It is now maintained at
This library contains following packages:
- a_util_concurrency
- a_util_datetime
- a_util_filesystem
- a_util_logging
- a_util_memory
- a_util_parser
- a_util_process
- a_util_regex
- a_util_result
- a_util_strings
- a_util_system
- a_util_variant
- a_util_xml
The changelog can be found here
The libraries are currently built and tested using the following compilers and operating systems:
- Visual C++ (x86, x86_64): 14.0
- GCC, C++11 (x86_64): 4.8.4
- GCC, C++14 (x86_64, armv8): 5.4.0
- GCC, C++11 (x86): 5.2
- Use CMake at least in version 3.10.1
- Choose your branch i.e.
- Use CMakeLists.txt within the main directory as source directory
- Do not forget to set
- Build and install for Debug and RelWithDebInfo
- Command line for e.g. Windows Visual Studio 2017 vc140
cmake -H
-B -G "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64" -T v140 -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX= -Da_util_cmake_enable_integrated_tests=ON -DGTEST_LIBRARY=/lib/gtest.lib -DGTEST_INCLUDE_DIR=/include -DGTEST_MAIN_LIBRARY=/lib/gtest_main.lib -DDOXYGEN_EXECUTABLE=/doxygen.exe -DDOXYGEN_DOT_EXECUTABLE=/dot.exe
a_util_cmake_enable_documentation ON/OFF | choose wether a documentation is created or not | dependency to a valid doxygen executable needed (see |
a_util_cmake_enable_integrated_tests ON/OFF | choose wether the tests where build while building the libraries or not | dependency to a valid gtest package needed (see |
The a_util Library is delivered under the MPL - Mozilla Public License - Version 2.0
The a_util library is delivered with 3rdparty dependencies. See 3rdparty Software we are very glad to use.