path to a tool and resolves via paths. Follows the rules specified in [man which](https://linux.die.net/man/1/which).
+const exec = require('@actions/exec');
+const io = require('@actions/io');
+const pythonPath: string = await io.which('python', true)
+await exec.exec(`"${pythonPath}"`, ['main.py']);
diff --git a/node_modules/@actions/io/lib/io-util.d.ts b/node_modules/@actions/io/lib/io-util.d.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0cddd318
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@actions/io/lib/io-util.d.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+/// <reference types="node" />
+import * as fs from 'fs';
+export declare const chmod: typeof fs.promises.chmod, copyFile: typeof fs.promises.copyFile, lstat: typeof fs.promises.lstat, mkdir: typeof fs.promises.mkdir, readdir: typeof fs.promises.readdir, readlink: typeof fs.promises.readlink, rename: typeof fs.promises.rename, rmdir: typeof fs.promises.rmdir, stat: typeof fs.promises.stat, symlink: typeof fs.promises.symlink, unlink: typeof fs.promises.unlink;
+export declare const IS_WINDOWS: boolean;
+export declare function exists(fsPath: string): Promise<boolean>;
+export declare function isDirectory(fsPath: string, useStat?: boolean): Promise<boolean>;
+ * On OSX/Linux, true if path starts with '/'. On Windows, true for paths like:
+ * \, \hello, \\hello\share, C:, and C:\hello (and corresponding alternate separator cases).
+ */
+export declare function isRooted(p: string): boolean;
+ * Best effort attempt to determine whether a file exists and is executable.
+ * @param filePath    file path to check
+ * @param extensions  additional file extensions to try
+ * @return if file exists and is executable, returns the file path. otherwise empty string.
+ */
+export declare function tryGetExecutablePath(filePath: string, extensions: string[]): Promise<string>;
+export declare function getCmdPath(): string;
diff --git a/node_modules/@actions/io/lib/io-util.js b/node_modules/@actions/io/lib/io-util.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..aae903cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@actions/io/lib/io-util.js
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+"use strict";
+var __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) {
+    if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;
+    Object.defineProperty(o, k2, { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } });
+}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) {
+    if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;
+    o[k2] = m[k];
+var __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) {
+    Object.defineProperty(o, "default", { enumerable: true, value: v });
+}) : function(o, v) {
+    o["default"] = v;
+var __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) {
+    if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod;
+    var result = {};
+    if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (k !== "default" && Object.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k);
+    __setModuleDefault(result, mod);
+    return result;
+var __awaiter = (this && this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
+    function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }
+    return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
+        function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
+        function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
+        function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }
+        step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());
+    });
+var _a;
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
+exports.getCmdPath = exports.tryGetExecutablePath = exports.isRooted = exports.isDirectory = exports.exists = exports.IS_WINDOWS = exports.unlink = exports.symlink = exports.stat = exports.rmdir = exports.rename = exports.readlink = exports.readdir = exports.mkdir = exports.lstat = exports.copyFile = exports.chmod = void 0;
+const fs = __importStar(require("fs"));
+const path = __importStar(require("path"));
+_a = fs.promises, exports.chmod = _a.chmod, exports.copyFile = _a.copyFile, exports.lstat = _a.lstat, exports.mkdir = _a.mkdir, exports.readdir = _a.readdir, exports.readlink = _a.readlink, exports.rename = _a.rename, exports.rmdir = _a.rmdir, exports.stat = _a.stat, exports.symlink = _a.symlink, exports.unlink = _a.unlink;
+exports.IS_WINDOWS = process.platform === 'win32';
+function exists(fsPath) {
+    return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
+        try {
+            yield exports.stat(fsPath);
+        }
+        catch (err) {
+            if (err.code === 'ENOENT') {
+                return false;
+            }
+            throw err;
+        }
+        return true;
+    });
+exports.exists = exists;
+function isDirectory(fsPath, useStat = false) {
+    return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
+        const stats = useStat ? yield exports.stat(fsPath) : yield exports.lstat(fsPath);
+        return stats.isDirectory();
+    });
+exports.isDirectory = isDirectory;
+ * On OSX/Linux, true if path starts with '/'. On Windows, true for paths like:
+ * \, \hello, \\hello\share, C:, and C:\hello (and corresponding alternate separator cases).
+ */
+function isRooted(p) {
+    p = normalizeSeparators(p);
+    if (!p) {
+        throw new Error('isRooted() parameter "p" cannot be empty');
+    }
+    if (exports.IS_WINDOWS) {
+        return (p.startsWith('\\') || /^[A-Z]:/i.test(p) // e.g. \ or \hello or \\hello
+        ); // e.g. C: or C:\hello
+    }
+    return p.startsWith('/');
+exports.isRooted = isRooted;
+ * Best effort attempt to determine whether a file exists and is executable.
+ * @param filePath    file path to check
+ * @param extensions  additional file extensions to try
+ * @return if file exists and is executable, returns the file path. otherwise empty string.
+ */
+function tryGetExecutablePath(filePath, extensions) {
+    return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
+        let stats = undefined;
+        try {
+            // test file exists
+            stats = yield exports.stat(filePath);
+        }
+        catch (err) {
+            if (err.code !== 'ENOENT') {
+                // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
+                console.log(`Unexpected error attempting to determine if executable file exists '${filePath}': ${err}`);
+            }
+        }
+        if (stats && stats.isFile()) {
+            if (exports.IS_WINDOWS) {
+                // on Windows, test for valid extension
+                const upperExt = path.extname(filePath).toUpperCase();
+                if (extensions.some(validExt => validExt.toUpperCase() === upperExt)) {
+                    return filePath;
+                }
+            }
+            else {
+                if (isUnixExecutable(stats)) {
+                    return filePath;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        // try each extension
+        const originalFilePath = filePath;
+        for (const extension of extensions) {
+            filePath = originalFilePath + extension;
+            stats = undefined;
+            try {
+                stats = yield exports.stat(filePath);
+            }
+            catch (err) {
+                if (err.code !== 'ENOENT') {
+                    // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
+                    console.log(`Unexpected error attempting to determine if executable file exists '${filePath}': ${err}`);
+                }
+            }
+            if (stats && stats.isFile()) {
+                if (exports.IS_WINDOWS) {
+                    // preserve the case of the actual file (since an extension was appended)
+                    try {
+                        const directory = path.dirname(filePath);
+                        const upperName = path.basename(filePath).toUpperCase();
+                        for (const actualName of yield exports.readdir(directory)) {
+                            if (upperName === actualName.toUpperCase()) {
+                                filePath = path.join(directory, actualName);
+                                break;
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                    catch (err) {
+                        // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
+                        console.log(`Unexpected error attempting to determine the actual case of the file '${filePath}': ${err}`);
+                    }
+                    return filePath;
+                }
+                else {
+                    if (isUnixExecutable(stats)) {
+                        return filePath;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        return '';
+    });
+exports.tryGetExecutablePath = tryGetExecutablePath;
+function normalizeSeparators(p) {
+    p = p || '';
+    if (exports.IS_WINDOWS) {
+        // convert slashes on Windows
+        p = p.replace(/\//g, '\\');
+        // remove redundant slashes
+        return p.replace(/\\\\+/g, '\\');
+    }
+    // remove redundant slashes
+    return p.replace(/\/\/+/g, '/');
+// on Mac/Linux, test the execute bit
+//     R   W  X  R  W X R W X
+//   256 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1
+function isUnixExecutable(stats) {
+    return ((stats.mode & 1) > 0 ||
+        ((stats.mode & 8) > 0 && stats.gid === process.getgid()) ||
+        ((stats.mode & 64) > 0 && stats.uid === process.getuid()));
+// Get the path of cmd.exe in windows
+function getCmdPath() {
+    var _a;
+    return (_a = process.env['COMSPEC']) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : `cmd.exe`;
+exports.getCmdPath = getCmdPath;
+//# sourceMappingURL=io-util.js.map
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/@actions/io/lib/io-util.js.map b/node_modules/@actions/io/lib/io-util.js.map
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+++ b/node_modules/@actions/io/lib/io-util.js.map
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/@actions/io/lib/io.d.ts b/node_modules/@actions/io/lib/io.d.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a674522f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@actions/io/lib/io.d.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+ * Interface for cp/mv options
+ */
+export interface CopyOptions {
+    /** Optional. Whether to recursively copy all subdirectories. Defaults to false */
+    recursive?: boolean;
+    /** Optional. Whether to overwrite existing files in the destination. Defaults to true */
+    force?: boolean;
+    /** Optional. Whether to copy the source directory along with all the files. Only takes effect when recursive=true and copying a directory. Default is true*/
+    copySourceDirectory?: boolean;
+ * Interface for cp/mv options
+ */
+export interface MoveOptions {
+    /** Optional. Whether to overwrite existing files in the destination. Defaults to true */
+    force?: boolean;
+ * Copies a file or folder.
+ * Based off of shelljs - https://github.com/shelljs/shelljs/blob/9237f66c52e5daa40458f94f9565e18e8132f5a6/src/cp.js
+ *
+ * @param     source    source path
+ * @param     dest      destination path
+ * @param     options   optional. See CopyOptions.
+ */
+export declare function cp(source: string, dest: string, options?: CopyOptions): Promise<void>;
+ * Moves a path.
+ *
+ * @param     source    source path
+ * @param     dest      destination path
+ * @param     options   optional. See MoveOptions.
+ */
+export declare function mv(source: string, dest: string, options?: MoveOptions): Promise<void>;
+ * Remove a path recursively with force
+ *
+ * @param inputPath path to remove
+ */
+export declare function rmRF(inputPath: string): Promise<void>;
+ * Make a directory.  Creates the full path with folders in between
+ * Will throw if it fails
+ *
+ * @param   fsPath        path to create
+ * @returns Promise<void>
+ */
+export declare function mkdirP(fsPath: string): Promise<void>;
+ * Returns path of a tool had the tool actually been invoked.  Resolves via paths.
+ * If you check and the tool does not exist, it will throw.
+ *
+ * @param     tool              name of the tool
+ * @param     check             whether to check if tool exists
+ * @returns   Promise<string>   path to tool
+ */
+export declare function which(tool: string, check?: boolean): Promise<string>;
+ * Returns a list of all occurrences of the given tool on the system path.
+ *
+ * @returns   Promise<string[]>  the paths of the tool
+ */
+export declare function findInPath(tool: string): Promise<string[]>;
diff --git a/node_modules/@actions/io/lib/io.js b/node_modules/@actions/io/lib/io.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4dc1fc34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@actions/io/lib/io.js
@@ -0,0 +1,341 @@
+"use strict";
+var __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) {
+    if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;
+    Object.defineProperty(o, k2, { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } });
+}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) {
+    if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;
+    o[k2] = m[k];
+var __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) {
+    Object.defineProperty(o, "default", { enumerable: true, value: v });
+}) : function(o, v) {
+    o["default"] = v;
+var __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) {
+    if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod;
+    var result = {};
+    if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (k !== "default" && Object.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k);
+    __setModuleDefault(result, mod);
+    return result;
+var __awaiter = (this && this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
+    function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }
+    return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
+        function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
+        function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
+        function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }
+        step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());
+    });
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
+exports.findInPath = exports.which = exports.mkdirP = exports.rmRF = exports.mv = exports.cp = void 0;
+const assert_1 = require("assert");
+const childProcess = __importStar(require("child_process"));
+const path = __importStar(require("path"));
+const util_1 = require("util");
+const ioUtil = __importStar(require("./io-util"));
+const exec = util_1.promisify(childProcess.exec);
+const execFile = util_1.promisify(childProcess.execFile);
+ * Copies a file or folder.
+ * Based off of shelljs - https://github.com/shelljs/shelljs/blob/9237f66c52e5daa40458f94f9565e18e8132f5a6/src/cp.js
+ *
+ * @param     source    source path
+ * @param     dest      destination path
+ * @param     options   optional. See CopyOptions.
+ */
+function cp(source, dest, options = {}) {
+    return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
+        const { force, recursive, copySourceDirectory } = readCopyOptions(options);
+        const destStat = (yield ioUtil.exists(dest)) ? yield ioUtil.stat(dest) : null;
+        // Dest is an existing file, but not forcing
+        if (destStat && destStat.isFile() && !force) {
+            return;
+        }
+        // If dest is an existing directory, should copy inside.
+        const newDest = destStat && destStat.isDirectory() && copySourceDirectory
+            ? path.join(dest, path.basename(source))
+            : dest;
+        if (!(yield ioUtil.exists(source))) {
+            throw new Error(`no such file or directory: ${source}`);
+        }
+        const sourceStat = yield ioUtil.stat(source);
+        if (sourceStat.isDirectory()) {
+            if (!recursive) {
+                throw new Error(`Failed to copy. ${source} is a directory, but tried to copy without recursive flag.`);
+            }
+            else {
+                yield cpDirRecursive(source, newDest, 0, force);
+            }
+        }
+        else {
+            if (path.relative(source, newDest) === '') {
+                // a file cannot be copied to itself
+                throw new Error(`'${newDest}' and '${source}' are the same file`);
+            }
+            yield copyFile(source, newDest, force);
+        }
+    });
+exports.cp = cp;
+ * Moves a path.
+ *
+ * @param     source    source path
+ * @param     dest      destination path
+ * @param     options   optional. See MoveOptions.
+ */
+function mv(source, dest, options = {}) {
+    return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
+        if (yield ioUtil.exists(dest)) {
+            let destExists = true;
+            if (yield ioUtil.isDirectory(dest)) {
+                // If dest is directory copy src into dest
+                dest = path.join(dest, path.basename(source));
+                destExists = yield ioUtil.exists(dest);
+            }
+            if (destExists) {
+                if (options.force == null || options.force) {
+                    yield rmRF(dest);
+                }
+                else {
+                    throw new Error('Destination already exists');
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        yield mkdirP(path.dirname(dest));
+        yield ioUtil.rename(source, dest);
+    });
+exports.mv = mv;
+ * Remove a path recursively with force
+ *
+ * @param inputPath path to remove
+ */
+function rmRF(inputPath) {
+    return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
+        if (ioUtil.IS_WINDOWS) {
+            // Node doesn't provide a delete operation, only an unlink function. This means that if the file is being used by another
+            // program (e.g. antivirus), it won't be deleted. To address this, we shell out the work to rd/del.
+            // Check for invalid characters
+            // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/fileio/naming-a-file
+            if (/[*"<>|]/.test(inputPath)) {
+                throw new Error('File path must not contain `*`, `"`, `<`, `>` or `|` on Windows');
+            }
+            try {
+                const cmdPath = ioUtil.getCmdPath();
+                if (yield ioUtil.isDirectory(inputPath, true)) {
+                    yield exec(`${cmdPath} /s /c "rd /s /q "%inputPath%""`, {
+                        env: { inputPath }
+                    });
+                }
+                else {
+                    yield exec(`${cmdPath} /s /c "del /f /a "%inputPath%""`, {
+                        env: { inputPath }
+                    });
+                }
+            }
+            catch (err) {
+                // if you try to delete a file that doesn't exist, desired result is achieved
+                // other errors are valid
+                if (err.code !== 'ENOENT')
+                    throw err;
+            }
+            // Shelling out fails to remove a symlink folder with missing source, this unlink catches that
+            try {
+                yield ioUtil.unlink(inputPath);
+            }
+            catch (err) {
+                // if you try to delete a file that doesn't exist, desired result is achieved
+                // other errors are valid
+                if (err.code !== 'ENOENT')
+                    throw err;
+            }
+        }
+        else {
+            let isDir = false;
+            try {
+                isDir = yield ioUtil.isDirectory(inputPath);
+            }
+            catch (err) {
+                // if you try to delete a file that doesn't exist, desired result is achieved
+                // other errors are valid
+                if (err.code !== 'ENOENT')
+                    throw err;
+                return;
+            }
+            if (isDir) {
+                yield execFile(`rm`, [`-rf`, `${inputPath}`]);
+            }
+            else {
+                yield ioUtil.unlink(inputPath);
+            }
+        }
+    });
+exports.rmRF = rmRF;
+ * Make a directory.  Creates the full path with folders in between
+ * Will throw if it fails
+ *
+ * @param   fsPath        path to create
+ * @returns Promise<void>
+ */
+function mkdirP(fsPath) {
+    return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
+        assert_1.ok(fsPath, 'a path argument must be provided');
+        yield ioUtil.mkdir(fsPath, { recursive: true });
+    });
+exports.mkdirP = mkdirP;
+ * Returns path of a tool had the tool actually been invoked.  Resolves via paths.
+ * If you check and the tool does not exist, it will throw.
+ *
+ * @param     tool              name of the tool
+ * @param     check             whether to check if tool exists
+ * @returns   Promise<string>   path to tool
+ */
+function which(tool, check) {
+    return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
+        if (!tool) {
+            throw new Error("parameter 'tool' is required");
+        }
+        // recursive when check=true
+        if (check) {
+            const result = yield which(tool, false);
+            if (!result) {
+                if (ioUtil.IS_WINDOWS) {
+                    throw new Error(`Unable to locate executable file: ${tool}. Please verify either the file path exists or the file can be found within a directory specified by the PATH environment variable. Also verify the file has a valid extension for an executable file.`);
+                }
+                else {
+                    throw new Error(`Unable to locate executable file: ${tool}. Please verify either the file path exists or the file can be found within a directory specified by the PATH environment variable. Also check the file mode to verify the file is executable.`);
+                }
+            }
+            return result;
+        }
+        const matches = yield findInPath(tool);
+        if (matches && matches.length > 0) {
+            return matches[0];
+        }
+        return '';
+    });
+exports.which = which;
+ * Returns a list of all occurrences of the given tool on the system path.
+ *
+ * @returns   Promise<string[]>  the paths of the tool
+ */
+function findInPath(tool) {
+    return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
+        if (!tool) {
+            throw new Error("parameter 'tool' is required");
+        }
+        // build the list of extensions to try
+        const extensions = [];
+        if (ioUtil.IS_WINDOWS && process.env['PATHEXT']) {
+            for (const extension of process.env['PATHEXT'].split(path.delimiter)) {
+                if (extension) {
+                    extensions.push(extension);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        // if it's rooted, return it if exists. otherwise return empty.
+        if (ioUtil.isRooted(tool)) {
+            const filePath = yield ioUtil.tryGetExecutablePath(tool, extensions);
+            if (filePath) {
+                return [filePath];
+            }
+            return [];
+        }
+        // if any path separators, return empty
+        if (tool.includes(path.sep)) {
+            return [];
+        }
+        // build the list of directories
+        //
+        // Note, technically "where" checks the current directory on Windows. From a toolkit perspective,
+        // it feels like we should not do this. Checking the current directory seems like more of a use
+        // case of a shell, and the which() function exposed by the toolkit should strive for consistency
+        // across platforms.
+        const directories = [];
+        if (process.env.PATH) {
+            for (const p of process.env.PATH.split(path.delimiter)) {
+                if (p) {
+                    directories.push(p);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        // find all matches
+        const matches = [];
+        for (const directory of directories) {
+            const filePath = yield ioUtil.tryGetExecutablePath(path.join(directory, tool), extensions);
+            if (filePath) {
+                matches.push(filePath);
+            }
+        }
+        return matches;
+    });
+exports.findInPath = findInPath;
+function readCopyOptions(options) {
+    const force = options.force == null ? true : options.force;
+    const recursive = Boolean(options.recursive);
+    const copySourceDirectory = options.copySourceDirectory == null
+        ? true
+        : Boolean(options.copySourceDirectory);
+    return { force, recursive, copySourceDirectory };
+function cpDirRecursive(sourceDir, destDir, currentDepth, force) {
+    return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
+        // Ensure there is not a run away recursive copy
+        if (currentDepth >= 255)
+            return;
+        currentDepth++;
+        yield mkdirP(destDir);
+        const files = yield ioUtil.readdir(sourceDir);
+        for (const fileName of files) {
+            const srcFile = `${sourceDir}/${fileName}`;
+            const destFile = `${destDir}/${fileName}`;
+            const srcFileStat = yield ioUtil.lstat(srcFile);
+            if (srcFileStat.isDirectory()) {
+                // Recurse
+                yield cpDirRecursive(srcFile, destFile, currentDepth, force);
+            }
+            else {
+                yield copyFile(srcFile, destFile, force);
+            }
+        }
+        // Change the mode for the newly created directory
+        yield ioUtil.chmod(destDir, (yield ioUtil.stat(sourceDir)).mode);
+    });
+// Buffered file copy
+function copyFile(srcFile, destFile, force) {
+    return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
+        if ((yield ioUtil.lstat(srcFile)).isSymbolicLink()) {
+            // unlink/re-link it
+            try {
+                yield ioUtil.lstat(destFile);
+                yield ioUtil.unlink(destFile);
+            }
+            catch (e) {
+                // Try to override file permission
+                if (e.code === 'EPERM') {
+                    yield ioUtil.chmod(destFile, '0666');
+                    yield ioUtil.unlink(destFile);
+                }
+                // other errors = it doesn't exist, no work to do
+            }
+            // Copy over symlink
+            const symlinkFull = yield ioUtil.readlink(srcFile);
+            yield ioUtil.symlink(symlinkFull, destFile, ioUtil.IS_WINDOWS ? 'junction' : null);
+        }
+        else if (!(yield ioUtil.exists(destFile)) || force) {
+            yield ioUtil.copyFile(srcFile, destFile);
+        }
+    });
+//# sourceMappingURL=io.js.map
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/@actions/io/lib/io.js.map b/node_modules/@actions/io/lib/io.js.map
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3249d7d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@actions/io/lib/io.js.map
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/@actions/io/package.json b/node_modules/@actions/io/package.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..114e8e59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@actions/io/package.json
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+  "name": "@actions/io",
+  "version": "1.1.1",
+  "description": "Actions io lib",
+  "keywords": [
+    "github",
+    "actions",
+    "io"
+  ],
+  "homepage": "https://github.com/actions/toolkit/tree/main/packages/io",
+  "license": "MIT",
+  "main": "lib/io.js",
+  "types": "lib/io.d.ts",
+  "directories": {
+    "lib": "lib",
+    "test": "__tests__"
+  },
+  "files": [
+    "lib"
+  ],
+  "publishConfig": {
+    "access": "public"
+  },
+  "repository": {
+    "type": "git",
+    "url": "git+https://github.com/actions/toolkit.git",
+    "directory": "packages/io"
+  },
+  "scripts": {
+    "audit-moderate": "npm install && npm audit --json --audit-level=moderate > audit.json",
+    "test": "echo \"Error: run tests from root\" && exit 1",
+    "tsc": "tsc"
+  },
+  "bugs": {
+    "url": "https://github.com/actions/toolkit/issues"
+  }
diff --git a/node_modules/@actions/tool-cache/README.md b/node_modules/@actions/tool-cache/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e00bb4b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@actions/tool-cache/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+# `@actions/tool-cache`
+> Functions necessary for downloading and caching tools.
+## Usage
+#### Download
+You can use this to download tools (or other files) from a download URL:
+const tc = require('@actions/tool-cache');
+const node12Path = await tc.downloadTool('https://nodejs.org/dist/v12.7.0/node-v12.7.0-linux-x64.tar.gz');
+#### Extract
+These can then be extracted in platform specific ways:
+const tc = require('@actions/tool-cache');
+if (process.platform === 'win32') {
+  const node12Path = tc.downloadTool('https://nodejs.org/dist/v12.7.0/node-v12.7.0-win-x64.zip');
+  const node12ExtractedFolder = await tc.extractZip(node12Path, 'path/to/extract/to');
+  // Or alternately
+  const node12Path = tc.downloadTool('https://nodejs.org/dist/v12.7.0/node-v12.7.0-win-x64.7z');
+  const node12ExtractedFolder = await tc.extract7z(node12Path, 'path/to/extract/to');
+else {
+  const node12Path = await tc.downloadTool('https://nodejs.org/dist/v12.7.0/node-v12.7.0-linux-x64.tar.gz');
+  const node12ExtractedFolder = await tc.extractTar(node12Path, 'path/to/extract/to');
+#### Cache
+Finally, you can cache these directories in our tool-cache. This is useful if you want to switch back and forth between versions of a tool, or save a tool between runs for private runners (private runners are still in development but are on the roadmap).
+You'll often want to add it to the path as part of this step:
+const tc = require('@actions/tool-cache');
+const core = require('@actions/core');
+const node12Path = await tc.downloadTool('https://nodejs.org/dist/v12.7.0/node-v12.7.0-linux-x64.tar.gz');
+const node12ExtractedFolder = await tc.extractTar(node12Path, 'path/to/extract/to');
+const cachedPath = await tc.cacheDir(node12ExtractedFolder, 'node', '12.7.0');
+You can also cache files for reuse.
+const tc = require('@actions/tool-cache');
+tc.cacheFile('path/to/exe', 'destFileName.exe', 'myExeName', '1.1.0');
+#### Find
+Finally, you can find directories and files you've previously cached:
+const tc = require('@actions/tool-cache');
+const core = require('@actions/core');
+const nodeDirectory = tc.find('node', '12.x', 'x64');
+You can even find all cached versions of a tool:
+const tc = require('@actions/tool-cache');
+const allNodeVersions = tc.findAllVersions('node');
+console.log(`Versions of node available: ${allNodeVersions}`);
diff --git a/node_modules/@actions/tool-cache/lib/tool-cache.d.ts b/node_modules/@actions/tool-cache/lib/tool-cache.d.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ca6fa074
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@actions/tool-cache/lib/tool-cache.d.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+export declare class HTTPError extends Error {
+    readonly httpStatusCode: number | undefined;
+    constructor(httpStatusCode: number | undefined);
+ * Download a tool from an url and stream it into a file
+ *
+ * @param url       url of tool to download
+ * @returns         path to downloaded tool
+ */
+export declare function downloadTool(url: string): Promise<string>;
+ * Extract a .7z file
+ *
+ * @param file     path to the .7z file
+ * @param dest     destination directory. Optional.
+ * @param _7zPath  path to 7zr.exe. Optional, for long path support. Most .7z archives do not have this
+ * problem. If your .7z archive contains very long paths, you can pass the path to 7zr.exe which will
+ * gracefully handle long paths. By default 7zdec.exe is used because it is a very small program and is
+ * bundled with the tool lib. However it does not support long paths. 7zr.exe is the reduced command line
+ * interface, it is smaller than the full command line interface, and it does support long paths. At the
+ * time of this writing, it is freely available from the LZMA SDK that is available on the 7zip website.
+ * Be sure to check the current license agreement. If 7zr.exe is bundled with your action, then the path
+ * to 7zr.exe can be pass to this function.
+ * @returns        path to the destination directory
+ */
+export declare function extract7z(file: string, dest?: string, _7zPath?: string): Promise<string>;
+ * Extract a tar
+ *
+ * @param file     path to the tar
+ * @param dest     destination directory. Optional.
+ * @param flags    flags for the tar. Optional.
+ * @returns        path to the destination directory
+ */
+export declare function extractTar(file: string, dest?: string, flags?: string): Promise<string>;
+ * Extract a zip
+ *
+ * @param file     path to the zip
+ * @param dest     destination directory. Optional.
+ * @returns        path to the destination directory
+ */
+export declare function extractZip(file: string, dest?: string): Promise<string>;
+ * Caches a directory and installs it into the tool cacheDir
+ *
+ * @param sourceDir    the directory to cache into tools
+ * @param tool          tool name
+ * @param version       version of the tool.  semver format
+ * @param arch          architecture of the tool.  Optional.  Defaults to machine architecture
+ */
+export declare function cacheDir(sourceDir: string, tool: string, version: string, arch?: string): Promise<string>;
+ * Caches a downloaded file (GUID) and installs it
+ * into the tool cache with a given targetName
+ *
+ * @param sourceFile    the file to cache into tools.  Typically a result of downloadTool which is a guid.
+ * @param targetFile    the name of the file name in the tools directory
+ * @param tool          tool name
+ * @param version       version of the tool.  semver format
+ * @param arch          architecture of the tool.  Optional.  Defaults to machine architecture
+ */
+export declare function cacheFile(sourceFile: string, targetFile: string, tool: string, version: string, arch?: string): Promise<string>;
+ * Finds the path to a tool version in the local installed tool cache
+ *
+ * @param toolName      name of the tool
+ * @param versionSpec   version of the tool
+ * @param arch          optional arch.  defaults to arch of computer
+ */
+export declare function find(toolName: string, versionSpec: string, arch?: string): string;
+ * Finds the paths to all versions of a tool that are installed in the local tool cache
+ *
+ * @param toolName  name of the tool
+ * @param arch      optional arch.  defaults to arch of computer
+ */
+export declare function findAllVersions(toolName: string, arch?: string): string[];
diff --git a/node_modules/@actions/tool-cache/lib/tool-cache.js b/node_modules/@actions/tool-cache/lib/tool-cache.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bb04f17c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@actions/tool-cache/lib/tool-cache.js
@@ -0,0 +1,438 @@
+"use strict";
+var __awaiter = (this && this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
+    function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }
+    return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
+        function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
+        function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
+        function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }
+        step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());
+    });
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
+const core = require("@actions/core");
+const io = require("@actions/io");
+const fs = require("fs");
+const os = require("os");
+const path = require("path");
+const httpm = require("typed-rest-client/HttpClient");
+const semver = require("semver");
+const uuidV4 = require("uuid/v4");
+const exec_1 = require("@actions/exec/lib/exec");
+const assert_1 = require("assert");
+class HTTPError extends Error {
+    constructor(httpStatusCode) {
+        super(`Unexpected HTTP response: ${httpStatusCode}`);
+        this.httpStatusCode = httpStatusCode;
+        Object.setPrototypeOf(this, new.target.prototype);
+    }
+exports.HTTPError = HTTPError;
+const IS_WINDOWS = process.platform === 'win32';
+const userAgent = 'actions/tool-cache';
+// On load grab temp directory and cache directory and remove them from env (currently don't want to expose this)
+let tempDirectory = process.env['RUNNER_TEMP'] || '';
+let cacheRoot = process.env['RUNNER_TOOL_CACHE'] || '';
+// If directories not found, place them in common temp locations
+if (!tempDirectory || !cacheRoot) {
+    let baseLocation;
+    if (IS_WINDOWS) {
+        // On windows use the USERPROFILE env variable
+        baseLocation = process.env['USERPROFILE'] || 'C:\\';
+    }
+    else {
+        if (process.platform === 'darwin') {
+            baseLocation = '/Users';
+        }
+        else {
+            baseLocation = '/home';
+        }
+    }
+    if (!tempDirectory) {
+        tempDirectory = path.join(baseLocation, 'actions', 'temp');
+    }
+    if (!cacheRoot) {
+        cacheRoot = path.join(baseLocation, 'actions', 'cache');
+    }
+ * Download a tool from an url and stream it into a file
+ *
+ * @param url       url of tool to download
+ * @returns         path to downloaded tool
+ */
+function downloadTool(url) {
+    return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
+        // Wrap in a promise so that we can resolve from within stream callbacks
+        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
+            try {
+                const http = new httpm.HttpClient(userAgent, [], {
+                    allowRetries: true,
+                    maxRetries: 3
+                });
+                const destPath = path.join(tempDirectory, uuidV4());
+                yield io.mkdirP(tempDirectory);
+                core.debug(`Downloading ${url}`);
+                core.debug(`Downloading ${destPath}`);
+                if (fs.existsSync(destPath)) {
+                    throw new Error(`Destination file path ${destPath} already exists`);
+                }
+                const response = yield http.get(url);
+                if (response.message.statusCode !== 200) {
+                    const err = new HTTPError(response.message.statusCode);
+                    core.debug(`Failed to download from "${url}". Code(${response.message.statusCode}) Message(${response.message.statusMessage})`);
+                    throw err;
+                }
+                const file = fs.createWriteStream(destPath);
+                file.on('open', () => __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
+                    try {
+                        const stream = response.message.pipe(file);
+                        stream.on('close', () => {
+                            core.debug('download complete');
+                            resolve(destPath);
+                        });
+                    }
+                    catch (err) {
+                        core.debug(`Failed to download from "${url}". Code(${response.message.statusCode}) Message(${response.message.statusMessage})`);
+                        reject(err);
+                    }
+                }));
+                file.on('error', err => {
+                    file.end();
+                    reject(err);
+                });
+            }
+            catch (err) {
+                reject(err);
+            }
+        }));
+    });
+exports.downloadTool = downloadTool;
+ * Extract a .7z file
+ *
+ * @param file     path to the .7z file
+ * @param dest     destination directory. Optional.
+ * @param _7zPath  path to 7zr.exe. Optional, for long path support. Most .7z archives do not have this
+ * problem. If your .7z archive contains very long paths, you can pass the path to 7zr.exe which will
+ * gracefully handle long paths. By default 7zdec.exe is used because it is a very small program and is
+ * bundled with the tool lib. However it does not support long paths. 7zr.exe is the reduced command line
+ * interface, it is smaller than the full command line interface, and it does support long paths. At the
+ * time of this writing, it is freely available from the LZMA SDK that is available on the 7zip website.
+ * Be sure to check the current license agreement. If 7zr.exe is bundled with your action, then the path
+ * to 7zr.exe can be pass to this function.
+ * @returns        path to the destination directory
+ */
+function extract7z(file, dest, _7zPath) {
+    return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
+        assert_1.ok(IS_WINDOWS, 'extract7z() not supported on current OS');
+        assert_1.ok(file, 'parameter "file" is required');
+        dest = dest || (yield _createExtractFolder(dest));
+        const originalCwd = process.cwd();
+        process.chdir(dest);
+        if (_7zPath) {
+            try {
+                const args = [
+                    'x',
+                    '-bb1',
+                    '-bd',
+                    '-sccUTF-8',
+                    file
+                ];
+                const options = {
+                    silent: true
+                };
+                yield exec_1.exec(`"${_7zPath}"`, args, options);
+            }
+            finally {
+                process.chdir(originalCwd);
+            }
+        }
+        else {
+            const escapedScript = path
+                .join(__dirname, '..', 'scripts', 'Invoke-7zdec.ps1')
+                .replace(/'/g, "''")
+                .replace(/"|\n|\r/g, ''); // double-up single quotes, remove double quotes and newlines
+            const escapedFile = file.replace(/'/g, "''").replace(/"|\n|\r/g, '');
+            const escapedTarget = dest.replace(/'/g, "''").replace(/"|\n|\r/g, '');
+            const command = `& '${escapedScript}' -Source '${escapedFile}' -Target '${escapedTarget}'`;
+            const args = [
+                '-NoLogo',
+                '-Sta',
+                '-NoProfile',
+                '-NonInteractive',
+                '-ExecutionPolicy',
+                'Unrestricted',
+                '-Command',
+                command
+            ];
+            const options = {
+                silent: true
+            };
+            try {
+                const powershellPath = yield io.which('powershell', true);
+                yield exec_1.exec(`"${powershellPath}"`, args, options);
+            }
+            finally {
+                process.chdir(originalCwd);
+            }
+        }
+        return dest;
+    });
+exports.extract7z = extract7z;
+ * Extract a tar
+ *
+ * @param file     path to the tar
+ * @param dest     destination directory. Optional.
+ * @param flags    flags for the tar. Optional.
+ * @returns        path to the destination directory
+ */
+function extractTar(file, dest, flags = 'xz') {
+    return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
+        if (!file) {
+            throw new Error("parameter 'file' is required");
+        }
+        dest = dest || (yield _createExtractFolder(dest));
+        const tarPath = yield io.which('tar', true);
+        yield exec_1.exec(`"${tarPath}"`, [flags, '-C', dest, '-f', file]);
+        return dest;
+    });
+exports.extractTar = extractTar;
+ * Extract a zip
+ *
+ * @param file     path to the zip
+ * @param dest     destination directory. Optional.
+ * @returns        path to the destination directory
+ */
+function extractZip(file, dest) {
+    return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
+        if (!file) {
+            throw new Error("parameter 'file' is required");
+        }
+        dest = dest || (yield _createExtractFolder(dest));
+        if (IS_WINDOWS) {
+            yield extractZipWin(file, dest);
+        }
+        else {
+            yield extractZipNix(file, dest);
+        }
+        return dest;
+    });
+exports.extractZip = extractZip;
+function extractZipWin(file, dest) {
+    return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
+        // build the powershell command
+        const escapedFile = file.replace(/'/g, "''").replace(/"|\n|\r/g, ''); // double-up single quotes, remove double quotes and newlines
+        const escapedDest = dest.replace(/'/g, "''").replace(/"|\n|\r/g, '');
+        const command = `$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' ; try { Add-Type -AssemblyName System.IO.Compression.FileSystem } catch { } ; [System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::ExtractToDirectory('${escapedFile}', '${escapedDest}')`;
+        // run powershell
+        const powershellPath = yield io.which('powershell');
+        const args = [
+            '-NoLogo',
+            '-Sta',
+            '-NoProfile',
+            '-NonInteractive',
+            '-ExecutionPolicy',
+            'Unrestricted',
+            '-Command',
+            command
+        ];
+        yield exec_1.exec(`"${powershellPath}"`, args);
+    });
+function extractZipNix(file, dest) {
+    return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
+        const unzipPath = yield io.which('unzip');
+        yield exec_1.exec(`"${unzipPath}"`, [file], { cwd: dest });
+    });
+ * Caches a directory and installs it into the tool cacheDir
+ *
+ * @param sourceDir    the directory to cache into tools
+ * @param tool          tool name
+ * @param version       version of the tool.  semver format
+ * @param arch          architecture of the tool.  Optional.  Defaults to machine architecture
+ */
+function cacheDir(sourceDir, tool, version, arch) {
+    return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
+        version = semver.clean(version) || version;
+        arch = arch || os.arch();
+        core.debug(`Caching tool ${tool} ${version} ${arch}`);
+        core.debug(`source dir: ${sourceDir}`);
+        if (!fs.statSync(sourceDir).isDirectory()) {
+            throw new Error('sourceDir is not a directory');
+        }
+        // Create the tool dir
+        const destPath = yield _createToolPath(tool, version, arch);
+        // copy each child item. do not move. move can fail on Windows
+        // due to anti-virus software having an open handle on a file.
+        for (const itemName of fs.readdirSync(sourceDir)) {
+            const s = path.join(sourceDir, itemName);
+            yield io.cp(s, destPath, { recursive: true });
+        }
+        // write .complete
+        _completeToolPath(tool, version, arch);
+        return destPath;
+    });
+exports.cacheDir = cacheDir;
+ * Caches a downloaded file (GUID) and installs it
+ * into the tool cache with a given targetName
+ *
+ * @param sourceFile    the file to cache into tools.  Typically a result of downloadTool which is a guid.
+ * @param targetFile    the name of the file name in the tools directory
+ * @param tool          tool name
+ * @param version       version of the tool.  semver format
+ * @param arch          architecture of the tool.  Optional.  Defaults to machine architecture
+ */
+function cacheFile(sourceFile, targetFile, tool, version, arch) {
+    return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
+        version = semver.clean(version) || version;
+        arch = arch || os.arch();
+        core.debug(`Caching tool ${tool} ${version} ${arch}`);
+        core.debug(`source file: ${sourceFile}`);
+        if (!fs.statSync(sourceFile).isFile()) {
+            throw new Error('sourceFile is not a file');
+        }
+        // create the tool dir
+        const destFolder = yield _createToolPath(tool, version, arch);
+        // copy instead of move. move can fail on Windows due to
+        // anti-virus software having an open handle on a file.
+        const destPath = path.join(destFolder, targetFile);
+        core.debug(`destination file ${destPath}`);
+        yield io.cp(sourceFile, destPath);
+        // write .complete
+        _completeToolPath(tool, version, arch);
+        return destFolder;
+    });
+exports.cacheFile = cacheFile;
+ * Finds the path to a tool version in the local installed tool cache
+ *
+ * @param toolName      name of the tool
+ * @param versionSpec   version of the tool
+ * @param arch          optional arch.  defaults to arch of computer
+ */
+function find(toolName, versionSpec, arch) {
+    if (!toolName) {
+        throw new Error('toolName parameter is required');
+    }
+    if (!versionSpec) {
+        throw new Error('versionSpec parameter is required');
+    }
+    arch = arch || os.arch();
+    // attempt to resolve an explicit version
+    if (!_isExplicitVersion(versionSpec)) {
+        const localVersions = findAllVersions(toolName, arch);
+        const match = _evaluateVersions(localVersions, versionSpec);
+        versionSpec = match;
+    }
+    // check for the explicit version in the cache
+    let toolPath = '';
+    if (versionSpec) {
+        versionSpec = semver.clean(versionSpec) || '';
+        const cachePath = path.join(cacheRoot, toolName, versionSpec, arch);
+        core.debug(`checking cache: ${cachePath}`);
+        if (fs.existsSync(cachePath) && fs.existsSync(`${cachePath}.complete`)) {
+            core.debug(`Found tool in cache ${toolName} ${versionSpec} ${arch}`);
+            toolPath = cachePath;
+        }
+        else {
+            core.debug('not found');
+        }
+    }
+    return toolPath;
+exports.find = find;
+ * Finds the paths to all versions of a tool that are installed in the local tool cache
+ *
+ * @param toolName  name of the tool
+ * @param arch      optional arch.  defaults to arch of computer
+ */
+function findAllVersions(toolName, arch) {
+    const versions = [];
+    arch = arch || os.arch();
+    const toolPath = path.join(cacheRoot, toolName);
+    if (fs.existsSync(toolPath)) {
+        const children = fs.readdirSync(toolPath);
+        for (const child of children) {
+            if (_isExplicitVersion(child)) {
+                const fullPath = path.join(toolPath, child, arch || '');
+                if (fs.existsSync(fullPath) && fs.existsSync(`${fullPath}.complete`)) {
+                    versions.push(child);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return versions;
+exports.findAllVersions = findAllVersions;
+function _createExtractFolder(dest) {
+    return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
+        if (!dest) {
+            // create a temp dir
+            dest = path.join(tempDirectory, uuidV4());
+        }
+        yield io.mkdirP(dest);
+        return dest;
+    });
+function _createToolPath(tool, version, arch) {
+    return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
+        const folderPath = path.join(cacheRoot, tool, semver.clean(version) || version, arch || '');
+        core.debug(`destination ${folderPath}`);
+        const markerPath = `${folderPath}.complete`;
+        yield io.rmRF(folderPath);
+        yield io.rmRF(markerPath);
+        yield io.mkdirP(folderPath);
+        return folderPath;
+    });
+function _completeToolPath(tool, version, arch) {
+    const folderPath = path.join(cacheRoot, tool, semver.clean(version) || version, arch || '');
+    const markerPath = `${folderPath}.complete`;
+    fs.writeFileSync(markerPath, '');
+    core.debug('finished caching tool');
+function _isExplicitVersion(versionSpec) {
+    const c = semver.clean(versionSpec) || '';
+    core.debug(`isExplicit: ${c}`);
+    const valid = semver.valid(c) != null;
+    core.debug(`explicit? ${valid}`);
+    return valid;
+function _evaluateVersions(versions, versionSpec) {
+    let version = '';
+    core.debug(`evaluating ${versions.length} versions`);
+    versions = versions.sort((a, b) => {
+        if (semver.gt(a, b)) {
+            return 1;
+        }
+        return -1;
+    });
+    for (let i = versions.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+        const potential = versions[i];
+        const satisfied = semver.satisfies(potential, versionSpec);
+        if (satisfied) {
+            version = potential;
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    if (version) {
+        core.debug(`matched: ${version}`);
+    }
+    else {
+        core.debug('match not found');
+    }
+    return version;
+//# sourceMappingURL=tool-cache.js.map
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/@actions/tool-cache/lib/tool-cache.js.map b/node_modules/@actions/tool-cache/lib/tool-cache.js.map
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8d905c23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@actions/tool-cache/lib/tool-cache.js.map
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/@actions/tool-cache/package.json b/node_modules/@actions/tool-cache/package.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b108cc5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@actions/tool-cache/package.json
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+  "name": "@actions/tool-cache",
+  "version": "1.1.2",
+  "description": "Actions tool-cache lib",
+  "keywords": [
+    "github",
+    "actions",
+    "exec"
+  ],
+  "homepage": "https://github.com/actions/toolkit/tree/master/packages/exec",
+  "license": "MIT",
+  "main": "lib/tool-cache.js",
+  "directories": {
+    "lib": "lib",
+    "test": "__tests__"
+  },
+  "files": [
+    "lib",
+    "scripts"
+  ],
+  "publishConfig": {
+    "access": "public"
+  },
+  "repository": {
+    "type": "git",
+    "url": "git+https://github.com/actions/toolkit.git"
+  },
+  "scripts": {
+    "test": "echo \"Error: run tests from root\" && exit 1",
+    "tsc": "tsc"
+  },
+  "bugs": {
+    "url": "https://github.com/actions/toolkit/issues"
+  },
+  "dependencies": {
+    "@actions/core": "^1.1.0",
+    "@actions/exec": "^1.0.1",
+    "@actions/io": "^1.0.1",
+    "semver": "^6.1.0",
+    "typed-rest-client": "^1.4.0",
+    "uuid": "^3.3.2"
+  },
+  "devDependencies": {
+    "@types/nock": "^10.0.3",
+    "@types/semver": "^6.0.0",
+    "@types/uuid": "^3.4.4",
+    "nock": "^10.0.6"
+  }
diff --git a/node_modules/@actions/tool-cache/scripts/Invoke-7zdec.ps1 b/node_modules/@actions/tool-cache/scripts/Invoke-7zdec.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8b39bb4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@actions/tool-cache/scripts/Invoke-7zdec.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
+    [string]$Source,
+    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
+    [string]$Target)
+# This script translates the output from 7zdec into UTF8. Node has limited
+# built-in support for encodings.
+# 7zdec uses the system default code page. The system default code page varies
+# depending on the locale configuration. On an en-US box, the system default code
+# page is Windows-1252.
+# Note, on a typical en-US box, testing with the 'ç' character is a good way to
+# determine whether data is passed correctly between processes. This is because
+# the 'ç' character has a different code point across each of the common encodings
+# on a typical en-US box, i.e.
+#   1) the default console-output code page (IBM437)
+#   2) the system default code page (i.e. CP_ACP) (Windows-1252)
+#   3) UTF8
+$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
+# Redefine the wrapper over STDOUT to use UTF8. Node expects UTF8 by default.
+$stdout = [System.Console]::OpenStandardOutput()
+$utf8 = New-Object System.Text.UTF8Encoding($false) # do not emit BOM
+$writer = New-Object System.IO.StreamWriter($stdout, $utf8)
+# All subsequent output must be written using [System.Console]::WriteLine(). In
+# PowerShell 4, Write-Host and Out-Default do not consider the updated stream writer.
+Set-Location -LiteralPath $Target
+# Print the ##command.
+$_7zdec = Join-Path -Path "$PSScriptRoot" -ChildPath "externals/7zdec.exe"
+[System.Console]::WriteLine("##[command]$_7zdec x `"$Source`"")
+# The $OutputEncoding variable instructs PowerShell how to interpret the output
+# from the external command.
+$OutputEncoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::Default
+# Note, the output from 7zdec.exe needs to be iterated over. Otherwise PowerShell.exe
+# will launch the external command in such a way that it inherits the streams.
+& $_7zdec x $Source 2>&1 |
+    ForEach-Object {
+        if ($_ -is [System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord]) {
+            [System.Console]::WriteLine($_.Exception.Message)
+        }
+        else {
+            [System.Console]::WriteLine($_)
+        }
+    }
+[System.Console]::WriteLine("##[debug]7zdec.exe exit code '$LASTEXITCODE'")
+if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/@actions/tool-cache/scripts/externals/7zdec.exe b/node_modules/@actions/tool-cache/scripts/externals/7zdec.exe
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1106aa0e
Binary files /dev/null and b/node_modules/@actions/tool-cache/scripts/externals/7zdec.exe differ
diff --git a/node_modules/@babel/code-frame/LICENSE b/node_modules/@babel/code-frame/LICENSE
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f31575ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@babel/code-frame/LICENSE
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+MIT License
+Copyright (c) 2014-present Sebastian McKenzie and other contributors
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/node_modules/@babel/code-frame/README.md b/node_modules/@babel/code-frame/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..08cacb04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@babel/code-frame/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# @babel/code-frame
+> Generate errors that contain a code frame that point to source locations.
+See our website [@babel/code-frame](https://babeljs.io/docs/en/babel-code-frame) for more information.
+## Install
+Using npm:
+npm install --save-dev @babel/code-frame
+or using yarn:
+yarn add @babel/code-frame --dev
diff --git a/node_modules/@babel/code-frame/lib/index.js b/node_modules/@babel/code-frame/lib/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cba3f837
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@babel/code-frame/lib/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+  value: true
+exports.codeFrameColumns = codeFrameColumns;
+exports.default = _default;
+var _highlight = require("@babel/highlight");
+let deprecationWarningShown = false;
+function getDefs(chalk) {
+  return {
+    gutter: chalk.grey,
+    marker: chalk.red.bold,
+    message: chalk.red.bold
+  };
+const NEWLINE = /\r\n|[\n\r\u2028\u2029]/;
+function getMarkerLines(loc, source, opts) {
+  const startLoc = Object.assign({
+    column: 0,
+    line: -1
+  }, loc.start);
+  const endLoc = Object.assign({}, startLoc, loc.end);
+  const {
+    linesAbove = 2,
+    linesBelow = 3
+  } = opts || {};
+  const startLine = startLoc.line;
+  const startColumn = startLoc.column;
+  const endLine = endLoc.line;
+  const endColumn = endLoc.column;
+  let start = Math.max(startLine - (linesAbove + 1), 0);
+  let end = Math.min(source.length, endLine + linesBelow);
+  if (startLine === -1) {
+    start = 0;
+  }
+  if (endLine === -1) {
+    end = source.length;
+  }
+  const lineDiff = endLine - startLine;
+  const markerLines = {};
+  if (lineDiff) {
+    for (let i = 0; i <= lineDiff; i++) {
+      const lineNumber = i + startLine;
+      if (!startColumn) {
+        markerLines[lineNumber] = true;
+      } else if (i === 0) {
+        const sourceLength = source[lineNumber - 1].length;
+        markerLines[lineNumber] = [startColumn, sourceLength - startColumn + 1];
+      } else if (i === lineDiff) {
+        markerLines[lineNumber] = [0, endColumn];
+      } else {
+        const sourceLength = source[lineNumber - i].length;
+        markerLines[lineNumber] = [0, sourceLength];
+      }
+    }
+  } else {
+    if (startColumn === endColumn) {
+      if (startColumn) {
+        markerLines[startLine] = [startColumn, 0];
+      } else {
+        markerLines[startLine] = true;
+      }
+    } else {
+      markerLines[startLine] = [startColumn, endColumn - startColumn];
+    }
+  }
+  return {
+    start,
+    end,
+    markerLines
+  };
+function codeFrameColumns(rawLines, loc, opts = {}) {
+  const highlighted = (opts.highlightCode || opts.forceColor) && (0, _highlight.shouldHighlight)(opts);
+  const chalk = (0, _highlight.getChalk)(opts);
+  const defs = getDefs(chalk);
+  const maybeHighlight = (chalkFn, string) => {
+    return highlighted ? chalkFn(string) : string;
+  };
+  const lines = rawLines.split(NEWLINE);
+  const {
+    start,
+    end,
+    markerLines
+  } = getMarkerLines(loc, lines, opts);
+  const hasColumns = loc.start && typeof loc.start.column === "number";
+  const numberMaxWidth = String(end).length;
+  const highlightedLines = highlighted ? (0, _highlight.default)(rawLines, opts) : rawLines;
+  let frame = highlightedLines.split(NEWLINE, end).slice(start, end).map((line, index) => {
+    const number = start + 1 + index;
+    const paddedNumber = ` ${number}`.slice(-numberMaxWidth);
+    const gutter = ` ${paddedNumber} |`;
+    const hasMarker = markerLines[number];
+    const lastMarkerLine = !markerLines[number + 1];
+    if (hasMarker) {
+      let markerLine = "";
+      if (Array.isArray(hasMarker)) {
+        const markerSpacing = line.slice(0, Math.max(hasMarker[0] - 1, 0)).replace(/[^\t]/g, " ");
+        const numberOfMarkers = hasMarker[1] || 1;
+        markerLine = ["\n ", maybeHighlight(defs.gutter, gutter.replace(/\d/g, " ")), " ", markerSpacing, maybeHighlight(defs.marker, "^").repeat(numberOfMarkers)].join("");
+        if (lastMarkerLine && opts.message) {
+          markerLine += " " + maybeHighlight(defs.message, opts.message);
+        }
+      }
+      return [maybeHighlight(defs.marker, ">"), maybeHighlight(defs.gutter, gutter), line.length > 0 ? ` ${line}` : "", markerLine].join("");
+    } else {
+      return ` ${maybeHighlight(defs.gutter, gutter)}${line.length > 0 ? ` ${line}` : ""}`;
+    }
+  }).join("\n");
+  if (opts.message && !hasColumns) {
+    frame = `${" ".repeat(numberMaxWidth + 1)}${opts.message}\n${frame}`;
+  }
+  if (highlighted) {
+    return chalk.reset(frame);
+  } else {
+    return frame;
+  }
+function _default(rawLines, lineNumber, colNumber, opts = {}) {
+  if (!deprecationWarningShown) {
+    deprecationWarningShown = true;
+    const message = "Passing lineNumber and colNumber is deprecated to @babel/code-frame. Please use `codeFrameColumns`.";
+    if (process.emitWarning) {
+      process.emitWarning(message, "DeprecationWarning");
+    } else {
+      const deprecationError = new Error(message);
+      deprecationError.name = "DeprecationWarning";
+      console.warn(new Error(message));
+    }
+  }
+  colNumber = Math.max(colNumber, 0);
+  const location = {
+    start: {
+      column: colNumber,
+      line: lineNumber
+    }
+  };
+  return codeFrameColumns(rawLines, location, opts);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/@babel/code-frame/package.json b/node_modules/@babel/code-frame/package.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ee1b3820
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@babel/code-frame/package.json
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+  "name": "@babel/code-frame",
+  "version": "7.16.7",
+  "description": "Generate errors that contain a code frame that point to source locations.",
+  "author": "The Babel Team (https://babel.dev/team)",
+  "homepage": "https://babel.dev/docs/en/next/babel-code-frame",
+  "bugs": "https://github.com/babel/babel/issues?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen",
+  "license": "MIT",
+  "publishConfig": {
+    "access": "public"
+  },
+  "repository": {
+    "type": "git",
+    "url": "https://github.com/babel/babel.git",
+    "directory": "packages/babel-code-frame"
+  },
+  "main": "./lib/index.js",
+  "dependencies": {
+    "@babel/highlight": "^7.16.7"
+  },
+  "devDependencies": {
+    "@types/chalk": "^2.0.0",
+    "chalk": "^2.0.0",
+    "strip-ansi": "^4.0.0"
+  },
+  "engines": {
+    "node": ">=6.9.0"
+  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/@babel/compat-data/LICENSE b/node_modules/@babel/compat-data/LICENSE
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f31575ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@babel/compat-data/LICENSE
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+MIT License
+Copyright (c) 2014-present Sebastian McKenzie and other contributors
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/node_modules/@babel/compat-data/README.md b/node_modules/@babel/compat-data/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9f3abdec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@babel/compat-data/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# @babel/compat-data
+See our website [@babel/compat-data](https://babeljs.io/docs/en/babel-compat-data) for more information.
+## Install
+Using npm:
+npm install --save @babel/compat-data
+or using yarn:
+yarn add @babel/compat-data
diff --git a/node_modules/@babel/compat-data/corejs2-built-ins.js b/node_modules/@babel/compat-data/corejs2-built-ins.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..68ce97ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@babel/compat-data/corejs2-built-ins.js
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+module.exports = require("./data/corejs2-built-ins.json");
diff --git a/node_modules/@babel/compat-data/corejs3-shipped-proposals.js b/node_modules/@babel/compat-data/corejs3-shipped-proposals.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6a85b4d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@babel/compat-data/corejs3-shipped-proposals.js
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+module.exports = require("./data/corejs3-shipped-proposals.json");
diff --git a/node_modules/@babel/compat-data/data/corejs2-built-ins.json b/node_modules/@babel/compat-data/data/corejs2-built-ins.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..72c5f3ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@babel/compat-data/data/corejs2-built-ins.json
@@ -0,0 +1,1770 @@
+  "es6.array.copy-within": {
+    "chrome": "45",
+    "opera": "32",
+    "edge": "12",
+    "firefox": "32",
+    "safari": "9",
+    "node": "4",
+    "ios": "9",
+    "samsung": "5",
+    "rhino": "1.7.13",
+    "electron": "0.31"
+  },
+  "es6.array.every": {
+    "chrome": "5",
+    "opera": "10.10",
+    "edge": "12",
+    "firefox": "2",
+    "safari": "3.1",
+    "node": "0.10",
+    "ie": "9",
+    "android": "4",
+    "ios": "6",
+    "phantom": "2",
+    "samsung": "1",
+    "rhino": "1.7.13",
+    "electron": "0.20"
+  },
+  "es6.array.fill": {
+    "chrome": "45",
+    "opera": "32",
+    "edge": "12",
+    "firefox": "31",
+    "safari": "7.1",
+    "node": "4",
+    "ios": "8",
+    "samsung": "5",
+    "rhino": "1.7.13",
+    "electron": "0.31"
+  },
+  "es6.array.filter": {
+    "chrome": "51",
+    "opera": "38",
+    "edge": "13",
+    "firefox": "48",
+    "safari": "10",
+    "node": "6.5",
+    "ios": "10",
+    "samsung": "5",
+    "electron": "1.2"
+  },
+  "es6.array.find": {
+    "chrome": "45",
+    "opera": "32",
+    "edge": "12",
+    "firefox": "25",
+    "safari": "7.1",
+    "node": "4",
+    "ios": "8",
+    "samsung": "5",
+    "rhino": "1.7.13",
+    "electron": "0.31"
+  },
+  "es6.array.find-index": {
+    "chrome": "45",
+    "opera": "32",
+    "edge": "12",
+    "firefox": "25",
+    "safari": "7.1",
+    "node": "4",
+    "ios": "8",
+    "samsung": "5",
+    "rhino": "1.7.13",
+    "electron": "0.31"
+  },
+  "es7.array.flat-map": {
+    "chrome": "69",
+    "opera": "56",
+    "edge": "79",
+    "firefox": "62",
+    "safari": "12",
+    "node": "11",
+    "ios": "12",
+    "samsung": "10",
+    "electron": "4.0"
+  },
+  "es6.array.for-each": {
+    "chrome": "5",
+    "opera": "10.10",
+    "edge": "12",
+    "firefox": "2",
+    "safari": "3.1",
+    "node": "0.10",
+    "ie": "9",
+    "android": "4",
+    "ios": "6",
+    "phantom": "2",
+    "samsung": "1",
+    "rhino": "1.7.13",
+    "electron": "0.20"
+  },
+  "es6.array.from": {
+    "chrome": "51",
+    "opera": "38",
+    "edge": "15",
+    "firefox": "36",
+    "safari": "10",
+    "node": "6.5",
+    "ios": "10",
+    "samsung": "5",
+    "electron": "1.2"
+  },
+  "es7.array.includes": {
+    "chrome": "47",
+    "opera": "34",
+    "edge": "14",
+    "firefox": "43",
+    "safari": "10",
+    "node": "6",
+    "ios": "10",
+    "samsung": "5",
+    "electron": "0.36"
+  },
+  "es6.array.index-of": {
+    "chrome": "5",
+    "opera": "10.10",
+    "edge": "12",
+    "firefox": "2",
+    "safari": "3.1",
+    "node": "0.10",
+    "ie": "9",
+    "android": "4",
+    "ios": "6",
+    "phantom": "2",
+    "samsung": "1",
+    "rhino": "1.7.13",
+    "electron": "0.20"
+  },
+  "es6.array.is-array": {
+    "chrome": "5",
+    "opera": "10.50",
+    "edge": "12",
+    "firefox": "4",
+    "safari": "4",
+    "node": "0.10",
+    "ie": "9",
+    "android": "4",
+    "ios": "6",
+    "phantom": "2",
+    "samsung": "1",
+    "rhino": "1.7.13",
+    "electron": "0.20"
+  },
+  "es6.array.iterator": {
+    "chrome": "66",
+    "opera": "53",
+    "edge": "12",
+    "firefox": "60",
+    "safari": "9",
+    "node": "10",
+    "ios": "9",
+    "samsung": "9",
+    "rhino": "1.7.13",
+    "electron": "3.0"
+  },
+  "es6.array.last-index-of": {
+    "chrome": "5",
+    "opera": "10.10",
+    "edge": "12",
+    "firefox": "2",
+    "safari": "3.1",
+    "node": "0.10",
+    "ie": "9",
+    "android": "4",
+    "ios": "6",
+    "phantom": "2",
+    "samsung": "1",
+    "rhino": "1.7.13",
+    "electron": "0.20"
+  },
+  "es6.array.map": {
+    "chrome": "51",
+    "opera": "38",
+    "edge": "13",
+    "firefox": "48",
+    "safari": "10",
+    "node": "6.5",
+    "ios": "10",
+    "samsung": "5",
+    "electron": "1.2"
+  },
+  "es6.array.of": {
+    "chrome": "45",
+    "opera": "32",
+    "edge": "12",
+    "firefox": "25",
+    "safari": "9",
+    "node": "4",
+    "ios": "9",
+    "samsung": "5",
+    "rhino": "1.7.13",
+    "electron": "0.31"
+  },
+  "es6.array.reduce": {
+    "chrome": "5",
+    "opera": "10.50",
+    "edge": "12",
+    "firefox": "3",
+    "safari": "4",
+    "node": "0.10",
+    "ie": "9",
+    "android": "4",
+    "ios": "6",
+    "phantom": "2",
+    "samsung": "1",
+    "rhino": "1.7.13",
+    "electron": "0.20"
+  },
+  "es6.array.reduce-right": {
+    "chrome": "5",
+    "opera": "10.50",
+    "edge": "12",
+    "firefox": "3",
+    "safari": "4",
+    "node": "0.10",
+    "ie": "9",
+    "android": "4",
+    "ios": "6",
+    "phantom": "2",
+    "samsung": "1",
+    "rhino": "1.7.13",
+    "electron": "0.20"
+  },
+  "es6.array.slice": {
+    "chrome": "51",
+    "opera": "38",
+    "edge": "13",
+    "firefox": "48",
+    "safari": "10",
+    "node": "6.5",
+    "ios": "10",
+    "samsung": "5",
+    "electron": "1.2"
+  },
+  "es6.array.some": {
+    "chrome": "5",
+    "opera": "10.10",
+    "edge": "12",
+    "firefox": "2",
+    "safari": "3.1",
+    "node": "0.10",
+    "ie": "9",
+    "android": "4",
+    "ios": "6",
+    "phantom": "2",
+    "samsung": "1",
+    "rhino": "1.7.13",
+    "electron": "0.20"
+  },
+  "es6.array.sort": {
+    "chrome": "63",
+    "opera": "50",
+    "edge": "12",
+    "firefox": "5",
+    "safari": "12",
+    "node": "10",
+    "ie": "9",
+    "ios": "12",
+    "samsung": "8",
+    "rhino": "1.7.13",
+    "electron": "3.0"
+  },
+  "es6.array.species": {
+    "chrome": "51",
+    "opera": "38",
+    "edge": "13",
+    "firefox": "48",
+    "safari": "10",
+    "node": "6.5",
+    "ios": "10",
+    "samsung": "5",
+    "electron": "1.2"
+  },
+  "es6.date.now": {
+    "chrome": "5",
+    "opera": "10.50",
+    "edge": "12",
+    "firefox": "2",
+    "safari": "4",
+    "node": "0.10",
+    "ie": "9",
+    "android": "4",
+    "ios": "6",
+    "phantom": "2",
+    "samsung": "1",
+    "rhino": "1.7.13",
+    "electron": "0.20"
+  },
+  "es6.date.to-iso-string": {
+    "chrome": "5",
+    "opera": "10.50",
+    "edge": "12",
+    "firefox": "3.5",
+    "safari": "4",
+    "node": "0.10",
+    "ie": "9",
+    "android": "4",
+    "ios": "6",
+    "phantom": "2",
+    "samsung": "1",
+    "rhino": "1.7.13",
+    "electron": "0.20"
+  },
+  "es6.date.to-json": {
+    "chrome": "5",
+    "opera": "12.10",
+    "edge": "12",
+    "firefox": "4",
+    "safari": "10",
+    "node": "0.10",
+    "ie": "9",
+    "android": "4",
+    "ios": "10",
+    "samsung": "1",
+    "rhino": "1.7.13",
+    "electron": "0.20"
+  },
+  "es6.date.to-primitive": {
+    "chrome": "47",
+    "opera": "34",
+    "edge": "15",
+    "firefox": "44",
+    "safari": "10",
+    "node": "6",
+    "ios": "10",
+    "samsung": "5",
+    "electron": "0.36"
+  },
+  "es6.date.to-string": {
+    "chrome": "5",
+    "opera": "10.50",
+    "edge": "12",
+    "firefox": "2",
+    "safari": "3.1",
+    "node": "0.10",
+    "ie": "10",
+    "android": "4",
+    "ios": "6",
+    "phantom": "2",
+    "samsung": "1",
+    "rhino": "1.7.13",
+    "electron": "0.20"
+  },
+  "es6.function.bind": {
+    "chrome": "7",
+    "opera": "12",
+    "edge": "12",
+    "firefox": "4",
+    "safari": "5.1",
+    "node": "0.10",
+    "ie": "9",
+    "android": "4",
+    "ios": "6",
+    "phantom": "2",
+    "samsung": "1",
+    "rhino": "1.7.13",
+    "electron": "0.20"
+  },
+  "es6.function.has-instance": {
+    "chrome": "51",
+    "opera": "38",
+    "edge": "15",
+    "firefox": "50",
+    "safari": "10",
+    "node": "6.5",
+    "ios": "10",
+    "samsung": "5",
+    "electron": "1.2"
+  },
+  "es6.function.name": {
+    "chrome": "5",
+    "opera": "10.50",
+    "edge": "14",
+    "firefox": "2",
+    "safari": "4",
+    "node": "0.10",
+    "android": "4",
+    "ios": "6",
+    "phantom": "2",
+    "samsung": "1",
+    "rhino": "1.7.13",
+    "electron": "0.20"
+  },
+  "es6.map": {
+    "chrome": "51",
+    "opera": "38",
+    "edge": "15",
+    "firefox": "53",
+    "safari": "10",
+    "node": "6.5",
+    "ios": "10",
+    "samsung": "5",
+    "electron": "1.2"
+  },
+  "es6.math.acosh": {
+    "chrome": "38",
+    "opera": "25",
+    "edge": "12",
+    "firefox": "25",
+    "safari": "7.1",
+    "node": "0.12",
+    "ios": "8",
+    "samsung": "3",
+    "rhino": "1.7.13",
+    "electron": "0.20"
+  },
+  "es6.math.asinh": {
+    "chrome": "38",
+    "opera": "25",
+    "edge": "12",
+    "firefox": "25",
+    "safari": "7.1",
+    "node": "0.12",
+    "ios": "8",
+    "samsung": "3",
+    "rhino": "1.7.13",
+    "electron": "0.20"
+  },
+  "es6.math.atanh": {
+    "chrome": "38",
+    "opera": "25",
+    "edge": "12",
+    "firefox": "25",
+    "safari": "7.1",
+    "node": "0.12",
+    "ios": "8",
+    "samsung": "3",
+    "rhino": "1.7.13",
+    "electron": "0.20"
+  },
+  "es6.math.cbrt": {
+    "chrome": "38",
+    "opera": "25",
+    "edge": "12",
+    "firefox": "25",
+    "safari": "7.1",
+    "node": "0.12",
+    "ios": "8",
+    "samsung": "3",
+    "rhino": "1.7.13",
+    "electron": "0.20"
+  },
+  "es6.math.clz32": {
+    "chrome": "38",
+    "opera": "25",
+    "edge": "12",
+    "firefox": "31",
+    "safari": "9",
+    "node": "0.12",
+    "ios": "9",
+    "samsung": "3",
+    "rhino": "1.7.13",
+    "electron": "0.20"
+  },
+  "es6.math.cosh": {
+    "chrome": "38",
+    "opera": "25",
+    "edge": "12",
+    "firefox": "25",
+    "safari": "7.1",
+    "node": "0.12",
+    "ios": "8",
+    "samsung": "3",
+    "rhino": "1.7.13",
+    "electron": "0.20"
+  },
+  "es6.math.expm1": {
+    "chrome": "38",
+    "opera": "25",
+    "edge": "12",
+    "firefox": "25",
+    "safari": "7.1",
+    "node": "0.12",
+    "ios": "8",
+    "samsung": "3",
+    "rhino": "1.7.13",
+    "electron": "0.20"
+  },
+  "es6.math.fround": {
+    "chrome": "38",
+    "opera": "25",
+    "edge": "12",
+    "firefox": "26",
+    "safari": "7.1",
+    "node": "0.12",
+    "ios": "8",
+    "samsung": "3",
+    "rhino": "1.7.13",
+    "electron": "0.20"
+  },
+  "es6.math.hypot": {
+    "chrome": "38",
+    "opera": "25",
+    "edge": "12",
+    "firefox": "27",
+    "safari": "7.1",
+    "node": "0.12",
+    "ios": "8",
+    "samsung": "3",
+    "rhino": "1.7.13",
+    "electron": "0.20"
+  },
+  "es6.math.imul": {
+    "chrome": "30",
+    "opera": "17",
+    "edge": "12",
+    "firefox": "23",
+    "safari": "7",
+    "node": "0.12",
+    "android": "4.4",
+    "ios": "7",
+    "samsung": "2",
+    "rhino": "1.7.13",
+    "electron": "0.20"
+  },
+  "es6.math.log1p": {
+    "chrome": "38",
+    "opera": "25",
+    "edge": "12",
+    "firefox": "25",
+    "safari": "7.1",
+    "node": "0.12",
+    "ios": "8",
+    "samsung": "3",
+    "rhino": "1.7.13",
+    "electron": "0.20"
+  },
+  "es6.math.log10": {
+    "chrome": "38",
+    "opera": "25",
+    "edge": "12",
+    "firefox": "25",
+    "safari": "7.1",
+    "node": "0.12",
+    "ios": "8",
+    "samsung": "3",
+    "rhino": "1.7.13",
+    "electron": "0.20"
+  },
+  "es6.math.log2": {
+    "chrome": "38",
+    "opera": "25",
+    "edge": "12",
+    "firefox": "25",
+    "safari": "7.1",
+    "node": "0.12",
+    "ios": "8",
+    "samsung": "3",
+    "rhino": "1.7.13",
+    "electron": "0.20"
+  },
+  "es6.math.sign": {
+    "chrome": "38",
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+    "firefox": "90",
+    "safari": "15",
+    "node": "14.6",
+    "ios": "15",
+    "samsung": "14",
+    "electron": "10.0"
+  },
+  "proposal-numeric-separator": {
+    "chrome": "75",
+    "opera": "62",
+    "edge": "79",
+    "firefox": "70",
+    "safari": "13",
+    "node": "12.5",
+    "ios": "13",
+    "samsung": "11",
+    "electron": "6.0"
+  },
+  "proposal-logical-assignment-operators": {
+    "chrome": "85",
+    "opera": "71",
+    "edge": "85",
+    "firefox": "79",
+    "safari": "14",
+    "node": "15",
+    "ios": "14",
+    "samsung": "14",
+    "electron": "10.0"
+  },
+  "proposal-nullish-coalescing-operator": {
+    "chrome": "80",
+    "opera": "67",
+    "edge": "80",
+    "firefox": "72",
+    "safari": "13.1",
+    "node": "14",
+    "ios": "13.4",
+    "samsung": "13",
+    "electron": "8.0"
+  },
+  "proposal-optional-chaining": {
+    "chrome": "91",
+    "opera": "77",
+    "edge": "91",
+    "firefox": "74",
+    "safari": "13.1",
+    "node": "16.9",
+    "ios": "13.4",
+    "electron": "13.0"
+  },
+  "proposal-json-strings": {
+    "chrome": "66",
+    "opera": "53",
+    "edge": "79",
+    "firefox": "62",
+    "safari": "12",
+    "node": "10",
+    "ios": "12",
+    "samsung": "9",
+    "electron": "3.0"
+  },
+  "proposal-optional-catch-binding": {
+    "chrome": "66",
+    "opera": "53",
+    "edge": "79",
+    "firefox": "58",
+    "safari": "11.1",
+    "node": "10",
+    "ios": "11.3",
+    "samsung": "9",
+    "electron": "3.0"
+  },
+  "transform-parameters": {
+    "chrome": "49",
+    "opera": "36",
+    "edge": "18",
+    "firefox": "53",
+    "node": "6",
+    "samsung": "5",
+    "electron": "0.37"
+  },
+  "proposal-async-generator-functions": {
+    "chrome": "63",
+    "opera": "50",
+    "edge": "79",
+    "firefox": "57",
+    "safari": "12",
+    "node": "10",
+    "ios": "12",
+    "samsung": "8",
+    "electron": "3.0"
+  },
+  "proposal-object-rest-spread": {
+    "chrome": "60",
+    "opera": "47",
+    "edge": "79",
+    "firefox": "55",
+    "safari": "11.1",
+    "node": "8.3",
+    "ios": "11.3",
+    "samsung": "8",
+    "electron": "2.0"
+  },
+  "transform-dotall-regex": {
+    "chrome": "62",
+    "opera": "49",
+    "edge": "79",
+    "firefox": "78",
+    "safari": "11.1",
+    "node": "8.10",
+    "ios": "11.3",
+    "samsung": "8",
+    "electron": "3.0"
+  },
+  "proposal-unicode-property-regex": {
+    "chrome": "64",
+    "opera": "51",
+    "edge": "79",
+    "firefox": "78",
+    "safari": "11.1",
+    "node": "10",
+    "ios": "11.3",
+    "samsung": "9",
+    "electron": "3.0"
+  },
+  "transform-named-capturing-groups-regex": {
+    "chrome": "64",
+    "opera": "51",
+    "edge": "79",
+    "firefox": "78",
+    "safari": "11.1",
+    "node": "10",
+    "ios": "11.3",
+    "samsung": "9",
+    "electron": "3.0"
+  },
+  "transform-async-to-generator": {
+    "chrome": "55",
+    "opera": "42",
+    "edge": "15",
+    "firefox": "52",
+    "safari": "11",
+    "node": "7.6",
+    "ios": "11",
+    "samsung": "6",
+    "electron": "1.6"
+  },
+  "transform-exponentiation-operator": {
+    "chrome": "52",
+    "opera": "39",
+    "edge": "14",
+    "firefox": "52",
+    "safari": "10.1",
+    "node": "7",
+    "ios": "10.3",
+    "samsung": "6",
+    "electron": "1.3"
+  },
+  "transform-template-literals": {
+    "chrome": "41",
+    "opera": "28",
+    "edge": "13",
+    "firefox": "34",
+    "safari": "13",
+    "node": "4",
+    "ios": "13",
+    "samsung": "3.4",
+    "electron": "0.21"
+  },
+  "transform-literals": {
+    "chrome": "44",
+    "opera": "31",
+    "edge": "12",
+    "firefox": "53",
+    "safari": "9",
+    "node": "4",
+    "ios": "9",
+    "samsung": "4",
+    "electron": "0.30"
+  },
+  "transform-function-name": {
+    "chrome": "51",
+    "opera": "38",
+    "edge": "79",
+    "firefox": "53",
+    "safari": "10",
+    "node": "6.5",
+    "ios": "10",
+    "samsung": "5",
+    "electron": "1.2"
+  },
+  "transform-arrow-functions": {
+    "chrome": "47",
+    "opera": "34",
+    "edge": "13",
+    "firefox": "43",
+    "safari": "10",
+    "node": "6",
+    "ios": "10",
+    "samsung": "5",
+    "rhino": "1.7.13",
+    "electron": "0.36"
+  },
+  "transform-block-scoped-functions": {
+    "chrome": "41",
+    "opera": "28",
+    "edge": "12",
+    "firefox": "46",
+    "safari": "10",
+    "node": "4",
+    "ie": "11",
+    "ios": "10",
+    "samsung": "3.4",
+    "electron": "0.21"
+  },
+  "transform-classes": {
+    "chrome": "46",
+    "opera": "33",
+    "edge": "13",
+    "firefox": "45",
+    "safari": "10",
+    "node": "5",
+    "ios": "10",
+    "samsung": "5",
+    "electron": "0.36"
+  },
+  "transform-object-super": {
+    "chrome": "46",
+    "opera": "33",
+    "edge": "13",
+    "firefox": "45",
+    "safari": "10",
+    "node": "5",
+    "ios": "10",
+    "samsung": "5",
+    "electron": "0.36"
+  },
+  "transform-shorthand-properties": {
+    "chrome": "43",
+    "opera": "30",
+    "edge": "12",
+    "firefox": "33",
+    "safari": "9",
+    "node": "4",
+    "ios": "9",
+    "samsung": "4",
+    "electron": "0.27"
+  },
+  "transform-duplicate-keys": {
+    "chrome": "42",
+    "opera": "29",
+    "edge": "12",
+    "firefox": "34",
+    "safari": "9",
+    "node": "4",
+    "ios": "9",
+    "samsung": "3.4",
+    "electron": "0.25"
+  },
+  "transform-computed-properties": {
+    "chrome": "44",
+    "opera": "31",
+    "edge": "12",
+    "firefox": "34",
+    "safari": "7.1",
+    "node": "4",
+    "ios": "8",
+    "samsung": "4",
+    "electron": "0.30"
+  },
+  "transform-for-of": {
+    "chrome": "51",
+    "opera": "38",
+    "edge": "15",
+    "firefox": "53",
+    "safari": "10",
+    "node": "6.5",
+    "ios": "10",
+    "samsung": "5",
+    "electron": "1.2"
+  },
+  "transform-sticky-regex": {
+    "chrome": "49",
+    "opera": "36",
+    "edge": "13",
+    "firefox": "3",
+    "safari": "10",
+    "node": "6",
+    "ios": "10",
+    "samsung": "5",
+    "electron": "0.37"
+  },
+  "transform-unicode-escapes": {
+    "chrome": "44",
+    "opera": "31",
+    "edge": "12",
+    "firefox": "53",
+    "safari": "9",
+    "node": "4",
+    "ios": "9",
+    "samsung": "4",
+    "electron": "0.30"
+  },
+  "transform-unicode-regex": {
+    "chrome": "50",
+    "opera": "37",
+    "edge": "13",
+    "firefox": "46",
+    "safari": "12",
+    "node": "6",
+    "ios": "12",
+    "samsung": "5",
+    "electron": "1.1"
+  },
+  "transform-spread": {
+    "chrome": "46",
+    "opera": "33",
+    "edge": "13",
+    "firefox": "45",
+    "safari": "10",
+    "node": "5",
+    "ios": "10",
+    "samsung": "5",
+    "electron": "0.36"
+  },
+  "transform-destructuring": {
+    "chrome": "51",
+    "opera": "38",
+    "edge": "15",
+    "firefox": "53",
+    "safari": "10",
+    "node": "6.5",
+    "ios": "10",
+    "samsung": "5",
+    "electron": "1.2"
+  },
+  "transform-block-scoping": {
+    "chrome": "49",
+    "opera": "36",
+    "edge": "14",
+    "firefox": "51",
+    "safari": "11",
+    "node": "6",
+    "ios": "11",
+    "samsung": "5",
+    "electron": "0.37"
+  },
+  "transform-typeof-symbol": {
+    "chrome": "38",
+    "opera": "25",
+    "edge": "12",
+    "firefox": "36",
+    "safari": "9",
+    "node": "0.12",
+    "ios": "9",
+    "samsung": "3",
+    "rhino": "1.7.13",
+    "electron": "0.20"
+  },
+  "transform-new-target": {
+    "chrome": "46",
+    "opera": "33",
+    "edge": "14",
+    "firefox": "41",
+    "safari": "10",
+    "node": "5",
+    "ios": "10",
+    "samsung": "5",
+    "electron": "0.36"
+  },
+  "transform-regenerator": {
+    "chrome": "50",
+    "opera": "37",
+    "edge": "13",
+    "firefox": "53",
+    "safari": "10",
+    "node": "6",
+    "ios": "10",
+    "samsung": "5",
+    "electron": "1.1"
+  },
+  "transform-member-expression-literals": {
+    "chrome": "7",
+    "opera": "12",
+    "edge": "12",
+    "firefox": "2",
+    "safari": "5.1",
+    "node": "0.10",
+    "ie": "9",
+    "android": "4",
+    "ios": "6",
+    "phantom": "2",
+    "samsung": "1",
+    "rhino": "1.7.13",
+    "electron": "0.20"
+  },
+  "transform-property-literals": {
+    "chrome": "7",
+    "opera": "12",
+    "edge": "12",
+    "firefox": "2",
+    "safari": "5.1",
+    "node": "0.10",
+    "ie": "9",
+    "android": "4",
+    "ios": "6",
+    "phantom": "2",
+    "samsung": "1",
+    "rhino": "1.7.13",
+    "electron": "0.20"
+  },
+  "transform-reserved-words": {
+    "chrome": "13",
+    "opera": "10.50",
+    "edge": "12",
+    "firefox": "2",
+    "safari": "3.1",
+    "node": "0.10",
+    "ie": "9",
+    "android": "4.4",
+    "ios": "6",
+    "phantom": "2",
+    "samsung": "1",
+    "rhino": "1.7.13",
+    "electron": "0.20"
+  },
+  "proposal-export-namespace-from": {
+    "chrome": "72",
+    "and_chr": "72",
+    "edge": "79",
+    "firefox": "80",
+    "and_ff": "80",
+    "node": "13.2",
+    "opera": "60",
+    "op_mob": "51",
+    "samsung": "11.0",
+    "android": "72",
+    "electron": "5.0"
+  }
diff --git a/node_modules/@babel/compat-data/native-modules.js b/node_modules/@babel/compat-data/native-modules.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8e97da4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@babel/compat-data/native-modules.js
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+module.exports = require("./data/native-modules.json");
diff --git a/node_modules/@babel/compat-data/overlapping-plugins.js b/node_modules/@babel/compat-data/overlapping-plugins.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..88242e46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@babel/compat-data/overlapping-plugins.js
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+module.exports = require("./data/overlapping-plugins.json");
diff --git a/node_modules/@babel/compat-data/package.json b/node_modules/@babel/compat-data/package.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..805e79c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@babel/compat-data/package.json
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+  "name": "@babel/compat-data",
+  "version": "7.16.8",
+  "author": "The Babel Team (https://babel.dev/team)",
+  "license": "MIT",
+  "description": "",
+  "repository": {
+    "type": "git",
+    "url": "https://github.com/babel/babel.git",
+    "directory": "packages/babel-compat-data"
+  },
+  "publishConfig": {
+    "access": "public"
+  },
+  "exports": {
+    "./plugins": "./plugins.js",
+    "./native-modules": "./native-modules.js",
+    "./corejs2-built-ins": "./corejs2-built-ins.js",
+    "./corejs3-shipped-proposals": "./corejs3-shipped-proposals.js",
+    "./overlapping-plugins": "./overlapping-plugins.js",
+    "./plugin-bugfixes": "./plugin-bugfixes.js"
+  },
+  "scripts": {
+    "build-data": "./scripts/download-compat-table.sh && node ./scripts/build-data.js && node ./scripts/build-modules-support.js && node ./scripts/build-bugfixes-targets.js"
+  },
+  "keywords": [
+    "babel",
+    "compat-table",
+    "compat-data"
+  ],
+  "devDependencies": {
+    "@mdn/browser-compat-data": "^4.0.10",
+    "core-js-compat": "^3.20.2",
+    "electron-to-chromium": "^1.3.893"
+  },
+  "engines": {
+    "node": ">=6.9.0"
+  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/@babel/compat-data/plugin-bugfixes.js b/node_modules/@babel/compat-data/plugin-bugfixes.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f390181a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@babel/compat-data/plugin-bugfixes.js
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+module.exports = require("./data/plugin-bugfixes.json");
diff --git a/node_modules/@babel/compat-data/plugins.js b/node_modules/@babel/compat-data/plugins.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..42646edc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@babel/compat-data/plugins.js
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+module.exports = require("./data/plugins.json");
diff --git a/node_modules/@babel/core/LICENSE b/node_modules/@babel/core/LICENSE
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f31575ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@babel/core/LICENSE
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+MIT License
+Copyright (c) 2014-present Sebastian McKenzie and other contributors
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/node_modules/@babel/core/README.md b/node_modules/@babel/core/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9b3a9503
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@babel/core/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# @babel/core
+> Babel compiler core.
+See our website [@babel/core](https://babeljs.io/docs/en/babel-core) for more information or the [issues](https://github.com/babel/babel/issues?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=is%3Aissue+label%3A%22pkg%3A%20core%22+is%3Aopen) associated with this package.
+## Install
+Using npm:
+npm install --save-dev @babel/core
+or using yarn:
+yarn add @babel/core --dev
diff --git a/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/cache-contexts.js b/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/cache-contexts.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e69de29b
diff --git a/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/caching.js b/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/caching.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..16c6e9ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/caching.js
@@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+  value: true
+exports.assertSimpleType = assertSimpleType;
+exports.makeStrongCache = makeStrongCache;
+exports.makeStrongCacheSync = makeStrongCacheSync;
+exports.makeWeakCache = makeWeakCache;
+exports.makeWeakCacheSync = makeWeakCacheSync;
+function _gensync() {
+  const data = require("gensync");
+  _gensync = function () {
+    return data;
+  };
+  return data;
+var _async = require("../gensync-utils/async");
+var _util = require("./util");
+const synchronize = gen => {
+  return _gensync()(gen).sync;
+function* genTrue() {
+  return true;
+function makeWeakCache(handler) {
+  return makeCachedFunction(WeakMap, handler);
+function makeWeakCacheSync(handler) {
+  return synchronize(makeWeakCache(handler));
+function makeStrongCache(handler) {
+  return makeCachedFunction(Map, handler);
+function makeStrongCacheSync(handler) {
+  return synchronize(makeStrongCache(handler));
+function makeCachedFunction(CallCache, handler) {
+  const callCacheSync = new CallCache();
+  const callCacheAsync = new CallCache();
+  const futureCache = new CallCache();
+  return function* cachedFunction(arg, data) {
+    const asyncContext = yield* (0, _async.isAsync)();
+    const callCache = asyncContext ? callCacheAsync : callCacheSync;
+    const cached = yield* getCachedValueOrWait(asyncContext, callCache, futureCache, arg, data);
+    if (cached.valid) return cached.value;
+    const cache = new CacheConfigurator(data);
+    const handlerResult = handler(arg, cache);
+    let finishLock;
+    let value;
+    if ((0, _util.isIterableIterator)(handlerResult)) {
+      const gen = handlerResult;
+      value = yield* (0, _async.onFirstPause)(gen, () => {
+        finishLock = setupAsyncLocks(cache, futureCache, arg);
+      });
+    } else {
+      value = handlerResult;
+    }
+    updateFunctionCache(callCache, cache, arg, value);
+    if (finishLock) {
+      futureCache.delete(arg);
+      finishLock.release(value);
+    }
+    return value;
+  };
+function* getCachedValue(cache, arg, data) {
+  const cachedValue = cache.get(arg);
+  if (cachedValue) {
+    for (const {
+      value,
+      valid
+    } of cachedValue) {
+      if (yield* valid(data)) return {
+        valid: true,
+        value
+      };
+    }
+  }
+  return {
+    valid: false,
+    value: null
+  };
+function* getCachedValueOrWait(asyncContext, callCache, futureCache, arg, data) {
+  const cached = yield* getCachedValue(callCache, arg, data);
+  if (cached.valid) {
+    return cached;
+  }
+  if (asyncContext) {
+    const cached = yield* getCachedValue(futureCache, arg, data);
+    if (cached.valid) {
+      const value = yield* (0, _async.waitFor)(cached.value.promise);
+      return {
+        valid: true,
+        value
+      };
+    }
+  }
+  return {
+    valid: false,
+    value: null
+  };
+function setupAsyncLocks(config, futureCache, arg) {
+  const finishLock = new Lock();
+  updateFunctionCache(futureCache, config, arg, finishLock);
+  return finishLock;
+function updateFunctionCache(cache, config, arg, value) {
+  if (!config.configured()) config.forever();
+  let cachedValue = cache.get(arg);
+  config.deactivate();
+  switch (config.mode()) {
+    case "forever":
+      cachedValue = [{
+        value,
+        valid: genTrue
+      }];
+      cache.set(arg, cachedValue);
+      break;
+    case "invalidate":
+      cachedValue = [{
+        value,
+        valid: config.validator()
+      }];
+      cache.set(arg, cachedValue);
+      break;
+    case "valid":
+      if (cachedValue) {
+        cachedValue.push({
+          value,
+          valid: config.validator()
+        });
+      } else {
+        cachedValue = [{
+          value,
+          valid: config.validator()
+        }];
+        cache.set(arg, cachedValue);
+      }
+  }
+class CacheConfigurator {
+  constructor(data) {
+    this._active = true;
+    this._never = false;
+    this._forever = false;
+    this._invalidate = false;
+    this._configured = false;
+    this._pairs = [];
+    this._data = void 0;
+    this._data = data;
+  }
+  simple() {
+    return makeSimpleConfigurator(this);
+  }
+  mode() {
+    if (this._never) return "never";
+    if (this._forever) return "forever";
+    if (this._invalidate) return "invalidate";
+    return "valid";
+  }
+  forever() {
+    if (!this._active) {
+      throw new Error("Cannot change caching after evaluation has completed.");
+    }
+    if (this._never) {
+      throw new Error("Caching has already been configured with .never()");
+    }
+    this._forever = true;
+    this._configured = true;
+  }
+  never() {
+    if (!this._active) {
+      throw new Error("Cannot change caching after evaluation has completed.");
+    }
+    if (this._forever) {
+      throw new Error("Caching has already been configured with .forever()");
+    }
+    this._never = true;
+    this._configured = true;
+  }
+  using(handler) {
+    if (!this._active) {
+      throw new Error("Cannot change caching after evaluation has completed.");
+    }
+    if (this._never || this._forever) {
+      throw new Error("Caching has already been configured with .never or .forever()");
+    }
+    this._configured = true;
+    const key = handler(this._data);
+    const fn = (0, _async.maybeAsync)(handler, `You appear to be using an async cache handler, but Babel has been called synchronously`);
+    if ((0, _async.isThenable)(key)) {
+      return key.then(key => {
+        this._pairs.push([key, fn]);
+        return key;
+      });
+    }
+    this._pairs.push([key, fn]);
+    return key;
+  }
+  invalidate(handler) {
+    this._invalidate = true;
+    return this.using(handler);
+  }
+  validator() {
+    const pairs = this._pairs;
+    return function* (data) {
+      for (const [key, fn] of pairs) {
+        if (key !== (yield* fn(data))) return false;
+      }
+      return true;
+    };
+  }
+  deactivate() {
+    this._active = false;
+  }
+  configured() {
+    return this._configured;
+  }
+function makeSimpleConfigurator(cache) {
+  function cacheFn(val) {
+    if (typeof val === "boolean") {
+      if (val) cache.forever();else cache.never();
+      return;
+    }
+    return cache.using(() => assertSimpleType(val()));
+  }
+  cacheFn.forever = () => cache.forever();
+  cacheFn.never = () => cache.never();
+  cacheFn.using = cb => cache.using(() => assertSimpleType(cb()));
+  cacheFn.invalidate = cb => cache.invalidate(() => assertSimpleType(cb()));
+  return cacheFn;
+function assertSimpleType(value) {
+  if ((0, _async.isThenable)(value)) {
+    throw new Error(`You appear to be using an async cache handler, ` + `which your current version of Babel does not support. ` + `We may add support for this in the future, ` + `but if you're on the most recent version of @babel/core and still ` + `seeing this error, then you'll need to synchronously handle your caching logic.`);
+  }
+  if (value != null && typeof value !== "string" && typeof value !== "boolean" && typeof value !== "number") {
+    throw new Error("Cache keys must be either string, boolean, number, null, or undefined.");
+  }
+  return value;
+class Lock {
+  constructor() {
+    this.released = false;
+    this.promise = void 0;
+    this._resolve = void 0;
+    this.promise = new Promise(resolve => {
+      this._resolve = resolve;
+    });
+  }
+  release(value) {
+    this.released = true;
+    this._resolve(value);
+  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/config-chain.js b/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/config-chain.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..aa5c5f22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/config-chain.js
@@ -0,0 +1,564 @@
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+  value: true
+exports.buildPresetChain = buildPresetChain;
+exports.buildPresetChainWalker = void 0;
+exports.buildRootChain = buildRootChain;
+function _path() {
+  const data = require("path");
+  _path = function () {
+    return data;
+  };
+  return data;
+function _debug() {
+  const data = require("debug");
+  _debug = function () {
+    return data;
+  };
+  return data;
+var _options = require("./validation/options");
+var _patternToRegex = require("./pattern-to-regex");
+var _printer = require("./printer");
+var _files = require("./files");
+var _caching = require("./caching");
+var _configDescriptors = require("./config-descriptors");
+const debug = _debug()("babel:config:config-chain");
+function* buildPresetChain(arg, context) {
+  const chain = yield* buildPresetChainWalker(arg, context);
+  if (!chain) return null;
+  return {
+    plugins: dedupDescriptors(chain.plugins),
+    presets: dedupDescriptors(chain.presets),
+    options: chain.options.map(o => normalizeOptions(o)),
+    files: new Set()
+  };
+const buildPresetChainWalker = makeChainWalker({
+  root: preset => loadPresetDescriptors(preset),
+  env: (preset, envName) => loadPresetEnvDescriptors(preset)(envName),
+  overrides: (preset, index) => loadPresetOverridesDescriptors(preset)(index),
+  overridesEnv: (preset, index, envName) => loadPresetOverridesEnvDescriptors(preset)(index)(envName),
+  createLogger: () => () => {}
+exports.buildPresetChainWalker = buildPresetChainWalker;
+const loadPresetDescriptors = (0, _caching.makeWeakCacheSync)(preset => buildRootDescriptors(preset, preset.alias, _configDescriptors.createUncachedDescriptors));
+const loadPresetEnvDescriptors = (0, _caching.makeWeakCacheSync)(preset => (0, _caching.makeStrongCacheSync)(envName => buildEnvDescriptors(preset, preset.alias, _configDescriptors.createUncachedDescriptors, envName)));
+const loadPresetOverridesDescriptors = (0, _caching.makeWeakCacheSync)(preset => (0, _caching.makeStrongCacheSync)(index => buildOverrideDescriptors(preset, preset.alias, _configDescriptors.createUncachedDescriptors, index)));
+const loadPresetOverridesEnvDescriptors = (0, _caching.makeWeakCacheSync)(preset => (0, _caching.makeStrongCacheSync)(index => (0, _caching.makeStrongCacheSync)(envName => buildOverrideEnvDescriptors(preset, preset.alias, _configDescriptors.createUncachedDescriptors, index, envName))));
+function* buildRootChain(opts, context) {
+  let configReport, babelRcReport;
+  const programmaticLogger = new _printer.ConfigPrinter();
+  const programmaticChain = yield* loadProgrammaticChain({
+    options: opts,
+    dirname: context.cwd
+  }, context, undefined, programmaticLogger);
+  if (!programmaticChain) return null;
+  const programmaticReport = yield* programmaticLogger.output();
+  let configFile;
+  if (typeof opts.configFile === "string") {
+    configFile = yield* (0, _files.loadConfig)(opts.configFile, context.cwd, context.envName, context.caller);
+  } else if (opts.configFile !== false) {
+    configFile = yield* (0, _files.findRootConfig)(context.root, context.envName, context.caller);
+  }
+  let {
+    babelrc,
+    babelrcRoots
+  } = opts;
+  let babelrcRootsDirectory = context.cwd;
+  const configFileChain = emptyChain();
+  const configFileLogger = new _printer.ConfigPrinter();
+  if (configFile) {
+    const validatedFile = validateConfigFile(configFile);
+    const result = yield* loadFileChain(validatedFile, context, undefined, configFileLogger);
+    if (!result) return null;
+    configReport = yield* configFileLogger.output();
+    if (babelrc === undefined) {
+      babelrc = validatedFile.options.babelrc;
+    }
+    if (babelrcRoots === undefined) {
+      babelrcRootsDirectory = validatedFile.dirname;
+      babelrcRoots = validatedFile.options.babelrcRoots;
+    }
+    mergeChain(configFileChain, result);
+  }
+  let ignoreFile, babelrcFile;
+  let isIgnored = false;
+  const fileChain = emptyChain();
+  if ((babelrc === true || babelrc === undefined) && typeof context.filename === "string") {
+    const pkgData = yield* (0, _files.findPackageData)(context.filename);
+    if (pkgData && babelrcLoadEnabled(context, pkgData, babelrcRoots, babelrcRootsDirectory)) {
+      ({
+        ignore: ignoreFile,
+        config: babelrcFile
+      } = yield* (0, _files.findRelativeConfig)(pkgData, context.envName, context.caller));
+      if (ignoreFile) {
+        fileChain.files.add(ignoreFile.filepath);
+      }
+      if (ignoreFile && shouldIgnore(context, ignoreFile.ignore, null, ignoreFile.dirname)) {
+        isIgnored = true;
+      }
+      if (babelrcFile && !isIgnored) {
+        const validatedFile = validateBabelrcFile(babelrcFile);
+        const babelrcLogger = new _printer.ConfigPrinter();
+        const result = yield* loadFileChain(validatedFile, context, undefined, babelrcLogger);
+        if (!result) {
+          isIgnored = true;
+        } else {
+          babelRcReport = yield* babelrcLogger.output();
+          mergeChain(fileChain, result);
+        }
+      }
+      if (babelrcFile && isIgnored) {
+        fileChain.files.add(babelrcFile.filepath);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  if (context.showConfig) {
+    console.log(`Babel configs on "${context.filename}" (ascending priority):\n` + [configReport, babelRcReport, programmaticReport].filter(x => !!x).join("\n\n") + "\n-----End Babel configs-----");
+  }
+  const chain = mergeChain(mergeChain(mergeChain(emptyChain(), configFileChain), fileChain), programmaticChain);
+  return {
+    plugins: isIgnored ? [] : dedupDescriptors(chain.plugins),
+    presets: isIgnored ? [] : dedupDescriptors(chain.presets),
+    options: isIgnored ? [] : chain.options.map(o => normalizeOptions(o)),
+    fileHandling: isIgnored ? "ignored" : "transpile",
+    ignore: ignoreFile || undefined,
+    babelrc: babelrcFile || undefined,
+    config: configFile || undefined,
+    files: chain.files
+  };
+function babelrcLoadEnabled(context, pkgData, babelrcRoots, babelrcRootsDirectory) {
+  if (typeof babelrcRoots === "boolean") return babelrcRoots;
+  const absoluteRoot = context.root;
+  if (babelrcRoots === undefined) {
+    return pkgData.directories.indexOf(absoluteRoot) !== -1;
+  }
+  let babelrcPatterns = babelrcRoots;
+  if (!Array.isArray(babelrcPatterns)) {
+    babelrcPatterns = [babelrcPatterns];
+  }
+  babelrcPatterns = babelrcPatterns.map(pat => {
+    return typeof pat === "string" ? _path().resolve(babelrcRootsDirectory, pat) : pat;
+  });
+  if (babelrcPatterns.length === 1 && babelrcPatterns[0] === absoluteRoot) {
+    return pkgData.directories.indexOf(absoluteRoot) !== -1;
+  }
+  return babelrcPatterns.some(pat => {
+    if (typeof pat === "string") {
+      pat = (0, _patternToRegex.default)(pat, babelrcRootsDirectory);
+    }
+    return pkgData.directories.some(directory => {
+      return matchPattern(pat, babelrcRootsDirectory, directory, context);
+    });
+  });
+const validateConfigFile = (0, _caching.makeWeakCacheSync)(file => ({
+  filepath: file.filepath,
+  dirname: file.dirname,
+  options: (0, _options.validate)("configfile", file.options)
+const validateBabelrcFile = (0, _caching.makeWeakCacheSync)(file => ({
+  filepath: file.filepath,
+  dirname: file.dirname,
+  options: (0, _options.validate)("babelrcfile", file.options)
+const validateExtendFile = (0, _caching.makeWeakCacheSync)(file => ({
+  filepath: file.filepath,
+  dirname: file.dirname,
+  options: (0, _options.validate)("extendsfile", file.options)
+const loadProgrammaticChain = makeChainWalker({
+  root: input => buildRootDescriptors(input, "base", _configDescriptors.createCachedDescriptors),
+  env: (input, envName) => buildEnvDescriptors(input, "base", _configDescriptors.createCachedDescriptors, envName),
+  overrides: (input, index) => buildOverrideDescriptors(input, "base", _configDescriptors.createCachedDescriptors, index),
+  overridesEnv: (input, index, envName) => buildOverrideEnvDescriptors(input, "base", _configDescriptors.createCachedDescriptors, index, envName),
+  createLogger: (input, context, baseLogger) => buildProgrammaticLogger(input, context, baseLogger)
+const loadFileChainWalker = makeChainWalker({
+  root: file => loadFileDescriptors(file),
+  env: (file, envName) => loadFileEnvDescriptors(file)(envName),
+  overrides: (file, index) => loadFileOverridesDescriptors(file)(index),
+  overridesEnv: (file, index, envName) => loadFileOverridesEnvDescriptors(file)(index)(envName),
+  createLogger: (file, context, baseLogger) => buildFileLogger(file.filepath, context, baseLogger)
+function* loadFileChain(input, context, files, baseLogger) {
+  const chain = yield* loadFileChainWalker(input, context, files, baseLogger);
+  if (chain) {
+    chain.files.add(input.filepath);
+  }
+  return chain;
+const loadFileDescriptors = (0, _caching.makeWeakCacheSync)(file => buildRootDescriptors(file, file.filepath, _configDescriptors.createUncachedDescriptors));
+const loadFileEnvDescriptors = (0, _caching.makeWeakCacheSync)(file => (0, _caching.makeStrongCacheSync)(envName => buildEnvDescriptors(file, file.filepath, _configDescriptors.createUncachedDescriptors, envName)));
+const loadFileOverridesDescriptors = (0, _caching.makeWeakCacheSync)(file => (0, _caching.makeStrongCacheSync)(index => buildOverrideDescriptors(file, file.filepath, _configDescriptors.createUncachedDescriptors, index)));
+const loadFileOverridesEnvDescriptors = (0, _caching.makeWeakCacheSync)(file => (0, _caching.makeStrongCacheSync)(index => (0, _caching.makeStrongCacheSync)(envName => buildOverrideEnvDescriptors(file, file.filepath, _configDescriptors.createUncachedDescriptors, index, envName))));
+function buildFileLogger(filepath, context, baseLogger) {
+  if (!baseLogger) {
+    return () => {};
+  }
+  return baseLogger.configure(context.showConfig, _printer.ChainFormatter.Config, {
+    filepath
+  });
+function buildRootDescriptors({
+  dirname,
+  options
+}, alias, descriptors) {
+  return descriptors(dirname, options, alias);
+function buildProgrammaticLogger(_, context, baseLogger) {
+  var _context$caller;
+  if (!baseLogger) {
+    return () => {};
+  }
+  return baseLogger.configure(context.showConfig, _printer.ChainFormatter.Programmatic, {
+    callerName: (_context$caller = context.caller) == null ? void 0 : _context$caller.name
+  });
+function buildEnvDescriptors({
+  dirname,
+  options
+}, alias, descriptors, envName) {
+  const opts = options.env && options.env[envName];
+  return opts ? descriptors(dirname, opts, `${alias}.env["${envName}"]`) : null;
+function buildOverrideDescriptors({
+  dirname,
+  options
+}, alias, descriptors, index) {
+  const opts = options.overrides && options.overrides[index];
+  if (!opts) throw new Error("Assertion failure - missing override");
+  return descriptors(dirname, opts, `${alias}.overrides[${index}]`);
+function buildOverrideEnvDescriptors({
+  dirname,
+  options
+}, alias, descriptors, index, envName) {
+  const override = options.overrides && options.overrides[index];
+  if (!override) throw new Error("Assertion failure - missing override");
+  const opts = override.env && override.env[envName];
+  return opts ? descriptors(dirname, opts, `${alias}.overrides[${index}].env["${envName}"]`) : null;
+function makeChainWalker({
+  root,
+  env,
+  overrides,
+  overridesEnv,
+  createLogger
+}) {
+  return function* (input, context, files = new Set(), baseLogger) {
+    const {
+      dirname
+    } = input;
+    const flattenedConfigs = [];
+    const rootOpts = root(input);
+    if (configIsApplicable(rootOpts, dirname, context)) {
+      flattenedConfigs.push({
+        config: rootOpts,
+        envName: undefined,
+        index: undefined
+      });
+      const envOpts = env(input, context.envName);
+      if (envOpts && configIsApplicable(envOpts, dirname, context)) {
+        flattenedConfigs.push({
+          config: envOpts,
+          envName: context.envName,
+          index: undefined
+        });
+      }
+      (rootOpts.options.overrides || []).forEach((_, index) => {
+        const overrideOps = overrides(input, index);
+        if (configIsApplicable(overrideOps, dirname, context)) {
+          flattenedConfigs.push({
+            config: overrideOps,
+            index,
+            envName: undefined
+          });
+          const overrideEnvOpts = overridesEnv(input, index, context.envName);
+          if (overrideEnvOpts && configIsApplicable(overrideEnvOpts, dirname, context)) {
+            flattenedConfigs.push({
+              config: overrideEnvOpts,
+              index,
+              envName: context.envName
+            });
+          }
+        }
+      });
+    }
+    if (flattenedConfigs.some(({
+      config: {
+        options: {
+          ignore,
+          only
+        }
+      }
+    }) => shouldIgnore(context, ignore, only, dirname))) {
+      return null;
+    }
+    const chain = emptyChain();
+    const logger = createLogger(input, context, baseLogger);
+    for (const {
+      config,
+      index,
+      envName
+    } of flattenedConfigs) {
+      if (!(yield* mergeExtendsChain(chain, config.options, dirname, context, files, baseLogger))) {
+        return null;
+      }
+      logger(config, index, envName);
+      yield* mergeChainOpts(chain, config);
+    }
+    return chain;
+  };
+function* mergeExtendsChain(chain, opts, dirname, context, files, baseLogger) {
+  if (opts.extends === undefined) return true;
+  const file = yield* (0, _files.loadConfig)(opts.extends, dirname, context.envName, context.caller);
+  if (files.has(file)) {
+    throw new Error(`Configuration cycle detected loading ${file.filepath}.\n` + `File already loaded following the config chain:\n` + Array.from(files, file => ` - ${file.filepath}`).join("\n"));
+  }
+  files.add(file);
+  const fileChain = yield* loadFileChain(validateExtendFile(file), context, files, baseLogger);
+  files.delete(file);
+  if (!fileChain) return false;
+  mergeChain(chain, fileChain);
+  return true;
+function mergeChain(target, source) {
+  target.options.push(...source.options);
+  target.plugins.push(...source.plugins);
+  target.presets.push(...source.presets);
+  for (const file of source.files) {
+    target.files.add(file);
+  }
+  return target;
+function* mergeChainOpts(target, {
+  options,
+  plugins,
+  presets
+}) {
+  target.options.push(options);
+  target.plugins.push(...(yield* plugins()));
+  target.presets.push(...(yield* presets()));
+  return target;
+function emptyChain() {
+  return {
+    options: [],
+    presets: [],
+    plugins: [],
+    files: new Set()
+  };
+function normalizeOptions(opts) {
+  const options = Object.assign({}, opts);
+  delete options.extends;
+  delete options.env;
+  delete options.overrides;
+  delete options.plugins;
+  delete options.presets;
+  delete options.passPerPreset;
+  delete options.ignore;
+  delete options.only;
+  delete options.test;
+  delete options.include;
+  delete options.exclude;
+  if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(options, "sourceMap")) {
+    options.sourceMaps = options.sourceMap;
+    delete options.sourceMap;
+  }
+  return options;
+function dedupDescriptors(items) {
+  const map = new Map();
+  const descriptors = [];
+  for (const item of items) {
+    if (typeof item.value === "function") {
+      const fnKey = item.value;
+      let nameMap = map.get(fnKey);
+      if (!nameMap) {
+        nameMap = new Map();
+        map.set(fnKey, nameMap);
+      }
+      let desc = nameMap.get(item.name);
+      if (!desc) {
+        desc = {
+          value: item
+        };
+        descriptors.push(desc);
+        if (!item.ownPass) nameMap.set(item.name, desc);
+      } else {
+        desc.value = item;
+      }
+    } else {
+      descriptors.push({
+        value: item
+      });
+    }
+  }
+  return descriptors.reduce((acc, desc) => {
+    acc.push(desc.value);
+    return acc;
+  }, []);
+function configIsApplicable({
+  options
+}, dirname, context) {
+  return (options.test === undefined || configFieldIsApplicable(context, options.test, dirname)) && (options.include === undefined || configFieldIsApplicable(context, options.include, dirname)) && (options.exclude === undefined || !configFieldIsApplicable(context, options.exclude, dirname));
+function configFieldIsApplicable(context, test, dirname) {
+  const patterns = Array.isArray(test) ? test : [test];
+  return matchesPatterns(context, patterns, dirname);
+function ignoreListReplacer(_key, value) {
+  if (value instanceof RegExp) {
+    return String(value);
+  }
+  return value;
+function shouldIgnore(context, ignore, only, dirname) {
+  if (ignore && matchesPatterns(context, ignore, dirname)) {
+    var _context$filename;
+    const message = `No config is applied to "${(_context$filename = context.filename) != null ? _context$filename : "(unknown)"}" because it matches one of \`ignore: ${JSON.stringify(ignore, ignoreListReplacer)}\` from "${dirname}"`;
+    debug(message);
+    if (context.showConfig) {
+      console.log(message);
+    }
+    return true;
+  }
+  if (only && !matchesPatterns(context, only, dirname)) {
+    var _context$filename2;
+    const message = `No config is applied to "${(_context$filename2 = context.filename) != null ? _context$filename2 : "(unknown)"}" because it fails to match one of \`only: ${JSON.stringify(only, ignoreListReplacer)}\` from "${dirname}"`;
+    debug(message);
+    if (context.showConfig) {
+      console.log(message);
+    }
+    return true;
+  }
+  return false;
+function matchesPatterns(context, patterns, dirname) {
+  return patterns.some(pattern => matchPattern(pattern, dirname, context.filename, context));
+function matchPattern(pattern, dirname, pathToTest, context) {
+  if (typeof pattern === "function") {
+    return !!pattern(pathToTest, {
+      dirname,
+      envName: context.envName,
+      caller: context.caller
+    });
+  }
+  if (typeof pathToTest !== "string") {
+    throw new Error(`Configuration contains string/RegExp pattern, but no filename was passed to Babel`);
+  }
+  if (typeof pattern === "string") {
+    pattern = (0, _patternToRegex.default)(pattern, dirname);
+  }
+  return pattern.test(pathToTest);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/config-descriptors.js b/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/config-descriptors.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2f0a7a58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/config-descriptors.js
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+  value: true
+exports.createCachedDescriptors = createCachedDescriptors;
+exports.createDescriptor = createDescriptor;
+exports.createUncachedDescriptors = createUncachedDescriptors;
+function _gensync() {
+  const data = require("gensync");
+  _gensync = function () {
+    return data;
+  };
+  return data;
+var _files = require("./files");
+var _item = require("./item");
+var _caching = require("./caching");
+var _resolveTargets = require("./resolve-targets");
+function isEqualDescriptor(a, b) {
+  return a.name === b.name && a.value === b.value && a.options === b.options && a.dirname === b.dirname && a.alias === b.alias && a.ownPass === b.ownPass && (a.file && a.file.request) === (b.file && b.file.request) && (a.file && a.file.resolved) === (b.file && b.file.resolved);
+function* handlerOf(value) {
+  return value;
+function optionsWithResolvedBrowserslistConfigFile(options, dirname) {
+  if (typeof options.browserslistConfigFile === "string") {
+    options.browserslistConfigFile = (0, _resolveTargets.resolveBrowserslistConfigFile)(options.browserslistConfigFile, dirname);
+  }
+  return options;
+function createCachedDescriptors(dirname, options, alias) {
+  const {
+    plugins,
+    presets,
+    passPerPreset
+  } = options;
+  return {
+    options: optionsWithResolvedBrowserslistConfigFile(options, dirname),
+    plugins: plugins ? () => createCachedPluginDescriptors(plugins, dirname)(alias) : () => handlerOf([]),
+    presets: presets ? () => createCachedPresetDescriptors(presets, dirname)(alias)(!!passPerPreset) : () => handlerOf([])
+  };
+function createUncachedDescriptors(dirname, options, alias) {
+  let plugins;
+  let presets;
+  return {
+    options: optionsWithResolvedBrowserslistConfigFile(options, dirname),
+    *plugins() {
+      if (!plugins) {
+        plugins = yield* createPluginDescriptors(options.plugins || [], dirname, alias);
+      }
+      return plugins;
+    },
+    *presets() {
+      if (!presets) {
+        presets = yield* createPresetDescriptors(options.presets || [], dirname, alias, !!options.passPerPreset);
+      }
+      return presets;
+    }
+  };
+const PRESET_DESCRIPTOR_CACHE = new WeakMap();
+const createCachedPresetDescriptors = (0, _caching.makeWeakCacheSync)((items, cache) => {
+  const dirname = cache.using(dir => dir);
+  return (0, _caching.makeStrongCacheSync)(alias => (0, _caching.makeStrongCache)(function* (passPerPreset) {
+    const descriptors = yield* createPresetDescriptors(items, dirname, alias, passPerPreset);
+    return descriptors.map(desc => loadCachedDescriptor(PRESET_DESCRIPTOR_CACHE, desc));
+  }));
+const PLUGIN_DESCRIPTOR_CACHE = new WeakMap();
+const createCachedPluginDescriptors = (0, _caching.makeWeakCacheSync)((items, cache) => {
+  const dirname = cache.using(dir => dir);
+  return (0, _caching.makeStrongCache)(function* (alias) {
+    const descriptors = yield* createPluginDescriptors(items, dirname, alias);
+    return descriptors.map(desc => loadCachedDescriptor(PLUGIN_DESCRIPTOR_CACHE, desc));
+  });
+const DEFAULT_OPTIONS = {};
+function loadCachedDescriptor(cache, desc) {
+  const {
+    value,
+    options = DEFAULT_OPTIONS
+  } = desc;
+  if (options === false) return desc;
+  let cacheByOptions = cache.get(value);
+  if (!cacheByOptions) {
+    cacheByOptions = new WeakMap();
+    cache.set(value, cacheByOptions);
+  }
+  let possibilities = cacheByOptions.get(options);
+  if (!possibilities) {
+    possibilities = [];
+    cacheByOptions.set(options, possibilities);
+  }
+  if (possibilities.indexOf(desc) === -1) {
+    const matches = possibilities.filter(possibility => isEqualDescriptor(possibility, desc));
+    if (matches.length > 0) {
+      return matches[0];
+    }
+    possibilities.push(desc);
+  }
+  return desc;
+function* createPresetDescriptors(items, dirname, alias, passPerPreset) {
+  return yield* createDescriptors("preset", items, dirname, alias, passPerPreset);
+function* createPluginDescriptors(items, dirname, alias) {
+  return yield* createDescriptors("plugin", items, dirname, alias);
+function* createDescriptors(type, items, dirname, alias, ownPass) {
+  const descriptors = yield* _gensync().all(items.map((item, index) => createDescriptor(item, dirname, {
+    type,
+    alias: `${alias}$${index}`,
+    ownPass: !!ownPass
+  })));
+  assertNoDuplicates(descriptors);
+  return descriptors;
+function* createDescriptor(pair, dirname, {
+  type,
+  alias,
+  ownPass
+}) {
+  const desc = (0, _item.getItemDescriptor)(pair);
+  if (desc) {
+    return desc;
+  }
+  let name;
+  let options;
+  let value = pair;
+  if (Array.isArray(value)) {
+    if (value.length === 3) {
+      [value, options, name] = value;
+    } else {
+      [value, options] = value;
+    }
+  }
+  let file = undefined;
+  let filepath = null;
+  if (typeof value === "string") {
+    if (typeof type !== "string") {
+      throw new Error("To resolve a string-based item, the type of item must be given");
+    }
+    const resolver = type === "plugin" ? _files.loadPlugin : _files.loadPreset;
+    const request = value;
+    ({
+      filepath,
+      value
+    } = yield* resolver(value, dirname));
+    file = {
+      request,
+      resolved: filepath
+    };
+  }
+  if (!value) {
+    throw new Error(`Unexpected falsy value: ${String(value)}`);
+  }
+  if (typeof value === "object" && value.__esModule) {
+    if (value.default) {
+      value = value.default;
+    } else {
+      throw new Error("Must export a default export when using ES6 modules.");
+    }
+  }
+  if (typeof value !== "object" && typeof value !== "function") {
+    throw new Error(`Unsupported format: ${typeof value}. Expected an object or a function.`);
+  }
+  if (filepath !== null && typeof value === "object" && value) {
+    throw new Error(`Plugin/Preset files are not allowed to export objects, only functions. In ${filepath}`);
+  }
+  return {
+    name,
+    alias: filepath || alias,
+    value,
+    options,
+    dirname,
+    ownPass,
+    file
+  };
+function assertNoDuplicates(items) {
+  const map = new Map();
+  for (const item of items) {
+    if (typeof item.value !== "function") continue;
+    let nameMap = map.get(item.value);
+    if (!nameMap) {
+      nameMap = new Set();
+      map.set(item.value, nameMap);
+    }
+    if (nameMap.has(item.name)) {
+      const conflicts = items.filter(i => i.value === item.value);
+      throw new Error([`Duplicate plugin/preset detected.`, `If you'd like to use two separate instances of a plugin,`, `they need separate names, e.g.`, ``, `  plugins: [`, `    ['some-plugin', {}],`, `    ['some-plugin', {}, 'some unique name'],`, `  ]`, ``, `Duplicates detected are:`, `${JSON.stringify(conflicts, null, 2)}`].join("\n"));
+    }
+    nameMap.add(item.name);
+  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/files/configuration.js b/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/files/configuration.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f6cbf0c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/files/configuration.js
@@ -0,0 +1,358 @@
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+  value: true
+exports.ROOT_CONFIG_FILENAMES = void 0;
+exports.findConfigUpwards = findConfigUpwards;
+exports.findRelativeConfig = findRelativeConfig;
+exports.findRootConfig = findRootConfig;
+exports.loadConfig = loadConfig;
+exports.resolveShowConfigPath = resolveShowConfigPath;
+function _debug() {
+  const data = require("debug");
+  _debug = function () {
+    return data;
+  };
+  return data;
+function _fs() {
+  const data = require("fs");
+  _fs = function () {
+    return data;
+  };
+  return data;
+function _path() {
+  const data = require("path");
+  _path = function () {
+    return data;
+  };
+  return data;
+function _json() {
+  const data = require("json5");
+  _json = function () {
+    return data;
+  };
+  return data;
+function _gensync() {
+  const data = require("gensync");
+  _gensync = function () {
+    return data;
+  };
+  return data;
+var _caching = require("../caching");
+var _configApi = require("../helpers/config-api");
+var _utils = require("./utils");
+var _moduleTypes = require("./module-types");
+var _patternToRegex = require("../pattern-to-regex");
+var fs = require("../../gensync-utils/fs");
+function _module() {
+  const data = require("module");
+  _module = function () {
+    return data;
+  };
+  return data;
+const debug = _debug()("babel:config:loading:files:configuration");
+const ROOT_CONFIG_FILENAMES = ["babel.config.js", "babel.config.cjs", "babel.config.mjs", "babel.config.json"];
+const RELATIVE_CONFIG_FILENAMES = [".babelrc", ".babelrc.js", ".babelrc.cjs", ".babelrc.mjs", ".babelrc.json"];
+const BABELIGNORE_FILENAME = ".babelignore";
+function findConfigUpwards(rootDir) {
+  let dirname = rootDir;
+  for (;;) {
+    for (const filename of ROOT_CONFIG_FILENAMES) {
+      if (_fs().existsSync(_path().join(dirname, filename))) {
+        return dirname;
+      }
+    }
+    const nextDir = _path().dirname(dirname);
+    if (dirname === nextDir) break;
+    dirname = nextDir;
+  }
+  return null;
+function* findRelativeConfig(packageData, envName, caller) {
+  let config = null;
+  let ignore = null;
+  const dirname = _path().dirname(packageData.filepath);
+  for (const loc of packageData.directories) {
+    if (!config) {
+      var _packageData$pkg;
+      config = yield* loadOneConfig(RELATIVE_CONFIG_FILENAMES, loc, envName, caller, ((_packageData$pkg = packageData.pkg) == null ? void 0 : _packageData$pkg.dirname) === loc ? packageToBabelConfig(packageData.pkg) : null);
+    }
+    if (!ignore) {
+      const ignoreLoc = _path().join(loc, BABELIGNORE_FILENAME);
+      ignore = yield* readIgnoreConfig(ignoreLoc);
+      if (ignore) {
+        debug("Found ignore %o from %o.", ignore.filepath, dirname);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return {
+    config,
+    ignore
+  };
+function findRootConfig(dirname, envName, caller) {
+  return loadOneConfig(ROOT_CONFIG_FILENAMES, dirname, envName, caller);
+function* loadOneConfig(names, dirname, envName, caller, previousConfig = null) {
+  const configs = yield* _gensync().all(names.map(filename => readConfig(_path().join(dirname, filename), envName, caller)));
+  const config = configs.reduce((previousConfig, config) => {
+    if (config && previousConfig) {
+      throw new Error(`Multiple configuration files found. Please remove one:\n` + ` - ${_path().basename(previousConfig.filepath)}\n` + ` - ${config.filepath}\n` + `from ${dirname}`);
+    }
+    return config || previousConfig;
+  }, previousConfig);
+  if (config) {
+    debug("Found configuration %o from %o.", config.filepath, dirname);
+  }
+  return config;
+function* loadConfig(name, dirname, envName, caller) {
+  const filepath = (((v, w) => (v = v.split("."), w = w.split("."), +v[0] > +w[0] || v[0] == w[0] && +v[1] >= +w[1]))(process.versions.node, "8.9") ? require.resolve : (r, {
+    paths: [b]
+  }, M = require("module")) => {
+    let f = M._findPath(r, M._nodeModulePaths(b).concat(b));
+    if (f) return f;
+    f = new Error(`Cannot resolve module '${r}'`);
+    f.code = "MODULE_NOT_FOUND";
+    throw f;
+  })(name, {
+    paths: [dirname]
+  });
+  const conf = yield* readConfig(filepath, envName, caller);
+  if (!conf) {
+    throw new Error(`Config file ${filepath} contains no configuration data`);
+  }
+  debug("Loaded config %o from %o.", name, dirname);
+  return conf;
+function readConfig(filepath, envName, caller) {
+  const ext = _path().extname(filepath);
+  return ext === ".js" || ext === ".cjs" || ext === ".mjs" ? readConfigJS(filepath, {
+    envName,
+    caller
+  }) : readConfigJSON5(filepath);
+const LOADING_CONFIGS = new Set();
+const readConfigJS = (0, _caching.makeStrongCache)(function* readConfigJS(filepath, cache) {
+  if (!_fs().existsSync(filepath)) {
+    cache.never();
+    return null;
+  }
+  if (LOADING_CONFIGS.has(filepath)) {
+    cache.never();
+    debug("Auto-ignoring usage of config %o.", filepath);
+    return {
+      filepath,
+      dirname: _path().dirname(filepath),
+      options: {}
+    };
+  }
+  let options;
+  try {
+    LOADING_CONFIGS.add(filepath);
+    options = yield* (0, _moduleTypes.default)(filepath, "You appear to be using a native ECMAScript module configuration " + "file, which is only supported when running Babel asynchronously.");
+  } catch (err) {
+    err.message = `${filepath}: Error while loading config - ${err.message}`;
+    throw err;
+  } finally {
+    LOADING_CONFIGS.delete(filepath);
+  }
+  let assertCache = false;
+  if (typeof options === "function") {
+    yield* [];
+    options = options((0, _configApi.makeConfigAPI)(cache));
+    assertCache = true;
+  }
+  if (!options || typeof options !== "object" || Array.isArray(options)) {
+    throw new Error(`${filepath}: Configuration should be an exported JavaScript object.`);
+  }
+  if (typeof options.then === "function") {
+    throw new Error(`You appear to be using an async configuration, ` + `which your current version of Babel does not support. ` + `We may add support for this in the future, ` + `but if you're on the most recent version of @babel/core and still ` + `seeing this error, then you'll need to synchronously return your config.`);
+  }
+  if (assertCache && !cache.configured()) throwConfigError();
+  return {
+    filepath,
+    dirname: _path().dirname(filepath),
+    options
+  };
+const packageToBabelConfig = (0, _caching.makeWeakCacheSync)(file => {
+  const babel = file.options["babel"];
+  if (typeof babel === "undefined") return null;
+  if (typeof babel !== "object" || Array.isArray(babel) || babel === null) {
+    throw new Error(`${file.filepath}: .babel property must be an object`);
+  }
+  return {
+    filepath: file.filepath,
+    dirname: file.dirname,
+    options: babel
+  };
+const readConfigJSON5 = (0, _utils.makeStaticFileCache)((filepath, content) => {
+  let options;
+  try {
+    options = _json().parse(content);
+  } catch (err) {
+    err.message = `${filepath}: Error while parsing config - ${err.message}`;
+    throw err;
+  }
+  if (!options) throw new Error(`${filepath}: No config detected`);
+  if (typeof options !== "object") {
+    throw new Error(`${filepath}: Config returned typeof ${typeof options}`);
+  }
+  if (Array.isArray(options)) {
+    throw new Error(`${filepath}: Expected config object but found array`);
+  }
+  delete options["$schema"];
+  return {
+    filepath,
+    dirname: _path().dirname(filepath),
+    options
+  };
+const readIgnoreConfig = (0, _utils.makeStaticFileCache)((filepath, content) => {
+  const ignoreDir = _path().dirname(filepath);
+  const ignorePatterns = content.split("\n").map(line => line.replace(/#(.*?)$/, "").trim()).filter(line => !!line);
+  for (const pattern of ignorePatterns) {
+    if (pattern[0] === "!") {
+      throw new Error(`Negation of file paths is not supported.`);
+    }
+  }
+  return {
+    filepath,
+    dirname: _path().dirname(filepath),
+    ignore: ignorePatterns.map(pattern => (0, _patternToRegex.default)(pattern, ignoreDir))
+  };
+function* resolveShowConfigPath(dirname) {
+  const targetPath = process.env.BABEL_SHOW_CONFIG_FOR;
+  if (targetPath != null) {
+    const absolutePath = _path().resolve(dirname, targetPath);
+    const stats = yield* fs.stat(absolutePath);
+    if (!stats.isFile()) {
+      throw new Error(`${absolutePath}: BABEL_SHOW_CONFIG_FOR must refer to a regular file, directories are not supported.`);
+    }
+    return absolutePath;
+  }
+  return null;
+function throwConfigError() {
+  throw new Error(`\
+Caching was left unconfigured. Babel's plugins, presets, and .babelrc.js files can be configured
+for various types of caching, using the first param of their handler functions:
+module.exports = function(api) {
+  // The API exposes the following:
+  // Cache the returned value forever and don't call this function again.
+  api.cache(true);
+  // Don't cache at all. Not recommended because it will be very slow.
+  api.cache(false);
+  // Cached based on the value of some function. If this function returns a value different from
+  // a previously-encountered value, the plugins will re-evaluate.
+  var env = api.cache(() => process.env.NODE_ENV);
+  // If testing for a specific env, we recommend specifics to avoid instantiating a plugin for
+  // any possible NODE_ENV value that might come up during plugin execution.
+  var isProd = api.cache(() => process.env.NODE_ENV === "production");
+  // .cache(fn) will perform a linear search though instances to find the matching plugin based
+  // based on previous instantiated plugins. If you want to recreate the plugin and discard the
+  // previous instance whenever something changes, you may use:
+  var isProd = api.cache.invalidate(() => process.env.NODE_ENV === "production");
+  // Note, we also expose the following more-verbose versions of the above examples:
+  api.cache.forever(); // api.cache(true)
+  api.cache.never();   // api.cache(false)
+  api.cache.using(fn); // api.cache(fn)
+  // Return the value that will be cached.
+  return { };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/files/import-meta-resolve.js b/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/files/import-meta-resolve.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6e1c9056
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/files/import-meta-resolve.js
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+  value: true
+exports.default = resolve;
+function _module() {
+  const data = require("module");
+  _module = function () {
+    return data;
+  };
+  return data;
+var _importMetaResolve = require("../../vendor/import-meta-resolve");
+function asyncGeneratorStep(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, key, arg) { try { var info = gen[key](arg); var value = info.value; } catch (error) { reject(error); return; } if (info.done) { resolve(value); } else { Promise.resolve(value).then(_next, _throw); } }
+function _asyncToGenerator(fn) { return function () { var self = this, args = arguments; return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { var gen = fn.apply(self, args); function _next(value) { asyncGeneratorStep(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, "next", value); } function _throw(err) { asyncGeneratorStep(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, "throw", err); } _next(undefined); }); }; }
+let import_;
+try {
+  import_ = require("./import").default;
+} catch (_unused) {}
+const importMetaResolveP = import_ && process.execArgv.includes("--experimental-import-meta-resolve") ? import_("data:text/javascript,export default import.meta.resolve").then(m => m.default || _importMetaResolve.resolve, () => _importMetaResolve.resolve) : Promise.resolve(_importMetaResolve.resolve);
+function resolve(_x, _x2) {
+  return _resolve.apply(this, arguments);
+function _resolve() {
+  _resolve = _asyncToGenerator(function* (specifier, parent) {
+    return (yield importMetaResolveP)(specifier, parent);
+  });
+  return _resolve.apply(this, arguments);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/files/import.js b/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/files/import.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c0acc2b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/files/import.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+  value: true
+exports.default = import_;
+function import_(filepath) {
+  return import(filepath);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/files/index-browser.js b/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/files/index-browser.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c73168bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/files/index-browser.js
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+  value: true
+exports.ROOT_CONFIG_FILENAMES = void 0;
+exports.findConfigUpwards = findConfigUpwards;
+exports.findPackageData = findPackageData;
+exports.findRelativeConfig = findRelativeConfig;
+exports.findRootConfig = findRootConfig;
+exports.loadConfig = loadConfig;
+exports.loadPlugin = loadPlugin;
+exports.loadPreset = loadPreset;
+exports.resolvePlugin = resolvePlugin;
+exports.resolvePreset = resolvePreset;
+exports.resolveShowConfigPath = resolveShowConfigPath;
+function findConfigUpwards(rootDir) {
+  return null;
+function* findPackageData(filepath) {
+  return {
+    filepath,
+    directories: [],
+    pkg: null,
+    isPackage: false
+  };
+function* findRelativeConfig(pkgData, envName, caller) {
+  return {
+    config: null,
+    ignore: null
+  };
+function* findRootConfig(dirname, envName, caller) {
+  return null;
+function* loadConfig(name, dirname, envName, caller) {
+  throw new Error(`Cannot load ${name} relative to ${dirname} in a browser`);
+function* resolveShowConfigPath(dirname) {
+  return null;
+function resolvePlugin(name, dirname) {
+  return null;
+function resolvePreset(name, dirname) {
+  return null;
+function loadPlugin(name, dirname) {
+  throw new Error(`Cannot load plugin ${name} relative to ${dirname} in a browser`);
+function loadPreset(name, dirname) {
+  throw new Error(`Cannot load preset ${name} relative to ${dirname} in a browser`);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/files/index.js b/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/files/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..075410c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/files/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+  value: true
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "ROOT_CONFIG_FILENAMES", {
+  enumerable: true,
+  get: function () {
+    return _configuration.ROOT_CONFIG_FILENAMES;
+  }
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "findConfigUpwards", {
+  enumerable: true,
+  get: function () {
+    return _configuration.findConfigUpwards;
+  }
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "findPackageData", {
+  enumerable: true,
+  get: function () {
+    return _package.findPackageData;
+  }
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "findRelativeConfig", {
+  enumerable: true,
+  get: function () {
+    return _configuration.findRelativeConfig;
+  }
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "findRootConfig", {
+  enumerable: true,
+  get: function () {
+    return _configuration.findRootConfig;
+  }
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "loadConfig", {
+  enumerable: true,
+  get: function () {
+    return _configuration.loadConfig;
+  }
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "loadPlugin", {
+  enumerable: true,
+  get: function () {
+    return plugins.loadPlugin;
+  }
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "loadPreset", {
+  enumerable: true,
+  get: function () {
+    return plugins.loadPreset;
+  }
+exports.resolvePreset = exports.resolvePlugin = void 0;
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "resolveShowConfigPath", {
+  enumerable: true,
+  get: function () {
+    return _configuration.resolveShowConfigPath;
+  }
+var _package = require("./package");
+var _configuration = require("./configuration");
+var plugins = require("./plugins");
+function _gensync() {
+  const data = require("gensync");
+  _gensync = function () {
+    return data;
+  };
+  return data;
+const resolvePlugin = _gensync()(plugins.resolvePlugin).sync;
+exports.resolvePlugin = resolvePlugin;
+const resolvePreset = _gensync()(plugins.resolvePreset).sync;
+exports.resolvePreset = resolvePreset;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/files/module-types.js b/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/files/module-types.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..35d8220a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/files/module-types.js
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+  value: true
+exports.default = loadCjsOrMjsDefault;
+exports.supportsESM = void 0;
+var _async = require("../../gensync-utils/async");
+function _path() {
+  const data = require("path");
+  _path = function () {
+    return data;
+  };
+  return data;
+function _url() {
+  const data = require("url");
+  _url = function () {
+    return data;
+  };
+  return data;
+function _module() {
+  const data = require("module");
+  _module = function () {
+    return data;
+  };
+  return data;
+function asyncGeneratorStep(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, key, arg) { try { var info = gen[key](arg); var value = info.value; } catch (error) { reject(error); return; } if (info.done) { resolve(value); } else { Promise.resolve(value).then(_next, _throw); } }
+function _asyncToGenerator(fn) { return function () { var self = this, args = arguments; return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { var gen = fn.apply(self, args); function _next(value) { asyncGeneratorStep(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, "next", value); } function _throw(err) { asyncGeneratorStep(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, "throw", err); } _next(undefined); }); }; }
+let import_;
+try {
+  import_ = require("./import").default;
+} catch (_unused) {}
+const supportsESM = !!import_;
+exports.supportsESM = supportsESM;
+function* loadCjsOrMjsDefault(filepath, asyncError, fallbackToTranspiledModule = false) {
+  switch (guessJSModuleType(filepath)) {
+    case "cjs":
+      return loadCjsDefault(filepath, fallbackToTranspiledModule);
+    case "unknown":
+      try {
+        return loadCjsDefault(filepath, fallbackToTranspiledModule);
+      } catch (e) {
+        if (e.code !== "ERR_REQUIRE_ESM") throw e;
+      }
+    case "mjs":
+      if (yield* (0, _async.isAsync)()) {
+        return yield* (0, _async.waitFor)(loadMjsDefault(filepath));
+      }
+      throw new Error(asyncError);
+  }
+function guessJSModuleType(filename) {
+  switch (_path().extname(filename)) {
+    case ".cjs":
+      return "cjs";
+    case ".mjs":
+      return "mjs";
+    default:
+      return "unknown";
+  }
+function loadCjsDefault(filepath, fallbackToTranspiledModule) {
+  const module = require(filepath);
+  return module != null && module.__esModule ? module.default || (fallbackToTranspiledModule ? module : undefined) : module;
+function loadMjsDefault(_x) {
+  return _loadMjsDefault.apply(this, arguments);
+function _loadMjsDefault() {
+  _loadMjsDefault = _asyncToGenerator(function* (filepath) {
+    if (!import_) {
+      throw new Error("Internal error: Native ECMAScript modules aren't supported" + " by this platform.\n");
+    }
+    const module = yield import_((0, _url().pathToFileURL)(filepath));
+    return module.default;
+  });
+  return _loadMjsDefault.apply(this, arguments);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/files/package.js b/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/files/package.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0e08bfe3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/files/package.js
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+  value: true
+exports.findPackageData = findPackageData;
+function _path() {
+  const data = require("path");
+  _path = function () {
+    return data;
+  };
+  return data;
+var _utils = require("./utils");
+const PACKAGE_FILENAME = "package.json";
+function* findPackageData(filepath) {
+  let pkg = null;
+  const directories = [];
+  let isPackage = true;
+  let dirname = _path().dirname(filepath);
+  while (!pkg && _path().basename(dirname) !== "node_modules") {
+    directories.push(dirname);
+    pkg = yield* readConfigPackage(_path().join(dirname, PACKAGE_FILENAME));
+    const nextLoc = _path().dirname(dirname);
+    if (dirname === nextLoc) {
+      isPackage = false;
+      break;
+    }
+    dirname = nextLoc;
+  }
+  return {
+    filepath,
+    directories,
+    pkg,
+    isPackage
+  };
+const readConfigPackage = (0, _utils.makeStaticFileCache)((filepath, content) => {
+  let options;
+  try {
+    options = JSON.parse(content);
+  } catch (err) {
+    err.message = `${filepath}: Error while parsing JSON - ${err.message}`;
+    throw err;
+  }
+  if (!options) throw new Error(`${filepath}: No config detected`);
+  if (typeof options !== "object") {
+    throw new Error(`${filepath}: Config returned typeof ${typeof options}`);
+  }
+  if (Array.isArray(options)) {
+    throw new Error(`${filepath}: Expected config object but found array`);
+  }
+  return {
+    filepath,
+    dirname: _path().dirname(filepath),
+    options
+  };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/files/plugins.js b/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/files/plugins.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8af6e495
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/files/plugins.js
@@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+  value: true
+exports.loadPlugin = loadPlugin;
+exports.loadPreset = loadPreset;
+exports.resolvePlugin = resolvePlugin;
+exports.resolvePreset = resolvePreset;
+function _debug() {
+  const data = require("debug");
+  _debug = function () {
+    return data;
+  };
+  return data;
+function _path() {
+  const data = require("path");
+  _path = function () {
+    return data;
+  };
+  return data;
+function _gensync() {
+  const data = require("gensync");
+  _gensync = function () {
+    return data;
+  };
+  return data;
+var _async = require("../../gensync-utils/async");
+var _moduleTypes = require("./module-types");
+function _url() {
+  const data = require("url");
+  _url = function () {
+    return data;
+  };
+  return data;
+var _importMetaResolve = require("./import-meta-resolve");
+function _module() {
+  const data = require("module");
+  _module = function () {
+    return data;
+  };
+  return data;
+function asyncGeneratorStep(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, key, arg) { try { var info = gen[key](arg); var value = info.value; } catch (error) { reject(error); return; } if (info.done) { resolve(value); } else { Promise.resolve(value).then(_next, _throw); } }
+function _asyncToGenerator(fn) { return function () { var self = this, args = arguments; return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { var gen = fn.apply(self, args); function _next(value) { asyncGeneratorStep(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, "next", value); } function _throw(err) { asyncGeneratorStep(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, "throw", err); } _next(undefined); }); }; }
+const debug = _debug()("babel:config:loading:files:plugins");
+const EXACT_RE = /^module:/;
+const BABEL_PLUGIN_PREFIX_RE = /^(?!@|module:|[^/]+\/|babel-plugin-)/;
+const BABEL_PRESET_PREFIX_RE = /^(?!@|module:|[^/]+\/|babel-preset-)/;
+const BABEL_PLUGIN_ORG_RE = /^(@babel\/)(?!plugin-|[^/]+\/)/;
+const BABEL_PRESET_ORG_RE = /^(@babel\/)(?!preset-|[^/]+\/)/;
+const OTHER_PLUGIN_ORG_RE = /^(@(?!babel\/)[^/]+\/)(?![^/]*babel-plugin(?:-|\/|$)|[^/]+\/)/;
+const OTHER_PRESET_ORG_RE = /^(@(?!babel\/)[^/]+\/)(?![^/]*babel-preset(?:-|\/|$)|[^/]+\/)/;
+const OTHER_ORG_DEFAULT_RE = /^(@(?!babel$)[^/]+)$/;
+function* resolvePlugin(name, dirname) {
+  return yield* resolveStandardizedName("plugin", name, dirname);
+function* resolvePreset(name, dirname) {
+  return yield* resolveStandardizedName("preset", name, dirname);
+function* loadPlugin(name, dirname) {
+  const filepath = yield* resolvePlugin(name, dirname);
+  const value = yield* requireModule("plugin", filepath);
+  debug("Loaded plugin %o from %o.", name, dirname);
+  return {
+    filepath,
+    value
+  };
+function* loadPreset(name, dirname) {
+  const filepath = yield* resolvePreset(name, dirname);
+  const value = yield* requireModule("preset", filepath);
+  debug("Loaded preset %o from %o.", name, dirname);
+  return {
+    filepath,
+    value
+  };
+function standardizeName(type, name) {
+  if (_path().isAbsolute(name)) return name;
+  const isPreset = type === "preset";
+  return name.replace(isPreset ? BABEL_PRESET_PREFIX_RE : BABEL_PLUGIN_PREFIX_RE, `babel-${type}-`).replace(isPreset ? BABEL_PRESET_ORG_RE : BABEL_PLUGIN_ORG_RE, `$1${type}-`).replace(isPreset ? OTHER_PRESET_ORG_RE : OTHER_PLUGIN_ORG_RE, `$1babel-${type}-`).replace(OTHER_ORG_DEFAULT_RE, `$1/babel-${type}`).replace(EXACT_RE, "");
+function* resolveAlternativesHelper(type, name) {
+  const standardizedName = standardizeName(type, name);
+  const {
+    error,
+    value
+  } = yield standardizedName;
+  if (!error) return value;
+  if (error.code !== "MODULE_NOT_FOUND") throw error;
+  if (standardizedName !== name && !(yield name).error) {
+    error.message += `\n- If you want to resolve "${name}", use "module:${name}"`;
+  }
+  if (!(yield standardizeName(type, "@babel/" + name)).error) {
+    error.message += `\n- Did you mean "@babel/${name}"?`;
+  }
+  const oppositeType = type === "preset" ? "plugin" : "preset";
+  if (!(yield standardizeName(oppositeType, name)).error) {
+    error.message += `\n- Did you accidentally pass a ${oppositeType} as a ${type}?`;
+  }
+  throw error;
+function tryRequireResolve(id, {
+  paths: [dirname]
+}) {
+  try {
+    return {
+      error: null,
+      value: (((v, w) => (v = v.split("."), w = w.split("."), +v[0] > +w[0] || v[0] == w[0] && +v[1] >= +w[1]))(process.versions.node, "8.9") ? require.resolve : (r, {
+        paths: [b]
+      }, M = require("module")) => {
+        let f = M._findPath(r, M._nodeModulePaths(b).concat(b));
+        if (f) return f;
+        f = new Error(`Cannot resolve module '${r}'`);
+        f.code = "MODULE_NOT_FOUND";
+        throw f;
+      })(id, {
+        paths: [dirname]
+      })
+    };
+  } catch (error) {
+    return {
+      error,
+      value: null
+    };
+  }
+function tryImportMetaResolve(_x, _x2) {
+  return _tryImportMetaResolve.apply(this, arguments);
+function _tryImportMetaResolve() {
+  _tryImportMetaResolve = _asyncToGenerator(function* (id, options) {
+    try {
+      return {
+        error: null,
+        value: yield (0, _importMetaResolve.default)(id, options)
+      };
+    } catch (error) {
+      return {
+        error,
+        value: null
+      };
+    }
+  });
+  return _tryImportMetaResolve.apply(this, arguments);
+function resolveStandardizedNameForRequrie(type, name, dirname) {
+  const it = resolveAlternativesHelper(type, name);
+  let res = it.next();
+  while (!res.done) {
+    res = it.next(tryRequireResolve(res.value, {
+      paths: [dirname]
+    }));
+  }
+  return res.value;
+function resolveStandardizedNameForImport(_x3, _x4, _x5) {
+  return _resolveStandardizedNameForImport.apply(this, arguments);
+function _resolveStandardizedNameForImport() {
+  _resolveStandardizedNameForImport = _asyncToGenerator(function* (type, name, dirname) {
+    const parentUrl = (0, _url().pathToFileURL)(_path().join(dirname, "./babel-virtual-resolve-base.js")).href;
+    const it = resolveAlternativesHelper(type, name);
+    let res = it.next();
+    while (!res.done) {
+      res = it.next(yield tryImportMetaResolve(res.value, parentUrl));
+    }
+    return (0, _url().fileURLToPath)(res.value);
+  });
+  return _resolveStandardizedNameForImport.apply(this, arguments);
+const resolveStandardizedName = _gensync()({
+  sync(type, name, dirname = process.cwd()) {
+    return resolveStandardizedNameForRequrie(type, name, dirname);
+  },
+  async(type, name, dirname = process.cwd()) {
+    return _asyncToGenerator(function* () {
+      if (!_moduleTypes.supportsESM) {
+        return resolveStandardizedNameForRequrie(type, name, dirname);
+      }
+      try {
+        return yield resolveStandardizedNameForImport(type, name, dirname);
+      } catch (e) {
+        try {
+          return resolveStandardizedNameForRequrie(type, name, dirname);
+        } catch (e2) {
+          if (e.type === "MODULE_NOT_FOUND") throw e;
+          if (e2.type === "MODULE_NOT_FOUND") throw e2;
+          throw e;
+        }
+      }
+    })();
+  }
+  var LOADING_MODULES = new Set();
+function* requireModule(type, name) {
+  {
+    if (!(yield* (0, _async.isAsync)()) && LOADING_MODULES.has(name)) {
+      throw new Error(`Reentrant ${type} detected trying to load "${name}". This module is not ignored ` + "and is trying to load itself while compiling itself, leading to a dependency cycle. " + 'We recommend adding it to your "ignore" list in your babelrc, or to a .babelignore.');
+    }
+  }
+  try {
+    {
+      LOADING_MODULES.add(name);
+    }
+    return yield* (0, _moduleTypes.default)(name, `You appear to be using a native ECMAScript module ${type}, ` + "which is only supported when running Babel asynchronously.", true);
+  } catch (err) {
+    err.message = `[BABEL]: ${err.message} (While processing: ${name})`;
+    throw err;
+  } finally {
+    {
+      LOADING_MODULES.delete(name);
+    }
+  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/files/types.js b/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/files/types.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e69de29b
diff --git a/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/files/utils.js b/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/files/utils.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6da68c0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/files/utils.js
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+  value: true
+exports.makeStaticFileCache = makeStaticFileCache;
+var _caching = require("../caching");
+var fs = require("../../gensync-utils/fs");
+function _fs2() {
+  const data = require("fs");
+  _fs2 = function () {
+    return data;
+  };
+  return data;
+function makeStaticFileCache(fn) {
+  return (0, _caching.makeStrongCache)(function* (filepath, cache) {
+    const cached = cache.invalidate(() => fileMtime(filepath));
+    if (cached === null) {
+      return null;
+    }
+    return fn(filepath, yield* fs.readFile(filepath, "utf8"));
+  });
+function fileMtime(filepath) {
+  if (!_fs2().existsSync(filepath)) return null;
+  try {
+    return +_fs2().statSync(filepath).mtime;
+  } catch (e) {
+    if (e.code !== "ENOENT" && e.code !== "ENOTDIR") throw e;
+  }
+  return null;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/full.js b/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/full.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a583dd69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/full.js
@@ -0,0 +1,338 @@
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+  value: true
+exports.default = void 0;
+function _gensync() {
+  const data = require("gensync");
+  _gensync = function () {
+    return data;
+  };
+  return data;
+var _async = require("../gensync-utils/async");
+var _util = require("./util");
+var context = require("../index");
+var _plugin = require("./plugin");
+var _item = require("./item");
+var _configChain = require("./config-chain");
+function _traverse() {
+  const data = require("@babel/traverse");
+  _traverse = function () {
+    return data;
+  };
+  return data;
+var _caching = require("./caching");
+var _options = require("./validation/options");
+var _plugins = require("./validation/plugins");
+var _configApi = require("./helpers/config-api");
+var _partial = require("./partial");
+var Context = require("./cache-contexts");
+var _default = _gensync()(function* loadFullConfig(inputOpts) {
+  var _opts$assumptions;
+  const result = yield* (0, _partial.default)(inputOpts);
+  if (!result) {
+    return null;
+  }
+  const {
+    options,
+    context,
+    fileHandling
+  } = result;
+  if (fileHandling === "ignored") {
+    return null;
+  }
+  const optionDefaults = {};
+  const {
+    plugins,
+    presets
+  } = options;
+  if (!plugins || !presets) {
+    throw new Error("Assertion failure - plugins and presets exist");
+  }
+  const presetContext = Object.assign({}, context, {
+    targets: options.targets
+  });
+  const toDescriptor = item => {
+    const desc = (0, _item.getItemDescriptor)(item);
+    if (!desc) {
+      throw new Error("Assertion failure - must be config item");
+    }
+    return desc;
+  };
+  const presetsDescriptors = presets.map(toDescriptor);
+  const initialPluginsDescriptors = plugins.map(toDescriptor);
+  const pluginDescriptorsByPass = [[]];
+  const passes = [];
+  const ignored = yield* enhanceError(context, function* recursePresetDescriptors(rawPresets, pluginDescriptorsPass) {
+    const presets = [];
+    for (let i = 0; i < rawPresets.length; i++) {
+      const descriptor = rawPresets[i];
+      if (descriptor.options !== false) {
+        try {
+          if (descriptor.ownPass) {
+            presets.push({
+              preset: yield* loadPresetDescriptor(descriptor, presetContext),
+              pass: []
+            });
+          } else {
+            presets.unshift({
+              preset: yield* loadPresetDescriptor(descriptor, presetContext),
+              pass: pluginDescriptorsPass
+            });
+          }
+        } catch (e) {
+          if (e.code === "BABEL_UNKNOWN_OPTION") {
+            (0, _options.checkNoUnwrappedItemOptionPairs)(rawPresets, i, "preset", e);
+          }
+          throw e;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    if (presets.length > 0) {
+      pluginDescriptorsByPass.splice(1, 0, ...presets.map(o => o.pass).filter(p => p !== pluginDescriptorsPass));
+      for (const {
+        preset,
+        pass
+      } of presets) {
+        if (!preset) return true;
+        pass.push(...preset.plugins);
+        const ignored = yield* recursePresetDescriptors(preset.presets, pass);
+        if (ignored) return true;
+        preset.options.forEach(opts => {
+          (0, _util.mergeOptions)(optionDefaults, opts);
+        });
+      }
+    }
+  })(presetsDescriptors, pluginDescriptorsByPass[0]);
+  if (ignored) return null;
+  const opts = optionDefaults;
+  (0, _util.mergeOptions)(opts, options);
+  const pluginContext = Object.assign({}, presetContext, {
+    assumptions: (_opts$assumptions = opts.assumptions) != null ? _opts$assumptions : {}
+  });
+  yield* enhanceError(context, function* loadPluginDescriptors() {
+    pluginDescriptorsByPass[0].unshift(...initialPluginsDescriptors);
+    for (const descs of pluginDescriptorsByPass) {
+      const pass = [];
+      passes.push(pass);
+      for (let i = 0; i < descs.length; i++) {
+        const descriptor = descs[i];
+        if (descriptor.options !== false) {
+          try {
+            pass.push(yield* loadPluginDescriptor(descriptor, pluginContext));
+          } catch (e) {
+            if (e.code === "BABEL_UNKNOWN_PLUGIN_PROPERTY") {
+              (0, _options.checkNoUnwrappedItemOptionPairs)(descs, i, "plugin", e);
+            }
+            throw e;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  })();
+  opts.plugins = passes[0];
+  opts.presets = passes.slice(1).filter(plugins => plugins.length > 0).map(plugins => ({
+    plugins
+  }));
+  opts.passPerPreset = opts.presets.length > 0;
+  return {
+    options: opts,
+    passes: passes
+  };
+exports.default = _default;
+function enhanceError(context, fn) {
+  return function* (arg1, arg2) {
+    try {
+      return yield* fn(arg1, arg2);
+    } catch (e) {
+      if (!/^\[BABEL\]/.test(e.message)) {
+        e.message = `[BABEL] ${context.filename || "unknown"}: ${e.message}`;
+      }
+      throw e;
+    }
+  };
+const makeDescriptorLoader = apiFactory => (0, _caching.makeWeakCache)(function* ({
+  value,
+  options,
+  dirname,
+  alias
+}, cache) {
+  if (options === false) throw new Error("Assertion failure");
+  options = options || {};
+  let item = value;
+  if (typeof value === "function") {
+    const factory = (0, _async.maybeAsync)(value, `You appear to be using an async plugin/preset, but Babel has been called synchronously`);
+    const api = Object.assign({}, context, apiFactory(cache));
+    try {
+      item = yield* factory(api, options, dirname);
+    } catch (e) {
+      if (alias) {
+        e.message += ` (While processing: ${JSON.stringify(alias)})`;
+      }
+      throw e;
+    }
+  }
+  if (!item || typeof item !== "object") {
+    throw new Error("Plugin/Preset did not return an object.");
+  }
+  if ((0, _async.isThenable)(item)) {
+    yield* [];
+    throw new Error(`You appear to be using a promise as a plugin, ` + `which your current version of Babel does not support. ` + `If you're using a published plugin, ` + `you may need to upgrade your @babel/core version. ` + `As an alternative, you can prefix the promise with "await". ` + `(While processing: ${JSON.stringify(alias)})`);
+  }
+  return {
+    value: item,
+    options,
+    dirname,
+    alias
+  };
+const pluginDescriptorLoader = makeDescriptorLoader(_configApi.makePluginAPI);
+const presetDescriptorLoader = makeDescriptorLoader(_configApi.makePresetAPI);
+function* loadPluginDescriptor(descriptor, context) {
+  if (descriptor.value instanceof _plugin.default) {
+    if (descriptor.options) {
+      throw new Error("Passed options to an existing Plugin instance will not work.");
+    }
+    return descriptor.value;
+  }
+  return yield* instantiatePlugin(yield* pluginDescriptorLoader(descriptor, context), context);
+const instantiatePlugin = (0, _caching.makeWeakCache)(function* ({
+  value,
+  options,
+  dirname,
+  alias
+}, cache) {
+  const pluginObj = (0, _plugins.validatePluginObject)(value);
+  const plugin = Object.assign({}, pluginObj);
+  if (plugin.visitor) {
+    plugin.visitor = _traverse().default.explode(Object.assign({}, plugin.visitor));
+  }
+  if (plugin.inherits) {
+    const inheritsDescriptor = {
+      name: undefined,
+      alias: `${alias}$inherits`,
+      value: plugin.inherits,
+      options,
+      dirname
+    };
+    const inherits = yield* (0, _async.forwardAsync)(loadPluginDescriptor, run => {
+      return cache.invalidate(data => run(inheritsDescriptor, data));
+    });
+    plugin.pre = chain(inherits.pre, plugin.pre);
+    plugin.post = chain(inherits.post, plugin.post);
+    plugin.manipulateOptions = chain(inherits.manipulateOptions, plugin.manipulateOptions);
+    plugin.visitor = _traverse().default.visitors.merge([inherits.visitor || {}, plugin.visitor || {}]);
+  }
+  return new _plugin.default(plugin, options, alias);
+const validateIfOptionNeedsFilename = (options, descriptor) => {
+  if (options.test || options.include || options.exclude) {
+    const formattedPresetName = descriptor.name ? `"${descriptor.name}"` : "/* your preset */";
+    throw new Error([`Preset ${formattedPresetName} requires a filename to be set when babel is called directly,`, `\`\`\``, `babel.transform(code, { filename: 'file.ts', presets: [${formattedPresetName}] });`, `\`\`\``, `See https://babeljs.io/docs/en/options#filename for more information.`].join("\n"));
+  }
+const validatePreset = (preset, context, descriptor) => {
+  if (!context.filename) {
+    const {
+      options
+    } = preset;
+    validateIfOptionNeedsFilename(options, descriptor);
+    if (options.overrides) {
+      options.overrides.forEach(overrideOptions => validateIfOptionNeedsFilename(overrideOptions, descriptor));
+    }
+  }
+function* loadPresetDescriptor(descriptor, context) {
+  const preset = instantiatePreset(yield* presetDescriptorLoader(descriptor, context));
+  validatePreset(preset, context, descriptor);
+  return yield* (0, _configChain.buildPresetChain)(preset, context);
+const instantiatePreset = (0, _caching.makeWeakCacheSync)(({
+  value,
+  dirname,
+  alias
+}) => {
+  return {
+    options: (0, _options.validate)("preset", value),
+    alias,
+    dirname
+  };
+function chain(a, b) {
+  const fns = [a, b].filter(Boolean);
+  if (fns.length <= 1) return fns[0];
+  return function (...args) {
+    for (const fn of fns) {
+      fn.apply(this, args);
+    }
+  };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/helpers/config-api.js b/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/helpers/config-api.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f1a27629
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/helpers/config-api.js
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+  value: true
+exports.makeConfigAPI = makeConfigAPI;
+exports.makePluginAPI = makePluginAPI;
+exports.makePresetAPI = makePresetAPI;
+function _semver() {
+  const data = require("semver");
+  _semver = function () {
+    return data;
+  };
+  return data;
+var _ = require("../../");
+var _caching = require("../caching");
+var Context = require("../cache-contexts");
+function makeConfigAPI(cache) {
+  const env = value => cache.using(data => {
+    if (typeof value === "undefined") return data.envName;
+    if (typeof value === "function") {
+      return (0, _caching.assertSimpleType)(value(data.envName));
+    }
+    if (!Array.isArray(value)) value = [value];
+    return value.some(entry => {
+      if (typeof entry !== "string") {
+        throw new Error("Unexpected non-string value");
+      }
+      return entry === data.envName;
+    });
+  });
+  const caller = cb => cache.using(data => (0, _caching.assertSimpleType)(cb(data.caller)));
+  return {
+    version: _.version,
+    cache: cache.simple(),
+    env,
+    async: () => false,
+    caller,
+    assertVersion
+  };
+function makePresetAPI(cache) {
+  const targets = () => JSON.parse(cache.using(data => JSON.stringify(data.targets)));
+  return Object.assign({}, makeConfigAPI(cache), {
+    targets
+  });
+function makePluginAPI(cache) {
+  const assumption = name => cache.using(data => data.assumptions[name]);
+  return Object.assign({}, makePresetAPI(cache), {
+    assumption
+  });
+function assertVersion(range) {
+  if (typeof range === "number") {
+    if (!Number.isInteger(range)) {
+      throw new Error("Expected string or integer value.");
+    }
+    range = `^${range}.0.0-0`;
+  }
+  if (typeof range !== "string") {
+    throw new Error("Expected string or integer value.");
+  }
+  if (_semver().satisfies(_.version, range)) return;
+  const limit = Error.stackTraceLimit;
+  if (typeof limit === "number" && limit < 25) {
+    Error.stackTraceLimit = 25;
+  }
+  const err = new Error(`Requires Babel "${range}", but was loaded with "${_.version}". ` + `If you are sure you have a compatible version of @babel/core, ` + `it is likely that something in your build process is loading the ` + `wrong version. Inspect the stack trace of this error to look for ` + `the first entry that doesn't mention "@babel/core" or "babel-core" ` + `to see what is calling Babel.`);
+  if (typeof limit === "number") {
+    Error.stackTraceLimit = limit;
+  }
+  throw Object.assign(err, {
+    version: _.version,
+    range
+  });
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/helpers/environment.js b/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/helpers/environment.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e4bfdbc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/helpers/environment.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+  value: true
+exports.getEnv = getEnv;
+function getEnv(defaultValue = "development") {
+  return process.env.BABEL_ENV || process.env.NODE_ENV || defaultValue;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/index.js b/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..696850db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+  value: true
+exports.createConfigItem = createConfigItem;
+exports.createConfigItemSync = exports.createConfigItemAsync = void 0;
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "default", {
+  enumerable: true,
+  get: function () {
+    return _full.default;
+  }
+exports.loadPartialConfigSync = exports.loadPartialConfigAsync = exports.loadPartialConfig = exports.loadOptionsSync = exports.loadOptionsAsync = exports.loadOptions = void 0;
+function _gensync() {
+  const data = require("gensync");
+  _gensync = function () {
+    return data;
+  };
+  return data;
+var _full = require("./full");
+var _partial = require("./partial");
+var _item = require("./item");
+const loadOptionsRunner = _gensync()(function* (opts) {
+  var _config$options;
+  const config = yield* (0, _full.default)(opts);
+  return (_config$options = config == null ? void 0 : config.options) != null ? _config$options : null;
+const createConfigItemRunner = _gensync()(_item.createConfigItem);
+const maybeErrback = runner => (opts, callback) => {
+  if (callback === undefined && typeof opts === "function") {
+    callback = opts;
+    opts = undefined;
+  }
+  return callback ? runner.errback(opts, callback) : runner.sync(opts);
+const loadPartialConfig = maybeErrback(_partial.loadPartialConfig);
+exports.loadPartialConfig = loadPartialConfig;
+const loadPartialConfigSync = _partial.loadPartialConfig.sync;
+exports.loadPartialConfigSync = loadPartialConfigSync;
+const loadPartialConfigAsync = _partial.loadPartialConfig.async;
+exports.loadPartialConfigAsync = loadPartialConfigAsync;
+const loadOptions = maybeErrback(loadOptionsRunner);
+exports.loadOptions = loadOptions;
+const loadOptionsSync = loadOptionsRunner.sync;
+exports.loadOptionsSync = loadOptionsSync;
+const loadOptionsAsync = loadOptionsRunner.async;
+exports.loadOptionsAsync = loadOptionsAsync;
+const createConfigItemSync = createConfigItemRunner.sync;
+exports.createConfigItemSync = createConfigItemSync;
+const createConfigItemAsync = createConfigItemRunner.async;
+exports.createConfigItemAsync = createConfigItemAsync;
+function createConfigItem(target, options, callback) {
+  if (callback !== undefined) {
+    return createConfigItemRunner.errback(target, options, callback);
+  } else if (typeof options === "function") {
+    return createConfigItemRunner.errback(target, undefined, callback);
+  } else {
+    return createConfigItemRunner.sync(target, options);
+  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/item.js b/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/item.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..23803546
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/item.js
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+  value: true
+exports.createConfigItem = createConfigItem;
+exports.createItemFromDescriptor = createItemFromDescriptor;
+exports.getItemDescriptor = getItemDescriptor;
+function _path() {
+  const data = require("path");
+  _path = function () {
+    return data;
+  };
+  return data;
+var _configDescriptors = require("./config-descriptors");
+function createItemFromDescriptor(desc) {
+  return new ConfigItem(desc);
+function* createConfigItem(value, {
+  dirname = ".",
+  type
+} = {}) {
+  const descriptor = yield* (0, _configDescriptors.createDescriptor)(value, _path().resolve(dirname), {
+    type,
+    alias: "programmatic item"
+  });
+  return createItemFromDescriptor(descriptor);
+function getItemDescriptor(item) {
+  if (item != null && item[CONFIG_ITEM_BRAND]) {
+    return item._descriptor;
+  }
+  return undefined;
+const CONFIG_ITEM_BRAND = Symbol.for("@babel/core@7 - ConfigItem");
+class ConfigItem {
+  constructor(descriptor) {
+    this._descriptor = void 0;
+    this[CONFIG_ITEM_BRAND] = true;
+    this.value = void 0;
+    this.options = void 0;
+    this.dirname = void 0;
+    this.name = void 0;
+    this.file = void 0;
+    this._descriptor = descriptor;
+    Object.defineProperty(this, "_descriptor", {
+      enumerable: false
+    });
+    Object.defineProperty(this, CONFIG_ITEM_BRAND, {
+      enumerable: false
+    });
+    this.value = this._descriptor.value;
+    this.options = this._descriptor.options;
+    this.dirname = this._descriptor.dirname;
+    this.name = this._descriptor.name;
+    this.file = this._descriptor.file ? {
+      request: this._descriptor.file.request,
+      resolved: this._descriptor.file.resolved
+    } : undefined;
+    Object.freeze(this);
+  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/partial.js b/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/partial.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e8c52e10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/partial.js
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+  value: true
+exports.default = loadPrivatePartialConfig;
+exports.loadPartialConfig = void 0;
+function _path() {
+  const data = require("path");
+  _path = function () {
+    return data;
+  };
+  return data;
+function _gensync() {
+  const data = require("gensync");
+  _gensync = function () {
+    return data;
+  };
+  return data;
+var _plugin = require("./plugin");
+var _util = require("./util");
+var _item = require("./item");
+var _configChain = require("./config-chain");
+var _environment = require("./helpers/environment");
+var _options = require("./validation/options");
+var _files = require("./files");
+var _resolveTargets = require("./resolve-targets");
+const _excluded = ["showIgnoredFiles"];
+function _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(source, excluded) { if (source == null) return {}; var target = {}; var sourceKeys = Object.keys(source); var key, i; for (i = 0; i < sourceKeys.length; i++) { key = sourceKeys[i]; if (excluded.indexOf(key) >= 0) continue; target[key] = source[key]; } return target; }
+function resolveRootMode(rootDir, rootMode) {
+  switch (rootMode) {
+    case "root":
+      return rootDir;
+    case "upward-optional":
+      {
+        const upwardRootDir = (0, _files.findConfigUpwards)(rootDir);
+        return upwardRootDir === null ? rootDir : upwardRootDir;
+      }
+    case "upward":
+      {
+        const upwardRootDir = (0, _files.findConfigUpwards)(rootDir);
+        if (upwardRootDir !== null) return upwardRootDir;
+        throw Object.assign(new Error(`Babel was run with rootMode:"upward" but a root could not ` + `be found when searching upward from "${rootDir}".\n` + `One of the following config files must be in the directory tree: ` + `"${_files.ROOT_CONFIG_FILENAMES.join(", ")}".`), {
+          code: "BABEL_ROOT_NOT_FOUND",
+          dirname: rootDir
+        });
+      }
+    default:
+      throw new Error(`Assertion failure - unknown rootMode value.`);
+  }
+function* loadPrivatePartialConfig(inputOpts) {
+  if (inputOpts != null && (typeof inputOpts !== "object" || Array.isArray(inputOpts))) {
+    throw new Error("Babel options must be an object, null, or undefined");
+  }
+  const args = inputOpts ? (0, _options.validate)("arguments", inputOpts) : {};
+  const {
+    envName = (0, _environment.getEnv)(),
+    cwd = ".",
+    root: rootDir = ".",
+    rootMode = "root",
+    caller,
+    cloneInputAst = true
+  } = args;
+  const absoluteCwd = _path().resolve(cwd);
+  const absoluteRootDir = resolveRootMode(_path().resolve(absoluteCwd, rootDir), rootMode);
+  const filename = typeof args.filename === "string" ? _path().resolve(cwd, args.filename) : undefined;
+  const showConfigPath = yield* (0, _files.resolveShowConfigPath)(absoluteCwd);
+  const context = {
+    filename,
+    cwd: absoluteCwd,
+    root: absoluteRootDir,
+    envName,
+    caller,
+    showConfig: showConfigPath === filename
+  };
+  const configChain = yield* (0, _configChain.buildRootChain)(args, context);
+  if (!configChain) return null;
+  const merged = {
+    assumptions: {}
+  };
+  configChain.options.forEach(opts => {
+    (0, _util.mergeOptions)(merged, opts);
+  });
+  const options = Object.assign({}, merged, {
+    targets: (0, _resolveTargets.resolveTargets)(merged, absoluteRootDir),
+    cloneInputAst,
+    babelrc: false,
+    configFile: false,
+    browserslistConfigFile: false,
+    passPerPreset: false,
+    envName: context.envName,
+    cwd: context.cwd,
+    root: context.root,
+    rootMode: "root",
+    filename: typeof context.filename === "string" ? context.filename : undefined,
+    plugins: configChain.plugins.map(descriptor => (0, _item.createItemFromDescriptor)(descriptor)),
+    presets: configChain.presets.map(descriptor => (0, _item.createItemFromDescriptor)(descriptor))
+  });
+  return {
+    options,
+    context,
+    fileHandling: configChain.fileHandling,
+    ignore: configChain.ignore,
+    babelrc: configChain.babelrc,
+    config: configChain.config,
+    files: configChain.files
+  };
+const loadPartialConfig = _gensync()(function* (opts) {
+  let showIgnoredFiles = false;
+  if (typeof opts === "object" && opts !== null && !Array.isArray(opts)) {
+    var _opts = opts;
+    ({
+      showIgnoredFiles
+    } = _opts);
+    opts = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(_opts, _excluded);
+    _opts;
+  }
+  const result = yield* loadPrivatePartialConfig(opts);
+  if (!result) return null;
+  const {
+    options,
+    babelrc,
+    ignore,
+    config,
+    fileHandling,
+    files
+  } = result;
+  if (fileHandling === "ignored" && !showIgnoredFiles) {
+    return null;
+  }
+  (options.plugins || []).forEach(item => {
+    if (item.value instanceof _plugin.default) {
+      throw new Error("Passing cached plugin instances is not supported in " + "babel.loadPartialConfig()");
+    }
+  });
+  return new PartialConfig(options, babelrc ? babelrc.filepath : undefined, ignore ? ignore.filepath : undefined, config ? config.filepath : undefined, fileHandling, files);
+exports.loadPartialConfig = loadPartialConfig;
+class PartialConfig {
+  constructor(options, babelrc, ignore, config, fileHandling, files) {
+    this.options = void 0;
+    this.babelrc = void 0;
+    this.babelignore = void 0;
+    this.config = void 0;
+    this.fileHandling = void 0;
+    this.files = void 0;
+    this.options = options;
+    this.babelignore = ignore;
+    this.babelrc = babelrc;
+    this.config = config;
+    this.fileHandling = fileHandling;
+    this.files = files;
+    Object.freeze(this);
+  }
+  hasFilesystemConfig() {
+    return this.babelrc !== undefined || this.config !== undefined;
+  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/pattern-to-regex.js b/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/pattern-to-regex.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ec5db8fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/pattern-to-regex.js
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+  value: true
+exports.default = pathToPattern;
+function _path() {
+  const data = require("path");
+  _path = function () {
+    return data;
+  };
+  return data;
+const sep = `\\${_path().sep}`;
+const endSep = `(?:${sep}|$)`;
+const substitution = `[^${sep}]+`;
+const starPat = `(?:${substitution}${sep})`;
+const starPatLast = `(?:${substitution}${endSep})`;
+const starStarPat = `${starPat}*?`;
+const starStarPatLast = `${starPat}*?${starPatLast}?`;
+function escapeRegExp(string) {
+  return string.replace(/[|\\{}()[\]^$+*?.]/g, "\\$&");
+function pathToPattern(pattern, dirname) {
+  const parts = _path().resolve(dirname, pattern).split(_path().sep);
+  return new RegExp(["^", ...parts.map((part, i) => {
+    const last = i === parts.length - 1;
+    if (part === "**") return last ? starStarPatLast : starStarPat;
+    if (part === "*") return last ? starPatLast : starPat;
+    if (part.indexOf("*.") === 0) {
+      return substitution + escapeRegExp(part.slice(1)) + (last ? endSep : sep);
+    }
+    return escapeRegExp(part) + (last ? endSep : sep);
+  })].join(""));
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/plugin.js b/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/plugin.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9cb1656b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/plugin.js
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+  value: true
+exports.default = void 0;
+class Plugin {
+  constructor(plugin, options, key) {
+    this.key = void 0;
+    this.manipulateOptions = void 0;
+    this.post = void 0;
+    this.pre = void 0;
+    this.visitor = void 0;
+    this.parserOverride = void 0;
+    this.generatorOverride = void 0;
+    this.options = void 0;
+    this.key = plugin.name || key;
+    this.manipulateOptions = plugin.manipulateOptions;
+    this.post = plugin.post;
+    this.pre = plugin.pre;
+    this.visitor = plugin.visitor || {};
+    this.parserOverride = plugin.parserOverride;
+    this.generatorOverride = plugin.generatorOverride;
+    this.options = options;
+  }
+exports.default = Plugin;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/printer.js b/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/printer.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..229fd9a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/printer.js
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+  value: true
+exports.ConfigPrinter = exports.ChainFormatter = void 0;
+function _gensync() {
+  const data = require("gensync");
+  _gensync = function () {
+    return data;
+  };
+  return data;
+const ChainFormatter = {
+  Programmatic: 0,
+  Config: 1
+exports.ChainFormatter = ChainFormatter;
+const Formatter = {
+  title(type, callerName, filepath) {
+    let title = "";
+    if (type === ChainFormatter.Programmatic) {
+      title = "programmatic options";
+      if (callerName) {
+        title += " from " + callerName;
+      }
+    } else {
+      title = "config " + filepath;
+    }
+    return title;
+  },
+  loc(index, envName) {
+    let loc = "";
+    if (index != null) {
+      loc += `.overrides[${index}]`;
+    }
+    if (envName != null) {
+      loc += `.env["${envName}"]`;
+    }
+    return loc;
+  },
+  *optionsAndDescriptors(opt) {
+    const content = Object.assign({}, opt.options);
+    delete content.overrides;
+    delete content.env;
+    const pluginDescriptors = [...(yield* opt.plugins())];
+    if (pluginDescriptors.length) {
+      content.plugins = pluginDescriptors.map(d => descriptorToConfig(d));
+    }
+    const presetDescriptors = [...(yield* opt.presets())];
+    if (presetDescriptors.length) {
+      content.presets = [...presetDescriptors].map(d => descriptorToConfig(d));
+    }
+    return JSON.stringify(content, undefined, 2);
+  }
+function descriptorToConfig(d) {
+  var _d$file;
+  let name = (_d$file = d.file) == null ? void 0 : _d$file.request;
+  if (name == null) {
+    if (typeof d.value === "object") {
+      name = d.value;
+    } else if (typeof d.value === "function") {
+      name = `[Function: ${d.value.toString().substr(0, 50)} ... ]`;
+    }
+  }
+  if (name == null) {
+    name = "[Unknown]";
+  }
+  if (d.options === undefined) {
+    return name;
+  } else if (d.name == null) {
+    return [name, d.options];
+  } else {
+    return [name, d.options, d.name];
+  }
+class ConfigPrinter {
+  constructor() {
+    this._stack = [];
+  }
+  configure(enabled, type, {
+    callerName,
+    filepath
+  }) {
+    if (!enabled) return () => {};
+    return (content, index, envName) => {
+      this._stack.push({
+        type,
+        callerName,
+        filepath,
+        content,
+        index,
+        envName
+      });
+    };
+  }
+  static *format(config) {
+    let title = Formatter.title(config.type, config.callerName, config.filepath);
+    const loc = Formatter.loc(config.index, config.envName);
+    if (loc) title += ` ${loc}`;
+    const content = yield* Formatter.optionsAndDescriptors(config.content);
+    return `${title}\n${content}`;
+  }
+  *output() {
+    if (this._stack.length === 0) return "";
+    const configs = yield* _gensync().all(this._stack.map(s => ConfigPrinter.format(s)));
+    return configs.join("\n\n");
+  }
+exports.ConfigPrinter = ConfigPrinter;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/resolve-targets-browser.js b/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/resolve-targets-browser.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cc4e5180
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/resolve-targets-browser.js
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+  value: true
+exports.resolveBrowserslistConfigFile = resolveBrowserslistConfigFile;
+exports.resolveTargets = resolveTargets;
+function _helperCompilationTargets() {
+  const data = require("@babel/helper-compilation-targets");
+  _helperCompilationTargets = function () {
+    return data;
+  };
+  return data;
+function resolveBrowserslistConfigFile(browserslistConfigFile, configFilePath) {
+  return undefined;
+function resolveTargets(options, root) {
+  let targets = options.targets;
+  if (typeof targets === "string" || Array.isArray(targets)) {
+    targets = {
+      browsers: targets
+    };
+  }
+  if (targets && targets.esmodules) {
+    targets = Object.assign({}, targets, {
+      esmodules: "intersect"
+    });
+  }
+  return (0, _helperCompilationTargets().default)(targets, {
+    ignoreBrowserslistConfig: true,
+    browserslistEnv: options.browserslistEnv
+  });
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/resolve-targets.js b/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/resolve-targets.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..973e3d57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/resolve-targets.js
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+  value: true
+exports.resolveBrowserslistConfigFile = resolveBrowserslistConfigFile;
+exports.resolveTargets = resolveTargets;
+function _path() {
+  const data = require("path");
+  _path = function () {
+    return data;
+  };
+  return data;
+function _helperCompilationTargets() {
+  const data = require("@babel/helper-compilation-targets");
+  _helperCompilationTargets = function () {
+    return data;
+  };
+  return data;
+function resolveBrowserslistConfigFile(browserslistConfigFile, configFileDir) {
+  return _path().resolve(configFileDir, browserslistConfigFile);
+function resolveTargets(options, root) {
+  let targets = options.targets;
+  if (typeof targets === "string" || Array.isArray(targets)) {
+    targets = {
+      browsers: targets
+    };
+  }
+  if (targets && targets.esmodules) {
+    targets = Object.assign({}, targets, {
+      esmodules: "intersect"
+    });
+  }
+  const {
+    browserslistConfigFile
+  } = options;
+  let configFile;
+  let ignoreBrowserslistConfig = false;
+  if (typeof browserslistConfigFile === "string") {
+    configFile = browserslistConfigFile;
+  } else {
+    ignoreBrowserslistConfig = browserslistConfigFile === false;
+  }
+  return (0, _helperCompilationTargets().default)(targets, {
+    ignoreBrowserslistConfig,
+    configFile,
+    configPath: root,
+    browserslistEnv: options.browserslistEnv
+  });
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/util.js b/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/util.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1fc2d3d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/util.js
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+  value: true
+exports.isIterableIterator = isIterableIterator;
+exports.mergeOptions = mergeOptions;
+function mergeOptions(target, source) {
+  for (const k of Object.keys(source)) {
+    if ((k === "parserOpts" || k === "generatorOpts" || k === "assumptions") && source[k]) {
+      const parserOpts = source[k];
+      const targetObj = target[k] || (target[k] = {});
+      mergeDefaultFields(targetObj, parserOpts);
+    } else {
+      const val = source[k];
+      if (val !== undefined) target[k] = val;
+    }
+  }
+function mergeDefaultFields(target, source) {
+  for (const k of Object.keys(source)) {
+    const val = source[k];
+    if (val !== undefined) target[k] = val;
+  }
+function isIterableIterator(value) {
+  return !!value && typeof value.next === "function" && typeof value[Symbol.iterator] === "function";
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/validation/option-assertions.js b/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/validation/option-assertions.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9a0b4a47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/validation/option-assertions.js
@@ -0,0 +1,352 @@
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+  value: true
+exports.access = access;
+exports.assertArray = assertArray;
+exports.assertAssumptions = assertAssumptions;
+exports.assertBabelrcSearch = assertBabelrcSearch;
+exports.assertBoolean = assertBoolean;
+exports.assertCallerMetadata = assertCallerMetadata;
+exports.assertCompact = assertCompact;
+exports.assertConfigApplicableTest = assertConfigApplicableTest;
+exports.assertConfigFileSearch = assertConfigFileSearch;
+exports.assertFunction = assertFunction;
+exports.assertIgnoreList = assertIgnoreList;
+exports.assertInputSourceMap = assertInputSourceMap;
+exports.assertObject = assertObject;
+exports.assertPluginList = assertPluginList;
+exports.assertRootMode = assertRootMode;
+exports.assertSourceMaps = assertSourceMaps;
+exports.assertSourceType = assertSourceType;
+exports.assertString = assertString;
+exports.assertTargets = assertTargets;
+exports.msg = msg;
+function _helperCompilationTargets() {
+  const data = require("@babel/helper-compilation-targets");
+  _helperCompilationTargets = function () {
+    return data;
+  };
+  return data;
+var _options = require("./options");
+function msg(loc) {
+  switch (loc.type) {
+    case "root":
+      return ``;
+    case "env":
+      return `${msg(loc.parent)}.env["${loc.name}"]`;
+    case "overrides":
+      return `${msg(loc.parent)}.overrides[${loc.index}]`;
+    case "option":
+      return `${msg(loc.parent)}.${loc.name}`;
+    case "access":
+      return `${msg(loc.parent)}[${JSON.stringify(loc.name)}]`;
+    default:
+      throw new Error(`Assertion failure: Unknown type ${loc.type}`);
+  }
+function access(loc, name) {
+  return {
+    type: "access",
+    name,
+    parent: loc
+  };
+function assertRootMode(loc, value) {
+  if (value !== undefined && value !== "root" && value !== "upward" && value !== "upward-optional") {
+    throw new Error(`${msg(loc)} must be a "root", "upward", "upward-optional" or undefined`);
+  }
+  return value;
+function assertSourceMaps(loc, value) {
+  if (value !== undefined && typeof value !== "boolean" && value !== "inline" && value !== "both") {
+    throw new Error(`${msg(loc)} must be a boolean, "inline", "both", or undefined`);
+  }
+  return value;
+function assertCompact(loc, value) {
+  if (value !== undefined && typeof value !== "boolean" && value !== "auto") {
+    throw new Error(`${msg(loc)} must be a boolean, "auto", or undefined`);
+  }
+  return value;
+function assertSourceType(loc, value) {
+  if (value !== undefined && value !== "module" && value !== "script" && value !== "unambiguous") {
+    throw new Error(`${msg(loc)} must be "module", "script", "unambiguous", or undefined`);
+  }
+  return value;
+function assertCallerMetadata(loc, value) {
+  const obj = assertObject(loc, value);
+  if (obj) {
+    if (typeof obj.name !== "string") {
+      throw new Error(`${msg(loc)} set but does not contain "name" property string`);
+    }
+    for (const prop of Object.keys(obj)) {
+      const propLoc = access(loc, prop);
+      const value = obj[prop];
+      if (value != null && typeof value !== "boolean" && typeof value !== "string" && typeof value !== "number") {
+        throw new Error(`${msg(propLoc)} must be null, undefined, a boolean, a string, or a number.`);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return value;
+function assertInputSourceMap(loc, value) {
+  if (value !== undefined && typeof value !== "boolean" && (typeof value !== "object" || !value)) {
+    throw new Error(`${msg(loc)} must be a boolean, object, or undefined`);
+  }
+  return value;
+function assertString(loc, value) {
+  if (value !== undefined && typeof value !== "string") {
+    throw new Error(`${msg(loc)} must be a string, or undefined`);
+  }
+  return value;
+function assertFunction(loc, value) {
+  if (value !== undefined && typeof value !== "function") {
+    throw new Error(`${msg(loc)} must be a function, or undefined`);
+  }
+  return value;
+function assertBoolean(loc, value) {
+  if (value !== undefined && typeof value !== "boolean") {
+    throw new Error(`${msg(loc)} must be a boolean, or undefined`);
+  }
+  return value;
+function assertObject(loc, value) {
+  if (value !== undefined && (typeof value !== "object" || Array.isArray(value) || !value)) {
+    throw new Error(`${msg(loc)} must be an object, or undefined`);
+  }
+  return value;
+function assertArray(loc, value) {
+  if (value != null && !Array.isArray(value)) {
+    throw new Error(`${msg(loc)} must be an array, or undefined`);
+  }
+  return value;
+function assertIgnoreList(loc, value) {
+  const arr = assertArray(loc, value);
+  if (arr) {
+    arr.forEach((item, i) => assertIgnoreItem(access(loc, i), item));
+  }
+  return arr;
+function assertIgnoreItem(loc, value) {
+  if (typeof value !== "string" && typeof value !== "function" && !(value instanceof RegExp)) {
+    throw new Error(`${msg(loc)} must be an array of string/Function/RegExp values, or undefined`);
+  }
+  return value;
+function assertConfigApplicableTest(loc, value) {
+  if (value === undefined) return value;
+  if (Array.isArray(value)) {
+    value.forEach((item, i) => {
+      if (!checkValidTest(item)) {
+        throw new Error(`${msg(access(loc, i))} must be a string/Function/RegExp.`);
+      }
+    });
+  } else if (!checkValidTest(value)) {
+    throw new Error(`${msg(loc)} must be a string/Function/RegExp, or an array of those`);
+  }
+  return value;
+function checkValidTest(value) {
+  return typeof value === "string" || typeof value === "function" || value instanceof RegExp;
+function assertConfigFileSearch(loc, value) {
+  if (value !== undefined && typeof value !== "boolean" && typeof value !== "string") {
+    throw new Error(`${msg(loc)} must be a undefined, a boolean, a string, ` + `got ${JSON.stringify(value)}`);
+  }
+  return value;
+function assertBabelrcSearch(loc, value) {
+  if (value === undefined || typeof value === "boolean") return value;
+  if (Array.isArray(value)) {
+    value.forEach((item, i) => {
+      if (!checkValidTest(item)) {
+        throw new Error(`${msg(access(loc, i))} must be a string/Function/RegExp.`);
+      }
+    });
+  } else if (!checkValidTest(value)) {
+    throw new Error(`${msg(loc)} must be a undefined, a boolean, a string/Function/RegExp ` + `or an array of those, got ${JSON.stringify(value)}`);
+  }
+  return value;
+function assertPluginList(loc, value) {
+  const arr = assertArray(loc, value);
+  if (arr) {
+    arr.forEach((item, i) => assertPluginItem(access(loc, i), item));
+  }
+  return arr;
+function assertPluginItem(loc, value) {
+  if (Array.isArray(value)) {
+    if (value.length === 0) {
+      throw new Error(`${msg(loc)} must include an object`);
+    }
+    if (value.length > 3) {
+      throw new Error(`${msg(loc)} may only be a two-tuple or three-tuple`);
+    }
+    assertPluginTarget(access(loc, 0), value[0]);
+    if (value.length > 1) {
+      const opts = value[1];
+      if (opts !== undefined && opts !== false && (typeof opts !== "object" || Array.isArray(opts) || opts === null)) {
+        throw new Error(`${msg(access(loc, 1))} must be an object, false, or undefined`);
+      }
+    }
+    if (value.length === 3) {
+      const name = value[2];
+      if (name !== undefined && typeof name !== "string") {
+        throw new Error(`${msg(access(loc, 2))} must be a string, or undefined`);
+      }
+    }
+  } else {
+    assertPluginTarget(loc, value);
+  }
+  return value;
+function assertPluginTarget(loc, value) {
+  if ((typeof value !== "object" || !value) && typeof value !== "string" && typeof value !== "function") {
+    throw new Error(`${msg(loc)} must be a string, object, function`);
+  }
+  return value;
+function assertTargets(loc, value) {
+  if ((0, _helperCompilationTargets().isBrowsersQueryValid)(value)) return value;
+  if (typeof value !== "object" || !value || Array.isArray(value)) {
+    throw new Error(`${msg(loc)} must be a string, an array of strings or an object`);
+  }
+  const browsersLoc = access(loc, "browsers");
+  const esmodulesLoc = access(loc, "esmodules");
+  assertBrowsersList(browsersLoc, value.browsers);
+  assertBoolean(esmodulesLoc, value.esmodules);
+  for (const key of Object.keys(value)) {
+    const val = value[key];
+    const subLoc = access(loc, key);
+    if (key === "esmodules") assertBoolean(subLoc, val);else if (key === "browsers") assertBrowsersList(subLoc, val);else if (!Object.hasOwnProperty.call(_helperCompilationTargets().TargetNames, key)) {
+      const validTargets = Object.keys(_helperCompilationTargets().TargetNames).join(", ");
+      throw new Error(`${msg(subLoc)} is not a valid target. Supported targets are ${validTargets}`);
+    } else assertBrowserVersion(subLoc, val);
+  }
+  return value;
+function assertBrowsersList(loc, value) {
+  if (value !== undefined && !(0, _helperCompilationTargets().isBrowsersQueryValid)(value)) {
+    throw new Error(`${msg(loc)} must be undefined, a string or an array of strings`);
+  }
+function assertBrowserVersion(loc, value) {
+  if (typeof value === "number" && Math.round(value) === value) return;
+  if (typeof value === "string") return;
+  throw new Error(`${msg(loc)} must be a string or an integer number`);
+function assertAssumptions(loc, value) {
+  if (value === undefined) return;
+  if (typeof value !== "object" || value === null) {
+    throw new Error(`${msg(loc)} must be an object or undefined.`);
+  }
+  let root = loc;
+  do {
+    root = root.parent;
+  } while (root.type !== "root");
+  const inPreset = root.source === "preset";
+  for (const name of Object.keys(value)) {
+    const subLoc = access(loc, name);
+    if (!_options.assumptionsNames.has(name)) {
+      throw new Error(`${msg(subLoc)} is not a supported assumption.`);
+    }
+    if (typeof value[name] !== "boolean") {
+      throw new Error(`${msg(subLoc)} must be a boolean.`);
+    }
+    if (inPreset && value[name] === false) {
+      throw new Error(`${msg(subLoc)} cannot be set to 'false' inside presets.`);
+    }
+  }
+  return value;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/validation/options.js b/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/validation/options.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..930278cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/validation/options.js
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+  value: true
+exports.assumptionsNames = void 0;
+exports.checkNoUnwrappedItemOptionPairs = checkNoUnwrappedItemOptionPairs;
+exports.validate = validate;
+var _plugin = require("../plugin");
+var _removed = require("./removed");
+var _optionAssertions = require("./option-assertions");
+  cwd: _optionAssertions.assertString,
+  root: _optionAssertions.assertString,
+  rootMode: _optionAssertions.assertRootMode,
+  configFile: _optionAssertions.assertConfigFileSearch,
+  caller: _optionAssertions.assertCallerMetadata,
+  filename: _optionAssertions.assertString,
+  filenameRelative: _optionAssertions.assertString,
+  code: _optionAssertions.assertBoolean,
+  ast: _optionAssertions.assertBoolean,
+  cloneInputAst: _optionAssertions.assertBoolean,
+  envName: _optionAssertions.assertString
+  babelrc: _optionAssertions.assertBoolean,
+  babelrcRoots: _optionAssertions.assertBabelrcSearch
+  extends: _optionAssertions.assertString,
+  ignore: _optionAssertions.assertIgnoreList,
+  only: _optionAssertions.assertIgnoreList,
+  targets: _optionAssertions.assertTargets,
+  browserslistConfigFile: _optionAssertions.assertConfigFileSearch,
+  browserslistEnv: _optionAssertions.assertString
+  inputSourceMap: _optionAssertions.assertInputSourceMap,
+  presets: _optionAssertions.assertPluginList,
+  plugins: _optionAssertions.assertPluginList,
+  passPerPreset: _optionAssertions.assertBoolean,
+  assumptions: _optionAssertions.assertAssumptions,
+  env: assertEnvSet,
+  overrides: assertOverridesList,
+  test: _optionAssertions.assertConfigApplicableTest,
+  include: _optionAssertions.assertConfigApplicableTest,
+  exclude: _optionAssertions.assertConfigApplicableTest,
+  retainLines: _optionAssertions.assertBoolean,
+  comments: _optionAssertions.assertBoolean,
+  shouldPrintComment: _optionAssertions.assertFunction,
+  compact: _optionAssertions.assertCompact,
+  minified: _optionAssertions.assertBoolean,
+  auxiliaryCommentBefore: _optionAssertions.assertString,
+  auxiliaryCommentAfter: _optionAssertions.assertString,
+  sourceType: _optionAssertions.assertSourceType,
+  wrapPluginVisitorMethod: _optionAssertions.assertFunction,
+  highlightCode: _optionAssertions.assertBoolean,
+  sourceMaps: _optionAssertions.assertSourceMaps,
+  sourceMap: _optionAssertions.assertSourceMaps,
+  sourceFileName: _optionAssertions.assertString,
+  sourceRoot: _optionAssertions.assertString,
+  parserOpts: _optionAssertions.assertObject,
+  generatorOpts: _optionAssertions.assertObject
+  Object.assign(COMMON_VALIDATORS, {
+    getModuleId: _optionAssertions.assertFunction,
+    moduleRoot: _optionAssertions.assertString,
+    moduleIds: _optionAssertions.assertBoolean,
+    moduleId: _optionAssertions.assertString
+  });
+const assumptionsNames = new Set(["arrayLikeIsIterable", "constantReexports", "constantSuper", "enumerableModuleMeta", "ignoreFunctionLength", "ignoreToPrimitiveHint", "iterableIsArray", "mutableTemplateObject", "noClassCalls", "noDocumentAll", "noIncompleteNsImportDetection", "noNewArrows", "objectRestNoSymbols", "privateFieldsAsProperties", "pureGetters", "setClassMethods", "setComputedProperties", "setPublicClassFields", "setSpreadProperties", "skipForOfIteratorClosing", "superIsCallableConstructor"]);
+exports.assumptionsNames = assumptionsNames;
+function getSource(loc) {
+  return loc.type === "root" ? loc.source : getSource(loc.parent);
+function validate(type, opts) {
+  return validateNested({
+    type: "root",
+    source: type
+  }, opts);
+function validateNested(loc, opts) {
+  const type = getSource(loc);
+  assertNoDuplicateSourcemap(opts);
+  Object.keys(opts).forEach(key => {
+    const optLoc = {
+      type: "option",
+      name: key,
+      parent: loc
+    };
+    if (type === "preset" && NONPRESET_VALIDATORS[key]) {
+      throw new Error(`${(0, _optionAssertions.msg)(optLoc)} is not allowed in preset options`);
+    }
+    if (type !== "arguments" && ROOT_VALIDATORS[key]) {
+      throw new Error(`${(0, _optionAssertions.msg)(optLoc)} is only allowed in root programmatic options`);
+    }
+    if (type !== "arguments" && type !== "configfile" && BABELRC_VALIDATORS[key]) {
+      if (type === "babelrcfile" || type === "extendsfile") {
+        throw new Error(`${(0, _optionAssertions.msg)(optLoc)} is not allowed in .babelrc or "extends"ed files, only in root programmatic options, ` + `or babel.config.js/config file options`);
+      }
+      throw new Error(`${(0, _optionAssertions.msg)(optLoc)} is only allowed in root programmatic options, or babel.config.js/config file options`);
+    }
+    const validator = COMMON_VALIDATORS[key] || NONPRESET_VALIDATORS[key] || BABELRC_VALIDATORS[key] || ROOT_VALIDATORS[key] || throwUnknownError;
+    validator(optLoc, opts[key]);
+  });
+  return opts;
+function throwUnknownError(loc) {
+  const key = loc.name;
+  if (_removed.default[key]) {
+    const {
+      message,
+      version = 5
+    } = _removed.default[key];
+    throw new Error(`Using removed Babel ${version} option: ${(0, _optionAssertions.msg)(loc)} - ${message}`);
+  } else {
+    const unknownOptErr = new Error(`Unknown option: ${(0, _optionAssertions.msg)(loc)}. Check out https://babeljs.io/docs/en/babel-core/#options for more information about options.`);
+    unknownOptErr.code = "BABEL_UNKNOWN_OPTION";
+    throw unknownOptErr;
+  }
+function has(obj, key) {
+  return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key);
+function assertNoDuplicateSourcemap(opts) {
+  if (has(opts, "sourceMap") && has(opts, "sourceMaps")) {
+    throw new Error(".sourceMap is an alias for .sourceMaps, cannot use both");
+  }
+function assertEnvSet(loc, value) {
+  if (loc.parent.type === "env") {
+    throw new Error(`${(0, _optionAssertions.msg)(loc)} is not allowed inside of another .env block`);
+  }
+  const parent = loc.parent;
+  const obj = (0, _optionAssertions.assertObject)(loc, value);
+  if (obj) {
+    for (const envName of Object.keys(obj)) {
+      const env = (0, _optionAssertions.assertObject)((0, _optionAssertions.access)(loc, envName), obj[envName]);
+      if (!env) continue;
+      const envLoc = {
+        type: "env",
+        name: envName,
+        parent
+      };
+      validateNested(envLoc, env);
+    }
+  }
+  return obj;
+function assertOverridesList(loc, value) {
+  if (loc.parent.type === "env") {
+    throw new Error(`${(0, _optionAssertions.msg)(loc)} is not allowed inside an .env block`);
+  }
+  if (loc.parent.type === "overrides") {
+    throw new Error(`${(0, _optionAssertions.msg)(loc)} is not allowed inside an .overrides block`);
+  }
+  const parent = loc.parent;
+  const arr = (0, _optionAssertions.assertArray)(loc, value);
+  if (arr) {
+    for (const [index, item] of arr.entries()) {
+      const objLoc = (0, _optionAssertions.access)(loc, index);
+      const env = (0, _optionAssertions.assertObject)(objLoc, item);
+      if (!env) throw new Error(`${(0, _optionAssertions.msg)(objLoc)} must be an object`);
+      const overridesLoc = {
+        type: "overrides",
+        index,
+        parent
+      };
+      validateNested(overridesLoc, env);
+    }
+  }
+  return arr;
+function checkNoUnwrappedItemOptionPairs(items, index, type, e) {
+  if (index === 0) return;
+  const lastItem = items[index - 1];
+  const thisItem = items[index];
+  if (lastItem.file && lastItem.options === undefined && typeof thisItem.value === "object") {
+    e.message += `\n- Maybe you meant to use\n` + `"${type}s": [\n  ["${lastItem.file.request}", ${JSON.stringify(thisItem.value, undefined, 2)}]\n]\n` + `To be a valid ${type}, its name and options should be wrapped in a pair of brackets`;
+  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/validation/plugins.js b/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/validation/plugins.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a70cc676
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/validation/plugins.js
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+  value: true
+exports.validatePluginObject = validatePluginObject;
+var _optionAssertions = require("./option-assertions");
+const VALIDATORS = {
+  name: _optionAssertions.assertString,
+  manipulateOptions: _optionAssertions.assertFunction,
+  pre: _optionAssertions.assertFunction,
+  post: _optionAssertions.assertFunction,
+  inherits: _optionAssertions.assertFunction,
+  visitor: assertVisitorMap,
+  parserOverride: _optionAssertions.assertFunction,
+  generatorOverride: _optionAssertions.assertFunction
+function assertVisitorMap(loc, value) {
+  const obj = (0, _optionAssertions.assertObject)(loc, value);
+  if (obj) {
+    Object.keys(obj).forEach(prop => assertVisitorHandler(prop, obj[prop]));
+    if (obj.enter || obj.exit) {
+      throw new Error(`${(0, _optionAssertions.msg)(loc)} cannot contain catch-all "enter" or "exit" handlers. Please target individual nodes.`);
+    }
+  }
+  return obj;
+function assertVisitorHandler(key, value) {
+  if (value && typeof value === "object") {
+    Object.keys(value).forEach(handler => {
+      if (handler !== "enter" && handler !== "exit") {
+        throw new Error(`.visitor["${key}"] may only have .enter and/or .exit handlers.`);
+      }
+    });
+  } else if (typeof value !== "function") {
+    throw new Error(`.visitor["${key}"] must be a function`);
+  }
+  return value;
+function validatePluginObject(obj) {
+  const rootPath = {
+    type: "root",
+    source: "plugin"
+  };
+  Object.keys(obj).forEach(key => {
+    const validator = VALIDATORS[key];
+    if (validator) {
+      const optLoc = {
+        type: "option",
+        name: key,
+        parent: rootPath
+      };
+      validator(optLoc, obj[key]);
+    } else {
+      const invalidPluginPropertyError = new Error(`.${key} is not a valid Plugin property`);
+      invalidPluginPropertyError.code = "BABEL_UNKNOWN_PLUGIN_PROPERTY";
+      throw invalidPluginPropertyError;
+    }
+  });
+  return obj;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/validation/removed.js b/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/validation/removed.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f0fcd7de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/validation/removed.js
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+  value: true
+exports.default = void 0;
+var _default = {
+  auxiliaryComment: {
+    message: "Use `auxiliaryCommentBefore` or `auxiliaryCommentAfter`"
+  },
+  blacklist: {
+    message: "Put the specific transforms you want in the `plugins` option"
+  },
+  breakConfig: {
+    message: "This is not a necessary option in Babel 6"
+  },
+  experimental: {
+    message: "Put the specific transforms you want in the `plugins` option"
+  },
+  externalHelpers: {
+    message: "Use the `external-helpers` plugin instead. " + "Check out http://babeljs.io/docs/plugins/external-helpers/"
+  },
+  extra: {
+    message: ""
+  },
+  jsxPragma: {
+    message: "use the `pragma` option in the `react-jsx` plugin. " + "Check out http://babeljs.io/docs/plugins/transform-react-jsx/"
+  },
+  loose: {
+    message: "Specify the `loose` option for the relevant plugin you are using " + "or use a preset that sets the option."
+  },
+  metadataUsedHelpers: {
+    message: "Not required anymore as this is enabled by default"
+  },
+  modules: {
+    message: "Use the corresponding module transform plugin in the `plugins` option. " + "Check out http://babeljs.io/docs/plugins/#modules"
+  },
+  nonStandard: {
+    message: "Use the `react-jsx` and `flow-strip-types` plugins to support JSX and Flow. " + "Also check out the react preset http://babeljs.io/docs/plugins/preset-react/"
+  },
+  optional: {
+    message: "Put the specific transforms you want in the `plugins` option"
+  },
+  sourceMapName: {
+    message: "The `sourceMapName` option has been removed because it makes more sense for the " + "tooling that calls Babel to assign `map.file` themselves."
+  },
+  stage: {
+    message: "Check out the corresponding stage-x presets http://babeljs.io/docs/plugins/#presets"
+  },
+  whitelist: {
+    message: "Put the specific transforms you want in the `plugins` option"
+  },
+  resolveModuleSource: {
+    version: 6,
+    message: "Use `babel-plugin-module-resolver@3`'s 'resolvePath' options"
+  },
+  metadata: {
+    version: 6,
+    message: "Generated plugin metadata is always included in the output result"
+  },
+  sourceMapTarget: {
+    version: 6,
+    message: "The `sourceMapTarget` option has been removed because it makes more sense for the tooling " + "that calls Babel to assign `map.file` themselves."
+  }
+exports.default = _default;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/gensync-utils/async.js b/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/gensync-utils/async.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7deb1863
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/gensync-utils/async.js
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+  value: true
+exports.forwardAsync = forwardAsync;
+exports.isAsync = void 0;
+exports.isThenable = isThenable;
+exports.maybeAsync = maybeAsync;
+exports.waitFor = exports.onFirstPause = void 0;
+function _gensync() {
+  const data = require("gensync");
+  _gensync = function () {
+    return data;
+  };
+  return data;
+const id = x => x;
+const runGenerator = _gensync()(function* (item) {
+  return yield* item;
+const isAsync = _gensync()({
+  sync: () => false,
+  errback: cb => cb(null, true)
+exports.isAsync = isAsync;
+function maybeAsync(fn, message) {
+  return _gensync()({
+    sync(...args) {
+      const result = fn.apply(this, args);
+      if (isThenable(result)) throw new Error(message);
+      return result;
+    },
+    async(...args) {
+      return Promise.resolve(fn.apply(this, args));
+    }
+  });
+const withKind = _gensync()({
+  sync: cb => cb("sync"),
+  async: cb => cb("async")
+function forwardAsync(action, cb) {
+  const g = _gensync()(action);
+  return withKind(kind => {
+    const adapted = g[kind];
+    return cb(adapted);
+  });
+const onFirstPause = _gensync()({
+  name: "onFirstPause",
+  arity: 2,
+  sync: function (item) {
+    return runGenerator.sync(item);
+  },
+  errback: function (item, firstPause, cb) {
+    let completed = false;
+    runGenerator.errback(item, (err, value) => {
+      completed = true;
+      cb(err, value);
+    });
+    if (!completed) {
+      firstPause();
+    }
+  }
+exports.onFirstPause = onFirstPause;
+const waitFor = _gensync()({
+  sync: id,
+  async: id
+exports.waitFor = waitFor;
+function isThenable(val) {
+  return !!val && (typeof val === "object" || typeof val === "function") && !!val.then && typeof val.then === "function";
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/gensync-utils/fs.js b/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/gensync-utils/fs.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..056ae34d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/gensync-utils/fs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+  value: true
+exports.stat = exports.readFile = void 0;
+function _fs() {
+  const data = require("fs");
+  _fs = function () {
+    return data;
+  };
+  return data;
+function _gensync() {
+  const data = require("gensync");
+  _gensync = function () {
+    return data;
+  };
+  return data;
+const readFile = _gensync()({
+  sync: _fs().readFileSync,
+  errback: _fs().readFile
+exports.readFile = readFile;
+const stat = _gensync()({
+  sync: _fs().statSync,
+  errback: _fs().stat
+exports.stat = stat;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/index.js b/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1f7860e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+  value: true
+exports.DEFAULT_EXTENSIONS = void 0;
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "File", {
+  enumerable: true,
+  get: function () {
+    return _file.default;
+  }
+exports.OptionManager = void 0;
+exports.Plugin = Plugin;
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "buildExternalHelpers", {
+  enumerable: true,
+  get: function () {
+    return _buildExternalHelpers.default;
+  }
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "createConfigItem", {
+  enumerable: true,
+  get: function () {
+    return _config.createConfigItem;
+  }
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "createConfigItemAsync", {
+  enumerable: true,
+  get: function () {
+    return _config.createConfigItemAsync;
+  }
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "createConfigItemSync", {
+  enumerable: true,
+  get: function () {
+    return _config.createConfigItemSync;
+  }
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "getEnv", {
+  enumerable: true,
+  get: function () {
+    return _environment.getEnv;
+  }
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "loadOptions", {
+  enumerable: true,
+  get: function () {
+    return _config.loadOptions;
+  }
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "loadOptionsAsync", {
+  enumerable: true,
+  get: function () {
+    return _config.loadOptionsAsync;
+  }
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "loadOptionsSync", {
+  enumerable: true,
+  get: function () {
+    return _config.loadOptionsSync;
+  }
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "loadPartialConfig", {
+  enumerable: true,
+  get: function () {
+    return _config.loadPartialConfig;
+  }
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "loadPartialConfigAsync", {
+  enumerable: true,
+  get: function () {
+    return _config.loadPartialConfigAsync;
+  }
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "loadPartialConfigSync", {
+  enumerable: true,
+  get: function () {
+    return _config.loadPartialConfigSync;
+  }
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "parse", {
+  enumerable: true,
+  get: function () {
+    return _parse.parse;
+  }
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "parseAsync", {
+  enumerable: true,
+  get: function () {
+    return _parse.parseAsync;
+  }
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "parseSync", {
+  enumerable: true,
+  get: function () {
+    return _parse.parseSync;
+  }
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "resolvePlugin", {
+  enumerable: true,
+  get: function () {
+    return _files.resolvePlugin;
+  }
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "resolvePreset", {
+  enumerable: true,
+  get: function () {
+    return _files.resolvePreset;
+  }
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "template", {
+  enumerable: true,
+  get: function () {
+    return _template().default;
+  }
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "tokTypes", {
+  enumerable: true,
+  get: function () {
+    return _parser().tokTypes;
+  }
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "transform", {
+  enumerable: true,
+  get: function () {
+    return _transform.transform;
+  }
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "transformAsync", {
+  enumerable: true,
+  get: function () {
+    return _transform.transformAsync;
+  }
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "transformFile", {
+  enumerable: true,
+  get: function () {
+    return _transformFile.transformFile;
+  }
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "transformFileAsync", {
+  enumerable: true,
+  get: function () {
+    return _transformFile.transformFileAsync;
+  }
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "transformFileSync", {
+  enumerable: true,
+  get: function () {
+    return _transformFile.transformFileSync;
+  }
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "transformFromAst", {
+  enumerable: true,
+  get: function () {
+    return _transformAst.transformFromAst;
+  }
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "transformFromAstAsync", {
+  enumerable: true,
+  get: function () {
+    return _transformAst.transformFromAstAsync;
+  }
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "transformFromAstSync", {
+  enumerable: true,
+  get: function () {
+    return _transformAst.transformFromAstSync;
+  }
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "transformSync", {
+  enumerable: true,
+  get: function () {
+    return _transform.transformSync;
+  }
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "traverse", {
+  enumerable: true,
+  get: function () {
+    return _traverse().default;
+  }
+exports.version = exports.types = void 0;
+var _file = require("./transformation/file/file");
+var _buildExternalHelpers = require("./tools/build-external-helpers");
+var _files = require("./config/files");
+var _environment = require("./config/helpers/environment");
+function _types() {
+  const data = require("@babel/types");
+  _types = function () {
+    return data;
+  };
+  return data;
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "types", {
+  enumerable: true,
+  get: function () {
+    return _types();
+  }
+function _parser() {
+  const data = require("@babel/parser");
+  _parser = function () {
+    return data;
+  };
+  return data;
+function _traverse() {
+  const data = require("@babel/traverse");
+  _traverse = function () {
+    return data;
+  };
+  return data;
+function _template() {
+  const data = require("@babel/template");
+  _template = function () {
+    return data;
+  };
+  return data;
+var _config = require("./config");
+var _transform = require("./transform");
+var _transformFile = require("./transform-file");
+var _transformAst = require("./transform-ast");
+var _parse = require("./parse");
+const version = "7.16.12";
+exports.version = version;
+const DEFAULT_EXTENSIONS = Object.freeze([".js", ".jsx", ".es6", ".es", ".mjs", ".cjs"]);
+class OptionManager {
+  init(opts) {
+    return (0, _config.loadOptions)(opts);
+  }
+exports.OptionManager = OptionManager;
+function Plugin(alias) {
+  throw new Error(`The (${alias}) Babel 5 plugin is being run with an unsupported Babel version.`);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/parse.js b/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/parse.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..783032ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/parse.js
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+  value: true
+exports.parseSync = exports.parseAsync = exports.parse = void 0;
+function _gensync() {
+  const data = require("gensync");
+  _gensync = function () {
+    return data;
+  };
+  return data;
+var _config = require("./config");
+var _parser = require("./parser");
+var _normalizeOpts = require("./transformation/normalize-opts");
+const parseRunner = _gensync()(function* parse(code, opts) {
+  const config = yield* (0, _config.default)(opts);
+  if (config === null) {
+    return null;
+  }
+  return yield* (0, _parser.default)(config.passes, (0, _normalizeOpts.default)(config), code);
+const parse = function parse(code, opts, callback) {
+  if (typeof opts === "function") {
+    callback = opts;
+    opts = undefined;
+  }
+  if (callback === undefined) return parseRunner.sync(code, opts);
+  parseRunner.errback(code, opts, callback);
+exports.parse = parse;
+const parseSync = parseRunner.sync;
+exports.parseSync = parseSync;
+const parseAsync = parseRunner.async;
+exports.parseAsync = parseAsync;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/parser/index.js b/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/parser/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..254122a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/parser/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+  value: true
+exports.default = parser;
+function _parser() {
+  const data = require("@babel/parser");
+  _parser = function () {
+    return data;
+  };
+  return data;
+function _codeFrame() {
+  const data = require("@babel/code-frame");
+  _codeFrame = function () {
+    return data;
+  };
+  return data;
+var _missingPluginHelper = require("./util/missing-plugin-helper");
+function* parser(pluginPasses, {
+  parserOpts,
+  highlightCode = true,
+  filename = "unknown"
+}, code) {
+  try {
+    const results = [];
+    for (const plugins of pluginPasses) {
+      for (const plugin of plugins) {
+        const {
+          parserOverride
+        } = plugin;
+        if (parserOverride) {
+          const ast = parserOverride(code, parserOpts, _parser().parse);
+          if (ast !== undefined) results.push(ast);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    if (results.length === 0) {
+      return (0, _parser().parse)(code, parserOpts);
+    } else if (results.length === 1) {
+      yield* [];
+      if (typeof results[0].then === "function") {
+        throw new Error(`You appear to be using an async parser plugin, ` + `which your current version of Babel does not support. ` + `If you're using a published plugin, you may need to upgrade ` + `your @babel/core version.`);
+      }
+      return results[0];
+    }
+    throw new Error("More than one plugin attempted to override parsing.");
+  } catch (err) {
+      err.message += "\nConsider renaming the file to '.mjs', or setting sourceType:module " + "or sourceType:unambiguous in your Babel config for this file.";
+    }
+    const {
+      loc,
+      missingPlugin
+    } = err;
+    if (loc) {
+      const codeFrame = (0, _codeFrame().codeFrameColumns)(code, {
+        start: {
+          line: loc.line,
+          column: loc.column + 1
+        }
+      }, {
+        highlightCode
+      });
+      if (missingPlugin) {
+        err.message = `${filename}: ` + (0, _missingPluginHelper.default)(missingPlugin[0], loc, codeFrame);
+      } else {
+        err.message = `${filename}: ${err.message}\n\n` + codeFrame;
+      }
+      err.code = "BABEL_PARSE_ERROR";
+    }
+    throw err;
+  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/parser/util/missing-plugin-helper.js b/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/parser/util/missing-plugin-helper.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..96d75777
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/parser/util/missing-plugin-helper.js
@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+  value: true
+exports.default = generateMissingPluginMessage;
+const pluginNameMap = {
+  asyncDoExpressions: {
+    syntax: {
+      name: "@babel/plugin-syntax-async-do-expressions",
+      url: "https://git.io/JYer8"
+    }
+  },
+  classProperties: {
+    syntax: {
+      name: "@babel/plugin-syntax-class-properties",
+      url: "https://git.io/vb4yQ"
+    },
+    transform: {
+      name: "@babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties",
+      url: "https://git.io/vb4SL"
+    }
+  },
+  classPrivateProperties: {
+    syntax: {
+      name: "@babel/plugin-syntax-class-properties",
+      url: "https://git.io/vb4yQ"
+    },
+    transform: {
+      name: "@babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties",
+      url: "https://git.io/vb4SL"
+    }
+  },
+  classPrivateMethods: {
+    syntax: {
+      name: "@babel/plugin-syntax-class-properties",
+      url: "https://git.io/vb4yQ"
+    },
+    transform: {
+      name: "@babel/plugin-proposal-private-methods",
+      url: "https://git.io/JvpRG"
+    }
+  },
+  classStaticBlock: {
+    syntax: {
+      name: "@babel/plugin-syntax-class-static-block",
+      url: "https://git.io/JTLB6"
+    },
+    transform: {
+      name: "@babel/plugin-proposal-class-static-block",
+      url: "https://git.io/JTLBP"
+    }
+  },
+  decimal: {
+    syntax: {
+      name: "@babel/plugin-syntax-decimal",
+      url: "https://git.io/JfKOH"
+    }
+  },
+  decorators: {
+    syntax: {
+      name: "@babel/plugin-syntax-decorators",
+      url: "https://git.io/vb4y9"
+    },
+    transform: {
+      name: "@babel/plugin-proposal-decorators",
+      url: "https://git.io/vb4ST"
+    }
+  },
+  doExpressions: {
+    syntax: {
+      name: "@babel/plugin-syntax-do-expressions",
+      url: "https://git.io/vb4yh"
+    },
+    transform: {
+      name: "@babel/plugin-proposal-do-expressions",
+      url: "https://git.io/vb4S3"
+    }
+  },
+  dynamicImport: {
+    syntax: {
+      name: "@babel/plugin-syntax-dynamic-import",
+      url: "https://git.io/vb4Sv"
+    }
+  },
+  exportDefaultFrom: {
+    syntax: {
+      name: "@babel/plugin-syntax-export-default-from",
+      url: "https://git.io/vb4SO"
+    },
+    transform: {
+      name: "@babel/plugin-proposal-export-default-from",
+      url: "https://git.io/vb4yH"
+    }
+  },
+  exportNamespaceFrom: {
+    syntax: {
+      name: "@babel/plugin-syntax-export-namespace-from",
+      url: "https://git.io/vb4Sf"
+    },
+    transform: {
+      name: "@babel/plugin-proposal-export-namespace-from",
+      url: "https://git.io/vb4SG"
+    }
+  },
+  flow: {
+    syntax: {
+      name: "@babel/plugin-syntax-flow",
+      url: "https://git.io/vb4yb"
+    },
+    transform: {
+      name: "@babel/preset-flow",
+      url: "https://git.io/JfeDn"
+    }
+  },
+  functionBind: {
+    syntax: {
+      name: "@babel/plugin-syntax-function-bind",
+      url: "https://git.io/vb4y7"
+    },
+    transform: {
+      name: "@babel/plugin-proposal-function-bind",
+      url: "https://git.io/vb4St"
+    }
+  },
+  functionSent: {
+    syntax: {
+      name: "@babel/plugin-syntax-function-sent",
+      url: "https://git.io/vb4yN"
+    },
+    transform: {
+      name: "@babel/plugin-proposal-function-sent",
+      url: "https://git.io/vb4SZ"
+    }
+  },
+  importMeta: {
+    syntax: {
+      name: "@babel/plugin-syntax-import-meta",
+      url: "https://git.io/vbKK6"
+    }
+  },
+  jsx: {
+    syntax: {
+      name: "@babel/plugin-syntax-jsx",
+      url: "https://git.io/vb4yA"
+    },
+    transform: {
+      name: "@babel/preset-react",
+      url: "https://git.io/JfeDR"
+    }
+  },
+  importAssertions: {
+    syntax: {
+      name: "@babel/plugin-syntax-import-assertions",
+      url: "https://git.io/JUbkv"
+    }
+  },
+  moduleStringNames: {
+    syntax: {
+      name: "@babel/plugin-syntax-module-string-names",
+      url: "https://git.io/JTL8G"
+    }
+  },
+  numericSeparator: {
+    syntax: {
+      name: "@babel/plugin-syntax-numeric-separator",
+      url: "https://git.io/vb4Sq"
+    },
+    transform: {
+      name: "@babel/plugin-proposal-numeric-separator",
+      url: "https://git.io/vb4yS"
+    }
+  },
+  optionalChaining: {
+    syntax: {
+      name: "@babel/plugin-syntax-optional-chaining",
+      url: "https://git.io/vb4Sc"
+    },
+    transform: {
+      name: "@babel/plugin-proposal-optional-chaining",
+      url: "https://git.io/vb4Sk"
+    }
+  },
+  pipelineOperator: {
+    syntax: {
+      name: "@babel/plugin-syntax-pipeline-operator",
+      url: "https://git.io/vb4yj"
+    },
+    transform: {
+      name: "@babel/plugin-proposal-pipeline-operator",
+      url: "https://git.io/vb4SU"
+    }
+  },
+  privateIn: {
+    syntax: {
+      name: "@babel/plugin-syntax-private-property-in-object",
+      url: "https://git.io/JfK3q"
+    },
+    transform: {
+      name: "@babel/plugin-proposal-private-property-in-object",
+      url: "https://git.io/JfK3O"
+    }
+  },
+  recordAndTuple: {
+    syntax: {
+      name: "@babel/plugin-syntax-record-and-tuple",
+      url: "https://git.io/JvKp3"
+    }
+  },
+  throwExpressions: {
+    syntax: {
+      name: "@babel/plugin-syntax-throw-expressions",
+      url: "https://git.io/vb4SJ"
+    },
+    transform: {
+      name: "@babel/plugin-proposal-throw-expressions",
+      url: "https://git.io/vb4yF"
+    }
+  },
+  typescript: {
+    syntax: {
+      name: "@babel/plugin-syntax-typescript",
+      url: "https://git.io/vb4SC"
+    },
+    transform: {
+      name: "@babel/preset-typescript",
+      url: "https://git.io/JfeDz"
+    }
+  },
+  asyncGenerators: {
+    syntax: {
+      name: "@babel/plugin-syntax-async-generators",
+      url: "https://git.io/vb4SY"
+    },
+    transform: {
+      name: "@babel/plugin-proposal-async-generator-functions",
+      url: "https://git.io/vb4yp"
+    }
+  },
+  logicalAssignment: {
+    syntax: {
+      name: "@babel/plugin-syntax-logical-assignment-operators",
+      url: "https://git.io/vAlBp"
+    },
+    transform: {
+      name: "@babel/plugin-proposal-logical-assignment-operators",
+      url: "https://git.io/vAlRe"
+    }
+  },
+  nullishCoalescingOperator: {
+    syntax: {
+      name: "@babel/plugin-syntax-nullish-coalescing-operator",
+      url: "https://git.io/vb4yx"
+    },
+    transform: {
+      name: "@babel/plugin-proposal-nullish-coalescing-operator",
+      url: "https://git.io/vb4Se"
+    }
+  },
+  objectRestSpread: {
+    syntax: {
+      name: "@babel/plugin-syntax-object-rest-spread",
+      url: "https://git.io/vb4y5"
+    },
+    transform: {
+      name: "@babel/plugin-proposal-object-rest-spread",
+      url: "https://git.io/vb4Ss"
+    }
+  },
+  optionalCatchBinding: {
+    syntax: {
+      name: "@babel/plugin-syntax-optional-catch-binding",
+      url: "https://git.io/vb4Sn"
+    },
+    transform: {
+      name: "@babel/plugin-proposal-optional-catch-binding",
+      url: "https://git.io/vb4SI"
+    }
+  }
+pluginNameMap.privateIn.syntax = pluginNameMap.privateIn.transform;
+const getNameURLCombination = ({
+  name,
+  url
+}) => `${name} (${url})`;
+function generateMissingPluginMessage(missingPluginName, loc, codeFrame) {
+  let helpMessage = `Support for the experimental syntax '${missingPluginName}' isn't currently enabled ` + `(${loc.line}:${loc.column + 1}):\n\n` + codeFrame;
+  const pluginInfo = pluginNameMap[missingPluginName];
+  if (pluginInfo) {
+    const {
+      syntax: syntaxPlugin,
+      transform: transformPlugin
+    } = pluginInfo;
+    if (syntaxPlugin) {
+      const syntaxPluginInfo = getNameURLCombination(syntaxPlugin);
+      if (transformPlugin) {
+        const transformPluginInfo = getNameURLCombination(transformPlugin);
+        const sectionType = transformPlugin.name.startsWith("@babel/plugin") ? "plugins" : "presets";
+        helpMessage += `\n\nAdd ${transformPluginInfo} to the '${sectionType}' section of your Babel config to enable transformation.
+If you want to leave it as-is, add ${syntaxPluginInfo} to the 'plugins' section to enable parsing.`;
+      } else {
+        helpMessage += `\n\nAdd ${syntaxPluginInfo} to the 'plugins' section of your Babel config ` + `to enable parsing.`;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return helpMessage;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/tools/build-external-helpers.js b/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/tools/build-external-helpers.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..94d85e7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/tools/build-external-helpers.js
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+  value: true
+exports.default = _default;
+function helpers() {
+  const data = require("@babel/helpers");
+  helpers = function () {
+    return data;
+  };
+  return data;
+function _generator() {
+  const data = require("@babel/generator");
+  _generator = function () {
+    return data;
+  };
+  return data;
+function _template() {
+  const data = require("@babel/template");
+  _template = function () {
+    return data;
+  };
+  return data;
+function _t() {
+  const data = require("@babel/types");
+  _t = function () {
+    return data;
+  };
+  return data;
+var _file = require("../transformation/file/file");
+const {
+  arrayExpression,
+  assignmentExpression,
+  binaryExpression,
+  blockStatement,
+  callExpression,
+  cloneNode,
+  conditionalExpression,
+  exportNamedDeclaration,
+  exportSpecifier,
+  expressionStatement,
+  functionExpression,
+  identifier,
+  memberExpression,
+  objectExpression,
+  program,
+  stringLiteral,
+  unaryExpression,
+  variableDeclaration,
+  variableDeclarator
+} = _t();
+const buildUmdWrapper = replacements => _template().default.statement`
+    (function (root, factory) {
+      if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) {
+        define(AMD_ARGUMENTS, factory);
+      } else if (typeof exports === "object") {
+        factory(COMMON_ARGUMENTS);
+      } else {
+        factory(BROWSER_ARGUMENTS);
+      }
+    })(UMD_ROOT, function (FACTORY_PARAMETERS) {
+    });
+  `(replacements);
+function buildGlobal(allowlist) {
+  const namespace = identifier("babelHelpers");
+  const body = [];
+  const container = functionExpression(null, [identifier("global")], blockStatement(body));
+  const tree = program([expressionStatement(callExpression(container, [conditionalExpression(binaryExpression("===", unaryExpression("typeof", identifier("global")), stringLiteral("undefined")), identifier("self"), identifier("global"))]))]);
+  body.push(variableDeclaration("var", [variableDeclarator(namespace, assignmentExpression("=", memberExpression(identifier("global"), namespace), objectExpression([])))]));
+  buildHelpers(body, namespace, allowlist);
+  return tree;
+function buildModule(allowlist) {
+  const body = [];
+  const refs = buildHelpers(body, null, allowlist);
+  body.unshift(exportNamedDeclaration(null, Object.keys(refs).map(name => {
+    return exportSpecifier(cloneNode(refs[name]), identifier(name));
+  })));
+  return program(body, [], "module");
+function buildUmd(allowlist) {
+  const namespace = identifier("babelHelpers");
+  const body = [];
+  body.push(variableDeclaration("var", [variableDeclarator(namespace, identifier("global"))]));
+  buildHelpers(body, namespace, allowlist);
+  return program([buildUmdWrapper({
+    FACTORY_PARAMETERS: identifier("global"),
+    BROWSER_ARGUMENTS: assignmentExpression("=", memberExpression(identifier("root"), namespace), objectExpression([])),
+    COMMON_ARGUMENTS: identifier("exports"),
+    AMD_ARGUMENTS: arrayExpression([stringLiteral("exports")]),
+    FACTORY_BODY: body,
+    UMD_ROOT: identifier("this")
+  })]);
+function buildVar(allowlist) {
+  const namespace = identifier("babelHelpers");
+  const body = [];
+  body.push(variableDeclaration("var", [variableDeclarator(namespace, objectExpression([]))]));
+  const tree = program(body);
+  buildHelpers(body, namespace, allowlist);
+  body.push(expressionStatement(namespace));
+  return tree;
+function buildHelpers(body, namespace, allowlist) {
+  const getHelperReference = name => {
+    return namespace ? memberExpression(namespace, identifier(name)) : identifier(`_${name}`);
+  };
+  const refs = {};
+  helpers().list.forEach(function (name) {
+    if (allowlist && allowlist.indexOf(name) < 0) return;
+    const ref = refs[name] = getHelperReference(name);
+    helpers().ensure(name, _file.default);
+    const {
+      nodes
+    } = helpers().get(name, getHelperReference, ref);
+    body.push(...nodes);
+  });
+  return refs;
+function _default(allowlist, outputType = "global") {
+  let tree;
+  const build = {
+    global: buildGlobal,
+    module: buildModule,
+    umd: buildUmd,
+    var: buildVar
+  }[outputType];
+  if (build) {
+    tree = build(allowlist);
+  } else {
+    throw new Error(`Unsupported output type ${outputType}`);
+  }
+  return (0, _generator().default)(tree).code;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/transform-ast.js b/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/transform-ast.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..61fb2224
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/transform-ast.js
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+  value: true
+exports.transformFromAstSync = exports.transformFromAstAsync = exports.transformFromAst = void 0;
+function _gensync() {
+  const data = require("gensync");
+  _gensync = function () {
+    return data;
+  };
+  return data;
+var _config = require("./config");
+var _transformation = require("./transformation");
+const transformFromAstRunner = _gensync()(function* (ast, code, opts) {
+  const config = yield* (0, _config.default)(opts);
+  if (config === null) return null;
+  if (!ast) throw new Error("No AST given");
+  return yield* (0, _transformation.run)(config, code, ast);
+const transformFromAst = function transformFromAst(ast, code, opts, callback) {
+  if (typeof opts === "function") {
+    callback = opts;
+    opts = undefined;
+  }
+  if (callback === undefined) {
+    return transformFromAstRunner.sync(ast, code, opts);
+  }
+  transformFromAstRunner.errback(ast, code, opts, callback);
+exports.transformFromAst = transformFromAst;
+const transformFromAstSync = transformFromAstRunner.sync;
+exports.transformFromAstSync = transformFromAstSync;
+const transformFromAstAsync = transformFromAstRunner.async;
+exports.transformFromAstAsync = transformFromAstAsync;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/transform-file-browser.js b/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/transform-file-browser.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3371a1e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/transform-file-browser.js
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+  value: true
+exports.transformFile = void 0;
+exports.transformFileAsync = transformFileAsync;
+exports.transformFileSync = transformFileSync;
+const transformFile = function transformFile(filename, opts, callback) {
+  if (typeof opts === "function") {
+    callback = opts;
+  }
+  callback(new Error("Transforming files is not supported in browsers"), null);
+exports.transformFile = transformFile;
+function transformFileSync() {
+  throw new Error("Transforming files is not supported in browsers");
+function transformFileAsync() {
+  return Promise.reject(new Error("Transforming files is not supported in browsers"));
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/transform-file.js b/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/transform-file.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..18075fff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/transform-file.js
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+  value: true
+exports.transformFileSync = exports.transformFileAsync = exports.transformFile = void 0;
+function _gensync() {
+  const data = require("gensync");
+  _gensync = function () {
+    return data;
+  };
+  return data;
+var _config = require("./config");
+var _transformation = require("./transformation");
+var fs = require("./gensync-utils/fs");
+const transformFileRunner = _gensync()(function* (filename, opts) {
+  const options = Object.assign({}, opts, {
+    filename
+  });
+  const config = yield* (0, _config.default)(options);
+  if (config === null) return null;
+  const code = yield* fs.readFile(filename, "utf8");
+  return yield* (0, _transformation.run)(config, code);
+const transformFile = transformFileRunner.errback;
+exports.transformFile = transformFile;
+const transformFileSync = transformFileRunner.sync;
+exports.transformFileSync = transformFileSync;
+const transformFileAsync = transformFileRunner.async;
+exports.transformFileAsync = transformFileAsync;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/transform.js b/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/transform.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..538c3edf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/transform.js
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+  value: true
+exports.transformSync = exports.transformAsync = exports.transform = void 0;
+function _gensync() {
+  const data = require("gensync");
+  _gensync = function () {
+    return data;
+  };
+  return data;
+var _config = require("./config");
+var _transformation = require("./transformation");
+const transformRunner = _gensync()(function* transform(code, opts) {
+  const config = yield* (0, _config.default)(opts);
+  if (config === null) return null;
+  return yield* (0, _transformation.run)(config, code);
+const transform = function transform(code, opts, callback) {
+  if (typeof opts === "function") {
+    callback = opts;
+    opts = undefined;
+  }
+  if (callback === undefined) return transformRunner.sync(code, opts);
+  transformRunner.errback(code, opts, callback);
+exports.transform = transform;
+const transformSync = transformRunner.sync;
+exports.transformSync = transformSync;
+const transformAsync = transformRunner.async;
+exports.transformAsync = transformAsync;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/transformation/block-hoist-plugin.js b/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/transformation/block-hoist-plugin.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a3b0b411
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/transformation/block-hoist-plugin.js
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+  value: true
+exports.default = loadBlockHoistPlugin;
+function _traverse() {
+  const data = require("@babel/traverse");
+  _traverse = function () {
+    return data;
+  };
+  return data;
+var _plugin = require("../config/plugin");
+function loadBlockHoistPlugin() {
+  if (!LOADED_PLUGIN) {
+    LOADED_PLUGIN = new _plugin.default(Object.assign({}, blockHoistPlugin, {
+      visitor: _traverse().default.explode(blockHoistPlugin.visitor)
+    }), {});
+  }
+  return LOADED_PLUGIN;
+function priority(bodyNode) {
+  const priority = bodyNode == null ? void 0 : bodyNode._blockHoist;
+  if (priority == null) return 1;
+  if (priority === true) return 2;
+  return priority;
+function stableSort(body) {
+  const buckets = Object.create(null);
+  for (let i = 0; i < body.length; i++) {
+    const n = body[i];
+    const p = priority(n);
+    const bucket = buckets[p] || (buckets[p] = []);
+    bucket.push(n);
+  }
+  const keys = Object.keys(buckets).map(k => +k).sort((a, b) => b - a);
+  let index = 0;
+  for (const key of keys) {
+    const bucket = buckets[key];
+    for (const n of bucket) {
+      body[index++] = n;
+    }
+  }
+  return body;
+const blockHoistPlugin = {
+  name: "internal.blockHoist",
+  visitor: {
+    Block: {
+      exit({
+        node
+      }) {
+        const {
+          body
+        } = node;
+        let max = Math.pow(2, 30) - 1;
+        let hasChange = false;
+        for (let i = 0; i < body.length; i++) {
+          const n = body[i];
+          const p = priority(n);
+          if (p > max) {
+            hasChange = true;
+            break;
+          }
+          max = p;
+        }
+        if (!hasChange) return;
+        node.body = stableSort(body.slice());
+      }
+    }
+  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/transformation/file/file.js b/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/transformation/file/file.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3728ec56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/transformation/file/file.js
@@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+  value: true
+exports.default = void 0;
+function helpers() {
+  const data = require("@babel/helpers");
+  helpers = function () {
+    return data;
+  };
+  return data;
+function _traverse() {
+  const data = require("@babel/traverse");
+  _traverse = function () {
+    return data;
+  };
+  return data;
+function _codeFrame() {
+  const data = require("@babel/code-frame");
+  _codeFrame = function () {
+    return data;
+  };
+  return data;
+function _t() {
+  const data = require("@babel/types");
+  _t = function () {
+    return data;
+  };
+  return data;
+function _helperModuleTransforms() {
+  const data = require("@babel/helper-module-transforms");
+  _helperModuleTransforms = function () {
+    return data;
+  };
+  return data;
+function _semver() {
+  const data = require("semver");
+  _semver = function () {
+    return data;
+  };
+  return data;
+const {
+  cloneNode,
+  interpreterDirective
+} = _t();
+const errorVisitor = {
+  enter(path, state) {
+    const loc = path.node.loc;
+    if (loc) {
+      state.loc = loc;
+      path.stop();
+    }
+  }
+class File {
+  constructor(options, {
+    code,
+    ast,
+    inputMap
+  }) {
+    this._map = new Map();
+    this.opts = void 0;
+    this.declarations = {};
+    this.path = null;
+    this.ast = {};
+    this.scope = void 0;
+    this.metadata = {};
+    this.code = "";
+    this.inputMap = null;
+    this.hub = {
+      file: this,
+      getCode: () => this.code,
+      getScope: () => this.scope,
+      addHelper: this.addHelper.bind(this),
+      buildError: this.buildCodeFrameError.bind(this)
+    };
+    this.opts = options;
+    this.code = code;
+    this.ast = ast;
+    this.inputMap = inputMap;
+    this.path = _traverse().NodePath.get({
+      hub: this.hub,
+      parentPath: null,
+      parent: this.ast,
+      container: this.ast,
+      key: "program"
+    }).setContext();
+    this.scope = this.path.scope;
+  }
+  get shebang() {
+    const {
+      interpreter
+    } = this.path.node;
+    return interpreter ? interpreter.value : "";
+  }
+  set shebang(value) {
+    if (value) {
+      this.path.get("interpreter").replaceWith(interpreterDirective(value));
+    } else {
+      this.path.get("interpreter").remove();
+    }
+  }
+  set(key, val) {
+    if (key === "helpersNamespace") {
+      throw new Error("Babel 7.0.0-beta.56 has dropped support for the 'helpersNamespace' utility." + "If you are using @babel/plugin-external-helpers you will need to use a newer " + "version than the one you currently have installed. " + "If you have your own implementation, you'll want to explore using 'helperGenerator' " + "alongside 'file.availableHelper()'.");
+    }
+    this._map.set(key, val);
+  }
+  get(key) {
+    return this._map.get(key);
+  }
+  has(key) {
+    return this._map.has(key);
+  }
+  getModuleName() {
+    return (0, _helperModuleTransforms().getModuleName)(this.opts, this.opts);
+  }
+  addImport() {
+    throw new Error("This API has been removed. If you're looking for this " + "functionality in Babel 7, you should import the " + "'@babel/helper-module-imports' module and use the functions exposed " + " from that module, such as 'addNamed' or 'addDefault'.");
+  }
+  availableHelper(name, versionRange) {
+    let minVersion;
+    try {
+      minVersion = helpers().minVersion(name);
+    } catch (err) {
+      if (err.code !== "BABEL_HELPER_UNKNOWN") throw err;
+      return false;
+    }
+    if (typeof versionRange !== "string") return true;
+    if (_semver().valid(versionRange)) versionRange = `^${versionRange}`;
+    return !_semver().intersects(`<${minVersion}`, versionRange) && !_semver().intersects(`>=8.0.0`, versionRange);
+  }
+  addHelper(name) {
+    const declar = this.declarations[name];
+    if (declar) return cloneNode(declar);
+    const generator = this.get("helperGenerator");
+    if (generator) {
+      const res = generator(name);
+      if (res) return res;
+    }
+    helpers().ensure(name, File);
+    const uid = this.declarations[name] = this.scope.generateUidIdentifier(name);
+    const dependencies = {};
+    for (const dep of helpers().getDependencies(name)) {
+      dependencies[dep] = this.addHelper(dep);
+    }
+    const {
+      nodes,
+      globals
+    } = helpers().get(name, dep => dependencies[dep], uid, Object.keys(this.scope.getAllBindings()));
+    globals.forEach(name => {
+      if (this.path.scope.hasBinding(name, true)) {
+        this.path.scope.rename(name);
+      }
+    });
+    nodes.forEach(node => {
+      node._compact = true;
+    });
+    this.path.unshiftContainer("body", nodes);
+    this.path.get("body").forEach(path => {
+      if (nodes.indexOf(path.node) === -1) return;
+      if (path.isVariableDeclaration()) this.scope.registerDeclaration(path);
+    });
+    return uid;
+  }
+  addTemplateObject() {
+    throw new Error("This function has been moved into the template literal transform itself.");
+  }
+  buildCodeFrameError(node, msg, _Error = SyntaxError) {
+    let loc = node && (node.loc || node._loc);
+    if (!loc && node) {
+      const state = {
+        loc: null
+      };
+      (0, _traverse().default)(node, errorVisitor, this.scope, state);
+      loc = state.loc;
+      let txt = "This is an error on an internal node. Probably an internal error.";
+      if (loc) txt += " Location has been estimated.";
+      msg += ` (${txt})`;
+    }
+    if (loc) {
+      const {
+        highlightCode = true
+      } = this.opts;
+      msg += "\n" + (0, _codeFrame().codeFrameColumns)(this.code, {
+        start: {
+          line: loc.start.line,
+          column: loc.start.column + 1
+        },
+        end: loc.end && loc.start.line === loc.end.line ? {
+          line: loc.end.line,
+          column: loc.end.column + 1
+        } : undefined
+      }, {
+        highlightCode
+      });
+    }
+    return new _Error(msg);
+  }
+exports.default = File;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/transformation/file/generate.js b/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/transformation/file/generate.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..50250d80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/transformation/file/generate.js
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+  value: true
+exports.default = generateCode;
+function _convertSourceMap() {
+  const data = require("convert-source-map");
+  _convertSourceMap = function () {
+    return data;
+  };
+  return data;
+function _generator() {
+  const data = require("@babel/generator");
+  _generator = function () {
+    return data;
+  };
+  return data;
+var _mergeMap = require("./merge-map");
+function generateCode(pluginPasses, file) {
+  const {
+    opts,
+    ast,
+    code,
+    inputMap
+  } = file;
+  const results = [];
+  for (const plugins of pluginPasses) {
+    for (const plugin of plugins) {
+      const {
+        generatorOverride
+      } = plugin;
+      if (generatorOverride) {
+        const result = generatorOverride(ast, opts.generatorOpts, code, _generator().default);
+        if (result !== undefined) results.push(result);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  let result;
+  if (results.length === 0) {
+    result = (0, _generator().default)(ast, opts.generatorOpts, code);
+  } else if (results.length === 1) {
+    result = results[0];
+    if (typeof result.then === "function") {
+      throw new Error(`You appear to be using an async codegen plugin, ` + `which your current version of Babel does not support. ` + `If you're using a published plugin, ` + `you may need to upgrade your @babel/core version.`);
+    }
+  } else {
+    throw new Error("More than one plugin attempted to override codegen.");
+  }
+  let {
+    code: outputCode,
+    map: outputMap
+  } = result;
+  if (outputMap && inputMap) {
+    outputMap = (0, _mergeMap.default)(inputMap.toObject(), outputMap);
+  }
+  if (opts.sourceMaps === "inline" || opts.sourceMaps === "both") {
+    outputCode += "\n" + _convertSourceMap().fromObject(outputMap).toComment();
+  }
+  if (opts.sourceMaps === "inline") {
+    outputMap = null;
+  }
+  return {
+    outputCode,
+    outputMap
+  };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/transformation/file/merge-map.js b/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/transformation/file/merge-map.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5cc789f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/transformation/file/merge-map.js
@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+  value: true
+exports.default = mergeSourceMap;
+function _sourceMap() {
+  const data = require("source-map");
+  _sourceMap = function () {
+    return data;
+  };
+  return data;
+function mergeSourceMap(inputMap, map) {
+  const input = buildMappingData(inputMap);
+  const output = buildMappingData(map);
+  const mergedGenerator = new (_sourceMap().SourceMapGenerator)();
+  for (const {
+    source
+  } of input.sources) {
+    if (typeof source.content === "string") {
+      mergedGenerator.setSourceContent(source.path, source.content);
+    }
+  }
+  if (output.sources.length === 1) {
+    const defaultSource = output.sources[0];
+    const insertedMappings = new Map();
+    eachInputGeneratedRange(input, (generated, original, source) => {
+      eachOverlappingGeneratedOutputRange(defaultSource, generated, item => {
+        const key = makeMappingKey(item);
+        if (insertedMappings.has(key)) return;
+        insertedMappings.set(key, item);
+        mergedGenerator.addMapping({
+          source: source.path,
+          original: {
+            line: original.line,
+            column: original.columnStart
+          },
+          generated: {
+            line: item.line,
+            column: item.columnStart
+          },
+          name: original.name
+        });
+      });
+    });
+    for (const item of insertedMappings.values()) {
+      if (item.columnEnd === Infinity) {
+        continue;
+      }
+      const clearItem = {
+        line: item.line,
+        columnStart: item.columnEnd
+      };
+      const key = makeMappingKey(clearItem);
+      if (insertedMappings.has(key)) {
+        continue;
+      }
+      mergedGenerator.addMapping({
+        generated: {
+          line: clearItem.line,
+          column: clearItem.columnStart
+        }
+      });
+    }
+  }
+  const result = mergedGenerator.toJSON();
+  if (typeof input.sourceRoot === "string") {
+    result.sourceRoot = input.sourceRoot;
+  }
+  return result;
+function makeMappingKey(item) {
+  return `${item.line}/${item.columnStart}`;
+function eachOverlappingGeneratedOutputRange(outputFile, inputGeneratedRange, callback) {
+  const overlappingOriginal = filterApplicableOriginalRanges(outputFile, inputGeneratedRange);
+  for (const {
+    generated
+  } of overlappingOriginal) {
+    for (const item of generated) {
+      callback(item);
+    }
+  }
+function filterApplicableOriginalRanges({
+  mappings
+}, {
+  line,
+  columnStart,
+  columnEnd
+}) {
+  return filterSortedArray(mappings, ({
+    original: outOriginal
+  }) => {
+    if (line > outOriginal.line) return -1;
+    if (line < outOriginal.line) return 1;
+    if (columnStart >= outOriginal.columnEnd) return -1;
+    if (columnEnd <= outOriginal.columnStart) return 1;
+    return 0;
+  });
+function eachInputGeneratedRange(map, callback) {
+  for (const {
+    source,
+    mappings
+  } of map.sources) {
+    for (const {
+      original,
+      generated
+    } of mappings) {
+      for (const item of generated) {
+        callback(item, original, source);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+function buildMappingData(map) {
+  const consumer = new (_sourceMap().SourceMapConsumer)(Object.assign({}, map, {
+    sourceRoot: null
+  }));
+  const sources = new Map();
+  const mappings = new Map();
+  let last = null;
+  consumer.computeColumnSpans();
+  consumer.eachMapping(m => {
+    if (m.originalLine === null) return;
+    let source = sources.get(m.source);
+    if (!source) {
+      source = {
+        path: m.source,
+        content: consumer.sourceContentFor(m.source, true)
+      };
+      sources.set(m.source, source);
+    }
+    let sourceData = mappings.get(source);
+    if (!sourceData) {
+      sourceData = {
+        source,
+        mappings: []
+      };
+      mappings.set(source, sourceData);
+    }
+    const obj = {
+      line: m.originalLine,
+      columnStart: m.originalColumn,
+      columnEnd: Infinity,
+      name: m.name
+    };
+    if (last && last.source === source && last.mapping.line === m.originalLine) {
+      last.mapping.columnEnd = m.originalColumn;
+    }
+    last = {
+      source,
+      mapping: obj
+    };
+    sourceData.mappings.push({
+      original: obj,
+      generated: consumer.allGeneratedPositionsFor({
+        source: m.source,
+        line: m.originalLine,
+        column: m.originalColumn
+      }).map(item => ({
+        line: item.line,
+        columnStart: item.column,
+        columnEnd: item.lastColumn + 1
+      }))
+    });
+  }, null, _sourceMap().SourceMapConsumer.ORIGINAL_ORDER);
+  return {
+    file: map.file,
+    sourceRoot: map.sourceRoot,
+    sources: Array.from(mappings.values())
+  };
+function findInsertionLocation(array, callback) {
+  let left = 0;
+  let right = array.length;
+  while (left < right) {
+    const mid = Math.floor((left + right) / 2);
+    const item = array[mid];
+    const result = callback(item);
+    if (result === 0) {
+      left = mid;
+      break;
+    }
+    if (result >= 0) {
+      right = mid;
+    } else {
+      left = mid + 1;
+    }
+  }
+  let i = left;
+  if (i < array.length) {
+    while (i >= 0 && callback(array[i]) >= 0) {
+      i--;
+    }
+    return i + 1;
+  }
+  return i;
+function filterSortedArray(array, callback) {
+  const start = findInsertionLocation(array, callback);
+  const results = [];
+  for (let i = start; i < array.length && callback(array[i]) === 0; i++) {
+    results.push(array[i]);
+  }
+  return results;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/transformation/index.js b/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/transformation/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0ac43228
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/transformation/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+  value: true
+exports.run = run;
+function _traverse() {
+  const data = require("@babel/traverse");
+  _traverse = function () {
+    return data;
+  };
+  return data;
+var _pluginPass = require("./plugin-pass");
+var _blockHoistPlugin = require("./block-hoist-plugin");
+var _normalizeOpts = require("./normalize-opts");
+var _normalizeFile = require("./normalize-file");
+var _generate = require("./file/generate");
+function* run(config, code, ast) {
+  const file = yield* (0, _normalizeFile.default)(config.passes, (0, _normalizeOpts.default)(config), code, ast);
+  const opts = file.opts;
+  try {
+    yield* transformFile(file, config.passes);
+  } catch (e) {
+    var _opts$filename;
+    e.message = `${(_opts$filename = opts.filename) != null ? _opts$filename : "unknown"}: ${e.message}`;
+    if (!e.code) {
+      e.code = "BABEL_TRANSFORM_ERROR";
+    }
+    throw e;
+  }
+  let outputCode, outputMap;
+  try {
+    if (opts.code !== false) {
+      ({
+        outputCode,
+        outputMap
+      } = (0, _generate.default)(config.passes, file));
+    }
+  } catch (e) {
+    var _opts$filename2;
+    e.message = `${(_opts$filename2 = opts.filename) != null ? _opts$filename2 : "unknown"}: ${e.message}`;
+    if (!e.code) {
+      e.code = "BABEL_GENERATE_ERROR";
+    }
+    throw e;
+  }
+  return {
+    metadata: file.metadata,
+    options: opts,
+    ast: opts.ast === true ? file.ast : null,
+    code: outputCode === undefined ? null : outputCode,
+    map: outputMap === undefined ? null : outputMap,
+    sourceType: file.ast.program.sourceType
+  };
+function* transformFile(file, pluginPasses) {
+  for (const pluginPairs of pluginPasses) {
+    const passPairs = [];
+    const passes = [];
+    const visitors = [];
+    for (const plugin of pluginPairs.concat([(0, _blockHoistPlugin.default)()])) {
+      const pass = new _pluginPass.default(file, plugin.key, plugin.options);
+      passPairs.push([plugin, pass]);
+      passes.push(pass);
+      visitors.push(plugin.visitor);
+    }
+    for (const [plugin, pass] of passPairs) {
+      const fn = plugin.pre;
+      if (fn) {
+        const result = fn.call(pass, file);
+        yield* [];
+        if (isThenable(result)) {
+          throw new Error(`You appear to be using an plugin with an async .pre, ` + `which your current version of Babel does not support. ` + `If you're using a published plugin, you may need to upgrade ` + `your @babel/core version.`);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    const visitor = _traverse().default.visitors.merge(visitors, passes, file.opts.wrapPluginVisitorMethod);
+    (0, _traverse().default)(file.ast, visitor, file.scope);
+    for (const [plugin, pass] of passPairs) {
+      const fn = plugin.post;
+      if (fn) {
+        const result = fn.call(pass, file);
+        yield* [];
+        if (isThenable(result)) {
+          throw new Error(`You appear to be using an plugin with an async .post, ` + `which your current version of Babel does not support. ` + `If you're using a published plugin, you may need to upgrade ` + `your @babel/core version.`);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+function isThenable(val) {
+  return !!val && (typeof val === "object" || typeof val === "function") && !!val.then && typeof val.then === "function";
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/transformation/normalize-file.js b/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/transformation/normalize-file.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dc434ed8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/transformation/normalize-file.js
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+  value: true
+exports.default = normalizeFile;
+function _fs() {
+  const data = require("fs");
+  _fs = function () {
+    return data;
+  };
+  return data;
+function _path() {
+  const data = require("path");
+  _path = function () {
+    return data;
+  };
+  return data;
+function _debug() {
+  const data = require("debug");
+  _debug = function () {
+    return data;
+  };
+  return data;
+function _t() {
+  const data = require("@babel/types");
+  _t = function () {
+    return data;
+  };
+  return data;
+function _convertSourceMap() {
+  const data = require("convert-source-map");
+  _convertSourceMap = function () {
+    return data;
+  };
+  return data;
+var _file = require("./file/file");
+var _parser = require("../parser");
+var _cloneDeep = require("./util/clone-deep");
+const {
+  file,
+  traverseFast
+} = _t();
+const debug = _debug()("babel:transform:file");
+function* normalizeFile(pluginPasses, options, code, ast) {
+  code = `${code || ""}`;
+  if (ast) {
+    if (ast.type === "Program") {
+      ast = file(ast, [], []);
+    } else if (ast.type !== "File") {
+      throw new Error("AST root must be a Program or File node");
+    }
+    if (options.cloneInputAst) {
+      ast = (0, _cloneDeep.default)(ast);
+    }
+  } else {
+    ast = yield* (0, _parser.default)(pluginPasses, options, code);
+  }
+  let inputMap = null;
+  if (options.inputSourceMap !== false) {
+    if (typeof options.inputSourceMap === "object") {
+      inputMap = _convertSourceMap().fromObject(options.inputSourceMap);
+    }
+    if (!inputMap) {
+      const lastComment = extractComments(INLINE_SOURCEMAP_REGEX, ast);
+      if (lastComment) {
+        try {
+          inputMap = _convertSourceMap().fromComment(lastComment);
+        } catch (err) {
+          debug("discarding unknown inline input sourcemap", err);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    if (!inputMap) {
+      const lastComment = extractComments(EXTERNAL_SOURCEMAP_REGEX, ast);
+      if (typeof options.filename === "string" && lastComment) {
+        try {
+          const match = EXTERNAL_SOURCEMAP_REGEX.exec(lastComment);
+          const inputMapContent = _fs().readFileSync(_path().resolve(_path().dirname(options.filename), match[1]));
+          if (inputMapContent.length > LARGE_INPUT_SOURCEMAP_THRESHOLD) {
+            debug("skip merging input map > 1 MB");
+          } else {
+            inputMap = _convertSourceMap().fromJSON(inputMapContent);
+          }
+        } catch (err) {
+          debug("discarding unknown file input sourcemap", err);
+        }
+      } else if (lastComment) {
+        debug("discarding un-loadable file input sourcemap");
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return new _file.default(options, {
+    code,
+    ast,
+    inputMap
+  });
+const INLINE_SOURCEMAP_REGEX = /^[@#]\s+sourceMappingURL=data:(?:application|text)\/json;(?:charset[:=]\S+?;)?base64,(?:.*)$/;
+const EXTERNAL_SOURCEMAP_REGEX = /^[@#][ \t]+sourceMappingURL=([^\s'"`]+)[ \t]*$/;
+function extractCommentsFromList(regex, comments, lastComment) {
+  if (comments) {
+    comments = comments.filter(({
+      value
+    }) => {
+      if (regex.test(value)) {
+        lastComment = value;
+        return false;
+      }
+      return true;
+    });
+  }
+  return [comments, lastComment];
+function extractComments(regex, ast) {
+  let lastComment = null;
+  traverseFast(ast, node => {
+    [node.leadingComments, lastComment] = extractCommentsFromList(regex, node.leadingComments, lastComment);
+    [node.innerComments, lastComment] = extractCommentsFromList(regex, node.innerComments, lastComment);
+    [node.trailingComments, lastComment] = extractCommentsFromList(regex, node.trailingComments, lastComment);
+  });
+  return lastComment;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/transformation/normalize-opts.js b/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/transformation/normalize-opts.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6e2cb000
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/transformation/normalize-opts.js
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+  value: true
+exports.default = normalizeOptions;
+function _path() {
+  const data = require("path");
+  _path = function () {
+    return data;
+  };
+  return data;
+function normalizeOptions(config) {
+  const {
+    filename,
+    cwd,
+    filenameRelative = typeof filename === "string" ? _path().relative(cwd, filename) : "unknown",
+    sourceType = "module",
+    inputSourceMap,
+    sourceMaps = !!inputSourceMap,
+    sourceRoot = config.options.moduleRoot,
+    sourceFileName = _path().basename(filenameRelative),
+    comments = true,
+    compact = "auto"
+  } = config.options;
+  const opts = config.options;
+  const options = Object.assign({}, opts, {
+    parserOpts: Object.assign({
+      sourceType: _path().extname(filenameRelative) === ".mjs" ? "module" : sourceType,
+      sourceFileName: filename,
+      plugins: []
+    }, opts.parserOpts),
+    generatorOpts: Object.assign({
+      filename,
+      auxiliaryCommentBefore: opts.auxiliaryCommentBefore,
+      auxiliaryCommentAfter: opts.auxiliaryCommentAfter,
+      retainLines: opts.retainLines,
+      comments,
+      shouldPrintComment: opts.shouldPrintComment,
+      compact,
+      minified: opts.minified,
+      sourceMaps,
+      sourceRoot,
+      sourceFileName
+    }, opts.generatorOpts)
+  });
+  for (const plugins of config.passes) {
+    for (const plugin of plugins) {
+      if (plugin.manipulateOptions) {
+        plugin.manipulateOptions(options, options.parserOpts);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return options;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/transformation/plugin-pass.js b/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/transformation/plugin-pass.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..920558a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/transformation/plugin-pass.js
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+  value: true
+exports.default = void 0;
+class PluginPass {
+  constructor(file, key, options) {
+    this._map = new Map();
+    this.key = void 0;
+    this.file = void 0;
+    this.opts = void 0;
+    this.cwd = void 0;
+    this.filename = void 0;
+    this.key = key;
+    this.file = file;
+    this.opts = options || {};
+    this.cwd = file.opts.cwd;
+    this.filename = file.opts.filename;
+  }
+  set(key, val) {
+    this._map.set(key, val);
+  }
+  get(key) {
+    return this._map.get(key);
+  }
+  availableHelper(name, versionRange) {
+    return this.file.availableHelper(name, versionRange);
+  }
+  addHelper(name) {
+    return this.file.addHelper(name);
+  }
+  addImport() {
+    return this.file.addImport();
+  }
+  buildCodeFrameError(node, msg, _Error) {
+    return this.file.buildCodeFrameError(node, msg, _Error);
+  }
+exports.default = PluginPass;
+  PluginPass.prototype.getModuleName = function getModuleName() {
+    return this.file.getModuleName();
+  };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/transformation/util/clone-deep-browser.js b/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/transformation/util/clone-deep-browser.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a42de824
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/transformation/util/clone-deep-browser.js
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+  value: true
+exports.default = _default;
+const serialized = "$$ babel internal serialized type" + Math.random();
+function serialize(key, value) {
+  if (typeof value !== "bigint") return value;
+  return {
+    [serialized]: "BigInt",
+    value: value.toString()
+  };
+function revive(key, value) {
+  if (!value || typeof value !== "object") return value;
+  if (value[serialized] !== "BigInt") return value;
+  return BigInt(value.value);
+function _default(value) {
+  return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(value, serialize), revive);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/transformation/util/clone-deep.js b/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/transformation/util/clone-deep.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..35fbd093
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/transformation/util/clone-deep.js
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+  value: true
+exports.default = _default;
+function _v() {
+  const data = require("v8");
+  _v = function () {
+    return data;
+  };
+  return data;
+var _cloneDeepBrowser = require("./clone-deep-browser");
+function _default(value) {
+  if (_v().deserialize && _v().serialize) {
+    return _v().deserialize(_v().serialize(value));
+  }
+  return (0, _cloneDeepBrowser.default)(value);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/vendor/import-meta-resolve.js b/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/vendor/import-meta-resolve.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ce8d403f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/vendor/import-meta-resolve.js
@@ -0,0 +1,3312 @@
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+  value: true
+exports.moduleResolve = moduleResolve;
+exports.resolve = resolve;
+function _url() {
+  const data = require("url");
+  _url = function () {
+    return data;
+  };
+  return data;
+function _fs() {
+  const data = _interopRequireWildcard(require("fs"), true);
+  _fs = function () {
+    return data;
+  };
+  return data;
+function _path() {
+  const data = require("path");
+  _path = function () {
+    return data;
+  };
+  return data;
+function _assert() {
+  const data = require("assert");
+  _assert = function () {
+    return data;
+  };
+  return data;
+function _util() {
+  const data = require("util");
+  _util = function () {
+    return data;
+  };
+  return data;
+function _getRequireWildcardCache(nodeInterop) { if (typeof WeakMap !== "function") return null; var cacheBabelInterop = new WeakMap(); var cacheNodeInterop = new WeakMap(); return (_getRequireWildcardCache = function (nodeInterop) { return nodeInterop ? cacheNodeInterop : cacheBabelInterop; })(nodeInterop); }
+function _interopRequireWildcard(obj, nodeInterop) { if (!nodeInterop && obj && obj.__esModule) { return obj; } if (obj === null || typeof obj !== "object" && typeof obj !== "function") { return { default: obj }; } var cache = _getRequireWildcardCache(nodeInterop); if (cache && cache.has(obj)) { return cache.get(obj); } var newObj = {}; var hasPropertyDescriptor = Object.defineProperty && Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; for (var key in obj) { if (key !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key)) { var desc = hasPropertyDescriptor ? Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, key) : null; if (desc && (desc.get || desc.set)) { Object.defineProperty(newObj, key, desc); } else { newObj[key] = obj[key]; } } } newObj.default = obj; if (cache) { cache.set(obj, newObj); } return newObj; }
+function asyncGeneratorStep(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, key, arg) { try { var info = gen[key](arg); var value = info.value; } catch (error) { reject(error); return; } if (info.done) { resolve(value); } else { Promise.resolve(value).then(_next, _throw); } }
+function _asyncToGenerator(fn) { return function () { var self = this, args = arguments; return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { var gen = fn.apply(self, args); function _next(value) { asyncGeneratorStep(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, "next", value); } function _throw(err) { asyncGeneratorStep(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, "throw", err); } _next(undefined); }); }; }
+function createCommonjsModule(fn) {
+  var module = {
+    exports: {}
+  };
+  return fn(module, module.exports), module.exports;
+const SEMVER_SPEC_VERSION = '2.0.0';
+const MAX_LENGTH$2 = 256;
+const MAX_SAFE_INTEGER$1 = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER || 9007199254740991;
+var constants = {
+const debug = typeof process === 'object' && process.env && process.env.NODE_DEBUG && /\bsemver\b/i.test(process.env.NODE_DEBUG) ? (...args) => console.error('SEMVER', ...args) : () => {};
+var debug_1 = debug;
+var re_1 = createCommonjsModule(function (module, exports) {
+  const {
+  } = constants;
+  exports = module.exports = {};
+  const re = exports.re = [];
+  const src = exports.src = [];
+  const t = exports.t = {};
+  let R = 0;
+  const createToken = (name, value, isGlobal) => {
+    const index = R++;
+    debug_1(index, value);
+    t[name] = index;
+    src[index] = value;
+    re[index] = new RegExp(value, isGlobal ? 'g' : undefined);
+  };
+  createToken('NUMERICIDENTIFIER', '0|[1-9]\\d*');
+  createToken('NUMERICIDENTIFIERLOOSE', '[0-9]+');
+  createToken('NONNUMERICIDENTIFIER', '\\d*[a-zA-Z-][a-zA-Z0-9-]*');
+  createToken('MAINVERSION', `(${src[t.NUMERICIDENTIFIER]})\\.` + `(${src[t.NUMERICIDENTIFIER]})\\.` + `(${src[t.NUMERICIDENTIFIER]})`);
+  createToken('PRERELEASE', `(?:-(${src[t.PRERELEASEIDENTIFIER]}(?:\\.${src[t.PRERELEASEIDENTIFIER]})*))`);
+  createToken('BUILDIDENTIFIER', '[0-9A-Za-z-]+');
+  createToken('BUILD', `(?:\\+(${src[t.BUILDIDENTIFIER]}(?:\\.${src[t.BUILDIDENTIFIER]})*))`);
+  createToken('FULLPLAIN', `v?${src[t.MAINVERSION]}${src[t.PRERELEASE]}?${src[t.BUILD]}?`);
+  createToken('FULL', `^${src[t.FULLPLAIN]}$`);
+  createToken('LOOSEPLAIN', `[v=\\s]*${src[t.MAINVERSIONLOOSE]}${src[t.PRERELEASELOOSE]}?${src[t.BUILD]}?`);
+  createToken('LOOSE', `^${src[t.LOOSEPLAIN]}$`);
+  createToken('GTLT', '((?:<|>)?=?)');
+  createToken('XRANGEIDENTIFIER', `${src[t.NUMERICIDENTIFIER]}|x|X|\\*`);
+  createToken('XRANGEPLAIN', `[v=\\s]*(${src[t.XRANGEIDENTIFIER]})` + `(?:\\.(${src[t.XRANGEIDENTIFIER]})` + `(?:\\.(${src[t.XRANGEIDENTIFIER]})` + `(?:${src[t.PRERELEASE]})?${src[t.BUILD]}?` + `)?)?`);
+  createToken('XRANGEPLAINLOOSE', `[v=\\s]*(${src[t.XRANGEIDENTIFIERLOOSE]})` + `(?:\\.(${src[t.XRANGEIDENTIFIERLOOSE]})` + `(?:\\.(${src[t.XRANGEIDENTIFIERLOOSE]})` + `(?:${src[t.PRERELEASELOOSE]})?${src[t.BUILD]}?` + `)?)?`);
+  createToken('XRANGE', `^${src[t.GTLT]}\\s*${src[t.XRANGEPLAIN]}$`);
+  createToken('XRANGELOOSE', `^${src[t.GTLT]}\\s*${src[t.XRANGEPLAINLOOSE]}$`);
+  createToken('COERCE', `${'(^|[^\\d])' + '(\\d{1,'}${MAX_SAFE_COMPONENT_LENGTH}})` + `(?:\\.(\\d{1,${MAX_SAFE_COMPONENT_LENGTH}}))?` + `(?:\\.(\\d{1,${MAX_SAFE_COMPONENT_LENGTH}}))?` + `(?:$|[^\\d])`);
+  createToken('COERCERTL', src[t.COERCE], true);
+  createToken('LONETILDE', '(?:~>?)');
+  createToken('TILDETRIM', `(\\s*)${src[t.LONETILDE]}\\s+`, true);
+  exports.tildeTrimReplace = '$1~';
+  createToken('TILDE', `^${src[t.LONETILDE]}${src[t.XRANGEPLAIN]}$`);
+  createToken('TILDELOOSE', `^${src[t.LONETILDE]}${src[t.XRANGEPLAINLOOSE]}$`);
+  createToken('LONECARET', '(?:\\^)');
+  createToken('CARETTRIM', `(\\s*)${src[t.LONECARET]}\\s+`, true);
+  exports.caretTrimReplace = '$1^';
+  createToken('CARET', `^${src[t.LONECARET]}${src[t.XRANGEPLAIN]}$`);
+  createToken('CARETLOOSE', `^${src[t.LONECARET]}${src[t.XRANGEPLAINLOOSE]}$`);
+  createToken('COMPARATORLOOSE', `^${src[t.GTLT]}\\s*(${src[t.LOOSEPLAIN]})$|^$`);
+  createToken('COMPARATOR', `^${src[t.GTLT]}\\s*(${src[t.FULLPLAIN]})$|^$`);
+  createToken('COMPARATORTRIM', `(\\s*)${src[t.GTLT]}\\s*(${src[t.LOOSEPLAIN]}|${src[t.XRANGEPLAIN]})`, true);
+  exports.comparatorTrimReplace = '$1$2$3';
+  createToken('HYPHENRANGE', `^\\s*(${src[t.XRANGEPLAIN]})` + `\\s+-\\s+` + `(${src[t.XRANGEPLAIN]})` + `\\s*$`);
+  createToken('HYPHENRANGELOOSE', `^\\s*(${src[t.XRANGEPLAINLOOSE]})` + `\\s+-\\s+` + `(${src[t.XRANGEPLAINLOOSE]})` + `\\s*$`);
+  createToken('STAR', '(<|>)?=?\\s*\\*');
+  createToken('GTE0', '^\\s*>=\\s*0\.0\.0\\s*$');
+  createToken('GTE0PRE', '^\\s*>=\\s*0\.0\.0-0\\s*$');
+const opts = ['includePrerelease', 'loose', 'rtl'];
+const parseOptions = options => !options ? {} : typeof options !== 'object' ? {
+  loose: true
+} : opts.filter(k => options[k]).reduce((options, k) => {
+  options[k] = true;
+  return options;
+}, {});
+var parseOptions_1 = parseOptions;
+const numeric = /^[0-9]+$/;
+const compareIdentifiers$1 = (a, b) => {
+  const anum = numeric.test(a);
+  const bnum = numeric.test(b);
+  if (anum && bnum) {
+    a = +a;
+    b = +b;
+  }
+  return a === b ? 0 : anum && !bnum ? -1 : bnum && !anum ? 1 : a < b ? -1 : 1;
+const rcompareIdentifiers = (a, b) => compareIdentifiers$1(b, a);
+var identifiers = {
+  compareIdentifiers: compareIdentifiers$1,
+  rcompareIdentifiers
+const {
+} = constants;
+const {
+  re: re$4,
+  t: t$4
+} = re_1;
+const {
+  compareIdentifiers
+} = identifiers;
+class SemVer {
+  constructor(version, options) {
+    options = parseOptions_1(options);
+    if (version instanceof SemVer) {
+      if (version.loose === !!options.loose && version.includePrerelease === !!options.includePrerelease) {
+        return version;
+      } else {
+        version = version.version;
+      }
+    } else if (typeof version !== 'string') {
+      throw new TypeError(`Invalid Version: ${version}`);
+    }
+    if (version.length > MAX_LENGTH$1) {
+      throw new TypeError(`version is longer than ${MAX_LENGTH$1} characters`);
+    }
+    debug_1('SemVer', version, options);
+    this.options = options;
+    this.loose = !!options.loose;
+    this.includePrerelease = !!options.includePrerelease;
+    const m = version.trim().match(options.loose ? re$4[t$4.LOOSE] : re$4[t$4.FULL]);
+    if (!m) {
+      throw new TypeError(`Invalid Version: ${version}`);
+    }
+    this.raw = version;
+    this.major = +m[1];
+    this.minor = +m[2];
+    this.patch = +m[3];
+    if (this.major > MAX_SAFE_INTEGER || this.major < 0) {
+      throw new TypeError('Invalid major version');
+    }
+    if (this.minor > MAX_SAFE_INTEGER || this.minor < 0) {
+      throw new TypeError('Invalid minor version');
+    }
+    if (this.patch > MAX_SAFE_INTEGER || this.patch < 0) {
+      throw new TypeError('Invalid patch version');
+    }
+    if (!m[4]) {
+      this.prerelease = [];
+    } else {
+      this.prerelease = m[4].split('.').map(id => {
+        if (/^[0-9]+$/.test(id)) {
+          const num = +id;
+          if (num >= 0 && num < MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) {
+            return num;
+          }
+        }
+        return id;
+      });
+    }
+    this.build = m[5] ? m[5].split('.') : [];
+    this.format();
+  }
+  format() {
+    this.version = `${this.major}.${this.minor}.${this.patch}`;
+    if (this.prerelease.length) {
+      this.version += `-${this.prerelease.join('.')}`;
+    }
+    return this.version;
+  }
+  toString() {
+    return this.version;
+  }
+  compare(other) {
+    debug_1('SemVer.compare', this.version, this.options, other);
+    if (!(other instanceof SemVer)) {
+      if (typeof other === 'string' && other === this.version) {
+        return 0;
+      }
+      other = new SemVer(other, this.options);
+    }
+    if (other.version === this.version) {
+      return 0;
+    }
+    return this.compareMain(other) || this.comparePre(other);
+  }
+  compareMain(other) {
+    if (!(other instanceof SemVer)) {
+      other = new SemVer(other, this.options);
+    }
+    return compareIdentifiers(this.major, other.major) || compareIdentifiers(this.minor, other.minor) || compareIdentifiers(this.patch, other.patch);
+  }
+  comparePre(other) {
+    if (!(other instanceof SemVer)) {
+      other = new SemVer(other, this.options);
+    }
+    if (this.prerelease.length && !other.prerelease.length) {
+      return -1;
+    } else if (!this.prerelease.length && other.prerelease.length) {
+      return 1;
+    } else if (!this.prerelease.length && !other.prerelease.length) {
+      return 0;
+    }
+    let i = 0;
+    do {
+      const a = this.prerelease[i];
+      const b = other.prerelease[i];
+      debug_1('prerelease compare', i, a, b);
+      if (a === undefined && b === undefined) {
+        return 0;
+      } else if (b === undefined) {
+        return 1;
+      } else if (a === undefined) {
+        return -1;
+      } else if (a === b) {
+        continue;
+      } else {
+        return compareIdentifiers(a, b);
+      }
+    } while (++i);
+  }
+  compareBuild(other) {
+    if (!(other instanceof SemVer)) {
+      other = new SemVer(other, this.options);
+    }
+    let i = 0;
+    do {
+      const a = this.build[i];
+      const b = other.build[i];
+      debug_1('prerelease compare', i, a, b);
+      if (a === undefined && b === undefined) {
+        return 0;
+      } else if (b === undefined) {
+        return 1;
+      } else if (a === undefined) {
+        return -1;
+      } else if (a === b) {
+        continue;
+      } else {
+        return compareIdentifiers(a, b);
+      }
+    } while (++i);
+  }
+  inc(release, identifier) {
+    switch (release) {
+      case 'premajor':
+        this.prerelease.length = 0;
+        this.patch = 0;
+        this.minor = 0;
+        this.major++;
+        this.inc('pre', identifier);
+        break;
+      case 'preminor':
+        this.prerelease.length = 0;
+        this.patch = 0;
+        this.minor++;
+        this.inc('pre', identifier);
+        break;
+      case 'prepatch':
+        this.prerelease.length = 0;
+        this.inc('patch', identifier);
+        this.inc('pre', identifier);
+        break;
+      case 'prerelease':
+        if (this.prerelease.length === 0) {
+          this.inc('patch', identifier);
+        }
+        this.inc('pre', identifier);
+        break;
+      case 'major':
+        if (this.minor !== 0 || this.patch !== 0 || this.prerelease.length === 0) {
+          this.major++;
+        }
+        this.minor = 0;
+        this.patch = 0;
+        this.prerelease = [];
+        break;
+      case 'minor':
+        if (this.patch !== 0 || this.prerelease.length === 0) {
+          this.minor++;
+        }
+        this.patch = 0;
+        this.prerelease = [];
+        break;
+      case 'patch':
+        if (this.prerelease.length === 0) {
+          this.patch++;
+        }
+        this.prerelease = [];
+        break;
+      case 'pre':
+        if (this.prerelease.length === 0) {
+          this.prerelease = [0];
+        } else {
+          let i = this.prerelease.length;
+          while (--i >= 0) {
+            if (typeof this.prerelease[i] === 'number') {
+              this.prerelease[i]++;
+              i = -2;
+            }
+          }
+          if (i === -1) {
+            this.prerelease.push(0);
+          }
+        }
+        if (identifier) {
+          if (this.prerelease[0] === identifier) {
+            if (isNaN(this.prerelease[1])) {
+              this.prerelease = [identifier, 0];
+            }
+          } else {
+            this.prerelease = [identifier, 0];
+          }
+        }
+        break;
+      default:
+        throw new Error(`invalid increment argument: ${release}`);
+    }
+    this.format();
+    this.raw = this.version;
+    return this;
+  }
+var semver$1 = SemVer;
+const {
+} = constants;
+const {
+  re: re$3,
+  t: t$3
+} = re_1;
+const parse = (version, options) => {
+  options = parseOptions_1(options);
+  if (version instanceof semver$1) {
+    return version;
+  }
+  if (typeof version !== 'string') {
+    return null;
+  }
+  if (version.length > MAX_LENGTH) {
+    return null;
+  }
+  const r = options.loose ? re$3[t$3.LOOSE] : re$3[t$3.FULL];
+  if (!r.test(version)) {
+    return null;
+  }
+  try {
+    return new semver$1(version, options);
+  } catch (er) {
+    return null;
+  }
+var parse_1 = parse;
+const valid$1 = (version, options) => {
+  const v = parse_1(version, options);
+  return v ? v.version : null;
+var valid_1 = valid$1;
+const clean = (version, options) => {
+  const s = parse_1(version.trim().replace(/^[=v]+/, ''), options);
+  return s ? s.version : null;
+var clean_1 = clean;
+const inc = (version, release, options, identifier) => {
+  if (typeof options === 'string') {
+    identifier = options;
+    options = undefined;
+  }
+  try {
+    return new semver$1(version, options).inc(release, identifier).version;
+  } catch (er) {
+    return null;
+  }
+var inc_1 = inc;
+const compare = (a, b, loose) => new semver$1(a, loose).compare(new semver$1(b, loose));
+var compare_1 = compare;
+const eq = (a, b, loose) => compare_1(a, b, loose) === 0;
+var eq_1 = eq;
+const diff = (version1, version2) => {
+  if (eq_1(version1, version2)) {
+    return null;
+  } else {
+    const v1 = parse_1(version1);
+    const v2 = parse_1(version2);
+    const hasPre = v1.prerelease.length || v2.prerelease.length;
+    const prefix = hasPre ? 'pre' : '';
+    const defaultResult = hasPre ? 'prerelease' : '';
+    for (const key in v1) {
+      if (key === 'major' || key === 'minor' || key === 'patch') {
+        if (v1[key] !== v2[key]) {
+          return prefix + key;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    return defaultResult;
+  }
+var diff_1 = diff;
+const major = (a, loose) => new semver$1(a, loose).major;
+var major_1 = major;
+const minor = (a, loose) => new semver$1(a, loose).minor;
+var minor_1 = minor;
+const patch = (a, loose) => new semver$1(a, loose).patch;
+var patch_1 = patch;
+const prerelease = (version, options) => {
+  const parsed = parse_1(version, options);
+  return parsed && parsed.prerelease.length ? parsed.prerelease : null;
+var prerelease_1 = prerelease;
+const rcompare = (a, b, loose) => compare_1(b, a, loose);
+var rcompare_1 = rcompare;
+const compareLoose = (a, b) => compare_1(a, b, true);
+var compareLoose_1 = compareLoose;
+const compareBuild = (a, b, loose) => {
+  const versionA = new semver$1(a, loose);
+  const versionB = new semver$1(b, loose);
+  return versionA.compare(versionB) || versionA.compareBuild(versionB);
+var compareBuild_1 = compareBuild;
+const sort = (list, loose) => list.sort((a, b) => compareBuild_1(a, b, loose));
+var sort_1 = sort;
+const rsort = (list, loose) => list.sort((a, b) => compareBuild_1(b, a, loose));
+var rsort_1 = rsort;
+const gt = (a, b, loose) => compare_1(a, b, loose) > 0;
+var gt_1 = gt;
+const lt = (a, b, loose) => compare_1(a, b, loose) < 0;
+var lt_1 = lt;
+const neq = (a, b, loose) => compare_1(a, b, loose) !== 0;
+var neq_1 = neq;
+const gte = (a, b, loose) => compare_1(a, b, loose) >= 0;
+var gte_1 = gte;
+const lte = (a, b, loose) => compare_1(a, b, loose) <= 0;
+var lte_1 = lte;
+const cmp = (a, op, b, loose) => {
+  switch (op) {
+    case '===':
+      if (typeof a === 'object') a = a.version;
+      if (typeof b === 'object') b = b.version;
+      return a === b;
+    case '!==':
+      if (typeof a === 'object') a = a.version;
+      if (typeof b === 'object') b = b.version;
+      return a !== b;
+    case '':
+    case '=':
+    case '==':
+      return eq_1(a, b, loose);
+    case '!=':
+      return neq_1(a, b, loose);
+    case '>':
+      return gt_1(a, b, loose);
+    case '>=':
+      return gte_1(a, b, loose);
+    case '<':
+      return lt_1(a, b, loose);
+    case '<=':
+      return lte_1(a, b, loose);
+    default:
+      throw new TypeError(`Invalid operator: ${op}`);
+  }
+var cmp_1 = cmp;
+const {
+  re: re$2,
+  t: t$2
+} = re_1;
+const coerce = (version, options) => {
+  if (version instanceof semver$1) {
+    return version;
+  }
+  if (typeof version === 'number') {
+    version = String(version);
+  }
+  if (typeof version !== 'string') {
+    return null;
+  }
+  options = options || {};
+  let match = null;
+  if (!options.rtl) {
+    match = version.match(re$2[t$2.COERCE]);
+  } else {
+    let next;
+    while ((next = re$2[t$2.COERCERTL].exec(version)) && (!match || match.index + match[0].length !== version.length)) {
+      if (!match || next.index + next[0].length !== match.index + match[0].length) {
+        match = next;
+      }
+      re$2[t$2.COERCERTL].lastIndex = next.index + next[1].length + next[2].length;
+    }
+    re$2[t$2.COERCERTL].lastIndex = -1;
+  }
+  if (match === null) return null;
+  return parse_1(`${match[2]}.${match[3] || '0'}.${match[4] || '0'}`, options);
+var coerce_1 = coerce;
+var iterator = function (Yallist) {
+  Yallist.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = function* () {
+    for (let walker = this.head; walker; walker = walker.next) {
+      yield walker.value;
+    }
+  };
+var yallist = Yallist;
+Yallist.Node = Node;
+Yallist.create = Yallist;
+function Yallist(list) {
+  var self = this;
+  if (!(self instanceof Yallist)) {
+    self = new Yallist();
+  }
+  self.tail = null;
+  self.head = null;
+  self.length = 0;
+  if (list && typeof list.forEach === 'function') {
+    list.forEach(function (item) {
+      self.push(item);
+    });
+  } else if (arguments.length > 0) {
+    for (var i = 0, l = arguments.length; i < l; i++) {
+      self.push(arguments[i]);
+    }
+  }
+  return self;
+Yallist.prototype.removeNode = function (node) {
+  if (node.list !== this) {
+    throw new Error('removing node which does not belong to this list');
+  }
+  var next = node.next;
+  var prev = node.prev;
+  if (next) {
+    next.prev = prev;
+  }
+  if (prev) {
+    prev.next = next;
+  }
+  if (node === this.head) {
+    this.head = next;
+  }
+  if (node === this.tail) {
+    this.tail = prev;
+  }
+  node.list.length--;
+  node.next = null;
+  node.prev = null;
+  node.list = null;
+  return next;
+Yallist.prototype.unshiftNode = function (node) {
+  if (node === this.head) {
+    return;
+  }
+  if (node.list) {
+    node.list.removeNode(node);
+  }
+  var head = this.head;
+  node.list = this;
+  node.next = head;
+  if (head) {
+    head.prev = node;
+  }
+  this.head = node;
+  if (!this.tail) {
+    this.tail = node;
+  }
+  this.length++;
+Yallist.prototype.pushNode = function (node) {
+  if (node === this.tail) {
+    return;
+  }
+  if (node.list) {
+    node.list.removeNode(node);
+  }
+  var tail = this.tail;
+  node.list = this;
+  node.prev = tail;
+  if (tail) {
+    tail.next = node;
+  }
+  this.tail = node;
+  if (!this.head) {
+    this.head = node;
+  }
+  this.length++;
+Yallist.prototype.push = function () {
+  for (var i = 0, l = arguments.length; i < l; i++) {
+    push(this, arguments[i]);
+  }
+  return this.length;
+Yallist.prototype.unshift = function () {
+  for (var i = 0, l = arguments.length; i < l; i++) {
+    unshift(this, arguments[i]);
+  }
+  return this.length;
+Yallist.prototype.pop = function () {
+  if (!this.tail) {
+    return undefined;
+  }
+  var res = this.tail.value;
+  this.tail = this.tail.prev;
+  if (this.tail) {
+    this.tail.next = null;
+  } else {
+    this.head = null;
+  }
+  this.length--;
+  return res;
+Yallist.prototype.shift = function () {
+  if (!this.head) {
+    return undefined;
+  }
+  var res = this.head.value;
+  this.head = this.head.next;
+  if (this.head) {
+    this.head.prev = null;
+  } else {
+    this.tail = null;
+  }
+  this.length--;
+  return res;
+Yallist.prototype.forEach = function (fn, thisp) {
+  thisp = thisp || this;
+  for (var walker = this.head, i = 0; walker !== null; i++) {
+    fn.call(thisp, walker.value, i, this);
+    walker = walker.next;
+  }
+Yallist.prototype.forEachReverse = function (fn, thisp) {
+  thisp = thisp || this;
+  for (var walker = this.tail, i = this.length - 1; walker !== null; i--) {
+    fn.call(thisp, walker.value, i, this);
+    walker = walker.prev;
+  }
+Yallist.prototype.get = function (n) {
+  for (var i = 0, walker = this.head; walker !== null && i < n; i++) {
+    walker = walker.next;
+  }
+  if (i === n && walker !== null) {
+    return walker.value;
+  }
+Yallist.prototype.getReverse = function (n) {
+  for (var i = 0, walker = this.tail; walker !== null && i < n; i++) {
+    walker = walker.prev;
+  }
+  if (i === n && walker !== null) {
+    return walker.value;
+  }
+Yallist.prototype.map = function (fn, thisp) {
+  thisp = thisp || this;
+  var res = new Yallist();
+  for (var walker = this.head; walker !== null;) {
+    res.push(fn.call(thisp, walker.value, this));
+    walker = walker.next;
+  }
+  return res;
+Yallist.prototype.mapReverse = function (fn, thisp) {
+  thisp = thisp || this;
+  var res = new Yallist();
+  for (var walker = this.tail; walker !== null;) {
+    res.push(fn.call(thisp, walker.value, this));
+    walker = walker.prev;
+  }
+  return res;
+Yallist.prototype.reduce = function (fn, initial) {
+  var acc;
+  var walker = this.head;
+  if (arguments.length > 1) {
+    acc = initial;
+  } else if (this.head) {
+    walker = this.head.next;
+    acc = this.head.value;
+  } else {
+    throw new TypeError('Reduce of empty list with no initial value');
+  }
+  for (var i = 0; walker !== null; i++) {
+    acc = fn(acc, walker.value, i);
+    walker = walker.next;
+  }
+  return acc;
+Yallist.prototype.reduceReverse = function (fn, initial) {
+  var acc;
+  var walker = this.tail;
+  if (arguments.length > 1) {
+    acc = initial;
+  } else if (this.tail) {
+    walker = this.tail.prev;
+    acc = this.tail.value;
+  } else {
+    throw new TypeError('Reduce of empty list with no initial value');
+  }
+  for (var i = this.length - 1; walker !== null; i--) {
+    acc = fn(acc, walker.value, i);
+    walker = walker.prev;
+  }
+  return acc;
+Yallist.prototype.toArray = function () {
+  var arr = new Array(this.length);
+  for (var i = 0, walker = this.head; walker !== null; i++) {
+    arr[i] = walker.value;
+    walker = walker.next;
+  }
+  return arr;
+Yallist.prototype.toArrayReverse = function () {
+  var arr = new Array(this.length);
+  for (var i = 0, walker = this.tail; walker !== null; i++) {
+    arr[i] = walker.value;
+    walker = walker.prev;
+  }
+  return arr;
+Yallist.prototype.slice = function (from, to) {
+  to = to || this.length;
+  if (to < 0) {
+    to += this.length;
+  }
+  from = from || 0;
+  if (from < 0) {
+    from += this.length;
+  }
+  var ret = new Yallist();
+  if (to < from || to < 0) {
+    return ret;
+  }
+  if (from < 0) {
+    from = 0;
+  }
+  if (to > this.length) {
+    to = this.length;
+  }
+  for (var i = 0, walker = this.head; walker !== null && i < from; i++) {
+    walker = walker.next;
+  }
+  for (; walker !== null && i < to; i++, walker = walker.next) {
+    ret.push(walker.value);
+  }
+  return ret;
+Yallist.prototype.sliceReverse = function (from, to) {
+  to = to || this.length;
+  if (to < 0) {
+    to += this.length;
+  }
+  from = from || 0;
+  if (from < 0) {
+    from += this.length;
+  }
+  var ret = new Yallist();
+  if (to < from || to < 0) {
+    return ret;
+  }
+  if (from < 0) {
+    from = 0;
+  }
+  if (to > this.length) {
+    to = this.length;
+  }
+  for (var i = this.length, walker = this.tail; walker !== null && i > to; i--) {
+    walker = walker.prev;
+  }
+  for (; walker !== null && i > from; i--, walker = walker.prev) {
+    ret.push(walker.value);
+  }
+  return ret;
+Yallist.prototype.splice = function (start, deleteCount, ...nodes) {
+  if (start > this.length) {
+    start = this.length - 1;
+  }
+  if (start < 0) {
+    start = this.length + start;
+  }
+  for (var i = 0, walker = this.head; walker !== null && i < start; i++) {
+    walker = walker.next;
+  }
+  var ret = [];
+  for (var i = 0; walker && i < deleteCount; i++) {
+    ret.push(walker.value);
+    walker = this.removeNode(walker);
+  }
+  if (walker === null) {
+    walker = this.tail;
+  }
+  if (walker !== this.head && walker !== this.tail) {
+    walker = walker.prev;
+  }
+  for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
+    walker = insert(this, walker, nodes[i]);
+  }
+  return ret;
+Yallist.prototype.reverse = function () {
+  var head = this.head;
+  var tail = this.tail;
+  for (var walker = head; walker !== null; walker = walker.prev) {
+    var p = walker.prev;
+    walker.prev = walker.next;
+    walker.next = p;
+  }
+  this.head = tail;
+  this.tail = head;
+  return this;
+function insert(self, node, value) {
+  var inserted = node === self.head ? new Node(value, null, node, self) : new Node(value, node, node.next, self);
+  if (inserted.next === null) {
+    self.tail = inserted;
+  }
+  if (inserted.prev === null) {
+    self.head = inserted;
+  }
+  self.length++;
+  return inserted;
+function push(self, item) {
+  self.tail = new Node(item, self.tail, null, self);
+  if (!self.head) {
+    self.head = self.tail;
+  }
+  self.length++;
+function unshift(self, item) {
+  self.head = new Node(item, null, self.head, self);
+  if (!self.tail) {
+    self.tail = self.head;
+  }
+  self.length++;
+function Node(value, prev, next, list) {
+  if (!(this instanceof Node)) {
+    return new Node(value, prev, next, list);
+  }
+  this.list = list;
+  this.value = value;
+  if (prev) {
+    prev.next = this;
+    this.prev = prev;
+  } else {
+    this.prev = null;
+  }
+  if (next) {
+    next.prev = this;
+    this.next = next;
+  } else {
+    this.next = null;
+  }
+try {
+  iterator(Yallist);
+} catch (er) {}
+const MAX = Symbol('max');
+const LENGTH = Symbol('length');
+const LENGTH_CALCULATOR = Symbol('lengthCalculator');
+const ALLOW_STALE = Symbol('allowStale');
+const MAX_AGE = Symbol('maxAge');
+const DISPOSE = Symbol('dispose');
+const NO_DISPOSE_ON_SET = Symbol('noDisposeOnSet');
+const LRU_LIST = Symbol('lruList');
+const CACHE = Symbol('cache');
+const UPDATE_AGE_ON_GET = Symbol('updateAgeOnGet');
+const naiveLength = () => 1;
+class LRUCache {
+  constructor(options) {
+    if (typeof options === 'number') options = {
+      max: options
+    };
+    if (!options) options = {};
+    if (options.max && (typeof options.max !== 'number' || options.max < 0)) throw new TypeError('max must be a non-negative number');
+    this[MAX] = options.max || Infinity;
+    const lc = options.length || naiveLength;
+    this[LENGTH_CALCULATOR] = typeof lc !== 'function' ? naiveLength : lc;
+    this[ALLOW_STALE] = options.stale || false;
+    if (options.maxAge && typeof options.maxAge !== 'number') throw new TypeError('maxAge must be a number');
+    this[MAX_AGE] = options.maxAge || 0;
+    this[DISPOSE] = options.dispose;
+    this[NO_DISPOSE_ON_SET] = options.noDisposeOnSet || false;
+    this[UPDATE_AGE_ON_GET] = options.updateAgeOnGet || false;
+    this.reset();
+  }
+  set max(mL) {
+    if (typeof mL !== 'number' || mL < 0) throw new TypeError('max must be a non-negative number');
+    this[MAX] = mL || Infinity;
+    trim(this);
+  }
+  get max() {
+    return this[MAX];
+  }
+  set allowStale(allowStale) {
+    this[ALLOW_STALE] = !!allowStale;
+  }
+  get allowStale() {
+    return this[ALLOW_STALE];
+  }
+  set maxAge(mA) {
+    if (typeof mA !== 'number') throw new TypeError('maxAge must be a non-negative number');
+    this[MAX_AGE] = mA;
+    trim(this);
+  }
+  get maxAge() {
+    return this[MAX_AGE];
+  }
+  set lengthCalculator(lC) {
+    if (typeof lC !== 'function') lC = naiveLength;
+    if (lC !== this[LENGTH_CALCULATOR]) {
+      this[LENGTH_CALCULATOR] = lC;
+      this[LENGTH] = 0;
+      this[LRU_LIST].forEach(hit => {
+        hit.length = this[LENGTH_CALCULATOR](hit.value, hit.key);
+        this[LENGTH] += hit.length;
+      });
+    }
+    trim(this);
+  }
+  get lengthCalculator() {
+    return this[LENGTH_CALCULATOR];
+  }
+  get length() {
+    return this[LENGTH];
+  }
+  get itemCount() {
+    return this[LRU_LIST].length;
+  }
+  rforEach(fn, thisp) {
+    thisp = thisp || this;
+    for (let walker = this[LRU_LIST].tail; walker !== null;) {
+      const prev = walker.prev;
+      forEachStep(this, fn, walker, thisp);
+      walker = prev;
+    }
+  }
+  forEach(fn, thisp) {
+    thisp = thisp || this;
+    for (let walker = this[LRU_LIST].head; walker !== null;) {
+      const next = walker.next;
+      forEachStep(this, fn, walker, thisp);
+      walker = next;
+    }
+  }
+  keys() {
+    return this[LRU_LIST].toArray().map(k => k.key);
+  }
+  values() {
+    return this[LRU_LIST].toArray().map(k => k.value);
+  }
+  reset() {
+    if (this[DISPOSE] && this[LRU_LIST] && this[LRU_LIST].length) {
+      this[LRU_LIST].forEach(hit => this[DISPOSE](hit.key, hit.value));
+    }
+    this[CACHE] = new Map();
+    this[LRU_LIST] = new yallist();
+    this[LENGTH] = 0;
+  }
+  dump() {
+    return this[LRU_LIST].map(hit => isStale(this, hit) ? false : {
+      k: hit.key,
+      v: hit.value,
+      e: hit.now + (hit.maxAge || 0)
+    }).toArray().filter(h => h);
+  }
+  dumpLru() {
+    return this[LRU_LIST];
+  }
+  set(key, value, maxAge) {
+    maxAge = maxAge || this[MAX_AGE];
+    if (maxAge && typeof maxAge !== 'number') throw new TypeError('maxAge must be a number');
+    const now = maxAge ? Date.now() : 0;
+    const len = this[LENGTH_CALCULATOR](value, key);
+    if (this[CACHE].has(key)) {
+      if (len > this[MAX]) {
+        del(this, this[CACHE].get(key));
+        return false;
+      }
+      const node = this[CACHE].get(key);
+      const item = node.value;
+      if (this[DISPOSE]) {
+        if (!this[NO_DISPOSE_ON_SET]) this[DISPOSE](key, item.value);
+      }
+      item.now = now;
+      item.maxAge = maxAge;
+      item.value = value;
+      this[LENGTH] += len - item.length;
+      item.length = len;
+      this.get(key);
+      trim(this);
+      return true;
+    }
+    const hit = new Entry(key, value, len, now, maxAge);
+    if (hit.length > this[MAX]) {
+      if (this[DISPOSE]) this[DISPOSE](key, value);
+      return false;
+    }
+    this[LENGTH] += hit.length;
+    this[LRU_LIST].unshift(hit);
+    this[CACHE].set(key, this[LRU_LIST].head);
+    trim(this);
+    return true;
+  }
+  has(key) {
+    if (!this[CACHE].has(key)) return false;
+    const hit = this[CACHE].get(key).value;
+    return !isStale(this, hit);
+  }
+  get(key) {
+    return get(this, key, true);
+  }
+  peek(key) {
+    return get(this, key, false);
+  }
+  pop() {
+    const node = this[LRU_LIST].tail;
+    if (!node) return null;
+    del(this, node);
+    return node.value;
+  }
+  del(key) {
+    del(this, this[CACHE].get(key));
+  }
+  load(arr) {
+    this.reset();
+    const now = Date.now();
+    for (let l = arr.length - 1; l >= 0; l--) {
+      const hit = arr[l];
+      const expiresAt = hit.e || 0;
+      if (expiresAt === 0) this.set(hit.k, hit.v);else {
+        const maxAge = expiresAt - now;
+        if (maxAge > 0) {
+          this.set(hit.k, hit.v, maxAge);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  prune() {
+    this[CACHE].forEach((value, key) => get(this, key, false));
+  }
+const get = (self, key, doUse) => {
+  const node = self[CACHE].get(key);
+  if (node) {
+    const hit = node.value;
+    if (isStale(self, hit)) {
+      del(self, node);
+      if (!self[ALLOW_STALE]) return undefined;
+    } else {
+      if (doUse) {
+        if (self[UPDATE_AGE_ON_GET]) node.value.now = Date.now();
+        self[LRU_LIST].unshiftNode(node);
+      }
+    }
+    return hit.value;
+  }
+const isStale = (self, hit) => {
+  if (!hit || !hit.maxAge && !self[MAX_AGE]) return false;
+  const diff = Date.now() - hit.now;
+  return hit.maxAge ? diff > hit.maxAge : self[MAX_AGE] && diff > self[MAX_AGE];
+const trim = self => {
+  if (self[LENGTH] > self[MAX]) {
+    for (let walker = self[LRU_LIST].tail; self[LENGTH] > self[MAX] && walker !== null;) {
+      const prev = walker.prev;
+      del(self, walker);
+      walker = prev;
+    }
+  }
+const del = (self, node) => {
+  if (node) {
+    const hit = node.value;
+    if (self[DISPOSE]) self[DISPOSE](hit.key, hit.value);
+    self[LENGTH] -= hit.length;
+    self[CACHE].delete(hit.key);
+    self[LRU_LIST].removeNode(node);
+  }
+class Entry {
+  constructor(key, value, length, now, maxAge) {
+    this.key = key;
+    this.value = value;
+    this.length = length;
+    this.now = now;
+    this.maxAge = maxAge || 0;
+  }
+const forEachStep = (self, fn, node, thisp) => {
+  let hit = node.value;
+  if (isStale(self, hit)) {
+    del(self, node);
+    if (!self[ALLOW_STALE]) hit = undefined;
+  }
+  if (hit) fn.call(thisp, hit.value, hit.key, self);
+var lruCache = LRUCache;
+class Range {
+  constructor(range, options) {
+    options = parseOptions_1(options);
+    if (range instanceof Range) {
+      if (range.loose === !!options.loose && range.includePrerelease === !!options.includePrerelease) {
+        return range;
+      } else {
+        return new Range(range.raw, options);
+      }
+    }
+    if (range instanceof comparator) {
+      this.raw = range.value;
+      this.set = [[range]];
+      this.format();
+      return this;
+    }
+    this.options = options;
+    this.loose = !!options.loose;
+    this.includePrerelease = !!options.includePrerelease;
+    this.raw = range;
+    this.set = range.split(/\s*\|\|\s*/).map(range => this.parseRange(range.trim())).filter(c => c.length);
+    if (!this.set.length) {
+      throw new TypeError(`Invalid SemVer Range: ${range}`);
+    }
+    if (this.set.length > 1) {
+      const first = this.set[0];
+      this.set = this.set.filter(c => !isNullSet(c[0]));
+      if (this.set.length === 0) this.set = [first];else if (this.set.length > 1) {
+        for (const c of this.set) {
+          if (c.length === 1 && isAny(c[0])) {
+            this.set = [c];
+            break;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    this.format();
+  }
+  format() {
+    this.range = this.set.map(comps => {
+      return comps.join(' ').trim();
+    }).join('||').trim();
+    return this.range;
+  }
+  toString() {
+    return this.range;
+  }
+  parseRange(range) {
+    range = range.trim();
+    const memoOpts = Object.keys(this.options).join(',');
+    const memoKey = `parseRange:${memoOpts}:${range}`;
+    const cached = cache.get(memoKey);
+    if (cached) return cached;
+    const loose = this.options.loose;
+    const hr = loose ? re$1[t$1.HYPHENRANGELOOSE] : re$1[t$1.HYPHENRANGE];
+    range = range.replace(hr, hyphenReplace(this.options.includePrerelease));
+    debug_1('hyphen replace', range);
+    range = range.replace(re$1[t$1.COMPARATORTRIM], comparatorTrimReplace);
+    debug_1('comparator trim', range, re$1[t$1.COMPARATORTRIM]);
+    range = range.replace(re$1[t$1.TILDETRIM], tildeTrimReplace);
+    range = range.replace(re$1[t$1.CARETTRIM], caretTrimReplace);
+    range = range.split(/\s+/).join(' ');
+    const compRe = loose ? re$1[t$1.COMPARATORLOOSE] : re$1[t$1.COMPARATOR];
+    const rangeList = range.split(' ').map(comp => parseComparator(comp, this.options)).join(' ').split(/\s+/).map(comp => replaceGTE0(comp, this.options)).filter(this.options.loose ? comp => !!comp.match(compRe) : () => true).map(comp => new comparator(comp, this.options));
+    rangeList.length;
+    const rangeMap = new Map();
+    for (const comp of rangeList) {
+      if (isNullSet(comp)) return [comp];
+      rangeMap.set(comp.value, comp);
+    }
+    if (rangeMap.size > 1 && rangeMap.has('')) rangeMap.delete('');
+    const result = [...rangeMap.values()];
+    cache.set(memoKey, result);
+    return result;
+  }
+  intersects(range, options) {
+    if (!(range instanceof Range)) {
+      throw new TypeError('a Range is required');
+    }
+    return this.set.some(thisComparators => {
+      return isSatisfiable(thisComparators, options) && range.set.some(rangeComparators => {
+        return isSatisfiable(rangeComparators, options) && thisComparators.every(thisComparator => {
+          return rangeComparators.every(rangeComparator => {
+            return thisComparator.intersects(rangeComparator, options);
+          });
+        });
+      });
+    });
+  }
+  test(version) {
+    if (!version) {
+      return false;
+    }
+    if (typeof version === 'string') {
+      try {
+        version = new semver$1(version, this.options);
+      } catch (er) {
+        return false;
+      }
+    }
+    for (let i = 0; i < this.set.length; i++) {
+      if (testSet(this.set[i], version, this.options)) {
+        return true;
+      }
+    }
+    return false;
+  }
+var range = Range;
+const cache = new lruCache({
+  max: 1000
+const {
+  re: re$1,
+  t: t$1,
+  comparatorTrimReplace,
+  tildeTrimReplace,
+  caretTrimReplace
+} = re_1;
+const isNullSet = c => c.value === '<0.0.0-0';
+const isAny = c => c.value === '';
+const isSatisfiable = (comparators, options) => {
+  let result = true;
+  const remainingComparators = comparators.slice();
+  let testComparator = remainingComparators.pop();
+  while (result && remainingComparators.length) {
+    result = remainingComparators.every(otherComparator => {
+      return testComparator.intersects(otherComparator, options);
+    });
+    testComparator = remainingComparators.pop();
+  }
+  return result;
+const parseComparator = (comp, options) => {
+  debug_1('comp', comp, options);
+  comp = replaceCarets(comp, options);
+  debug_1('caret', comp);
+  comp = replaceTildes(comp, options);
+  debug_1('tildes', comp);
+  comp = replaceXRanges(comp, options);
+  debug_1('xrange', comp);
+  comp = replaceStars(comp, options);
+  debug_1('stars', comp);
+  return comp;
+const isX = id => !id || id.toLowerCase() === 'x' || id === '*';
+const replaceTildes = (comp, options) => comp.trim().split(/\s+/).map(comp => {
+  return replaceTilde(comp, options);
+}).join(' ');
+const replaceTilde = (comp, options) => {
+  const r = options.loose ? re$1[t$1.TILDELOOSE] : re$1[t$1.TILDE];
+  return comp.replace(r, (_, M, m, p, pr) => {
+    debug_1('tilde', comp, _, M, m, p, pr);
+    let ret;
+    if (isX(M)) {
+      ret = '';
+    } else if (isX(m)) {
+      ret = `>=${M}.0.0 <${+M + 1}.0.0-0`;
+    } else if (isX(p)) {
+      ret = `>=${M}.${m}.0 <${M}.${+m + 1}.0-0`;
+    } else if (pr) {
+      debug_1('replaceTilde pr', pr);
+      ret = `>=${M}.${m}.${p}-${pr} <${M}.${+m + 1}.0-0`;
+    } else {
+      ret = `>=${M}.${m}.${p} <${M}.${+m + 1}.0-0`;
+    }
+    debug_1('tilde return', ret);
+    return ret;
+  });
+const replaceCarets = (comp, options) => comp.trim().split(/\s+/).map(comp => {
+  return replaceCaret(comp, options);
+}).join(' ');
+const replaceCaret = (comp, options) => {
+  debug_1('caret', comp, options);
+  const r = options.loose ? re$1[t$1.CARETLOOSE] : re$1[t$1.CARET];
+  const z = options.includePrerelease ? '-0' : '';
+  return comp.replace(r, (_, M, m, p, pr) => {
+    debug_1('caret', comp, _, M, m, p, pr);
+    let ret;
+    if (isX(M)) {
+      ret = '';
+    } else if (isX(m)) {
+      ret = `>=${M}.0.0${z} <${+M + 1}.0.0-0`;
+    } else if (isX(p)) {
+      if (M === '0') {
+        ret = `>=${M}.${m}.0${z} <${M}.${+m + 1}.0-0`;
+      } else {
+        ret = `>=${M}.${m}.0${z} <${+M + 1}.0.0-0`;
+      }
+    } else if (pr) {
+      debug_1('replaceCaret pr', pr);
+      if (M === '0') {
+        if (m === '0') {
+          ret = `>=${M}.${m}.${p}-${pr} <${M}.${m}.${+p + 1}-0`;
+        } else {
+          ret = `>=${M}.${m}.${p}-${pr} <${M}.${+m + 1}.0-0`;
+        }
+      } else {
+        ret = `>=${M}.${m}.${p}-${pr} <${+M + 1}.0.0-0`;
+      }
+    } else {
+      debug_1('no pr');
+      if (M === '0') {
+        if (m === '0') {
+          ret = `>=${M}.${m}.${p}${z} <${M}.${m}.${+p + 1}-0`;
+        } else {
+          ret = `>=${M}.${m}.${p}${z} <${M}.${+m + 1}.0-0`;
+        }
+      } else {
+        ret = `>=${M}.${m}.${p} <${+M + 1}.0.0-0`;
+      }
+    }
+    debug_1('caret return', ret);
+    return ret;
+  });
+const replaceXRanges = (comp, options) => {
+  debug_1('replaceXRanges', comp, options);
+  return comp.split(/\s+/).map(comp => {
+    return replaceXRange(comp, options);
+  }).join(' ');
+const replaceXRange = (comp, options) => {
+  comp = comp.trim();
+  const r = options.loose ? re$1[t$1.XRANGELOOSE] : re$1[t$1.XRANGE];
+  return comp.replace(r, (ret, gtlt, M, m, p, pr) => {
+    debug_1('xRange', comp, ret, gtlt, M, m, p, pr);
+    const xM = isX(M);
+    const xm = xM || isX(m);
+    const xp = xm || isX(p);
+    const anyX = xp;
+    if (gtlt === '=' && anyX) {
+      gtlt = '';
+    }
+    pr = options.includePrerelease ? '-0' : '';
+    if (xM) {
+      if (gtlt === '>' || gtlt === '<') {
+        ret = '<0.0.0-0';
+      } else {
+        ret = '*';
+      }
+    } else if (gtlt && anyX) {
+      if (xm) {
+        m = 0;
+      }
+      p = 0;
+      if (gtlt === '>') {
+        gtlt = '>=';
+        if (xm) {
+          M = +M + 1;
+          m = 0;
+          p = 0;
+        } else {
+          m = +m + 1;
+          p = 0;
+        }
+      } else if (gtlt === '<=') {
+        gtlt = '<';
+        if (xm) {
+          M = +M + 1;
+        } else {
+          m = +m + 1;
+        }
+      }
+      if (gtlt === '<') pr = '-0';
+      ret = `${gtlt + M}.${m}.${p}${pr}`;
+    } else if (xm) {
+      ret = `>=${M}.0.0${pr} <${+M + 1}.0.0-0`;
+    } else if (xp) {
+      ret = `>=${M}.${m}.0${pr} <${M}.${+m + 1}.0-0`;
+    }
+    debug_1('xRange return', ret);
+    return ret;
+  });
+const replaceStars = (comp, options) => {
+  debug_1('replaceStars', comp, options);
+  return comp.trim().replace(re$1[t$1.STAR], '');
+const replaceGTE0 = (comp, options) => {
+  debug_1('replaceGTE0', comp, options);
+  return comp.trim().replace(re$1[options.includePrerelease ? t$1.GTE0PRE : t$1.GTE0], '');
+const hyphenReplace = incPr => ($0, from, fM, fm, fp, fpr, fb, to, tM, tm, tp, tpr, tb) => {
+  if (isX(fM)) {
+    from = '';
+  } else if (isX(fm)) {
+    from = `>=${fM}.0.0${incPr ? '-0' : ''}`;
+  } else if (isX(fp)) {
+    from = `>=${fM}.${fm}.0${incPr ? '-0' : ''}`;
+  } else if (fpr) {
+    from = `>=${from}`;
+  } else {
+    from = `>=${from}${incPr ? '-0' : ''}`;
+  }
+  if (isX(tM)) {
+    to = '';
+  } else if (isX(tm)) {
+    to = `<${+tM + 1}.0.0-0`;
+  } else if (isX(tp)) {
+    to = `<${tM}.${+tm + 1}.0-0`;
+  } else if (tpr) {
+    to = `<=${tM}.${tm}.${tp}-${tpr}`;
+  } else if (incPr) {
+    to = `<${tM}.${tm}.${+tp + 1}-0`;
+  } else {
+    to = `<=${to}`;
+  }
+  return `${from} ${to}`.trim();
+const testSet = (set, version, options) => {
+  for (let i = 0; i < set.length; i++) {
+    if (!set[i].test(version)) {
+      return false;
+    }
+  }
+  if (version.prerelease.length && !options.includePrerelease) {
+    for (let i = 0; i < set.length; i++) {
+      debug_1(set[i].semver);
+      if (set[i].semver === comparator.ANY) {
+        continue;
+      }
+      if (set[i].semver.prerelease.length > 0) {
+        const allowed = set[i].semver;
+        if (allowed.major === version.major && allowed.minor === version.minor && allowed.patch === version.patch) {
+          return true;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    return false;
+  }
+  return true;
+const ANY$2 = Symbol('SemVer ANY');
+class Comparator {
+  static get ANY() {
+    return ANY$2;
+  }
+  constructor(comp, options) {
+    options = parseOptions_1(options);
+    if (comp instanceof Comparator) {
+      if (comp.loose === !!options.loose) {
+        return comp;
+      } else {
+        comp = comp.value;
+      }
+    }
+    debug_1('comparator', comp, options);
+    this.options = options;
+    this.loose = !!options.loose;
+    this.parse(comp);
+    if (this.semver === ANY$2) {
+      this.value = '';
+    } else {
+      this.value = this.operator + this.semver.version;
+    }
+    debug_1('comp', this);
+  }
+  parse(comp) {
+    const r = this.options.loose ? re[t.COMPARATORLOOSE] : re[t.COMPARATOR];
+    const m = comp.match(r);
+    if (!m) {
+      throw new TypeError(`Invalid comparator: ${comp}`);
+    }
+    this.operator = m[1] !== undefined ? m[1] : '';
+    if (this.operator === '=') {
+      this.operator = '';
+    }
+    if (!m[2]) {
+      this.semver = ANY$2;
+    } else {
+      this.semver = new semver$1(m[2], this.options.loose);
+    }
+  }
+  toString() {
+    return this.value;
+  }
+  test(version) {
+    debug_1('Comparator.test', version, this.options.loose);
+    if (this.semver === ANY$2 || version === ANY$2) {
+      return true;
+    }
+    if (typeof version === 'string') {
+      try {
+        version = new semver$1(version, this.options);
+      } catch (er) {
+        return false;
+      }
+    }
+    return cmp_1(version, this.operator, this.semver, this.options);
+  }
+  intersects(comp, options) {
+    if (!(comp instanceof Comparator)) {
+      throw new TypeError('a Comparator is required');
+    }
+    if (!options || typeof options !== 'object') {
+      options = {
+        loose: !!options,
+        includePrerelease: false
+      };
+    }
+    if (this.operator === '') {
+      if (this.value === '') {
+        return true;
+      }
+      return new range(comp.value, options).test(this.value);
+    } else if (comp.operator === '') {
+      if (comp.value === '') {
+        return true;
+      }
+      return new range(this.value, options).test(comp.semver);
+    }
+    const sameDirectionIncreasing = (this.operator === '>=' || this.operator === '>') && (comp.operator === '>=' || comp.operator === '>');
+    const sameDirectionDecreasing = (this.operator === '<=' || this.operator === '<') && (comp.operator === '<=' || comp.operator === '<');
+    const sameSemVer = this.semver.version === comp.semver.version;
+    const differentDirectionsInclusive = (this.operator === '>=' || this.operator === '<=') && (comp.operator === '>=' || comp.operator === '<=');
+    const oppositeDirectionsLessThan = cmp_1(this.semver, '<', comp.semver, options) && (this.operator === '>=' || this.operator === '>') && (comp.operator === '<=' || comp.operator === '<');
+    const oppositeDirectionsGreaterThan = cmp_1(this.semver, '>', comp.semver, options) && (this.operator === '<=' || this.operator === '<') && (comp.operator === '>=' || comp.operator === '>');
+    return sameDirectionIncreasing || sameDirectionDecreasing || sameSemVer && differentDirectionsInclusive || oppositeDirectionsLessThan || oppositeDirectionsGreaterThan;
+  }
+var comparator = Comparator;
+const {
+  re,
+  t
+} = re_1;
+const satisfies = (version, range$1, options) => {
+  try {
+    range$1 = new range(range$1, options);
+  } catch (er) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  return range$1.test(version);
+var satisfies_1 = satisfies;
+const toComparators = (range$1, options) => new range(range$1, options).set.map(comp => comp.map(c => c.value).join(' ').trim().split(' '));
+var toComparators_1 = toComparators;
+const maxSatisfying = (versions, range$1, options) => {
+  let max = null;
+  let maxSV = null;
+  let rangeObj = null;
+  try {
+    rangeObj = new range(range$1, options);
+  } catch (er) {
+    return null;
+  }
+  versions.forEach(v => {
+    if (rangeObj.test(v)) {
+      if (!max || maxSV.compare(v) === -1) {
+        max = v;
+        maxSV = new semver$1(max, options);
+      }
+    }
+  });
+  return max;
+var maxSatisfying_1 = maxSatisfying;
+const minSatisfying = (versions, range$1, options) => {
+  let min = null;
+  let minSV = null;
+  let rangeObj = null;
+  try {
+    rangeObj = new range(range$1, options);
+  } catch (er) {
+    return null;
+  }
+  versions.forEach(v => {
+    if (rangeObj.test(v)) {
+      if (!min || minSV.compare(v) === 1) {
+        min = v;
+        minSV = new semver$1(min, options);
+      }
+    }
+  });
+  return min;
+var minSatisfying_1 = minSatisfying;
+const minVersion = (range$1, loose) => {
+  range$1 = new range(range$1, loose);
+  let minver = new semver$1('0.0.0');
+  if (range$1.test(minver)) {
+    return minver;
+  }
+  minver = new semver$1('0.0.0-0');
+  if (range$1.test(minver)) {
+    return minver;
+  }
+  minver = null;
+  for (let i = 0; i < range$1.set.length; ++i) {
+    const comparators = range$1.set[i];
+    let setMin = null;
+    comparators.forEach(comparator => {
+      const compver = new semver$1(comparator.semver.version);
+      switch (comparator.operator) {
+        case '>':
+          if (compver.prerelease.length === 0) {
+            compver.patch++;
+          } else {
+            compver.prerelease.push(0);
+          }
+          compver.raw = compver.format();
+        case '':
+        case '>=':
+          if (!setMin || gt_1(compver, setMin)) {
+            setMin = compver;
+          }
+          break;
+        case '<':
+        case '<=':
+          break;
+        default:
+          throw new Error(`Unexpected operation: ${comparator.operator}`);
+      }
+    });
+    if (setMin && (!minver || gt_1(minver, setMin))) minver = setMin;
+  }
+  if (minver && range$1.test(minver)) {
+    return minver;
+  }
+  return null;
+var minVersion_1 = minVersion;
+const validRange = (range$1, options) => {
+  try {
+    return new range(range$1, options).range || '*';
+  } catch (er) {
+    return null;
+  }
+var valid = validRange;
+const {
+  ANY: ANY$1
+} = comparator;
+const outside = (version, range$1, hilo, options) => {
+  version = new semver$1(version, options);
+  range$1 = new range(range$1, options);
+  let gtfn, ltefn, ltfn, comp, ecomp;
+  switch (hilo) {
+    case '>':
+      gtfn = gt_1;
+      ltefn = lte_1;
+      ltfn = lt_1;
+      comp = '>';
+      ecomp = '>=';
+      break;
+    case '<':
+      gtfn = lt_1;
+      ltefn = gte_1;
+      ltfn = gt_1;
+      comp = '<';
+      ecomp = '<=';
+      break;
+    default:
+      throw new TypeError('Must provide a hilo val of "<" or ">"');
+  }
+  if (satisfies_1(version, range$1, options)) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  for (let i = 0; i < range$1.set.length; ++i) {
+    const comparators = range$1.set[i];
+    let high = null;
+    let low = null;
+    comparators.forEach(comparator$1 => {
+      if (comparator$1.semver === ANY$1) {
+        comparator$1 = new comparator('>=0.0.0');
+      }
+      high = high || comparator$1;
+      low = low || comparator$1;
+      if (gtfn(comparator$1.semver, high.semver, options)) {
+        high = comparator$1;
+      } else if (ltfn(comparator$1.semver, low.semver, options)) {
+        low = comparator$1;
+      }
+    });
+    if (high.operator === comp || high.operator === ecomp) {
+      return false;
+    }
+    if ((!low.operator || low.operator === comp) && ltefn(version, low.semver)) {
+      return false;
+    } else if (low.operator === ecomp && ltfn(version, low.semver)) {
+      return false;
+    }
+  }
+  return true;
+var outside_1 = outside;
+const gtr = (version, range, options) => outside_1(version, range, '>', options);
+var gtr_1 = gtr;
+const ltr = (version, range, options) => outside_1(version, range, '<', options);
+var ltr_1 = ltr;
+const intersects = (r1, r2, options) => {
+  r1 = new range(r1, options);
+  r2 = new range(r2, options);
+  return r1.intersects(r2);
+var intersects_1 = intersects;
+var simplify = (versions, range, options) => {
+  const set = [];
+  let min = null;
+  let prev = null;
+  const v = versions.sort((a, b) => compare_1(a, b, options));
+  for (const version of v) {
+    const included = satisfies_1(version, range, options);
+    if (included) {
+      prev = version;
+      if (!min) min = version;
+    } else {
+      if (prev) {
+        set.push([min, prev]);
+      }
+      prev = null;
+      min = null;
+    }
+  }
+  if (min) set.push([min, null]);
+  const ranges = [];
+  for (const [min, max] of set) {
+    if (min === max) ranges.push(min);else if (!max && min === v[0]) ranges.push('*');else if (!max) ranges.push(`>=${min}`);else if (min === v[0]) ranges.push(`<=${max}`);else ranges.push(`${min} - ${max}`);
+  }
+  const simplified = ranges.join(' || ');
+  const original = typeof range.raw === 'string' ? range.raw : String(range);
+  return simplified.length < original.length ? simplified : range;
+const {
+  ANY
+} = comparator;
+const subset = (sub, dom, options = {}) => {
+  if (sub === dom) return true;
+  sub = new range(sub, options);
+  dom = new range(dom, options);
+  let sawNonNull = false;
+  OUTER: for (const simpleSub of sub.set) {
+    for (const simpleDom of dom.set) {
+      const isSub = simpleSubset(simpleSub, simpleDom, options);
+      sawNonNull = sawNonNull || isSub !== null;
+      if (isSub) continue OUTER;
+    }
+    if (sawNonNull) return false;
+  }
+  return true;
+const simpleSubset = (sub, dom, options) => {
+  if (sub === dom) return true;
+  if (sub.length === 1 && sub[0].semver === ANY) {
+    if (dom.length === 1 && dom[0].semver === ANY) return true;else if (options.includePrerelease) sub = [new comparator('>=0.0.0-0')];else sub = [new comparator('>=0.0.0')];
+  }
+  if (dom.length === 1 && dom[0].semver === ANY) {
+    if (options.includePrerelease) return true;else dom = [new comparator('>=0.0.0')];
+  }
+  const eqSet = new Set();
+  let gt, lt;
+  for (const c of sub) {
+    if (c.operator === '>' || c.operator === '>=') gt = higherGT(gt, c, options);else if (c.operator === '<' || c.operator === '<=') lt = lowerLT(lt, c, options);else eqSet.add(c.semver);
+  }
+  if (eqSet.size > 1) return null;
+  let gtltComp;
+  if (gt && lt) {
+    gtltComp = compare_1(gt.semver, lt.semver, options);
+    if (gtltComp > 0) return null;else if (gtltComp === 0 && (gt.operator !== '>=' || lt.operator !== '<=')) return null;
+  }
+  for (const eq of eqSet) {
+    if (gt && !satisfies_1(eq, String(gt), options)) return null;
+    if (lt && !satisfies_1(eq, String(lt), options)) return null;
+    for (const c of dom) {
+      if (!satisfies_1(eq, String(c), options)) return false;
+    }
+    return true;
+  }
+  let higher, lower;
+  let hasDomLT, hasDomGT;
+  let needDomLTPre = lt && !options.includePrerelease && lt.semver.prerelease.length ? lt.semver : false;
+  let needDomGTPre = gt && !options.includePrerelease && gt.semver.prerelease.length ? gt.semver : false;
+  if (needDomLTPre && needDomLTPre.prerelease.length === 1 && lt.operator === '<' && needDomLTPre.prerelease[0] === 0) {
+    needDomLTPre = false;
+  }
+  for (const c of dom) {
+    hasDomGT = hasDomGT || c.operator === '>' || c.operator === '>=';
+    hasDomLT = hasDomLT || c.operator === '<' || c.operator === '<=';
+    if (gt) {
+      if (needDomGTPre) {
+        if (c.semver.prerelease && c.semver.prerelease.length && c.semver.major === needDomGTPre.major && c.semver.minor === needDomGTPre.minor && c.semver.patch === needDomGTPre.patch) {
+          needDomGTPre = false;
+        }
+      }
+      if (c.operator === '>' || c.operator === '>=') {
+        higher = higherGT(gt, c, options);
+        if (higher === c && higher !== gt) return false;
+      } else if (gt.operator === '>=' && !satisfies_1(gt.semver, String(c), options)) return false;
+    }
+    if (lt) {
+      if (needDomLTPre) {
+        if (c.semver.prerelease && c.semver.prerelease.length && c.semver.major === needDomLTPre.major && c.semver.minor === needDomLTPre.minor && c.semver.patch === needDomLTPre.patch) {
+          needDomLTPre = false;
+        }
+      }
+      if (c.operator === '<' || c.operator === '<=') {
+        lower = lowerLT(lt, c, options);
+        if (lower === c && lower !== lt) return false;
+      } else if (lt.operator === '<=' && !satisfies_1(lt.semver, String(c), options)) return false;
+    }
+    if (!c.operator && (lt || gt) && gtltComp !== 0) return false;
+  }
+  if (gt && hasDomLT && !lt && gtltComp !== 0) return false;
+  if (lt && hasDomGT && !gt && gtltComp !== 0) return false;
+  if (needDomGTPre || needDomLTPre) return false;
+  return true;
+const higherGT = (a, b, options) => {
+  if (!a) return b;
+  const comp = compare_1(a.semver, b.semver, options);
+  return comp > 0 ? a : comp < 0 ? b : b.operator === '>' && a.operator === '>=' ? b : a;
+const lowerLT = (a, b, options) => {
+  if (!a) return b;
+  const comp = compare_1(a.semver, b.semver, options);
+  return comp < 0 ? a : comp > 0 ? b : b.operator === '<' && a.operator === '<=' ? b : a;
+var subset_1 = subset;
+var semver = {
+  re: re_1.re,
+  src: re_1.src,
+  tokens: re_1.t,
+  SemVer: semver$1,
+  compareIdentifiers: identifiers.compareIdentifiers,
+  rcompareIdentifiers: identifiers.rcompareIdentifiers,
+  parse: parse_1,
+  valid: valid_1,
+  clean: clean_1,
+  inc: inc_1,
+  diff: diff_1,
+  major: major_1,
+  minor: minor_1,
+  patch: patch_1,
+  prerelease: prerelease_1,
+  compare: compare_1,
+  rcompare: rcompare_1,
+  compareLoose: compareLoose_1,
+  compareBuild: compareBuild_1,
+  sort: sort_1,
+  rsort: rsort_1,
+  gt: gt_1,
+  lt: lt_1,
+  eq: eq_1,
+  neq: neq_1,
+  gte: gte_1,
+  lte: lte_1,
+  cmp: cmp_1,
+  coerce: coerce_1,
+  Comparator: comparator,
+  Range: range,
+  satisfies: satisfies_1,
+  toComparators: toComparators_1,
+  maxSatisfying: maxSatisfying_1,
+  minSatisfying: minSatisfying_1,
+  minVersion: minVersion_1,
+  validRange: valid,
+  outside: outside_1,
+  gtr: gtr_1,
+  ltr: ltr_1,
+  intersects: intersects_1,
+  simplifyRange: simplify,
+  subset: subset_1
+var builtins = function ({
+  version = process.version,
+  experimental = false
+} = {}) {
+  var coreModules = ['assert', 'buffer', 'child_process', 'cluster', 'console', 'constants', 'crypto', 'dgram', 'dns', 'domain', 'events', 'fs', 'http', 'https', 'module', 'net', 'os', 'path', 'punycode', 'querystring', 'readline', 'repl', 'stream', 'string_decoder', 'sys', 'timers', 'tls', 'tty', 'url', 'util', 'vm', 'zlib'];
+  if (semver.lt(version, '6.0.0')) coreModules.push('freelist');
+  if (semver.gte(version, '1.0.0')) coreModules.push('v8');
+  if (semver.gte(version, '1.1.0')) coreModules.push('process');
+  if (semver.gte(version, '8.0.0')) coreModules.push('inspector');
+  if (semver.gte(version, '8.1.0')) coreModules.push('async_hooks');
+  if (semver.gte(version, '8.4.0')) coreModules.push('http2');
+  if (semver.gte(version, '8.5.0')) coreModules.push('perf_hooks');
+  if (semver.gte(version, '10.0.0')) coreModules.push('trace_events');
+  if (semver.gte(version, '10.5.0') && (experimental || semver.gte(version, '12.0.0'))) {
+    coreModules.push('worker_threads');
+  }
+  if (semver.gte(version, '12.16.0') && experimental) {
+    coreModules.push('wasi');
+  }
+  return coreModules;
+const reader = {
+  read
+function read(jsonPath) {
+  return find(_path().dirname(jsonPath));
+function find(dir) {
+  try {
+    const string = _fs().default.readFileSync(_path().toNamespacedPath(_path().join(dir, 'package.json')), 'utf8');
+    return {
+      string
+    };
+  } catch (error) {
+    if (error.code === 'ENOENT') {
+      const parent = _path().dirname(dir);
+      if (dir !== parent) return find(parent);
+      return {
+        string: undefined
+      };
+    }
+    throw error;
+  }
+const isWindows = process.platform === 'win32';
+const own$1 = {}.hasOwnProperty;
+const codes = {};
+const messages = new Map();
+const nodeInternalPrefix = '__node_internal_';
+let userStackTraceLimit;
+codes.ERR_INVALID_MODULE_SPECIFIER = createError('ERR_INVALID_MODULE_SPECIFIER', (request, reason, base = undefined) => {
+  return `Invalid module "${request}" ${reason}${base ? ` imported from ${base}` : ''}`;
+}, TypeError);
+codes.ERR_INVALID_PACKAGE_CONFIG = createError('ERR_INVALID_PACKAGE_CONFIG', (path, base, message) => {
+  return `Invalid package config ${path}${base ? ` while importing ${base}` : ''}${message ? `. ${message}` : ''}`;
+}, Error);
+codes.ERR_INVALID_PACKAGE_TARGET = createError('ERR_INVALID_PACKAGE_TARGET', (pkgPath, key, target, isImport = false, base = undefined) => {
+  const relError = typeof target === 'string' && !isImport && target.length > 0 && !target.startsWith('./');
+  if (key === '.') {
+    _assert()(isImport === false);
+    return `Invalid "exports" main target ${JSON.stringify(target)} defined ` + `in the package config ${pkgPath}package.json${base ? ` imported from ${base}` : ''}${relError ? '; targets must start with "./"' : ''}`;
+  }
+  return `Invalid "${isImport ? 'imports' : 'exports'}" target ${JSON.stringify(target)} defined for '${key}' in the package config ${pkgPath}package.json${base ? ` imported from ${base}` : ''}${relError ? '; targets must start with "./"' : ''}`;
+}, Error);
+codes.ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND = createError('ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND', (path, base, type = 'package') => {
+  return `Cannot find ${type} '${path}' imported from ${base}`;
+}, Error);
+codes.ERR_PACKAGE_IMPORT_NOT_DEFINED = createError('ERR_PACKAGE_IMPORT_NOT_DEFINED', (specifier, packagePath, base) => {
+  return `Package import specifier "${specifier}" is not defined${packagePath ? ` in package ${packagePath}package.json` : ''} imported from ${base}`;
+}, TypeError);
+codes.ERR_PACKAGE_PATH_NOT_EXPORTED = createError('ERR_PACKAGE_PATH_NOT_EXPORTED', (pkgPath, subpath, base = undefined) => {
+  if (subpath === '.') return `No "exports" main defined in ${pkgPath}package.json${base ? ` imported from ${base}` : ''}`;
+  return `Package subpath '${subpath}' is not defined by "exports" in ${pkgPath}package.json${base ? ` imported from ${base}` : ''}`;
+}, Error);
+codes.ERR_UNSUPPORTED_DIR_IMPORT = createError('ERR_UNSUPPORTED_DIR_IMPORT', "Directory import '%s' is not supported " + 'resolving ES modules imported from %s', Error);
+codes.ERR_UNKNOWN_FILE_EXTENSION = createError('ERR_UNKNOWN_FILE_EXTENSION', 'Unknown file extension "%s" for %s', TypeError);
+codes.ERR_INVALID_ARG_VALUE = createError('ERR_INVALID_ARG_VALUE', (name, value, reason = 'is invalid') => {
+  let inspected = (0, _util().inspect)(value);
+  if (inspected.length > 128) {
+    inspected = `${inspected.slice(0, 128)}...`;
+  }
+  const type = name.includes('.') ? 'property' : 'argument';
+  return `The ${type} '${name}' ${reason}. Received ${inspected}`;
+}, TypeError);
+  let message = 'Only file and data URLs are supported by the default ESM loader';
+  if (isWindows && url.protocol.length === 2) {
+    message += '. On Windows, absolute paths must be valid file:// URLs';
+  }
+  message += `. Received protocol '${url.protocol}'`;
+  return message;
+}, Error);
+function createError(sym, value, def) {
+  messages.set(sym, value);
+  return makeNodeErrorWithCode(def, sym);
+function makeNodeErrorWithCode(Base, key) {
+  return NodeError;
+  function NodeError(...args) {
+    const limit = Error.stackTraceLimit;
+    if (isErrorStackTraceLimitWritable()) Error.stackTraceLimit = 0;
+    const error = new Base();
+    if (isErrorStackTraceLimitWritable()) Error.stackTraceLimit = limit;
+    const message = getMessage(key, args, error);
+    Object.defineProperty(error, 'message', {
+      value: message,
+      enumerable: false,
+      writable: true,
+      configurable: true
+    });
+    Object.defineProperty(error, 'toString', {
+      value() {
+        return `${this.name} [${key}]: ${this.message}`;
+      },
+      enumerable: false,
+      writable: true,
+      configurable: true
+    });
+    addCodeToName(error, Base.name, key);
+    error.code = key;
+    return error;
+  }
+const addCodeToName = hideStackFrames(function (error, name, code) {
+  error = captureLargerStackTrace(error);
+  error.name = `${name} [${code}]`;
+  error.stack;
+  if (name === 'SystemError') {
+    Object.defineProperty(error, 'name', {
+      value: name,
+      enumerable: false,
+      writable: true,
+      configurable: true
+    });
+  } else {
+    delete error.name;
+  }
+function isErrorStackTraceLimitWritable() {
+  const desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Error, 'stackTraceLimit');
+  if (desc === undefined) {
+    return Object.isExtensible(Error);
+  }
+  return own$1.call(desc, 'writable') ? desc.writable : desc.set !== undefined;
+function hideStackFrames(fn) {
+  const hidden = nodeInternalPrefix + fn.name;
+  Object.defineProperty(fn, 'name', {
+    value: hidden
+  });
+  return fn;
+const captureLargerStackTrace = hideStackFrames(function (error) {
+  const stackTraceLimitIsWritable = isErrorStackTraceLimitWritable();
+  if (stackTraceLimitIsWritable) {
+    userStackTraceLimit = Error.stackTraceLimit;
+    Error.stackTraceLimit = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
+  }
+  Error.captureStackTrace(error);
+  if (stackTraceLimitIsWritable) Error.stackTraceLimit = userStackTraceLimit;
+  return error;
+function getMessage(key, args, self) {
+  const message = messages.get(key);
+  if (typeof message === 'function') {
+    _assert()(message.length <= args.length, `Code: ${key}; The provided arguments length (${args.length}) does not ` + `match the required ones (${message.length}).`);
+    return Reflect.apply(message, self, args);
+  }
+  const expectedLength = (message.match(/%[dfijoOs]/g) || []).length;
+  _assert()(expectedLength === args.length, `Code: ${key}; The provided arguments length (${args.length}) does not ` + `match the required ones (${expectedLength}).`);
+  if (args.length === 0) return message;
+  args.unshift(message);
+  return Reflect.apply(_util().format, null, args);
+const {
+} = codes;
+const extensionFormatMap = {
+  __proto__: null,
+  '.cjs': 'commonjs',
+  '.js': 'module',
+  '.mjs': 'module'
+function defaultGetFormat(url) {
+  if (url.startsWith('node:')) {
+    return {
+      format: 'builtin'
+    };
+  }
+  const parsed = new (_url().URL)(url);
+  if (parsed.protocol === 'data:') {
+    const {
+      1: mime
+    } = /^([^/]+\/[^;,]+)[^,]*?(;base64)?,/.exec(parsed.pathname) || [null, null];
+    const format = mime === 'text/javascript' ? 'module' : null;
+    return {
+      format
+    };
+  }
+  if (parsed.protocol === 'file:') {
+    const ext = _path().extname(parsed.pathname);
+    let format;
+    if (ext === '.js') {
+      format = getPackageType(parsed.href) === 'module' ? 'module' : 'commonjs';
+    } else {
+      format = extensionFormatMap[ext];
+    }
+    if (!format) {
+      throw new ERR_UNKNOWN_FILE_EXTENSION(ext, (0, _url().fileURLToPath)(url));
+    }
+    return {
+      format: format || null
+    };
+  }
+  return {
+    format: null
+  };
+const listOfBuiltins = builtins();
+const {
+} = codes;
+const own = {}.hasOwnProperty;
+const DEFAULT_CONDITIONS = Object.freeze(['node', 'import']);
+const invalidSegmentRegEx = /(^|\\|\/)(\.\.?|node_modules)(\\|\/|$)/;
+const patternRegEx = /\*/g;
+const encodedSepRegEx = /%2f|%2c/i;
+const emittedPackageWarnings = new Set();
+const packageJsonCache = new Map();
+function emitFolderMapDeprecation(match, pjsonUrl, isExports, base) {
+  const pjsonPath = (0, _url().fileURLToPath)(pjsonUrl);
+  if (emittedPackageWarnings.has(pjsonPath + '|' + match)) return;
+  emittedPackageWarnings.add(pjsonPath + '|' + match);
+  process.emitWarning(`Use of deprecated folder mapping "${match}" in the ${isExports ? '"exports"' : '"imports"'} field module resolution of the package at ${pjsonPath}${base ? ` imported from ${(0, _url().fileURLToPath)(base)}` : ''}.\n` + `Update this package.json to use a subpath pattern like "${match}*".`, 'DeprecationWarning', 'DEP0148');
+function emitLegacyIndexDeprecation(url, packageJsonUrl, base, main) {
+  const {
+    format
+  } = defaultGetFormat(url.href);
+  if (format !== 'module') return;
+  const path = (0, _url().fileURLToPath)(url.href);
+  const pkgPath = (0, _url().fileURLToPath)(new (_url().URL)('.', packageJsonUrl));
+  const basePath = (0, _url().fileURLToPath)(base);
+  if (main) process.emitWarning(`Package ${pkgPath} has a "main" field set to ${JSON.stringify(main)}, ` + `excluding the full filename and extension to the resolved file at "${path.slice(pkgPath.length)}", imported from ${basePath}.\n Automatic extension resolution of the "main" field is` + 'deprecated for ES modules.', 'DeprecationWarning', 'DEP0151');else process.emitWarning(`No "main" or "exports" field defined in the package.json for ${pkgPath} resolving the main entry point "${path.slice(pkgPath.length)}", imported from ${basePath}.\nDefault "index" lookups for the main are deprecated for ES modules.`, 'DeprecationWarning', 'DEP0151');
+function getConditionsSet(conditions) {
+  if (conditions !== undefined && conditions !== DEFAULT_CONDITIONS) {
+    if (!Array.isArray(conditions)) {
+      throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_VALUE('conditions', conditions, 'expected an array');
+    }
+    return new Set(conditions);
+  }
+function tryStatSync(path) {
+  try {
+    return (0, _fs().statSync)(path);
+  } catch (_unused) {
+    return new (_fs().Stats)();
+  }
+function getPackageConfig(path, specifier, base) {
+  const existing = packageJsonCache.get(path);
+  if (existing !== undefined) {
+    return existing;
+  }
+  const source = reader.read(path).string;
+  if (source === undefined) {
+    const packageConfig = {
+      pjsonPath: path,
+      exists: false,
+      main: undefined,
+      name: undefined,
+      type: 'none',
+      exports: undefined,
+      imports: undefined
+    };
+    packageJsonCache.set(path, packageConfig);
+    return packageConfig;
+  }
+  let packageJson;
+  try {
+    packageJson = JSON.parse(source);
+  } catch (error) {
+    throw new ERR_INVALID_PACKAGE_CONFIG(path, (base ? `"${specifier}" from ` : '') + (0, _url().fileURLToPath)(base || specifier), error.message);
+  }
+  const {
+    exports,
+    imports,
+    main,
+    name,
+    type
+  } = packageJson;
+  const packageConfig = {
+    pjsonPath: path,
+    exists: true,
+    main: typeof main === 'string' ? main : undefined,
+    name: typeof name === 'string' ? name : undefined,
+    type: type === 'module' || type === 'commonjs' ? type : 'none',
+    exports,
+    imports: imports && typeof imports === 'object' ? imports : undefined
+  };
+  packageJsonCache.set(path, packageConfig);
+  return packageConfig;
+function getPackageScopeConfig(resolved) {
+  let packageJsonUrl = new (_url().URL)('./package.json', resolved);
+  while (true) {
+    const packageJsonPath = packageJsonUrl.pathname;
+    if (packageJsonPath.endsWith('node_modules/package.json')) break;
+    const packageConfig = getPackageConfig((0, _url().fileURLToPath)(packageJsonUrl), resolved);
+    if (packageConfig.exists) return packageConfig;
+    const lastPackageJsonUrl = packageJsonUrl;
+    packageJsonUrl = new (_url().URL)('../package.json', packageJsonUrl);
+    if (packageJsonUrl.pathname === lastPackageJsonUrl.pathname) break;
+  }
+  const packageJsonPath = (0, _url().fileURLToPath)(packageJsonUrl);
+  const packageConfig = {
+    pjsonPath: packageJsonPath,
+    exists: false,
+    main: undefined,
+    name: undefined,
+    type: 'none',
+    exports: undefined,
+    imports: undefined
+  };
+  packageJsonCache.set(packageJsonPath, packageConfig);
+  return packageConfig;
+function fileExists(url) {
+  return tryStatSync((0, _url().fileURLToPath)(url)).isFile();
+function legacyMainResolve(packageJsonUrl, packageConfig, base) {
+  let guess;
+  if (packageConfig.main !== undefined) {
+    guess = new (_url().URL)(`./${packageConfig.main}`, packageJsonUrl);
+    if (fileExists(guess)) return guess;
+    const tries = [`./${packageConfig.main}.js`, `./${packageConfig.main}.json`, `./${packageConfig.main}.node`, `./${packageConfig.main}/index.js`, `./${packageConfig.main}/index.json`, `./${packageConfig.main}/index.node`];
+    let i = -1;
+    while (++i < tries.length) {
+      guess = new (_url().URL)(tries[i], packageJsonUrl);
+      if (fileExists(guess)) break;
+      guess = undefined;
+    }
+    if (guess) {
+      emitLegacyIndexDeprecation(guess, packageJsonUrl, base, packageConfig.main);
+      return guess;
+    }
+  }
+  const tries = ['./index.js', './index.json', './index.node'];
+  let i = -1;
+  while (++i < tries.length) {
+    guess = new (_url().URL)(tries[i], packageJsonUrl);
+    if (fileExists(guess)) break;
+    guess = undefined;
+  }
+  if (guess) {
+    emitLegacyIndexDeprecation(guess, packageJsonUrl, base, packageConfig.main);
+    return guess;
+  }
+  throw new ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND((0, _url().fileURLToPath)(new (_url().URL)('.', packageJsonUrl)), (0, _url().fileURLToPath)(base));
+function finalizeResolution(resolved, base) {
+  if (encodedSepRegEx.test(resolved.pathname)) throw new ERR_INVALID_MODULE_SPECIFIER(resolved.pathname, 'must not include encoded "/" or "\\" characters', (0, _url().fileURLToPath)(base));
+  const path = (0, _url().fileURLToPath)(resolved);
+  const stats = tryStatSync(path.endsWith('/') ? path.slice(-1) : path);
+  if (stats.isDirectory()) {
+    const error = new ERR_UNSUPPORTED_DIR_IMPORT(path, (0, _url().fileURLToPath)(base));
+    error.url = String(resolved);
+    throw error;
+  }
+  if (!stats.isFile()) {
+    throw new ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND(path || resolved.pathname, base && (0, _url().fileURLToPath)(base), 'module');
+  }
+  return resolved;
+function throwImportNotDefined(specifier, packageJsonUrl, base) {
+  throw new ERR_PACKAGE_IMPORT_NOT_DEFINED(specifier, packageJsonUrl && (0, _url().fileURLToPath)(new (_url().URL)('.', packageJsonUrl)), (0, _url().fileURLToPath)(base));
+function throwExportsNotFound(subpath, packageJsonUrl, base) {
+  throw new ERR_PACKAGE_PATH_NOT_EXPORTED((0, _url().fileURLToPath)(new (_url().URL)('.', packageJsonUrl)), subpath, base && (0, _url().fileURLToPath)(base));
+function throwInvalidSubpath(subpath, packageJsonUrl, internal, base) {
+  const reason = `request is not a valid subpath for the "${internal ? 'imports' : 'exports'}" resolution of ${(0, _url().fileURLToPath)(packageJsonUrl)}`;
+  throw new ERR_INVALID_MODULE_SPECIFIER(subpath, reason, base && (0, _url().fileURLToPath)(base));
+function throwInvalidPackageTarget(subpath, target, packageJsonUrl, internal, base) {
+  target = typeof target === 'object' && target !== null ? JSON.stringify(target, null, '') : `${target}`;
+  throw new ERR_INVALID_PACKAGE_TARGET((0, _url().fileURLToPath)(new (_url().URL)('.', packageJsonUrl)), subpath, target, internal, base && (0, _url().fileURLToPath)(base));
+function resolvePackageTargetString(target, subpath, match, packageJsonUrl, base, pattern, internal, conditions) {
+  if (subpath !== '' && !pattern && target[target.length - 1] !== '/') throwInvalidPackageTarget(match, target, packageJsonUrl, internal, base);
+  if (!target.startsWith('./')) {
+    if (internal && !target.startsWith('../') && !target.startsWith('/')) {
+      let isURL = false;
+      try {
+        new (_url().URL)(target);
+        isURL = true;
+      } catch (_unused2) {}
+      if (!isURL) {
+        const exportTarget = pattern ? target.replace(patternRegEx, subpath) : target + subpath;
+        return packageResolve(exportTarget, packageJsonUrl, conditions);
+      }
+    }
+    throwInvalidPackageTarget(match, target, packageJsonUrl, internal, base);
+  }
+  if (invalidSegmentRegEx.test(target.slice(2))) throwInvalidPackageTarget(match, target, packageJsonUrl, internal, base);
+  const resolved = new (_url().URL)(target, packageJsonUrl);
+  const resolvedPath = resolved.pathname;
+  const packagePath = new (_url().URL)('.', packageJsonUrl).pathname;
+  if (!resolvedPath.startsWith(packagePath)) throwInvalidPackageTarget(match, target, packageJsonUrl, internal, base);
+  if (subpath === '') return resolved;
+  if (invalidSegmentRegEx.test(subpath)) throwInvalidSubpath(match + subpath, packageJsonUrl, internal, base);
+  if (pattern) return new (_url().URL)(resolved.href.replace(patternRegEx, subpath));
+  return new (_url().URL)(subpath, resolved);
+function isArrayIndex(key) {
+  const keyNumber = Number(key);
+  if (`${keyNumber}` !== key) return false;
+  return keyNumber >= 0 && keyNumber < 0xffffffff;
+function resolvePackageTarget(packageJsonUrl, target, subpath, packageSubpath, base, pattern, internal, conditions) {
+  if (typeof target === 'string') {
+    return resolvePackageTargetString(target, subpath, packageSubpath, packageJsonUrl, base, pattern, internal, conditions);
+  }
+  if (Array.isArray(target)) {
+    const targetList = target;
+    if (targetList.length === 0) return null;
+    let lastException;
+    let i = -1;
+    while (++i < targetList.length) {
+      const targetItem = targetList[i];
+      let resolved;
+      try {
+        resolved = resolvePackageTarget(packageJsonUrl, targetItem, subpath, packageSubpath, base, pattern, internal, conditions);
+      } catch (error) {
+        lastException = error;
+        if (error.code === 'ERR_INVALID_PACKAGE_TARGET') continue;
+        throw error;
+      }
+      if (resolved === undefined) continue;
+      if (resolved === null) {
+        lastException = null;
+        continue;
+      }
+      return resolved;
+    }
+    if (lastException === undefined || lastException === null) {
+      return lastException;
+    }
+    throw lastException;
+  }
+  if (typeof target === 'object' && target !== null) {
+    const keys = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(target);
+    let i = -1;
+    while (++i < keys.length) {
+      const key = keys[i];
+      if (isArrayIndex(key)) {
+        throw new ERR_INVALID_PACKAGE_CONFIG((0, _url().fileURLToPath)(packageJsonUrl), base, '"exports" cannot contain numeric property keys.');
+      }
+    }
+    i = -1;
+    while (++i < keys.length) {
+      const key = keys[i];
+      if (key === 'default' || conditions && conditions.has(key)) {
+        const conditionalTarget = target[key];
+        const resolved = resolvePackageTarget(packageJsonUrl, conditionalTarget, subpath, packageSubpath, base, pattern, internal, conditions);
+        if (resolved === undefined) continue;
+        return resolved;
+      }
+    }
+    return undefined;
+  }
+  if (target === null) {
+    return null;
+  }
+  throwInvalidPackageTarget(packageSubpath, target, packageJsonUrl, internal, base);
+function isConditionalExportsMainSugar(exports, packageJsonUrl, base) {
+  if (typeof exports === 'string' || Array.isArray(exports)) return true;
+  if (typeof exports !== 'object' || exports === null) return false;
+  const keys = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(exports);
+  let isConditionalSugar = false;
+  let i = 0;
+  let j = -1;
+  while (++j < keys.length) {
+    const key = keys[j];
+    const curIsConditionalSugar = key === '' || key[0] !== '.';
+    if (i++ === 0) {
+      isConditionalSugar = curIsConditionalSugar;
+    } else if (isConditionalSugar !== curIsConditionalSugar) {
+      throw new ERR_INVALID_PACKAGE_CONFIG((0, _url().fileURLToPath)(packageJsonUrl), base, '"exports" cannot contain some keys starting with \'.\' and some not.' + ' The exports object must either be an object of package subpath keys' + ' or an object of main entry condition name keys only.');
+    }
+  }
+  return isConditionalSugar;
+function packageExportsResolve(packageJsonUrl, packageSubpath, packageConfig, base, conditions) {
+  let exports = packageConfig.exports;
+  if (isConditionalExportsMainSugar(exports, packageJsonUrl, base)) exports = {
+    '.': exports
+  };
+  if (own.call(exports, packageSubpath)) {
+    const target = exports[packageSubpath];
+    const resolved = resolvePackageTarget(packageJsonUrl, target, '', packageSubpath, base, false, false, conditions);
+    if (resolved === null || resolved === undefined) throwExportsNotFound(packageSubpath, packageJsonUrl, base);
+    return {
+      resolved,
+      exact: true
+    };
+  }
+  let bestMatch = '';
+  const keys = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(exports);
+  let i = -1;
+  while (++i < keys.length) {
+    const key = keys[i];
+    if (key[key.length - 1] === '*' && packageSubpath.startsWith(key.slice(0, -1)) && packageSubpath.length >= key.length && key.length > bestMatch.length) {
+      bestMatch = key;
+    } else if (key[key.length - 1] === '/' && packageSubpath.startsWith(key) && key.length > bestMatch.length) {
+      bestMatch = key;
+    }
+  }
+  if (bestMatch) {
+    const target = exports[bestMatch];
+    const pattern = bestMatch[bestMatch.length - 1] === '*';
+    const subpath = packageSubpath.slice(bestMatch.length - (pattern ? 1 : 0));
+    const resolved = resolvePackageTarget(packageJsonUrl, target, subpath, bestMatch, base, pattern, false, conditions);
+    if (resolved === null || resolved === undefined) throwExportsNotFound(packageSubpath, packageJsonUrl, base);
+    if (!pattern) emitFolderMapDeprecation(bestMatch, packageJsonUrl, true, base);
+    return {
+      resolved,
+      exact: pattern
+    };
+  }
+  throwExportsNotFound(packageSubpath, packageJsonUrl, base);
+function packageImportsResolve(name, base, conditions) {
+  if (name === '#' || name.startsWith('#/')) {
+    const reason = 'is not a valid internal imports specifier name';
+    throw new ERR_INVALID_MODULE_SPECIFIER(name, reason, (0, _url().fileURLToPath)(base));
+  }
+  let packageJsonUrl;
+  const packageConfig = getPackageScopeConfig(base);
+  if (packageConfig.exists) {
+    packageJsonUrl = (0, _url().pathToFileURL)(packageConfig.pjsonPath);
+    const imports = packageConfig.imports;
+    if (imports) {
+      if (own.call(imports, name)) {
+        const resolved = resolvePackageTarget(packageJsonUrl, imports[name], '', name, base, false, true, conditions);
+        if (resolved !== null) return {
+          resolved,
+          exact: true
+        };
+      } else {
+        let bestMatch = '';
+        const keys = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(imports);
+        let i = -1;
+        while (++i < keys.length) {
+          const key = keys[i];
+          if (key[key.length - 1] === '*' && name.startsWith(key.slice(0, -1)) && name.length >= key.length && key.length > bestMatch.length) {
+            bestMatch = key;
+          } else if (key[key.length - 1] === '/' && name.startsWith(key) && key.length > bestMatch.length) {
+            bestMatch = key;
+          }
+        }
+        if (bestMatch) {
+          const target = imports[bestMatch];
+          const pattern = bestMatch[bestMatch.length - 1] === '*';
+          const subpath = name.slice(bestMatch.length - (pattern ? 1 : 0));
+          const resolved = resolvePackageTarget(packageJsonUrl, target, subpath, bestMatch, base, pattern, true, conditions);
+          if (resolved !== null) {
+            if (!pattern) emitFolderMapDeprecation(bestMatch, packageJsonUrl, false, base);
+            return {
+              resolved,
+              exact: pattern
+            };
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  throwImportNotDefined(name, packageJsonUrl, base);
+function getPackageType(url) {
+  const packageConfig = getPackageScopeConfig(url);
+  return packageConfig.type;
+function parsePackageName(specifier, base) {
+  let separatorIndex = specifier.indexOf('/');
+  let validPackageName = true;
+  let isScoped = false;
+  if (specifier[0] === '@') {
+    isScoped = true;
+    if (separatorIndex === -1 || specifier.length === 0) {
+      validPackageName = false;
+    } else {
+      separatorIndex = specifier.indexOf('/', separatorIndex + 1);
+    }
+  }
+  const packageName = separatorIndex === -1 ? specifier : specifier.slice(0, separatorIndex);
+  let i = -1;
+  while (++i < packageName.length) {
+    if (packageName[i] === '%' || packageName[i] === '\\') {
+      validPackageName = false;
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+  if (!validPackageName) {
+    throw new ERR_INVALID_MODULE_SPECIFIER(specifier, 'is not a valid package name', (0, _url().fileURLToPath)(base));
+  }
+  const packageSubpath = '.' + (separatorIndex === -1 ? '' : specifier.slice(separatorIndex));
+  return {
+    packageName,
+    packageSubpath,
+    isScoped
+  };
+function packageResolve(specifier, base, conditions) {
+  const {
+    packageName,
+    packageSubpath,
+    isScoped
+  } = parsePackageName(specifier, base);
+  const packageConfig = getPackageScopeConfig(base);
+  if (packageConfig.exists) {
+    const packageJsonUrl = (0, _url().pathToFileURL)(packageConfig.pjsonPath);
+    if (packageConfig.name === packageName && packageConfig.exports !== undefined && packageConfig.exports !== null) {
+      return packageExportsResolve(packageJsonUrl, packageSubpath, packageConfig, base, conditions).resolved;
+    }
+  }
+  let packageJsonUrl = new (_url().URL)('./node_modules/' + packageName + '/package.json', base);
+  let packageJsonPath = (0, _url().fileURLToPath)(packageJsonUrl);
+  let lastPath;
+  do {
+    const stat = tryStatSync(packageJsonPath.slice(0, -13));
+    if (!stat.isDirectory()) {
+      lastPath = packageJsonPath;
+      packageJsonUrl = new (_url().URL)((isScoped ? '../../../../node_modules/' : '../../../node_modules/') + packageName + '/package.json', packageJsonUrl);
+      packageJsonPath = (0, _url().fileURLToPath)(packageJsonUrl);
+      continue;
+    }
+    const packageConfig = getPackageConfig(packageJsonPath, specifier, base);
+    if (packageConfig.exports !== undefined && packageConfig.exports !== null) return packageExportsResolve(packageJsonUrl, packageSubpath, packageConfig, base, conditions).resolved;
+    if (packageSubpath === '.') return legacyMainResolve(packageJsonUrl, packageConfig, base);
+    return new (_url().URL)(packageSubpath, packageJsonUrl);
+  } while (packageJsonPath.length !== lastPath.length);
+  throw new ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND(packageName, (0, _url().fileURLToPath)(base));
+function isRelativeSpecifier(specifier) {
+  if (specifier[0] === '.') {
+    if (specifier.length === 1 || specifier[1] === '/') return true;
+    if (specifier[1] === '.' && (specifier.length === 2 || specifier[2] === '/')) {
+      return true;
+    }
+  }
+  return false;
+function shouldBeTreatedAsRelativeOrAbsolutePath(specifier) {
+  if (specifier === '') return false;
+  if (specifier[0] === '/') return true;
+  return isRelativeSpecifier(specifier);
+function moduleResolve(specifier, base, conditions) {
+  let resolved;
+  if (shouldBeTreatedAsRelativeOrAbsolutePath(specifier)) {
+    resolved = new (_url().URL)(specifier, base);
+  } else if (specifier[0] === '#') {
+    ({
+      resolved
+    } = packageImportsResolve(specifier, base, conditions));
+  } else {
+    try {
+      resolved = new (_url().URL)(specifier);
+    } catch (_unused3) {
+      resolved = packageResolve(specifier, base, conditions);
+    }
+  }
+  return finalizeResolution(resolved, base);
+function defaultResolve(specifier, context = {}) {
+  const {
+    parentURL
+  } = context;
+  let parsed;
+  try {
+    parsed = new (_url().URL)(specifier);
+    if (parsed.protocol === 'data:') {
+      return {
+        url: specifier
+      };
+    }
+  } catch (_unused4) {}
+  if (parsed && parsed.protocol === 'node:') return {
+    url: specifier
+  };
+  if (parsed && parsed.protocol !== 'file:' && parsed.protocol !== 'data:') throw new ERR_UNSUPPORTED_ESM_URL_SCHEME(parsed);
+  if (listOfBuiltins.includes(specifier)) {
+    return {
+      url: 'node:' + specifier
+    };
+  }
+  if (parentURL.startsWith('data:')) {
+    new (_url().URL)(specifier, parentURL);
+  }
+  const conditions = getConditionsSet(context.conditions);
+  let url = moduleResolve(specifier, new (_url().URL)(parentURL), conditions);
+  const urlPath = (0, _url().fileURLToPath)(url);
+  const real = (0, _fs().realpathSync)(urlPath);
+  const old = url;
+  url = (0, _url().pathToFileURL)(real + (urlPath.endsWith(_path().sep) ? '/' : ''));
+  url.search = old.search;
+  url.hash = old.hash;
+  return {
+    url: `${url}`
+  };
+function resolve(_x, _x2) {
+  return _resolve.apply(this, arguments);
+function _resolve() {
+  _resolve = _asyncToGenerator(function* (specifier, parent) {
+    if (!parent) {
+      throw new Error('Please pass `parent`: `import-meta-resolve` cannot ponyfill that');
+    }
+    try {
+      return defaultResolve(specifier, {
+        parentURL: parent
+      }).url;
+    } catch (error) {
+      return error.code === 'ERR_UNSUPPORTED_DIR_IMPORT' ? error.url : Promise.reject(error);
+    }
+  });
+  return _resolve.apply(this, arguments);
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+# Change Log
+## 0.5.6
+* Fix for regression when people were using numbers as names in source maps. See
+  #236.
+## 0.5.5
+* Fix "regression" of unsupported, implementation behavior that half the world
+  happens to have come to depend on. See #235.
+* Fix regression involving function hoisting in SpiderMonkey. See #233.
+## 0.5.4
+* Large performance improvements to source-map serialization. See #228 and #229.
+## 0.5.3
+* Do not include unnecessary distribution files. See
+  commit ef7006f8d1647e0a83fdc60f04f5a7ca54886f86.
+## 0.5.2
+* Include browser distributions of the library in package.json's `files`. See
+  issue #212.
+## 0.5.1
+* Fix latent bugs in IndexedSourceMapConsumer.prototype._parseMappings. See
+  ff05274becc9e6e1295ed60f3ea090d31d843379.
+## 0.5.0
+* Node 0.8 is no longer supported.
+* Use webpack instead of dryice for bundling.
+* Big speedups serializing source maps. See pull request #203.
+* Fix a bug with `SourceMapConsumer.prototype.sourceContentFor` and sources that
+  explicitly start with the source root. See issue #199.
+## 0.4.4
+* Fix an issue where using a `SourceMapGenerator` after having created a
+  `SourceMapConsumer` from it via `SourceMapConsumer.fromSourceMap` failed. See
+  issue #191.
+* Fix an issue with where `SourceMapGenerator` would mistakenly consider
+  different mappings as duplicates of each other and avoid generating them. See
+  issue #192.
+## 0.4.3
+* A very large number of performance improvements, particularly when parsing
+  source maps. Collectively about 75% of time shaved off of the source map
+  parsing benchmark!
+* Fix a bug in `SourceMapConsumer.prototype.allGeneratedPositionsFor` and fuzzy
+  searching in the presence of a column option. See issue #177.
+* Fix a bug with joining a source and its source root when the source is above
+  the root. See issue #182.
+* Add the `SourceMapConsumer.prototype.hasContentsOfAllSources` method to
+  determine when all sources' contents are inlined into the source map. See
+  issue #190.
+## 0.4.2
+* Add an `.npmignore` file so that the benchmarks aren't pulled down by
+  dependent projects. Issue #169.
+* Add an optional `column` argument to
+  `SourceMapConsumer.prototype.allGeneratedPositionsFor` and better handle lines
+  with no mappings. Issues #172 and #173.
+## 0.4.1
+* Fix accidentally defining a global variable. #170.
+## 0.4.0
+* The default direction for fuzzy searching was changed back to its original
+  direction. See #164.
+* There is now a `bias` option you can supply to `SourceMapConsumer` to control
+  the fuzzy searching direction. See #167.
+* About an 8% speed up in parsing source maps. See #159.
+* Added a benchmark for parsing and generating source maps.
+## 0.3.0
+* Change the default direction that searching for positions fuzzes when there is
+  not an exact match. See #154.
+* Support for environments using json2.js for JSON serialization. See #156.
+## 0.2.0
+* Support for consuming "indexed" source maps which do not have any remote
+  sections. See pull request #127. This introduces a minor backwards
+  incompatibility if you are monkey patching `SourceMapConsumer.prototype`
+  methods.
+## 0.1.43
+* Performance improvements for `SourceMapGenerator` and `SourceNode`. See issue
+  #148 for some discussion and issues #150, #151, and #152 for implementations.
+## 0.1.42
+* Fix an issue where `SourceNode`s from different versions of the source-map
+  library couldn't be used in conjunction with each other. See issue #142.
+## 0.1.41
+* Fix a bug with getting the source content of relative sources with a "./"
+  prefix. See issue #145 and [Bug 1090768](bugzil.la/1090768).
+* Add the `SourceMapConsumer.prototype.computeColumnSpans` method to compute the
+  column span of each mapping.
+* Add the `SourceMapConsumer.prototype.allGeneratedPositionsFor` method to find
+  all generated positions associated with a given original source and line.
+## 0.1.40
+* Performance improvements for parsing source maps in SourceMapConsumer.
+## 0.1.39
+* Fix a bug where setting a source's contents to null before any source content
+  had been set before threw a TypeError. See issue #131.
+## 0.1.38
+* Fix a bug where finding relative paths from an empty path were creating
+  absolute paths. See issue #129.
+## 0.1.37
+* Fix a bug where if the source root was an empty string, relative source paths
+  would turn into absolute source paths. Issue #124.
+## 0.1.36
+* Allow the `names` mapping property to be an empty string. Issue #121.
+## 0.1.35
+* A third optional parameter was added to `SourceNode.fromStringWithSourceMap`
+  to specify a path that relative sources in the second parameter should be
+  relative to. Issue #105.
+* If no file property is given to a `SourceMapGenerator`, then the resulting
+  source map will no longer have a `null` file property. The property will
+  simply not exist. Issue #104.
+* Fixed a bug where consecutive newlines were ignored in `SourceNode`s.
+  Issue #116.
+## 0.1.34
+* Make `SourceNode` work with windows style ("\r\n") newlines. Issue #103.
+* Fix bug involving source contents and the
+  `SourceMapGenerator.prototype.applySourceMap`. Issue #100.
+## 0.1.33
+* Fix some edge cases surrounding path joining and URL resolution.
+* Add a third parameter for relative path to
+  `SourceMapGenerator.prototype.applySourceMap`.
+* Fix issues with mappings and EOLs.
+## 0.1.32
+* Fixed a bug where SourceMapConsumer couldn't handle negative relative columns
+  (issue 92).
+* Fixed test runner to actually report number of failed tests as its process
+  exit code.
+* Fixed a typo when reporting bad mappings (issue 87).
+## 0.1.31
+* Delay parsing the mappings in SourceMapConsumer until queried for a source
+  location.
+* Support Sass source maps (which at the time of writing deviate from the spec
+  in small ways) in SourceMapConsumer.
+## 0.1.30
+* Do not join source root with a source, when the source is a data URI.
+* Extend the test runner to allow running single specific test files at a time.
+* Performance improvements in `SourceNode.prototype.walk` and
+  `SourceMapConsumer.prototype.eachMapping`.
+* Source map browser builds will now work inside Workers.
+* Better error messages when attempting to add an invalid mapping to a
+  `SourceMapGenerator`.
+## 0.1.29
+* Allow duplicate entries in the `names` and `sources` arrays of source maps
+  (usually from TypeScript) we are parsing. Fixes github issue 72.
+## 0.1.28
+* Skip duplicate mappings when creating source maps from SourceNode; github
+  issue 75.
+## 0.1.27
+* Don't throw an error when the `file` property is missing in SourceMapConsumer,
+  we don't use it anyway.
+## 0.1.26
+* Fix SourceNode.fromStringWithSourceMap for empty maps. Fixes github issue 70.
+## 0.1.25
+* Make compatible with browserify
+## 0.1.24
+* Fix issue with absolute paths and `file://` URIs. See
+  https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=885597
+## 0.1.23
+* Fix issue with absolute paths and sourcesContent, github issue 64.
+## 0.1.22
+* Ignore duplicate mappings in SourceMapGenerator. Fixes github issue 21.
+## 0.1.21
+* Fixed handling of sources that start with a slash so that they are relative to
+  the source root's host.
+## 0.1.20
+* Fixed github issue #43: absolute URLs aren't joined with the source root
+  anymore.
+## 0.1.19
+* Using Travis CI to run tests.
+## 0.1.18
+* Fixed a bug in the handling of sourceRoot.
+## 0.1.17
+* Added SourceNode.fromStringWithSourceMap.
+## 0.1.16
+* Added missing documentation.
+* Fixed the generating of empty mappings in SourceNode.
+## 0.1.15
+* Added SourceMapGenerator.applySourceMap.
+## 0.1.14
+* The sourceRoot is now handled consistently.
+## 0.1.13
+* Added SourceMapGenerator.fromSourceMap.
+## 0.1.12
+* SourceNode now generates empty mappings too.
+## 0.1.11
+* Added name support to SourceNode.
+## 0.1.10
+* Added sourcesContent support to the customer and generator.
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+Copyright (c) 2009-2011, Mozilla Foundation and contributors
+All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
+  list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+  this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+  and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+* Neither the names of the Mozilla Foundation nor the names of project
+  contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this
+  software without specific prior written permission.
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+# Source Map
+[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/mozilla/source-map.png?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/mozilla/source-map)
+This is a library to generate and consume the source map format
+[described here][format].
+[format]: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1U1RGAehQwRypUTovF1KRlpiOFze0b-_2gc6fAH0KY0k/edit
+## Use with Node
+    $ npm install source-map
+## Use on the Web
+    <script src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mozilla/source-map/master/dist/source-map.min.js" defer></script>
+<!-- `npm run toc` to regenerate the Table of Contents -->
+<!-- START doctoc generated TOC please keep comment here to allow auto update -->
+## Table of Contents
+- [Examples](#examples)
+  - [Consuming a source map](#consuming-a-source-map)
+  - [Generating a source map](#generating-a-source-map)
+    - [With SourceNode (high level API)](#with-sourcenode-high-level-api)
+    - [With SourceMapGenerator (low level API)](#with-sourcemapgenerator-low-level-api)
+- [API](#api)
+  - [SourceMapConsumer](#sourcemapconsumer)
+    - [new SourceMapConsumer(rawSourceMap)](#new-sourcemapconsumerrawsourcemap)
+    - [SourceMapConsumer.prototype.computeColumnSpans()](#sourcemapconsumerprototypecomputecolumnspans)
+    - [SourceMapConsumer.prototype.originalPositionFor(generatedPosition)](#sourcemapconsumerprototypeoriginalpositionforgeneratedposition)
+    - [SourceMapConsumer.prototype.generatedPositionFor(originalPosition)](#sourcemapconsumerprototypegeneratedpositionfororiginalposition)
+    - [SourceMapConsumer.prototype.allGeneratedPositionsFor(originalPosition)](#sourcemapconsumerprototypeallgeneratedpositionsfororiginalposition)
+    - [SourceMapConsumer.prototype.hasContentsOfAllSources()](#sourcemapconsumerprototypehascontentsofallsources)
+    - [SourceMapConsumer.prototype.sourceContentFor(source[, returnNullOnMissing])](#sourcemapconsumerprototypesourcecontentforsource-returnnullonmissing)
+    - [SourceMapConsumer.prototype.eachMapping(callback, context, order)](#sourcemapconsumerprototypeeachmappingcallback-context-order)
+  - [SourceMapGenerator](#sourcemapgenerator)
+    - [new SourceMapGenerator([startOfSourceMap])](#new-sourcemapgeneratorstartofsourcemap)
+    - [SourceMapGenerator.fromSourceMap(sourceMapConsumer)](#sourcemapgeneratorfromsourcemapsourcemapconsumer)
+    - [SourceMapGenerator.prototype.addMapping(mapping)](#sourcemapgeneratorprototypeaddmappingmapping)
+    - [SourceMapGenerator.prototype.setSourceContent(sourceFile, sourceContent)](#sourcemapgeneratorprototypesetsourcecontentsourcefile-sourcecontent)
+    - [SourceMapGenerator.prototype.applySourceMap(sourceMapConsumer[, sourceFile[, sourceMapPath]])](#sourcemapgeneratorprototypeapplysourcemapsourcemapconsumer-sourcefile-sourcemappath)
+    - [SourceMapGenerator.prototype.toString()](#sourcemapgeneratorprototypetostring)
+  - [SourceNode](#sourcenode)
+    - [new SourceNode([line, column, source[, chunk[, name]]])](#new-sourcenodeline-column-source-chunk-name)
+    - [SourceNode.fromStringWithSourceMap(code, sourceMapConsumer[, relativePath])](#sourcenodefromstringwithsourcemapcode-sourcemapconsumer-relativepath)
+    - [SourceNode.prototype.add(chunk)](#sourcenodeprototypeaddchunk)
+    - [SourceNode.prototype.prepend(chunk)](#sourcenodeprototypeprependchunk)
+    - [SourceNode.prototype.setSourceContent(sourceFile, sourceContent)](#sourcenodeprototypesetsourcecontentsourcefile-sourcecontent)
+    - [SourceNode.prototype.walk(fn)](#sourcenodeprototypewalkfn)
+    - [SourceNode.prototype.walkSourceContents(fn)](#sourcenodeprototypewalksourcecontentsfn)
+    - [SourceNode.prototype.join(sep)](#sourcenodeprototypejoinsep)
+    - [SourceNode.prototype.replaceRight(pattern, replacement)](#sourcenodeprototypereplacerightpattern-replacement)
+    - [SourceNode.prototype.toString()](#sourcenodeprototypetostring)
+    - [SourceNode.prototype.toStringWithSourceMap([startOfSourceMap])](#sourcenodeprototypetostringwithsourcemapstartofsourcemap)
+<!-- END doctoc generated TOC please keep comment here to allow auto update -->
+## Examples
+### Consuming a source map
+var rawSourceMap = {
+  version: 3,
+  file: 'min.js',
+  names: ['bar', 'baz', 'n'],
+  sources: ['one.js', 'two.js'],
+  sourceRoot: 'http://example.com/www/js/',
+var smc = new SourceMapConsumer(rawSourceMap);
+// [ 'http://example.com/www/js/one.js',
+//   'http://example.com/www/js/two.js' ]
+  line: 2,
+  column: 28
+// { source: 'http://example.com/www/js/two.js',
+//   line: 2,
+//   column: 10,
+//   name: 'n' }
+  source: 'http://example.com/www/js/two.js',
+  line: 2,
+  column: 10
+// { line: 2, column: 28 }
+smc.eachMapping(function (m) {
+  // ...
+### Generating a source map
+In depth guide:
+[**Compiling to JavaScript, and Debugging with Source Maps**](https://hacks.mozilla.org/2013/05/compiling-to-javascript-and-debugging-with-source-maps/)
+#### With SourceNode (high level API)
+function compile(ast) {
+  switch (ast.type) {
+  case 'BinaryExpression':
+    return new SourceNode(
+      ast.location.line,
+      ast.location.column,
+      ast.location.source,
+      [compile(ast.left), " + ", compile(ast.right)]
+    );
+  case 'Literal':
+    return new SourceNode(
+      ast.location.line,
+      ast.location.column,
+      ast.location.source,
+      String(ast.value)
+    );
+  // ...
+  default:
+    throw new Error("Bad AST");
+  }
+var ast = parse("40 + 2", "add.js");
+  file: 'add.js'
+// { code: '40 + 2',
+//   map: [object SourceMapGenerator] }
+#### With SourceMapGenerator (low level API)
+var map = new SourceMapGenerator({
+  file: "source-mapped.js"
+  generated: {
+    line: 10,
+    column: 35
+  },
+  source: "foo.js",
+  original: {
+    line: 33,
+    column: 2
+  },
+  name: "christopher"
+// '{"version":3,"file":"source-mapped.js","sources":["foo.js"],"names":["christopher"],"mappings":";;;;;;;;;mCAgCEA"}'
+## API
+Get a reference to the module:
+// Node.js
+var sourceMap = require('source-map');
+// Browser builds
+var sourceMap = window.sourceMap;
+// Inside Firefox
+const sourceMap = require("devtools/toolkit/sourcemap/source-map.js");
+### SourceMapConsumer
+A SourceMapConsumer instance represents a parsed source map which we can query
+for information about the original file positions by giving it a file position
+in the generated source.
+#### new SourceMapConsumer(rawSourceMap)
+The only parameter is the raw source map (either as a string which can be
+`JSON.parse`'d, or an object). According to the spec, source maps have the
+following attributes:
+* `version`: Which version of the source map spec this map is following.
+* `sources`: An array of URLs to the original source files.
+* `names`: An array of identifiers which can be referenced by individual
+  mappings.
+* `sourceRoot`: Optional. The URL root from which all sources are relative.
+* `sourcesContent`: Optional. An array of contents of the original source files.
+* `mappings`: A string of base64 VLQs which contain the actual mappings.
+* `file`: Optional. The generated filename this source map is associated with.
+var consumer = new sourceMap.SourceMapConsumer(rawSourceMapJsonData);
+#### SourceMapConsumer.prototype.computeColumnSpans()
+Compute the last column for each generated mapping. The last column is
+// Before:
+consumer.allGeneratedPositionsFor({ line: 2, source: "foo.coffee" })
+// [ { line: 2,
+//     column: 1 },
+//   { line: 2,
+//     column: 10 },
+//   { line: 2,
+//     column: 20 } ]
+// After:
+consumer.allGeneratedPositionsFor({ line: 2, source: "foo.coffee" })
+// [ { line: 2,
+//     column: 1,
+//     lastColumn: 9 },
+//   { line: 2,
+//     column: 10,
+//     lastColumn: 19 },
+//   { line: 2,
+//     column: 20,
+//     lastColumn: Infinity } ]
+#### SourceMapConsumer.prototype.originalPositionFor(generatedPosition)
+Returns the original source, line, and column information for the generated
+source's line and column positions provided. The only argument is an object with
+the following properties:
+* `line`: The line number in the generated source.
+* `column`: The column number in the generated source.
+* `bias`: Either `SourceMapConsumer.GREATEST_LOWER_BOUND` or
+  `SourceMapConsumer.LEAST_UPPER_BOUND`. Specifies whether to return the closest
+  element that is smaller than or greater than the one we are searching for,
+  respectively, if the exact element cannot be found.  Defaults to
+  `SourceMapConsumer.GREATEST_LOWER_BOUND`.
+and an object is returned with the following properties:
+* `source`: The original source file, or null if this information is not
+  available.
+* `line`: The line number in the original source, or null if this information is
+  not available.
+* `column`: The column number in the original source, or null if this
+  information is not available.
+* `name`: The original identifier, or null if this information is not available.
+consumer.originalPositionFor({ line: 2, column: 10 })
+// { source: 'foo.coffee',
+//   line: 2,
+//   column: 2,
+//   name: null }
+consumer.originalPositionFor({ line: 99999999999999999, column: 999999999999999 })
+// { source: null,
+//   line: null,
+//   column: null,
+//   name: null }
+#### SourceMapConsumer.prototype.generatedPositionFor(originalPosition)
+Returns the generated line and column information for the original source,
+line, and column positions provided. The only argument is an object with
+the following properties:
+* `source`: The filename of the original source.
+* `line`: The line number in the original source.
+* `column`: The column number in the original source.
+and an object is returned with the following properties:
+* `line`: The line number in the generated source, or null.
+* `column`: The column number in the generated source, or null.
+consumer.generatedPositionFor({ source: "example.js", line: 2, column: 10 })
+// { line: 1,
+//   column: 56 }
+#### SourceMapConsumer.prototype.allGeneratedPositionsFor(originalPosition)
+Returns all generated line and column information for the original source, line,
+and column provided. If no column is provided, returns all mappings
+corresponding to a either the line we are searching for or the next closest line
+that has any mappings. Otherwise, returns all mappings corresponding to the
+given line and either the column we are searching for or the next closest column
+that has any offsets.
+The only argument is an object with the following properties:
+* `source`: The filename of the original source.
+* `line`: The line number in the original source.
+* `column`: Optional. The column number in the original source.
+and an array of objects is returned, each with the following properties:
+* `line`: The line number in the generated source, or null.
+* `column`: The column number in the generated source, or null.
+consumer.allGeneratedpositionsfor({ line: 2, source: "foo.coffee" })
+// [ { line: 2,
+//     column: 1 },
+//   { line: 2,
+//     column: 10 },
+//   { line: 2,
+//     column: 20 } ]
+#### SourceMapConsumer.prototype.hasContentsOfAllSources()
+Return true if we have the embedded source content for every source listed in
+the source map, false otherwise.
+In other words, if this method returns `true`, then
+`consumer.sourceContentFor(s)` will succeed for every source `s` in
+// ...
+if (consumer.hasContentsOfAllSources()) {
+  consumerReadyCallback(consumer);
+} else {
+  fetchSources(consumer, consumerReadyCallback);
+// ...
+#### SourceMapConsumer.prototype.sourceContentFor(source[, returnNullOnMissing])
+Returns the original source content for the source provided. The only
+argument is the URL of the original source file.
+If the source content for the given source is not found, then an error is
+thrown. Optionally, pass `true` as the second param to have `null` returned
+// [ "my-cool-lib.clj" ]
+// "..."
+consumer.sourceContentFor("this is not in the source map");
+// Error: "this is not in the source map" is not in the source map
+consumer.sourceContentFor("this is not in the source map", true);
+// null
+#### SourceMapConsumer.prototype.eachMapping(callback, context, order)
+Iterate over each mapping between an original source/line/column and a
+generated line/column in this source map.
+* `callback`: The function that is called with each mapping. Mappings have the
+  form `{ source, generatedLine, generatedColumn, originalLine, originalColumn,
+  name }`
+* `context`: Optional. If specified, this object will be the value of `this`
+  every time that `callback` is called.
+* `order`: Either `SourceMapConsumer.GENERATED_ORDER` or
+  `SourceMapConsumer.ORIGINAL_ORDER`. Specifies whether you want to iterate over
+  the mappings sorted by the generated file's line/column order or the
+  original's source/line/column order, respectively. Defaults to
+  `SourceMapConsumer.GENERATED_ORDER`.
+consumer.eachMapping(function (m) { console.log(m); })
+// ...
+// { source: 'illmatic.js',
+//   generatedLine: 1,
+//   generatedColumn: 0,
+//   originalLine: 1,
+//   originalColumn: 0,
+//   name: null }
+// { source: 'illmatic.js',
+//   generatedLine: 2,
+//   generatedColumn: 0,
+//   originalLine: 2,
+//   originalColumn: 0,
+//   name: null }
+// ...
+### SourceMapGenerator
+An instance of the SourceMapGenerator represents a source map which is being
+built incrementally.
+#### new SourceMapGenerator([startOfSourceMap])
+You may pass an object with the following properties:
+* `file`: The filename of the generated source that this source map is
+  associated with.
+* `sourceRoot`: A root for all relative URLs in this source map.
+* `skipValidation`: Optional. When `true`, disables validation of mappings as
+  they are added. This can improve performance but should be used with
+  discretion, as a last resort. Even then, one should avoid using this flag when
+  running tests, if possible.
+var generator = new sourceMap.SourceMapGenerator({
+  file: "my-generated-javascript-file.js",
+  sourceRoot: "http://example.com/app/js/"
+#### SourceMapGenerator.fromSourceMap(sourceMapConsumer)
+Creates a new `SourceMapGenerator` from an existing `SourceMapConsumer` instance.
+* `sourceMapConsumer` The SourceMap.
+var generator = sourceMap.SourceMapGenerator.fromSourceMap(consumer);
+#### SourceMapGenerator.prototype.addMapping(mapping)
+Add a single mapping from original source line and column to the generated
+source's line and column for this source map being created. The mapping object
+should have the following properties:
+* `generated`: An object with the generated line and column positions.
+* `original`: An object with the original line and column positions.
+* `source`: The original source file (relative to the sourceRoot).
+* `name`: An optional original token name for this mapping.
+  source: "module-one.scm",
+  original: { line: 128, column: 0 },
+  generated: { line: 3, column: 456 }
+#### SourceMapGenerator.prototype.setSourceContent(sourceFile, sourceContent)
+Set the source content for an original source file.
+* `sourceFile` the URL of the original source file.
+* `sourceContent` the content of the source file.
+                           fs.readFileSync("path/to/module-one.scm"))
+#### SourceMapGenerator.prototype.applySourceMap(sourceMapConsumer[, sourceFile[, sourceMapPath]])
+Applies a SourceMap for a source file to the SourceMap.
+Each mapping to the supplied source file is rewritten using the
+supplied SourceMap. Note: The resolution for the resulting mappings
+is the minimum of this map and the supplied map.
+* `sourceMapConsumer`: The SourceMap to be applied.
+* `sourceFile`: Optional. The filename of the source file.
+  If omitted, sourceMapConsumer.file will be used, if it exists.
+  Otherwise an error will be thrown.
+* `sourceMapPath`: Optional. The dirname of the path to the SourceMap
+  to be applied. If relative, it is relative to the SourceMap.
+  This parameter is needed when the two SourceMaps aren't in the same
+  directory, and the SourceMap to be applied contains relative source
+  paths. If so, those relative source paths need to be rewritten
+  relative to the SourceMap.
+  If omitted, it is assumed that both SourceMaps are in the same directory,
+  thus not needing any rewriting. (Supplying `'.'` has the same effect.)
+#### SourceMapGenerator.prototype.toString()
+Renders the source map being generated to a string.
+// '{"version":3,"sources":["module-one.scm"],"names":[],"mappings":"...snip...","file":"my-generated-javascript-file.js","sourceRoot":"http://example.com/app/js/"}'
+### SourceNode
+SourceNodes provide a way to abstract over interpolating and/or concatenating
+snippets of generated JavaScript source code, while maintaining the line and
+column information associated between those snippets and the original source
+code. This is useful as the final intermediate representation a compiler might
+use before outputting the generated JS and source map.
+#### new SourceNode([line, column, source[, chunk[, name]]])
+* `line`: The original line number associated with this source node, or null if
+  it isn't associated with an original line.
+* `column`: The original column number associated with this source node, or null
+  if it isn't associated with an original column.
+* `source`: The original source's filename; null if no filename is provided.
+* `chunk`: Optional. Is immediately passed to `SourceNode.prototype.add`, see
+  below.
+* `name`: Optional. The original identifier.
+var node = new SourceNode(1, 2, "a.cpp", [
+  new SourceNode(3, 4, "b.cpp", "extern int status;\n"),
+  new SourceNode(5, 6, "c.cpp", "std::string* make_string(size_t n);\n"),
+  new SourceNode(7, 8, "d.cpp", "int main(int argc, char** argv) {}\n"),
+#### SourceNode.fromStringWithSourceMap(code, sourceMapConsumer[, relativePath])
+Creates a SourceNode from generated code and a SourceMapConsumer.
+* `code`: The generated code
+* `sourceMapConsumer` The SourceMap for the generated code
+* `relativePath` The optional path that relative sources in `sourceMapConsumer`
+  should be relative to.
+var consumer = new SourceMapConsumer(fs.readFileSync("path/to/my-file.js.map", "utf8"));
+var node = SourceNode.fromStringWithSourceMap(fs.readFileSync("path/to/my-file.js"),
+                                              consumer);
+#### SourceNode.prototype.add(chunk)
+Add a chunk of generated JS to this source node.
+* `chunk`: A string snippet of generated JS code, another instance of
+   `SourceNode`, or an array where each member is one of those things.
+node.add(" + ");
+node.add([leftHandOperandNode, " + ", rightHandOperandNode]);
+#### SourceNode.prototype.prepend(chunk)
+Prepend a chunk of generated JS to this source node.
+* `chunk`: A string snippet of generated JS code, another instance of
+   `SourceNode`, or an array where each member is one of those things.
+node.prepend("/** Build Id: f783haef86324gf **/\n\n");
+#### SourceNode.prototype.setSourceContent(sourceFile, sourceContent)
+Set the source content for a source file. This will be added to the
+`SourceMap` in the `sourcesContent` field.
+* `sourceFile`: The filename of the source file
+* `sourceContent`: The content of the source file
+                      fs.readFileSync("path/to/module-one.scm"))
+#### SourceNode.prototype.walk(fn)
+Walk over the tree of JS snippets in this node and its children. The walking
+function is called once for each snippet of JS and is passed that snippet and
+the its original associated source's line/column location.
+* `fn`: The traversal function.
+var node = new SourceNode(1, 2, "a.js", [
+  new SourceNode(3, 4, "b.js", "uno"),
+  "dos",
+  [
+    "tres",
+    new SourceNode(5, 6, "c.js", "quatro")
+  ]
+node.walk(function (code, loc) { console.log("WALK:", code, loc); })
+// WALK: uno { source: 'b.js', line: 3, column: 4, name: null }
+// WALK: dos { source: 'a.js', line: 1, column: 2, name: null }
+// WALK: tres { source: 'a.js', line: 1, column: 2, name: null }
+// WALK: quatro { source: 'c.js', line: 5, column: 6, name: null }
+#### SourceNode.prototype.walkSourceContents(fn)
+Walk over the tree of SourceNodes. The walking function is called for each
+source file content and is passed the filename and source content.
+* `fn`: The traversal function.
+var a = new SourceNode(1, 2, "a.js", "generated from a");
+a.setSourceContent("a.js", "original a");
+var b = new SourceNode(1, 2, "b.js", "generated from b");
+b.setSourceContent("b.js", "original b");
+var c = new SourceNode(1, 2, "c.js", "generated from c");
+c.setSourceContent("c.js", "original c");
+var node = new SourceNode(null, null, null, [a, b, c]);
+node.walkSourceContents(function (source, contents) { console.log("WALK:", source, ":", contents); })
+// WALK: a.js : original a
+// WALK: b.js : original b
+// WALK: c.js : original c
+#### SourceNode.prototype.join(sep)
+Like `Array.prototype.join` except for SourceNodes. Inserts the separator
+between each of this source node's children.
+* `sep`: The separator.
+var lhs = new SourceNode(1, 2, "a.rs", "my_copy");
+var operand = new SourceNode(3, 4, "a.rs", "=");
+var rhs = new SourceNode(5, 6, "a.rs", "orig.clone()");
+var node = new SourceNode(null, null, null, [ lhs, operand, rhs ]);
+var joinedNode = node.join(" ");
+#### SourceNode.prototype.replaceRight(pattern, replacement)
+Call `String.prototype.replace` on the very right-most source snippet. Useful
+for trimming white space from the end of a source node, etc.
+* `pattern`: The pattern to replace.
+* `replacement`: The thing to replace the pattern with.
+// Trim trailing white space.
+node.replaceRight(/\s*$/, "");
+#### SourceNode.prototype.toString()
+Return the string representation of this source node. Walks over the tree and
+concatenates all the various snippets together to one string.
+var node = new SourceNode(1, 2, "a.js", [
+  new SourceNode(3, 4, "b.js", "uno"),
+  "dos",
+  [
+    "tres",
+    new SourceNode(5, 6, "c.js", "quatro")
+  ]
+// 'unodostresquatro'
+#### SourceNode.prototype.toStringWithSourceMap([startOfSourceMap])
+Returns the string representation of this tree of source nodes, plus a
+SourceMapGenerator which contains all the mappings between the generated and
+original sources.
+The arguments are the same as those to `new SourceMapGenerator`.
+var node = new SourceNode(1, 2, "a.js", [
+  new SourceNode(3, 4, "b.js", "uno"),
+  "dos",
+  [
+    "tres",
+    new SourceNode(5, 6, "c.js", "quatro")
+  ]
+node.toStringWithSourceMap({ file: "my-output-file.js" })
+// { code: 'unodostresquatro',
+//   map: [object SourceMapGenerator] }
diff --git a/node_modules/@babel/core/node_modules/source-map/dist/source-map.debug.js b/node_modules/@babel/core/node_modules/source-map/dist/source-map.debug.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b5ab6382
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/@babel/core/node_modules/source-map/dist/source-map.debug.js
@@ -0,0 +1,3091 @@
+(function webpackUniversalModuleDefinition(root, factory) {
+	if(typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module === 'object')
+		module.exports = factory();
+	else if(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd)
+		define([], factory);
+	else if(typeof exports === 'object')
+		exports["sourceMap"] = factory();
+	else
+		root["sourceMap"] = factory();
+})(this, function() {
+return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
+/******/ 	// The module cache
+/******/ 	var installedModules = {};
+/******/ 	// The require function
+/******/ 	function __webpack_require__(moduleId) {
+/******/ 		// Check if module is in cache
+/******/ 		if(installedModules[moduleId])
+/******/ 			return installedModules[moduleId].exports;
+/******/ 		// Create a new module (and put it into the cache)
+/******/ 		var module = installedModules[moduleId] = {
+/******/ 			exports: {},
+/******/ 			id: moduleId,
+/******/ 			loaded: false
+/******/ 		};
+/******/ 		// Execute the module function
+/******/ 		modules[moduleId].call(module.exports, module, module.exports, __webpack_require__);
+/******/ 		// Flag the module as loaded
+/******/ 		module.loaded = true;
+/******/ 		// Return the exports of the module
+/******/ 		return module.exports;
+/******/ 	}
+/******/ 	// expose the modules object (__webpack_modules__)
+/******/ 	__webpack_require__.m = modules;
+/******/ 	// expose the module cache
+/******/ 	__webpack_require__.c = installedModules;
+/******/ 	// __webpack_public_path__
+/******/ 	__webpack_require__.p = "";
+/******/ 	// Load entry module and return exports
+/******/ 	return __webpack_require__(0);
+/******/ })
+/******/ ([
+/* 0 */
+/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
+	/*
+	 * Copyright 2009-2011 Mozilla Foundation and contributors
+	 * Licensed under the New BSD license. See LICENSE.txt or:
+	 * http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause
+	 */
+	exports.SourceMapGenerator = __webpack_require__(1).SourceMapGenerator;
+	exports.SourceMapConsumer = __webpack_require__(7).SourceMapConsumer;
+	exports.SourceNode = __webpack_require__(10).SourceNode;
+/***/ }),
+/* 1 */
+/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
+	/* -*- Mode: js; js-indent-level: 2; -*- */
+	/*
+	 * Copyright 2011 Mozilla Foundation and contributors
+	 * Licensed under the New BSD license. See LICENSE or:
+	 * http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause
+	 */
+	var base64VLQ = __webpack_require__(2);
+	var util = __webpack_require__(4);
+	var ArraySet = __webpack_require__(5).ArraySet;
+	var MappingList = __webpack_require__(6).MappingList;
+	/**
+	 * An instance of the SourceMapGenerator represents a source map which is
+	 * being built incrementally. You may pass an object with the following
+	 * properties:
+	 *
+	 *   - file: The filename of the generated source.
+	 *   - sourceRoot: A root for all relative URLs in this source map.
+	 */
+	function SourceMapGenerator(aArgs) {
+	  if (!aArgs) {
+	    aArgs = {};
+	  }
+	  this._file = util.getArg(aArgs, 'file', null);
+	  this._sourceRoot = util.getArg(aArgs, 'sourceRoot', null);
+	  this._skipValidation = util.getArg(aArgs, 'skipValidation', false);
+	  this._sources = new ArraySet();
+	  this._names = new ArraySet();
+	  this._mappings = new MappingList();
+	  this._sourcesContents = null;
+	}
+	SourceMapGenerator.prototype._version = 3;
+	/**
+	 * Creates a new SourceMapGenerator based on a SourceMapConsumer
+	 *
+	 * @param aSourceMapConsumer The SourceMap.
+	 */
+	SourceMapGenerator.fromSourceMap =
+	  function SourceMapGenerator_fromSourceMap(aSourceMapConsumer) {
+	    var sourceRoot = aSourceMapConsumer.sourceRoot;
+	    var generator = new SourceMapGenerator({
+	      file: aSourceMapConsumer.file,
+	      sourceRoot: sourceRoot
+	    });
+	    aSourceMapConsumer.eachMapping(function (mapping) {
+	      var newMapping = {
+	        generated: {
+	          line: mapping.generatedLine,
+	          column: mapping.generatedColumn
+	        }
+	      };
+	      if (mapping.source != null) {
+	        newMapping.source = mapping.source;
+	        if (sourceRoot != null) {
+	          newMapping.source = util.relative(sourceRoot, newMapping.source);
+	        }
+	        newMapping.original = {
+	          line: mapping.originalLine,
+	          column: mapping.originalColumn
+	        };
+	        if (mapping.name != null) {
+	          newMapping.name = mapping.name;
+	        }
+	      }
+	      generator.addMapping(newMapping);
+	    });
+	    aSourceMapConsumer.sources.forEach(function (sourceFile) {
+	      var content = aSourceMapConsumer.sourceContentFor(sourceFile);
+	      if (content != null) {
+	        generator.setSourceContent(sourceFile, content);
+	      }
+	    });
+	    return generator;
+	  };
+	/**
+	 * Add a single mapping from original source line and column to the generated
+	 * source's line and column for this source map being created. The mapping
+	 * object should have the following properties:
+	 *
+	 *   - generated: An object with the generated line and column positions.
+	 *   - original: An object with the original line and column positions.
+	 *   - source: The original source file (relative to the sourceRoot).
+	 *   - name: An optional original token name for this mapping.
+	 */
+	SourceMapGenerator.prototype.addMapping =
+	  function SourceMapGenerator_addMapping(aArgs) {
+	    var generated = util.getArg(aArgs, 'generated');
+	    var original = util.getArg(aArgs, 'original', null);
+	    var source = util.getArg(aArgs, 'source', null);
+	    var name = util.getArg(aArgs, 'name', null);
+	    if (!this._skipValidation) {
+	      this._validateMapping(generated, original, source, name);
+	    }
+	    if (source != null) {
+	      source = String(source);
+	      if (!this._sources.has(source)) {
+	        this._sources.add(source);
+	      }
+	    }
+	    if (name != null) {
+	      name = String(name);
+	      if (!this._names.has(name)) {
+	        this._names.add(name);
+	      }
+	    }
+	    this._mappings.add({
+	      generatedLine: generated.line,
+	      generatedColumn: generated.column,
+	      originalLine: original != null && original.line,
+	      originalColumn: original != null && original.column,
+	      source: source,
+	      name: name
+	    });
+	  };
+	/**
+	 * Set the source content for a source file.
+	 */
+	SourceMapGenerator.prototype.setSourceContent =
+	  function SourceMapGenerator_setSourceContent(aSourceFile, aSourceContent) {
+	    var source = aSourceFile;
+	    if (this._sourceRoot != null) {
+	      source = util.relative(this._sourceRoot, source);
+	    }
+	    if (aSourceContent != null) {
+	      // Add the source content to the _sourcesContents map.
+	      // Create a new _sourcesContents map if the property is null.
+	      if (!this._sourcesContents) {
+	        this._sourcesContents = Object.create(null);
+	      }
+	      this._sourcesContents[util.toSetString(source)] = aSourceContent;
+	    } else if (this._sourcesContents) {
+	      // Remove the source file from the _sourcesContents map.
+	      // If the _sourcesContents map is empty, set the property to null.
+	      delete this._sourcesContents[util.toSetString(source)];
+	      if (Object.keys(this._sourcesContents).length === 0) {
+	        this._sourcesContents = null;
+	      }
+	    }
+	  };
+	/**
+	 * Applies the mappings of a sub-source-map for a specific source file to the
+	 * source map being generated. Each mapping to the supplied source file is
+	 * rewritten using the supplied source map. Note: The resolution for the
+	 * resulting mappings is the minimium of this map and the supplied map.
+	 *
+	 * @param aSourceMapConsumer The source map to be applied.
+	 * @param aSourceFile Optional. The filename of the source file.
+	 *        If omitted, SourceMapConsumer's file property will be used.
+	 * @param aSourceMapPath Optional. The dirname of the path to the source map
+	 *        to be applied. If relative, it is relative to the SourceMapConsumer.
+	 *        This parameter is needed when the two source maps aren't in the same
+	 *        directory, and the source map to be applied contains relative source
+	 *        paths. If so, those relative source paths need to be rewritten
+	 *        relative to the SourceMapGenerator.
+	 */
+	SourceMapGenerator.prototype.applySourceMap =
+	  function SourceMapGenerator_applySourceMap(aSourceMapConsumer, aSourceFile, aSourceMapPath) {
+	    var sourceFile = aSourceFile;
+	    // If aSourceFile is omitted, we will use the file property of the SourceMap
+	    if (aSourceFile == null) {
+	      if (aSourceMapConsumer.file == null) {
+	        throw new Error(
+	          'SourceMapGenerator.prototype.applySourceMap requires either an explicit source file, ' +
+	          'or the source map\'s "file" property. Both were omitted.'
+	        );
+	      }
+	      sourceFile = aSourceMapConsumer.file;
+	    }
+	    var sourceRoot = this._sourceRoot;
+	    // Make "sourceFile" relative if an absolute Url is passed.
+	    if (sourceRoot != null) {
+	      sourceFile = util.relative(sourceRoot, sourceFile);
+	    }
+	    // Applying the SourceMap can add and remove items from the sources and
+	    // the names array.
+	    var newSources = new ArraySet();
+	    var newNames = new ArraySet();
+	    // Find mappings for the "sourceFile"
+	    this._mappings.unsortedForEach(function (mapping) {
+	      if (mapping.source === sourceFile && mapping.originalLine != null) {
+	        // Check if it can be mapped by the source map, then update the mapping.
+	        var original = aSourceMapConsumer.originalPositionFor({
+	          line: mapping.originalLine,
+	          column: mapping.originalColumn
+	        });
+	        if (original.source != null) {
+	          // Copy mapping
+	          mapping.source = original.source;
+	          if (aSourceMapPath != null) {
+	            mapping.source = util.join(aSourceMapPath, mapping.source)
+	          }
+	          if (sourceRoot != null) {
+	            mapping.source = util.relative(sourceRoot, mapping.source);
+	          }
+	          mapping.originalLine = original.line;
+	          mapping.originalColumn = original.column;
+	          if (original.name != null) {
+	            mapping.name = original.name;
+	          }
+	        }
+	      }
+	      var source = mapping.source;
+	      if (source != null && !newSources.has(source)) {
+	        newSources.add(source);
+	      }
+	      var name = mapping.name;
+	      if (name != null && !newNames.has(name)) {
+	        newNames.add(name);
+	      }
+	    }, this);
+	    this._sources = newSources;
+	    this._names = newNames;
+	    // Copy sourcesContents of applied map.
+	    aSourceMapConsumer.sources.forEach(function (sourceFile) {
+	      var content = aSourceMapConsumer.sourceContentFor(sourceFile);
+	      if (content != null) {
+	        if (aSourceMapPath != null) {
+	          sourceFile = util.join(aSourceMapPath, sourceFile);
+	        }
+	        if (sourceRoot != null) {
+	          sourceFile = util.relative(sourceRoot, sourceFile);
+	        }
+	        this.setSourceContent(sourceFile, content);
+	      }
+	    }, this);
+	  };
+	/**
+	 * A mapping can have one of the three levels of data:
+	 *
+	 *   1. Just the generated position.
+	 *   2. The Generated position, original position, and original source.
+	 *   3. Generated and original position, original source, as well as a name
+	 *      token.
+	 *
+	 * To maintain consistency, we validate that any new mapping being added falls
+	 * in to one of these categories.
+	 */
+	SourceMapGenerator.prototype._validateMapping =
+	  function SourceMapGenerator_validateMapping(aGenerated, aOriginal, aSource,
+	                                              aName) {
+	    // When aOriginal is truthy but has empty values for .line and .column,
+	    // it is most likely a programmer error. In this case we throw a very
+	    // specific error message to try to guide them the right way.
+	    // For example: https://github.com/Polymer/polymer-bundler/pull/519
+	    if (aOriginal && typeof aOriginal.line !== 'number' && typeof aOriginal.column !== 'number') {
+	        throw new Error(
+	            'original.line and original.column are not numbers -- you probably meant to omit ' +
+	            'the original mapping entirely and only map the generated position. If so, pass ' +
+	            'null for the original mapping instead of an object with empty or null values.'
+	        );
+	    }
+	    if (aGenerated && 'line' in aGenerated && 'column' in aGenerated
+	        && aGenerated.line > 0 && aGenerated.column >= 0
+	        && !aOriginal && !aSource && !aName) {
+	      // Case 1.
+	      return;
+	    }
+	    else if (aGenerated && 'line' in aGenerated && 'column' in aGenerated
+	             && aOriginal && 'line' in aOriginal && 'column' in aOriginal
+	             && aGenerated.line > 0 && aGenerated.column >= 0
+	             && aOriginal.line > 0 && aOriginal.column >= 0
+	             && aSource) {
+	      // Cases 2 and 3.
+	      return;
+	    }
+	    else {
+	      throw new Error('Invalid mapping: ' + JSON.stringify({
+	        generated: aGenerated,
+	        source: aSource,
+	        original: aOriginal,
+	        name: aName
+	      }));
+	    }
+	  };
+	/**
+	 * Serialize the accumulated mappings in to the stream of base 64 VLQs
+	 * specified by the source map format.
+	 */
+	SourceMapGenerator.prototype._serializeMappings =
+	  function SourceMapGenerator_serializeMappings() {
+	    var previousGeneratedColumn = 0;
+	    var previousGeneratedLine = 1;
+	    var previousOriginalColumn = 0;
+	    var previousOriginalLine = 0;
+	    var previousName = 0;
+	    var previousSource = 0;
+	    var result = '';
+	    var next;
+	    var mapping;
+	    var nameIdx;
+	    var sourceIdx;
+	    var mappings = this._mappings.toArray();
+	    for (var i = 0, len = mappings.length; i < len; i++) {
+	      mapping = mappings[i];
+	      next = ''
+	      if (mapping.generatedLine !== previousGeneratedLine) {
+	        previousGeneratedColumn = 0;
+	        while (mapping.generatedLine !== previousGeneratedLine) {
+	          next += ';';
+	          previousGeneratedLine++;
+	        }
+	      }
+	      else {
+	        if (i > 0) {
+	          if (!util.compareByGeneratedPositionsInflated(mapping, mappings[i - 1])) {
+	            continue;
+	          }
+	          next += ',';
+	        }
+	      }
+	      next += base64VLQ.encode(mapping.generatedColumn
+	                                 - previousGeneratedColumn);
+	      previousGeneratedColumn = mapping.generatedColumn;
+	      if (mapping.source != null) {
+	        sourceIdx = this._sources.indexOf(mapping.source);
+	        next += base64VLQ.encode(sourceIdx - previousSource);
+	        previousSource = sourceIdx;
+	        // lines are stored 0-based in SourceMap spec version 3
+	        next += base64VLQ.encode(mapping.originalLine - 1
+	                                   - previousOriginalLine);
+	        previousOriginalLine = mapping.originalLine - 1;
+	        next += base64VLQ.encode(mapping.originalColumn
+	                                   - previousOriginalColumn);
+	        previousOriginalColumn = mapping.originalColumn;
+	        if (mapping.name != null) {
+	          nameIdx = this._names.indexOf(mapping.name);
+	          next += base64VLQ.encode(nameIdx - previousName);
+	          previousName = nameIdx;
+	        }
+	      }
+	      result += next;
+	    }
+	    return result;
+	  };
+	SourceMapGenerator.prototype._generateSourcesContent =
+	  function SourceMapGenerator_generateSourcesContent(aSources, aSourceRoot) {
+	    return aSources.map(function (source) {
+	      if (!this._sourcesContents) {
+	        return null;
+	      }
+	      if (aSourceRoot != null) {
+	        source = util.relative(aSourceRoot, source);
+	      }
+	      var key = util.toSetString(source);
+	      return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(this._sourcesContents, key)
+	        ? this._sourcesContents[key]
+	        : null;
+	    }, this);
+	  };
+	/**
+	 * Externalize the source map.
+	 */
+	SourceMapGenerator.prototype.toJSON =
+	  function SourceMapGenerator_toJSON() {
+	    var map = {
+	      version: this._version,
+	      sources: this._sources.toArray(),
+	      names: this._names.toArray(),
+	      mappings: this._serializeMappings()
+	    };
+	    if (this._file != null) {
+	      map.file = this._file;
+	    }
+	    if (this._sourceRoot != null) {
+	      map.sourceRoot = this._sourceRoot;
+	    }
+	    if (this._sourcesContents) {
+	      map.sourcesContent = this._generateSourcesContent(map.sources, map.sourceRoot);
+	    }
+	    return map;
+	  };
+	/**
+	 * Render the source map being generated to a string.
+	 */
+	SourceMapGenerator.prototype.toString =
+	  function SourceMapGenerator_toString() {
+	    return JSON.stringify(this.toJSON());
+	  };
+	exports.SourceMapGenerator = SourceMapGenerator;
+/***/ }),
+/* 2 */
+/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
+	/* -*- Mode: js; js-indent-level: 2; -*- */
+	/*
+	 * Copyright 2011 Mozilla Foundation and contributors
+	 * Licensed under the New BSD license. See LICENSE or:
+	 * http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause
+	 *
+	 * Based on the Base 64 VLQ implementation in Closure Compiler:
+	 * https://code.google.com/p/closure-compiler/source/browse/trunk/src/com/google/debugging/sourcemap/Base64VLQ.java
+	 *
+	 * Copyright 2011 The Closure Compiler Authors. All rights reserved.
+	 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+	 * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+	 * met:
+	 *
+	 *  * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+	 *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+	 *  * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+	 *    copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
+	 *    disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
+	 *    with the distribution.
+	 *  * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
+	 *    contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
+	 *    from this software without specific prior written permission.
+	 *
+	 */
+	var base64 = __webpack_require__(3);
+	// A single base 64 digit can contain 6 bits of data. For the base 64 variable
+	// length quantities we use in the source map spec, the first bit is the sign,
+	// the next four bits are the actual value, and the 6th bit is the
+	// continuation bit. The continuation bit tells us whether there are more
+	// digits in this value following this digit.
+	//
+	//   Continuation
+	//   |    Sign
+	//   |    |
+	//   V    V
+	//   101011
+	var VLQ_BASE_SHIFT = 5;
+	// binary: 100000
+	// binary: 011111
+	// binary: 100000
+	/**
+	 * Converts from a two-complement value to a value where the sign bit is
+	 * placed in the least significant bit.  For example, as decimals:
+	 *   1 becomes 2 (10 binary), -1 becomes 3 (11 binary)
+	 *   2 becomes 4 (100 binary), -2 becomes 5 (101 binary)
+	 */
+	function toVLQSigned(aValue) {
+	  return aValue < 0
+	    ? ((-aValue) << 1) + 1
+	    : (aValue << 1) + 0;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Converts to a two-complement value from a value where the sign bit is
+	 * placed in the least significant bit.  For example, as decimals:
+	 *   2 (10 binary) becomes 1, 3 (11 binary) becomes -1
+	 *   4 (100 binary) becomes 2, 5 (101 binary) becomes -2
+	 */
+	function fromVLQSigned(aValue) {
+	  var isNegative = (aValue & 1) === 1;
+	  var shifted = aValue >> 1;
+	  return isNegative
+	    ? -shifted
+	    : shifted;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Returns the base 64 VLQ encoded value.
+	 */
+	exports.encode = function base64VLQ_encode(aValue) {
+	  var encoded = "";
+	  var digit;
+	  var vlq = toVLQSigned(aValue);
+	  do {
+	    digit = vlq & VLQ_BASE_MASK;
+	    vlq >>>= VLQ_BASE_SHIFT;
+	    if (vlq > 0) {
+	      // There are still more digits in this value, so we must make sure the
+	      // continuation bit is marked.
+	      digit |= VLQ_CONTINUATION_BIT;
+	    }
+	    encoded += base64.encode(digit);
+	  } while (vlq > 0);
+	  return encoded;
+	};
+	/**
+	 * Decodes the next base 64 VLQ value from the given string and returns the
+	 * value and the rest of the string via the out parameter.
+	 */
+	exports.decode = function base64VLQ_decode(aStr, aIndex, aOutParam) {
+	  var strLen = aStr.length;
+	  var result = 0;
+	  var shift = 0;
+	  var continuation, digit;
+	  do {
+	    if (aIndex >= strLen) {
+	      throw new Error("Expected more digits in base 64 VLQ value.");
+	    }
+	    digit = base64.decode(aStr.charCodeAt(aIndex++));
+	    if (digit === -1) {
+	      throw new Error("Invalid base64 digit: " + aStr.charAt(aIndex - 1));
+	    }
+	    continuation = !!(digit & VLQ_CONTINUATION_BIT);
+	    digit &= VLQ_BASE_MASK;
+	    result = result + (digit << shift);
+	    shift += VLQ_BASE_SHIFT;
+	  } while (continuation);
+	  aOutParam.value = fromVLQSigned(result);
+	  aOutParam.rest = aIndex;
+	};
+/***/ }),
+/* 3 */
+/***/ (function(module, exports) {
+	/* -*- Mode: js; js-indent-level: 2; -*- */
+	/*
+	 * Copyright 2011 Mozilla Foundation and contributors
+	 * Licensed under the New BSD license. See LICENSE or:
+	 * http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause
+	 */
+	var intToCharMap = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/'.split('');
+	/**
+	 * Encode an integer in the range of 0 to 63 to a single base 64 digit.
+	 */
+	exports.encode = function (number) {
+	  if (0 <= number && number < intToCharMap.length) {
+	    return intToCharMap[number];
+	  }
+	  throw new TypeError("Must be between 0 and 63: " + number);
+	};
+	/**
+	 * Decode a single base 64 character code digit to an integer. Returns -1 on
+	 * failure.
+	 */
+	exports.decode = function (charCode) {
+	  var bigA = 65;     // 'A'
+	  var bigZ = 90;     // 'Z'
+	  var littleA = 97;  // 'a'
+	  var littleZ = 122; // 'z'
+	  var zero = 48;     // '0'
+	  var nine = 57;     // '9'
+	  var plus = 43;     // '+'
+	  var slash = 47;    // '/'
+	  var littleOffset = 26;
+	  var numberOffset = 52;
+	  if (bigA <= charCode && charCode <= bigZ) {
+	    return (charCode - bigA);
+	  }
+	  // 26 - 51: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
+	  if (littleA <= charCode && charCode <= littleZ) {
+	    return (charCode - littleA + littleOffset);
+	  }
+	  // 52 - 61: 0123456789
+	  if (zero <= charCode && charCode <= nine) {
+	    return (charCode - zero + numberOffset);
+	  }
+	  // 62: +
+	  if (charCode == plus) {
+	    return 62;
+	  }
+	  // 63: /
+	  if (charCode == slash) {
+	    return 63;
+	  }
+	  // Invalid base64 digit.
+	  return -1;
+	};
+/***/ }),
+/* 4 */
+/***/ (function(module, exports) {
+	/* -*- Mode: js; js-indent-level: 2; -*- */
+	/*
+	 * Copyright 2011 Mozilla Foundation and contributors
+	 * Licensed under the New BSD license. See LICENSE or:
+	 * http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause
+	 */
+	/**
+	 * This is a helper function for getting values from parameter/options
+	 * objects.
+	 *
+	 * @param args The object we are extracting values from
+	 * @param name The name of the property we are getting.
+	 * @param defaultValue An optional value to return if the property is missing
+	 * from the object. If this is not specified and the property is missing, an
+	 * error will be thrown.
+	 */
+	function getArg(aArgs, aName, aDefaultValue) {
+	  if (aName in aArgs) {
+	    return aArgs[aName];
+	  } else if (arguments.length === 3) {
+	    return aDefaultValue;
+	  } else {
+	    throw new Error('"' + aName + '" is a required argument.');
+	  }
+	}
+	exports.getArg = getArg;
+	var urlRegexp = /^(?:([\w+\-.]+):)?\/\/(?:(\w+:\w+)@)?([\w.]*)(?::(\d+))?(\S*)$/;
+	var dataUrlRegexp = /^data:.+\,.+$/;
+	function urlParse(aUrl) {
+	  var match = aUrl.match(urlRegexp);
+	  if (!match) {
+	    return null;
+	  }
+	  return {
+	    scheme: match[1],
+	    auth: match[2],
+	    host: match[3],
+	    port: match[4],
+	    path: match[5]
+	  };
+	}
+	exports.urlParse = urlParse;
+	function urlGenerate(aParsedUrl) {
+	  var url = '';
+	  if (aParsedUrl.scheme) {
+	    url += aParsedUrl.scheme + ':';
+	  }
+	  url += '//';
+	  if (aParsedUrl.auth) {
+	    url += aParsedUrl.auth + '@';
+	  }
+	  if (aParsedUrl.host) {
+	    url += aParsedUrl.host;
+	  }
+	  if (aParsedUrl.port) {
+	    url += ":" + aParsedUrl.port
+	  }
+	  if (aParsedUrl.path) {
+	    url += aParsedUrl.path;
+	  }
+	  return url;
+	}
+	exports.urlGenerate = urlGenerate;
+	/**
+	 * Normalizes a path, or the path portion of a URL:
+	 *
+	 * - Replaces consecutive slashes with one slash.
+	 * - Removes unnecessary '.' parts.
+	 * - Removes unnecessary '<dir>/..' parts.
+	 *
+	 * Based on code in the Node.js 'path' core module.
+	 *
+	 * @param aPath The path or url to normalize.
+	 */
+	function normalize(aPath) {
+	  var path = aPath;
+	  var url = urlParse(aPath);
+	  if (url) {
+	    if (!url.path) {
+	      return aPath;
+	    }
+	    path = url.path;
+	  }
+	  var isAbsolute = exports.isAbsolute(path);
+	  var parts = path.split(/\/+/);
+	  for (var part, up = 0, i = parts.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+	    part = parts[i];
+	    if (part === '.') {
+	      parts.splice(i, 1);
+	    } else if (part === '..') {
+	      up++;
+	    } else if (up > 0) {
+	      if (part === '') {
+	        // The first part is blank if the path is absolute. Trying to go
+	        // above the root is a no-op. Therefore we can remove all '..' parts
+	        // directly after the root.
+	        parts.splice(i + 1, up);
+	        up = 0;
+	      } else {
+	        parts.splice(i, 2);
+	        up--;
+	      }
+	    }
+	  }
+	  path = parts.join('/');
+	  if (path === '') {
+	    path = isAbsolute ? '/' : '.';
+	  }
+	  if (url) {
+	    url.path = path;
+	    return urlGenerate(url);
+	  }
+	  return path;
+	}
+	exports.normalize = normalize;
+	/**
+	 * Joins two paths/URLs.
+	 *
+	 * @param aRoot The root path or URL.
+	 * @param aPath The path or URL to be joined with the root.
+	 *
+	 * - If aPath is a URL or a data URI, aPath is returned, unless aPath is a
+	 *   scheme-relative URL: Then the scheme of aRoot, if any, is prepended
+	 *   first.
+	 * - Otherwise aPath is a path. If aRoot is a URL, then its path portion
+	 *   is updated with the result and aRoot is returned. Otherwise the result
+	 *   is returned.
+	 *   - If aPath is absolute, the result is aPath.
+	 *   - Otherwise the two paths are joined with a slash.
+	 * - Joining for example 'http://' and 'www.example.com' is also supported.
+	 */
+	function join(aRoot, aPath) {
+	  if (aRoot === "") {
+	    aRoot = ".";
+	  }
+	  if (aPath === "") {
+	    aPath = ".";
+	  }
+	  var aPathUrl = urlParse(aPath);
+	  var aRootUrl = urlParse(aRoot);
+	  if (aRootUrl) {
+	    aRoot = aRootUrl.path || '/';
+	  }
+	  // `join(foo, '//www.example.org')`
+	  if (aPathUrl && !aPathUrl.scheme) {
+	    if (aRootUrl) {
+	      aPathUrl.scheme = aRootUrl.scheme;
+	    }
+	    return urlGenerate(aPathUrl);
+	  }
+	  if (aPathUrl || aPath.match(dataUrlRegexp)) {
+	    return aPath;
+	  }
+	  // `join('http://', 'www.example.com')`
+	  if (aRootUrl && !aRootUrl.host && !aRootUrl.path) {
+	    aRootUrl.host = aPath;
+	    return urlGenerate(aRootUrl);
+	  }
+	  var joined = aPath.charAt(0) === '/'
+	    ? aPath
+	    : normalize(aRoot.replace(/\/+$/, '') + '/' + aPath);
+	  if (aRootUrl) {
+	    aRootUrl.path = joined;
+	    return urlGenerate(aRootUrl);
+	  }
+	  return joined;
+	}
+	exports.join = join;
+	exports.isAbsolute = function (aPath) {
+	  return aPath.charAt(0) === '/' || !!aPath.match(urlRegexp);
+	};
+	/**
+	 * Make a path relative to a URL or another path.
+	 *
+	 * @param aRoot The root path or URL.
+	 * @param aPath The path or URL to be made relative to aRoot.
+	 */
+	function relative(aRoot, aPath) {
+	  if (aRoot === "") {
+	    aRoot = ".";
+	  }
+	  aRoot = aRoot.replace(/\/$/, '');
+	  // It is possible for the path to be above the root. In this case, simply
+	  // checking whether the root is a prefix of the path won't work. Instead, we
+	  // need to remove components from the root one by one, until either we find
+	  // a prefix that fits, or we run out of components to remove.
+	  var level = 0;
+	  while (aPath.indexOf(aRoot + '/') !== 0) {
+	    var index = aRoot.lastIndexOf("/");
+	    if (index < 0) {
+	      return aPath;
+	    }
+	    // If the only part of the root that is left is the scheme (i.e. http://,
+	    // file:///, etc.), one or more slashes (/), or simply nothing at all, we
+	    // have exhausted all components, so the path is not relative to the root.
+	    aRoot = aRoot.slice(0, index);
+	    if (aRoot.match(/^([^\/]+:\/)?\/*$/)) {
+	      return aPath;
+	    }
+	    ++level;
+	  }
+	  // Make sure we add a "../" for each component we removed from the root.
+	  return Array(level + 1).join("../") + aPath.substr(aRoot.length + 1);
+	}
+	exports.relative = relative;
+	var supportsNullProto = (function () {
+	  var obj = Object.create(null);
+	  return !('__proto__' in obj);
+	}());
+	function identity (s) {
+	  return s;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Because behavior goes wacky when you set `__proto__` on objects, we
+	 * have to prefix all the strings in our set with an arbitrary character.
+	 *
+	 * See https://github.com/mozilla/source-map/pull/31 and
+	 * https://github.com/mozilla/source-map/issues/30
+	 *
+	 * @param String aStr
+	 */
+	function toSetString(aStr) {
+	  if (isProtoString(aStr)) {
+	    return '$' + aStr;
+	  }
+	  return aStr;
+	}
+	exports.toSetString = supportsNullProto ? identity : toSetString;
+	function fromSetString(aStr) {
+	  if (isProtoString(aStr)) {
+	    return aStr.slice(1);
+	  }
+	  return aStr;
+	}
+	exports.fromSetString = supportsNullProto ? identity : fromSetString;
+	function isProtoString(s) {
+	  if (!s) {
+	    return false;
+	  }
+	  var length = s.length;
+	  if (length < 9 /* "__proto__".length */) {
+	    return false;
+	  }
+	  if (s.charCodeAt(length - 1) !== 95  /* '_' */ ||
+	      s.charCodeAt(length - 2) !== 95  /* '_' */ ||
+	      s.charCodeAt(length - 3) !== 111 /* 'o' */ ||
+	      s.charCodeAt(length - 4) !== 116 /* 't' */ ||
+	      s.charCodeAt(length - 5) !== 111 /* 'o' */ ||
+	      s.charCodeAt(length - 6) !== 114 /* 'r' */ ||
+	      s.charCodeAt(length - 7) !== 112 /* 'p' */ ||
+	      s.charCodeAt(length - 8) !== 95  /* '_' */ ||
+	      s.charCodeAt(length - 9) !== 95  /* '_' */) {
+	    return false;
+	  }
+	  for (var i = length - 10; i >= 0; i--) {
+	    if (s.charCodeAt(i) !== 36 /* '$' */) {
+	      return false;
+	    }
+	  }
+	  return true;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Comparator between two mappings where the original positions are compared.
+	 *
+	 * Optionally pass in `true` as `onlyCompareGenerated` to consider two
+	 * mappings with the same original source/line/column, but different generated
+	 * line and column the same. Useful when searching for a mapping with a
+	 * stubbed out mapping.
+	 */
+	function compareByOriginalPositions(mappingA, mappingB, onlyCompareOriginal) {
+	  var cmp = mappingA.source - mappingB.source;
+	  if (cmp !== 0) {
+	    return cmp;
+	  }
+	  cmp = mappingA.originalLine - mappingB.originalLine;
+	  if (cmp !== 0) {
+	    return cmp;
+	  }
+	  cmp = mappingA.originalColumn - mappingB.originalColumn;
+	  if (cmp !== 0 || onlyCompareOriginal) {
+	    return cmp;
+	  }
+	  cmp = mappingA.generatedColumn - mappingB.generatedColumn;
+	  if (cmp !== 0) {
+	    return cmp;
+	  }
+	  cmp = mappingA.generatedLine - mappingB.generatedLine;
+	  if (cmp !== 0) {
+	    return cmp;
+	  }
+	  return mappingA.name - mappingB.name;
+	}
+	exports.compareByOriginalPositions = compareByOriginalPositions;
+	/**
+	 * Comparator between two mappings with deflated source and name indices where
+	 * the generated positions are compared.
+	 *
+	 * Optionally pass in `true` as `onlyCompareGenerated` to consider two
+	 * mappings with the same generated line and column, but different
+	 * source/name/original line and column the same. Useful when searching for a
+	 * mapping with a stubbed out mapping.
+	 */
+	function compareByGeneratedPositionsDeflated(mappingA, mappingB, onlyCompareGenerated) {
+	  var cmp = mappingA.generatedLine - mappingB.generatedLine;
+	  if (cmp !== 0) {
+	    return cmp;
+	  }
+	  cmp = mappingA.generatedColumn - mappingB.generatedColumn;
+	  if (cmp !== 0 || onlyCompareGenerated) {
+	    return cmp;
+	  }
+	  cmp = mappingA.source - mappingB.source;
+	  if (cmp !== 0) {
+	    return cmp;
+	  }
+	  cmp = mappingA.originalLine - mappingB.originalLine;
+	  if (cmp !== 0) {
+	    return cmp;
+	  }
+	  cmp = mappingA.originalColumn - mappingB.originalColumn;
+	  if (cmp !== 0) {
+	    return cmp;
+	  }
+	  return mappingA.name - mappingB.name;
+	}
+	exports.compareByGeneratedPositionsDeflated = compareByGeneratedPositionsDeflated;
+	function strcmp(aStr1, aStr2) {
+	  if (aStr1 === aStr2) {
+	    return 0;
+	  }
+	  if (aStr1 > aStr2) {
+	    return 1;
+	  }
+	  return -1;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Comparator between two mappings with inflated source and name strings where
+	 * the generated positions are compared.
+	 */
+	function compareByGeneratedPositionsInflated(mappingA, mappingB) {
+	  var cmp = mappingA.generatedLine - mappingB.generatedLine;
+	  if (cmp !== 0) {
+	    return cmp;
+	  }
+	  cmp = mappingA.generatedColumn - mappingB.generatedColumn;
+	  if (cmp !== 0) {
+	    return cmp;
+	  }
+	  cmp = strcmp(mappingA.source, mappingB.source);
+	  if (cmp !== 0) {
+	    return cmp;
+	  }
+	  cmp = mappingA.originalLine - mappingB.originalLine;
+	  if (cmp !== 0) {
+	    return cmp;
+	  }
+	  cmp = mappingA.originalColumn - mappingB.originalColumn;
+	  if (cmp !== 0) {
+	    return cmp;
+	  }
+	  return strcmp(mappingA.name, mappingB.name);
+	}
+	exports.compareByGeneratedPositionsInflated = compareByGeneratedPositionsInflated;
+/***/ }),
+/* 5 */
+/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
+	/* -*- Mode: js; js-indent-level: 2; -*- */
+	/*
+	 * Copyright 2011 Mozilla Foundation and contributors
+	 * Licensed under the New BSD license. See LICENSE or:
+	 * http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause
+	 */
+	var util = __webpack_require__(4);
+	var has = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
+	var hasNativeMap = typeof Map !== "undefined";
+	/**
+	 * A data structure which is a combination of an array and a set. Adding a new
+	 * member is O(1), testing for membership is O(1), and finding the index of an
+	 * element is O(1). Removing elements from the set is not supported. Only
+	 * strings are supported for membership.
+	 */
+	function ArraySet() {
+	  this._array = [];
+	  this._set = hasNativeMap ? new Map() : Object.create(null);
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Static method for creating ArraySet instances from an existing array.
+	 */
+	ArraySet.fromArray = function ArraySet_fromArray(aArray, aAllowDuplicates) {
+	  var set = new ArraySet();
+	  for (var i = 0, len = aArray.length; i < len; i++) {
+	    set.add(aArray[i], aAllowDuplicates);
+	  }
+	  return set;
+	};
+	/**
+	 * Return how many unique items are in this ArraySet. If duplicates have been
+	 * added, than those do not count towards the size.
+	 *
+	 * @returns Number
+	 */
+	ArraySet.prototype.size = function ArraySet_size() {
+	  return hasNativeMap ? this._set.size : Object.getOwnPropertyNames(this._set).length;
+	};
+	/**
+	 * Add the given string to this set.
+	 *
+	 * @param String aStr
+	 */
+	ArraySet.prototype.add = function ArraySet_add(aStr, aAllowDuplicates) {
+	  var sStr = hasNativeMap ? aStr : util.toSetString(aStr);
+	  var isDuplicate = hasNativeMap ? this.has(aStr) : has.call(this._set, sStr);
+	  var idx = this._array.length;
+	  if (!isDuplicate || aAllowDuplicates) {
+	    this._array.push(aStr);
+	  }
+	  if (!isDuplicate) {
+	    if (hasNativeMap) {
+	      this._set.set(aStr, idx);
+	    } else {
+	      this._set[sStr] = idx;
+	    }
+	  }
+	};
+	/**
+	 * Is the given string a member of this set?
+	 *
+	 * @param String aStr
+	 */
+	ArraySet.prototype.has = function ArraySet_has(aStr) {
+	  if (hasNativeMap) {
+	    return this._set.has(aStr);
+	  } else {
+	    var sStr = util.toSetString(aStr);
+	    return has.call(this._set, sStr);
+	  }
+	};
+	/**
+	 * What is the index of the given string in the array?
+	 *
+	 * @param String aStr
+	 */
+	ArraySet.prototype.indexOf = function ArraySet_indexOf(aStr) {
+	  if (hasNativeMap) {
+	    var idx = this._set.get(aStr);
+	    if (idx >= 0) {
+	        return idx;
+	    }
+	  } else {
+	    var sStr = util.toSetString(aStr);
+	    if (has.call(this._set, sStr)) {
+	      return this._set[sStr];
+	    }
+	  }
+	  throw new Error('"' + aStr + '" is not in the set.');
+	};
+	/**
+	 * What is the element at the given index?
+	 *
+	 * @param Number aIdx
+	 */
+	ArraySet.prototype.at = function ArraySet_at(aIdx) {
+	  if (aIdx >= 0 && aIdx < this._array.length) {
+	    return this._array[aIdx];
+	  }
+	  throw new Error('No element indexed by ' + aIdx);
+	};
+	/**
+	 * Returns the array representation of this set (which has the proper indices
+	 * indicated by indexOf). Note that this is a copy of the internal array used
+	 * for storing the members so that no one can mess with internal state.
+	 */
+	ArraySet.prototype.toArray = function ArraySet_toArray() {
+	  return this._array.slice();
+	};
+	exports.ArraySet = ArraySet;
+/***/ }),
+/* 6 */
+/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
+	/* -*- Mode: js; js-indent-level: 2; -*- */
+	/*
+	 * Copyright 2014 Mozilla Foundation and contributors
+	 * Licensed under the New BSD license. See LICENSE or:
+	 * http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause
+	 */
+	var util = __webpack_require__(4);
+	/**
+	 * Determine whether mappingB is after mappingA with respect to generated
+	 * position.
+	 */
+	function generatedPositionAfter(mappingA, mappingB) {
+	  // Optimized for most common case
+	  var lineA = mappingA.generatedLine;
+	  var lineB = mappingB.generatedLine;
+	  var columnA = mappingA.generatedColumn;
+	  var columnB = mappingB.generatedColumn;
+	  return lineB > lineA || lineB == lineA && columnB >= columnA ||
+	         util.compareByGeneratedPositionsInflated(mappingA, mappingB) <= 0;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * A data structure to provide a sorted view of accumulated mappings in a
+	 * performance conscious manner. It trades a neglibable overhead in general
+	 * case for a large speedup in case of mappings being added in order.
+	 */
+	function MappingList() {
+	  this._array = [];
+	  this._sorted = true;
+	  // Serves as infimum
+	  this._last = {generatedLine: -1, generatedColumn: 0};
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Iterate through internal items. This method takes the same arguments that
+	 * `Array.prototype.forEach` takes.
+	 *
+	 * NOTE: The order of the mappings is NOT guaranteed.
+	 */
+	MappingList.prototype.unsortedForEach =
+	  function MappingList_forEach(aCallback, aThisArg) {
+	    this._array.forEach(aCallback, aThisArg);
+	  };
+	/**
+	 * Add the given source mapping.
+	 *
+	 * @param Object aMapping
+	 */
+	MappingList.prototype.add = function MappingList_add(aMapping) {
+	  if (generatedPositionAfter(this._last, aMapping)) {
+	    this._last = aMapping;
+	    this._array.push(aMapping);
+	  } else {
+	    this._sorted = false;
+	    this._array.push(aMapping);
+	  }
+	};
+	/**
+	 * Returns the flat, sorted array of mappings. The mappings are sorted by
+	 * generated position.
+	 *
+	 * WARNING: This method returns internal data without copying, for
+	 * performance. The return value must NOT be mutated, and should be treated as
+	 * an immutable borrow. If you want to take ownership, you must make your own
+	 * copy.
+	 */
+	MappingList.prototype.toArray = function MappingList_toArray() {
+	  if (!this._sorted) {
+	    this._array.sort(util.compareByGeneratedPositionsInflated);
+	    this._sorted = true;
+	  }
+	  return this._array;
+	};
+	exports.MappingList = MappingList;
+/***/ }),
+/* 7 */
+/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
+	/* -*- Mode: js; js-indent-level: 2; -*- */
+	/*
+	 * Copyright 2011 Mozilla Foundation and contributors
+	 * Licensed under the New BSD license. See LICENSE or:
+	 * http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause
+	 */
+	var util = __webpack_require__(4);
+	var binarySearch = __webpack_require__(8);
+	var ArraySet = __webpack_require__(5).ArraySet;
+	var base64VLQ = __webpack_require__(2);
+	var quickSort = __webpack_require__(9).quickSort;
+	function SourceMapConsumer(aSourceMap) {
+	  var sourceMap = aSourceMap;
+	  if (typeof aSourceMap === 'string') {
+	    sourceMap = JSON.parse(aSourceMap.replace(/^\)\]\}'/, ''));
+	  }
+	  return sourceMap.sections != null
+	    ? new IndexedSourceMapConsumer(sourceMap)
+	    : new BasicSourceMapConsumer(sourceMap);
+	}
+	SourceMapConsumer.fromSourceMap = function(aSourceMap) {
+	  return BasicSourceMapConsumer.fromSourceMap(aSourceMap);
+	}
+	/**
+	 * The version of the source mapping spec that we are consuming.
+	 */
+	SourceMapConsumer.prototype._version = 3;
+	// `__generatedMappings` and `__originalMappings` are arrays that hold the
+	// parsed mapping coordinates from the source map's "mappings" attribute. They
+	// are lazily instantiated, accessed via the `_generatedMappings` and
+	// `_originalMappings` getters respectively, and we only parse the mappings
+	// and create these arrays once queried for a source location. We jump through
+	// these hoops because there can be many thousands of mappings, and parsing
+	// them is expensive, so we only want to do it if we must.
+	//
+	// Each object in the arrays is of the form:
+	//
+	//     {
+	//       generatedLine: The line number in the generated code,
+	//       generatedColumn: The column number in the generated code,
+	//       source: The path to the original source file that generated this
+	//               chunk of code,
+	//       originalLine: The line number in the original source that
+	//                     corresponds to this chunk of generated code,
+	//       originalColumn: The column number in the original source that
+	//                       corresponds to this chunk of generated code,
+	//       name: The name of the original symbol which generated this chunk of
+	//             code.
+	//     }
+	//
+	// All properties except for `generatedLine` and `generatedColumn` can be
+	// `null`.
+	//
+	// `_generatedMappings` is ordered by the generated positions.
+	//
+	// `_originalMappings` is ordered by the original positions.
+	SourceMapConsumer.prototype.__generatedMappings = null;
+	Object.defineProperty(SourceMapConsumer.prototype, '_generatedMappings', {
+	  get: function () {
+	    if (!this.__generatedMappings) {
+	      this._parseMappings(this._mappings, this.sourceRoot);
+	    }
+	    return this.__generatedMappings;
+	  }
+	});
+	SourceMapConsumer.prototype.__originalMappings = null;
+	Object.defineProperty(SourceMapConsumer.prototype, '_originalMappings', {
+	  get: function () {
+	    if (!this.__originalMappings) {
+	      this._parseMappings(this._mappings, this.sourceRoot);
+	    }
+	    return this.__originalMappings;
+	  }
+	});
+	SourceMapConsumer.prototype._charIsMappingSeparator =
+	  function SourceMapConsumer_charIsMappingSeparator(aStr, index) {
+	    var c = aStr.charAt(index);
+	    return c === ";" || c === ",";
+	  };
+	/**
+	 * Parse the mappings in a string in to a data structure which we can easily
+	 * query (the ordered arrays in the `this.__generatedMappings` and
+	 * `this.__originalMappings` properties).
+	 */
+	SourceMapConsumer.prototype._parseMappings =
+	  function SourceMapConsumer_parseMappings(aStr, aSourceRoot) {
+	    throw new Error("Subclasses must implement _parseMappings");
+	  };
+	SourceMapConsumer.GENERATED_ORDER = 1;
+	SourceMapConsumer.ORIGINAL_ORDER = 2;
+	SourceMapConsumer.GREATEST_LOWER_BOUND = 1;
+	SourceMapConsumer.LEAST_UPPER_BOUND = 2;
+	/**
+	 * Iterate over each mapping between an original source/line/column and a
+	 * generated line/column in this source map.
+	 *
+	 * @param Function aCallback
+	 *        The function that is called with each mapping.
+	 * @param Object aContext
+	 *        Optional. If specified, this object will be the value of `this` every
+	 *        time that `aCallback` is called.
+	 * @param aOrder
+	 *        Either `SourceMapConsumer.GENERATED_ORDER` or
+	 *        `SourceMapConsumer.ORIGINAL_ORDER`. Specifies whether you want to
+	 *        iterate over the mappings sorted by the generated file's line/column
+	 *        order or the original's source/line/column order, respectively. Defaults to
+	 *        `SourceMapConsumer.GENERATED_ORDER`.
+	 */
+	SourceMapConsumer.prototype.eachMapping =
+	  function SourceMapConsumer_eachMapping(aCallback, aContext, aOrder) {
+	    var context = aContext || null;
+	    var order = aOrder || SourceMapConsumer.GENERATED_ORDER;
+	    var mappings;
+	    switch (order) {
+	    case SourceMapConsumer.GENERATED_ORDER:
+	      mappings = this._generatedMappings;
+	      break;
+	    case SourceMapConsumer.ORIGINAL_ORDER:
+	      mappings = this._originalMappings;
+	      break;
+	    default:
+	      throw new Error("Unknown order of iteration.");
+	    }
+	    var sourceRoot = this.sourceRoot;
+	    mappings.map(function (mapping) {
+	      var source = mapping.source === null ? null : this._sources.at(mapping.source);
+	      if (source != null && sourceRoot != null) {
+	        source = util.join(sourceRoot, source);
+	      }
+	      return {
+	        source: source,
+	        generatedLine: mapping.generatedLine,
+	        generatedColumn: mapping.generatedColumn,
+	        originalLine: mapping.originalLine,
+	        originalColumn: mapping.originalColumn,
+	        name: mapping.name === null ? null : this._names.at(mapping.name)
+	      };
+	    }, this).forEach(aCallback, context);
+	  };
+	/**
+	 * Returns all generated line and column information for the original source,
+	 * line, and column provided. If no column is provided, returns all mappings
+	 * corresponding to a either the line we are searching for or the next
+	 * closest line that has any mappings. Otherwise, returns all mappings
+	 * corresponding to the given line and either the column we are searching for
+	 * or the next closest column that has any offsets.
+	 *
+	 * The only argument is an object with the following properties:
+	 *
+	 *   - source: The filename of the original source.
+	 *   - line: The line number in the original source.
+	 *   - column: Optional. the column number in the original source.
+	 *
+	 * and an array of objects is returned, each with the following properties:
+	 *
+	 *   - line: The line number in the generated source, or null.
+	 *   - column: The column number in the generated source, or null.
+	 */
+	SourceMapConsumer.prototype.allGeneratedPositionsFor =
+	  function SourceMapConsumer_allGeneratedPositionsFor(aArgs) {
+	    var line = util.getArg(aArgs, 'line');
+	    // When there is no exact match, BasicSourceMapConsumer.prototype._findMapping
+	    // returns the index of the closest mapping less than the needle. By
+	    // setting needle.originalColumn to 0, we thus find the last mapping for
+	    // the given line, provided such a mapping exists.
+	    var needle = {
+	      source: util.getArg(aArgs, 'source'),
+	      originalLine: line,
+	      originalColumn: util.getArg(aArgs, 'column', 0)
+	    };
+	    if (this.sourceRoot != null) {
+	      needle.source = util.relative(this.sourceRoot, needle.source);
+	    }
+	    if (!this._sources.has(needle.source)) {
+	      return [];
+	    }
+	    needle.source = this._sources.indexOf(needle.source);
+	    var mappings = [];
+	    var index = this._findMapping(needle,
+	                                  this._originalMappings,
+	                                  "originalLine",
+	                                  "originalColumn",
+	                                  util.compareByOriginalPositions,
+	                                  binarySearch.LEAST_UPPER_BOUND);
+	    if (index >= 0) {
+	      var mapping = this._originalMappings[index];
+	      if (aArgs.column === undefined) {
+	        var originalLine = mapping.originalLine;
+	        // Iterate until either we run out of mappings, or we run into
+	        // a mapping for a different line than the one we found. Since
+	        // mappings are sorted, this is guaranteed to find all mappings for
+	        // the line we found.
+	        while (mapping && mapping.originalLine === originalLine) {
+	          mappings.push({
+	            line: util.getArg(mapping, 'generatedLine', null),
+	            column: util.getArg(mapping, 'generatedColumn', null),
+	            lastColumn: util.getArg(mapping, 'lastGeneratedColumn', null)
+	          });
+	          mapping = this._originalMappings[++index];
+	        }
+	      } else {
+	        var originalColumn = mapping.originalColumn;
+	        // Iterate until either we run out of mappings, or we run into
+	        // a mapping for a different line than the one we were searching for.
+	        // Since mappings are sorted, this is guaranteed to find all mappings for
+	        // the line we are searching for.
+	        while (mapping &&
+	               mapping.originalLine === line &&
+	               mapping.originalColumn == originalColumn) {
+	          mappings.push({
+	            line: util.getArg(mapping, 'generatedLine', null),
+	            column: util.getArg(mapping, 'generatedColumn', null),
+	            lastColumn: util.getArg(mapping, 'lastGeneratedColumn', null)
+	          });
+	          mapping = this._originalMappings[++index];
+	        }
+	      }
+	    }
+	    return mappings;
+	  };
+	exports.SourceMapConsumer =