This project involves building a responsive and animated web design for the business "Product." It is a freelance project that includes HTML/CSS for responsive web design across desktops, tablets, and mobile devices, JavaScript for added functionality, and smooth scrolling to enhance user experience. The project also incorporates a sticky header, a modal window for detailed news, a hidden menu for tablets and mobiles, and a scroll-up button for convenience.
Responsive Design:
- Optimized for desktop, tablets, and mobile devices.
JavaScript Functionality:
- Enhanced user experience through interactive features.
Sticky Header:
- The header remains fixed when scrolling through the main page.
Smooth Scrolling:
- Seamless navigation between pages and sections.
Modal Window:
- Detailed news can be viewed in a modal window.
Hidden Menu-Burger:
- The main menu is hidden and accessible through a menu-burger for tablets and mobiles.
Figma Wireframe:
- The project wireframe was created using Figma.
Scroll Up Button:
- Convenient button for scrolling back to the top of the page.
Caption for Screenshot 1
(Product Home Page)
Caption for Screenshot 2 (Product Home Page)
Caption for Screenshot 3 (Pricing Page)
Caption for Screenshot 4 (Customers Page)
If you encounter any issues or have suggestions, please open an issue.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
I welcome feedback and suggestions from users to improve the application's functionality and user experience.